Skype is a video program that you can download and talk to someone anywhere in the world. It's pretty awsome. Oprah Winfrey uses it all the time on her show.
i think it is a way to talk on the phone over the internet. My son does it. But I don't know how it actually is done. I thnk he obtained a skype program or something and then just talks on the phone via the computer with headset. I am still trying to figure out cellphones.
@Nik--Skype is a free add on -- download to use with a PC webcam or Mac (has a built in camera) so you can talk face to face via the computer. We do it to see our grandchildren who live across the country.
Oh. Thank you. Sheesh, every time you blink, they've come up with something new. Guess I better start watching Oprah if I wanna keep up.
Guess it sounds okay. It would be nice to see my nieces faces when I talk to them. Although...when I'm in my house talking on the phone or whatever, I tend to look like a pig from hell; in my jammies (my favorite outfit), hair sticking up every which way.
Does this mean in the future, I gotta get 'presentable' before I answer the goddamn phone?
@Nik, Ah, no, you don't have to dress up, just point your camera out the window or something. You can see them but they can't see you kind of thing. hehehehe. Actually our son took us on a tour of his new house by just walking around the house with his Mac. We could hear him but not see him. The kids (he has 5) were running all around. Fun & free.
tom strurrige cannot used skype because he maybe don't own a computer.he do not even own his own clothes,i know you ladies will be angry with me but i have no likeness for tom tome he is a spongehe do not seem a proper suite bit shore look like that suite was rob's it looked to long and big to bad he could not wear the foot wear because rob;s too large Ha! and that lainey goosip i detest her what does she have with rob?always some negative remark
That was a rather negative remark of your own there, don't ya think? I got no love for that twat Lainey, but you calling her on her negativity is kinda like the pot calling the kettle. As for Tom...
They've been friends for years. Long before all of this madness hit his life. One thing for sure, he KNOWS that Tom is a true friend, someone he can trust. Anyone he's met AFTER the stardom, he can't be as sure of. Even the friends and relationships he made during the making of the first Twilight film he can trust. They knew him before he became "ROBERT PATIINSON!!!"
As for Tom wearing Rob's clothes...well, since they seem to wear alot of the same things, I don't know what belongs to who. Who cares?
And Solas... I responded to you over on the Kurt Cobain thread and trying not to give into my mother hen cluckiness where he's concerned.
Skype can be used without the video feature - just like a reg phone, but there is a caveat. I know of situations where there has been unauthorized use of phone numbers - and sometimes people have gotten some strange
I luved Tom's line at the Gen Q&A: 'I thought I could do it better than he could' re Forever script and friend. They do like to one up.. :D
And as stupidly snooty as the Skype jibe was, I can't help but laugh at the image of a tech-challenged TomStu who can't be bothered to buy his own clothes.
Sounds so much like a certain other Brit who'd rather keep his mind trained on other arty pass times instead!
Skype is great when your friends and family are scattered across different continents. Life-changing, in fact.
Yeah, they sure like to take the piss out of each other, don't they?
Didn't Rob catch some flak the other day about shouting something out to Bobby Long on stage and then Bobby had to come back and defend Rob saying they're always doing stuff like that to each other?
People just sit in too much negative judgement about the interpersonal relationships that people have that others know very little about.
Hi RPG. Hi everyone. Hope everyone is having a good day.
I got a nap. A twelve hour nap.
So...maybe I'll behave myself today.
Nah. Probably not.
I'll try to get to that e-mail RPG. But I gotta run out for a bit. Friggin' real life. Who needs it? You do ya moron. Ya gotta eat. Gotta put a roof over your head.
i was thinking the same thing that most interviews are made up with nonsense. so here they go again...tom being in NY has nothing to do with rob and they are asking him "rob" questions.
nik - i dont skype either, my family does and the want me to get the program but i told them the phone and texting is good enough for me i dont need to see them :))
but maybe i will change my mind when my son grows up and moves away from the house but by them something new will be invented.
it was indeed poor taste to say that was not nice of me not that i never wore my friend;s clothes and yes she has worn mind,how quickly i forgot thank you for remining me it really sound bitter and selfish that was not nice of me
@Loisada: I sometimes think they would really prefer to be living in an earlier era. Slowly being dragged into the 21st Forgive Tom his techno terror - I think it's real.:)
@Nik: You may be right about the flak happening. I don't know why people wouldn't understand mates taking the piss, as you say, or egging each other on. It's what they're there for...isn't it? ;)
We all say stuff. God knows I've shot my mouth off a time or two...or a hundred and twelve. You apologized and alot wouldn't do that. They'd just come back shit and die. It's okay. Keep coming back to post.
