So the video itself is a little tongue and cheek - but there are lots of pretty pictures to enjoy :-) Will Robert Pattinson bulk up for Breaking Dawn - we'll just have to wait and see. Either way, it'll be worth the wait.
Source ClevverTV via Spunk Ransom
I like the bulky. But, of course, I'd take his ass any which way I could. ;) hehehe
ReplyDeleteI think it's kind of fun they are talking about a guy's weight for once. I prefer slim.
ReplyDeleteA little bulky would be right but I also prefer him slim.
ReplyDeleteI agree with wowie lol I like a little meat too you don't want a scrawny guy who'll break if you touch him, but we all know we'd take him anyway we could get him haha.
ReplyDeleteAnd maybe he just likes to eat at that restaurant? I mean damn he hasn't been in the UK for any length of time in the last few years maybe he's getting his fill before he has to leave again? I do that when I go home!
Why do these women all sound the same? Annoying.
ReplyDeleteWell, there's the honeymoon shirtless scene in the water in BD and Stephenie describes him so well, if I recall. He can't look too slim for that. Okay, let's not get into the painted on abs again--not an ab girl myself anyway--but shirtless Rob in Italy for NM is perfect. What more could they want?
Oh bring on the bulk. i like Rob, too, in any form (hehe) but I just wanna see those haters with their mouths open when he is onscreen half naked in that water in isle Esme. I will cherish that moment. Hah!
ReplyDeletei think a little bit would not hurt ,remember if they put allot of the honey moon scenes in bd i think yes and remember we are not they only one summit is catering for we would love rob any way so people rob is an actor and that how he makes his living also i blame chris weitz on how rob looked in new moon all pasty and old.he was all about taylor so please let summit do their job because i can tell rob is their man
ReplyDeleteYup, I really don't care as long as his gorgeous self is still in existence. I do really love his slimness though..
ReplyDeleteI love Rob trim and slim but if he bulks up I will still be watchin him.
ReplyDeleteI want some bulk, remember how good he looked when he was working out & he had bigger shoulders & arms? Yeah, that's the Rob I want, but like all of you, I will take him any way I can get him.
ReplyDeleteRobert in harness running = *drool* :)
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't really care either way but srsly....Bulky Rob...*sighs*
ReplyDeleteGood morning
ReplyDeleteI would say: Rob more the better . But he is not to overdo it with his chickens - orgies.
I miss my BelAmi in Budapest. When will i see him again
i would love love the bulky. well just toned really. hm... like a surfer's body. they are lean as edward is described in the books. he's not buff nor skinny. really all he's gotta do is define his pecks and abs a tad more.
ReplyDeleteSince we've already seen Edward's naked torso in NM and while he certainly had some muscle, his body is long and lean and lanky. what? Bulk him a little like Jake? How? As a vampire, isn't his body basically frozen? How would he change it? Or am I too much a stickler for the details? Seriously though, it would be ridiculous to bulk him up just to appease a 21st century audience who has come to believe that if an actor doesn't walk around with a six pack, he isn't hot and therefore, won't wind up much of a star (how the hell did Marlon Brando, James Dean or Johnny Depp ever make it? Or for that matter, any actor before the year 2000?)
'Never mind his talent. It's a fuckin' six pack we want.'
I'm confused (there's a newsflash)
Rob/Edward's body is beautiful. In those shots from NM his body was reminicent of Michelangelo's David. Even better. He looked like a marble statue though, didn't he? And yes, his stomach muscles were his own, but yeah, they did have to shade them in because of all the white kabookee makeup. If they hadn't, the lights would have washed them out. A little shading made them...pop! Leave his body.
Note to Rob (hey, I'm getting good at this)...
If you give in to this horseshit just to appease an audience, then shame on you. To do this would not be to serve the character that you have thus far created. Rule of thumb...
Serve the character. Not the audience.
And uh Evangaline...
ReplyDeleteRob had a lot of say in how Edward looked in NM. He wanted that tweed suit. And for those who complained about those baggy 'old man' pants in the Italy scenes (frankly, I thought the way they hung off of his hips showing off that V...
OH. MY. GOD. One of the sexiest things I've ever seen). Consider what his character had been going through for seven months. He was as lost and devastated as Bella. Worse. She'd found some solace in Jacob. But Edward had gone off alone and had no one. And worse still, it was his doing that had separated them. And then he thought she was dead. He didn't have a reason to exist anymore. His clothes looked as though he hadn't changed them in months. Probably hadn't. Even before he thought Bella was dead, he just didn't care any more...about anything.
