TIME’s Most Influential Poll Proves The End Of Times Is Near
Read the full article here - but below is the bit we want :-)
Robert Pattinson, internationally known for his role as a brooding sparkly vampire in The Twilight Saga, is five spots ahead of The President of the United States of America Barack Obama, with over double the amount of votes. We find it hard to believe the majority of TIME.com’s readers are horny teenage girls, making these results infinitely more disturbing. We love RPattz as much as the next drooling lady fan, but we hardly think he’s influenced people to do much more than don his face on their crotch.
Thanks to the lovely Tess for the tip.
Yey, way to go Robert!
The full article is funny, too.
Poor Rob. This is all he needs, more backlash to deal with. Guys, I know we want him to win all kinds of shit, but don't vote for him in this kind of thing. It doesn't help him. It just holds him up to more ridicule from those who think that all of this is fueled by 12 year olds. He comes out on top of Time's Most Influencial and he's gonna be the punchline of jokes. My question is...where are all these people who vote in these stupid polls when he really NEEDS them? Like at the box office supporting Remember Me?
Oh. And hi. Haven't been around because once I got my internet connected, my comp caught a virus or a worm or some such and anyway...I've been pretty much offline for over a month. OH. MY. GOD.
But I'm back now (hopefully) and so...god help all of you. LOL.
Who wrote this nonsense? I didn't see a source. I think he has greatly influenced people in the way that mass media influences. I have heard more interviews of Rob than of President Obama. I have see him in more magazines and have seen his picture online more than I have the President's this year. He influences the way the young men dress, the way that they wear their hair. He influences the way movie stars are supposed to act by his appreciation and kindness to his fans, his loyalty to his friends, his respect for his family. I see him as an extremely positive influence. Time isn't just about heads of state. It is also about pop culture and I submit that pop culture has more of an influence on a society than politicians or almost anyone else. I have voted for Rob repeatedly and make no apologies.
Lol... they are envoius of Rob's influence to people.... Maybe they don't know the power of FanDom! :p
I agree with Shari... he has influenced us... AND I'M NOT A 12yr Old!!!! He is a beacon for the current and future generations going back to family values and humbleness and self respect. Things that are currently Lacking in this society! More power to you ROB! Keep doing your thing :o
Okay. I just went and read the full article and I'm thinking that Time is the one that's going to get ridiculed, not Rob (as much). They should have clarified...'the most influential people in POP CULTURE.' They need to break it up into catagories; the most influentical world leaders, the most influential sports figures, the most influential actors, the most influential celebrities, etc. They keep this up and their list is going to become pretty irrelevant pretty fast.
I mean, who can take something like this seriously when the dregs of society are being voted more influential than the leaders?
And I didn't mean that Rob is a dreg of society. Far from it. And yes, he is very influential and in a good way. But honest to god, is he really more influential in the world than the President of the United States? Really? Is that what it's come to when a 23 year old movie star wields more influence than the leader of the free world? If so, then that really is a sad state of affairs.
What do you think Rob would think if he ends up beating Barack Obama (someone he wanted to vote for btw) as a more influential person? You think he might be a little embarrassed by such a distinction? I think so. Suppose all he could do is make a joke of it. And I'm afraid others will make a joke of it too.
And I don't want anybody laughing at Rob.
@ nikola6 - Welcome back. You have been missed.
just took this poll ligthly. and in the spirit of fun, too
never voted on polls before. i for one, campaigned to vote for this time poll, but on the other hand, i saw another poll for mtv, then there is the poll for i cant remember now, and then another poll, it never ends.
and then there are a lot of so called awards too. so what is the barometer for success for an actor, winning as many polls as you can? how do they get the respect they need?
no one is immune to being ridiculed in the media. not even heads of states. i think with all the fun or prank stuff they wrote about Robert,at the end, it will not matter. Robert is the one that will ultimately direct his career. by the choices he makes, the relationship with the public at large and his family and friends.
