PLEASE only talk about the movie in this thread only as there are still people who have yet to see it!
Oh and here's a lovely "Remember Me" Wallpaper for you made by the fab Doris
Thanks Doris.
It's resized to fit the screen so just right click and save.
Just came back from seeing it, finally came out in the UK!!!!!!
It really was awesome, Rob was amazing, and RUBY WAS FANTATSIC!
and i was surprised about how funny it was!
and the ending...i was in tears!
overall, a fantastic movie, Rob shuld be proud!
and just to tell you all, my cinema showing was full :D yey!
i saw the movie now 3 times going again next weekend by the second tinme the movie was sold out i was jumping up and down lol
Rob is so amazing in this movie as the rest of the cast
Ruby is so cute
Pierce to good to hate
Tate is hilarious
and Emilie you just have to like her
I am so in love with this movie such a great story i love it from the beginning to the end and yes i like the ending it is perfect for the story. The music also perfect get tears in my eyes when i hear the score.
I never cried in a movie theater but this is the first movie i did and the guys who were with us were trying to hold it back :)
I've already said a lot about RM so won't repeat, but did want to say I luv this wallpaper. Thanks, Doris.
Great to hear there were a lot of people in the cinemas and you both found RM moving.
Loved RM,was totally moved by the ending. My boyfriend was exquisite in it, as were the other actors. I was totally impressed. Well done.
And the RM wallpaper.....holy shizzle. I nearly had a coronary. Love it.
As in my cinema, the film was over, all was quiet for a long time and there is no one stood up. We came with some people in conversation. All were enthusiastic. The cinema was almost full. A wonderful moment. And a wonderful film. Please, please quickly the DVD.
Saw Remember Me twice today and loved it even more the second time. I swore I wasn't going cry at the end as I was already aware of what was in store...but I cried anyway! (then cried again the second time!! lol). Rob was brilliant in it and so were the rest of the cast. I too was suprised at how funny it was and loved the fact that it was funny, uplifting and heart breaking all at the same time - any movie that can move me and take me on a journey like that gets a definite thumbs up.
I've seen it 10 times so far, and will continue to see it as long as I can find it near me, which is getting harder to do!!!
Trying for #11 this weekend!!!
I've seen it twice now, yesterday was the official premiere at my country, and both times the room was impressively crowded.
Don't think it'll be the last time I'll go see it, even though I don't like seeing movies a lot of times, and I have never gone to the movie theater to see a movie more than two times.. I just love to take people to the theater, show them what a good film it is.. and watch them bawl their eyes out at the end..
And to be quite honest, I could watch the movie every day.. it's a perfect blend of everything, and oh so inspiring to do something "significant" with my life.
It came out in Croatia last week and I've seen it last Saturday.
It's a beautiful film, very heartbreaking.
And the end.... i just couldn't believe it. I gasped out loud...
I saw it the day before yesterday and I tried not to cry so hard that I had a headache, really. The story is very very moving, and Rob is fantastic. I'm going again and I'm already waiting for the DVD :o)
DVD of RM is supposed to come out in June a week before Eclipse opens
I LOVE this avi pix of Rob - wow what a freakin' HUNK he is - I wish there were lots of men like him that really existed.
Wow I want one!
Oh yes! Finally a spoiler post!!!
See y'all at 10! :D
Just Back from seeing it Here in good ole Belfast, OMFG...i loved it,Such a amazing movie, good to see Rob as someone Far different than Edward, Rob was Fantastic in it, that boy can surely act, and little Ruby as well, Don't think i Cry so much in my life, i new when the ending was coming, i started crying good bit before that because i new what was coming, There was quite a few people there crying in the place, all was quiet when the movie went over know one stood up to go for a while, will differently go and see it again and again, Can't wait to the DVD comes out also, a movie i will watch over and over again,
Rob should be so proud of this movie, it was wonderful and so was he and all the Cast were amazing also...
Just got back from seeing it!! There was not a dry eye in the house!!! Fantastic acting from Robert! But I am NEVER watching a film where Robert Pattinson dies again...EVER. I feel very depressed right now!
The pic from this wallpaper must be a from a deleted scene...there are no scenes where he is playing the guitar (or holding a guitar and looking pensive) in the film. His only guitar scene, if I recall correctly is on the roof while Aidan is lifting weights...and Ally mentions/gestures to his guitar...
I already saw the movie 2 times. I never expected THAT end. It was soooo sad and I had to cry as much as I never cried in a movie before. It reminded me on all the pain and fear of September 11th. But they handle the theme with care an respect.
But the rest of the movie is very cute the funny. Ruby was so amazing. And Rob ... nothing more to say than: love him !!!
...I went to watch the movie for the 3rd time &its no longer playing in my country.I went to 3 different cinemas ¬hing!aarrgg I cant wait for the dvd.
Am so glad the rest of you are getting to see this truly excellent movie, and thrilled to hear the cinemas were packed!
it seems most of European fans will be waiting to see RM for much longer than American ones. but this movie is worth of waiting.
congrat. to UK fans, i am glad you enjoy today.
I just got chills reading all you RM virgins expressing your impressions on the film. It was like being in the theater again.
I saw it 3 times, the last time I was in the theater by myself. Te stupid cleaning guy came in and made noise at the end and ruined it my date with Rob. Jerk.
Glad you guys love RM. I did. very much. its wrenching for me. cant seem to see other movies right now, no desire, this movie is it for me right now.
love rob!!
It came out last week here in Germany. I didn't know about the end and it really shocked me. I was in tears for long after the movie was over. I bet the other people thought I was a total freak :) And there were many people in the theatre :D
I'm going to see it again next week.
I persuaded my sister to go with me :)
My only expectation was a hot Rob...and I got the hotness AND an awesome movie :D
I'm glad I can finally speak about this film!
And I'm thrilled people are seeing its real values.
As I'm deeply personal connected to it, it touched me so much and it was so hard. But I can see it touched all the ones who luckily are not connected to it.
In my city, Santos (Brazil), RM for more one week. It completes one month now!!! It is a victory for a film which is not a blockbuster, it is a beautiful film and Rob is magnificent as Tyler Keats Hawkins.
