Robert Pattinson’s Remember Me, the $16 million production referred to by some (those who have trouble with the Pattinson/Twilight phenomenon) as a "box office flop," has grossed about $50 million worldwide.
According to figures provided by Box Office Mojo, Remember Me has taken in $18.852 million (as of Apr. 22) in the United States/Canada and more than $30.09 million overseas.
I say "more than" because Box Office Mojo’s chart for Remember Me hasn’t been updated for several markets, including key ones such as Australia (Mar. 28), Italy (Apr 4), The Netherlands (Apr 11), and Russia (Apr 4). Also, the most recent data available overall is from April 18, or a week ago. (Box Office Mojo hasn’t updated their international total — shown on top — for the movie since April 11.)
By now, Pattinson’s Remember Me has undoubtedly already crossed the $50 million mark worldwide. And it still hasn’t opened in foreign territories such as Japan, China, and South Korea.
Outside the US/Canada, Remember Me’s top markets are: the UK ($5.168m), Russia/CSI ($3.396m), Germany ($3.019m), France ($2.848m), Italy ($2.358m), Spain ($2.319m), Brazil ($1.893m), and Australia ($1.216m).
By now, Pattinson’s first tryout as an "actor-executive producer" has probably crossed the $1 million mark in Belgium/Luxemburg ($988K, Apr 18), and perhaps in Mexico ($916K, Apr. 18) as well.
Directed by Allen Coulter, Remember Me stars Pattinson as Tyler Hawkins, a rebellious young man at odds with his wealthy father (Pierce Brosnan). Also in the cast: Emilie de Ravin, Chris Cooper, Lena Olin, and Ruby Jerins. Will Fetters wrote the screenplay.
YEAH!!!! Take that Rob-haters!
Ohhhh i love rob<3
These great results speak to Rob's talent. He continues to have it all. Use any yardstick and he certainly measures up, heh?
I am fairly certain that the only reason nobody expected good results from this movie is because it was starring Rob. Hollywood seems to do that to people. Build them up to tear them down.
Yay Rob! Remember Me is amazing awesomeness and Rob is very talented. Take that, haters! They never consider everywhere else.
Delighted that it is doing so well, it's a real f*** you to the critics who would have loved to see it fail just because of Rob. I have seldom read such poisonous and personal reviews as I have for this film.
If my DH who doesn't like many movies, and who wouldn't know Rob if he fell over him, and my 14yr old both loved the movie then the critics are seriously out of touch. Everyone I know who has seen it has loved it.
I don't know how any American can watch Remember Me and not love it. It was a tasteful look into just one of thousands of lives lost in 9/11. It was moving. A total triumph, and that was before they even got someone as talented as Rob to star in it. I feel like panning that movie would be sort of unAmerican.
OMR!! What great news! Everyone I recommended RM to, just loved it. They were so moved by the story and Rob's performance. Most of them were not Rob supporters before the movie but they are now. So take that *hand gesture* nasty critics!
Can't wait for the DVD release on June 22.
so proud<333
ITA on everything you said SBR!!!!
Rob, we are so proud of you. (and we helped make it so) (smile)....
We are behind you 100%.
Guess he showed Hollywood just how big he really is!!!! Thank God.
And it's not done yet.
Go, Rob! And Allen, Will, Nick, Pierce, Emilie, Chris, Lena, Ruby, Marcelo, etc.!!!
I think on a previous thread some time ago somebody estimated that the box office numbers would get close to $50m to $60m and now we see it hit 50 before it even opens in some countries. Wow. And the DVD sales haven't been added yet. Amazing job, Rob. Critics--Flop? No way.
With so many markets that the film has yet to open in, coupled with what I imagine will be healthy dvd sales, this film could wind up dancing close to the edge of 100 million gross (and when Hollywood counts their pennies, they count 'em all--worldwide ticket AND dvd sales). And with a 16 million dollar budget, this film is already in the black. In Hollywood (with their screwy math) a film has to make back double it's budget before it starts making a profit. And this one has.