And yeah AP... I understand about being dragged into the 21st century. I'm still being dragged and still kicking and screaming the whole way. And I'm gonna lose. But I ain't goin' down without a fight.
That photo is to die for RPG. Yup. That's our boy in his mid 30's headed for 40. They've aged him beautifully. Like that took any work. He's got no choice but to age beautifully. He's gonna be like Clooney and fine wine. The older, the better.
Hi babes! Yeah, those fan pictures with Rob R really nice - just imagine how tired he must be - but he never refuses a fan (a polite fan, I mean) to take some pics with him. And I hope he enjoys the outstanding view at the one and only Budapest at night - even if u r THE Robert Pattinson, I think this sight can easily leave U breathless. I think the set leaves BP tomorow and goes on with shooting in the countryside for 2 more days. So it's almost time to sum up these past ten days; I gonna miss all this madly, I must admit - the many fan pics/vids, the great respond/love & respect my Hungarian fans have shown him... I almost feel I was there too, watching the same black Mercedes driving up the street & down the street all over again, day&night, his white trailer, his gorgeous period clothes, fake, old-ish make up on his beautiful face, the cinical, cold facial expressions, dark, distant eyes... The many clapping hands, the respectful sssh-s, his sincere, genuine smiles for the waiting fans, his unforgettable words in Hungarian "thanks for being silent" and "good night"... That sweet, almost perfect way he pronounced those words... Rob is instinctivly so intelligent - he's figured it out that the closest way to fans hearts is to speak to them in their OWN TONGUE. So-so simple, but genious - u touch the fans soul so easily just to say one little word in their own lanuage... And they will worship u and follow u to hell if u want to... And he knows all that, seems like... Good. U r really a masterpiece av nature, RP! I have become so familiar even with Deans clothes, t-shirts, Gosh, even his sunglasses, haha... It was magic to me, every and each day, will remember it always. Thank u so much. Sorry for the long post, wanted to share a mesmerizing, wonderful experience with u guys. Hope u feel the same - big hugs
It says that second photo doesn't exist anymore. Which is just as well. If it's anything like the first one, I'll have to call for the paramedics.
And papagaj...
There's a film called "Who Am I Now?" (I think that's what it's called) It's not very well known. I saw it on PBS tv in the early 80's and it starred a young Christoper Walken and Susan Sarandon. I think it was taken from a play actually.
It's the story of two young shy, awkward lonely hearts who get talked into doing a local theatre production of A Streetcar Named Desire. And it's only when they're on stage in the roles of Stanley and Stella, that they come to life. They explode with each other both emotionally and sexually. And you're just hoping that this discovery about themselves with spill over into their own lives and they can be together. But it does not. As soon as they step off of the stage and shed those roles, they revert to themselves. But they don't want to. They want to be with each other, but they don't know how. And so in the end they go their seperate ways...alone.
It's heartbreaking and I think it would be a PERFECT vehicle for Rob and Kristen, post Twilight. I wish there was some way to bring this to his attention.
Why in the hell would they ask him that, seriously? What is he supposed to say? Yea, we skype all the name is memeflufferbunny..Robert's name is chicken&biscuits_hobnob..come join us..and o0o0o0o I got to see and POOPIE~! :)
Oh. And the reason I would like to see Rob play this role is because it would give him a chance to play perhaps Brando's most famous role, Stanley Kowalski, to see if he's really as reminicent of Brando as I think he is. Yet...he wouldn't just be trying to walk in Brando's shoes. He'd really be playing another character whose playing a character that Brando once played. He wouldn't be playing it as Rob Pattinson, movie star. This shy, awkward lonely man that he'd be playing would be playing it. There'd be a layer there. And could the critics then say...Rob Pattinson is a lousy Brando? When what they should say is...this character he's playing is a lousy Brando. Assuming the critics would go after him.
Do you honestly believe that in this age of technology (in the hands of every village idiot from here to Yemen), that Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart (two of the most scrutinzed human beings on the the moment) that they would do anything (e-mail or twitter suggestively, phone sex, video tape themselves, skype shit) anything that could get out, that could literally expose them in this way? With his paranoia to begin with? I don't.
