Vanessa Williams talks about meeting Robert Pattinson

Vanessa Williams talks about meeting Robert Pattinson

Via RobPattzNews


  1. Cute!If I'm reading that right then heidi and spencer didn't pick a side so edward is winning...I am such a child...then again lets hope they're team jacob...who wants them on your side?!

    I love how everyone who meets him loves him...warms my heart!

  2. “Rob has told friends he plans to make Kristen’s 20th birthday extra special,” a source was quoted as saying. “He says he has a special surprise lined up that has set him back a few thousand dollars. But he won’t say what it is! He’s also spoken with Kristen’s parents about arranging a surprise party.”

    The same source above said he flew K and family to budapest.
    Hmmmmmmm .........anyone else have back up info to support this claim?

  3. Femroc, I don't know about Rob's personal life, but I don't think any friend of Rob's would give out information to a tabloid. It sounds fabricated.

  4. Vanessa speaks highly of Rob. She likes him. This leads me to believe that he knows how to charm women. He's probably a real gentleman.

  5. Vanessa Williams is extremely gorgeous. I love her