And so, the pop cultural media may have called it a flop because it didn't open to 20 million and go on to gross 100 million at the U.S. box office (and watch and see if they don't go on calling it a flop whenever the film is referred to because they won't bother to look and see that it made money outside of America), but it won't matter to Hollywood what the brain dead media labels it. What will? That Robert Pattinson has proved that he is an international film star who can sell movie tickets (besides Twilight) overseas. And THAT is what will keep him a star; winning him roles and that just by him showing an interest in a script, a film will then be able to secure financial backing
I'm holding out that he might still do Parts Ber Billion (he's said that he absolutely loved that script and he'd get to play a musician in it which is HALLELUIAH on several levels) as I've wondered if he felt a little guilt about that because when he had to pull out, the financial backing fell through. THAT in Hollywood is power. When just your name can get a film financed and if you can't do the film, the money men back out.
Rob is in great shape in Hollywood. He's got at least three more worldwide blockbusters with the Twilight franchise and if the numbers hold up, by the time they put these films to bed, he should be sitting atop a franchise nearing the 4 billion dollar mark.
The fact that he got cast in WFE told me volumes of how Hollywood sees him. So don't pay attention to the naysayers. They're just 'here today, gone tomorrow' noise. Long after they're long gone, Robert Pattinson will still be a star.
Count on it.
Hi Nik, ITA with you.
Rob is a force to be reckoned with. And we are the force behind him.... his fans.
No matter what he does, movie-wise we will follow him wherever he may go. Sorry, sixties song title...
Yay, go Remember Me ! We love it here in France. The viewers love it, the critics hate it. Same old, same old...
@nikola6 - do you have more info about Parts Per Billion? Rob looked very keen to do it, but I thought the project had started without him because of his Twilight schedule. Do you mean they did not shoot the film yet - and that there's still a possibility that it might be made with Rob? That would be great news!
@nik I always love reading your comments as I'm fascinated by the movie business. It seems that there is an disproportionate amount of vitriol directed at Rob, Me and Orson Welles with Zac Efron made less than 2m and the Green Zone didn't recover its budget, why do we not hear as much about them?
On OT you wrote on another thread that SM said that Jacob was her favourite character, if that is the case why have this epic love story with E/B why not let Bella end up with the mutt?
I don't know if Rob still has Parts Per Billion on the back burner (I sure hope so). I do know that the film fell through when he had to back out because of New Moon. He just didn't have enough time to get it filmed before he had to be back in Vancouver. And he didn't have a choice as he is contracted and therefore committed to this franchise above all else. Until he finishes these films, he is Summit's boy. If they wanted to start filming BD this June, they could yank him off of WFE. Not a smart move on their parts as they would have one very unhappy leading man on their hands who they still need to go out and sell these movies to the public. But yeah...Rob having to pull out caused the financial backing to fall through.
And tgill...
Why has there been more noise made about Rob's 'perceived' fail at the box office as oppose to Matt Damon's and Zak Effron's 'real' box office failures? Because there is more 'noise' swirling around Rob than either of those two. Their lives and therefore, their careers are not under as big a microscope as Rob's is right now. He is in the middle of a worldwide phenomenon and involved in a clandestine love affair with his leading lady in that worldwide phenomenon and THAT makes him and everything he does...BIG NEWS!
As for Jacob...
Yes, Meyer has said more than once that Jacob is her favorite character. But it didn't start out that way for her. Did you know that originally, this was only suppose to be two books; Twilight and Breaking Dawn? The story of Edward, Bella, their courtship, their marriage, the birth of their baby and her becoming an immortal. That was it.
But Little Brown wanted her to expand the story and so she came up with Jacob and the wolfpack. And as her story evolved, Jacob became her favorite character. But she couldn't have let Bella end up with Jacob as that was not the original story. Remember, it all started with her dream of the beautiful vampire boy and the ordinary human girl in a meadow?
