Robert Pattinson Doesn't Only Share Clothes!

Not sure how reliable this source is, but cute story if it's true. Not only do they share shirts, they share scripts too.



ROBERT PATTINSON's best friend TOM STURRIDGE has the TWILIGHT star to thank for his latest movie role - the newcomer persuaded the film's producers to let him audition after seeing a script they sent to his pal.
Actor Sturridge has landed a role in upcoming picture Waiting For Forever opposite Rachel Bilson, but movie bosses originally wanted Pattinson to star in the romantic tale.
Sturridge reveals he found the discarded script on the floor while he was staying at his friend's apartment and he was convinced he could play the part better than the Brit superstar - so he rang his agent and begged for an audition.
He tells the New York Daily News, "I saw the script on the floor of Rob's apartment when I was staying on his sofa. I thought to myself, 'I could do this better than he could,' so I called up my agent the next morning .. They were kind enough to let me audition and apparently they saw something in me." The movie's producer Trevor Albert reveals he was shocked to hear from Sturridge, because he couldn't understand how the actor knew about the movie. He adds, "We got a call from his agent who told us Tom loved the script, and we were like, 'We don't remember sending him one.' Finally, we were worn down and just said, 'All right, let's let him come in.'"



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Wow, I hope he cleared it with Rob. I'm assuming they have a Great relationship, but I wouldn't want my friend telling the world the script was on the floor and He could play the part better than I could...but they probably have that kind of relationship. Probably no harm no foul.

  3. This makes perfect sense, remember when Rob wore Marcus Foster's shirt to the Teen Choice Awards after he found it on the floor? Now Tom gets a job because he found a script on Rob's floor. This must be how they store & share important things, they leave them on the floor, & one of the other guys picks it up & uses it. :-)

  4. Here is the video of them talking about it. Tom just says that he was at a friend's house not that it was specifically Rob's.

    And speaking of sharing isn't the shirt that Tom is wearing the one that supposedly Rob and Kristen share haha

  5. Not fond of this picture. Their hands are almost touching. Rumors are circulating again about Rob possibly being gay and tom is the one they are pointing to as evidence. He doesn't need more of that.

  6. They almost look like twins. That same English skin, lanky build,same height, but of course, Rob is a little more sexy.

  7. Tom is walking ahead of Rob, it's just the angle of the pic that makes it look like their hands are almost touching. Kinda like when people "hold" the tip of the Taj Mahal in pictures. Rob is not gay. I can't believe I'm commenting on this. *facepalm*

  8. RPL, I agree. There are most likely many inches between their hands.

  9. Great story - notice he made sure to say he was on Rob's SOFA!!

    Hmmmmm wonder where that a hotel somewhere? Rob doesn't have a home at all does he?

    So Rob said he was lonely in Budapest and then we see Kristen there.......hmmmm interesting.

  10. What a load of crap about rob as a gay¡, it´s quite enough¡, he not only has tu endure all the rubish about his relationship with kristen but also this one, utterly surrealist, I think.

  11. Holding hands? That's much like the shot of RP and KS at that Paris tarmac.

  12. Rob is a lot more sexy. Sorry, Tom.
    Notice Rob's jeans, which were immortalized when he was filming RM in some pretty sexy shots. He's worn them in photoshoots too. Love those jeans.

  13. thank god its been a while since ive seen him do a movie.

  14. There BFF's That's it. That's all.

    Really cute story.

  15. @femroc: Why do you find that interesting? Just you thnk it was a PR thing or he said he was lonely and just by coincidence Kristen shows up.

  16. Tom told this story at the Gen Arts Film Festival where they screened Waiting for Forever. When he told it, he didn't specifically mention Rob. He just said he was crashing "on a friend's sofa" when he saw the script. It most likely was Rob but I don't thinkit's fair for the NY Post to say it was if Tom didn't.

  17. Man, i do not know how guys could live their lives like this. They only practically fight over women. Everything else is like fair game. And actually they even share women! While we women fight over every little thing and get jealous over nothing.

    "Boys!" in the words of Hermione Granger.

    Something really green came over my mind right now and i think I will keep it to myself.

  18. Oh Marna...

    You just nailed it. That's gotta be it. They just leave all their shit (clothes, scripts, whatever) on the floor and then just randomly grab at it.

