Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart & Taylor Lautner To Be On Oprah On May 13th


Yes the trio are gonna be on "The Oprah Show" on May 13th (which just happens to be Rob's Birthday)

Source and Source thanks to Laura for the tip!


Angie said...

This should be interesting! Wonder what kinds of questions she will fill an hour with?

CL, try not to die of excitement before he gets there!

Jazz_Girl317 said...

Ugh!!!!! I'm so ecsatic and so pissed at the same time. Media h00r jumping on the bandwagon after openly and vocally trashing the series. ARGH!!! Work your magic, Rob. She doesn't stand a chance against your charms.

rdrumm5 said...

I can't wait to see that episode, Opera is really trying to pull in the rating and with this it's going to sky rocket.

Anonymous said...

already am counting down the days till may 13th.....THIS IS GOING TO BE AWESOME!!!!!!!!

Luísa Grando said...

Amazing!!!!!!!!!!! =D

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I can't even form a sentance at this point...this must be the big Twilight show...

Oh Oprah, please call me!!!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


Can we come to your house to play?

Fantasizing_about_Rob said...

I applied to be in the audience--as I'm sure ALL of us on here did! Maybe one of us will make it onto the show??!!? How awesome would that be!? I am *hoping* that he will do more press for the movie in NYC!

RPnKSaddict said...

I'm so excited now I can't stand it. Eclipse is my favorite book in the series, and I love Rob and Kristen. Taylor is ok

Happy Eclipse Trailer day everyone!

RTP_KJS_Lover said...

All NB's are welcome at my house!

(shouty caps!)
I AM SO F-ING EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rob will be in the city I live in!!!

Vangie said...

ladies what think about the trailer i like it almost everyone was included,i said i will not be interested but i saw it on robsessed,so MRP will be on oprah for his birthday at least we know once again where he's be

Maaike said...

Gah and of course that when I'll be traveling to London. Means I'll have to bring my computer with me ;-)

HeneciaD said...


Am I invited too??

Ana73 said...

CL - i keep forgetting that y ou are in chicago...even if you dont get picked are you going to just stand out there to see if you see him??? i wish i could go :( but like i said before i hope someone from robsessed gets picked.

i do wonder what she will ask but you know oprah asks the questions that no one else asks...

Loisada said...

On his birthday?! You know his whole family will be in the audience rooting him on, and Chicago will be sizzling Pattinson style that night!!

CL you are one lucky NB. Get out there and represent!

Anonymous said...

oh happy happy day....
I missssss him sooo much...

Fae007 said...

May 13th???? Really????

Was that purposely???

Fae007 said...



*taking your hands and jumpimg up and down with you*

Now we need a drink!!!! :DDDDD

Ash7586 said...

OMG! I live in a suburb of Chicago. The show isn't live so the question is whether they are filming it May 13th or it's airing May 13th. I may need to go downtown for a few things. :)

HeneciaD said...

@Fae need a drink yeah=))

maha said...

I think it is going to be one of Oprah's best episodes. I was waiting for that very long time I am so excited.

Cin2607 said...

yayyy!!! maybe kristen will jump on the couch and sing happy b-day??? hahaha yeah right...
guys i think the oprah shows tapes the episodes a few days earlier... i don't know, maybe they'll get him a cake anyways

Emily said...

CL!! Rob is comin' to your ci-tay!

Not a huge Oprah fan at all myself but for Rob, I'll watch anything for an hour. I love that all three will be on. They are great in interviews together.

Caroline said...

Ash and cin, The Oprah is filmed in Chicago only live on Fridays...Otherwise is prerecorded...I think they are going to shoot earlier...I guess!
I can't wait!!!Love both!!!

Vangie said...

ladies i was reading my novel but something is bothering me at the end of the trailer when oprah spoke she said to the dokata see you on the 13th,don;t get me wrong but what the hell,this is not the runaways! could be ashley greene or kellan lutz or any off the other who was in the movie for more than 2 sec, i now i'm speaking to summit 'no!no!no!HELLO NO NO DOKATA!!!

SusieGlam said...

Just so some of you realize, they often tape shows in advance so they may be taping this episode before May 13.

However, on most tv shows they act as if the date is the date that it actually airs. So if Oprah is aware that May 13 is Rob's birthday, then she would probably acknowledge it.

I cannot wait to see Rob on Oprah. I'm already counting down the days....

Barbara said...

I'm 90 miles from Chicago and I'd go stand on the street for a glimpse of Rob F**king Pattinson. If anyone knows which day it's taping, please share.

Lunch today is going to be more than mighty fine.

RTP_KJS_Lover said...

@Ash7586 @Cin2607--Good points. I forgot, it won't be live. I think we'll have a pretty good idea when they are heading this way from the internet chatter & from those who win the contest, they'll know when the show is being taped.

@Emily--LOL! I am so hyper right now.

solas said...

I hope his family will be able to be with him if it IS filmed on his birthday.

Cindeeloo said...

Hi ladies....

As much as I would LOVE for it to be live, I'm sure it will tape a few days earlier as well. I wonder if we all slip Oprah an email she could have a cake for him and allow the entire audience to sing Happy Birthday!!!!!

His reaction.....PRICELESS!!!!!

Vangie said...

rob!rob!oh robert!

Cheeky Chops said...

OH UM GEE..I'm so surprised..LOL

AP said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I personally feel that the interview would have been much better if it was just Robert, without the other two (with them, he'll barely get a chance to talk lol).