But in my opinion, her professionalism as a writer suffered when she did not serve her original story by handing over a good portion of the series finale to Jacob (because he was her favorite) when it should have been Edward's. This was his and Bella's story, not Jacob's. Jacob is the supporting character but in the conclusion of her story, she put Jacob ahead of Edward and her story suffered because of it. Breaking Dawn was the most severely criticized of the books, for many reasons. The shortchanging of Edward's story being one of them.
Also tgill...
Rob got famous, VERY FAMOUS, very fast. And that brings about resentment and for those who have turned their noses up at Twilight (although they must begrudingly acknowledge it's staggering success) and chalk it all up to screaming teenagers, they do not think that Rob's success is legitimate. Because they don't think that Twilight is legitimate. So...the critics are gunning for him.
His fame came before his critical acclaim and so, he's got an uphill climb in front of him in order to convince the critics that he's not just another flash in the pan, teenage hearthrob. But rather, an actor of substance, with real talent that will take him beyond this first flush of insane fame.
And I think he's gonna do it. And when he does, all of this early criticism will be forgotten and those who've trashed him will turn around and praise him to the high heavens.
When Jessica Lange first started in films, she was a joke. The role that made her a star was the re-maike of King Kong and she didn't get a decent review for about five years. Then she turned it around with The Postman Always Rings Twice and Frances and that was it. She was off and running and being labled one of the finest actresses of her generation and all of that early criticism they lobbed at her was forgotten.
It'll be the same with Rob. Because like Jessica, he has talent. And talent will always win out.
YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!! I'm so happy for this movie!!! It's so deserving! :D
Nikola: I agree about Breaking Dawn, way too much Jacob over Edward. However, I confess that all the chapter titles in Jacob's "book" had me in hysterics every time! One example: "Sure as hell didn't see that one coming"... Hahahahahahahahaha!
And the preface as well:
"Life sucks, and then you die.
Yeah, I should be so lucky."
Too funny! :D
Re: Rob's fame, I'd say that just the calibre of people he is working with lately should give the nay-sayers a hint, if they are unable to recognise talent when they see it.
And a heartfelt *THANK YOU* to Justin Bieber who is soon going to attract the rabid teens (hopefully not the sane ones) away from our Boy :*... Hang in there, Rob, your duck-and-hide days might soon be at an end! ;D
@nikola6 Thanks for the information. I just remember having read that PpB would go on without Rob but that was last year, so I didn't know that the financial backing fell through. But now maybe, if Rob should get back to the project, then maybe it would get made... fingers crossed!
I like your idea that's he's got an uphill climb before him, it reminds me of something he said to a journalist on the RM red carpet in London who asked him if he thought he had the world at his feet and he answered this:"the world seems now like a huge mountain to me, but... I've good boots!!".
I also seem to remember that Johnny Deep started as a teenage hearthrob in some TV police series and that he got bashed a lot at the beginning of his career. George Clooney (although he was way older) also got famous because of a TV series and could have got typecast forever, and he also got a lot of bashing about his acting chops. And look where they are now. I just wish Rob would get out asap of the Twilight franchise, which is really a mixed blessing. I wouldn't be sorry if BD (I hated the book) did not get made at all. Actually, I would be relieved! It would mean professional freedom for him.
@Nik good morning I had to go to sleep last night but you are still up. Well done girl. I totally agree with you Jake ends up SM"s favourite.
@SBR and Nik ITA girls
Suck it, critics!
Finger porn and jaw porn in one shot. Great start to Monday!
this is great to hear!! Hopefully critics will see this and learn not to bash his movies so much.
morning ladies nik,you ate the best.and yes rob is really love all over the world
actually, Parts per billion didn't get made because the financing didn't come through not because Rob back out, Rob was upset because of that obstacle he didn't do anything after Twilight. RM got made because Rob in it....
As for Stephanie Meyer saying that Jacob is her fav character, that isn't so, she said that her agent told her to develop the Jacob character more after reading her draft.....
Tina Tri,
Not trying to step on your toes at all, but SM did admit in interviews that once she developed the character of Jacob more, he did, in fact, become her fave character. Which was blatantly obvious in BD.
First of all, this is great news for Remember Me! So it has made now 3 times it's budget! That's a success for you!
