last week i had just leave one of my pupil's house, i was walking alone in the street. Suddenly, i turned the corned to the subway station and then i raise my head and i saw it: a poster of RM in my town!!!! first time i saw one! i had my camera with me by chance, so i took a picture
@Est my daughter took a picture of the remember me poster but guess what I was in the picture too.LOL This was a little something I could ever have of Rob.
Do you have any idea when will the premier in London take place?
I second AP's post! We need some info. about the special features!
And am I the only one who thinks that this is priced a little expensive? I mean you see movies selling between a range of 15.99 to 19.99. So I don't understand why this is priced at about 24.50$. I hope they discount it when it is released.
Just gone for 2 days and whoa! I see long thread discussions, and as i was trying to catch up, saw a post on RK!!! WT...
Sorry this commentary is really OT and a little delayed. Pls bear with a grieving girl.
I consider Robsessed my happy place. To me, whether you are robsten, nonsten, absten (abstein), crapolasten, whatevasten, you SHOULD be able to express your feelings here so long its done in a respectful way. Having said that....
Waaaaaaaaaahhhhh. I felt like my boyfriend just dumped me. Need to hide in a cave or under a rock or or sail a boat to nevaland. Me denialsten.
Who wants to escort me to the cave. Wait, is there a naughty corner there? I might be there a long time.
Need a hug ladies, whether whatevasten you are. (Denialsten looks not popular here, ladies no dagger, me grieving, also hope its ok I beared my soul here)
(Not familiar with Ksten, what is it that you like in her, not a cynical question, just trying to understand the infatuation with her. Is he good for our boy? Is our boy happy? I kinda refuse to see vids or anything about her, so maybe you can help)
ooops, was just now reading the actual posts in other threads. didnt realize there are some "deleted" comments in there. didnt mean to re-fuel that here, just wanted to express me feelings. also dont think i can catchup, too much posts (almost 400 in one), so will just let that go in case also it has some "deleted" scenes, err comments.
carry on girls.
(also meant bared, not beared on earlier post, or maybe i was thinking of a very delish beard)
I hope he does do the commentary. New Moon's dvd sucked big time without commentary by Rob and Kristen. Commentary was what made Twilight such a great DVD---laughed so hard at all Rob's self-depreciating remarks-"Butt chin" "deformed head". No wonder he can't understand why we all think he is so gorgeous!!
so do we know for sure that he is doing a commentary on this because i thought they were doing one for NM and it didnt happen?
shufflebin - it is always ok to express your feelings but the comments that got deleted on the other thread took shit talkin' to a whole other level. if you know what i mean.
It makes me sad when people fear to express their opinions. That's all were doing here and one opinion isn't any greater than another. As for Kristen...
I personally think she's terrific. I know she puts people off because she doesn't 'play the game.' She is true to herself and doesn't seem to be concerned with presenting some audience friendly persona. That girl's got a built in bullshit detector and she doesn't suffer fools gladly and I'm guessing that's because she's grownup in this business and she's seem the phoniness of Hollywood first hand and she wants no part of it. Also, she's not your typical Hollywood starlet willing to do anything to obtain that spotlight. You don't see her out like her young Hollywood contemporaries exhibiting reckless behavior. She's also not your typical Hollywood slut passing herself around in order to further her career or her celebrity. As far as I know, she's only had two lovers (and for a 20 year old girl growing up in the movie business, that is a fucking miracle. those girls get started really young). She met Michael at 13. Didn't start dating him until she was 16 and didn't dump him when gorgeous Rob came strolling into her life as so many others would have (especially with the attraction the two felt for one another at the get go). She showed some integrity there and I would imagine that the Hollywood cliche of falling for your co-star was one of the reasons she resisted Rob at first.
And it's for this reason that I think this is not just some fling. I think this is a substantial relationship. She took her time (about a year and a half from the time they met until they became lovers) to make sure of her feelings. As for Rob...he waited for her during that year and a half while she made her decision. You didn't see him headed off to the Playboy Mansion for an orgy in the grotto (a right of passage for all new male stars in Hollywood AND if he had gone to the mansion, it would have made news) or chasing down dozens of starlets and/or Victoria Secret supermodels. He waited. I think they've got a shitstorm of superstardom (and all of the intrusion into their lives that, that entails) to wade through, but if they can do it, I think they might actually have something here.
As for what Rob sees in her? Well. Let's see. He just recently said that she's the smartest, sweetest, strongest girl he's ever known. He's also said that he thinks she's the finest actress of her young generation. And let me tell you something about talent. Talent is drawn to other talent. It's the ultimate aphrodisiac to them. A massive turn on. I think Rob thinks that with Kristen, he has hit the jackpot. He adores her. It's been obvious from the moment he became a public figure with his involvement with Twilight. I think he's head over heels in love with her. And I think she loves him too. She'd have to, to put up with all of the added insanity that being with him has brought into her life. Had she stayed with Michael, don't you think her life would be a bit calmer right now? Do you think the papps and celebrity press would be chasing her around the world if she were still with him? Who would care? Do you think she would get the shit she gets on the internet if she wasn't involved with Robert Pattinson? No. Her life would be a lot simpler if he were simply her co-star and not her clandestine lover.
