Thanks to Lara for sending us the picture :)
Robert Pattinson "The Panty Dropper"
I think Robert Pattinson's character on Bel Ami should be called Georges "Panty Dropper" Duroy. I know it's not very "19th century" but it fits :)

Thanks to Lara for sending us the picture :)
Thanks to Lara for sending us the picture :)
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I just love the Panty Dropper pics!! They make my day!
gozde i <3 u! *mwah*
Budapest should make a statue of this pix! Really. Big. Sigh.
Btw, who needs panties? ; )
I love you too :)) Muah right back :))
My panties have dropped so many times lately due to these pics that the elastic has given up completely ;))
Very apropriate nickname!
What if one doesn't have panties?
Just for arguments sake... :)
@fae love your idea girl=))
I´m everywhere today - wanted to say "hi" to u great ladies on almost each thread.
I´m a newbie, but been robsessed since october last year.
Proud of my country to welcome RP in such a great way, with so-so much love&respect! After all - isn´t he the most beautiful human being on the whole planet?!...
Hugs, thanks to Goz/Kat& Kate for the superb work u gals do day after day.
Love to u all & biiig hugs
@ Fae
Isn't it a bit cold for that?
LMAO I love it! Panty Dropper... definitely!
Speaking of panty droppers... did you guys read that article that MR is confident that BD is going to be PG-13! FAIL! I was hoping for some hot honeymoon scenes
*Hugs back* :))
@ Fae- panties just slow things down in the bedroom haha right?!?!
@fifty: :DD
Well, in Paris, 1890's, women's drawers were often crotchless - no dropping Just saying. ;)
@ AP
Good point, perhaps I should invest in a set of those to replace the failed elastic ones...
Easy access - has to be a good thing ;)
lol that is great AP so I guess it should be corset popping. it would be the 1890's version of Joey him just looking at a corset makes it pop or a bra unhook
Who said "the one" is outside in the cold???
And btw it's already spring here! :)
Exactly! haha!
He's not outside in the cold, he's in here in the warmth with me LOL!
@netra2121 naughty girl LOL yeah the panties are just slow things down in the bedroom
Who said "the one" is him? haha!
@fifty hi hon
@ Fae
Of course he's "the one" :))
Hi Robsessive! (waves)
@fifty wawes yeah of course he the one LOL but lets keep it between us ha you know to stay alive =))
"the one" is this imaginary girl, without panties! LOL!
@fae LOL imaginary well not exacly imaginary but =))
@ Fae
Hmmm - imaginary, eh?
@fifty for me not exacly LOL
For arguments sake! ;D
She's not that imaginary, haha!
The panties either drop or explode (poof!). It's one or the other. This is what he does to us.
Oh, I love the new banner.
Gozde, Kate and Kat - I bow down to you!
Love the new banner - yummy!
Love the new banner.
and love Rob
@ CL
Or they melt - the panties AND us!
mine have dropped so many times I'm chapped. LOL
Love you Gozde. And I agree Gwen... who needs them.
Rob can have me anytime and anywhere he wants. grandparents came here from Budapest after they married. There must still be relatives there and they get to see him in the flesh... wish I was there too. Too bad I don't know any hungarian, but my dad did. I'm hungry for some Cheek. {in case you're wondering, its a hungarian dish my grandmother used to make}
What panties? Mine disenegrated 3 threads ago!!!!
I'm old, don't know if I will survive DuRob!!!
Love you Gozde!!
@netra, Remember Me had some hot sexy bedroom scenes and it looks like eclipse has a few too. So the honeymoon part should be fine. I can't wait to see the feather scene and Rob all angsty...
Makes my tingly all over just picturing it...
HA updated, yipeeeee
mmmm....does "the panty dropper" mean that he makes our panties fall?? (i have a language trouble)
Thanks Gozde & thanks Lara for sharing.
"Panty Poofer" isn't very 19th century either, but... *poof* another pair gone!!
So much RobAmi goodness I think my laptop is going to explode!
@EstGarZo - yes, panty dropper means to make your panties fall down when you see him!
*waves* I missed you all. Corporate world sucks my soul!
Nite nite :))
thank you angie-k!!
i always say that i melt my panties... ¬¬
Night night Gozde! Sweet dreams :)
i completely agree with ALL of the comments above, he is so gorgeous :)
and definitely "the panty dropper"
Gaaaaaah! I keep thinking about my silly 4 word sentence I said to him at the lyric....He completely dazzled me! He is chronically panty drop inducing!
@ Clare
LOL! What did you say to him? At least you managed 4 words, were they coherent?
'And you're here too!'. In context, I was talking to tom sturridge, and I turned to rob who was to my left and touched his arm and said it....he turned and smiled, and I legged it!! Classy...
Breaking hearts alright!!!!!!! He's killing me. I will be dead before this movie even comes out!!!!!
@Gwen.. YES a statue we can worship!!
Hi Gozde!
@ Clare
LOL! Poor (but lucky) you! I'm impressed that you managed to say 4intelligible words to him. He must be constantly faced with red-faced women gibbering and drooling nonsense at him! Be pleased that you not only spoke to him, but made sense and left before you said something daft! Very jealous! :)
@ Clare (again)
and obviously it was a good thing that you legged it before you dropped your panties, because that would've been too embarrassing...
