thats so sweet. I can't believe that all those rumors were true. Well most of them anyway. She was really there. I guess there really isnt any denying it now.
Why don't they just open up to the world that they are together? The whole thing is like the peak of good suspense thriller and I'm at the very edge of my seat!!!
You know kristen got bomb Birthday Sex! GetBehindIt rob! And nonstens im sorry but you just need to STOP just accept the fact that they are together! Wait is there even nonstens in here? if not im sorry!
I just wish everyone would leave them alone. They're just two kids who like each other, and are TRYING to date under pretty tense circumstances. I think the obsession with the "are they/aren't they" thing is just dumb. They're 19 and 23....leave them alone, and let them figure it out. The obsession is stupid.
If you want something to obsess about....lets talk about Robs ass in those jeans. HUMMUNA HUMMUNA!
OMG!!! yes!! How on earth can they deny it now? not that i ever doubt they were together but im so happy for rob. he seemed to have had a huge crush on her, he looks so happy when hes with her. I think both of them are very lucky. They are soo cute together!
And for the ones who dont like kristen on here(because i know some of you just dont, which i dont understand), please dont hate on her! just keep the rude commnets to yourself! Just be happy for rob!
They haven't really been denying anything nor owning up to it. I would have wanted them to own up to it, then perhaps we we can see more PDAs. Is that too much to ask?
They are so cute. And I can totally understand why Kristen would want to spend her birthday with Robert Pattinson. What girl wouldn't? Rob looks as hawt as ever in those pics.
I believe their together now. I wish them well physically and mentally. Because there'll shitload paps storm coming their way. Rob looking hot and happy. So is Kris. I'm back to my sad life now.
I think I just threw up a little bit.. I really do envy you shippers I would like to like her I really really would...I have tried. I have.I cant. I just dont like her... at all. Believe me, it would feel much better to say Yeah, I am so happy. she is so cute and funny and smart and pretty and yadah yadah. But it has nothing whatsoever do to with me so I deal and at the end of the day it doesnt really matter who he dates. He is a grown man and can do whatever he wants.
I never doubted that they were together, you see the way they look at each other, we have heard no mention of her "boyfriend" Michael in almost a year....they've spent the holidays with each other so why not be together? She's beautiful, he's hot and they seem to have a lot of fun together. More power to them! be young and in-love...I couldn't blame her for going all the way to Bhudapest for him on her special day...he must be the only thing she wants for her birthday. Besides, if she lurks on this site, then she will surely be insecure reading all the NB's obsessions and fantasies and maybe (thanks to you) it gives her ideas and she's doing all the things that you only dream of doing...hahahaha!!!
ladyryan2-no offense, but yes, it is too much to ask. We should be fans who appreciate the work that Rob shares with us, and not think that we are entitled to a "show" when it comes to his private life. They don't owe anyone performance PDA's and it's wrong to expect that.
This>>>>To all the doubters, haters and nonstens stufu!
They don't need to come out to anyone... They owe us nothing... They are handling things in their own way which is what they have the right to do...
Happy wishes Rob & Kristen, you are loved. (I love you, RPG!)
I'm not sticking around and I'm not going to participate in a fight/debate/whatever. I just had to put in my 2 cents. Peace!
I DON'T CARE WHAT ANYONE ELSE THINKS! I AM HAPPY!!! Cute couple. Love them together. Love that he's been getting some since they've been apart for a while. I love them both!!!!! I wished I was Kristen. AMEN!
i'm very possessive over my leading men. example would be; collin firth is only with me or jennifer ehle. so i am VERY glad about this. i'm a hopeless romantic. u may shoot me n call me a shipper but i don't care and love it!
I wonder if they're going back to London or LA. But wouldn't it be such an epic win if people were waiting for them to arrive in the airport and then they don't show up, only for us to find out later that they're in Russia or something? Hahaha, just a thought.
So happy but now PLEASE just leave them alone! The poor things. They owe nothing to say they are together. They do their bit when required (and most graciously) - premieres, fundraising (Haiti), etc but they are entitled to a private life. I hope they have a long, happy and papp free relationship. If only some other stars could conduct themselves as well as Rob and Kristen....Wish only the best for them xx
I'm just glad Rob's with someone he obviously cares about and can trust not to blab everything to the press. You never know about people's motives but Kristen was his friend before he became famous.
@RPG and CL!!!! AMEN! all those haters can def stfu now. i love rob and kris together cuz only they can understand the crazy that their positions bring. i'm Soooo HAPPY!