I think they are two little peas in a pod; both a couple of old souls with a perspective on life that is far beyond their tender years.
nik - i love to read your comments and couldn't agree with you more on this one.
if it does work out which we dont know cuz they are so really is a cute story...
boy sees girl in a movie and auditioned for a role just to meet her, boy falls for girl, while girl has BF, boy stands to the side until girl dumps other boy, girl gives boy a chance, and poof here we are today :))
I guess I can understand why some have simply refused to see the forrest for the trees where these two are concerned. Let's be honest. With him in love with someone, that kind of gets in the way of our fantasies and yes, illusions. He's taken. Off the market. Damn! Damn! Damn! But I've never understood how people could deny it or try to justify it as simply friendship.
Why did she spend the night in the same hotel with him last May after the MTV Movie Awards, when she lives in LA? Why didn't she just go home? Why was she on the balcony of his hotel room at the Chateau Marmont IN THE MORNING when again, she lives in LA? Why did she spend New Year's Eve with him in London? New Year's Eve is ROMANTIC. One of the most romantic nights of the year. You want that kiss at midnight. Why did she leave her family, friends and her home on her 20th birthday (that's quite an important one, leaving your teens behind), to fly half way around the world to be with HIM? Why did the status of their relationship change from 'were just friends' in 2008, to 'no comment' throughout 2009? If nothing in their relationship changed, why did their answer? If they're still just friends, why not continue saying...'were still just friends.'
Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart are perhaps, the most famous young actors in the the moment. They should be out dating and being seen with their picks of the litter. Why aren't they? How come you never see them out with anyone else? They don't date? He's a monk and she's a nun? Why are they only seen with each other? Or rather, caught with each other? When they have absolutely no reason to be together because they haven't shared a movie set in nearly a year.
Yanno. People come here and say that they love him and that they want him to be happy. Well. Let's not look at him as Robert Pattinson, movie star, objectified sexual object for just a moment. Let's just look at him as a man. Don't you want to him happy? I do. And if this young woman makes him happy, then that's good enough for me. 'Course it's not so hard for me. I like her. She's my kinda girl. I suppose if I didn't like her and I thought she was a pill and not good enough for him, I guess I too could have a problem. But I'd still wish for his happiness first.
Sorry for derailing the thread. And I know others are so sick of going down this road again. But truth is, for as long as he's with her, their relationship is going to be discussed here as we are here to talk about him and his life and career and this relationship is now perhaps the most important thing in his life right now. It's gonna get talked about. But I am sorry for derailing the thread.
Lemme put it back on track. I'd trade my right arm for extended, deleted sex scenes on this one. Well. I would. Watching him pretend to have sex is as close to the real thing as I'm gonna get.
Aww. Thanks guys. You're so sweet. Everyone here is so sweet to me. And with my big, fat, floppin' mouth, I don't really deserve it.
And I really am sorry for derailing this one. I try not to do that, but then someone will ask a question and before I can stop myself...I'm off to the races.
I'm a Rob fan and am pretty neutral as far as Kristen is concerned. However, I do believe she could be a diamond in the rough and that's why Rob likes (loves?) her and also her co-stars speak highly of her. She does seem like a person of integrity. I love that Rob's not dating a supermodel or famewhore and let's face it, Rob could have pretty much anyone he wants. I know the odds are greatly against them lasting for the long haul because they're celebrities, still I wish them best of luck.
I agree in that I don't give them much of a chance at longevity either. They met too young and they're dealing with something that most human beings couldn't even begin to imagine. Sadly, I think that this massive intrusion into their lives will be what eventually breaks them apart. Although they could surprise us all and beat the odds and do the unconventional thing by doing the conventional thing with marriage, babies, and a simple life lived away from the spotlight. Wouldn't that be lovely?
And I too like the fact that he's not out with some fake boobed, fake tanned Hollywood bim. Makes sense. He's a real. So why wouldn't he want to be with a real girl?
I think the celebrity factor is more of a strike against them than the age one. Celebrity relationships just don't seems to last. Don't know if it's the fact that they're separated filming a lot, or the temptation to cheat is out there or what. I hope Rob realizes that sacrifices will have to be made in order for him to have a long-lasting relationship with someone.
Again I agree that fame is the big bugaboo here. Alot of people meet when they're young, fall in love and stay in love for their whole lives. But it is possible to have a good marriage and be able to withstand the temptations that come with movie stardom. Jeff Bridges met and married his wife Susan when they were both in their early/mid twenties and they've been married for over 30 years with one of the happiest marriages in Hollywood without a hint of scandal. So, it's rare, but it is possible. I guess it depends on how badly you want it. On what it is you truly value. Do you want that woman and those kids more than you want that 20 minute tumble with a beautiful stranger? I guess that's a question for any man, no matter what he may do for a living.
But my gut tells me that Rob is capable of this kind of committment. And not neccesarily with Kristen, but with whomever he decides to marry and have his children with (although they are both products of long standing and seemingly, successful marriages and so it bodes well that they too would want and would be able to achieve the same). I know that in many ways he's still just a kid, but there's just this wisdom about him. He knows that stardom is an illusion and therefore it would only make sense that he's more than just a bit mistrustful of the interest that woman shower upon him since he attained stardom. But still...I guess he could throw a family away. But I'm thinking it would have to be one helluva a 'want'. Something he just couldn't live without. Alot of good men have done just that.