Hi nikola6. It is so good to see your name. Last year Time published a nice year end magazine of their 100 most influential. Rob and Kristen together were in it. I bought it strictly for their picture as a part of the cover collage. I agree with much of what you said. Rob does not need to be the brunt of any jokes. But I am proud of his influence on young people. You are right. Time should have clarified what they meant by influential.
nik, glad to have you back, you have been missed!
Thanks for the welcome back Barbara. I've missed you guys too. And I'm sorry that my first post back, I get 'into it.' It's just that I see shit like this and I fly off the handle. And yes shufflebin, you are right. All of these irrelevant polls and awards don't really matter. With our short attention spans, in five years time no one is going to remember alot of this pop culture insanity that is currently swirling around Rob. Hopefully when Twilight is done, he can take a good long break from the spotlight and then come back and go on with his career.
I guess where I'm coming from with this one though, is that some will see the word 'influential' and translate that into 'important.' And that's not what Time is asking, but still I think that's what some will see. And I just don't want anyone making fun of him. He's got enough of that.
Hi guys. Thanks for the welcome back. I really, really, REALLY have missed you. You have no idea.
But I'll be good. Well. I'll try *she giggles*
I voted for Rob because I wanted him IN the top 100 not on top of world leaders etc. It is kind of embarrassing to think that he might win. I would not be able to defend him nor would any of us. I had to literally fight a 50-60 year old guy on there to prove he deserves it and had to apologize later on. We should stop voting for him in things like this unless he starts some humanitarian work and etc. I think you're right about categorizing, too, but I feel like secretly there are a number of staff at time mag that are robsessors, LOL. I vote that from now on, we will support his movies first and foremost before any of this "most influential" hulabaloo. I am saving up each fortnight for Bel ami, Water for Elephants, Eclipse and BD and hopefully, Unbound Captives. You all should, too. Especially now that we know how fickle some robsessors are, we should just do our best to give this man some needed recognition in the profession he is in.
believe me, i am an ardent defender of Rob. It hurts when i see someone poking at him, thats how much we love him
i campaigned thoroughly for RM, because i felt this is where the battlegroud is, not the polls, not the awards, awards are icing in the cake.
but then again, is it how much the movie makes to make an actor, to define him and to get respect, hah, then look at twilight saga! dont get me wrong, it brought him to where he is now, now it is up to him. as i said he will now need to direct his own career.
and i think he is doing a fabulous job!! Go Rob!
You guys need to stop worrying. There are a lot of celebs that are ahead of Obama, not just Rob. So I don't think it will cause a backlash against Rob at all. In fact, I'm happy that Time is considering including Rob in the 100 Most Influential list. That's very impressive and you should all vote for Rob. This particular article dissed a lot of the other celebs and actually went easy on Rob. They admitted that it was not teenage girls voting for Rob and that it was grown up women. So about time that someone realized that!
YAY your back nikola!! We all missed you on here.
nikola6, rowenaanne
you both hit it in the nail
seriously, we need to support his movies, not just because it is Rob but because it has substance, look guys, he is making good choices, we need to trust him. dont you see, he is so intelligent. he knows how to handle even the business side of it. All his movies thus far are not your run-of-the-mill.
i love to see his name in the credits.
Executive Producer -- Robert Pattinson
oh, who am i kidding, its largely because of him too that i see the movies, he is just so beautiful!
If Rob gets a lot of votes, then Time may include him in the Top 100but they will not rank him according to votes but their own ranking which will be appropriate. Many entertainers are included on the list and Rob being included will not cause a backlash. If anything, it will impress people that he was one of the entertainers that was included.
This is for fun, that's all. Lady Gaga is in number 1 and Adam Lambert in number 8. They are all above President of USA so nobody is talking about them .
I would not worry about it too much.
Just enjoy the fact that people are voting for Rob and I think he is a good role model for young actors out there,Rob is talented,funny, and humble and it is not only about looks but also about the person and I think young people are changing in the way they follow celebreties.
Well done!!!
