More Pictures of Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart arriving at LAX on May 5th
More Pictures of Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart arriving at LAX on May 5th after their trip to Chicago to shoot Oprah.

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Fuck I love this man...nuff said
I've got to ask,,, why is he carrying so much stuff? He's got an entourage with him,,, even if he's being a gentleman and carrying Kristen's bag, couldn't one of these other guys lend a hand with some of the other stuff? He's pushing his glasses up with his thumb, for Christ safe because his hands and arms are full... he's the star, not a beast of burden... lend a hand next time guys!
I think the guys are better use stopping the paps from getting too rowdy than carrying his bags. He's a big boy... and not a diva.... we hope. :-)
Some men just like to carry their own shit I guess. And Rob doesn't really strike me as the type to expect others to wait on him.
And his bodyguards couldn't anyway. That's not their job. They need to be alert at all times just in case something went 'wrong.' If someone came at those two with a gun or a knife, do you really want those bodyguards' concentration or reflexes delayed even just a fraction of a second (because they'd have their hands filled with Rob's shit) if they had to take those two to the ground and draw a weapon themselves? Not me.
I want those guys walking with eyes in the back of their heads. They are not there to gofer for Rob and Kristen. They are there to protect them.
Now Nick? Is Nick there? I haven't scrutinized the photos. If he's there, then yeah, he could help carry stuff.
I really don't think that Rob has an entourage in the typical Hollywood sense; personal assistants, publicists, etc.
He's got Nick (and occasionally Stephanie) and the bodyguards. Guess it does look like a typical movie star entourage though, don't it?
Just to let you ladies know... MotU updated!! Gotta see what happened to echo charlie!!
belladonna i always wondered that myself but what we know about rob he like to do things for him maybe he likes carrying the bag for himself,he is such a sweetheart
phoho 11, the tongue.
nuff said, nite all ,
@nik- per one of the oprah audience members Nick flew to NY (she ended up on the same plane)
Notice in these pictures that Rob is smiling when he is signing autographs but looks down in the pap pictures. Looks like Kristen's not the only one who doesn't like the paps.
Yep... you're all right: yes, body guards are there to protect him and not carry his shit; no, he doesn't live like a diva so he wouldn't travel like one,,, (remember the potential "laundry" bag we had fun week with from a mere week ago out of Vancouver? I love that photo),,, and yes, he's a gentleman and would carry anyone's bag for them, I'd expect, given half a gentleman's chance at at...
but still, he's always so loaded down with stuff, and still manages to have an open felt-tip pen in his hand from time to time,,,or is it a cigarette?
Well, if I saw him lugging all that crap around, I wouldn't add addtional strain and ask for an autograph, I'd give him a hand, and I suspect you all would too...
He's just all porn.
Where do you read MotU? Do you read it on her own blog? I read it on Twilighted. And the update ain't there and she posts that story on both. Does she post on her own blog first and if so, just where the hell might I be directed to it?
I gotta find out what happened with Echo Charlie. And I gotta find out tonight because I'm going away for the weekend and I might not have internet access till Monday. If this thing is updated, I cannot wait until Monday.
Can anyone help me out here? Please?
I'll check back in a bit. Thanks.
He's not a prima dona, that's why.
jmm...You got that right. Robert hates the paps.
@Nik....Try this
that's the direct link to the current chapter, the blog is
Well nik it looks like you got your answer already sorry I didn't get back to you sooner but I am glad that the other ladier were able to help you get your Motu fill before your weekend away
Hey to the women going to the LA premiere in June are you guys going to the festival too??
Cause the eclipse premiere is invite only unless you buy a pass that cost like 600 bucks or 1,000 to be able to go to all the premieres even eclipse but that's way too much right.
Hope you guys have fun!! I wish I was going maybe I will.
I love the picture with his reflection in the guitar.
come on guys..its just a bag! he loves to bring her bag anyway :D
no, he does not likes the paps too..on pics he is smiling is because the fans there...
i really understand them...i saw somw vids and the paps screaming some questions and words really cruel... why they dont only get the pics? they need to scream and talk dirty all the time...
*other tread*
The sun there must be very, very hot;)
Like Rob's REO Speedwagon T. He's wearing the same clothes as in the photo's with the lucky fans at their homes. Just wish those papz would leave them be, a couple of pics then bugger off!!!
