Robert Pattinson as Kurt Cobain!

Take this story with a HUGE pinch of salt... it is from The Sun after all. I'm sure Gossip Cop will be pouncing on this very soon. I would like to see him act with Scarlett - but not in this!

Edited 4/9 to add: Thanks to Gossip Cop who stepped up to debunk - see the bottom of this post!


ROBERT PATTINSON has landed his dream film role - playing KURT COBAIN in a Hollywood biopic.

The Twilight star has always thought of himself as a musician rather than an actor, he even reckons his guitar is his best friend.

So securing a part playing the tragic NIRVANA genius, who shot himself in 1994, is ideal for the pin-up.

R-Patz has been in regular contact with Kurt's widow COURTNEY LOVE, who has been handed a key role in the production by bosses at Universal Pictures.

The HOLE singer wanted R-Patz as Kurt and SCARLETT JOHANSSON to portray her. My graphics team have mocked up Rob and Scarlett as the hellraising pair.

A source said: "This is a big money deal for Courtney.

"She has agreed to the film on condition that she gets to decide the main aspects of the project including director, casting, screenplay and music.

"Robert has been calling and emailing her non-stop. She has been a bit wound up by his manners, but he is her number one choice to play Kurt." (Kat: In her dreams this has been happening)

"She is adamant Scarlett will play her. Scarlett is friendly with FRANCES BEAN, her daughter with Kurt." (Kat: Well of course, wouldn't we all choose someone, erm... slightly more attractive, to play us in a movie?)

Courtney has been in touch with director DAVID FINCHER about the project, which has the working title All Apologies.

He was behind Fight Club, Se7en and The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button.

It's not the first time a studio have tried to make a film about Nirvana, who had hits with Come As You Are and Smells Like Teen Spirit.

A few years ago Sony Pictures were told to sling their hook by Courtney when they floated the idea of ZAC EFRON as Kurt, while Frances Bean would play her mum.

I have to say, the 14-year-old in me was a little bit sick when I found out a Twilight vampire was playing a rock idol.

But at least it's an improvement on the man lined up to play Kurt in the West End - Footballers' Wives star GARY LUCY.

Untrustworthy Source ~ Thanks to Mel for the tip

FROM Gossip Cop this morning

Is Robert Pattinson going from fanging to head banging?

The Sun raised eyebrows EVERYWHERE this morning with a report that Pattinson “has landed his dream film role — playing Kurt Cobain in a Hollywood biopic.” Noting that Pattinson “has always thought of himself as a musician rather than an actor,” the paper says “securing a part” as the late Cobain “is ideal for the pin-up.”

A hero of the grunge rock scene with Nirvana, Cobain killed himself in 1994.

According to the Sun story, Pattinson was so determined to play the part, he vigorously lobbied Cobain’s widow, Courtney Love, who supposedly wants Scarlett Johansson to portray her in the project.

The paper’s “source” claims Pattinson “has been calling and emailing [Love] non-stop,” and that he is “her number one choice to play Kurt.”

So did the Sun score a big casting scoop?

Not to be “curt,” but no.

The rumor is just plain wrong. A source close to Pattinson tells Gossip Cop there is “no accuracy” to today’s report.


Gossip Cop as usual ROCK!


  1. Scarlett Johanssen as Courtney Love has to be the most generous casting in movie history. LOL. I call BS. If Rob has the script, he should pass it on to Jamie Campbell Bower who would be a great Kurt Cobain, in my opinion.

  2. LOL~Okay, I just emptied the entire box of salt!!!!

  3. she wishes! the sun wishes too! never gonna happen.

  4. Oh.My.God.

    Laughing so hard I nearly peed my pants!

  5. Um...yeah...

    Rhonda, ITA with all of that!!

  6. GAH. I'm so glad this is just a rumour.

  7. Lmao!! I agree Rhonda- on both points! How ridiculous...

  8. The worst part is when they claim that Rob has been calling that b*tch (Courtney - I hate her) asking for the role. Pffff...
    I am a big Nirvana fan, and of course I'd love to see Rob playing Kurt,and I truly belive he'd have a lot of fun doing it. But I doubt it's going to happen...that's just my opinion. =)

  9. That manip is wrong in soo many levels. I literally cringed when i saw it. Poor Scarlett. Poor, poor Rob! What have they done to deserve such an awfull photoshop job. I need to cleanse my eyes! Soon! Please Kat, Kate or Goz, would you please post a really pretty pic, especially one from, I dunno, GQ, perhaps? Because that manip will comeback to haunt me in my dreams!

  10. @kchambers77

    Love what Rob is saying in your avi!

    Just follow the trail Rob and it will lead you to the NB mansion! LOL! :D

  11. What a big truck load full of dig shit. Kourtney is a raving lunatic who's been trying to hook her daughter up with Rob for the past couple of years...

