TFI France At The "Remember Me" Press Conference Talking To Robert Pattinson

TFI France At The "Remember Me" Press Conference Talking To Robert Pattinson

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  1. I hate when they dup over his voice. Drives me nuts!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Wow, TF1 may love Rob very much. Second interview in less than 6 month on the most viewed nightly news. They didn't even speak about Clash of the titans which was released the same day (04/07). It was a great review. They said that Rob was convincing and credible and that RM was a comtemporary, trendy film and not a ethereal rom com. Rob said that by filming RM, his aim was not to escape from Twilight but to be associated with quality films.
    (Sorry for my english)

  4. First comment after a year of daily lurking so I know you all quiet well and you make me often lol. In Belgium (Flamish part) Remember me has gotten better reviews than I expected, regarding the negative opinions of USA and also some UK reviewers. Cinenews, a site where you can check the filmfiches of all movies in theatres, bashed Dear John (1/5), The Bounty Hunter (1/5),rated Clash of the Titans 2/5 and gave AIW 2.5/5. Remember me got 3/5 which is really good. In his review the critic (a man) states that Robert isn't only a phenomenom that makes swoon millions of teenage girls and their moms and their grandmoms (haha!) but that, in this film, he shows he can actually act quiet good. Compared him with Marlon Brandon and at the end: "Remember me isn't only surprisingly adult but we also appreciate the unpredictably story. With an end that broke our heart in 1000 pieces." Surfers on Cinenews rated Remember me: 5/5 or 9.4/10 which is perhaps the highest score at the moment, significant better than some more famous movies.
    Also the written press (quality papers and magazines,no gossips)are rather generous in their opinions. These critics compare Rob with Marlon Brando or James Dean, but in a respectful way. Some of them mention the fact that the movie is more adult than they expected to be and they don't condemn the end because of the events. Humo, most popular magasine and 'bible' for many young guys and men gave a rating of 2.5/4 while they bashed Dear John and the Bounty Hunter and didn't even write about New Moon at the time.
    I have the impression that the reviewers consider Robert as an upcoming young actor with 'possibilities', more than a teenidol.
    So sorry for this long comment but I'm so relieved and proud of our Rob, I had to share this with you.

  5. beanie, at least --- good news. Love to read your comment. hope the belgian people will like RM.

  6. Well yes a belgian me ;), from french side love it, the only thing is, in my part of the contry RM is dubbing in french wich i hate.
    So i drive almost 3 hours to see it in english.
    And it stunned me on so many ways...
    Return on the TF1 interview, in the end , the super journalist says, i quote "At 26 Robert Pattinson bla bla bla, wtf?????? can't she read is birth date correctly!!!!!
    He's born on 1986, ummmmmmmmmm !!!
    So i will turn 24 soon, oh very very soon by the way.
    And a thought for Kristen birthday tommorrow...
    tadam tadam dammm dammm dammm ....

  7. @beanie, so nice to hear this! Thanks for sharing.

  8. @ beanie - It's so good to read good news with good facts. Thank you for sharing.

  9. @Beanie, glad you came out and gave us this information. Welcome and continue to share your comments.
    @Jennifer, you feeling bad about Kristen not sharing her birthday with her best friend, BFF (at the least)? Not sure.

  10. Beanie...
    Welcome! And welcome news it is you bring with you. Really nice to hear!

  11. Hi everybody! This is just my second comment in over than six months. That just because I feel so unconfortable in writing in English! Anyway this time I don't really care about that (please forgive my mistakes!!!!).
    I'm glad to inform you all that in Italy RM made around 1.720.000 euros, and that by now it's the third best resault in foreigners countries (after Russia and Brazil .. and if you think how smaller is Italy comparing to them , you will understand why I am so proud!!!) It stayed in theathres for just 15 -20 days, so it's not bad at all. I personally loved this movie a looooooooot, and I'm not a young girl at all. I saw it four times!!!!(so 28 euros are mine!!!!) and everytime taking with me other "aged" friends (not robsessed at all!), that found it so beautiful (the same also for him ... ThePretty!). Thank you so much for making me happy every day!

  12. 23 ans encore punaise !!! Dans un mois, il a 24ans ! Gnê >.<

    Et ils ne peuvent pas prononcer "Remember me" correctement et non à la française ?

    rimemebeure mi >.<

  13. Thanks to you all for your lovely welcome. I really suffered a bit from stage fright before commenting but I'm glad I did. I've seen Remember me with my daughter and we both adored the story and of course Rob.
    We've planned to see him a second time soon.