You should not stop voting for him because popularity is important in Hollywood and influences their decisions to offer actors good roles. Hollywood cares about making money and therefore offers the best roles to those seen as popular. So Rob's popularity helps him and voting for him lets Hollywood know he is popular. So don't stop voting for him, that will only hurt him.
Well. I could give lengthy argument as to whether all these irrelevant 'pop culture' polls and awards are what is influencing the powers that be in Hollywood to reward actors with roles. I don't think so. Box office success is what determines who gets cast (unless an actor goes the indie route, therefore not having to depend on the Hollywood machine for financing).
But like some have pointed out here, at the end of the day, none of this is going to matter. Only his work is going to matter. However...this kid has been hit with such a level of fame that it is influencing how he and HIS WORK are being perceived...at the moment.
When I first got back online, I didn't come here first. I went to read all of the reviews of Remember Me that I'd missed. And you know what I found? About 3/4 of them didn't really review his performance at all. They reviewed his CELEBRITY. THAT is what informed their opinion of him. For alot of those critics, his celebrity overshadowed his work. And all of this 'stuff' (innoculous polls and awards and tabloid coverage and whatnot) plays into how he is perceived as an actor. And I guess there's nothing he can do about it except ride it out until it all calms down. But it bugs me. He didn't seek any of this. It found him. And Remember Me is a film that many, many have missed out on because of their misinformed opinions on him.
I agree with you completely. I am going to play devil's advocate and state if Rob is on the top 5 of the most influential people's list in Time Magazine, people will riducle him. I agree with many of you that he is close to his family, down to earth, and kind, however, he has some habits that many who see him on this list would not appreciate, his smoking and drinking. That is why I am not going to go online to vote for this poll. Even though people will forget, Time is highly respected, and I can see Letterman, Leno, the women from the View saying scathing jokes about Robert, once the poll's results are posted. This poll is given media attention and will be seen on CNN and Fox News as well as entertainment shows, it has in the past. This is not the press Robert needs. I want him to focus on his acting and films. Robert did such a fabulous job in Remember Me, all I want is to see him improving on his acting skills and see him on the big screen years from now. I don't want him to have to deal with more unflattering comments due to this poll that he had nothing to do with in the first place. I feel protective and motherly toward him because I am probably slightly younger than his mother and I want to see him succeed and have success both on and off screen. I don't want to see him hurt unnecessarily when he has no control of this poll. In the past I have seen actors and actresses at the beginning of their careers and informed friends and family this person is going to be a star.
Robert is one of those people, but he is a person that inspires others to either hate or love him. I don't know why people either hate him or love him, but I have seen others on this post in other blogs defending Robert against haters, and it is for this reason, he does not need this poll to show just how amazing he is to us and to others.
I have read the comments, agree with some disagree with others. I am voting for him because he is a influence in a positive way. I don't think it will hurt him to be in Time's top 100 people of 2010 any more than it hurt him to be in the top 100 of 2009. I too am supporting his work. I saw Remember Me 12 times already and took 8 people with me at different times. I will probably go more often. I have been on reviewer's pages that I feel have not given him a chance or have criticized RM because they simply didn't get it or possibly even see it before writing their snarky comments. I think we all love the guy and want what's best for him. But, don't forget it was his "celebrity" that made it possible for Remember Me to even be filmed and distributed. If not for Rob's Twilight success and following, according to him and to the producers of the show, it would not have ever happened. People can poke fun all they want, Rob is an extremely talented guy and Twilight has brought him to the public's attention. I love the films. The only people who really criticize are people who don't understand the hype. If they were paying attention they would understand it completely.
As for Letterman, he is still getting over his own bit of publicity trouble after his affairs with employees have come to light. Leno still has to get over the whole Conan/Leno fiasco. The media is going to find something to pounce on where Rob is concerned until there is the next hot thing to pounce on. He seems to have a good perspective about it all and a lot of support not only from fans like us but also from long time friends and family. In the end it will be his talent that wins out and wins over the skeptics whether or not he is honored by Time magazine.