Yeah, as exec. producer, what does that mean, money-wise? Did he forego his salary? Did he put in his own money to get it made? Does he get some of the profits? know, right?
Did anybody notice in the movie just before the fight when he looked up, listening, someone was calling, 'Michael'. I didn't notice that until my, er, 6th viewing. Now I never miss it.
There's a site where they analyze RM as if in a classroom. (Forgotten the site. Will mention it here if I remember.)For example,the fact that when we first see Tyler he is framed by the window, outside on the fire escape looking in. And at the end he's looking out a window. Damn, I still can't go into it here because it still hasn't opened in some countries! Forgotten the site. They talk about how shots were framed, for example.
I've thought of some interesting 'mirrored' scenes, beginning and ending, but I guess I'd have to comment on a spoiler. Sigh. It's actually quite fascinating and I'd be interested to know if it was all calculated. Probably.
There are no random shots in a movie. Every one is carefully thought out and planned and in some instances, have layers and hidden meaning not easily seen by the untrained eye. And not just the shots either, but everything in the shot. From whether or not a character is standing or sitting during a scene, what they may be wearing and even down to the props sitting on the kitchen counter. Is the glass of juice full to the brim or is it only half full? Whatever it is, there is a reason whether they tell the audience or not. Alot of times there are things in a scene simply there for the benefit of the actor, to help him in the believeability of what it is he is trying to accomplish with the scene and that would mean absolutely nothing to the audience. Not one thing in a scene is there by chance.
As for Rob and his executive producer credit... He earned that by having a hand in casting (he for all in tense and purposes, cast Emilie himself). For his involvement in shaping the final script and for that little trip he took to the Cannes Film Festival last May.
He didn't just take that little jaunt for a photo op. Summit sent him there to sit in meetings and help to secure the foreign distribution rights for this film. They in essence gave him a seat at the grownups table on this one. And that is why he got the executive producer credit. Not bad for his FIRST post Twilight film.
And I only just recently heard that Rob did not take an upfront salary for this film. With only a 16 million dollar budget and his current asking price of about 10-15million, that makes sense. I'm guessing he made a backend deal instead. Meaning, he'll get a percentage of the gross and dvd sales.
Also...I responded to you on another thread around here. If you haven't seen it, I'll go nosing around and see if I can find it and direct you to it.
Nikola, Rob's doesn't seem to be made of the same stuff as Tiger, Mel, or any of the other 99% of actors. I don't like to imagine what he might do in his future personal life, given the horrible odds against good marriages in Hollywood. He and Kristen are pretty unusual, as you've said--and I do admire her too, I see the appeal.
I said it once before but we seem not to have many astrology buffs or 'believers' here. He's a Taurus, and the hallmark is steadfast loyalty, stubborness, practicality, musicality, sensuality. If you watch him knowing he's a Taurus you'll notice that he really displays a lot of those traits. That groundedness we always talk about is a Taurean trait, it being an earth sign. Once he settles down, he stays there.
The other thing is that he's got his Moon and Ascendant both in Cancer, and Cancer is the homebody sign, hearth and home and children and all that. Plus super sensitivity, being a water sign.
We see more of his Cancer side in his interviews than anything else, partly because it's his rising sign/ascendant. Cancer is ruled by the moon--'lunar', 'lunatic'--and has a 'luney'(sp?) side. His wicked and crazy sense of humour, plus his 'crab' like way of deflecting annoying questions are very Cancerian. His bashfulness and embarrassment over things like his body are very Cancerian.
The Sun sign is your essence and what you're striving for (Taurus). The Moon placement is where and how you are most comfortable, your happy place (Cancer), and your Ascendant, sometimes called your rising sign, is the face you present to the world, your persona or mask or party face and for him it is Cancer, which is interesting because his outward expression/ascendant is the same sign as his inward comfort zone.
All those astrological things point to a strong home and family life, in general, given that he's chosen his mate wisely.
The only fly in this ointment, astrologically speaking, is that his Venus--planet of relating--is in Gemini, which is known for its flighty and fickle nature. (It's a great sign, as they all are, but that is one of its features.) Although Venus has to do with all relating, not just romantic.
Some of you might know a lot more astrology than I do, but all this makes sense to me. I've seen those three major astrological indicators--his sun, moon and ascendant--very much in Rob.
But, bottom line: I just want him to be happy and to be respectful to his significant other. He has to life his own life.
WOW! If that wouldnt convince me, I dont know what would!
You nailed it in the head for me!
The few vids I saw of her seemed nasty and downright mean to him back then, and I did shut her down and totally ignored her.
Being an over-adulating fan, felt he seemed no match for anyone, either. It doesnt make sense, nothing makes sense in this case. I did not over-philosophise it. It is what it is. I accepted it.
But you guys are right. Rob makes intelligent choices. Simple life, not much material needs, really tight-knitted family and friends. And if his parents are his inspiration for love and marriage then he posseses basic, grounded and down-to-earth love which is the compass for long lasting relationships.
Objectivity is hard to achieve and salutations to you for that.
Nikola... Thanks for answering about the executive producer bit. Very interesting. Foreign distribution rights, eh. Hmm. RM is doing well in the foreign market. That's great. But the $10-$15M wouldn't have been his asking price when he was negotiating for RM would it have been?
