Sweety High and ROBsessed have teamed up to give away 5 free New Moon DVDs!
Edward or Jacob? Jacob or Edward? Caught between the two, Bella must decide whether to be with her vampire boyfriend or her wolf best friend.
And now you have to choose too. (In my opinion it's a very simple choice but I'm a little biased :-))
Sweety High, a social world for girls, wants to know…
Are you Team Edward or Team Jacob? and why?
Are you running with the vampires or the wolves?
The five most enthusiastic, unique answers from the team that gets the most votes will win the New Moon DVD!
Submit your answer on the Sweety High Contest Page and then up your chance of winning by rallying your friends to vote for your team!!
One of the DVDs is guaranteed to go to a ROBsessed reader, giving you an amazing chance of winning!
Entries must be posted by 11:59 PM PST on May 10, 2010
And sorry it's only open to people in the US :-(
Good Luck!
Edward!Edward!Edward...and I am not being bias (I swear!) The man goes against his nature and suffers just to love Bella. He would rather suffer than hurt the woman. He's a masochist-minus the sexual pleasure- for love. What has Jacob done, but fix a few motorcycles and cars-any man will do that!
Edward he is selfish to a degree and selfless all at the same time. He fights constantly against his nature. And his one desire is to love and be loved unconditionally and he is willing to do anything to attain that including letting who he loves the most go, just to make her happy.
Jacob is selfish as well but he is also,manipulative,whiny,demanding,and boorish.
i can't stand jacob,he is so arrogant and feel he is so bad and depends on his pack to fight,why didn't stephine write in the italian vampire to all come to forks in eclipse and take on the wolf pack then maybe i would of have respect them[the wolvies pack if they lived,my spelling is real off today sorry girls i'm cooking too
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