I've always noticed that his greatest interviews are the ones he does solo, without any interruption. But anyways I know that this is Eclipse promotion so it's not a real interview. So I'll settle for, it's nice that we'll be getting some new Robert tv appearances!

Cin2607 said...

YESSSSS!!!! i hope they do it! if any of you guys can get in the audience ask if they'll let you sing happy b-day. i would love to see rob's reaction haha he'll probably be blushing and trying to hide behind someone

Cindeeloo said...


I Know!!!!! my point exactly! just to see his beautiful face turn a shade of crimson red and not to mention the SMILE!

Like I said....priceless

angie-k said...

CL - just go ahead & take the whole week off to be sure- you won't be able to function that week anyway!!!

OMG!! Jumping up & down with you & Fae!!! Squeeeeeee! (oops! that slipped out!)

Cheeky Chops said...

OH OH know what..Robert has to stop in at HOWL AT THE MOON club/bar..just because it would be funny/fun..and I think (not for sure) Thursday nights are Cougar nights even..HELLZ YEA..older women and college boys WOOHOOO..great place..He would love it~!!!

Deelight said...

Yikes! what a way to spend your birthday!

I hope it's low key for Rob's sake. I can't imagine him wanting extra attention put on him.

I am not a fan of Oprah or any talk show but I will watch anything that Rob is on.

I do like it when all 3 (Kristen, Rob and Taylor) are doing press together. They make a great team.

Cindygal said...

...@AngelWings I completely agree with,i also prefer Rob solo.This time he wont be doing too much talking! Anyway I'm still excited!!

Unknown said...

I knew it, I knew it, I freaking knew it!!! Holy Trinity on the Oprah Show! I HAVE TO BE THERE! Oprah, Oprah?! Pick me, pick meeeee!!! :D

Cin2607 said...

on second thought i think you´re right, although it may be fun for us to see him blush he'll probably be wanting to run in the opposite direction but i think is too late for that, being on oprah and on your birthday (earlier tape or not)attention is kind of a given. I hope they make it nice to him, who knows, maybe he'll actually enjoy having fans there celebrating his b-day

Est said...

Rob on oprah in his brithday...mmm...i volunteer to get out of the cake!!! naked if necessary!! aajajajaja

nikola6 said...

Well well well. Even the mighty Oprah has fallen. Is it true that she's trashed this series; the books, the films or both? If so, then how did she conduct a credible interview with Meyer? I don't watch her show (not much of a fan of her style although I do very much appreciate and respect the good she does in the world).

And just soz ya know...the fans don't need to alert her to anything. Her cracker jack staff will know that it's Rob's birthday either the day they tape or the day they air and yeah, she'll do probably do something and embarrass the holy hell out of him. And I have no doubt that his family will be there too. What I'm wondering is...

Will she be asked not to the ask THE question? She's the most powerful person in the pop cultural media. Will she comply or will she try to get the answer that so far, no one else has?

Note to R&K...
Stick to your guns kids. Don't do it. You know how cool it'll be if you can duck and dodge OPRAH???...very cool.

I just hope they stay away from Larry King. Even if Larry agreed to not ask THE question, he would. And he's live. No stopping the tape. He caught Marie Osmond off guard about her son and rehab. Asked a question she and Donny asked him not to ask and he did it anyway, live on the air AND he is personal friends with the Osmond family. And still, he sucker punched them.

Nother note to R&K...
Stay the hell away from Larry King.

Last thought...
Take a look at that pic of Kristen. Look at her face, the shape of it. She has a perfectly shaped oval face. I never really noticed it before. Oval is the IDEAL shape for a face (as most have round, square, oblong or heart) and it's quite rare and that's because it is...perfect!

solas said...

Everyone should stay away from Larry King. he is utterly revolting.

I hope that if anyone is so rude as to ask that question even after being told it was offlimits, that either Rob and Kristen will change the subject, or just stare at the person with the shock one reserves for someone pulling down pants and crapping in public.

NIkola-- IMO, she is a very pretty girl.

nikola6 said...

Last thought (no really. this is it)...

If she does ask THE question, would Summit dare step in and stop the taping? Would they go up against her? Guess we'll find out soon enough.

'Cause you gotta know, she WANTS to ask THAT question. She wants to get the answer that so far, no one else has been able to get.

Be strong children. Be strong.

Est said...


maybe the have signed in a contract that Oprah CAN'T ask THE question...i son't know but i REALLY really hope that she DON'T ask THE question: i don't want R&K to be in a difficult situation

Anonymous said...

It's about damn time she's had the Twilight actors on! She's had Miley and Jonas Brothers.
At least Twilight is more diverse in ages. It's pop culture Oprah doesn't always have serious topics and people on SO THIS MAKES SENSE!

nikola6 said...

I agree Solas...

The date on Larry King's shelf life expired loooooooong ago. I've heard that he stumbles and bumbles his way through most interviews these days. And yeah, I have always found something repulsive about him. Makes my flesh crawl in fact. I've never understood how he gets all these women. There isn't enough money or power in the world as far as I'm concerned. Ugh!

And I hope that if Oprah does do it that they'll be able to stare her down and manuver their way around her, but she's very powerful and that can be very intimidating.