Nik...left you an email. I'll check the threads but it's getting to be my bedtime--1am--if I didn't have insomnia. I may not be here much longer tonight. Gotta work a long shift tomorrow too.
I am fascinated by astrology, although I am woefully ignorant on the subject, but I do believe there is something very important to it. I do believe that the moment we arrive on this planet is SIGNIFICANT! And that's because I wonder from what other realm have we wandered and what are we bringing with us?
And shufflebin... I know that Kristen got off on the wrong foot with alot of people last year, but I have cut her some slack.
She was hit with this onslaught of fame that she'd never sought. She wasn't use to the heat of this spotlight. Yeah, she didn't do so well her first time out. But what about this past November during NM promotion? Anybody see any changes in her? I did. She handled herself tremendously better than she did in November of 2008. And why would you suppose that might be?
* She'd grown a bit more in mature in a year?
* She'd had a year to deal with the shock of sudden superstardom?
* She'd accepted what had happened to her life and rather than fight it, she decided to put on her big girl pants and deal with it?
* And maybe just maybe in November of 2008 she was struggling with a decision that she had yet to make. Was she struggling with the knowledge that she was going to have to break the heart of one boy that she'd cared for, for quite some time, because she was falling in love with another one (I know that some thought Kristen was bitchy or something with Rob during the first Twilight promo go round. Maybe. Sometimes we are bitchy to guys that we want but are struggling to stay away from)
And what a difference in her come the New Moon promotion go round. Could part of that difference in her have been that she'd made that perhaps, difficult choice months earlier and that she was now finally with the man she loved? Just asking.
But unfortunately, first impressions are what tend to stick. And alot of people formed their impressions of her during the promotion of the first Twilight film and that's what they're gonna stick with.
The thing is though...people grow and change all the time. Well. The healthy ones do.
Rob got US$ 4 million fee for RM which he sign on before the Twilight movie was even release (thats an open information publish in vanity Fair etc) and he was given the Executive Producer title by the producers, since with him attached to RM , they close the deal with Summit and he also overseas the filming process..... Even though Rob was emmbarass with the title, being Rob he doesn't see the power he has.....
i myself is just derailing a little also,here what was my proplem with kristen,almost every move execpt jumper and into the wild kristen making out and i had a hangup on that and then i was told she acting i still had hangup,because she was still very young and always in her underwear and that is why i did not like her cause i saw allot of her movies,then came rob and twlight andat first i did not want him to like her so i was happy she had a long term boyfriend that she always spoke aboutand he boast he was quite secore with kristen but i could not see how she of prefer M to ROB,what i can say all those guy she stick to her M util ROB worked his charm so ladies lets give her a chance,i think this is going to work and PRINCE CHARMING will be just fine
@jessegril - I see you found the same site than I did, it's really excellent. General link There's some fascinating analysis of the film for the moment there's 2 posts : artwork in RM and framing/mirroring. Here's the links (spoilers !) Go there for a really good read! You can also leave comments ont the site.
I don't care what Vanity Fair printed. If he got 4 million, then that was one forth of the budget...just to pay him. And what then would they have given former James Bond, Pierce Brosnan? And Oscar winner, Chris Cooper? 'Cause you can bet that those veteran stars would make as much if not more than Rob would, even though their roles were supporting and his was the lead. Doesn't matter. A newcomer does not pull down a substantially bigger salary than a film veteran. On a film with a budget this small, actors usually forgo their usual salaries.
This little film was history making with a part of it dealing with subject matter that had yet to be broached on film...ever. I think these actors wanted to be a part of that and money was not their motivating factor here.
Robsessive.. Yeah, Nik and I can't help yammering away. Scroll past mine if they bore you.
Rum...Yeah that's the site. Thanks. You saved me some legwork--fingerwork?--..
Nik...Interesting about the actors' salaries. So they all cared about getting this film made. Cool. I guess it means something when Martha Plimpton gifts an uncredited role and Kate Burton takes a fine turn. She was SO good, so natural and perfect.
I can not wait to get this in my hands!!!
ReplyDeletelast week i had just leave one of my pupil's house, i was walking alone in the street. Suddenly, i turned the corned to the subway station and then i raise my head and i saw it: a poster of RM in my town!!!! first time i saw one! i had my camera with me by chance, so i took a picture
ReplyDeletesorry i had just "left" aaaayyyyy my english
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteSuper excited!!!
ReplyDeleteI need behind the scenes, deleted scenes, and most of all Rob's commentary. Well on second thought, I need extended sex scenes. ;-o
*Thanks for the info and the new post, Kate*
@Est my daughter took a picture of the remember me poster but guess what I was in the picture too.LOL This was a little something I could ever have of Rob.
ReplyDeleteDo you have any idea when will the premier in London take place?
I can think of a few certain scenes I am going to be playing on slow-mo....... ;)
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome. I'm excited (could you tell?) because there's finally a released date for the UK!
ReplyDeletedina ajaja i couldn't be in the picture because i was alone...and it would had been very friky to ask somebody for taking the picture ajaja
ReplyDeleteMy poor twilight DVD will rest in peace for a while.
ReplyDeleteKate do you know anything about eclipse premier in London?
ReplyDeletenearly a whole month differant from the US. WTF!!
OMG!! Only 70 more days!!!!!! Can not wait!!!