And indeed this movie would NOT have been made had Robert not signed on to it, because it wasn't finding financing until Robert signed to do it. He carried this movie. And it would have done much better had it had a different, less depressing ending. (And I personally would have preferred a happy ending).
As for SM, I agree with Sarah. I noticed that just from the way her books started their downward spiral starting with how long she kept Edward away in NM. That's when I knew that she started to favor her uninteresting character Jacob. That is why I only have the Twilight book, and the NM book (for the E/B parts because they were so moving, I still haven't read the Jacob parts beyond quick skimming, no interest). And the Twilight movie is also on my keeper shelf, because it was all Edward and romance/suspence. Despite it's low budget and poor makeup, it is one of my all time favorites.
And that is why I am also quickly getting completely over the saga movies, because I know that in Eclipse it will all be about the "love triangle", Jacob's and Riley's roles beefed up, and "fight scenes", and Taylor's and Kristen's poor acting.
And BD, I'm not even going to think about that, it makes me angry just thinking about how this author stupidily pushed Edward to the level of a supporting character and a doormat!
Sometimes I think that she may be a little bitter that her favorite character "Jacob" isn't getting any real favor with the fans, and that the large majority remain die hard Edward fans. I also think that SM being a good storyteller but a poor writter, may have been unable to handle Edward's great character, so she had to shift her focus to "Jacob" a character she can handle easier with her writing skills.
Edward is just an idea in her books, but thank goodness for fan fics. I've read fan fics that are MUCH better written than SM's books, and that delve deeply into Edward's and Bella's characters, and that finish the saga for me on a much better note "no love triangle" BS, while still giving E/B a family and a happy ending. So for me that's how the saga ends, with a well written fan fic. And that's also where I get my Edward fix.
ITA with your comments on BD and SM, Angelwings!!
However...I'm not sure about RM. I think that 9/11 didn't have any happy endings, and so why should RM have ended happy? I loved the ending (well, I hated it, but in a good way, if you know what I'm saying.) I think that thousands of people died that day, and Roblers lesson learned was that you have to live in the moment, and show people you love them now, in case they leave and never come back. I think the lesson would have been lost had they made my glorious boyfriend come out of the rubble looking all disheveled and hot. I would have enjoyed it, but it wouldn't have made as much of an impact, and impact is what a tasteful story about 9/11 should be.
Just my opinion... :)
Hey Sarah, I just don't think that they should have used the 9/11 event at all, that's what I mean by happy ending. Then the movie would be occuring in New York now, and not back in 2001.
I like happy endings, what can I say. And while Remember Me's ending was very powerful in pushing the message of the movie which is to live in the moment because you never know when life might be tragically taken away from you. But I always prefer a good ending that would leave me feeling happy, over a powerful ending that also leaves me feeling sad, because to me movies are first and foremost about entertainment.
But still Remember Me was a very good movie, and I will be buying it on dvd. Remember Me is indeed "memorable".
Hi guys!
Yey, I told u all this yesterday!
And yey, "bite u", evil critics!
I also think most of these evil critics just couldn't/can't stand this little Brit newbie who seems to have it all - and even more...
I can recall an article (written by Irish center or something shit like that, oops, sorry) with the following hateful/idiotic/absurd title:
I didn't bother to read the sh-t of course, so I don't know his
f--king reasons, neither do I care about them.
BUT - it shows that some simple-minded people hate him just for the sake of HATE ITSELF...
So, who cares - Go, RP!
I can't wait to get my hands on RM DVD.... will play it and play it, just like Twilight. I haven't watched NM that much, surprisingly. Its more Kristen and Taylor than Rob. Rob is all over Twilight and my husband is sick of watching it now. I'm not of course. Need to see him and RM will be great to own.
Thank God for DVD's. We can see the Pretty anytime we want. hehehe
Thank you so much for RM. One of the best movies ever. So glad he killed the numbers and is a proven A-list actor now, not just hinted at anymore. Critics be damned. We don't listen to you and never have. We make up our own minds. In fact, word of mouth has more meaning that critic's reviews. Right NB's?
