It's a long time since we did a LOAD of CRAP post so I thought today was the day.
Come on US Weekly if you're gonna write fiction with a headline like that throw in a bit of "real" torture (if you know what I mean) ;-)
I'll meet you all in the naughty corner!

Click for Larger (if you really want to read it)
Thanks to mediocrechick at TwilightXchange for the scans
Thanks Kate but I won't click to enlarge and read it.
I'll just admire the pretty pics :)
Might be the best thing ;-) Couldn't help putting it up just for the headline! LOL
HA HA HA HA ! I just read it! LOL! If I ever had a "pal" who goes behind my back and starts talking stuff about my private life to tabloids I would "%#8927%"# that pal =D
Wonder how much they pay to people... I could def make loads of money by makeing up stuff =)
I had heard that nits were torturous.
Just sayin'
Tiresome. It is the sole purpose of these magazines to perpetuate crap - it's written in their job description. Sad that there is a market for this, but as long as their are impressionable kids there's always going to be a market. I remember buying crappy magazines and believing them when I was a kid.
The media are so fixated about them not wanting to reveal - but they never speculate about why there is no earthly reason that they should be OBLIGED reveal. That might burn up their remaining quota of braincells. Oh who cares.
Que Sera, sera .........
Whatever will be, will be !!!!
LMAO! Reminds me of Led Zeppelin....Whole Lotta Crap!!!!
....the future's not ours to see
Que Sera, sera....
This is so disappointing coming from US Weekly. I used to think of them as a mag that was better than OK! and Life & Style who make up such ridiculous crap. But, this is such crap too. I subscribe to US Weekly because I thought they were a more reputable mag, but now I feel like cancelling my subscription. I hate when these mags just make up such crap they got from a "source." So lame!!
What a bunch of BS. This magazine conveniently forgets that Kristen has traveled to Europe three times to see Rob in 4 months yet they make it sound like she barely likes him. Whatever.
Kill me please LOL :)))
I'm not so sure that it is a load of crap. I have always thought the big secrecy thing was more her idea than his. He is basically an open book most of the time. It just doesn't seem like him to want to hide the relationship. Plus, I can see her being the moody one. He is always so pleasant. Plus, she is just 20. On the other hand, I can't imagine spending my days and nights with him and not falling head over heels in love. And she is the one traveling across continents to be with him, so I am sure she is more in love than her "friend" apparently wants the tabloids to believe. So who knows.
Don't know if it is all crap or not. Plenty of couples fight. I can really believe that Rob's in love with her, maybe his first love. I can also believe that Kristen is moody (I know ppl don't believe in astrology, but Aries are moody-I live with one, lol)
I too am tired of the secrecy. Either you are or you aren't. No need to share details. A simple "we are and we will not discuss anything further" is reasonable. I would think its far more difficult not to say anything than to simply say "yes" or "no", and 'nothing further".
It also helps to tell interviewers that you will not discuss your relationship or there is no interview; a lot of celebs do that. The "are they" "aren't they" thing makes it far more mysterious, therefore makes it more of a story and more paps chasing you trying to get a story.
Just My opinion.
I have to say I agree with the previous two comments. And if you read the whole article, there isn't much there there. The main thing that I think must be crap is that she thinks they're just friends or whatever. I do worry sometimes that he's more into her...although maybe it's just that he wears his heart on his sleeve. Secretly she might be quite dependent on him.
I have to say it pissed me off that Oprah asked the question. It would have been something if they had just stood up and walked off the set!
I hope it is all a bunch of crap, but yes, I don't know.. some things would make some sense. And Nikki and Kristen do seem to have drifted apart a little.. don't know if it has anything to do with Rob.. or perhaps Dakota.. or something entirely else.. I don't know, but it's pretty obvious they have. I do think 80 % of the article is BS, though.
USweekly is most certainly not crap. They are a legit source of news. Have been around for years and they are always on the money. They are like People magazine. They have a very high reputation. That's all I will say about that.
*sprinkles chedder on popcorn* Just last week some shyte mag was saying KS is preggers In big block letters. They got that from Rob in the Oprah interview. Because Eclipse is around the corner Im not surprised the ragmags are stirring the pot. I just read them at the checkout and put it back-I cant help staring at pics of ROb while waiting to pay...Im the type that would rather "know" then not know. Keeps me on my toes. The sad thing is-they could break up in the next 5 minutes and for the next year people are gonna act like theyr together and if Rob is seeing someone else someone is gonna print he's "cheating" on KS. Because they never confirmed it -but will they confirm if they *gasp* break up?? So the vultures dont print more crap and rake in the dough??