ReplyDeleteI second AP's post! We need some info. about the special features!
ReplyDeleteAnd am I the only one who thinks that this is priced a little expensive? I mean you see movies selling between a range of 15.99 to 19.99. So I don't understand why this is priced at about 24.50$. I hope they discount it when it is released.
Just gone for 2 days and whoa! I see long thread discussions, and as i was trying to catch up, saw a post on RK!!! WT...
ReplyDeleteSorry this commentary is really OT and a little delayed. Pls bear with a grieving girl.
I consider Robsessed my happy place. To me, whether you are robsten, nonsten, absten (abstein), crapolasten, whatevasten, you SHOULD be able to express your feelings here so long its done in a respectful way. Having said that....
Waaaaaaaaaahhhhh. I felt like my boyfriend just dumped me. Need to hide in a cave or under a rock or or sail a boat to nevaland. Me denialsten.
Who wants to escort me to the cave. Wait, is there a naughty corner there? I might be there a long time.
Need a hug ladies, whether whatevasten you are. (Denialsten looks not popular here, ladies no dagger, me grieving, also hope its ok I beared my soul here)
(Not familiar with Ksten, what is it that you like in her, not a cynical question, just trying to understand the infatuation with her. Is he good for our boy? Is our boy happy? I kinda refuse to see vids or anything about her, so maybe you can help)
Yeah AP and Angel,
ReplyDeleteSpecial features pleeeease!
dina...'poor Twilight DVD...'
Yeah, but it'll be there when you need it.
July 26th, yay that's my birthday :DD
ReplyDeleteooops, was just now reading the actual posts in other threads. didnt realize there are some "deleted" comments in there. didnt mean to re-fuel that here, just wanted to express me feelings. also dont think i can catchup, too much posts (almost 400 in one), so will just let that go in case also it has some "deleted" scenes, err comments.
ReplyDeletecarry on girls.
(also meant bared, not beared on earlier post, or maybe i was thinking of a very delish beard)
I hope he does do the commentary. New Moon's dvd sucked big time without commentary by Rob and Kristen. Commentary was what made Twilight such a great DVD---laughed so hard at all Rob's self-depreciating remarks-"Butt chin" "deformed head". No wonder he can't understand why we all think he is so gorgeous!!
ReplyDeleteso do we know for sure that he is doing a commentary on this because i thought they were doing one for NM and it didnt happen?
ReplyDeleteshufflebin - it is always ok to express your feelings but the comments that got deleted on the other thread took shit talkin' to a whole other level. if you know what i mean.
hope all is back as before then, this is a happy rob place for me and hope it stays that way
love you everyone!
I don't buy DVDs, but if Rob gets a percentage from the sales I might.
ReplyDeleteIt makes me sad when people fear to express their opinions. That's all were doing here and one opinion isn't any greater than another. As for Kristen...
I personally think she's terrific. I know she puts people off because she doesn't 'play the game.' She is true to herself and doesn't seem to be concerned with presenting some audience friendly persona. That girl's got a built in bullshit detector and she doesn't suffer fools gladly and I'm guessing that's because she's grownup in this business and she's seem the phoniness of Hollywood first hand and she wants no part of it. Also, she's not your typical Hollywood starlet willing to do anything to obtain that spotlight. You don't see her out like her young Hollywood contemporaries exhibiting reckless behavior. She's also not your typical Hollywood slut passing herself around in order to further her career or her celebrity. As far as I know, she's only had two lovers (and for a 20 year old girl growing up in the movie business, that is a fucking miracle. those girls get started really young). She met Michael at 13. Didn't start dating him until she was 16 and didn't dump him when gorgeous Rob came strolling into her life as so many others would have (especially with the attraction the two felt for one another at the get go). She showed some integrity there and I would imagine that the Hollywood cliche of falling for your co-star was one of the reasons she resisted
Rob at first.
And it's for this reason that I think this is not just some fling. I think this is a substantial relationship. She took her time (about a year and a half from the time they met until they became lovers) to make sure of her feelings. As for Rob...he waited for her during that year and a half while she made her decision. You didn't see him headed off to the Playboy Mansion for an orgy in the grotto (a right of passage for all new male stars in Hollywood AND if he had gone to the mansion, it would have made news) or chasing down dozens of starlets and/or Victoria Secret supermodels. He waited. I think they've got a shitstorm of superstardom (and all of the intrusion into their lives that, that entails) to wade through, but if they can do it, I think they might actually have something here.
As for what Rob sees in her? Well. Let's see. He just recently said that she's the smartest, sweetest, strongest girl he's ever known. He's also said that he thinks she's the finest actress of her young generation. And let me tell you something about talent. Talent is drawn to other talent. It's the ultimate aphrodisiac to them. A massive turn on. I think Rob thinks that with Kristen, he has hit the jackpot. He adores her. It's been obvious from the moment he became a public figure with his involvement with Twilight. I think he's head over heels in love with her. And I think she loves him too. She'd have to, to put up with all of the added insanity that being with him has brought into her life. Had she stayed with Michael, don't you think her life would be a bit calmer right now? Do you think the papps and celebrity press would be chasing her around the world if she were still with him? Who would care? Do you think she would get the shit she gets on the internet if she wasn't involved with Robert Pattinson? No. Her life would be a lot simpler if he were simply her co-star and not her clandestine lover.