If I were him, I'd have EVERY hotel room I sleep in (especially with her) swept for any kind of electronic 'bugs.' You think that's a bit much? You don't think a papparazzi couldn't tempt a minimum wage desk clerk or housekeeper with $50,000 dollars to get them into the room to plant a bug or a hidden camera?
Yeah. They could. And yeah, I think all of this technology could lead to some 'fun' for them (the things my best friend has told me that she's done...whew). But they can't. They'd be sold out to the highest bidder. Hell, someone would sell them out for 10 bucks.
Oh Yeah clearly,I get it. Thank You for the mentioning "American Playhouse" Who Am I This Time? (1982). Rob and Kris can reflect these attitudes hopely with benefits for each other.
Hahhahaha A* Poopie=puppy..f^ck I'm tired..Ladies, Skype is wonderful when you have friends in other countries..ALSO..STOPIT..THE COMPLEX HAS ALREADY BEGUN..there is a reason why I don't comment on those pics..all I can think is..DAD??? *whimper* eeewwww..just waiting till my Mother gets to work so I can email them to her..LMAO~!
I went over to your blog and checked out that other photo and I only got one thing to say. Well. Actually, I got many things to say, but I'm just gonna say this one thing here...for the moment.
Either he's gonna kill me. Or I'm gonna kill him. But one of us has got to go.
Ya right...I bet they do.....just because he says they don't dosent mean he's telling the truth. Don't believe everything you hear. Rob has said he uses skype...why would he not use it with Tom? They are best buds anyway....
Mama Patz- God bless ya for giving it up that night and making ROb hehe! I cant thank you enough for the friends I made online and the great memories and the .....dreams
I'm not saying that Rob doesn't use technology. Of course he does. He was born in friggin' 1986. He doesn't know a world without computers, cellphones, etc. He's got an iphone and a Mac and I'm guessing he texts and sends e-mail. And I think he did the facebook thing until he got famous. But I don't think he's jumped on the twiddle bandwagon and I don't know about this skype thing. Maybe he uses it. What I meant was...
I cannot see him doing anything naughty (with anyone, not just K) with this technology that could be hacked into and then sent like wildfire around the internet.
@nik: your so right, we live in a sad, sad, greedy world. As much as I "think" I'm envious of Kristin, because it seems all for the world that she maybe with Rob, I'm not so sure I'd want to go through all that, they have to watch their back constantly, and because of that I truly feel bad for them, they can't do the "normal" everyday, what we take for granted things. Because of the technology that's out there it's really kinda creepy, and then to be in their position, yeah, that's definitely got to be hard on them or anyone.
It all looks so sexy and glamorous from our side of the street. But for them? Well, I'm guessing the reality of it ain't so wonderful. And yeah, it is sad. They should be able to out in the world and be together like any other young couple. And I suppose some would say, that's the price you pay for stardom. But why should they? They didn't ask for this level of fame. It found them. And if they can weather all of this, if they can come out the other side (meaning when all of this Twilight madness is done), and they're still together, then I would say that they've got a real shot at some longevity.
But truth is...I don't think they've got a chance in hell. And if they really are in love with one another and they lose each other because of all of THIS...that would be a real tragedy in their lives. You lose the person you love, the one you could have lived your life with, and your life is altered forever. I KNOW of what I speak. And if they lost each other because of all of this insanity that's swirling about them, I don't know.
I do know. If they lost each other because of decisions they might make in their lives; cheating or taking a job when the other needs them to stay home or him insisting on living in London and her not wanting to leave Los Angeles, then they would have to take responsibility for the demise of their relationship. But if they are driven to the breaking point because of all of this scrutiny or god forbid, something of an intimate nature (a photo, a voicemail, a video) was leaked, and it tore them apart (and I'm guessing it would be Kristen who would throw her hands in the air and scream...'I can't take it anymore' and leave him), if he were to lose her because of the trappings of fame, I think we could see a real change in Rob. He could go from being the open, friendly happy young man he appears to be, to a closed, guarded and angry one.
Fame has ruined many lives and relationships. And he's dealing with a level of it that not many actors experience. Lucky them.
As I realized Rob said he wasnt using skype to communicate but he is using it now I think in an interwiev I dont know maybe I am wrong but just saying as I remember
I agree with you totally, it would be a real tragedy for both, if fame won over and literally stole what they may have together. They are still quite young, and if they can "survive" this, it will strengthen them, not a lot a people could handle what they have going on in their lives. And as you said, fame really found them, especially the level of fame that they have, I've never thought it was fair of anyone to say..."they've asked for this, because celebrity is what they wanted", no... they're people first.
