Three new videos of Robert Pattinson on the Bel Ami set

The commentary on this next one is awesome.. it's exactly what ALL of us would have said - except without the cute accent.

Thank you to LaraFangirl82


  1. It is very cute. Oh my yes he is looking so good in the suit. The smile is wonderful. Thanks Kat for posting. And thanks for the English commentary lovely ladies with the camera.

  2. He was so smiley. I love a happy Rob.

  3. I love the second one! Thanks for posting these. :)

  4. And for the last time: Get OUT of the picture! lol luv the commentary...

  5. He looks soooo good in those 19th century clothes. The shirts, vests, cravats. Gorgeous. Except for the top hat. Ditch the hat.

  6. He's killing me.. The second video! Such an attractive sexy GOD!
    luv the comments of girls taking the video..

  7. I think this particular suit has to be my all time favourite outfit (from what I've seen so far anyway) on Bel Ami. He looks so slender ..... certainly not as 'thicker' as he's looked in other photos. How can that it the cut of the suit or the angle that he's being filmed? whatever it is he looks bloody fantastic!