@ isabel I think you shouldn't dislike someone who has never done anything to you personalty. Who has never done anything wrong. Considering what most young actresses get up to. Kristen seems to have no skeletons in her closet. It's wrong to dislike someone just because they don't look like you want or because they have a different personality to you.
Love is a beautiful thing.I'm so happy for Rob and Kris to have found that special someone who makes their heart flutter and their mind stutter.hahah Ok, bad rhyme.;P
Haters step to the left, back up a 100 feet, run around the corner and puuffff be gone. LOL
Is it wrong to admit I'm 3 shades of pea green and am envious of a 20year old??? lol!
But all joking aside....I am soooo incredibly happy for the two of them. @ ladyryan2 ITA, I LOVE the way he looks at her and his giggle everytime her name is mentioned is too adorable.
Is it wrong to feel such pure and utter joy knowing that two people I don't even know are together, hopefully happy and very much in love? Everyone should be so lucky to find what they seem to have found in each other. I wish them many quiet happy days together out of the spotlight. My heart is so very happy right now! I am here because of Rob and love knowing that Rob is happy. Cheers and peace to all!
Brilliant! Fantastic! I'm so happy... Nobody saw her arriving in Budapest and the paps didn't get to them.. Great, great, great! Hope they enjoy some quality time together, alone....
I am a hopeless, helpless romantic, so yeah! I am so happy for them. They live life in a fish bowl and still managed the mystery. Whatever works for them and makes them happy! You go for it, Rob and Kristen!!
I'm so glad somebody got some clear pictures, I just don't think I can stand another debate over if the video was them or not. I was going to say that the fact that Kristen went all the way to Hungary to be with him should shut up all the people who don't think they're a couple, but I don't think ANYTHING will change those people's minds LOL
I'm really going to bed now, but just want to commend everyone here on this thread which could have become so very heated and combative (as has occurred almost every time Kristen gets mentioned here), but from what I've seen so FAR, people have been very supporting and unbelievably respectful of Rob & Kristen and how they have chosen to maintain & continue their relationship, whatever it may be. Once again, I say bless them.
@Cindeeloo-I'm so with you, I cannot deny the degree of envy I'm in right now. @Loisada-that was funny. I do hope they can maneuver even better strats now.,esp. that he is due back here in LA for WEF. Maybe this time, they won't be hiding anymore.
I think it's funny when people say "I knew it! They are together!" Every time a photo as a couple comes out. Sams gig - "I KNEW IT!" Kings of leon concert - "I KNEW IT!" In Paris holding hands - "I KNEW IT!" In the Isle of White - "I KNEW IT!" Holding hands in the Isle of White - "I KNEW IT!" Kristen at the RM premier - "I KNEW IT!" And finally Kristen in Budapest - "I KNEW IT!" It's to funny :D I think most people forget between pictures. Or maybe stop believing because they're not seen together for a few weeks.
im still amazed how she got out of LA without being papped when LA is swarming with them and then she goes to Budapest and one lone pap gets her... amazing
I have thought long and hard about whether R/L should just confirm their relationship. In the end, my humble opinion is HELL NO. Look at Jay-Z and Beyonce. They didn't confirm their relationship for a LONG time and they are still very relucant to talk about it. The press seems to give them more room to breathe. Besides... Anyone rememer the craziness that was "Bennifer"? They told the press everything and now their careers suck and they're not together!
gigglesnort...did you guys have any doubts this would happen? I mean...really? Love them! and because I love them, I love them together...and I'm glad both of them r getting some :P and must be something good since they're traveling around the globe for it...which makes me envious...I want them to share with me...I'm not picky, I'll take both or any of them ;)
Hi, this is my first comment ever so be nice to me! i always come here but i feel like today i needed to say something. I love rob and i think as fans we should support him no matter what,i'm pretty pissed about some very rude comments i've seen in other blogs,i know most of you ladies here in robsessed just want him to be happy as much as i do,wich is why i love this blog,so i encourage you to keep doing it! I cant belive someone actually said "it´s gross, i'm done with him" or "he lied to us" seriously?? i mean what gives you the right to judge him that way? he is a grown man and has the right to be with anyone he wants, it's HIS life, just because he is a public figure doesn´t mean we can just demand answers from him. And what´s with all the hate towards kristen? calling her pathetic for flying to budapest to be with him. if you dont like for whatever reason, fine, dont like her, i happen to think she is awesome, but remember, none of us actually know her (or rob for that matter)so calling her names or assuming things about their relationship is what is really pathetic.