It's so sad that celebrity relationships don't last, whether one or both partners are famous. Remember when Rob said he wants to have a long and happy marriage like his parents? Like Nik I thought there's no chance in hell. I hope I'm wrong but the statistics ain't pretty.
I do believe that as long as Rob stays close to his "Brit pack" friends that he'll be all right.
Yep, to much temptation out there, and with Rob, women literally throw themselves at him, it would be tough on a women involved with him, whether your KStew or not. I'm not saying he'd do anything....but the temptation is there, as it is for anyone, but Mr. Pattinson being the gorgeous hunk that he is it would be hard being in a relationship I would think.
I read someplace that Rob said he DID use skype and I immediately thought of him using it with Kristen and them having a little sex on screen with each other!! I know..........ok............naughty corner NOW!
What the hell is Skype? Probably some second cousin to twiddle **she mutters**
ReplyDeleteI'm so far outta da loop.
Suppose I could try and figure out what the newest shiny toy is, but then I'd have to look at that video and I tend to avoid 90% of them.
ReplyDeleteWould someone please tell me what it is? Skype? Hmmm...Sounds like a form of foot fungus to me.
'Help me doc. I got some skype.'
Skype is a video program that you can download and talk to someone anywhere in the world. It's pretty awsome.
ReplyDeleteOprah Winfrey uses it all the time on her show.
i think it is a way to talk on the phone over the internet. My son does it. But I don't know how it actually is done. I thnk he obtained a skype program or something and then just talks on the phone via the computer with headset.
ReplyDeleteI am still trying to figure out cellphones.
Ahh, Rob's girl answered. I didn't realize it was video though. Doesn't that mean each person would need a camera on the computer?
ReplyDelete@solas - yeah you need webcams to use the video feature
ReplyDelete@Nik--Skype is a free add on -- download to use with a PC webcam or Mac (has a built in camera) so you can talk face to face via the computer. We do it to see our grandchildren who live across the country.
ReplyDeleteOh. Thank you. Sheesh, every time you blink, they've come up with something new. Guess I better start watching Oprah if I wanna keep up.
ReplyDeleteGuess it sounds okay. It would be nice to see my nieces faces when I talk to them. Although...when I'm in my house talking on the phone or whatever, I tend to look like a pig from hell; in my jammies (my favorite outfit), hair sticking up every which way.
Does this mean in the future, I gotta get 'presentable' before I answer the goddamn phone?
I give up. I friggin' give up.
@Nik, Ah, no, you don't have to dress up, just point your camera out the window or something. You can see them but they can't see you kind of thing. hehehehe. Actually our son took us on a tour of his new house by just walking around the house with his Mac. We could hear him but not see him. The kids (he has 5) were running all around. Fun & free.
ReplyDelete...this skype program sounds like a good way of keeping in touch with loved ones, i wonder why they dont use it????
ReplyDeleteSkype treated like prison or cage terrific indeed :)
ReplyDeleteThere's nothing like a live meeting
Tom rules !!!
and looks like he is wearing Rob's John Varvatos shirt like Krissy before.
Long live to bromance! I love Rob, Tom and the Britpack. Friendship as theirs is good to see. They are adorable.
ReplyDeletespeaking of oprah, saw this online
tom strurrige cannot used skype because he maybe don't own a computer.he do not even own his own clothes,i know you ladies will be angry with me but i have no likeness for tom tome he is a spongehe do not seem a proper suite bit shore look like that suite was rob's it looked to long and big to bad he could not wear the foot wear because rob;s too large Ha! and that lainey goosip i detest her what does she have with rob?always some negative remark
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThis skype thing sounds like the 'futuristic' phones shown, when i was a kid, in Space Odyssey and Star Trek. We have met the future and we is it?
ReplyDeleteSure Evangeline, negative remarks DO seem to run amok sometimes, don't they?
ReplyDeleteThat was a rather negative remark of your own there, don't ya think? I got no love for that twat Lainey, but you calling her on her negativity is kinda like the pot calling the kettle. As for Tom...