I Dreamed Your Face
by: Margaret Elizabeth Sangster (American Poet )
I dreamed your face, one night, when Heaven seemed resting,
Against the troubled fever of the earth;
I dreamed that vivid throated birds were nesting,
In trees that shook with elfin-hearted mirth.
I dreamed that star-like purple flowers were springing
A-throb with perfume all about the place,
And that there was a far-off sound of singing--
And then--I dreamed your face!
I dreamed your face, and then I waked from dreaming,
(The creeping dawn seemed very cold and bare!)
The rising sun seemed pallid in its beaming,
Because its coming did not find you there!
And I--I rose despondent in the morning,
As one whose burning thirst has not been slaked;
I dreamed your face, a wonder world adorning,
And then--I waked.
And so I went upon a quest to find you,
A quest that led through many bitter years;
I journeyed far with strands of love to bind you,
And found, not you, but bitterness and tears--
So I returned, discouraged, through the gloaming,
My shoulders bowed with weariness unguessed;
I came back, unsuccessful, from my roaming--
My sorry quest!
I had a bit of garden that I tended,
It helped me dream, again, my dream of you--
It was a joyous place of colors blended--
A place where pansies and Sweet William grew.
And one bright day I hummed as I was planting
A border row of flowers slim and fair,
And raised my eyes to see pale sunlight slanting
Across your hair!
Rob, I dream of you every night, every day, you are always my inspiration. behind these dark eyeglasses I can feel your warm stare, through your beautiful smile I can see the man I always dreamed. I love you Rob!! Your B-day is coming!!!
Thanks guys for getting me to her blog thingy. I really appreciate that.
And yeah, when I saw that REO Speedwagon tee, I there's a blast from the past. Now the day he shows up in a Doors tshirt is the day I will lose my shit.
And hey Sarah Bear...
Where you been? Or have you been here and I've been gone? My buzzy brain hasn't kicked in yet. It's only 7:30 in the am here and I just woke up from sleeping in the chair (don't ask) and I'm all stiff and sore and disoriented. But I've missed you.
As for the papps...
They're trying to provoke them into some kind of response so they can catch it. These two kids aren't giving the celebrity press ANYTHING which is why in order to keep them in the news (cause they sell so well), they gotta make something up.
People who work in that industry (papps, tabs) must have (and I'm not only gonna spell this word wrong, I'm gonna fuck it up so bad that you're really gonna have to brace yourselves here)...pysiopathic tendencies. Because who could do work like this with any high level of conscious? Which means?
Correct. These vultures are one notch above serial killers.
OHHHHHH I love that pushing up the glasses pic..he's such a complete dork *sigh and daydream*
OK, gotta say it, enough already of the airport pappzed pics. My Boo and sweetie not happy, don't like..and you all know that there were perhaps a dozen pappz taking these and shouting out God knows what at them?
Confession: I went to find that new Rob pic that was snapped in the studio by wife and couldn't find it. I suddenly realized, that it did NOT matter. I really don't need to see intrusive pics of Rob where he did not know he was being snapped. It's hard for me to admit, a part of me wants to see him in unguarded moments (don't we all?), but I'm taking the high road as the Blog ladies have in not posting it. Raising my hand, my name is...and I'm a Rob addict, but I'm going to try and be more respectful of him because FILTM!
I am so going to regret this in the morning, but Sarah, you only come to "play" and Nik surely did on a night or two, but mostly she's about engaging and enlightening for which more people than I would have thought appreciate. You're all about the playing, which translates to me the objectifying of Rob. I know your situation as mother of 4 small children, can't imagine that! This is your guilty pleasure and outlet, no problem and you have fans here. I just am bothered to quote Jimmy Fallon, by those who just want to play and don't seem to see Rob as a living breathing, human being, who has become an internet target for any BS or fantasies, even, that people want to attach to him. Yuh, it's fun, but at the center is a real person. Some here play both sides of that fence, and it's OK. I just take issue if it's always about playing at Rob's expense. This is afterall a public blog. I know I'm going to get slapped, but just MHO.
I hear you. ITA :)
I salute you. You're one sane fan and apparently have a life other than stalking Rob 24/7.
I've seen that pic of him in the studio.I've no life other than ogling him apparently.
He look as hot as any other day, it started to waning off me.