    And femrock...
    Rob did have an apt. in Hollywood
    for about the last 6 months or so in 2008. Probably where Tom saw it. If a movie is coming out now, it was filmed last spring or summer. So the timing of finding the script (some time in 2008), getting cast in it and making the movie and with it now being released, would make sense. And why wouldn't Rob be lonely in Budapest? Being in a country whose language he didn't speak? Working 10-12-14 hour days and going back to an empty hotel room? He was there for two weeks and K didn't show up until a few days before he left. Makes sense. Maybe knowing that she was on her way to him, only made the waiting and his loneliness for her more pronounced. I don't know. Just a guess.

    And Sparky...
    I don't know that he has an apt. right now (he moved out of his Hollywood one in December of 2008 when he went home for a couple of months for the holidays). If he's got another one, I don't know where it would be or when he would have had time to get one as he's been on film sets since March of last year. I dunno. Maybe he rented one in London? I heard he couldn't live at his parents home because fans had found it. Isn't that nice? Gets to work in his home country for a couple of months and can't even sleep in his own bed. Jesus. Don't get me started.

    And Shari...
    Don't ya know that an actor hasn't made it in Hollywood until the gay rumours start? The vagina comments are going to follow him for quite some time with people thinking that he's gay because of them. And that's because the brain dead amoungst us do not know the meaning of the word...ALLERGIC. People are going to think what they want to think and say what they want to say and there's not a goddamn thing he can do about it.
    Just live his life.

    And with that...I believe I have stuck my $1.98 into several people's comments. Whatever has come over me? hee hee

  19. Speaking of the brain dead...

    Quite a few of them believe that Rob outted himself in Details magazine with the vagina comments.

    Why oh why would this young actor, in the dawn of his career, with superstardom swirling around his head like a swarm of knats and with all the homophobia in the world, pick this particular moment to out himself as a homosexual and therefore shoot his budding career, sex symbol status and young leading man stature in Hollywood, right straight in the foot?

    I swear to gawd, they're puttin' stoopid pills in the water.

  20. That photo made me laugh, they are twins! (although one of them is a great deal sexier than the other IMHO)
    If they are always leaving stuff on the floor perhaps they need a domestic goddess in their lives to (ahem) train them? I'm not offering to clean up after them but will happily offer some guidance. They are becoming too old to live like first-year students, there will come a time when it is no longer "cute"...

  21. Fifty...

    I'm thinking that with a girl now in the picture, she'll put up with this for a time but eventually, the shit will hit the fan. Usually doesn't take a girl too long to get a boy whipped into shape.

    If she's smart, she'll make him think it's his idea. And something tells me his girl is one right smart cookie.

    Note to K...
    His ass
    Into shape
    Whip it good

  22. Nic, can I just say I love your posts!

    Why oh why can't I whip my husband into shape?! He was a slob the day we met and still has his slovenly tendencies after 12 years of marriage. Yeah, it's a guy thing to throw underwear, socks, scripts, everything onto the floor! Anyone who has advice on how to train a man, see me.

  23. @ nikola6

    ITA, she's no fool, love the idea of him being whipped into shape...

    One of my best male friends is a bit like Rob seems, ie still living the studenty lifestyle with his mates. Their shared house is a health hazard. Which is great. For a student. He's 35 now and it's just a bit, well, tragic. They all have girlfriends but no-one has yet been brave enough to sort them out.

    Can't see some girls putting up with it. He'd better watch his step...

  24. @ jmm4832
    Unfortunately, some men are impossible to domesticate. I'm trying very hard with my son (he's 11) but he is just a natural piglet and doesn't notice mess. My husband (like yours) is a lost cause...

  25. Good morning, Nik. I have this week off work to bond with my new doggie, so checking things out here during the day. Did you see my comment on how you'd make a great stand-up comic? Your comments on the R&K Budapest thread were classic! Seriously, LMFAO.

  26. Note to Nik, you're working double time as Rob AND Kristen's secretary??

  27. Gawd, TOm didn't say it was Rob. Like someone said here, it is the most possible explenation, but not the only one. It could have been for example Eddie Redmayne.

    RobxTom forever <3

  28. Long live the bromance! On a side note, Tom's costar Rachel Bilson is engaged to another hottie --Hayden Christensen from the Star Wars prequels. Lucky girl!