They've been friends for years. Long before all of this madness hit his life. One thing for sure, he KNOWS that Tom is a true friend, someone he can trust. Anyone he's met AFTER the stardom, he can't be as sure of. Even the friends and relationships he made during the making of the first Twilight film he can trust. They knew him before he became "ROBERT PATIINSON!!!"
As for Tom wearing Rob's clothes...well, since they seem to wear alot of the same things, I don't know what belongs to who. Who cares?
And Solas...
I responded to you over on the Kurt Cobain thread and trying not to give into my mother hen cluckiness where he's concerned.
I love Skype! I use it all the time to stay in touch with my family and friends back in Germany. E-Mails are sometimes not enough. And it's free.
ReplyDeleteTom is adorable, and a really good and true friend of Rob's-has been since they were 12. That's good enough for me.
ReplyDelete@Solas: Hee!;)
ReplyDeleteSkype can be used without the video feature - just like a reg phone, but there is a caveat. I know of situations where there has been unauthorized use of phone numbers - and sometimes people have gotten some strange
I luved Tom's line at the Gen Q&A: 'I thought I could do it better than he could' re Forever script and friend. They do like to one up.. :D
Once again proving that most of these interviews with Rob are made up & full of crap!
ReplyDeleteI adore Tom!
Hi RPL, Nik and everyone else!!!
Yep AP... they love to rib each other.
ReplyDeleteAnd as stupidly snooty as the Skype jibe was, I can't help but laugh at the image of a tech-challenged TomStu who can't be bothered to buy his own clothes.
Sounds so much like a certain other Brit who'd rather keep his mind trained on other arty pass times instead!
Skype is great when your friends and family are scattered across different continents. Life-changing, in fact.
Hiya, bb! Missed you last night, how's it going?
ReplyDeleteYeah, they sure like to take the piss out of each other, don't they?
Didn't Rob catch some flak the other day about shouting something out to Bobby Long on stage and then Bobby had to come back and defend Rob saying they're always doing stuff like that to each other?
People just sit in too much negative judgement about the interpersonal relationships that people have that others know very little about.
ReplyDeleteGood just so caught up in work in a few, need to try to catch up tonight...
How you doing?
Hi RPG. Hi everyone. Hope everyone is having a good day.
ReplyDeleteI got a nap. A twelve hour nap.
So...maybe I'll behave myself today.
Nah. Probably not.
I'll try to get to that e-mail RPG. But I gotta run out for a bit.
Friggin' real life. Who needs it? You do ya moron. Ya gotta eat. Gotta put a roof over your head.
Oh yeah...that.
Nik, ITA.
ReplyDeleteRPG, having a good day, just not as much time in Robland as I'd like! I'm loving TweetDeck, btw-thanks for the tip! :)
ReplyDeleteYou sent to Kate link of fan pictures of flannel Rob from last night(i heard also last week)
Am i right?
:))) I can'not wait for them!!!
He look overtired but still yummy
And he's so hobolicious ,love it!!!!
i was thinking the same thing that most interviews are made up with nonsense. so here they go again...tom being in NY has nothing to do with rob and they are asking him "rob" questions.
ReplyDeletenik - i dont skype either, my family does and the want me to get the program but i told them the phone and texting is good enough for me i dont need to see them :))
but maybe i will change my mind when my son grows up and moves away from the house but by them something new will be invented.
it was indeed poor taste to say that was not nice of me not that i never wore my friend;s clothes and yes she has worn mind,how quickly i forgot thank you for remining me it really sound bitter and selfish that was not nice of me
ReplyDelete@Loisada: I sometimes think they would really prefer to be living in an earlier era. Slowly being dragged into the 21st Forgive Tom his techno terror - I think it's real.:)
ReplyDelete@Nik: You may be right about the flak happening. I don't know why people wouldn't understand mates taking the piss, as you say, or egging each other on. It's what they're there for...isn't it? ;)
so funny!!!!!!!where he lives??????
ReplyDeletelet's talk about him only!!
RL calling LOUDLY! :/ BBL
ReplyDeleteI sent the link in with 3 different fan photos from reportedly last night..
here's one
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHere's a link for the other Rob photos
Ahem, DIED>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
ReplyDeleteDon't sweat it evangaline...
ReplyDeleteWe all say stuff. God knows I've shot my mouth off a time or two...or a hundred and twelve. You apologized and alot wouldn't do that. They'd just come back shit and die. It's okay. Keep coming back to post.
And yeah AP...
