What is Robert Pattinson's Favorite Biscuit?

We posted the text of this interview but I don't remember posting the video. So here is a video revealing a crucial piece of information about Robert Pattinson: His favorite type of biscuit!

And life after Twilight:


  1. Chicken biscuit???
    I'm from Sweden and for me this sounds very... well disgusting?

  2. in the new moon premiere he said he liked white chocolate chips

  3. "I love a Hobnob"

    LOL! Rob their my favorite too, the chocolte covered ones are fsab for dunking...

    So cute as always


  4. I'm from Texas and anywhere you get chicken, you can get biscuits. Like what we would call breakfast biscuits. With most proper meals we would eat dinner rolls or some sort of bread, but when you get fried chicken it's nice to have a homemade breakfast biscuit! It's delicious! Rob even said he likes them! Come to Texas and I'll show you a great place to get Chicken and Biscuits!

  5. Sorry, I don't know what a Hobnob is, but I'd love to try one!

  6. Oh this is hysterical! LOL
    Rob could say anything and we'd stil love him.
    Does it really matter what kind of biscuit he likes. And how do we know he was being serious?

    Just like that allergy he had last month!

  7. LOL... As a kid I use to wonder why "cookies" were called biscuits. You sometimes forget how language and terminology varies from place to place.

    I really like Emile. She seems like someone you can have a nice time with. Rob and her appear to have similar personalities.

    Now I wonder what's his favorite chicken spot. I've heard he likes "perri perri" chicken from the restaurant in London (Naros not sure of the name).

  8. @absolutisen
    The biscuits are more like soft baked bread.

  9. I love hobnobs too and Nandos is a favourite of mine to eat. Hobnobs are made by Mcvities biscuits and are a sweet oatmeal based biscuit ideal for having with a cuppa tea.

    Knowing Rob is english makes me glad I am too X

  10. @Caz couldn't agree more..Rob makes me proud to be a Brit...

    In love with Hobnobs..perfect for dunking in your tea...and I *hearts* Nanados BIG time too... i love the way he says it in this video though..it cracks me up..lol

  11. I'm 100% American, and Southern to boot, so it makes me smile to hear Rob mention chicken and biscuits. A little chicken between a hot biscuit, slathered in butter, makes for a wonderful breakfast! (Healthy choice? Why, of course not, but that's ok!)

    I wonder if he's ever tried a country ham biscuit, biscuits and honey, biscuits and chocolate gravy, or the classic biscuits and sausage gravy (which is pure love at first bite). I also wonder if he ever has the opportunity to see the rest of the United States other than Los Angeles, New York City, and the Pacific Northwest. I rarely hear stories of him coming down South, but I suspect that he's just so busy. Perhaps a future movie will bring him to the area. It might be a culture shock for him, but the food alone is worth the visit, for sure!

    Great website here, by the way. I've been coming here (daily) for quite some time. You ladies in charge do a wonderful job!

  12. Thanks, Gozde. Nice to see you post.

    @Loisada: well, he took it seriously enough to start to argue with Em about her choice of madeleines...Glad she jumped on that one. ;)

    I mostly think of biscuits in the US being like a kind of scone. Different texture, though, in the south as compared to the west - at least from my limited experience. Taking the whole biscuit thing very seriously....lol

  13. If Rob likes chicken and biscuits he should try Popeyes its extremely unhealthy but its soo good!

  14. I don't think he actually means real chicken and biscuits.... In the states we have a boxed cracker called chicken n biscuits..... A salty cracker with a slight Powder coating chicken flavor. I've also heard him say he lived off diet coke and cinnimon toast cereal while living in LA.

  15. Hahaha that's the first thing I thought of..Chicken & Biskits is how they are spelled..I love em..those crackers are addictive..LOL

  16. I just love hearing his voice and accent even if it's only about his fav kind of biscuit.lol
    how many people do you think will go and try them just because he said he likes that kind?

    Sorry sleep deprived posting.

    Good to see you Gozde, I'm doing the same thing, working alot and barely have time to stop in and see what's what on Robsessed.