I was also thinking that she might not because she wouldn't want to cook her own goose where the two of them are concerned. If they have the big careers that are being predicted for them, she just might want them back on her couch again someday. But then it occured to me...she's going off the air next year. Goodbye couch. She don't got nothing to lose.

Anonymous said...

And I actually thought the interview with Stephenie Meyer was great. It was fun. The Twilight series isn't meant to be serious people it's a fun and heartfelt series that people just love and enjoy.
And Rob wouldn't be on Oprah without it. Maybe later when he get's Oscar roles but not without Twilight. And we should be happy for him and the cast.

Anonymous said...

I really hope they just answer the question already and it's Oprah Summit needs to let things happen.

Petra Eller said...

Larry or Oprah, no matter
I think that Rob, Kristen and Taylor are so strong. We need have no fear. Rob will indeed be there. He will push them down all with his charm. As always.;)

jh said...

My guess is they won't say much because Oprah always does ALL the talking. I never watch it but I'll sit through it if Rob's going to be on for an hour!!

Anonymous said...

I HAVE TO GO! If anyone finds out if it will be live or not can you please tell us?!? :) I live an hour from there. I would drive in just to take pictures of him.

jmm4832 said...

Nik, I'd be damn surprised if Oprah DIDN'T ask the question, and she's sneaky. What are they going to say - "I don't like to talk about my personal life with the public," etc. Or do you think they'll deny and say they're just friends, which would seem like a lie to me. It seems like celebrities all the time get into the nitty gritty with Oprah on her show. I can't imagine her abiding by any rules.

nikola6 said...


Oprah isn't under contract to Summit. None of the media are which is why they can ask anything they want. It's R&K who are under contract to them and it's the two of them who have to be discreet.

But the one thing that makes me think that Oprah will comply is...she herself has had to fight to hold onto her own privacy and dignity. Maybe she'll realize that this is all these two are trying to do too. That they're not playing some PR game to try and up interest in this franchise. Maybe she'll have symphathy for their situation.

One can only hope.

Est said...

wow Spain we know Oprah is very powerful but you talk about her like she was God ajajajaj like she was over the rules and she could do everything she wants because she is "OPRAH"

Petra Eller said...

We can not see Oprah here. Has she much influence on the show? Can she determine who gets invited? Or better asked. Can she reject someone?

Petra Eller said...

Is there no editor in chief of this show. Are the issues not previously discussed with management.

Est said...

Nikola thanks for the explanation :)

i hate seeing people in an uncomfortable situation because i put myself in their place and i feel soo bad for them! and i know that moment would be very difficult to R&K.

i really really hope she don't ask the question

nikola6 said...


They won't lie with 'were just friends.' They haven't said that since before the filming of NM. Their answer has always been...'no comment.' This is why I've never understood why people have called them liars. THEY HAVE NEVER LIED.
'No comment' is not a lie. It is being DISCREET. Do people even understand the meaning of that word anymore? In celebrity life, probably not as there is not much practice of it.

Wait. I'm wrong. Rob did give a different answer to that question.
David Letterman callously threw it out there and what did Rob say?

"I'm been trying CRYPTICALLY not to answer that question."

And what does being crypt mean? It means to conceal something. To keep it to yourself. The way in which he answered that, was THE answer. He in essence answered it. So why can't the media and the fans let it be? 'Cause they're not happy until someone has slit their own belly open and let their insides spill out onto the floor. That's why.

Kathy S said...

That will be a show to watch. Re: the trailer--is it just me, or was Carlise effecting an English accent? Not to keen on the focus of the vampire "war"-seems they have embroidered on the whole fight sequence-remember the earlier picture of Victoria and Riley with Edward in their clutches? Never happened or could happen! Hope they don't forget it is a love story!!!!

lallieb said...

What a great day! We found Rob and now this news. I'm really looking forward to seeing them all and hope Oprah does her homework and does not ask stupid questions or talks about fangs. As much as I adore Rob solo interviews, I've noticed they are definitely more relaxed when they're together, even Kristen. Jimmy Kimmel's was a lot of fun for them. That it's going to be on Rob's birthday, priceless!

nikola6 said...

For those of you wondering about the power of Oprah Winfrey'?

Here in America she is not only one of the most powerful people in the media, she in one of the most inflencial people in our culture as well.

She is richer than God, and straddles the worlds of show business, hard news and politics.


If she decides not to ask THE question, that will be HER decision. And her's only.

Petra Eller said...

How long is the show of Oprah. Is this a long interview?

Anonymous said...

Um. Nikola6, I'm sorry but I don't worship her. I don't find her inflencial.

Petra Eller said...

Wow Thanks Nik for the explanation.
The power of this woman is frightening. Now I do not know, if I still look forward to this show. I wish " The three" good luck.

nikola6 said...


I don't think they'll forget that this is first and foremost, a love story (they know which side of the bread their butter is on), but...

It's also a vampire story and it has taken some hits because the vampire aspect of things has been viewed as 'benign.' They gotta goose it up a little bit because they don't have to lure in the female audience. They've got us lock, stock and barrel. They are still seeking after the male audience. And they want ACTION!

That is why we got more of James, Victoria and Laurent in the first film than was in the books. In fact, they broke the rule of the books with that first film as the entire story is told from Bella's point of view (that is until Meyer handed a good portion of the story over to Jacob in BD...big mistake. Where the hell is Edward Cullen's point of view in those books?).