I understand about being dragged into the 21st century. I'm still being dragged and still kicking and screaming the whole way. And I'm gonna lose. But I ain't goin' down without a fight.
Ya with me Tom and Rob? C'mon boys...
I wonder if Tom/Rob don't Skype, but Rob/? do? I don't Skype either, hell, I don't even text & I barely use my cell phone.
ReplyDeleteGood God this man will kill us all
Look at that holes...
ReplyDeleteand buttonflys...
and beanie...
I love how he give a shit!!!
ReplyDeleteThat photo is to die for RPG. Yup. That's our boy in his mid 30's headed for 40. They've aged him beautifully. Like that took any work. He's got no choice but to age beautifully. He's gonna be like Clooney and fine wine. The older, the better.
Whoa!!!! Thanks RPG that is one mighty fine looking man. I'll be having some of that.
ReplyDeleteI know!!!! Hes so fucking delish I just want to lick him up & down...
ReplyDeleteYes I said it out fucking loud....
@ rpg
ReplyDeleteOoh, now THAT is worth staying up late for! Thanks :)
I gotta get off this computer. I'm sitting here staring at that photo and I am literally moaning.
Hi babes!
ReplyDeleteYeah, those fan pictures with Rob R really nice - just imagine how tired he must be - but he never refuses a fan (a polite fan, I mean) to take some pics with him. And I hope he enjoys the outstanding view at the one and only Budapest at night - even if u r THE Robert Pattinson, I think this sight can easily leave U breathless.
I think the set leaves BP tomorow and goes on with shooting in the countryside for 2 more days. So it's almost time to sum up these past ten days;
I gonna miss all this madly, I must admit - the many fan pics/vids, the great respond/love & respect my Hungarian fans have shown him...
I almost feel I was there too, watching the same black Mercedes driving up the street & down the street all over again, day&night, his white trailer, his gorgeous period clothes, fake, old-ish make up on his beautiful face, the cinical, cold facial expressions, dark, distant eyes...
The many clapping hands, the respectful sssh-s, his sincere, genuine smiles for the waiting fans, his unforgettable words in Hungarian "thanks for being silent" and "good night"... That sweet, almost perfect way he pronounced those words... Rob is instinctivly so intelligent - he's figured it out that the closest way to fans hearts is to speak to them in their OWN TONGUE. So-so simple, but genious - u touch the fans soul so easily just to say one little word in their own lanuage... And they will worship u and follow u to hell if u want to... And he knows all that, seems like... Good. U r really a masterpiece av nature, RP!
I have become so familiar even with Deans clothes, t-shirts, Gosh, even his sunglasses, haha...
It was magic to me, every and each day, will remember it always. Thank u so much.
Sorry for the long post, wanted to share a mesmerizing, wonderful experience with u guys. Hope u feel the same - big hugs
Okay. I'm wrong. The only thing he's got in common with James Dean is the hair and the stare.
ReplyDeleteThe rest is Brando.
Here's another..
ReplyDeleteI agree,Brando's performances reminds me Rob's as well.
Hmmm,something's on really.
BTW.Marlon as Stanley is HOT as hell;)
I use Skype, when I'm out of town, but I do not want to know how it works...
ReplyDeleteI don't even have a cellphone; technology freaks me out.
I like my bike. =)
ReplyDeleteIt says that second photo doesn't exist anymore. Which is just as well. If it's anything like the first one, I'll have to call for the paramedics.
And papagaj...
There's a film called "Who Am I Now?" (I think that's what it's called) It's not very well known. I saw it on PBS tv in the early
80's and it starred a young Christoper Walken and Susan Sarandon. I think it was taken from a play actually.
It's the story of two young shy, awkward lonely hearts who get talked into doing a local theatre production of A Streetcar Named Desire. And it's only when they're on stage in the roles of Stanley and Stella, that they come to life. They explode with each other both emotionally and sexually. And you're just hoping that this discovery about themselves with spill over into their own lives and they can be together. But it does not. As soon as they step off of the stage and shed those roles, they revert to themselves. But they don't want to. They want to be with each other, but they don't know how. And so in the end they go their seperate ways...alone.
It's heartbreaking and I think it would be a PERFECT vehicle for Rob and Kristen, post Twilight. I wish there was some way to bring this to his attention.
