Robert Pattinson & Emilie De Ravin "Remember Me" Interview for TVI Channel (Portugal)

Robert Pattinson & Emilie De Ravin "Remember Me" Interview for TVI Channel (Portugal)

Via Gossip_Dance


  1. Good For Him! it isnt a teeny bopper type film. Its serious and I love his acting and portrayel of Ty was insane! Great acting. Love him going to confront his dad at the office with his sisters drawing. Proud of that scene.

  2. Thanks to Emilie and Rob, "Remember Me" will be one of the few movies that I will want to watch over and over again. I braved the 3 day -storm here in NYC to see it 3 times. I'll be going for more if only they showed it a little bit longer here.

    As of 4/11, it grossed $18.6 Million (domestic) + $27 Mil(International)
    It crosses $45 Million worldwide and still going to open in more cities. Good Job, Emilie!

  3. yes,it sure is,i was reading last night they trying to get breaking dawn at least the first part[hopefully]to be rated ;r; the second is from jacob's eyes so i think they most definately need to leave in all they scenes that edward and bella are getting all hot and heavy the begin for sex in twilight they should of left the part when edward and bella walk in the forest and fell down and bella stuck her hands in his mouth anb edward bit her finger and she then placed the same finger in her mouth,i found that pretty cool

  4. @Amelie: I've said I thought most of the numbers are from Rob's fan base but I'm sure there are some from Em's too. I thought she was great. :)