In Twilight (the film), we see the nomadic vampires out wrecking mischief, but none of that was told from Bella's point of view because she didn't even know that they were there. That was done in order to juice up the 'action' quotient of the film in order to draw in a male audience. So...

Yeah. We'll get our love story, but were gonna get a big vampire fight too. Even more than was in the book. If you'll recall, the emphasis (in the book) was not on what was going on in that clearing between the Cullens, the wolfpack and the newborns. The emphasis was on Edward, Bella, Seth and Victoria hidden away in the mountains.

I just hope that they don't sacrifice that moment in anyway to concentrate on the bigger fight. THAT is Edward's moment when he finally rips that bitch's head off of her shoulders.

And I wanna see THAT!

nikola6 said...


Neither do I. But like it or not, believe it or not, that is how she is viewed in this country.

I personally believe that power is all corrupting and no one person should have too much of it.

nikola6 said...


No, no, no...

Oprah is not a monster. She's a lovely human being and gives as much away as she rakes in. She's not a mean, nasty person at all. At least she doesn't come across that way. In fact, she can be warm, very funny and quite the fangirl.

Rob and Kristen and Tay will be just fine. It's a coup for them to be invited to her couch. I just want her to respect their wishes in terms of their personal relationship.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Holy God, look at this Edward Picture!!!

Anonymous said...

awwwwww betcha they're gonna celebrate :)

Spunky's said...


nikola6 said...

Oh Wow RPG...

That is gorgeous. Head to toe.

As for Kristen's shot...
It amazes me that for a girl as tiny as she is, she's got those long legs. She's got the legs of a girl at least 3 inches taller than she is herself. If her torso matched her legs, she' stand 5'6" rather than 5'3".

And it's just the opposite with Rob. Yes, his legs are long, but not in proportion to his torso. If they were, he'd stand about 6'4".

Guess their not perfect afterall, but damn near close enough. Although they both have an above the neck flaw...

Her ears stick out too far and his nose (in some shots) looks like it's been flattened across the front. Although from the side, his nose is absolutely gorgeous. It looks Roman.

That's okay. Absolute perfection can be boring. A little flaw here or there is what keeps things...interesting. I've always thought that if Rob's nose was as perfect as the rest of his features...he'd be too perfect. It's his nose that keeps his face...interesting.

Just my opinion.

Loisada said...

Nik... I agree, she's no monster, but she is one tough bitch, in all the best ways! She can steamroll anyone she doesn't like, and isn't a big Twi fan. I, for one, don't blame her. But I do think that the "saga" has earned her begrudging respect. Also think she'd very much appreciate both Rob (smart and independent) and Kristen (fiesty and non-conforming) on a personal level.

So if Oprah can stop using terms like "Twihard" to show her distaste... it could be a great show.

And as far as personal life goes: O may enjoy people spilling their business on her couch, but she will bitchface anyone digging into her own matters of the heart. So I don't imagine she will press on that score.... with very good reason!

Netra2121 said...

I can't wait to see this show! I personally do not like her show but for Rob I will definitely watch and DVR it to watch on repeat LOL These three are officially huge now that they will be on Oprah!

I am sure the question will be asked I just hope that Summit does not make it a PR stunt and this is the show that they will confess to it all. Cause you know if it were a PR stunt thing with their relationship that this would be the show to do it on. Well if they had the balls, if she asked the question they could bring up the sexual abuse case in the schools she started in africa that will shut her up about it if she wants to talk about personal life.

Anyways, CL and rpattzgirl I know how we can get into the show and get better seats than the audience. We will order a stripper cake and we can pop out of it. It is a sure fire plan lol What do you think?!?!

Netra2121 said...

Also I heard that Dakota Fanning is going to be there with the three of them. Is this right?! Am I the only one who thinks that is weird?

nikola6 said...

Good points there Loisada. You're smart as a whip, ya know?

And Netra2121...

Summit will not be using this as a PR stunt in order to 'spill it all.' Summit is the ones that want this relationship kept under wraps. That's why they hired that ferocious publicist during NM promotion. If you'll remember, she wasn't anywhere around during promotion for Twilight. Why? Because there was nothing to protect or keep quiet about then.

Why does Summit want this kept quiet? I explained it all on another thread (oh god. did I explain it), but nobody read it 'cause there were hardly any responses. In a nutshell...

Summit doesn't want these two to go public until after this franchise has been put to bed. They're afraid that if they went public in a big way and then had a nasty break up (young Hollywood romances being what they are), that it could affect the marketing of these films.

And with this psychotic fanbase (you got that right Kristen), they indeed have something to worry about. So...

Mum's the word.

nikola6 said...

Why would it be weird if Dakota Fanning is there? She's a star too. No, not one of the main stars of the series, but still...she's a bigger star than say Nikki Reed or Ashley Greene or Kellan Lutz or Peter Facinelli.

She was one of the big casting coups for these films. The other being, Michael Sheen.

Anonymous said...

If I miss this I will seriously die!! My eyes could lay upon him! This is too could to be true! The day they shoot will either not be announced or I won't be able to go. Something is gonna happen... like always. :(

Netra2121 said...

Nik you are right I guess it isn't that weird that Dakota will be there
As for the relationship thing I know that is why they wanted to keep it quiet but I was just thinking that since in this movie that they get engaged then married in BD that they would play up the couple thing but to me it seems that R & K are not into that thing but anyways I am just excited to see them all on the show I especially love how rob and kristen interact with each other on interviews together

Loisada said...