Why in the hell would they ask him that, seriously? What is he supposed to say? Yea, we skype all the name is memeflufferbunny..Robert's name is chicken&biscuits_hobnob..come join us..and o0o0o0o I got to see and POOPIE~! :)
ReplyDeleteHere ya know I snagged it
How does TomStu know that Rob doesn't use it with Kristen? you can do some fun things in the privacy of your own home....
ReplyDeleteOh. And the reason I would like to see Rob play this role is because it would give him a chance to play perhaps Brando's most famous role, Stanley Kowalski, to see if he's really as reminicent of Brando as I think he is. Yet...he wouldn't just be trying to walk in Brando's shoes. He'd really be playing another character whose playing a character that Brando once played. He wouldn't be playing it as Rob Pattinson, movie star. This shy, awkward lonely man that he'd be playing would be playing it. There'd be a layer there. And could the critics then say...Rob Pattinson is a lousy Brando? When what they should say is...this character he's playing is a lousy Brando. Assuming the critics would go after him.
ReplyDeleteAm I explaining this right?
Personally, I think Rob is better looking than James Dean ever was.
ReplyDeleteDo you honestly believe that in this age of technology (in the hands of every village idiot from here to Yemen), that Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart (two of the most scrutinzed human beings on the the moment) that they would do anything (e-mail or twitter suggestively, phone sex, video tape themselves, skype shit) anything that could get out, that could literally expose them in this way? With his paranoia to begin with? I don't.
If I were him, I'd have EVERY hotel room I sleep in (especially with her) swept for any kind of electronic 'bugs.' You think that's a bit much? You don't think a papparazzi couldn't tempt a minimum wage desk clerk or housekeeper with $50,000 dollars to get them into the room to plant a bug or a hidden camera?
Yeah. They could. And yeah, I think all of this technology could lead to some 'fun' for them (the things my best friend has told me that she's done...whew). But they can't. They'd be sold out to the highest bidder. Hell, someone would sell them out for 10 bucks.
ReplyDeleteOh Yeah clearly,I get it.
Thank You for the mentioning "American Playhouse" Who Am I This Time? (1982).
Rob and Kris can reflect these attitudes hopely with benefits for each other.
Maybe Tom meant that he and Rob don't use it with each other. I don't know what Tom said 'cause I didn't watch the video.
ReplyDeleteAnd I didn't mean to sound condescending there. I know I can come off that way and I don't mean to. I apologize if I put anyone off.
Hahhahaha A* Poopie=puppy..f^ck I'm tired..Ladies, Skype is wonderful when you have friends in other countries..ALSO..STOPIT..THE COMPLEX HAS ALREADY BEGUN..there is a reason why I don't comment on those pics..all I can think is..DAD??? *whimper* eeewwww..just waiting till my Mother gets to work so I can email them to her..LMAO~!
ReplyDeleteWell RPG...
ReplyDeleteI went over to your blog and checked out that other photo and I only got one thing to say. Well. Actually, I got many things to say, but I'm just gonna say this one thing here...for the moment.
Either he's gonna kill me. Or I'm gonna kill him. But one of us has got to go.
What say you Rob? Who's is gonna be.
ReplyDeleteI know....but I think it will be one of heart won't last much longer with that face....
Crap. I can't even type.
ReplyDeleteWho's IT gonna be?
Well. Who's it gonna be Rob?
It's just not right. Yanno? Not right. Like it's...wrong.
OK, I had to go over to rpg's and check it (him) out too. I think I need somebody to scrape me up off the floor now. How is this man possible?
ReplyDeleteWhat the hell did his parents eat or drink or smoke or whatever the hell they did the night they made him? 'Cause whatever the hell they did...
Thanks alot Mama and Papa P. What we ever do to you?
Im thinking of ROb skyping and all I can think of is strip poker. Lots and lots of sex games. Mind in gutter-but its having fun being dirrty.
ReplyDeleteYa right...I bet they do.....just because he says they don't dosent mean he's telling the truth. Don't believe everything you hear. Rob has said he uses skype...why would he not use it with Tom? They are best buds anyway....
ReplyDeleteMama Patz- God bless ya for giving it up that night and making ROb hehe! I cant thank you enough for the friends I made online and the great memories and the .....dreams
ReplyDeleteI gotta agree with nik - skype is too much of a risk for Rob to use. People are crazy and would do anything to find out what Rob is up to.
ReplyDeleteYup. They can't leave a 'trace' anywhere. Not voice or photo or three dimensional image. Na da. Anything that could be hacked. And I was wrong.