@Fiftyshadesofpink (again!)
And yes, I comfort myself by thinking at least I didn't outwardly have a fan girl squee moment in front of him...but inside I was all over the place! My friend couldn't stop laughing at me. It'd taken me 4 hours to pluck up the courage to do that. 4 hours of eyeballing (discreetly of course!).
"- I'm yours, madam, as you please.
She felt the sincerity of thought in the voice, and gave her hands.
He kissed the one after the other, then simply said, lifting his head - Jesus, if I had found a wife like you, with such happiness I would have married her! "
This time she was touched, flattered by that phrase, as the women are with the compliments that found their hearts and gave him quick glances and recognized, those who make us their slaves. "
(Bel Ami - Guy de Maupassant - Editora Abril - pg. 101)
Ah! beautiful Rob, your Georges Duroy turned me in your slave: submissive and loving, now and ever.
I love you Rob. I love you Georges Duroy!!!
Ooh, Clare, I'm so envious!
Hey Fifty, found your knickers yet? (As you can tell I've recovered!)
It was a defining moment I must admit...but I feel like a twit for not even asking for his autograph!! But in some ways glad I didn't...I just admired the pretty for 4 hours through my peripheral vision (did I even spell that right?!) cause he was enjoying time with his mates, and then just thought I've got to at least say hello or I'll kick myself for eternity!! And Tom Sturridge was a good segway, as I love him too, and I've spoken to him before and he's lovely. Sigh...How can someone be soooo pretty?! Seriously!! My virtual panties dropped that's for sure!!
@Clare: I think all our virtual panties dropped the very first time we beheld the Pretty.
I'm still extremely envious of you for breathing the same air, of course, but I so sympathise with the fangirling nightmare dilemma: to ask or not to ask? To spoil the beloved's evening or to bag a memento?
You made the right choice! Muah!
Ah, thanks. That's how I feel about it too. I'm glad I didn't pester and fluster round him. Plus, I did subconsciously smell him...really. I know it sounds awful, but I just remember walking away thinking 'blimey, he smells lush!'!! So I had a private fan girl moment. And I made Tom Sturridge giggle! Result.
SH***T Clare, you can add the suffix to your name! You and CL and Angie!
Any identifiable aftershave/scent/showergel?
Fixated? Moi?
Hehe! I don't understand what you mean about CL and Angie...but I know I am a weirdo for remembering his smell!!! I thought that after and quietly chuckled to myself!!
He smelt like soap, just clean and fresh...which was pretty amazing seeing as he'd been smoking like a chimney all evening (as had I).
If I were living at that time-I would throw my long skirt overboard and burn my corset.
@Clare: When CL & Angie went to the RM premiere in NY they had a similar olfactory experience and forever afterwards have added "Smelled The Pretty" to their monikers. Check out the latest post!
Hey, Skorpia, I thought you might be tempted to sweep him up in your skirts before ripping that bodice!
Oh hell no! get specific-I know the smell of every soap out there. Was it like a bodywash soap? Dial? Irishspring? was flowery? lol!
One day I'll give ya guys a detailed report. I got a nose like a bloodhound.
Im laughing cause I think Im the only one that wonders if he wears aftershave or cologne.
Nope, Skorpia, I was thinking the same thing. Nothing too heavy or 'in your face' but light and either floral or citrus?
But unlike you, I have a nose like a blood pudding! (Can hardly smell anything at times.) was not an aftershave or cologne. definitely some kind of soap or bodywash. Very fresh & clean and of course mixed with the essence of ROB. I will have his smell in my head forever Or until I can smell him again...
ITA with @Clare - he smelled clean and just delicious!
Hey Angie! And I swoon all over again.
More???!!! Goz, you shouldn't have. hehehehe Thanks with hugs!!!
Thank you ladies. You make my day and really kill me. My panties exploded when Rob played Cedric Diggory! You have to catch up. hehehehe
I would probably pass out if Rob was in my vicinity. I want to run my fingers thru his hair, {I hate the beanie hat} want his hair free! I also feel very protective of him, so back off jealous actors/guys. GRRRRRR
Love to all here and hugs.
FILTM so much
Okay, I have this song running thru my head. It is perfect for Breaking Dawn on the way to the honeymoon at Isle Esme.
Pocketful of Sunshine by Natsha Bedingfield. It totally fits. A secret place, etc... which is what Stephenie said. What do you think? It's my favorite for the last movies!
wow, what self-control. yes classy. i dont know if i will be if i were to see him. i might just faint and collapsed right there. hope not, i would like to have that memory etched in my brain and that wouldnt happen if i faint!
@Lemonless - Thanks for the clarification! I'm not alone in the smelling!!
And @shufflebin - I meant classy in the sarcastic sense. It really wasn't...I'm amazed my feet managed to take me away slowly without running and making a ridiculous fangirl squeal! But it was great...I smelt the pretty! And it was so nice just seeing him hanging out and relaxing with his friends. He was so gracious to anyone who went up earlier in the evening and asked for pics too. I just didn't have the bottle til later to speak to him. What a lovely British boy. His mama should be proud!
Gah, these bel ami shots are killing me!!!!
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