So let's just keep admiring his work, like real fans, and how beautiful he is,and smart and funny and talented and adorable.... (i could go on forever...) and let's be happy for him!!!! Remember the motto girls, "if he's not shagging me, i don't care who he shags" Sorry for the long speach, i just needed to get it out. It's not directed to you lovely ladies, it's directed to all the haters that may decide to pop their ugly heads over here. Much love to all the real fans!!!
@steph - I think she wasn't papped getting out of LA because it was on her own time, but when they left budapest it was known because it was related to his working.
@ Samantha, EXACTLY! Well said. They both obviously tried not to fall for each other for a long time because they knew it would be hard and gave in to there feelings in the end. The fact they aren't saying anything shows just how much they are in love. As much as I would love to know. I really don't think it would be good for them to say anything. They are doing everything right keeping it private. Knowing it's the way to make it work. I would how ever like them to whisper it in my ear. I can keep a secret. :)
I agree Kimberly Dawn. She is a lucky fucking bitch. LOL! Their so totally together. I sound like a tween but it's true. What friend flys around the world just to hang as much as they do? I was convinced back when those Kings of Leon pictures we're revealed. What friends get that close to eachothers faces just to talk I ask you!?
Ok I'm totally confused. Was there ever a question that they were together? With all the pics we've had in the past? Really?Kristen always has that look like someone died so she does nothing for me. I'm just a fan of Rob & I used to worry she was going to rub off on him. Thankfully that hasn't happened. He's still the same funny happy go lucky Rob so I'm ok with it. I read a quote by nikki Reed. She never seems to have anything nice to say about Rob, but is always praising Taylor Lautner. I wonder how much this relationship has to do with it. Is she and Kristin still Friends.? I suspect there's a lot going on there and it's all being kept underwrap for the sake of the Twilight franchise. As soon at it's all over you know we going hear all about it.
I had women's intuition as I am certain many of you did that they were seeing each other. it is nice to see that their not going on separate planes or cars. However, as a few of you have commented they do not owe us one bit of confirmation whether they are or are not dating. As Kristen stated on Access Hollywood it would make no difference if they did or did not say they were dating we would or the paparazzi would continue to hound them like Brad and Angelina. I am happy for both of them and I am a hopeless and hopeful romantic. I wish them success in their careers and a very long relationship.
@ Cinthya Thankfully no one over here is saying bad things about Kristen. Everyone is keeping drama free. You should go put your comment on the nasty site. You have some good points :)
It pisses me off how older immature "woman" are acting childish and hating on kristen!! its like wow your really going to hate on a 20 year old? Grow up and act your age!! Its like No no no no no, they need to STOP!
@Isabel and PRC all i want to know is what did kristen ever do to you that you just DONT like her?
i wish rob can see all the hate comments that people write about kristen online!!
Good morning - what beautiful news. I look forward to a real photo of this" Super -Hot - Love - Double"
And the best thing for me throughout the story. Perhaps there once to see really good kisses in Eclipse. Not that kissing on the upper lip. LOL
The two only ever have the problem with the Paps and rumors. Rob happens to be the hottest guy in the movie business. This will can not be avoided, which he observed always and everywhere.
Kstew, that is not easy. But you will do it right. You are young. Let it rock
if ppl dont like kristen ,fine. if people like her, fine...just allow ppl to have an opinion. not everyone has to agree and not everyone will like everyone else.
i am not kristen, but i love rob and i am glad he is happy. i have to suck it up and deal with it just like everyone else. even if we all like or dislike kristen we all just want rob to be happy so cant we try and focus on that. he seems happy. let ppl have their opinions. whether rob and kris have our support or not i dont they care regardless.
Oh, my god... finally i was waiting in my computer screen all the weekend, i am so happy for them, they are very young but when LOVE is in the air... everything is bright and nice. xxx on both of them...
im sorry if i sound bitchy, but there have been plenty of times ppl had conflicting views on this site and we all still got least as far as my experience goes. i just ask ppl to be respectful and mindful that not everyone will all have the same opinion and its important to regard them as important too.
i would just like to say that i love how respectful everyone is being on here. i mean like Steph is Legit said be happy that our boy is happy. i mean i trust his choice and it just so happens that i got lucky because i really like that they're together. so good job ladies! this site is the sh!t.
@ Becca, I totally agree. Ogling Robs ass in those jeans. MMUMMMH! But I just can't get the image of Kristen's heals digging in to that very ass out of my mind. I think the week of Robsten lovin is just a bit fresh in my mind still for me to go there yet. It kind feels like a 3some haha!
rpatzzgirl...u r sooo true, they owe us nothing. They've been handling it gracefully and we true supporters just gv them our blessings and continous support. Although i hate to see them caught by papzz those pics just made my day.
