Thanks to Laura for the tip!
Backstage At The Oprah Show With Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart & Taylor Lautner
Backstage At The Oprah Show With Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart & Taylor Lautner

Thanks to Laura for the tip!
Thanks to Laura for the tip!
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This is so funny! So nice to see them again together, the three of them! I didn't quite get the spooning thing but I'm looking forward to seing the tent scene, even if it's not funny for them, for me it's the best funny part of the book...
I love when they can be themselves and have fun during interviews.
I cant wait for the tent scene, it's my favorite part of the book
That was so cute and funny! They all get along so well. Can't wait for Eclipse.
That was really cute! Loved watching them be silly.
I loved that video, so cute. Did you notice the spooning comment from rob and kristen's look. THey are all hilarious together :))
Rob's face when the door behind him starts opening is hilarious. too damn cute for his own good. love this little bit of them together, they seem to all have a connection to laugh and not be so serious all the time. love it
That video was so cute. My DVR is all set to record Oprah this afternoon. Can't wait!
Aww, that was so cute! Love them together, they all seem so at ease with one another.
i wish the three of them the best in their career, after even when the twilight fever is history, i'm still gonna watch every movie they will make, sure hope that it will be shown here in our country...hehehhe
looking forward for eclipse and breaking dawn...
OK, this is what always cracks me up..umm whenever she's around Robert..she's standing there like..waiting for him to shut up or has this look on her yea..he's a f^ckin' idiot..maybe she doesn't like the public persona that he puts on..I noticed it during the backstage interview after the view..he's talking like alil boy and being so cute with his answers..the whole time eye-f^cking the camera and the person behind it..LMAO..well I LOVE IT~!!!
*blows raspberry @ Kristen*
Aggressively Humble = WIN :)
@adm and fifty I could agree with you if I could saw it girls (pouting)
Oh yea, the door. He's fast when he's paranoid..did you see him whip around like WTF? LOL
I have to say these 3 really, really like each other, and it shows...
What an adorable video...Rob is words....
I love how he said Prince for fight scenes.......
Oh my God I didn't catch half of that. Amazing. Love their light-hearted relationship with each other. I need to rewatch this at least 100 more times.
Great video-it really shows the camaraderie they "enjoy". Rob is so darling-and so is the dog. Kristen just isn't as able to enjoy the spotlight but her reactions to Rob are so sweet. "Do we have any fight scenes together?" The look on her face:)
I love how well they all seem to get along in this tap. Kristen is so nervous throughout the Oprah show you feel a little sorry for her. Then you stop and think, she is sitting right next to Rob Pattinson! She reaches over and pats his back! He looks to her several times for her reaction to things he's saying! He tries to bring her into the conversation! Okay, I don't feel sorry for her any more.
Why am I so freaking Giddy?!?!
So much Rob love today!!
I'll just crawl back into my puddle...
This is sooo awesome! ; )
Didn't anyone notice how Rob got really tense when Kristen said "Taylor and I had to spoon for a whole afternoon." LOL
So what if Kristen's nervous? Robert isn't a God, so why you all expect her to be grinning every second I have no idea. The sun does not shine out of his ass. I support him, but come on, some of the comments when they paint him to where the sun shines out of his ass is really silly. When he's nervous or not smiling, gee, I'll wonder what is wrong with him.
If she thinks he is an idiot too, why smile and laugh at some of the things he was saying. We all think he's an idiot then. :]
I've noticed lately, so many cruel comments which beat her up. I know it's a free country. But my way of thinking, if you're a fan of Robert, you'd accept whoever he views as a close friend or girlfriend. If you can't think of anything nice to say, don't say anything at all and just comment about Rob.
@Kemper You so nailed that whole interaction! Rob knows that Kristen just wants him to shut up... so he tells HER to shut up. It's nice seeing the play between them and how respectful Taylor is of their space. Its at times like these that I am reminded of just how young they are, but also how very grounded in reality.
Things that cracked me up:
-The spooning comment. Yeah, Rob we know you "spooned with her before" and probably will right after the show.
-The Taylor chest grabbing!!! AAAAAhHHH! I want a turn. Why can't I have a turn. *pouts* its no fair!
-Kristen trying to take off Rob's shirt. Yes, PLEASE! Its like she woke up this year and realized she was a human red-blooded almost teenage girl. You go girl! Also, Rob seemed really familiar with her move and ducked before she could be successful... ratz!
*blows kisses at Gozde and her team for making this day special for all of us*
I know it's stupid question, but i'm Brazilian and i didn't understand the part ""Taylor and I had to spoon for a whole afternoon".Wht she is trying to say?Tx.
I think it is so sweet how he always looks to her to get her thoughts on his answers. He'll say I don't know, then look to her and ask what she thinks. Adorable.