In the past when the top 100 are announced it has been the top 20 in four different categories. 20 that are leaders and revolutionaries, 20 heroes and pioneers, 20 scientists and thinkers, and 20 artists and entertainers. Clearly Rob would be in the artists and entertainers group. Right now that includes Lady Gaga, Adam Lambert, Taylor Swift, etc. My money is on Rob to be one of the 20 most influential artsts of entertainers of 2010. this does not put him ahead of President Obama, or Hillary Clinton, or Nicolas Sarkozy. It would put him in the top 20 entertainers.
Oops that's only 80. I forgot the 20 in the Builders and Titans group. Anyway, the point is Rob would not be compared to presidents and scientists as this article accuses. He would be compared to other artists. Right now he is behind Lady Gaga and ahead of Adam Lambert. Who would you rather be influencing your young people?
I'm not a horny teenage girl...
As long as Rob is grouped in with the entertainers, I got no problem and doubt he would get much shit from the celebrity pundits either. Whether they like him or not, nobody can argue with the success of Twilight. But any poll that puts him ahead of Barack Obama is only going to bring him ridicule as it would be, ridiculous! And as someone pointed out, not everyone approves of some of Rob's choices and might even see him as a bad influence. He smokes. He drinks. He relied on a narcotic to get him through an audition. He's living in sin (that is when he can get his hands on her. lol). I think he's just great and living the life of a typical 23 year old. But alot don't. That's why alot of those TwiMom types who think that 'gentlemanly' Edward Cullen is the end all be all of existence, do not neccesarily feel that way about his portrayer, Mr. Robert Pattinson. They see him as a kind of wild, 'out there' kind of guy. Which is why they distinguish themselves as Twilight/Edward Cullen fans and not Robert Pattinson fans. Which might explain why New Moon opened at 140 million and Remember Me opened at 8. More Edward fans out there than Rob fans. Which doesn't bother me a bit. I personally cannot wait for the Edward fans to drop off so that his celebrity can calm down and then Rob and HIS fans and those future ones he'll pick up along the way with other roles (as he has begun to do with Remember Me) can go on.
And if I may respectfully disagree...I do not believe it is his celebrity that has gotten him cast in Remember Me or Bel Ami or Water For Elephants. He got those roles because of his box office success and more importantly, because of his talent. Small films such as Remember Me and Bel Ami got their funding because of his involvement with them. Just as Parts Per Billion collasped because he had to pull out of it. And this is not due to celebrity. This is about the only thing that matters in the corridors of power in Hollywood...ca-ching!!! Celebrity gets you nothing but 'here today gone tomorrow' coverage. Too much celebrity actually hurts an actor who is tying to be seen as a serious artist. At the moment (and until Twilight is finished), Rob has too much celebrity and it is hurting his credibility in some circles. And he knows it. This is something he feared might happen and it has. But as I said, he's gonna just have to ride it out and do good work and if he's got the talent Hollywood thinks he does, he'll survive this onslaught of hype and fame and he'll go on.
But just to reiteratate one last time and then I'll shut up about it...To be named by Time Magazine (no less) as a more influential figure than the leader of the free world, this is the kind of bullshit that throws more gasoline on the fire. If you get my drift.
I completely agree with you on Leno and Lettermen, that they need to take care of their own problems, however, they live off this sort of fluff for their monologues. Robert is such a handsome young man and his photos for Bel Ami drive me insane. As you mentioned, Robert will be fine whatever the poll reveals. I just feel so protective of the guy. I am still not voting in the poll because it has nothing to do with awards just popularity. I have however, voted for him on the MTV website for Remember Me. I hope he is nominated, that would be icing on the cake.
ahahaha ROBERT ROBERT hey Obama sorry but he is the most sexiest man entire of the world
LOL! They think is just teenage girls who like Robert....well.......I think is quite a lot of older women out there who love him :o)!!! I'm 33 and all my friend are around that age too and we're crazy about Robert LOL They should do more researches!!!! Let's go Robert....& btw I prefer Rob to the Presedent for sure!!! LOL xx
If it will make some of you feel better, Entertainment Weekly mentioned in an article this week that Rob has a high likeability rating. That means that the backlash against him is very minimal and most people like him. So don't worry so much.
