The fact that this is carved out of chocolate is awesome... but, what is it with artists not quite capturing the beauty that is Rob (first the Waxanotalike and now this one). Amazing talent... but not quite there...

Check out the video of Prudence Staite creating ChocRob
HEREThanks to Carolina for the tip.
Um, Although I'm sure quite tastier than WaxyRob! LMAO
That actually totally looks like Jimmy Fallon to me! Anyone else think so too?
@Eli I think you're right it does look like Jimmy! Haha too funny. Doesn't look a thing like Rob that's for sure.
RPL! Are you still here?
Definitely tastier than WaxRob. I wouldn't throw it out of my Easter basket. :)
what will they do next!
but this is yummy as in RobYum
Kinda looks more like Lyle Lovett to me...
I think the folks at Hot Pockets should make a Rob shaped Hot Pocket..
LMAO Lisa! I would stock my freezer chock full of Rob Pockets.
Hey, Emily! :)
Lisa, as long as they're the meaty ones! The veggie Rob Pockets are just pandering. hahahaha
funny. bahahaha
1) pillowrobert
2) wax robert
3) choconotalike
4) robshapedhotpockets
5) ?
Hahaha! I love that interview...
How are ya?
Great! Hubby took stepson to the movies, so I'm in the middle of NM! :) How's it going for you?
Good! My husband is watching Pelham 123...I don't think I've ever heard so many F bombs in my life.
I saw ADM commented on another thread but I don't know if she's still around.
shufflebin - I don't know if we should be afraid to finish that list or not... It could be anything!
Which part of NM is it?
I haven't seen that one...are they using any other words? LOL
Nope. That's pretty much it.
John Travolta does make a pretty good bad guy though.
Too funny Lisa! If this actually did look like Rob... which it completely doesn't! (EPIC FAIL!) that would bring on a whole new light to licking Rob. It would give my computer screen a break LOL
Shufflebin- 5.) Rob Sex doll LOL
Yes he does-have you ever seen Broken Arrow with him and Christian Slater? He's certifiable in that one.
I'm not really watching it...I've been too engrossed with DuRob (Is that what we're calling him?) Hard to take my eyes off that.
Hi Emily!!!
Ok this thing is creepy...looks like Willy Wonka!
@ shufflebin~
Don't forget paper Rob...the one that had the square little head? LOL!
@ RPLover~
Of course the Rob shaped Hot Pockets would be filled with Rob's...uh...meat....
Emily, that seems to be the most popular name for this character. ;)
RPG, ok, THAT'S who it looks like! Thank you. LOL
LOL @ Lisa!
yap, i have many things swirling in my brain right now, some unprintable
need to go to the naughty corner...
No I haven't seen that. He can be a very convincing psychopath.
LOL @ Netra! You just know it's been done.
Hi rpg!
I would feel bad eating Choconotalike Rob just based on all the work that went into it. I think I'd just give him a haircut with a knife and eat that. Okay, that sounded really weird. The chocolate hair, I mean.
LMAO Lisa, I forgot about SpongRob squarehead!
shufflebin - Make sure there's plenty of room!
Okay, my husband just feel asleep. Must not have been that great.
LOL all the F-bombs got boring!
LOL rpg. Willy Wonka!! I'd still take a bite since it has ROb's name attached to it..
Remember the Edward silhouette you could put up on the wall? Thanks but I don't think I want a shadow lurking in my corner.
I know RPL...the excitement was overwhelming.
forgot the paper Rob. hot pockets with uh meat -- yahh
was thinking of that and some other ones before i went to the naughty corner
I'm not sure which is creepier-the wall shadow or the floating head shower curtian! :p
I tried to get my husband to wear the Edward mask on Halloween. Yeah, that idea got shot down.
He can be so unreasonable sometimes.
I was just thinking about the shower curtain! It seemed a little voyeur-ish to me.
LMAO aw, it's not like you suggested he pair it with an ice skater costume! ;)
Lick Lick Lick LICK....
will scoot way back to make room. think ill be here for awhile. need to cleanse a lot of naughty thought.
I moved my cardward from his corner he's been in for a year, and now every night he scares the crap out of me...need to put him back in the corner!
LMAO RPL!! Okay, thanks a lot for THAT visual.
Sarah - How many licks does it take to get to the center?
LOL rpg! I know, when I was single I had a Aragorn cutout that freaked me out. I never got used to it.
the shower curtain!
and the full Robstand at Burger King that always gets stolen (there was a vid of a girl, she has one in her room!)
shufflebin - hahaha! I'm not sure a BK cardboardward is worth getting slapped with a misdemeanor over. LOL! They need to secure him with a chain like they do with pens at banks.
hehehehe, Sorry Emily! ;)
I'm still shuddering RPL. :)
Yeah, dh is out like a light. LOL! What movie did your hubby go see?
Clash of the Titans. I'd rather stay home and watch NM. :)
Yeah, me too. That slow-mo walk is nothing but sexy. I could (and may or may not have) watch it over, and over, and over, and over...
Which version did you get? The Walmart one? I can't remember if we've discussed this already.
I don't remember either-I got the ultimate version from Walmart. You?
going to tomorrow..
night all!
Emily, that was a funny vid with that girl. yah, it was evidence!
having so much fun here!!!
i might get indigestion if i eat that choco, i dont know what went into it while making it.
ok, not mentioning it
I got the 3 disc Target one. I guess it's fine even though I'm lacking Harness-Rob. Mmmm....
Goodnight rpg!! Have a good day at work tomorrow.
shufflebin - Hopefully just a little saliva from all the licking is the worst.
Night, RPG!
I've got to say goodnight, too. Talk to you later, Emily! =) too RPL? Goodnight! Sweet meat packed Rob-pocket dreams to you! Try saying that fast 3 times. :)
Oh, cripes...I wouldn't even try! LMAO
Goodnight. :)
I should probably go to bed too I guess.
Goodnight shuffle! It's been fun chatting with you. Let's do it again soon! If you ever make it out of the naughty corner... ;)
Damn it! Missed out again.
Good night all!
Emily yah that was fun, and still in my corner. I brought the robpillow and blankie with me. forgot to bring the #5 with me. shucks.
Good night everyone!
DEFINITELY NOT ROB!!! More like Art Garfunkel to me.
ewwwwwwww NO - that's not our beautiful babe.
ewwww!!!! WTF!?
...ha ha It doesnt look like Rob @all!
Eeeeek! That thing looks more like a Chocolate Prince Charles and nothing like Robward. Major fail!
Too bad...I would've LOVED to lick Rob!
@shufflebin LOL dont know the fifth one but sure it will be something hot or yummy
At least this is something useful! Only if it is made of top quality chocolate though, not that cheap crap - Rob deserves nothing less!
Maybe I'll have this in my basket on Sunday...
And then I could be all sticky after licking it.
Got my timed ticket for the naughty corner...
You can probably tell I'm an English girl, but it looks like Prince Harry to me :)
You can probably tell I'm an English girl, but it looks like Prince Harry to me :)
we had fun last night in this post.
yah, #5 is fun, if you look up in the post it is Rob SexDoll
We were posting all the items made in the likeness of Rob or would like to make. And #5 was that
I'm a severe and unrepentant chocaholic, but I would not want this, for so many reasons.
And yes, it does look like Prince Harry.
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