You can buy advance tickets to
The Twilight Saga: Eclipse!
right now if you live in the US! I am so jealous! Let me say a booofrigginghoo on behalf of everyone out of US :)

New Moon was one of the BIGGEST all time advanced ticket sellers, let's make Eclipse THE BIGGEST.
Bring on the ICE baby!

P.S.: As always if you buy the ticket through a link from our site like
we get a small percentage :) Support ROBsessed by shopping through links on our site ;)
Hey Goz, love you too. Definitely Fire and Ice.
Wow, love this one.
Hugs ;)
I have to read eclise once again...*le sigh*
breathtaking image!!!!!!!!!!!!
Goz, I've lost track of how many times I've read the books. (dumb me, loaned them out and really miss them) Only book here is Breaking Dawn for now. Now I'm hot into fan fiction at FF and Twilighted. But this site is home to me. Love your remarks and pic's so much. Thanks a bunch. Keep it up. Looking forward to the RM DVD and Eclipse movie. NOticed the trailers are totally different than the books but, still follow the story pretty much.
To the moderators,
I dont plan to buy my tix for another week or so.. just try and post another link where we can purchase and make a donation to robsessed because i will definitely try and contribute when i buy my tickets. i just need a link.
BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, you people in the US *thumbs down*
Thank you Steph :) we'll put a link at the sidebar.
It's actually for everything on the sidebar . If you go to amazon through one of our links and make any purchase ( not just Rob stuff) we get a small percentage. ;)
Nancy, I lost count of the number of books I've lent people that never came back :)
Thanks so much for the nice words: ) this is my happy place. It took me through some tough times and it always makes me so happy to hear it makes others feel the same way; )
I'm at work so I may not be able to reply again.
I can't decide if I want to see it in IMAX at midnight. The closest IMAX is an hour away so I'm not sure I want to make the drive into the city that late.
Tickets are not yet available for a regular midnight show in my local theater, but considering they sold out all 12 screens for NM (3 weeks in advance), I'm sure they will be for sale soon.
Anybody know if they will be rereleasing the other movies like they did for New Moon? It would be great to see Twilight and New Moon right before Eclipse. A 6 hour Robathon, works for me.
i've had my Eclipse ticket for a month now... and it will be a movie marathon... twilight then new moon then eclipse at 12.01am 1stJuly
We were able to purchase tickets in April so the wait feels even longer.The screening is midnight June 30th it follows Twilight & then New Moon cant wait.The best thing is New Zealand seems to be a day ahead of the rest of the world so we are going to be some of the first in the world to see it yay
Sarah Bear,
Where are you? Hope you're OK. You're missing in action......
Oh, the Americans have so lucky. I am soooooooooo jealous!
Hm, we people in Germany have to wait 10 days longer than the US to watch Eclipse but I have my tickets already and I'm not only watching Eclipse on the 10th July but all three movies in a row :-) Can't wait!!
Hello, this is the first time I post here, I'm from Luxembourg and I love this site. I bought tickets yesterday for the Twilight Marathon on tuesday 29.6., we get to see the three movies in a row.
I can't wait!
WOOO-HOOOO! Bought my tickets 12:01AM!!!!!
SERIOUSLY! How could Charlie NOT see that big ass bite on his daughter's wrist! #badparentaward
@M: Charlie, as Burke has often joked wryly, is oblivious to everything...
I would LOVE to support you guys and buy my tickets through a link. Do you guys have a link for They're the ones that do the theater closest to me. I've seen the one for Fandango but that theater is a little farther than I want to drive and be away from my two year old just in case there was an emergency. Planning on ordering some stuff through Amazon though in the next week or two so I will Definitely go to Amazon through your link! Anything to help my favorite site!
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