I think they are two little peas in a pod; both a couple of old souls with a perspective on life that is far beyond their tender years.
Anyway. That's my take.
nik - i love to read your comments and couldn't agree with you more on this one.
ReplyDeleteif it does work out which we dont know cuz they are so really is a cute story...
boy sees girl in a movie and auditioned for a role just to meet her, boy falls for girl, while girl has BF, boy stands to the side until girl dumps other boy, girl gives boy a chance, and poof here we are today :))
Well said Nikola6. Love is a mystery that is what makes it so powerful and wonderful.
ReplyDeleteAnd since I'm speaking my piece here...
ReplyDeleteI guess I can understand why some have simply refused to see the forrest for the trees where these two are concerned. Let's be honest. With him in love with someone, that kind of gets in the way of our fantasies and yes, illusions. He's taken. Off the market. Damn! Damn! Damn! But I've never understood how people could deny it or try to justify it as simply friendship.
Why did she spend the night in the same hotel with him last May after the MTV Movie Awards, when she lives in LA? Why didn't she just go home?
Why was she on the balcony of his hotel room at the Chateau Marmont IN THE MORNING when again, she lives in LA?
Why did she spend New Year's Eve with him in London? New Year's Eve is ROMANTIC. One of the most romantic nights of the year. You want that kiss at midnight.
Why did she leave her family, friends and her home on her 20th birthday (that's quite an important one, leaving your teens behind), to fly half way around the world to be with HIM?
Why did the status of their relationship change from 'were just friends' in 2008, to 'no comment' throughout 2009? If nothing in their relationship changed, why did their answer? If they're still just friends, why not continue saying...'were still just friends.'
Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart are perhaps, the most famous young actors in the the moment. They should be out dating and being seen with their picks of the litter. Why aren't they? How come you never see them out with anyone else? They don't date? He's a monk and she's a nun? Why are they only seen with each other? Or rather, caught with each other? When they have absolutely no reason to be together because they haven't shared a movie set in nearly a year.
Yanno. People come here and say that they love him and that they want him to be happy. Well. Let's not look at him as Robert Pattinson, movie star, objectified sexual object for just a moment. Let's just look at him as a man. Don't you want to him happy? I do. And if this young woman makes him happy, then that's good enough for me. 'Course it's not so hard for me. I like her. She's my kinda girl. I suppose if I didn't like her and I thought she was a pill and not good enough for him, I guess I too could have a problem. But I'd still wish for his happiness first.
Sorry for derailing the thread. And I know others are so sick of going down this road again. But truth is, for as long as he's with her, their relationship is going to be discussed here as we are here to talk about him and his life and career and this relationship is now perhaps the most important thing in his life right now. It's gonna get talked about. But I am sorry for derailing the thread.
Lemme put it back on track. I'd trade my right arm for extended, deleted sex scenes on this one. Well. I would. Watching him pretend to have sex is as close to the real thing as I'm gonna get.
That is so sad.
Aww. Thanks guys. You're so sweet. Everyone here is so sweet to me. And with my big, fat, floppin' mouth, I don't really deserve it.
ReplyDeleteAnd I really am sorry for derailing this one. I try not to do that, but then someone will ask a question and before I can stop myself...I'm off to the races.
@spunky- he is exec producer, I'm not positive but it is possible he gets a share of the profits
ReplyDeleteI'm a movie lover so I own an obscene amount of DVD's. I'll be adding this one to my collection too.
I'm a Rob fan and am pretty neutral as far as Kristen is concerned. However, I do believe she could be a diamond in the rough and that's why Rob likes (loves?) her and also her co-stars speak highly of her. She does seem like a person of integrity. I love that Rob's not dating a supermodel or famewhore and let's face it, Rob could have pretty much anyone he wants. I know the odds are greatly against them lasting for the long haul because they're celebrities, still I wish them best of luck.
ReplyDeletewell new moon dvd was released here in mexico at the same time in the US i hope it will be like that with RM!!
ReplyDeleteI agree in that I don't give them much of a chance at longevity either. They met too young and they're dealing with something that most human beings couldn't even begin to imagine. Sadly, I think that this massive intrusion into their lives will be what eventually breaks them apart. Although they could surprise us all and beat the odds and do the unconventional thing by doing the conventional thing with marriage, babies, and a simple life lived away from the spotlight. Wouldn't that be lovely?
ReplyDeleteAnd I too like the fact that he's not out with some fake boobed, fake tanned Hollywood bim. Makes sense. He's a real. So why wouldn't he want to be with a real girl?
I think the celebrity factor is more of a strike against them than the age one. Celebrity relationships just don't seems to last. Don't know if it's the fact that they're separated filming a lot, or the temptation to cheat is out there or what. I hope Rob realizes that sacrifices will have to be made in order for him to have a long-lasting relationship with someone.
ReplyDeleteAgain I agree that fame is the big bugaboo here. Alot of people meet when they're young, fall in love and stay in love for their whole lives. But it is possible to have a good marriage and be able to withstand the temptations that come with movie stardom. Jeff Bridges met and married his wife Susan when they were both in their early/mid twenties and they've been married for over 30 years with one of the happiest marriages in Hollywood without a hint of scandal. So, it's rare, but it is possible. I guess it depends on how badly you want it. On what it is you truly value. Do you want that woman and those kids more than you want that 20 minute tumble with a beautiful stranger? I guess that's a question for any man, no matter what he may do for a living.