I love you Rob/Tyler!!!!
I am crying just reading your reviews of RM. I have seen it five times and each time is just as good as the first. Ok, come on now, noone has gave their opinion of the sex scenes with Rob and Emily. Did you get into the first time they had sex, kinda like sank down in your seat. Oh, yeah.
Don't you think that there, when they showed him alone at the window, is a meaning that he is just one of the many. One of the many Tylers that died that day. How many angry fathers, good sons, best friends were lost... How many interrupted stories, new begginigs, argues, joys,...
Life is so unpredictable.
Tyler thought of his insignificance in this world and how to leave a mark there.
But he left and his life was so significant to his close ones who are their own little world which is the part on this big world.
So everyone is significant.
Oh I'm talking too much...
And Gandhi as well said: "Be the change you want to see in this world..." Yeah...
Sex scenes... :D yeah I sank down :). But for me, the most beautiful love scene was when he kissed her arm in the morning after it. That was the sweetest. :D Idk why, it's just so sweet and pure. :)
I just came back from seeing Remember Me. I did a 1h30 trip in a train to see it. I got the chance to see this amazing movie in English and I'm so glad of it! Rob was amazing. I can't even tell you how much I loved this movie, the plot and Rob. Before entering the theatre I thought I could not love Robert more than I already can but it was a mistake. I love him and I can't even describe how I feel.
I plan on going to see RM as much as I can. I don't think I could grow tired of this movie. Go and see it if it's not already done!!!
Oh and btw, the sex scenes were really hard for me because I felt kind of jealous ;-)
Isn't it?????
Bas najbolja od svih! :)
Stvarno am mislila da ce sve cure u kinu crkanti.
Majko mila.
Al mogu ti reci da sam se isplakla nakraju. Al necmo o tome vaceras.
Al stvrano su sladak par nijha dvoje. U ifilmu. Kao pravi momka i cura. Nije bilo fake.
Da, necemo o tome.
Da! Ona mi je super!!!! :)
Meni je ovaj drugi put bilo puno teze. Prvi put nisam tako dozivila, samo sam cekala vidit film.
Al sad... Mislila sam da ce mi srce iskocit kad je pocelo sve.
Super je stvrano.
Ja mislim da nisam ovolika ja bi pobjegla is sale kad je sve pocelo. Nisam mogla prestai plaki. Jedva sam se smirila.
Stvatno mi je zao.
Zivot/sudbina je cudna stvar.
Al ismijla sam se kad je prva ljubavna scena pocel.
Jedna cura ce. Nije cudno da je KStw sanjim ako je tako dobar u krevetu.
I just got home after seeing RM for the first time, and I can honestly say I absolutely loved it.
Congratulations to all the actors in this lovely movie, but especially Rob, Emily and Ruby - they were fantastic.
Rob looked so lovely in this film, and his acting was excellent, totally convincing.
Showcase in Nottingham was about 2/3 full - mostly groups of females with a few token males thrown in for good measure! Everyone sat quiet at the end for a while, not moving. I didn't cry but I had a huge lump in my throat - I knew the ending thanks to spoiler comments, but I still found it shocking and sad, and I was begging him not to go into that building.
I will definitely go again - what an amazing film.
Well done Rob, our boy did good!
Da tocno to, istrcat iz sale...
A to sta je ta cura rekla, ja svejedno to ne vjerujem, tako da... mrzim takve glupe komentare.
Meni je bilo i smijesno i glupo sto ti kazes.
Al te scene su super uradene da nije previse nego vec vis romanticno. I to je bas volim.
Da! I ja! bas su nekako lipe i intimne. I nisu ono ljigave. LOL!
A najdrazi mi je kad je sa sestrom. Kad je kao govorio francuski! LMAO!!!! :) "French toast..."
Da da.. heheh bona krvava si. hehe
Joj on i francuzki hehe bas je med. A on i sesrta su bas nesto specialno.
Maca je preva glumica.
Jel tako!
Preslatka je! :))))
Da je imat onakvog brata a?
Zapravo NE, NE! :DDDDD
Hvala Bogu sta mi nije brat! ;)
Jest jest.
hahah hej mala to je ilegalno.
Mako mila.. ima da sanjam svasta intresanto o njemu.
For those who have just seen RM, I thought I'd re-post my comments from the old spoiler threads.
For all of you who have seen it and who have read my comments before, ignore it and please forgive me; I just seem to need to do this.
I have been, like many of you, really affected by RM. I've commented on the other sites to which the administrators here led us. I've read other people's comments there and some of you have had beautiful and touching things to say there too.
I'll probably post this in parts. So, hang on.
Part 1
I think this is all new to this site but I'm not sure, as I've been copy/pasting here and there randomly. Mea culpa if I bore.
I've seen, on those other sites, beautiful comments from you also: I remember femroc, simone, solas, sharig, nicola6, shufflebin, and probably others.
This film does something no other has done in a very long time: it resonates, and the viewing public isn't used to it. It requires multiple viewings. It sneaks into a lot of people hours later because it takes a long time to process, and then it's a tidal wave. So many people have been affected this way. They say things like: 'I can't stop thinking about it.'
People are blogging up a storm and the comments in spoiler threads are amazing. The film has tapped into a well of thought and feeling so deep, it is stunning in its power. People are moved, touched by the film. They care. That's something most movies can't do these days.
People are telling stories about their lives, their loves and losses and pains, as a result of watching Remember Me. They aren't just talking about the ending. It is of a piece and the power of the film comes from its main theme. It is about loss, grief and healing.
Tyler, the central character, is played with power and subtlety by Robert Pattinson. The ending is so huge not just because it brings 9/11 into it, but because by that time we are emotionally invested in Tyler. And we wouldn't be if Robert hadn't done such a great job. If we don't care about Tyler and his death, everything else is irrelevant. So when Tyler stands at that window and realization came to me of what doom was coming to him, the film started haunting me. The musical score was riveting. I was paralyzed, unable to breathe, too hysterical to cry.
Our sorrow is our homage, our respect, our expression of how much we have lost.
