Tate Elllington talks Remember Me and Robert Pattinson


Q: Tell us a little about auditioning for “Remember Me” to being on set to now seeing it on the big screen.

A: The audition process for “Remember Me” was a nightmare. I had to go in four separate times over the course of a few months. The first time I went in I didn’t think I was right for the part, I had only read half the script and I forgot my sides. I was off to a great start. I was told that I had done great, but they were going to try and find a “name” in L.A. If they didn’t find a name then I would be in the running. I figured that was it, and put it out of my mind. A month later, I got a call that I would be coming back in for the director. I thought the director hated me. I thought I was doing so badly that I almost got and apologized for wasting everybody’s time. Turns out he loved me. A few weeks later I went to meet Rob and do a screen test with him. Luckily, I was performing on Broadway at the time so I could relax a little bit because I new I had a paycheck. Rob was great! The screen test went wonderfully. The director and producer loved me, but Summit still wasn’t sold. I had to go back in a few later to sort of hash out what I would do with the character. The director fought for me and eventually I got the job. It is strange to see it out there. It is completely out of your hands now. It’s an odd feeling. I am extremely proud to have been a part of it. I have read most of the comments and reviews about it. I am so thankful that they love it or hate it — that people are actually talking about it. I love that people actually have an opinion about it and a strong one at that.

Read the rest of the article HERE at the source.

Via Spunk Ransom


  1. I miss Tyler & Aidan!!! RM's no longer in my theater! Boo!

  2. I adore Tate as Aidan & can't imagine anyone else in this part...

    Everyone was perfect...especially a certain someone!

  3. Me too Gwen!!! It comes out on DVD the day I arrive in LA & I will be stopping to buy along the way!!

  4. I can't believe Summit fought them on hiring Tate. Okay I can, but he was one of my fave parts of he movie. I LOVED Aiden and him and Rob played off each other really well.

  5. Ah, Tate - an actor 'doesn't prepare' - lol. Glad he was called back and they didn't go with a 'name.' And I like his take on reactions to the film...

  6. That screen test with Rob and Tate is something that I would LOVE to see in the DVD! :)

  7. I just loved him in the movie! He was perfect for the part.

  8. I loved him in this part!! He cracked me up. I noticed him in a McDonald's commercial for coffee too, and he was adorable in that too!

  9. Tate's Aidan was awesome! RM still in first run theater here~two showings!

  10. the ending affected me so much, i was os unprepared for it, when happened i started like full on crying right there in the cinema and everyone was looking at me but i actually could not help it, its still affecting me now i cant handle this film, rob acts his charactor so well <3

  11. I've really loved Tate as Aidan and can't understand why the critics bashed hm so much, even more than Rob and the others. They said he was loud, not funny, vulgar, anything you can imagine... I say he was perfect in that role and provided a excellent comic relief. Oooh how I hate the critics sometimes.

  12. "I am so thankful that they love it or hate it — that people are actually talking about it. I love that people actually have an opinion about it and a strong one at that."
    Tate is really fantastic!!! I loved his interview. I saw him the other day in an episode of the TV series "The Good Wife" called "Infamy" and he was irrecognizable. It was a dramatic role and he was so different from Aidan. He is really a very good actor.
    I love Rob/Tyler, Tate/Aidan and most of all I love Remember Me. Unhappily yesterday was the last day of the film in the cinemas of my city, in Brazil. They were four weeks!!! I am already missing it.

  13. Yeah I think Rob and Tate played off each other well. Tate took a bit of getting used to, for me, but on subsequent viewings I relished and quoted all his lines. Remember in jail, his litany, including 'erectile dysfunction'?

    I saw that episode of 'The Good Wife' too, as a repeat, which is when I recognized him.
    Then I saw an episode with Martha Plimpton. Was Kate Burton in an episode as well, or someone else?
    Good show.