ReplyDeleteBut my gut tells me that Rob is capable of this kind of committment. And not neccesarily with Kristen, but with whomever he decides to marry and have his children with (although they are both products of long standing and seemingly, successful marriages and so it bodes well that they too would want and would be able to achieve the same). I know that in many ways he's still just a kid, but there's just this wisdom about him. He knows that stardom is an illusion and therefore it would only make sense that he's more than just a bit mistrustful of the interest that woman shower upon him since he attained stardom. But still...I guess he could throw a family away. But I'm thinking it would have to be one helluva a 'want'. Something he just couldn't live without. Alot of good men have done just that.
Yeah, as exec. producer, what does that mean, money-wise?
ReplyDeleteDid he forego his salary?
Did he put in his own money to get it made?
Does he get some of the profits? know, right?
Did anybody notice in the movie just before the fight when he looked up, listening, someone was calling, 'Michael'. I didn't notice that until my, er, 6th viewing. Now I never miss it.
There's a site where they analyze RM as if in a classroom. (Forgotten the site. Will mention it here if I remember.)For example,the fact that when we first see Tyler he is framed by the window, outside on the fire escape looking in. And at the end he's looking out a window.
Damn, I still can't go into it here because it still hasn't opened in some countries!
Forgotten the site. They talk about how shots were framed, for example.
I've thought of some interesting 'mirrored' scenes, beginning and ending, but I guess I'd have to comment on a spoiler. Sigh. It's actually quite fascinating and I'd be interested to know if it was all calculated. Probably.
ReplyDeleteThere are no random shots in a movie. Every one is carefully thought out and planned and in some instances, have layers and hidden meaning not easily seen by the untrained eye. And not just the shots either, but everything in the shot. From whether or not a character is standing or sitting during a scene, what they may be wearing and even down to the props sitting on the kitchen counter. Is the glass of juice full to the brim or is it only half full? Whatever it is, there is a reason whether they tell the audience or not. Alot of times there are things in a scene simply there for the benefit of the actor, to help him in the believeability of what it is he is trying to accomplish with the scene and that would mean absolutely nothing to the audience. Not one thing in a scene is there by chance.
As for Rob and his executive producer credit...
He earned that by having a hand in casting (he for all in tense and purposes, cast Emilie himself). For his involvement in shaping the final script and for that little trip he took to the Cannes Film Festival last May.
He didn't just take that little jaunt for a photo op. Summit sent him there to sit in meetings and help to secure the foreign distribution rights for this film. They in essence gave him a seat at the grownups table on this one. And that is why he got the executive producer credit. Not bad for his FIRST post Twilight film.
And I only just recently heard that Rob did not take an upfront salary for this film. With only a 16 million dollar budget and his current asking price of about 10-15million, that makes sense. I'm guessing he made a backend deal instead. Meaning, he'll get a percentage of the gross and dvd sales.
Also...I responded to you on another thread around here. If you haven't seen it, I'll go nosing around and see if I can find it and direct you to it.
ReplyDeleteRob's doesn't seem to be made of the same stuff as Tiger, Mel, or any of the other 99% of actors.
I don't like to imagine what he might do in his future personal life, given the horrible odds against good marriages in Hollywood. He and Kristen are pretty unusual, as you've said--and I do admire her too, I see the appeal.
I said it once before but we seem not to have many astrology buffs or 'believers' here.
He's a Taurus, and the hallmark is steadfast loyalty, stubborness, practicality, musicality, sensuality. If you watch him knowing he's a Taurus you'll notice that he really displays a lot of those traits. That groundedness we always talk about is a Taurean trait, it being an earth sign. Once he settles down, he stays there.
The other thing is that he's got his Moon and Ascendant both in Cancer, and Cancer is the homebody sign, hearth and home and children and all that. Plus super sensitivity, being a water sign.
We see more of his Cancer side in his interviews than anything else, partly because it's his rising sign/ascendant.
Cancer is ruled by the moon--'lunar', 'lunatic'--and has a 'luney'(sp?) side. His wicked and crazy sense of humour, plus his 'crab' like way of deflecting annoying questions are very Cancerian. His bashfulness and embarrassment over things like his body are very Cancerian.
The Sun sign is your essence and what you're striving for (Taurus). The Moon placement is where and how you are most comfortable, your happy place (Cancer), and your Ascendant, sometimes called your rising sign, is the face you present to the world, your persona or mask or party face and for him it is Cancer, which is interesting because his outward expression/ascendant is the same sign as his inward comfort zone.
All those astrological things point to a strong home and family life, in general, given that he's chosen his mate wisely.
The only fly in this ointment, astrologically speaking, is that his Venus--planet of relating--is in Gemini, which is known for its flighty and fickle nature. (It's a great sign, as they all are, but that is one of its features.) Although Venus has to do with all relating, not just romantic.
Some of you might know a lot more astrology than I do, but all this makes sense to me. I've seen those three major astrological indicators--his sun, moon and ascendant--very much in Rob.
But, bottom line: I just want him to be happy and to be respectful to his significant other. He has to life his own life.
ReplyDeleteWOW! If that wouldnt convince me, I dont know what would!