@ Noe, I mentioned the video on the last post and so many people kept saying kit wasn't them. I'd know Robs wonky walk anywhere and Kristen's skinny legs and curvy bum. Haha!
Can they just confirm it now so that I can grieve for a few days (weeks) and then act indifferent to their relationship because there is nothing I can do about it? I'm happy Rob is happy, but I still can't help feeling like I want to go "Raging Bitch Status" on Kristen.
@ Steph is Legit and everyone else saying negative stuff about Kristen. Everyone has a right to an opinion. But that doesn't make there opinion right or ok. Nobody has the right to dislike someone who has never done anything to them. Kristen may have a different personality to you. But she is a very good person. I also think if someone dislikes another human for no other reason. than they way they look, there body language, there dress. Well that just makes them a bitch. Kristen is remarkable. So smart, mature, beautiful. She's no slut, doesn't have naked photos floating around the net, isn't falling out of night clubs drunk and Rob thinks she's the sweetest, strongest girl he's ever met. So as a fan of his, we should listen to him. He knows her better than any one of us. I'm pretty sure you wouldn't say shit to her face if you met her and so if you can't say it to her face. Don't saying it behind her back.
this is wonderful, especially for rop because he said from the moment he saw kristen in into the wild he liked her so going after her did not fail him since she was seventeen even though she had a boyfrienb he never gaved up they seem to know allot about each other.if you are in love with some you will totally want to spend your birthday with them and kristen is very mature for her age remember she lives on her own i am very happy for them both
@StephsLegit: ok, I feel pretty sure they are there a possibility this is more PR like you said your friend said the director said. I mean, she could have been ordered to go to Budapest...Eclipse promo starts soon. It is possible isn't it? They NEVER show PDA or look like a couple at all. He never even touches her in any way. I find that very strange.
@gracefulgrace you´re soo right, the thing i love about her is that she seems so real and down to earth,no need to go around selling herself like many girls in hollywood do, she is an actress not a celebrity, she is comfortable wearing the same old skinny jeans, t-shirts and converse, and i love rob even more for loving her like that, he could have gone the other way (the megan fox way for example) with so many women willing to throw themselves at him, but he didn't! wich says a lot about him, i'm not saying that he can only be with kristen (altough i hope so)what i mean is that he didn't fall for the hollywood crap and i love it!
@gracefulgrace seriously right. but that is just how it is. people are too cynical of things and need super OBVIOUS proof to get it. so thank God for these pics to make it easier on us supporters. haha.
i know kristen got a lil booty for a white girl. love her. but shoot if i don't get a lil jealous every once and a while.
Take that with the negative statements not so seriously. We women love Rob. And we now need to get along once the the Sexiest Man on Earth no longer has to have. "Sigh" But he is happy and that is the most important. For now, his eyes shine even more. And his laugh is even more beautiful. And that is what we want to see. Or not?
Wow, seriously you girls/ladies! You shouldn't let this overcome your thoughts so much. I didn't need to read the comments to know it's full of robsten/nonsten crap. There's nothing new today just the usual trivia question; this ALWAYS happens with two co-actors and even more that it's the Edward/Bella actors. And I'm sure reading all that FANFICTION has kinda altered your thinking. It's kinda sad in a way. Hope you the best, an outside viewpoint on.... blah blah blah, this comment has taken enough of my time already! Goodnite. :)
i so love the pictures and them being together celebrating kristen's sweet!i know goz,kate & kat are happy for rob coz they post it here.:)thanks so much girls!!you made us so very happy.:)
PR! LMFAO! Are you for real! Oh my fucking god! You never know. Maybe your right and maybe Rob as Emily de ravin in his suit case. After all if summit FORCES Robs leading ladies to follow him around the world Elmily really needs to be there too! *rolls eyes*
Once again, I am late to the party (well, that's what you get for running around all weekend and ignoring your computer). And I'm not going to go on and on about the status of their relationship because I think I've made my views on it pretty clear since last May's MTV Movie Awards when they were seen the morning after, exiting the same hotel. And from then until now, I figured people had to be in total denial (which I've never been able to understand. Nothing wrong with falling in love with movie stars. People have been doing it for damn near a 100 years now. But the jealousy over this particular relationship boarders on the psychotic) or brain dead not to see that something had changed between them.
But what I do want to comment on (and yeah, I've said this before...many times, but I think it bears repeating)... In terms of their personal life, they owe us nothing. With this unimaginable fame that's turned their lives upside down, they've had their freedom and their annonimity (sp?) taken from them. Isn't that enough? Must they give up their love affair to the world too? Can't they keep just that for themselves?