I'm such a perv now. Never was til Rob. He just gets to me like no other person on earth. Even my husband, ashamed to say...
Rob gets me all tingly in my girlie parts. Oh well, I've joined this club and am lost forever. Go sparkle peen! Is sparkle peen in Bel Ami????? hehehe
I'm SOOOOOO excited that RM is doing so well and has over tripled the amount it took to make the film. GO ROB!!!
Rob HAS the box office power and the word of mouth power - even when Summit does a crappy job of promoting the film.
@Nik - I really enjoy your insights. Keep them coming.
Wooo Hooo a little movie that could eh? Good for him. Go Rob.
Take that Critics. Wrong again.
OT: Love Rob and also really enjoy Ashley and Kellen. They were totally Alice and Emmett. They have a new movie called Warrior together. Looking forward to this one too. Just to see them paired up.
Notice The Runaway's didn't do very well, only 4xx theaters, it was bound to happen. Cost $10M, Box office $2M. RM had 2xxx theaters, big difference. Guess Summitt is backing Rob. Still not the same as Twilight movies at 4xxx theaters.
tina tri,
Jacob wasn't in the first draft of Twilight because there was no Jacob yet as originally there was just two books.
Twilight; E&B meet, discovers his secret, they fall in love, he agrees to turn her, they become engaged.
Breaking Dawn; they marry, have their half human half vampire baby, Bella is turned, they live happily ever after as immortal godlike creatures forever (a concept which mirrors Meyer's own Mormon beliefs).
Even the names of the books (when there were only two) are bookends; Twilight and (Breaking) Dawn.
But the publishers wanted her to expand on her idea and she grew to love the secondary character Jacob, more than her lead character, Edward. And as Sarah said, it's so obvious in Breaking Dawn. I believe that if Meyer could have figured out a way to do it, she probably would have had Bella choose Jacob. But she still handed the prize to Jacob by coming up with the concept of imprinting so that he could at least have a part of Bella in mating with her daughter. She couldn't give Bella to Jacob outright, so she did the next best thing...she gave him her daughter. And I'm not positive on this but I believe I heard in some early interview that Meyer gave, that originally, they were going to have a son (that's what I was hoping for; a tiny version of Edward in Bella's arms and that's what Bella thought and hoped for too). But she couldn't very well have given Jacob, Bella's son, now could she? I never read this myself. I only heard that she said it.
Oh. And the idea of them having a baby was part of the original concept. I know that some have said that she came up with that as an afterthought. NO! From the moment she began writing the story, she knew that there would be a baby. She even dropped the first hint of it in Twilight. They didn't include it in the film, but it's there in the book. When Bella is first researching vampires on the internet, she reads about the sucubus; the female demon who mates with humans AND the incubus; the male demon who mates and can impregnate female humans. And this came from Meyer herself. I heard her say it.
And you mentioned something else, but I'm getting bleary eyed and I'm just too lazy to go back and look. That's okay. I've said enough.
Just went back and re-read my post to see just how many spelling boogers I had (like it would do me any good. can't go back and correct them). And again it struck how much she favors Jacob.
Even in Edward's own child. HIS miracle. I may not know it for sure, but I believe that it's true, that originally he was going to have a son; an even more perfect version of himself. But no, she couldn't even give him that. She took that from Edward and made a mate for Jacob. Jacob, who ranked in greater importance in her life than her own father. THAT idea right there, damn near ruined this whole series for me. Don't get me wrong. I do love it. But Meyer did not serve her story. Not at all.
Man oh man. I'd love to get into a Q&A with that woman some day. I'd nail her with this.
And isn't it sad that fans have turned to fan fiction to get the Edward that Meyer shortchanged us on? I have. And isn't it interesting that it isn't Jacob that the fic writers focus on. It's Edward Fucking Cullen. Bella may be telling this story, but Edward Cullen IS Twilight. How is it that Stephenie Meyer herself, does not understand this? Because she's not a great writer. That's why.