ReplyDeleteThey'd be sold out for less than 10
bucks. They'd be sold out for bragging rights and the notoriorty that would go with it.
Let me clarify...
ReplyDeleteI'm not saying that Rob doesn't use technology. Of course he does. He was born in friggin' 1986. He doesn't know a world without computers, cellphones, etc. He's got an iphone and a Mac and I'm guessing he texts and sends e-mail. And I think he did the facebook thing until he got famous. But I don't think he's jumped on the twiddle bandwagon and I don't know about this skype thing. Maybe he uses it. What I meant was...
I cannot see him doing anything naughty (with anyone, not just K) with this technology that could be hacked into and then sent like wildfire around the internet.
That's what I meant.
@nik: your so right, we live in a sad, sad, greedy world. As much as I "think" I'm envious of Kristin, because it seems all for the world that she maybe with Rob, I'm not so sure I'd want to go through all that, they have to watch their back constantly, and because of that I truly feel bad for them, they can't do the "normal" everyday, what we take for granted things. Because of the technology that's out there it's really kinda creepy, and then to be in their position, yeah, that's definitely got to be hard on them or anyone.
ReplyDeleteI know Denise...
ReplyDeleteIt all looks so sexy and glamorous from our side of the street. But for them? Well, I'm guessing the reality of it ain't so wonderful. And yeah, it is sad. They should be able to out in the world and be together like any other young couple. And I suppose some would say, that's the price you pay for stardom. But why should they? They didn't ask for this level of fame. It found them. And if they can weather all of this, if they can come out the other side (meaning when all of this Twilight madness is done), and they're still together, then I would say that they've got a real shot at some longevity.
But truth is...I don't think they've got a chance in hell. And if they really are in love with one another and they lose each other because of all of THIS...that would be a real tragedy in their lives. You lose the person you love, the one you could have lived your life with, and your life is altered forever. I KNOW of what I speak. And if they lost each other because of all of this insanity that's swirling about them, I don't know.
I just don't know.
ReplyDeleteI do know. If they lost each other because of decisions they might make in their lives; cheating or taking a job when the other needs them to stay home or him insisting on living in London and her not wanting to leave Los Angeles, then they would have to take responsibility for the demise of their relationship. But if they are driven to the breaking point because of all of this scrutiny or god forbid, something of an intimate nature (a photo, a voicemail, a video) was leaked, and it tore them apart (and I'm guessing it would be Kristen who would throw her hands in the air and scream...'I can't take it anymore' and leave him), if he were to lose her because of the trappings of fame, I think we could see a real change in Rob. He could go from being the open, friendly happy young man he appears to be, to a closed, guarded and angry one.
Fame has ruined many lives and relationships. And he's dealing with a level of it that not many actors experience. Lucky them.
As I realized Rob said he wasnt using skype to communicate but he is using it now I think in an interwiev I dont know maybe I am wrong but just saying as I remember
ReplyDeleteI agree with you totally, it would be a real tragedy for both, if fame won over and literally stole what they may have together. They are still quite young, and if they can "survive" this, it will strengthen them, not a lot a people could handle what they have going on in their lives. And as you said, fame really found them, especially the level of fame that they have, I've never thought it was fair of anyone to say..."they've asked for this, because celebrity is what they wanted", no... they're people first.
It's so sad that celebrity relationships don't last, whether one or both partners are famous. Remember when Rob said he wants to have a long and happy marriage like his parents? Like Nik I thought there's no chance in hell. I hope I'm wrong but the statistics ain't pretty.
ReplyDeleteI do believe that as long as Rob stays close to his "Brit pack" friends that he'll be all right.
Yep, to much temptation out there, and with Rob, women literally throw themselves at him, it would be tough on a women involved with him, whether your KStew or not. I'm not saying he'd do anything....but the temptation is there, as it is for anyone, but Mr. Pattinson being the gorgeous hunk that he is it would be hard being in a relationship I would think.
ReplyDeleteI meant tough on a see he has that affect on me...can't spell!!!!
ReplyDeleteCome now u guys !
ReplyDeleteFirst off stupid thing to ask.
Secnond. Gosh is TomStu yummy..
And 3th.
Hes young not stupid.
I read someplace that Rob said he DID use skype and I immediately thought of him using it with Kristen and them having a little sex on screen with each other!!
ReplyDeleteI know..........ok............naughty corner NOW!
omg y not?????