    Get over yourself Hole...

  12. RPG, hi if you're still here! :)

  13. Today is actually the sixteenth anniversary of Kurt's death, so that might be why this Why they'd print this is anyone's guess, because it just doesn't sound kosher.

    And, no, I'm not a Cobain fan...I just happened to be flipping channels when I happened across Shepard Smith's "On this Day" at the end of his broadcast...and he talked about Cobain, then called himself "Methusula", which I really took exception to, since good ole Shep and I are the same age.

    Yeah, I raged against him and then turned on survivor LOL

  14. RPG, nope still here! LOL {waves}

  15. I'm trying to decide if RobCobain is worse than JerseyRob...bleh to both, I say. :P

  16. As delusional as this report probably is, I still kind of like the idea of Rob as Curt and Rob with Scarlett... Yep, it would work for me :)

  17. They would kill Rob if he actually agreed to play Kurt LOL

  18. @Tombert
    Who are "they" going to kill Rob? if he agreed to play Corbain???

  19. Rob's been in "regular touch" with Courtney Love? Really? LMFAO at that one!
    Am I in a time warp and it's still April Fool's Day?
    I agree Rhonda about Scarlett Johanssen as Courtney Love - hilarious!

  20. Rob is an intelligent actor if he has consented to do this film it's OK for me. It's his job. Don't limits Rob in soma role. He loves the difficult job and complicated roles. Also Kristen has played a similar role in Runways because RoB not....
    He needs to try out new experiences and than Nirvana are part of music's story.

  21. this rumor is absurd. seriously rob begging for this?!? I think jared leto would make the perfect kurt. scar jo is way too far a step up for courtney. scary how fast a crazy rumor speads, GC will debunk this in 24hrs or less LOL

  22. great fan of Rob, great fan of Nirvana, but thnking of Rob involved in any project with that aHole? bleahhhh.

  23. Don´t believe a word. And ZAC EFRON has also been considered as Kurt?

    Gimme a break!!!

  24. ROb as Kurt and an unknown for Courtney. Scarlett?? are you kiddin me? I think we should start a damn petition and send it off. I love the idea to make it a reality.yeah I know its a dogsh!t article -but I cant get that role for ROb outta my head now..

  25. please not this one rob. stay away from courtney !!!

    she is still trying to cash in on kurt, so sad :(

  26. aha LOL kurt cobain ha ROB of course=))
    @kate happening in her dreams LOL I love your these things

  27. @ Oana . I totally agree with you. Apart from all the Courtney exploration on Kurt's life and death, as I said before, it's not a bad idea. And I would love to see Rob + Scarlett on screen. They would do a quite nice deranged couple. =)

  28. @rpg
    Hole! hahahahaha

    Yep, give it to Jamie Campbell Bower. He'd be perfect!!

  29. Why not Rob as John Lennon? This is the role that Rob will be great. He's British and look at the similarities of the two.

    Never heard of the Nirvana and don't plan to know them.

  30. Gossip Cop says rumor not true.
    Sun+ Courtney Love= Crazy Lies

  31. Mutley more than called for here!

  32. Well first of all...

    Any film about Kurt Cobain that gives Courtney Love any kind of say or creative control, would be a questionable untaking in my opinion. Not if you want to get at the truth. She's got an agenda here and wants HER version of what really happened, told. Anybody ever hear of the documentary, 'Kurt and Courtney?' Very controversial little film that did not paint Ms. Love in a very good light (there's a school of thought out there that believes she drove him to his death). She even tried to keep this from screening at Sundance a few years back (yeah, she went up against Robert Redford). Frankly I'm surprised that a director of the calliber of David Fincher would even be involved.

    As for the gorgeous Scarlett Johannson portraying her? Yeah, Scarlett could do it, but this is just Courtney's fantasy of herself up on the big screen. As for Rob?

    Hell yeah. He could play the shit out of Kurt Cobain. But I wouldn't advise it. And not just because of Courtney's involvement here. Those interested in a film about Cobain's life (his fans and they're vast and rabid), have a very specific idea about who he was and no actor could meet all of those expectations (the trash talk about Rob even considering this has already begun). Taking on Cobain is a no win proposition. There's no wiggle room here. No room for much interpretation. Rob would be much better off with Jeff Buckley. Not many know who Jeff was and Rob would have much more freedom in playing him. You play Cobain and your hands are virtually tied. Especially if you play Courtney Love's Kurt Cobain. The point in Rob doing a musical bio in the first place is to give him legitimacy as a musician. Why take on the baggage of Cobain when there are other options?

    And yeah RPG...Courtney's tried to hook Frances Bean up with Rob (good mommy there...trying to hook her what? 15-16 yr. old daughter up with a man in his 20's?) Truth be told, I think if she could get him in her house, she'd lock her daughter in the basement and try to bed him herself. She's the one with the crush on him. Can't say as I blame the woman there.