Okay. Shutting up now.
nikola6 - This isn't my normal hangout, but my wife (Yep, husband and wife fans here) has been throwing your comments to me for the the last couple of days. Sing it. We're not terribly fond of Jakiepoo ourselves.
Question: Can you recall where Meyer said that the baby was supposed to be a son? I'd really like to read that, because it's at odds with her later statements (which could be spin doctoring and CYA on her part) that claim that the imprint was always a part of the original draft. Jacob was always there, but as a two dimensional plot device of no importance to the story beyond being a source of information in the first book, and the bridge (by imprinting on the kid) between the Cullens and the Pack in the second. He wasn't even to be a close friend of Bella's. If the child was supposed to be a boy, all that is out the window.
I agree, Meyer did a disservice to her characters and the readers with her personal romance with Jacob Black. The last three books were less about Bella and Edward's triumphant love than they were and Bella and Jacob's doomed love. The idea that Jacob Black was Edward's equal, morally, ethically, or in his love for Bella, is just laughable. Edward wanted Bella to be happy. Jacob just wanted her, and to hell with what made her happy...unless it was him.
Given the way that the story was laid out, the imprint was required to explain Bella's behavior with Jacob; which, lacking an explanation better than "I'm in love with my best friend..just not as much as I'm in love with Edward", makes Bella look incredibly bad.
The really revolting part of it is that, before Edward's daughter ever gets to call him daddy, she has already become the personal property of a man, a boy really, who used every lowlife, underhanded, manipulative stratagem at his disposal in an effort to take Edward's mate from him. Bella is first, Jacob is second, and Edward is reduced to an afterthought in Nessie's life, lumped in with "everyone else" in her mind. And Jacob never apologized to anyone, for any of it.
Instead, Edward is just compelled to accept the concept that his future son-in-law is a would-be home wrecking scumbag with the personal honor and ethics of a weasel, who thinks of his own needs and wants first and everyone else's second, and Edward has to accept it with a smile because of the nature of his love for Bella. Yeah, that's a thought that will make any father sleep well at night. And Edward, the poor SOB, can't sleep. (wry grin)
There's nothing to be done about it. I can't even begin to imagine a book that could possibly fix this mess and provide Edward with some long overdue vindication, so bring on the AU fan fiction. I've found that to be true in nearly every fandom I've participated in my 53 years. Sooner or later those that created this or that fictional world will mess it up, and after that it's up to the fans to do right by the characters. Truthfully I could count the number of fandoms I've been in where that didn't happen on one hand and have fingers left over.
@Rick, why are you hidden? Like your comments though it took me 3 reverse web sites to find this old connection again. (I follow after my remarks)
Get the feeling you're pretty high up the "Movie chain" to hide. We love Rob and Stephenie's story. Glad you and your wife could join us. Your comments are very profound and are appreciated here. I do anyways. Just so glad RM did over $50M. That is fantastic.
Anyway, Steph did box Jacob into a nasty corner. The real story is about Edward and Bella. I think she just wanted a nice connection to Jake and messed it up. The imprinting thing, I was ambivalent about. Not sure just where I stood about that issue. But at least she tried to keep it clean. Just bothered me about the age thing. There are more comments on other threads after this too. Check them out.
(chuckles) I almost forgot the topic of the thread in my haste to lambaste the wolf.
I knew that Rob's movie would pull good numbers for it's market. I'm not normally a fan of an unhappy ending. I usually despise Nick Sparks for instance.
However my wife got me to see RM, and I have to tell you, I'd had an unfortunate personal encounter that day that left me in a foul mood to see a movie. Yet, when I left the theater, it was all gone. I was in my own personal Zen state. The onscreen catharsis flushed negative vibes right out of my system. The measure of a movie's success as a piece of work lies in it's ability to affect people. Box office notwithstanding, it affected me quite profoundly.
@Rick, I love you. I too hate sad endings like RM, but this story was too strong and fit together nicely. Especially regarding 911. It was all about love, family/relationships and losing them. The complete cast did a wonderful job. Can't wait to own it.
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