In terms of what the character was going through, I thought his 'look'
was just right. He looked like a man with no hope. And that's 'cause he didn't have any. How anyone can say that he can't act. That his portrayal of Edward is stiff and wooden. I'm a former actor and I'm telling you, he knows EXACTLY what he's doing. He's creating something very specific here. Sorry it didn't measure up to the 21st century teenage hunk that so many misinterpreted Edward Cullen to be.
Which is what has compelled Meyer to go back and write Twilight from Edward's point of view. So much of the reading audience didn't get Edward Cullen at all. Rob did and that's what he portrayed, which is why those who didn't understand this character in the book, thought his performance lacked.
Nope. Rob nailed it. The audience missed it.
Hi Nicola,
ReplyDeleteI hope you don't get mad! I said above I wanted him bulked up. I support him through and through and have told myself that I will stand by him even when one day he will play a bullfrog or anything under the sun. I am just mad and hurt for him of what people have said which is that he can't go beyond this sparkly, mopey, brooding character. I know and believe he did an excellent job in every movie he makes. I just wish (if he can and wanted to) to prove he can bulk up and that is no biggie. I hope he could show the world that his looks nor his body doesn't get in the way of him becoming another character. You know just tick it off the things he can already do. If he doesn't, I will be fine with it so long as he is happy and well.
ReplyDeletethank u,I'm so sick and tired of ppl saying that Rob/Edward looked old and whateva in New Moon but u hit the nail on the head with your description of how he played the or he was perfect.....
nikola6, I completely agree with everything you said. Rob nailed Edwards character. Obviously the ones who criticized hadn't read the book or didn't get it. I think he has so much talent and potential that hasn't even been tapped yet. Glad he is making good choices in the movies that he is chosing to do. Some that have substance and not just out to cash in on his 'fame' for this moment in time like some do.
ReplyDeleteThank god. People are awake and posting. I've been talking to myself on this here blog all night 'cause I can't sleep.
ReplyDeleteAnd thanks for those nice comments guys. And no Rowena, I'm not mad. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions. And just because I hollar mine out all damn day long, doesn't make 'em right.
I got no problem with Rob playing a bulked up guy, but not as Edward. He's already established Edward's 'look' and according to cannon, vampires to not physically change. If he showed up looking like Jacob, it would look like a stunt (Rob the actor trying to compete with Taylor muscles) and the audience would laugh at him. Nope. Stay true to the character Rob.
As for the naysayers...
ReplyDeleteIn terms of Twilight, their minds are made up and nothing's gonna change them. The only way for Rob to win over the naysayers is through future roles, 'cause they're not gonna come across for Twilight and Edward Cullen no matter what he does. In fact...
The naysayers would be the first to ridicule him if he showed up on camera with a bulked up body. They would be the first ones to say that he's trying to compete with Taylor. If he showed up looking like that, it would even pull the TWIhards right out of the movie. I'm not saying he can't define his muscles a little more. But nothing dramatic. He needs to keep the same basic look throughout.
Let the naysayers go. This franchise has already brought in over a billion dollars worldwide and with three films to go, you can bet that this thing will probably hit three billion. Let the naysayers go shit in the wind.
From what I understand, it is not healthful for a person to lose and gain signifcant weight (for acting parts, for yoyo dieting, etc); it louses up the metabolism especially the processing of fats in the body.
ReplyDeleteAnd remember: muscles plus bulk = NJ shore rob :-(
Good morning/afternoon,
ReplyDeleteI'll take him anyway he wants, but I have seen him in real life and he is thin. He could stand to eat a cheese burger or two.
As far as BD, I think a little more muscle is appropriate. One of my fav Rob's is GrizzlyRob. He had been in the UK for a bit, and had gained a few pounds and looked f-ing hot. Just my opioion.
I'll take him any way he comes! Oops, didn't mean that to sound as NB as it did - oh well...
ReplyDeleteI thought that the shirtless scene in NM was just perfect, just thinking about it now - good thing I'm already sitting down :)
I agree with nik, vampires bodies are supposed to be frozen in time, so how could he appear significantly different in BD? Mind you, that's the least of their problems with the craziness that is the storyline of BD, on which I have commented before. What poor soul has had the nightmare of writing the screenplay for that one? I can't recall whether I've read that anywhere.
Have a good day ladies!