@ Arie- Hon I bought these mags for over a DECADE and Life and Style,OK,US,Star put what they "think" is going on - NOT LEGIT. Unless it comes straight from the horses mouth with quotations (actual one on one interview) -they get a reporters opinion and stick it in print. Read carefully. Especially if the title of the article is in a question form-like "Does Rob have nits?" -all BS. I do my research online. I come here for the truth.
Load of crap and horrible information! if the "moody bitch" really didn't care for him why she is spending the last 6 months or so traveling to HIS LOCATIONS>?? spending NYE and b-day with a F-buddy? Come On!..F-Buddys are for convenience only, same location (country at least)you never travel through A CONTINENT for a booty call..Sadly, that US Weekly sunk to crappy tactics to increase sales..Personally, i think they make a really great couple, but i never bet for anyone future's.
As you say a load of crap! I love 'twilight source' they really get about dont they. Can you imagine an article that said 'yeah they get on fine , they really seem to love each other!' probably wouldnt sell as many copies. I admit, I liked the bit about Nikki Reed though ! I hope thats true lol xx
It bores me. This eternal secrecy makes the press, only more addictive. If they are causing harm not only himself. They are so young and have to spend so much energy with this secrecy. I do not know . Who has them for only advised to do so.
Seeing as though I have been reading Us and People for 10 plus yrs. and the fact that they throw parties for A class actors, not to mention have legit connections in show business. I will go with yes they are very reputable. Do not even compare them to Star or Ok magazine.
Summit should pay the tabloids for all the publicity they give its 2 stars. The tabloid coverage on them is usually harmless and fun.
@Kate LOL girl you made me laugh =)) 'met you in naughty corner' I am saying this to Rob=))
I don't know. Most of what they are talking about I've seen for myself. Rob loves this woman without a doubt. I think Kristen care for him too, but she's keenly aware of the amount of hate that is directed at her by delusional Rob fans. I don't blame her for protecting herself and not wanting to have what's rest of her personal life be public property.
As for the not traveling or walking together, that's a papz management move. Less chance for them to get the money shot of them together the less they will be followed.
One needs to look no further than the tone of that article to know why Kristen doesn't embrace that "I'm Fu@king Rob Pattinson" a-la Sarah Silverman. I love how Rob is always treated like some unsuspecting victim by these rags. For as much as we would all like to rescue him from the harpy and keep him safe, Rob knows what he like. He has said in the past that he was attracted to women who are a little crazy. If KStew turns out to be that, then it's what he likes.
I wish them the best for as long as they can hang on to it and as far as I am concerned the less people who involved in their relationship the better. Even if I am curious as hell to know all the sordid fiftyshades-like details. *sigh*
There are interesting reactions to this article. I too have read US and People for quite a long time and have always believed that they are a bit more reputable than Star, OK, and Life and Style. They are not quite at the level of tabloids.
That having been said, it is always a little suspect when the information comes from a "friend" or "source" who is never mentioned by name. Either they are someone who knows and are betraying a trust, or they are someone who hasn't a clue and wants to make a little quick cash. Either way, suspect.
Just from observing Rob and Kristen in interview and on photoshoots, etc., he seems to be very protective of her and almost always polite and supportive. Sometimes she doesn't treat him as well as I would like her to treat him. For example, I don't like it when she makes fun of him when he is struggling a bit to express himself. You never see him make fun of her and she is usually struggling to express herself.
He has admitted to the Sun that they are dating. Some of what he said may have been miscontrued or taken out of context and was retracted, but not that basic fact that they are a couple. That was not retracted. She on the other hand says if she admits to anything people will just want details. I disagree. First of all by saying there are details she is admitting, but also I look at Vanessa Hudgens and Zac Efron who have had an open relationship since they were teens. Almost any Hollywood couple has speculation about them and photographs, but there isn't this constant badgering that Rob and Kristen have had to contend with and I still say it has a great deal to do with the secrecy thing. It becomes a game for the paparazzi to catch them together.
It seems to me much safer and saner to simply be honest. Be yourself. Date who you want openly. You owe that to yourself. If you are not dating, that's okay too. If you are just pals, that's okay. I don't believe that is the case because of the cross continental trips to be together, but if it were true I would not love Rob any less or the Edward/Bella story line any less. Give the fans a little credit.
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