UPDATED: ROBsessed is NOT MOBILE anymore

Unfortunately this trial didn't work as well as we hoped :(( We are looking for other options, till then please continue accessing ROBsessed like you used to.

Thank you!

Hi guys,

Thanks to your donations our blog is now supported on smart phones :) You can view us on the go!

You should be redirected to our mobile page when you enter through www.robsessedpattinson.com as usual

UPDATE: Looks like people that use phones other than iPhone can't access the site well so I am disabling the auto-redirect option. You can continue to view our blog the old way or you can view it through: http://m.wbx.me/robsessed (unfortunately we do not get hits/ad revenue when you access it through the m.wbx.me link but we'll deal with it if it makes you happy :)

This is a trial version, let us know if you have any problems with it and we'll look into it. Don't forget to leave your phone's make and model with your complaints :) Try to restart and refresh your phone if you can't access the site.

We'll try this for a week and see how it goes.

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