How funny are they when they're together. HYSTERICAL.
Am totally loving Kristen's sexy husky voice. LOVE IT!
The whole spooning commentary. Funny!
Hahahaha It's Kember, M.
And no, I wasn't putting Kristen down at all. I just thought it was funny, because there are times when I think. Robert, just shut the hell up. Just stand there and look pretty so I can stare at you. LOL~! Chicken & biscuits, beef patties, and hobnobs indeed. *rolls eyes*
Prince + Kiss = *face-punch*
It's so nice to see them together relaxed & playful. You can see that they really like each other in this.
Regarding "SPOONING":
ROB: I know, I know ... no I don't actually know ..... (to Kris) Do I ever?..... no I'm always doing like spooning stuff and shit! Edward and Bella do sp..... I've spooned with HER before! What! (look at K's face!)
"Do I ever?" to Kristen is the best bit - love it - we know you're not r-e-a-l-l-y talking about Bella and Edward Rob!!!
This has got the same cuteness factor as the MTV Love Bite interviews when they were flirting with each other.
I love the gif!
So much Twi/Rob news today, I feel like my head is spinning.
Robert "I've always LIKED spooning and stuff like that."
But yea, when he was saying "I know, I know..."
I'm pretty sure he was gonna say.."I know, I like spooning with her."
But not for sure. I know Kristen looked at him and shook her head like..Don't go there..LOL
And yes, I'm still on this thread because I refuse to click on the other vids to'll be on soon here.
I liked this, you get to see a more natural side of them, they're themselves. Does anyone know what was on the back of Rob's jacket?
So cutee !!
Love,love, love this. Seeing them being silly, having fun, being themselves. I think Rob gets carried away and forgets the boundaries between Bella talk and the real Kristen. They're so close that I imagine it's easy to do in the nervousness of an interview or joking around. No worry, Kristen's there with the "stink eye" and slight head movement to make sure he stays in line. That was funny, how he knew to duck the second he saw a look in her eyes and she says "Hey Rob.." I love his laughter when he comes back up from ducking her.
Trying to remember the " spooning " scenes in both Twilight and New Moon, but there are none !!!
LOL, somebody is telling us something, isn´t he ?
That would explain the Stew´s bitchface
Rob & door LOL
LOVAE THEM! JUST LOVE THEM!! Well I mean ROb and K!! Mainly ROb!!!
I loved the spooning comment! I've spooned with her so what! That was great! I love Rob's sense of humor and acting like a big kid when Kristen went to grab at the neck of his shirt. TOOO CUTE!!
Great! Oh wow, I love the banter even though they know they are being taped they seem so natural with each other. Rob's answer's are always the funniest, most witty. 'Aggressive humility'. Love it.
Rob has a VERY COOL jacket on. You can see it at 1:40 :-)
I love how they was playing with each other and Rob's giggling and That jacket!!!WOW
*sigh* I love them! Of course I love Rob the most but all of great.
And actually I didn't find the tent scene funny in the book...I really hated that part...always felt bad for Edward.
Awww...that was whole lot of adorable and cuteness in one video!!!! I love them!!! Rob is a freakin' cutie in this video with his laughter and his banter!! And I love Kristen in this too!!! They are just so cute together!!! We should totally get more interviews with them together rather than separately.
Geez, Rob has really quick reflexes to duck down immediately as soon as Kristen reached for his shirt. His laughter during that just added to it!!
@kstewrocks where is this bad/hate comments on kstew? i've read starting from the top and there's nothing but good comments.. if the bad/hate comments are in another post, maybe you should direct your comment there and not here. JS
first time i saw the backstage video i didn't understand favourite place of Kristen, but i looked for the video with subtitles and OMFG!!! KRIS SAID MADRID, SPAIN! there are a lot of beautiful places in the world, i can't believe she chose it!!
Rob is absolutely adorable in this - some handsome and funny, and how great is that jacket? Can we see more of that, please, Rob? I like it better than the paint-splattered jacket!
I love Rob's jacket.... I swear it looks like a Wu-Tang sign on the back... I know he's a fan. Does anyone else see that?
What's Wu-Tang?
ohmygod I love him.
@carole UK - wu tang refers to the wu tang klan (a rap group he once said he liked)
LOL..the chest grabbing thing..Look how Rob grabs taylor chest..he kinda like make it dirty XD i still cant forget he said "sloopy seconds" on OPRAH the term really common in USA? cuz he looks startle after saying that and stop laughing Immediately...
and what is it that Rob like so much bout Chicago? all i could remember is the fan girl there scratch their neck till it bleeds..Rob sure is weird! :D but i love him no matter what (^o^)
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