We must not forget. We must not forget the Holocaust. We must not forget 9/11. We must not forget that one particular life that was taken from us. We must not forget that one life.
It speaks to the enormous power of this film that it could unleash such a deep and primal well of feelings in so many of us. It is a remarkable result of a remarkable movie.
I see the film's treatment of the event as homage, tastefully and eloquently done.
So when Tyler looks out that window and the camera zooms out so that there will be no mistake as to his fate, all I can think is that I want him back. It's f--king heartbreaking.
There is so much more. These filmmakers are to be applauded. Ignorant and arrogant reviewers, who have eyes but cannot see, ears but cannot hear, say rotten tomatoes. I say Oscars. So there.
Part 2
Sharig said: "In order for the entire movie to work you had to fall in love a little bit with Tyler."
Yes, he's the linchpin, the glue, and without him the center will not hold. That's why we know Robert's portrayal worked. We love the guy by the end and it breaks our hearts, as if it were our own son or lover who died that day, when we know what's coming.
We lost Tyler, screaming inside, which is why we sat, stunned. The loss ripped our being. Later we started thinking about other losses in our lives. Remembering those others. Honouring them. Tyler is the key, the touchstone to all that. 'Remember me', all dying people plead. 'I was alive. I loved you.' Remember, remember.
Someone talked about the vitriolic words the bad reviewers used--because, face it, they are eaten up with envy for Robert--but there are many better words for this film.
Use these words: haunting, resonant, brilliant, powerful, real, moving, profound, tasteful, healing, sensitive, substantive, significant, thought-provoking, poignant, gut-wrenching, up-lifting. That's just the beginning of a list.
This film is a tour de force. From the acting, directing, screenplay, score, cinematography, concept. It quietly takes your breath away.
Part 3
People need to go see Remember Me, critics too, of course, with open minds, and open hearts. It has become disgusting to me how many people are staying away for stupid, ignorant or petty reasons.
Since the first time I posted, I've gone to see RM more than once, and the experience is incredible. More and more I see the depth and profundity of it, the fine calibre of acting--on everyone's part, but esp. Robert. He carries the movie and it's very impressive.
Also, the music score by Marcelo Zarvos is haunting, with just the right tone throughout. The 'morning montage' on Sept. 11, from when Tyler leaves his friends, up till his death, and the 'I know you can you hear me' (title?) which follows, and which ends the film, is heartbreaking and uplifting all at once. You stay in your seat, stunned by the power of the film.
Robert said something pretty profound in a recent interview for the Mexican magazine 'Reforma'. I'll just quote as I read it:
“It’s about loss, how we handle grief, how it affects us. For many people, loss becomes part of who they are, and sometimes in order to overcome a loss we have to let part of ourselves behind as well; these are very rich emotions to explore and they contradict each other.” explains Pattinson.
That this man has been vilified is nauseating. He should be admired for having the courage to have a hand in producing RM and for making sure it got made well. Again, I applaud him and the others who did such fine work. And not only does this film stand up after multiple viewings, it seeps deeper into the soul. It is truly unforgettable.
And the more I think of the ending the more I think it is a very good one. A number of us have said we should not forget.
The fact that Tyler brought a human face to the tragedy, the fact that we loved him and lost him, brought a humanity to the universal sorrow of that day.
Two twentysomething--maybe they were younger, it was dark--Robert fans were in the audience one time and at the end, one knew he'd died, but the writing on the chalkboard had not clued her in. Seeing him standing in the North Tower did not do the trick. Why? She's forgotten? Well, you can rest assured that she will not forget now.
I watched Ordinary People on TV the other night.
Remember Me is of the same outstanding calibre. It absolutely deserves Oscar nominations: Best film. Best Actor, Best Supporting Actor (Brosnan, maybe Cooper), Best Score, Best Screenplay. But I guess with the ridiculous and undeserved pans from critics and without film festival buzz or someone like Oprah to spread the word, this won't happen. What a crying shame.
hahaha DJ
znam da je ilegalno i fuj, zato mi je i drago sto mi nije brat! :)
O ima da i ja sanjam! ;)
Inace kako si ti?
Part 4:
This in response to all the comments I've read here and on a few other selected sites:
Question? Have there been so many thoughtful and heartfelt comments from audience members of any other film? What other film in the recent past has riveted viewers and prompted them to make their voices heard? What other film has moved them, and drawn them into the deepest part of themselves? Name it.
The outpouring of soul-baring (sp?) stories from people who have seen this movie is itself very moving. It shows what this little $16M production with the mega heart has done. People are going inside themselves and finding the deep, sometimes tortured but always meaningful places inside themselves, because this movie has taken them there, guided them there. What an achievement! WHAT A GIFT!
I think some of us are trying, in our small and powerless way, to repay that gift. But the gift is so huge and the feelings so strong...
I don't know what the intent of the producers was; did they even figure on this particular result? No matter. What matters is that they were able to mine this gold by going about the business with authenticity and heart. They wanted this story told, and told properly--which is why Robert wanted to protect it--and they did it.
I know this following comment sounds sorta pompous but I'll venture it anyway. It is, distilled, what I feel.
'Remember Me' guides you into the depths of your soul and to your most powerful feelings, especially those of crippling loss, and gives you existential answers. It guides you to remembrance of love. It guides you towards that which actually means something in this crass world. It does this by making you come to love a young man who then dies tragically. How does it do this? Well, somewhere in the making of it, it has been touched by God.
Addendum: Yeah, more.
Someone was surprised the quote about grieving came from someone so young, namely Robert. I answered her.
Regarding the quote from Robert: Don't be surprised that it comes from someone so young. Robert is an old soul in a young body. That's all. I had a son like that and I recognize it.
(Some of you will remember I talked a bit about my son on those previous spoiler threads but I won't do it again here.)
People absolutely do not know what the world has in this man.
I agree with everything you said.
And you made me cry. Then gain I've been crying sense the ending of the movie.
Being a warchild myslef I know alot about loss and hearing people teling storise of loved ones lost. Breaks my heart.
RM did most touch me deeiply and I will prob never forget all the people lost to me and mine and the saddnes I feel in 06 when my class and I were in NY and at ground zero. One of the most heartbreaking and painful moments I've ever felt.
hehe da da.
