Some More Videos From Yesterday's Filming Of "Bel Ami" With Robert Pattinson

Some More Videos From Yesterday's Filming Of "Bel Ami" With Robert Pattinson


  1. Thanks, Kate!
    How can someone exude that certain "je ne sais quois" just by walking to a waiting car!!!!!
    Love you, Rob.

  2. I love how everyone claps for him and then he shows he amazing smile!(:

  3. I really admire the fans in Budapest. They show admiration with such class. They clapped and he wasn't even performing- lol. He has this adorable and bashful smile.

    Such a pleasure to watch.

  4. Who is the dude that is always there wearing the beanie?

  5. why why why is he so addicting

    what is it with him. really trying hard to think, what is it that makes me, a sane person, do all these carzy stuff. makes my brain hurt.

    aaarrrgggghh dying of heart failure.

  6. Hallo again
    There are many new vids from Budapest on " Dreams of Robert Pattinson"

  7. Well I've been browsing/skimming the different threads, and I decided to comment on the different topics all in one post!

    First thanks for all the vids/pics that you guys have been posting.

    These vids of him filming yesterday are so cute, Robert's smile is beautiful.

    Now about Tom's interview, I found that interview cute, hehe he and Robert don't use skype, well neither do I! lol. Even though I have a webcam in my laptop (it came as a part of my computer). I laughed when he said "it's like talking to a prisoner" lol.

    And rpattzgirl thanks for sharing those pics of Robert out and about in Budapest apparently on Thursday night. Nice pics! I wonder why they haven't posted those pics on this site yet?

    And about Robert playing Kurt (sp?) Cobain in a biopic-sometimes I feel that people just like to throw Robert's name around to get attention to themselves or movies- but I am glad that this was just a false rumor. If he were to play someone in a biopic (which isn't my preference type of movie anyway) I would want him to play someone classy, perhaps someone from Hollywood's golden age, or from the classical era. Anyways I'm glad that there doesn't appear to be any biopics in Robert's near movie future!

    And last but not least, I read somewhere that they are shooting Bel Ami in the countryside today, is that true? I'm guessing we'll hopefully be getting some nice pics soon?

  8. Sooo freaking cute that smile of his is.

  9. it suppose in the country today hi angle wings and star dust!the fans in BUDAPEST are really so well behaved ROB is going to do fenching in the movie cool i know i spell f wrong sorry but i am not seeing the word i my head

  10. the smile that melts my heart (and undies)...*sigh

    fencing? oh dear lord!!! that would kill me!!! *thud

  11. Hi DJ, how R U hon? And the babies? It´s quite dead here today, isn´t it?
    Ti si iz Bosne i zivis u Svedskoj, zar ne?
    Så vi kan prata vilket språk du vill?
    I´m a newbie here - born in Hungary, live between Sweden & Croatia/Zagreb. So I´m a VERY happy person who can easily say that she has not 1, not 2, but 3 motherlands & 3 native tongues. And I think I´m very greatful for that! Bye for now

  12. oh yah read in an interview somewhere that he was practicing fencing for 6 days a week to prep for BA.

    Wow, cant wait to see that

  13. OH GAHHHH! Why did you have to go and tell me about the fencing! I will def not make it until this movie comes out. Oh the thoughts that are swimming in my head right now. DuRob fencing......

    to the NB mansion I go!

  14. So they're shooting in the countryside. And Robert's shooting the fencing scenes today? I don't know if he can look yummier than he already does in period costume, but I'm thinking in such a scene he just might! (I hope we get some pics of that)

  15. Fencing! Did somebody say fencing?