You nailed it in the head for me!
The few vids I saw of her seemed nasty and downright mean to him back then, and I did shut her down and totally ignored her.
Being an over-adulating fan, felt he seemed no match for anyone, either. It doesnt make sense, nothing makes sense in this case. I did not over-philosophise it. It is what it is. I accepted it.
But you guys are right. Rob makes intelligent choices. Simple life, not much material needs, really tight-knitted family and friends. And if his parents are his inspiration for love and marriage then he posseses basic, grounded and down-to-earth love which is the compass for long lasting relationships.
Objectivity is hard to achieve and salutations to you for that.
ReplyDeleteThanks for answering about the executive producer bit. Very interesting. Foreign distribution rights, eh. Hmm. RM is doing well in the foreign market. That's great.
But the $10-$15M wouldn't have been his asking price when he was negotiating for RM would it have been?
*live* his own life.
ReplyDeleteNik...left you an email.
ReplyDeleteI'll check the threads but it's getting to be my bedtime--1am--if I didn't have insomnia. I may not be here much longer tonight.
Gotta work a long shift tomorrow too.
ReplyDeleteI am fascinated by astrology, although I am woefully ignorant on the subject, but I do believe there is something very important to it. I do believe that the moment we arrive on this planet is SIGNIFICANT! And that's because I wonder from what other realm have we wandered and what are we bringing with us?
And shufflebin...
I know that Kristen got off on the wrong foot with alot of people last year, but I have cut her some slack.
She was hit with this onslaught of fame that she'd never sought. She wasn't use to the heat of this spotlight. Yeah, she didn't do so well her first time out. But what about this past November during NM promotion? Anybody see any changes in her? I did. She handled herself tremendously better than she did in November of 2008. And why would you suppose that might be?
* She'd grown a bit more in mature in a year?
* She'd had a year to deal with the shock of sudden superstardom?
* She'd accepted what had happened to her life and rather than fight it, she decided to put on her big girl pants and deal with it?
* And maybe just maybe in November of 2008 she was struggling with a decision that she had yet to make. Was she struggling with the knowledge that she was going to have to break the heart of one boy that she'd cared for, for quite some time, because she was falling in love with another one (I know that some thought Kristen was bitchy or something with Rob during the first Twilight promo go round. Maybe. Sometimes we are bitchy to guys that we want but are struggling to stay away from)
And what a difference in her come the New Moon promotion go round. Could part of that difference in her have been that she'd made that perhaps, difficult choice months earlier and that she was now finally with the man she loved? Just asking.
But unfortunately, first impressions are what tend to stick. And alot of people formed their impressions of her during the promotion of the first Twilight film and that's what they're gonna stick with.
The thing is though...people grow and change all the time. Well. The healthy ones do.
Okay sweetie. I'll check for that thread and then check my e-mail. You get some good rest. Talk atcha' latah.
ReplyDeleteRob got US$ 4 million fee for RM which he sign on before the Twilight movie was even release (thats an open information publish in vanity Fair etc) and he was given the Executive Producer title by the producers, since with him attached to RM , they close the deal with Summit and he also overseas the filming process..... Even though Rob was emmbarass with the title, being Rob he doesn't see the power he has.....
ReplyDeletei myself is just derailing a little also,here what was my proplem with kristen,almost every move execpt jumper and into the wild kristen making out and i had a hangup on that and then i was told she acting i still had hangup,because she was still very young and always in her underwear and that is why i did not like her cause i saw allot of her movies,then came rob and twlight andat first i did not want him to like her so i was happy she had a long term boyfriend that she always spoke aboutand he boast he was quite secore with kristen but i could not see how she of prefer M to ROB,what i can say all those guy she stick to her M util ROB worked his charm so ladies lets give her a chance,i think this is going to work and PRINCE CHARMING will be just fine
ReplyDelete@jessegril - I see you found the same site than I did, it's really excellent.
ReplyDeleteGeneral link
There's some fascinating analysis of the film for the moment there's 2 posts : artwork in RM and framing/mirroring.
Here's the links (spoilers !)
Go there for a really good read! You can also leave comments ont the site.
I don't care what Vanity Fair printed. If he got 4 million, then that was one forth of the budget...just to pay him. And what then would they have given former James Bond, Pierce Brosnan? And Oscar winner, Chris Cooper? 'Cause you can bet that those veteran stars would make as much if not more than Rob would, even though their roles were supporting and his was the lead. Doesn't matter. A newcomer does not pull down a substantially bigger salary than a film veteran. On a film with a budget this small, actors usually forgo their usual salaries.
ReplyDeleteThis little film was history making with a part of it dealing with subject matter that had yet to be broached on film...ever. I think these actors wanted to be a part of that and money was not their motivating factor here.
Just an opinion.
@nikola and jessegirl I read your comments about the movie and rob girls and said wooww they are long
ReplyDeleteYeah, Nik and I can't help yammering away. Scroll past mine if they bore you.
Rum...Yeah that's the site. Thanks. You saved me some legwork--fingerwork?--..
Nik...Interesting about the actors' salaries. So they all cared about getting this film made.
Cool. I guess it means something when Martha Plimpton gifts an uncredited role and Kate Burton takes a fine turn. She was SO good, so natural and perfect.
Hey janicag, that's my birthday too! Someone better get it for me... ;0)