:D fino snajne.
Nisam bas najbolje i ovje moj curice nece da se smiru. Ja pricam i razmisljam.
Kako si mi ti ?
Well said!
Yes, that should be never forgotten. And I really wanna thank Robert at the end for doing that, for reminding people again.
You know ladise.
Its too bad that one cant writte a letter to the Rob and thanx him for this fantastic movie.
And for making sure that we never forgert. Becuse we must not ever forget.
Vidile su Tylera pa se ne mogu smirit! :D
Ja sam dobro, samo me prehlada neka uvatila. Ah.
Evo sad sam opet pod dojmom filma.
Gotta go...
Take care!
Fae. Pa da jesu jesu. A i nema tate pa ondmah problemi. hihi
Nedaj se. Dolazi ljeto i sunce.
Dok ne dode drugi film nece se prestai pricati o ovemo filmu.
Night Fae.
Laku noc
I've just got back from seeing it. I've been militant in avoiding any spoilers, so the end completely knocked me for six.
I thought Rob was fantastic, I am so proud of him. I really enjoyed it, I haven't been that moved at the end of a film in....I don't know....I was pretty much speechless. Still am. I'll definitely go and see it again this weekend. Ugh, pretty incoherent right now!
Oh please, Jessegirl-write this into a letter and send it to Rob's agent. I think h would really appreciate the wonderful things you had to say about this film. You made some of us cry just reading what you had to say so please write and use this post--as per DJ's suggestion.
@ jessegirl:
your comment is great, so deep, moving... sorry my vocabulary is too poor...but thanks. thanks. for every single word.
Rob thanks. I love you, your soul. And Tyler's: again, yours.
Kathy--We were attempting a few weeks ago, after reading Will Fetter's interview, to compile the comments from the earlier spoiler threads and get them to Rob, Alan, Will, etc. I don't know if anyone did yet, as we don't know th way to reach them (mail to Rob takes half a year before he sees it). But I agree, they ought to read these comments.
I love and share Your opinion completely.
This movie touches most deeply hidden emotions and experiences, you can reflect on the meaning of each live over its value for ourselves, for others, for the world.
unforgettable Marcelo Zarvos scores are still in my heart and my ipod:)
I will remember RM I swear.
I also don't knwo how the movie world works, but I would love for Oscars and Bafta and Golden GLobe authorities (?have no idea what they are?)to read the comments, and to try to grasp how different this movie is, how actually life-changing, cathartic, it was for many. This is in a class by its own, a class beyond excellence, and certainly beyond what the usual movie fare is.
ok--sundown approaches and so I must go-=- will be on again hopefully tomorrow night after about 8:15. Email if you like. I might not answser right away, but I will try to answer anyone who writes. A good kind safe sane night (or day, depending on where on the planet you are) to all.
I need to go and try and calm down and get some sleep.
Pain needs to slow down.
Hope you guys can make it work so Rob does have a chanse to know just how many people RM has touch.
Good night or Good day depending on were in the world you all are in.
love Rob's soul so deeply
LovePpattz...sold out? Hurrah!
Crying? Join the club. Glad you loved it.
Tracy...I loved your criterion for a good movie: "Any movie that can move me and take me on a journey like that gets a definite thumbs up." Well said.
rpattzgirl...10 times! Only 8 for me, but it is leaving my usual cinema. :(
re: 'I want one.' Me too! But God decided to break the mold with Robert. There's something special about him being the only one, (and sad that we can't have him). Bittersweet. Sigh.
and everyone who mentioned crying and 'not a dry eye in the house'...last time I went, alone, I was the only one in the place and the cleaning staff [Rob's Bitch, you'll relate] actually talked to me as I sat there at the end, the credits still rolling.
They asked, "Are you crying?"
And I answered: "What else does one do after a movie like that?"
What do you mean, 'connected with it'? With the film? With 9/11? I'm wondering if what others have said have helped you? And you are not talking too much! Now I talk too much. I'm sure anything you have to say about RM would be welcome here, so go at it if you wish.
And the sex? Didn't actually like the music in the PG sex scene.
But, loved the up-agains-the-wall pounding, angry, tortured sex. Go figure. Or not. :))
Also loved his gorgeous face staring up at the ceiling after the tortured sex scene. That was a top 10 magnificent Rob picture.
@ jessegirl
ITA with Kathy S.
think about this possibility...
I'm reading you again... you said, but above all felt and understood despite the pain RM can raise for many different reasons according to each one's life experiences, wonderful things.
You said everything i was thinking about the movie, i just couldn't get the words out on how it really made me feel,
The movie touch me in so many ways, Happiness,Saddest,Love,Lost, just to many to mention,
there been no other movie that has touch me so much as Remember Me,
Fae007. Has loged off thats why she not saying mouch and becuz she and I talked in our language.
She'll be back prob later.
Just came back from seeing it....We actually had to drive for an hour to get to the only movie theatre here playing it...But it was so much more than worth it!!! God...I was a sobbing, shivering, nervous mess from the beginning. The first time I cried was 2 minutes into the movie. Normally I'm not such a crybaby. But my friend rushed me in going today rather than next Saturday like it was planned. So I basically had no time for preparing myself mentally for the amazingness that I feel Rob and this movie are. I couldn't even stand up till the credits were done! GAH - I need to see it now!
PS: And I loved Ruby to pieces...truly :)
D.J., Fae007, Kathy S., Meme...
Thank you for liking my words.
Kathy and Meme, I would absolutely love for Robert--and Will, Allen and the rest of those who had a hand in it, but especially our dear Rob--to read what I had to say.
And for him to read ALL the wonderful and insightful and poignant things so many of you have--and will--say on these spoiler threads.
He--they--should read them all.
Why all? Because they should know the depth of feeling and thought their little film has evoked in so many people. They should know the power of it.
Like the 16 yr. old boy who said it was the best film he'd ever seen. And the men of all ages moved and crying too. And the grannies.