Nik... it takes a crackin whip to know one!

I think it's clear that much of the fan base doesn't understand much about billing and draw, and exactly which cast members give this franchise "credibility"... still sorely lacking with Twilight.

Sheen's three lines were worth every penny they paid him, and they could have pimped both him and Dakota out even more... or better yet, padded their parts. I blame the fact they were underused on Summit and its focus on the MTV crowd. You reap what you sow....

Cheeky Chops said...

I LOVE how ppl say they want them on Oprah announcing to the World they are together, before..with t-shirts..a kiss over the couch and all that..NOW it's "stick to ur guns kids" and don't tell..WOW talk about back-pedaling..LOL

Are you ppl serious? Seems ur scared shitless now to me..LOL..When the truth is..nothing that boy or girl does matters in UR lives one wit..and if it need too get off Robsessed anyway..LOL..well no..maybe not..because I LOVE u ppl's panic/freak out moments such as this..LOL

Oh and..the perfect shape for a woman's face is HEART shaped..look it up..Plus, go back and read who Robert use to have crushes on and look at the shape of their faces..her face isn't a perfect oval sure u ppl aren't just Kristen fans? Come to think of it..I only see you ppl on here commenting like this when E/B are mentioned or when ur trying to push Kristen and Robert.

LOL and some ppl call you sharks/psychotics/crazy ppl..coming from someone who is one or all :)..ur all just tweens with too much time on ur hands..past the age of 20 or not..LMAO

Now go ahead and call me jealous and what's funny..but I'm not chasing him and I don't confuse fictional characters with real ppl..I would like to see him with one of who's the jealous ones?

OK, my rants is over. :) :) :)

nikola6 said...

Kember darling...

You need to go get a dictionary and look up the word...ironic as in using irony.

When I talk about t-shitrs and what not, I am joking. I have always stood firm that these two do not owe the world a goddamn thing about their personal relationship.

When I write 'notes to Rob' or talk the silly sex talk, again, I am joking. IT'S A JOKE!!!

As for being here on ROBsessed...
Nobody would be here commenting if they didn't have a HEIGHTENED interest in the subject. Do we bother to go to sites about things we are not interested in, take the time to register and then comment? No. We do not. Yet we always get those who come here and tell others that they need to get a life or whatever. If you're here commenting on a daily basis, then you're just as caught up in it as the rest.

But I sometimes think that some have to 'distance' themselves from it all, by putting others down about THEIR obsession.

Always smacks of the pot calling the kettle to me.

nikola6 said...

Oh. And the perfect shape for a woman's face is not heart shaped. Call any modeling agency in the world and ask them which one is...

The answer is oval. The oval is perfect. The heart shape is sweet.

Just saying.

Cheeky Chops said... name..the fact that I'm even on here is ironic..I know what it it's spelled and that with some words..not so don't be talking condescending me..omg I said a big word..I'm more intelligent than what you think..and no..u don't WISH painfully so..makes me feel sorry for you. :)

Cheeky Chops said...

Well if you know so much about it..then go model..or something besides be on here with us oh so inferior fans..LMAO

jmm4832 said...

Nik, I really hope that Oprah respects R and K's wishes not to discuss their personal relationship too. However, right now I'm watching Oprah question Melissa Etheridge about her latest breakup. It's a lot different expecting a 20 year old to get personal versus a 49 year old like Melissa who's been around the block so to speak. Hope she doesn't go there!

nikola6 said...

Oh. And what the hell does the shape of the faces of girls that Rob has liked in the past have anything to do with the shape of Kristen's face? It was just an observation. I seriously doubt he gets out a measuring tape and measures a woman's face before he decides to fall in love with her.

And yes. I am a fan of Kristen Stewart. Wonderful actress and a girl full of integrity and you don't find much of that (the integrity) in Hollywood anymore.

Okay then. Gonna sign off. This could turn into a fight. Don't want that.

Cheeky Chops said...

All you know is Kristen and Robert..blah blah blah..edward and bella..blah blah blah..movies..blah blah blah..go drink..go sing..go on a friggin walk..F^CK..if writing out comments a mile long is a joke..damn need better jokes and you have way too much time on ur hands.

Netra2121 said...

Nik I completely agree with you that Rob and Kristen own us nothing and we really don't have a right to know what is going on in their personal lives.

Also I do like Kristen we all know that everyone here loves Rob but people should not put down other people and say they shouldn't be welcome here. First of all that is not our place to say that The girls here work their asses off to create a great site like this and welcome everyone.
SometimesI get really hesitant of commenting cause I worry that other people will hate on me for my comments or something. I hope I didn't offend anyone or anything I don't even know what I am rambling about anymore sorry if this doesn't make sense.

Cheeky Chops said...

ever hear of one-liners???

get this one:

Why did the Chicken cross the road? To get the hell away from ur psychotic ass~!!!

Later Chicas :)

acullengirl said...

I dont care if they do or dont confess,I hope they stick to thier guns and dont confess, but if they do I just hope they dont pull a Tom Cruise.

nikola6 said...


I'm not gonna get into this with you because it would be like shouting at the wind. You flip flop all the time. One day you're all sweet and nice and then come back and try to poke someone in the eye with a stick.