Oh this is hilarious! I love him bulky! he's naturally skinny and he even said he was pretty proud of his bod in New Moon. Come on gals -tell me you werent drooling when he was changing shirts in Remember me...I dare ya..I grabbed me friends popcorn bucket and kept salivating. Oh lets not forget those sex scenes!! If he was slim it would look weird.
ReplyDeletewaving you all girls and well... yeah both of them LOL
ReplyDeleteAah, have just been reminded that Melissa Rosenberg has had the fun job of writing the screenplay again. Poor woman, she's certainly had her work cut out for her there.
ReplyDeleteStill, can't wait to see it.
In several scenes in RM Rob turned sideways and looked really skinny which he did lose weight while in NY due to the stress of shooting the movie in front of thousands but he is tall and lanky, so a few muscles would just make that big, tall, lanky body look that much better. Oh my, I have a vision so I need to quit now, but I do love a big, tall, lanky man.
ReplyDeleteAs for that BD script... Quite the challenge there. I see 3 problems.
ReplyDelete1) The imprinting. If I were writing it, I'd drop the it altogether. It's such a hot button issue as the audience saw it as pedophilia. Which it was not. But I can just see the reaction when Jake first looks crosseyed at that baby. A majority of this infantile audience will be on the floor with laughter. Hell, they fell on the floor laughing in NM with Alice's vision of Bella & Edward running through the forrest after she was turned. Okay. The slow mo was a little cheesy, but I thought the audience reaction (and it was the same the 5 times I saw it that weekend) was a bit excessive. But you might ask, without the imprinting what keeps Jake from killing that baby? How 'bout he looks at her and sees that she isn't a monster, but rather, just a beautiful baby and he realizes that he just cannot kill Bella's baby. The baby he thinks she just died for. It would be a stronger choice. The imprinting actually made it easier for him in that he had no choice. Also in this way, it would take alot of the emphasis off of Jacob. BD should be about Edward, Bella and their daughter. Jacob should be the supporting character. But in actuality, this is Jacob and Renessme's story as much as it is Edward and Bella's and it's Edward that's been reduced to the supporting player. Let Meyer write a sequel about Jake and Nessie in the future. Leave BD to husband, wife and baby.
2) The birthing scene. If they do it right, it could be amazing. It certainly could be the most unique birthing scene ever captured on film. They must establish absolutely that the only thing that can tear through that embryonic sac, is vampire teeth. Let the audience (especially those who haven't read the book) 'chew' on that one. Don't spring it on them or they won't get what he's doing. They'll wonder, 'why he is sticking his face into the incision of her abdomen?' I'd shoot it in shadow or in silloette. And I wouldn't have some wiped clean baby in his hands. She'd be a dripping, bloody mess (and so would he). The important thing in that scene is to capture Edward's awe at the miracle he's holding in his hands. And she is a miracle. Never did Edward Cullen think that such a moment would ever come to him. That he could be a father. For my money, there wasn't enough of that in the book. If Edward portrays to us what a miracle this baby is, then hopefully the audience will see her that way as well. In the book, that just didn't come across. I think alot just saw this whole baby thing as freaky. She wasn't. She was a miracle. Bad writing there Steph (and that's what you get for trying to write two books at once. I've always held that BD suffered because she was writing The Host at the same time).
3) The sex scenes.
Yes, this is a PG-13 franchise, so they can't get too graphic. I know. Boo. Hiss. But we are gonna have a 'before' and 'after' Bella and they're going to have to show the 'difference.' I would think they'd have to show the scenes on the island as gentle and timid. Which would make sense as they're both virgins and Edward is scared out of his loving mind. Whereas after she's been turned, things can get a bit more intense. If they're smart, they'll do an R rated cut of the film and release it as a seperate dvd. Not all of their audience is 12-14 year old girls. I think Summit should be bombarded with this idea. An R rated version sold seperately (about 6 months after the dvd for BD pt.II comes out and remind them how much more money they can make. That'll do it).
Anyway. That's what I'd do.
For what it's worth.
And if there's a chance in hell that were gonna get that R rated version, then Summit needs to be bombarded with that idea NOW! Were about six months away from the shoot and if they're going to film additional scenes, they need to be thinking about that before they start shooting. Once the film is in the can, it'll be too late.
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ReplyDeleteHmmmm.I think we need to look at this scientifically, girls. We need to do hours of research, examining every square inch of each choice. Slim or Bulked up. Hmmm... I'll et the magnifying glass.
ReplyDelete@Nikola6- I agree 100%!!!! Rob looked phenomenal in New Moon. Tweed suit and all. I actually liked him in that suit and Jesus, the way those pants hung so low off his hips... (I need a drool bucket here)... Im hoping to see that again in BD.