And the sheer volume of our words might convince them of the weight the positive side, to counter balance the negative (all those horrible reviews, and the recent ones I've read from the U.K. are also disappointingly negative, more of the same mindless pap).
Yes, Oscars, Bafta, etc. (leave the golden globes, that's the press, who have been unimpressed).
I wonder if they did read, would they really listen, absorb, know, be open?
I'd rather Rob et al read them. But obviously industry recognition by peers would be tremendous.
On another site I mentioned that we are really powerless to make anything more happen.
Let me tell you that if we had a hand in making RM be an Oscar/Bafta contender, I'd be over the moon, so happy Rob and the rest would get the recognition they deserve.
D.J...(It's okay about Fae007, I'll visit this thread to see what everyone else thinks about the movie tomorrow).
I'm sorry I didn't acknowledge your kind words previously. You are a war child. I don't know what to say, but, my heart goes out to you.
I lost a child, my 20 yr. old son, and so Tyler's death really resonates with me. But it does for so many of us.
We seem to be able to call up the significant losses in our lives and place them in the glowing light of loving remembrance and it is true that the pain of that is like shards of glass inside your heart. But it is worth it. This is nothing short of a holy act. It is one of the most significant things we humans do. So, for RM to call that up and remind us, to lead us to our deepest humanity, is a potent thing.
'It is important that you do it, because nobody else will.' No one else will do it the way you do it. My son would have loved this movie, and for the right reasons, and for me that is a high compliment.
@ Jessiegirl..Obviously RM has had as significant an effect on you as it has on many (myself included). Your words are beautiful and heartfelt. I have not visited this site for a while so I have not read your comments in other threads.
The ones who are making negative comments about this movie are small minded people with agendas that have less to do with the movie and everything to do with Robert. For many he will only ever be Edward. For some his fame is something to be jealous of so critizing him works for them. There are those who will never accept him in any role that does not have Kstew in it as well.
In the case of the Bl**dy critics IMHO I think instead of thinking for ourselves we allow people like critics to make up our minds for us.(I should not get started on this subject because it is a fact that these critics as subjective and not objective. There are those of us that do not realize this.)
We allow them to tell us what to watch, what to read, what to eat and where the best place is to eat it, what car to drive etc etc. God there is nothing that we need to think about for ourselves anymore.
RM is a well made movie with a beautiful message. It is sad but true but IMO people who are persuaded by reviews NOT to see it are certainly missing out.
Yes I get that about both the Twifangirls and the critics.
About the fangirls (shippers and stuck in Twiworld) I just say, 'Grow up' and then forget them, because, until they do grow up, they won't have a clue. Can't fight immaturity. Although I would have thought the hormones extended to the pure gorgeousness that is Robert too. Wrong once again.
On some other site or thread--forgot where--I said a little more about the critics, and it was exactly what you say, all about dissing Robert. I even think, IMHO, that the whole controversy about the ending is a red herring, masking their contempt and envy of Rob. It's disgusting.
Small minds, ignorant and arrogant fools, envious asses, -why does anyone listen to them anyway...
I don't visit that many sites but I do get that there is a lot of silly shipping and envy out there. What bothers me most about that is that not all of these people can be excused because of their youth.
If, as I said before, more people made up their own minds instead of having it made up for them, then maybe this world would be a better place...and the world would be a better place? What is that song? just that bit is going around in my head now! Bl***y hell it is going to annoy me until I remember it...LOL
I saw it again today and noticed several little clothing glitches where they were wearing something one way in one scene and in the same scene the clothes looked different.
Damn I wish those sex scenes had been wider shots to see the way they moved better. They were such tight shots you could hardly see what was happening and I wanted to see it all.
The boardroom scene was great and when Rob wanted to dance with Ruby, I loved that and when Emilie was on the couch with Rob and had her head on his shoulder - close to the end of the movie......that was so nice.
I liked it when Em slapped Rob too and when she dumped the water on him...........since all women really do is swoon over him, it was cool to see someone be "real" with him. And when she said he was really weird at the cab.........loved that.
There were several men in the theater today when I saw it here in Texas - I didn't expect to see many there but on mid Friday afternoon but there was a pretty good crowd.
DJ - I agree that Rob is an old soul in a young body...........just listen to him is easy to hear it.
And his list of favorite music compared to the other cast members of Twilight was soooooooo different, more ecclectic, more soulful and much broader - even classical music.
Being a musician myself - I was impressed with his choices for the most part.
GOD I wish he'd perform some music in a movie. Would love to see his face when he sings.
I'm off to take a long jacuzzi bath and think about Tyler and everything in Remember Me.
Loved the S.L.U.T. idea.......hilarious.
I think it could work, don't you? C'mon people!!! lol
Put a little Love in your Heart
Jackie DeShannon
Thanks Femroc It was driving me crazy so I googled it before and watched the video clip. Takes me back to my very young years. Annie Lennox also did it with Al Green and I think that is the version I remember best. Jackie DeShannon did write/sing some good songs though. It made me quite nostalgic to see those old clips.
I'm sorry. But the naughty corner is full. And I must get rid of it now. I went to a bigger town in the near so I can watch RM in the original, because I wanted to hear the "real moaning" of the sex scenes and not this translation in my language. And now .... I am dead!
FILTM and all what he is doing
After seeing the film yesterday, I just had a really bad night's sleep mulling over RM and feeling so very upset with the ending. I cannot get this film out of my head, and how wonderfully Rob portrayed Tyler. I'm still on the brink of tears, eating my breakfast....
Truly, is there a way that a letter can reach Rob? Does anyone know? I would really love to write and tell him how much I valued his work in this movie.
Here is the review of Remember Me by Christopher Tookey of the UK's Daily Mail - printed yesterday. He gives it one star out of 5.
Remember Me is a dire romantic drama, murkily lit and lethargically directed by Allen Coulter (Hollywoodland). It’s mainly a star vehicle for Robert Pattinson (Twilight), who also produces.
Pattinson gives a passable imitation of James Dean, as Tyler, a troubled young man who drinks too much, smokes too much and shaves too little. He stares moodily into space a lot in the squalid flat he shares with an obnoxious friend (Tate Ellington) who dares Tyler to date and ditch Ally (Emilie de Ravin, from Lost), the pretty daughter of a violent cop (Chris Cooper) who has annoyed them both.