Yeah. I talk alot but I don't try to put anyone down and or make people feel stupid. I try to convey what I know and what I don't know, I always try to qualify with 'this is just a guess.' I don't mean to be condescending but I will admit to having worried about that though. You are however, the first person here to lob that one at me. Maybe others feel the same. I don't know. I hope not as that is not my intent. I have strong opinions and I will voice them. Agree. Don't agree.

It's all good.

Saying goodbye now. Shutting off computer so I can't come back and comment and with my big mouth, it is so tempting to do so.

jmm4832 said...

Kember, Nik is an obviously thoughtful and articulate person and I enjoy her posts. If you don't like her posts then just don't read them, but stop calling her or anyone else names. It's plain rude.

TotallyRobbed said...

No matter how powerful Oprah is, she can't put words in their mouths for them. Oprah isn't unassailable - R&K are on her show to promote their film, they are not under any obligation to say anything about their private lives. They only have to say nicely, with a smile: Sorry - not going to comment on that thanks, for every angle she asks from. If Oprah goes too far and things get uncomfortable, R&K's audience are going to be supporting R&K, not Oprah. Anyway Stephanie & Nick will have drilled on Rob exactly how to handle himself. No doubt K will be fine she's very strong.

Netra2121 said...

ok I don't know what has ticked you off Kember but Nik is being far from psychotic! She is just stating her opinions and I for one love her comments cause she is honest but is not rude or condescending. You have been the only one I have seen on all these threads that has been calling names and putting people down.

Today is supposed to be a happy day with the end of the Rob drought so lets not ruin it with all of this stupid drama about nothing

nikola6 said...

Shit. One last word (I swear before God)...

I guess it comes down to credibility Kember. With the way that you have conducted yourself around here, the way you have treated people, do you honestly believe that you have any?

And if you do, then that too is a word you need to go and look up.

Behave. Be nice. Hell, what were doing here isn't even important. It's just fun and games. You're the one who brings the seriousness into it. Were just here talking about an actor. Not ending wars. Not curing diseases.

Sorry guys. I have tried to avoid talking to her. She came at me once. I said nothing. She went after a friend and I flipped. Then I tried again with be nice. But she flipped again and I said...I'm through. Then she came at me again today and stupidly...I responded.

Me stoopid. Me sorry. Me gone.

AP said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Netra2121 said...

Nik don't let her ruin your day! Know that I have read many people say they love you and your posts and you have a lot of people behind you

Cheeky Chops said...

Hey, I wear flip-flops..LMAO..and YES, I do exactly what you do..and thoughtful? Really? She stirs up more shyte than anyone..she just knows how to ramble more..LOL..I have to give it her..she's good..but she reminds me of my daughter..who is great at it BTW..God love her..Just talks to fuckin' much..I knew she was gonna get on my nerves..and SHE knew it too..that's why she's on here..since I've been on here..the only thing I smell coming off her is Hate and Resentment..and trust me..I'm good at sniffing them out..she's just going about it about me being aggressive? PFFT..she doesn't know her ass from a hole in the ground..she talks in circles..if she's right..then she's from Hollywood like she says..if she's wrong then it was a joke..she still knows all..LMAO..just like who? kstew/delaney/lainey/ted..and the rest of the "trash" (love ted..he's hot) about definitions and intelligence some more..u shut up with AP and Lois were talking before..why?..because they were playing a word game..and u didn't know them..I'm not gonna be like them and test ppl then after kiss their asses..I tested you along time ago Nik..ur nothing..ur a jealous something..I'm beginning to think teen..I don't even think ur on here because of Robert..ur on here to stir the pot..go read a book..go star in a movie..go do something besides talking about good kristen trips to china..dogs..and just plain making shyte about fantasy lives.

Cheeky Chops said...

And again DOGS..LMAO

So sorry, I can't keep up with you..I things on my computer other than sit on here and refresh all day long talking talking talking..I'm not a fake..I say what I say..when I say it with what I'm feeling at the time..and I'm not on here to get as much attention as I can..don't need it..DON'T WANT IT..and in the end..I really don't CARE..not enough..NO. Not for games..or about this.

Cheeky Chops said...

And how did I know AP was gonna show up before I even got my comment out..boom boom boom....


Get some f^ckin lives..and YES..pls ignore me. Even when Goz doesn't..LOL

Cheeky Chops said...

OH, and guess what..I don't have to be credible on a fuckin celeb website..see ur all about being one of them..UR A WANNABE..LMAO

I don't want to be..seriously~!

I don't care enough..I don't wanna be one of them..I don't want to be anywhere near that town..I wanna be just a normal regular fan on the net that doesn't know shyte and joke around..that is not my job is being a good Mother and finishing nursing take all that and shove it up ur for real..SHOVE IT UP UR ASS..I'm normal..I'm not from there..I don't think I'm better than anyone else..not even you or any other fans on here..BUT with that just showed that either you think you are..or u want to be..I say the latter..LMAO

*PLOP*..I just heard a pedestal fall..LMAO

Cheeky Chops said...

See that..THAT is how u get ppl to shut the f^ck up..ppl that wanna get on word games..drop hints and act like em what an actual person talks like..I can play ur way..but it gets tiring and boring and just down right stupid..go back to the celeb gossip sites..where-ever the fuck you came from..I don't care of ur the Godd@mn Prince of talk too damn much and your gettin on my f^ckin when you have the balls to speak to me like that..instead of like I'm not here or drop hints like pussies..come back..till then..get the hell outa Hates..Sharks my @ss..bunch of doe eyed beagle puppies lookin' for an @ss to's that for DOGS???

