"Eclipse" Bookmarks With Robert Pattinson

"Eclipse" Bookmarks With Robert Pattinson


There's also other character bookmarks and there's an Edward and Bella one (the pic is too tiny)
See them all Here


Fiftyshadesofpink said...

Lovely! Perhaps I should start reading real books again, rather than just FF...

SafetyJan said...

Yummy as always. He can mark MY book anytime.

Angie said...

LMAO! Fifty I have the same problem. I read ff on my computer. No need for bookmarks.

I must learn to step away from the ff.

Ana73 said...

Fifty & ADM - i think we all have that problem :) oh and i am reading FF Just Wait and it is great reading, a little dark but great.

but i do have my hard book series that i read too.

so i will defintely get eclipseward, i have twiward but this new one is beautiful :)

solas said...

I received NewMoon book markers (I am known as the 'book lady!') for birthday last year; wonder if these will show up for next birthday!

jessegirl said...

I know it sounds stupid but the best, most practical bookmarks, I've found, are plastic-coated paper clips. They never fall out even if you up-end the book and they don't hurt the book.

Generally I adore the type of bookmarks on this post. Like the one on the left. Good Edward shot.

And ladies, how can you read books on the screen?? I tried reading Midnight Sun that way and ended up just skimming part of it and now can hardly wait for SM to finally get that thing written and published.

I'm getting a bit better with reading print on the screen, what with all this blogging and emailing, but a whole novel? Hmm. I want a 'Reader' or 'Kindle'. Those are actually more like real books.

jessegirl said...

Oh, forgot to say that I've made my own Edward and Robert bookmarks. Just print off 4x6 favourite photos. But when they fall out, everyone knows.

solas said...

jesse--i've found index cards and post-its to be the best bookmarks; I can write on them any new words i have learned, any ideas I have formed, any quotes i want to keep. But having pretty ones that make me smile are nice sometimes, too. :-)

Fiftyshadesofpink said...

@ jessegirl

I think that "everyone" already knows LOL!

Haystackhair said...

Oh I want one!! Oh Edward. Le sigh.

LeslieHeartsRob said...

Hello...my name is LHR and I am a FF junkie........

Although....if I had Fierceward holding my place in a actual book......I might be more inclined to read........maybe......

Barbara said...

As tempting as these bookmarks are, I still dog ear the pages. They never fall out and after they're back in place, the weight of the book straightens the fold out beautifully. The tell-tale signs of the fold have also helped me look back at a particular line or two because I remember about where I've read the section I'm looking for.

But "handling" (or licking) the bookmark might bring me great joy when thinking about the Pretty. Decisions. Decisions.

Reading ff has almost ruined my eye
sight however, especially reading Twilighted.net's black background.

Forgive me. I'm rambling while I'm thinking of which pictures I'd like to see on a bookmark and which states of undress Rob would exhibit.

Thank you Ana73 for the rec. I have not read that one.

Barbara said...

Just wondering ~ could bookmarks be pop ups? Just for those of us who have ruined our eyes reading all this great ff...

vafla89 said...

you can have white background on Twilighted.net! Just go to 'edit preferences' and then choose 'white' at the option 'skin'! The white background is less tiring than the black one!

jessegirl said...

Solas...brainwave...they should make Robert post-it notes! That way we can bookmark, write notes and look at the Pretty all at once!
Where's our marketing team?

Kerri said...

OOOOOOOH! My husband bought me the New Moon book mark the other day. Totally surprised me. Of course, than he complained and teased me about my Robward obsession. Jerk.
I wish they would stop air brushing Edward so much. It makes him look fake. Rob doesnt need airbrushing!

solas said...

jesse--I have NO head for business or marketing, else I would not be poverty stricken. So take the idea and run with it. :-=)

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