Unsurprisingly, Tyler falls in love with Ally and doesn’t dump her, only for her to find out about the dare and dump him.
Every character in this movie carries loads of emotional baggage – especially our anti-hero. He still mourns his elder brother who committed suicide, resents his wealthy, emotionally distant father (Pierce Brosnan) and only opens up emotionally to his cute little sister (Ruby Jenins).
Will Fetters’ script is mostly morbid, but resorts to absurd melodramatics and an extraordinarily misjudged ending to manipulate the audience’s emotions.
Mr Pattinson’s young female fans are likely to find this film less unbearable than anyone else. But even they may find the big emotional climax, which exploits a major terrorist disaster, cheap and pretentious.
I disagree with Mr Tookey on so many levels regarding this movie, as I am sure you will too. I'm going to try and find his email address so that I can tell him.
I can only assume that Mr Tookey is either an emotion retard or he hasn't actually watched Remember Me.
A slightly better review of Remember Me by Grant Rollings of the UK's The Sun newspaper.
I KNOW this will be tough for Robert Pattinson obsessives - but don't read every interview he has given about Remember Me.
At least one of them gives away the ending and that ruins his latest film.
It's a gut-puncher of a conclusion that turns a fairly forgettable romantic melodrama into something memorable.
Pattinson's character Tyler and Ally, played by Kirsten Dunst-a-like Emilie de Ravin, fall for each other as they both understand loss.
Like Edward Cullen in Twilight, Tyler's a moody type who looks wistfully out of windows.
But R-Patz shows he can act, standing toe to toe with the fine Chris Cooper and looking like James Dean in comparison to the annoying Tate Ellington, who plays Tyler's "comedy" flatmate.
On this evidence, Pattinson has what it takes to retain his fan club after the Twilight series fades.
Rating: Three stars out of five
Finally got to see RM last night. I went to a small, local independent cinema. RM was playing on it's smallest screen, probably to around 30 people. We saw the people from the previous showing coming out, maybe 50 at that one. The crowd was mostly couples, which surprised me, as I expected to see mostly women - maybe Scottish men are metrosexual after all, LOL!
Really loved the film. Fine performances from everyone, particularly little Ruby. I felt that the ending became a little drawn out, I thought that once we saw where Tyler was that should have been the end.
May come back with further thoughts later...
@jessegirl sorry I'm late, but to aswer your question... with 9/11 unfortunately... and also with Tyler's character, I'm 23 and still trying to answer some questions, some of his sentences and behaviours are also my own, so it hit me right there and then that ending to bring me right back to that day which is even without that, every little second of it, forever imprinted in my mind.
I just read about you son, I'm so sorry.
Carol UK.. After reading the critics reviews you wrote I am even more convinced that few of them have much brain to toss around. The James Dean reference, the annoying friend, the bad ending BLAH! BLAH! BLAH!
God it would be nice to know they actually went to see the movie and formed their own opinions instead of sounding like they are all copying the same review.
I expected English critics to be fairly harsh because IMO they don't appear to have taken Robs "global" fame too seriously.
In an interview the other day I heard an English guy say he thought Rob was American??
I also think, (sad but true) like Australians, the English are better at cutting people down to size then they are at ego building.
@carole UK
Thanks for posting the Daily Mail's crappy review ! It's a load of rubbish and it looks like it's been copied and pasted from somehere else. I found it so unfair that I got angry and began to send the link to all my friends abroad who saw and liked RM and asked them to comment on it. One of them, Sophie, from Texas, has already done so. What about this idea: why don't we all go and read this review and comment back on it? Let's give this reporter a piece of our mind for his very uprofessional review...This is a way of making our voices heard and of defending RM if we loved it. Here's the link to it :
@Jessegirl. I'm so sorry.
I thanx you for you words.
Not more I can say, Some things are just to pianful.
One can only hope that all the pain in the world will stop and that people will open there eays.
@femroc. He most deff is.
And it shows in the movie alo.
@ jessegirl
Your reviews were so good you made me cry! Damn you, LOL. But you're spot-on about the whole thing.
The hate this movie gets, particularly from the critics, is irrational, especially when the critics refer to Rob's acting in Twilight or the way he looks in real life. That's just unfair, RM isn't related to any of that. But the worst part is the discrimination of its characters. I can bet you all my money's worth that there's tons of families out there suffering the same emotions: heartbreak, loss, loneliness, guilt, unloved, etc etc...
And calling the Hawkins and the Craigs "a sad bunch of over-the-top dramatic, torn up families" is downright wrong. Ally lost her mom at 10, she SAW her getting killed right before her eyes. Her dad lost his wife to mugging, who, as a cop, works hard day and night to stop all that shit.
Tyler and Caroline lost their brother to suicide, because he couldn't stand life anymore. Diane and Charles lost their son, and they carry the blame on their shoulders. Charles thinks it's his fault for pushing Michael, so he stays out of Tyler and Care's life, which saddens Care and enrages Tyler. Their parents are divorced.
Honestly tell me straight up that no one you know has ever lost a brother or sister, or parent. Tell me that you don't know anyone who feels left-out. Tell me you've never rebelled against things. Tell me you've never done irresponsible things, tell me you've never over-reacted or lost your head. Tell me you've ever once felt like life is too unbearable, and you just want it to be over. Tell me you've never loved someone so much, you could see right through their bad habits. Tell me you've never been at the wrong place at the wrong time.
AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, tell me you've never been caught surprised by life's changes. Tell me you know exactly what's going to happen next. Tell me that life is PREDICTABLE, and I will gladly condemn this movie with every ounce of my being.
Can someone please send me the Remember Me script?
My email address is
Many thanks !
It was amazing!! And the ending! I was crying my eyes out; I really didn't expect it to end like that!! The music was extremely powerful too.
The acting was brilliant from everyone. They really captured and portrayed really strong emotion. I was surprised at it being so funny too.
And Rob. Well as always he was amazing. And I'd also like to marry Robler... brilliant character!