My @ss is gonna get kicked off here..weeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Rant over.

I think.

Loisada said...

Nik... PLEASE just ignore.

When certain avis pop up here, they are automatically pounced upon: me, RPG, AP and now you. Don't take it personally, but don't let it drive you off either. This thread has effectively flatlined... but that's all right. We'll just take the fun and games elsewhere.


jmm4832 said...

How do I report this offensive poster to the mods?

AP said...

Well, you're not going to shut me up. Goz certainly didn't ignore you when she removed your comments when you were Pineapple Express, or Purplewhatever, or Kemberley or I don't know how many other names you go by as a 'real' person. If you're saying she encourages this kind of diatribe...I don't think so.

Nik, Lois, Solas, RPG, myself and anyone else you've had words with, are fans and that's why we're here. And that's as much feeding as I'm going to do as I do have to be elsewhere...

HeartThePretty_EvenMore said...

This will make International Rob Day (May 13th)- great (Perfect - would be celebrating it with The Pretty. LOL). Wait, what do you mean it is not a holiday! I have it marked on my calendar - day off - and now for good reason. Love it!

@s-firth and @Ana73 - fingers are still crossed for you to make the show!

Monique said...

Whats more can a Gal want... Great Eclipse trailer... sexy stills of Rob/Edward and Nik's funny and excellent POVs and guesses.

Nik... Always enjoys your posts and thought... always entertaining.

Come back soon. :)

solas said...

AP and NIk et al-- really best to ignore when people post like this, whether several people over time, or one with different names. You can see the patterns develop over time if you watch; going from being congenial, and increasingly incoherent and disturbed, then on into attacks, until explosion. Please do not feed it. I am sure this will elicit another attack; so be it.
I have ignored in the past and will still.

Cheeky Chops said...

AP- and I have shown you..on more than one occasion..I don't have too's not my center of being..I don't want ur attention or anyone else's..I post what I think of the post for the most part..and those names..everyone knew I was under them (I said it..and everyone who knows me..KNEW anyway)..Goz, Kat, and Kate can remove my comments..guess what..OUCH It hurts..(not so much)..I'm not on here to be or fantasize about anyone..I don't lose sleep at night because of this site like some's a all my net activity..well most of it..Acting Chops..nice name..LOL..since we're going that route..what's the matter? Haven't gotten a movie roll yet? Bored? Or just dreaming? Yea, report me..why? My comments are being seen..LOL

And now I'm bored....

Cheeky Chops said...


Wonder if Robert will actually be there or via video....

Too bad..I just might go to Howl at the Moon anyway to celebrate his birthday..LMAO..gotta have a reason too party. (not really) ;)

Unknown said...

@Nik & AP
Girls, u r great! Love u & pls, b strong!!!
As I said once:
1 4 ALL 4 1
AND that kem person IS NOT 1 of us! Hugs

Kathy S said...

I'm bored with your personal attacks Kimber. No one else on this blog attacks or ridicules others. Go play troll somewhere else. And I checked, you are old enough to know better.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I tried to warn you sweetie, but you're just too damn nice & forgiving...

She knows who she is, and she'll lick your ass one day and spank it the next....she's done it to many on here, and if you notice I don't speak directly to her, I just bypass her comments and try to have fun and enjoy the blog.

People seem to forget that a blog is like someone's living room, and it's disrespectful to behave this way..It's ok to disagree, but to stoop low, name call or try to make people feel bad is the lowest form there is in trolldom.

It's happened many times on here to many good people, AP, Loisada,'s her way of stirring the pot, kickin up dirt..that how she gets off...she feeds on it...

She'll come after me again, it's her could probably write a book on psychos and her name/photo would be there.

We come here to have fun, debate, fantasize, share stories, be totally silly and downright naughty sometimes, but we mainly come here because we love & adore Rob...and someone's always gotta try to ruin it.

Don't let it. Things are great, Eclipse is coming, Robstock is coming, WFE, Bel Ami, lots of Rob in the future...

Doesn't matter what anyone else says, and your views are always a breath of fresh air...

nikola6 said...

Thanks guys. You're all sweet beyond words.

And no, I shouldn't have gotten into it. It's obvious that there's something sad going on there.

I'll do my very best not to engage again. Chew my fingers off, maybe?

Cheeky Chops said...




Thank Girls ;)

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

LMAO Nik....or chew something anyway...don't engage the machine...

nikola6 said...

Aw. Thank you so much RPG...

Thinking as much of you as I do, that means so much to me. And you're right. I didn't listen.

As I said, the people here are just wonderful. Rob Pattinson is lucky man to have such fan support.

Love you guys and him too 'cause he's (say it with me)...


Oh it feels so good to say that. Washes the bad taste right away.

jc(britlover) said...

LOL! No, no, no! Don't chew your fingers off~I appreciate your insight and enjoy your comments too much!!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

See, just spit, and chant Robert Fucking Pattinson and the bad taste is gone...

MMc said...

Oh my f*ckin' gawd!!!!!!!!!! I don't believe it.....on Rob's birthday????????? Jeez - how will Oprah celebrate???

I'm sure it will be a celebration done up in a BIG way. Can't wait to see it - what a cool day to do this.

MsTaurus14 said...