As someone who usually runs and hides from confrontration, unless defending someone, I might regret getting into this, but Sara--I think (not sure) that the idea Lallie got was based on what you had said shortly above that--'There haven't been many threads where the girls wanted to play, so I havent been around much lately.' How about hanging around even when those of us who do not play, are just thnking and commenting? As a mother of 4, someone has brought 4 babies into the world and is raising them, you have what to offer. You aren't just a joker and certainly not a joke. After seeing the comment you wrote afterwards, I see you certainly have the ability to express yourself seriously and intelligently, and that you feel deeply. So please do not sell yourself short. There is also a difference between joking, playing and having fun, and developing a conversation that after a while just makes some of us not want to visit the thread, or site. I do hope that those of who are not into that joking do not do the same, make people feel uncomfortable. I am certainly sorry if putting lyrics to my songs have offended you, or made you or anyone else feel bad, or inadequate, in any way; I didn't put them in to do that, but rather actually as a response to the stimulus of someone else posting poetry, and also sharing a bit of my self to people who have a common bond, fans of Rob. If people feel it is not appropriate for me to post lyrics on this site, I hope they will let me know; we do not always know, especially in the world of cyberspace, what is appropriate, automatically. And that goes for the playing, joking and having fun as well. Sometimes lines are crossed,(some things are plain funny, and some things are funny and also go off into another area) and so some things are best said not in this context/place.
I bet you have even more to offer than joking Sarah. It could be, with raising 4 children, this is an outlet and this is what you want to do here, as real life is serious; perhaps this is the only place you can play, let your hair down, so to speak. I get that. But I would love to see other sides to you on these threads, and maybe leave some of the stuff you and others were getting into, that make some people avoid those threads, for other places?
Sarah--I am sorry to see your thoughtful comment deleted. :-(
Wow he's wearing some old rocker's Tshirts - REO speedwagon on this shirt and have seen him wear a Stones shirt before too. He has such ecclectic taste in was so interesting to see his iPod list compared to EVERYONE else on Twilight. His list had so much more variety, old and new, rhythm and blues, classical, etc. That says to me that he's really into music a lot since he has so many different genres and styles that he likes. Not narrow minded about it. Makes for an interesting person.......but.........we all knew that.
Yeah, that pix of his reflection in the guitar is cool. Wonder what that was all about - were those famous signatures on the guitar? Was it for charity?? Did Rob sign it? Was it just for a fan?
Who knows?? He seems to like it.
Yeah, that pix of his reflection in the guitar is cool. Wonder what that was all about - were those famous signatures on the guitar? Was it for charity?? Did Rob sign it? Was it just for a fan?
Who knows?? He seems to like it.
@Sarah, I hope you see this. I read your comment to me and, of course, I never intended to make any assumptions about you at all and I apologize for it sounding like that. Yes, there are some people who definitely have a way with words and expressing articulately, even eloquently, at times their thoughts. Having said that, please read Solas's. I cannot have said it better and she is correct about what I was responding to and I also think she is right about you're having more to offer, but don't want to make any more assumptions, since, yes, I do not know you. But I can identify with your silly, joking side, and I will make an assumption here, imagining that you are probably a very fun upbeat, positive energy person who attracts lots of friends and a joy to your family. And NOooo, I'm not kissing Ass.
Mea culpa! can give us your lyrics anytime you want.
And LTavares can give us the classic poetry which is in her heart too.
And Sarah can give us her laughter and jokes.
Nik can give us her insider info. and weird humour.
femroc can give us her musician's take.
Lots of you have so many great aspects to offer to the group and I know I've left a lot of good people out. Mea culpa.
The thing I don't like is when our humour gets a little over the edge raunchy. I would like it to be such that if Rob ever visited the site, he would not be embarrassed or feel violated. So, racy jokes about jawporn, etc. are fine, but we should be careful of crossing a line. He enjoys jokes himself, we know that.
The other thing I don't like is trolls, those who put Rob down, put Kristen down, just for the hell of it, and those who put us down. Someone on another thread called us 'cougars' etc. I took offense. First off, that's a sexist term, a belittling word, invented by people who put down women who are attracted to younger men. I shouldn't get myself started but the double standard in male/female issues is something I loathe and the word 'cougar' is, even when used playfully and even when embraced by so-called cougars, sexist.
Thanks Jesse, and as you know, ITA, especially with over the edge into raunch.
and trolls-- you know how I feel about THAT-- don't feed them.
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