At the end I really didn't want to think about seeing it again because it broke my heart completely but I know I'll go back again and again. When's the DVD release?! :p
I saw this yesterday and was in floods of tears! I went with two friends and we all left crying. It took a while to sink in! I stayed fairly spoiler free, but I suspected that something was going to happen to Tyler. It didn't lesson the impact at all. But I loved it. Now all I have to do is convince mum to let me go again!!
You're not late; I went to bed and am now doing this from work. Interesting how you come at the movie and 9/11, given your age. And, don't you think that also speaks to the film's power, that it can affect you that strongly coming from your emotional place and me coming from a very different one?
DJ: Yeah, there's a time to speak, and a time to be silent. Hope the film helped you with your pain.
Katally, what song? Missed that comment.
Nice to hear feedback from Scotland!
Believe me, when the rest of us first started to comment on the film our statements were more surface. Speaking for myself, mine evolved as I went back for repeat viewings and as I allowed the film to percolate inside. Then, all hell broke loose and I couldnt't stop.
That scene where she has her head on his shoulder. Sigh. He is so beautiful there!
And yeah, the slap was right.
Thanks. Sometimes a good cry is important, and, much as I don't want to bring anyone pain, people like you with deep feelings, are affected in important ways.
I liked the way you thought out the specific pain each character brings to the table. So right. There's so much to say about them all, so much each of them has to contend with.
Life IS unpredictable, as you say, and everything can be snatched away anytime. I have first-hand experience of that.
There's a good review way back March 1st, I think, on by Amanda Bell. She gives it 4 out of 5 stars.
I don't know what her credentials are, but then, who the f*ck are any of these people? I'm losing what little respect I had for them.
Exactly... It is so powerful cause it can affect people who, luckily didn't have that experience, as well and make them never forget that tragedy as well as the other life's tragedies and make them think a little bit deeper about life and its siginicance and its present.
I was 14 at the time tragedy happened, so it was more nerve wrecking, cause I was going through change in life, juts starting high school and Tyler was my age now (when another change happens) when that happened... so very connected.
14 and 15 are such impressionable ages. And Tyler was, I think, 15 when he found his brother's body.
No wonder it impacted that young man so much.
The journaling Tyler does is a healthy and healing thing to do; I did a lot of it myself and it seemed so natural that he lugged that thing everywhere. It was just so very real, and Rob's nuanced, subtle performance reflected every emotion on that remarkable face.
Saw your very good, concise review on Amazon. Maybe if I get up the nerve, I'll do one too. Can't hurt. I might have another moniker but you'd recognize my words. I'll try to be brief there.
OK....I finally plucked up the courage to see this film. This ia going to sound very strange but this is the first film of Rob's that I've actually watched because although I absolutely love Rob to bits...not just because of his looks but his personality and his funny, quirky outlook on life and the situation he finds himself in...I have always had a niggling doubt about his ability to actually ACT.
Now I watched 'The Haunted Airman' when it came on BBC2? about 3-4 years ago and fell asleep. Due in part to the copious amount of wine I had was a Saturday evening I think. However I have since watched it on YouTube and thought he did a great job for a 20 year old with no formal training. Having said that the Twilight films to date I have just been unable to watch because I read some of the reviews about Rob's acting in them and I didn't want to be 'embarassed' for him I suppose and I didn't want to feel 'embarrassed' for him. I don't quite know how to put it into words. I suppose I just want others to tell me how wonderful, talented, gifted etc he is without ME having to make the effort to actually watch him MYSELF. I'm very very strange!
So after seeing all the reviews from fans and non-fans alike about this little film that obviously meant a lot to him and then reading the scathing reviews from so-called 'experts' the critics and the influence these 'experts' have had on the Box Office success of this film ...I decided that I HAD to go and see it IF it turned up in my town. Well it did and I've been to see it.
I managed to persuade my 20 year old disparaging daughter, back from UNI for the Easter Hols and eager for Mother and Daughter 'bonding time' to accompany me to our local cinema. We went this afternoon to the 1.20pm showing. Maybe 20-22 people in the theatre. Strangely 2 blokes together...I think they were the only males in the audience. A couple of giggly teenagers...the rest were my age group LOL!
So what can I say....I was so nervous waiting for it to commence...even considered giving up and going shopping instead...ridiculous I know.
Rob ...was just WONDERFUL....didn't know he could act like this...just so believable and ....I just loved the whole cast the sets, the dialogue, and the music was ..haunting...
Of course I knew what was coming...and my sharp little girl had soon figured it out.
So when we came out I asked her what she thought...she said that she'd initially been put off by the reviews and that she wouldn't have bothered going to see it at the cinema but would see it on DVD. She said 'It was really good'
She liked Emilie De Ravin and thought the music score was good and was very keen to discuss the 911 theme of it on the way home. But I loved what she said finally...'I can see that you could cry if you let yourself go'..praise indeed from a 20 year old non Rob Fan so the film obviously touched her and HE made her feel that way.
Want to see it again....
Back with another couple of thoughts.
I've been mulling over RM today, and am going back to see it tomorrow afternoon, with different friends. I'm trying to convert them to my Robsessed point of view...
I really did try to remain spoiler free before seeing the film, but it was very difficult to do, especially with so many having seen it before it opened here in the UK.
So, I knew pretty much what was coming at the end, and when Tyler was waiting in Charles' office I knew where he was and what was about to happen. Spent those last few minutes with a real feeling of dread. (My friend reckoned that I did not move once throughout the whole film.) I didn't cry, but did feel quite emotional, and still feel sad today.
I don't agree with the critics who regarded the ending as cynical or offensive. I really didn't get that impression at all.
I really loved the whole small scale feel of the piece, I now totally get Rob's comparison with such films as "Ordinary People", and no, they don't make films like that these days. I shall definitely buy the DVD when it comes out, and not just to look at Rob - honest!
@ jessegirl
I agree with you, we all need a good cry once in a while, and we definitely need to remember those who, like Tyler, lost their lives on this ill-fated day. This movie does exactly that, and in the most respectable way possible.
It seems like people who didn't like the ending do not want to be reminded of 9/11, but honestly, even after 30 years, people are still going to remember.