@Nik: Just ignore it, it's hard I know, but just know we luv ya!! I always enjoy reading what you have to say, most of us do, you give us insight into a world that most of us will never see, and I think it's very interesting, keep it up.

Fae007 said...


Just to call it a night and say it with Nik out loud!


at the end of the day...

Keep that in mind!

<3 you!


MMc said...

I'm not an Oprah fan either........JAZZ GIRL - are you saying that she trashed Twilight?

I didn't think she liked it but she had Stephenie Meyer on. I didn't see it but was glad she made that effort at least.

lallieb said...

Thread dead yet? I would say it in my livingroom to Her, so I'm gonna say it here: "Shut the eff up!" Solas' has got her right.
What I really want to comment on is Oprah re. asking the big question. I like O, but I have seen her in moments, being uninformed, and even after something already said, she faulters, not really listening. SOoo, I don't know what she knows about R/K furor, but hopefully will get enlightened to the sensitivity of their relationship, someone will tell her and they will explain the "why" as well. I doubt she will then go there. Will not sit well if Summit just tries to bulldoze it and tell her not to ask. She won't like that, just guessing. If she gets it, she could just conduct the interview in a way that she could spin the assumption that they are together and everybody knows it, without asking anything but making some comments or random questions, like innocently. That would kind of blindside them, but maybe not make them feel uncomfortable, and they may for a moment let down their guard. Just a thought. I'm done, I hear an echo here.

Anonymous said...

I really hope it's live!! I read it's only live on Fridays?? :( Hope they announce the taping day soon!

Spunky's said...

Oprah once told Beyonce that it was good thing to avoid discussing her relationship with Jay Z. Oprah may ask, but she wont press the issue if they are reluctant to answer.

jmm4832 said...

Maybe Oprah will ask Kristen if she likes Budapest, LOL.

lallieb said...

@Aussie, yes she may do that, will be interesting, but focus will be on promoting Eclipse. I'm just hoping she knows what its about and who she's interviewing. Just watching my DVR recording of O talking to Dakota about it, so hopeful she's on board. Still referring to "Twihards" though. I forgot that Jacob had red hair! I'm just so thrilled about Rob in WFE. His natural hair color is reddish so don't think a problem, he's had highlights before I think.

lallieb said...

@Jmm, LOL, that would be sneaky, but poor Kristen would get so totally tongue tied, it could be painfully embarrassing.

Anonymous said...

OMG...I am from Brazil and I have cab tv and I really looking forward to see theis show..I love OPRAH and I am sure about her extremaly good taste and she is very polite. I hope she not ask nothing about Robsten...because Robert will be very emberassed and I hate when people do this lind of things with him.

Barbara said...

I've just gotten back from dinner out with my husband. I missed le deluge here. I just want to bid all good NBs a good night and thank the best of you for great repertoire and insight. It's always a pleasure to be a little naughty here and experience the witty ditty humor. At the end of the day we have more ladies here who contribute to the good of the whole than don't. Several have already said what I would have said earlier had I been around: ignore the riff raff. They're simply not in our league.

tina tri said...

Summit will ensure the saga makes money amd more money, they are releasing eclipse on 3 D!
whats a 3 D movie like, never was interested in seeing any movie in 3 D....

i heard that Oprah sign an agreement with Rob management to not ask any personal question to get him on her show.....

nikola6 said...

If Oprah Winfrey has indeed signed an agreement with any actor's management to get him on her show then...oh my god. She REALLY wants that actor on her show.

But I agree. If she's made aware of the sensitivity of the situation for them and knowing how her own privacy has been violated, I'm thinking she'll set her 'want to get the scoop' instincts aside and respect these two young people.

At least that's what I'm hoping.

xoRobxo said...

I have never heard Oprah trash Twilight. In fact I have heard the opposite. She even bought her girls in Africa the series.

Jane said...

Seems like a lot of you ladies are having a PMS day. Lighten up. Isn't this where we fantize about Rob, or it seems like tonight its a place to throw a tantrum. Getting off and going to RP Who, the ladies are much friendlier there.

nikola6 said...


The ladies here are nice (some of the nicest you'll find anywhere) and the fantasies we spin about Rob around here? My oh my. And the dust up took place earlier today. It's done now.

It's just that we have someone who frequents here who likes to kick up dirt and I stupidly responded to her and really set her off.

My mistake.

tedgirl said...


You don't have to apologize for anything. I'd rather read your long comments than "rants".

But be wary, that some might be getting jealous coz you're developing a following but keep the comments flowing.

It would interesting what Broadway productions you did understudy. (If you wanna share it with us) LOL

Cheeky Chops said...

Oprah: How did you like Budapest, Kristen?

Kristen: *crickets*

Oprah: Were you even there?

Kristen: uhuhuhuh dur dur dur....

Oprah: Robert, thump her on the forehead..her cd is skipping again, thanks. :)


jmm4832 said...

Where is Godze?

skorpia said...

I want Rob to jump on the couch...KIDDING!!!!

If she had ANY brains this would be a LONG show. I dont watch her show-but this particular show is gonna blow her ratings through the fkn roof. I think SHE would even be surprised at the fanbase. The Rob fans ALONE are in the millions.

Ash7586 said...

I went to Howl at the Moon in Chicago for St. Patrick's Day weekend. So fun. Rob would enjoy the dueling pianos.

Anonymous said...

Anyone know it's being filmed that day?! And what time taping he will go to?

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