ReplyDeleteIn Twilight, Edward is described as long, lanky and tall. Not buff to the hilt, steroid riddled Jake or Emmett. I like lanky Robward.
Stay as is Rob. Let your body do the talking, honey. ;)
ReplyDeleteI'm with you all the way about how Rob as Edward should look and how like a god he looked in the suicide NM scene---spectacular--and forget the damn abs obsession.
And, yeah, vamps are not supposed to change so to get a super 6pack (bleh) for BD would be ridiculous.
Give me the looong,leeean, lanky look that is Rob's very own.
Hated the tweed jacket even though I knew Rob had a hand in choosing it. That was his mistake. Stick to acting, --and producing, and music, and modelling, and...but not costume design, please.
But, like you, loved the low-hung pants in suicide scene.
Oh, and am mighty pissed that none of the 3--damnit--NM DVDs I own have outtakes on the suicide scene. Someone has a lot to answer for.
And I also agree that he did a great acting job in both Twilight and NM. That WAS Edward. People don't know who Edward is if they thought Rob was 'wooden'. Pah!
Sorry for the rant.
Hope Eclipse delivers better than NM. Will really miss Rachelle as she was a great Victoria and got shafted.
Yeah, Solas, one beef--hah--I have is when actors from DiNiro to Zellwiger (sp?) lose or gain weight just for a character. It's not healthy, can ruin your metabolism. To me, that's too much.
ReplyDeleteAfter all, actresses don't get pregnant to play a pregnant character; they put on a pregnant suit, or whatever they are called.
It's hard enough for anyone to be healthy and to mess with your body just to be realistic in the role is asking for trouble.
I hope Rob never does that. Why mess with his perfection? Why chance ruining it.
Not too bulky...but toned
ReplyDeleteThe whole imprinting idea was, I think, the most fantastic, that is, unreal, idea in the whole saga. I think Stephenie dreamed it up to solve the love triangle, so that Jacob could still be a central part of Bella's life, without being her husband.
Breaking Dawn's imprinting will be wild and, yeah, really difficult to pull off on-screen, because, let's face it, it is 'out there'.
Oh, and the sex scenes. Ah, sigh, after she's turned. Yeah, two versions, one for the yun-uns and one for everyone else. Still like the deleted Twilight Edwardlunging forBella on the bed, going for her ass and all that. Man, that scene has been in so many fan vids, and been replayed to death on DVDs.
I say--and I know I'll be shot for this but--Catherine H. should do the sex scenes. She might have too much of a thing for Rob, which is my theory as to why he was more comfortable with CW, but man she could capture those kissing and sex scenes! Couldn't Chris do the CGI stuff, Catherine the sex?
'Cause even the virgin honeymoon sex as PG could be so hot.
Not sure how the feather scene can be anything but funny though.
@jessegirl: About Twilight and Catherine - whether or not she had a thing for Rob, she had a huge stake in making sure he looked as good as possible on screen. That Rob could act was a given but the studio initially didn’t believe he could really look like ‘Edward,’ there were thousands who wrote saying Rob could never be ‘Edward,’ he wasn’t Stephanie’s choice, but he was Catherine’s (and Kristen’s) choice. I think she spent a lot of time making sure all the naysayers would see what she had seen in him – even buried under a beanie, plaid shirt and incipient beard – the quintessential Edward. I imagine after dailies, and the first rough cut, the studio was reassured enough to back off but they weren't so supportive to begin with. It's why they tweezed his eyebrows and complained about his brit teeth - not your usual Hollywood
ReplyDeleteAP... Thanks for that. I actually knew that, the background, people petitioning not to have Rob play the part and all that CH had to prove.
ReplyDeleteBut she was gushing over him in all the Twilight DVD extras. Not saying I wouldn't have, but that attraction was hard to miss. I'm not being critical of her here--I'm not a Catherine basher like some, regardless of her craziness.
But maybe Rob was uncomfortable with that, and the placid, cool Chris put him at his ease. However, NM had nothing on those sexy scenes, deleted or not, in Twilight. To me, something was off in NM, something important not quite captured.
I mean, the kiss in her bedroom in Twilight will go down in the history of cinema as 'the best kiss'. And if they'd included that deleted grainy Edwardlungonthebed section, well, it just plain turns people on. Big time.
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ReplyDeleteForgot the topic of this Why do they think he's bulking up for BD? Because he's beem seen eating chicken? What about WFE? I guess that doesn't count...
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