Forgetting that event isn't much of an option, it's burned into our mind forever. My point, if we have to life with, we might as well look at the bright side. 9/11 made America and the rest of the world realize how short life is, and how every moment should be savoured, no matter how sweet or bitter. RM shouldn't be bashed for trying and succeeding to do just that.
Also, I recently found out that you lost your son. And for that, I'm greatly sorry, I hope you're alright. But judging by your comments, you're a strong woman coping very well with the passing of your son. I guess you, of all people, can really understand and appreciate the message this movie is trying to give out.
I think the issue is not so much forgetting the event, but the lives, and the idea that this was not just a political event to be remembered and/or exploited, not just an event that effected and scarred thousands of famlies and friends and police and firemen and recovery workers physically and/or psychologically,but rather, especially as you see that one life portrayedin front of a window that was one of thousands of windows in those towers, an attack that murdered thousands of individuals, who each had feelings, thoughts, loves, passions, pain, rebellions, and all the other lovely really real life attributes of a real life-- all stolen, blown away.
Was so excited about finally seeing Remember Me and I'm not long back from the cinema. I went with my boyfriend who was very skeptical about seeing it because of it having Robert in it. Luckily he saw Emilie in the poster and was less reluctant :p
I really enjoyed it, there was more humour than I anticipated and the drama was really well pitched. I loved Rob in this so much better than the whiny, sombre, depressing Edward character. More surprisingly, my boyfriend didnt hate it. I heard him laughing at some of it and after when I asked him what he thought he said, "Didnt think it was too bad."
Trust me when I say that is high praise ;-)
iluvrpattz, solas...
WhyistheRum made some outstanding comments about grief and about how some people might not be able to cope with RM because of their inability to handle grief. I thought it was on this thread, but I can't find it now so I'll paste it here because I was really impressed with it:
"What I find most interesting, however, is the way RM seems to resonate deeply with those who have loved it. It seems to have a universal, haunting quality which echoes in the hearts of those who have loved it. Maybe the true power of this little film is that it simply speaks to us about what and who we really are.
It's about how we live, love and laugh; but also about how we suffer, mourn and die, how we cope in the face of sudden death and pain. Death in its many forms -all its violent forms, such as suicide, brutal accident, murder or tragic fate like Tyler's in the film - is part of what we all will have to endure, sooner or later, if it has not already happened to us.
Many people do not want to face this in a film, which can partially explain its violent rejection by some viewers or critics. One of the truths of the film is something I found in a Paul Auster book. Auster said that there comes a time when we have to realize that the deep, everlasting grief of death, the loss of a beloved one, not only changes us forever, but also forces us to understand that we will have to live with it - till the end, each one of us coping with our sorrow in our own way.
But the awful truth is that grief will not kill us and that we will have to go on, find a way of living, and bear the burden till we die in our turn. Not an easy message to convey in a film, and this is one of the many reasons I find this film so remarkable - it has faced the challenge of tackling these very difficult, dark themes, and it makes us rethink about our lives.
April 3, 2010 8:16 PM"
'But the awful truth is that grief will not kill us and that we will have to go on, find a way of living, and bear the burden until we die in our turn.' THAT is a very hard truth.
Thanks for the kind words but I don't feel strong at all. What 'Rum' said here is a constant with me. I've found that RM has impacted me so enormously that I'm grappling with this devastating part of my life again. RM did that to me and I had a major meltdown in the lunchroom at work the other day.
However, I welcome RM's impact; call me a masochist. It is guiding me beyond grief to that humanity which grief teaches. (In that way, I am strong, because I know some people avoid such things.) It sounds very enlightened but this type of 'lesson' is the bitter cup I would do anything to have pass from me because I'd much rather skip the lesson and have my son back. And, in the movie, I'd rather have Tyler back.
Rum said 'everlasting grief', and 'changes us forever'. Yes, it does last that long. There might be a lesson beyond grief but you actually never get beyond grief. Hopefully, you'll learn the lesson.
The one life in the window one of thousands of lives at the window, all blown away...
It always comes down to that one life. Even the import of a major terrorist attack comes down to one life. Always. One person.
A woman on another site who had lost someone in the 9/11 attacks was critical of RM's ending, thought it inapporpriate.
I answered her and here's part of what I said:
Should we feel manipulated when, at the end of 'The Diary of Anne Frank', the Nazis find her family's hideout and she is sent to a concentration camp? Was that film exploiting the Holocaust? No, because it was tastefully handled. However, it was excruciating, because we'd fallen in love with the indomitable Anne, her young spirit shining so brightly. (Interestingly she also wrote her diary, and Tyler 'journaled' to come to terms with his brother's suicide.) Should we forget the Holocaust? NO, and eloquent films like this remind us. Should we forget 09/11? No, and 'Remember Me' reminds us.
So, for Remember Me to call that up and remind us, to lead us to our deepest humanity, is a potent thing. Just like Anne Frank, Tyler is the touchstone, the human face we put to the tragedy. That is very appropriate, and a whole lot more.
Again, that one person, Anne Frank, Tyler Hawkins. We love one person and we have everlasting grief.
I forgot to conclude with the main point of my last comment about the woman who thought the RM ending inappropriate. What Rum said about grief and whether people are ready to face it applies, perhaps, to this woman.
@jessegirl - I don't know if you will read this as this thread is getting a bit old, but I know of your loss as you've told us before, and I can understand so well how RM must affect you more deeply than others. Maybe even though it makes you very sad, it can also help you, give you some measure of "healing" - for want of a better word as these wounds never really heal - by allowing you to delve deeper into your grief. But I wanted you to know that I am truly sorry for your loss, and that I had you in mind when I wrote that comment, because your own heartfelt, deep, soulful comments on the various sites have touched me so much. I'll try to repost this for you on the newer thread.
i FINALLY saw Remembe Me today.
made me cry so hard D:
the ending took my breath away, it was so shocking.
i can relate to the ending quite a bit because my dad was on a plane only months before the 9/11 tragedy, and i almost lost him.
but overall, this is honestly the BEST move Robert has done so far! :D
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