    Run Rob Run...

  33. Amelie--Nirvana was excellent, worth getting to know even now via cd's. I just don't think Rob looks like Cobaine, and I surely think he needs to be avoid working along with anyone the likes of Courtney. I also don't think it would be good for Rob's head to take on the role of a suicide. And do we really need to see him play ANOTHER character who dies?

  34. Solas...

    I think if they could tell the real story of Kurt Cobain (and they can't as long as Courtney Love is alive because she'd sue for slander), that would be an amazing role for Rob (although the detractors would be waiting for him with machetes). It'd be a little scary too. Cobain was the quissisential tortured artist; a mentally unhinged genius who stuck needles in his arm. If Rob ever were to take on such a role (Cobain or anyone else...and you can bet your hands that at some point in his career, he's going to take on such a role), he'd need alot of emotional support around him even though I think his instinct would be to push those who love him away (so he wouldn't have to inflict anything on them) and go off by himself and just emerge himself in all of it. WRONG! If he was mine (in any capacity), I wouldn't let him too far out of my sight if he took on such a role. And I wouldn't care if he kicked and screamed and told me to get lost. I'd tell him to f*ck off, that I wasn't going anywhere and tough sh*t. And get the gist.

    I think he can take on these emotionally draining roles, but I wouldn't advise that he do alone. If he's alone, then he takes it home with him at night. Best to have others there to distract him and pull him out of it for a bit. Before he has to go back in the morning and climb back into that skin again. Your healthiest actors are those who can leave it at the set. I don't know what Rob does or does not take home with him at night. My gut says, he tends to leave it there.

  35. @Tombert - hahaha at your name.

    Yes, I don't think Nirvana fans would be happy, but I kind of like the idea. This is one rumor I wouldn't mind being true!

  36. Let me finish that last thought...

    I think he tends to leave it at the studio but I also think that if he were take on a role like Cobain (or something similar) and if he isolated himself, then it would be easier to take it home at night. There'd be no one there to pull him out of it, even if just for a few hours. Playing a role like this is not something an actor should do all by himself. When you're by yourself, it's easier to get mentally swallowed up.

  37. Nikola--I mostly agree with you--especially re the anchoring part in real life, as we have discussed on these boards before, but I would be concerned even with Rob getting inside the head of the character to begin with.

  38. I never got the nirvana craze. I'm sure they were talented, but I wasn't that into them.

    I actually think Rod could play this part. Make-up can do wonders and transform anyone, so I'm not really worried about physical similarities. I am worried about the backlash. I totally agree with Nikola6. Nirvana fans are already going crazy.

    I really pray that Rob will get that role that shuts everyone up (I hope its Bel Ami) but I think this one is too risky. His acting is constantly scrutinized. I don't think any other actor's performance gets dissected as much as his. It's as if everyone thinks "we have to prove he is ONLY a pretty boy!"

    I'd rather Rob do these type of films (Bel Ami). He gets an opportunity to work with great actors and directors. He can grow as an actor and build his resume without constant (as if he doesn't have it already) media scrutiny.

  39. Don't know if anyone is still reading this thread. I hate the way blogs are set up. After just one day, discussions get buried. My friend belongs to a Hugh Jackman forum and it's set up completely differently. You can pull a thread up from months ago and carry on as though it was started that morning. Anyway. Sorry for complaining.

    But if you're still around Solas...
    I agree that taking on such a tortured soul as Cobain, wouldn't be my first choice for Rob in terms of his own emotional well being because there's no way that an actor could crawl into the skin of such a character and not be emotionally effected by it. But as an actor? Oh hell yeah. I would just want him to have a strong support system around him. I would just hope that those who know and love him would know that he shouldn't be left on his own should he ever decide to take on such a role. And if he tried to resist them and their concern, that they'd be strong enough to go up against him and put their foot down and tell him...'ABSOLUTELY NOT! You will not be left on your own while you play this part.' And if they had to gang up on him, so be it. It'd be a tough love thing I guess.

    And as I said, I think it's a very high probability that Rob is going to take on these kinds of roles throughout his career. Broken souls are what attract him. He's said as much. He just needs to be smart about it. And those around him need to be smart about it.

    When I was first learning about him (back in the fall of Nov.'08), I'll admit that a few red flags went up for me. I saw and read things that made me just a little bit nervous. But then watching him (for over a year now) navigate through all of this insanity that's enveloped his life with his feet still planted firmly on the ground, with his humour and wisdom still in place, I think he's gonna be okay. I really do. And I also think that the influence of a certain young lady has been a very good thing in his life this past year. There is a strength to her and I think he's drawn on it. Learned from it. Just my opinion.

  40. Rob calling and emailing Courtney nonstop??? In what universe would happen?