It is not true that people didn't go to see RM because of their perception of Rob. People go to see movies that interest them, regardless of who is in the movie. A drama with a sad ending is just the kind of genre that doesn't do big box office these days. It was not a reflection on Rob. The most popular movies are actions flicks, romantic comedies and other 'feel good' movies. The box office for RM was not a reflection on Rob, but on this type of genre of movie. The Huffington Post said that RM did pretty well for this type of genre and would not have even made 2 million if it didn't have someone as popular as Rob in it. They said that it proved Rob has what it takes that he could get people to actually see the kind of movie that movie-goers have generally not been interested in these days.
And further to my previous comments, popularity = box office in Hollywood.
YESSSSSSSSSSSSS..and Kat U R wrong for that tag..grrrrrrrr
For me "this article" (laughter) is one more page full of stupid words written by another silly person who wants to appear. It is no news to me and I think it is no news to Rob too. These people should be more creative, they are so obvious. No inteligence signal in their heads, no way.
I am going to vote on Rob everytime I want to: Time; MTV...
And as for Remember Me, I think it is a successful film ( for a film that is not a silly comedy with nerds and beautiful girls; it is not a film full of coreographed fighting scenes, violent scenes and CGI scenes and special effects scenes ). I am not disappointed with its box office, for a simple film and the first film of Rob after Twilight Saga, it is having good results in US and in foreign countries.
I love and I support Rob now and ever.
His celebrity came from his box office success, Nikola6. I think we are saying the same thing. And that is why Remember Me was made. He has said so in many interviews. So have others associated with the project. It was out there and unable to get funding until Robert's name was associated with it. Anyway, I am voting and I hope you will too because I think it would be a sad sad day if Lady Gaga or Adam Lambert were our most influential entertainers and artists.
ooo my
Robert, Robert, Robert
we all love you honey and we want the best for you.
keep on going Rob!!! You have our support!
Hmm... I'll take genuine, sweet, smart, sexy and self-effacing over a condescending, arrogant, narcissistic and deceptive equivocator ANY DAY! I don't care who the eff you are.
LOL! that pic is kickazz ROb should see this! *texting Rob* dude this is too funny! *hits send*
*looks up from phone * I love GOO GOO GAGA! love her songs,and her theatrics. I grew up on Madonna and I think its time we had another strong woman taking the reigns. I think she is already becoming an icon as well as Roberto. They rose to fame so fast and people just adore them.True artists. I wish I could say the same for adam-he just bores me...
I think ROb HAS influenced many people and things in many ways already. Look at the robsessions, the time spent away from family and spouses and work, how many people keep looking at this site for info and photos of Rob. Think of how many people are defining or redefining relationships, even marriages, because of Rob. Think of how many people are learning new things--about film, about media, about literature (how many are actually reading REAL books because they want to know what Rob is reading!), about how obnoxious and even deadly (G-d forbid) papz are, about fan fic and all its effects, etc,-- all of these newfound knowledge and hobbies because of Rob; how many have taken trips to see the lad or his mates, have started listening to music of Rob's friends and have become groupies, in ways they never have before for anyone else. Think of all the art, the artskills (like videomaking, 'wallpaper' design,etc) that have developed due to obsession or even at least admiration of Rob. Think of the movie Remember Me, which might have not been by so many of us if we were not fans of Rob, because it was mis-advertised (I for one do not go see romances and generally do not go to cinema) and how that film has actually changed the lives and attitudes of so many. So, yeah. He has already changed lives, many; he has influenced.
Amen to you Solas. I read somewhere here in the comments that some husband or boyfriend has started a Facebook page for all the family member that are ROBsessive! Too funny!
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