I've never understood why people think they owe us something on this score. Is it because most celebrities nowadays spill their guts right and left about the personal aspects of their lives and so now the public just expects that they have the right to know? You don't. Their lives are not a movie to played out for our entertainment. I personally think they are a breath of fresh air and I so admire them for not using their relationship to further their celebrity. Most young actors caught up in this kind of worldwide phenomenon, would milk a personal relationship for all they could get out of it. But it appears that these two possess a maturity and wisdom beyond their years. They know that to do such a thing would be to exploit themselves in the worst way. How did they figure this out at such a young age?
And to those who have accused them of lying... They never have. They have denied nothing. They just simply haven't confirmed. And they don't have to.
I just hope that whatever they feel for one another, that it will survive this pop cultural shit storm that they've found themselves in. If they lose each other because of their own decisions and/or mistakes, then they have to own that. If they lose each other because of the intrusion and scrutiny that fame has brought to their lives, that would be tragic. And if that's the way it eventually plays out, they wouldn't be the first and they won't be the last.
@ Cinthya, I know, right? I think if Rob ended up with a shallow girl I would loose a little respect for him. I remember at comic con Kristen was looking pretty rough and I know she did that on purpose because the tabloids where saying she was planning on dressing up to win over Rob. But even in her most unkempt look and her Joan jet mullet. He was looking at her like she was the most beautiful girl in the world. I just love the fact he loves her weather she looks gorgous or not.
There always has to be one that says they're doing it for PR...........why can't you just leave them be,they're doing it for love...... so very Happy to see them together after these past few weeks apart...luv you Rob and Kris....keep doing what you're doing you two Rock.
@gracefulgrace- have you seen the runaways, Kristen was still in Joan mode at comic con 2009 and after watching the movie (it's amazing BTW) her appearance and demeanor then make so much sense to me, and you're so right he couldn't keep his eyes off of her at every appearance.
@janna No I haven't seen it yet. It's not out here in England yet. She was even acting like a rock chick at comic con. I bet it takes a while to get out of character.
it's a while since a i've been posting last time (but always here with you ladies!) but wow.... i'm so happy for Rob!!! mean, for me it's everything so simple and natural to conceive (robsten/nonsten & other bla bla don't influence my opinion at all): he seems happy when together with Kristen, so if he's happy i'm happy too. and well, i also like her, so happy for them both :-) no need at all for public announcement, why then? it's their life, so they can/must go on with it how they like. wish them the best possible! i will continue to support him with all my heart, whatever, whoever he chooses for himself.
I agree with everything u said Steph. I'm a Kstew fan and also a Rob fan. I think they make a lovely couple and if Rob is happy good on him its his life. No of us know KStew like he does and there must be something special about her that he is with her that we don't know. So what if she is not with a smile plastered on her face all the time. How would we be if we had cameras stuck in our faces every time we stepped out. I know it comes with the job but she probably doesn't want all this stardom thing she just wants to work and make a living and this is the profession she enjoys. Ppl need to jack back and leave her alone. I have most of her movies and I think she is a great actress with room to develop but who doesn't even rob has got a lot of room for development. Good on them if they are together and wish them all the best that life can offer them professionally and personally. It was also her birthday so Happy birthday Kristen. Hope u got some great birthday presents. I'm sure u did and yes I think u are one lucky woman to be going out with Rob. Hold on tight lovely there are claws out there waiting to pounce on him.
Right on. I couldn't of stated that any better. Celebrities are people too and if we had cameras in our faces 24/7 we would go ballistic. They are a classy couple dealing with media in their faces and private lives constantly. Pure insanity.
I for one am happy to get this proof of them being together. Just knowing they are together is enough and I don't think they should come out with a statement cos then all the paps will haunt them even more looking for and making up stories about breaking up and all the rest of the BS they hype to sell mags. Keep your private lives secret and we fans will be happy with the occasional crumbs when pics appear of the two of you together. Wishing you both the very best of everything for your relationship and your careers.
@nikola6 - I couln't put it better... It's too bad they couldn't evade the papz at the last moment, nobody would ever have known anything this time. But I suppose they more or less knew they would be papz around sooner or later. I do so wish the press would leave them alone and let them live their life as normal human beings. I guess it's impossible now.
Thanks Nora. But I'd like to apologize for that word 'psychotic.' That was a bit harsh. But let's face it, there is an element to this fandom that is a bit 'out there.' It's like, they don't want him with anybody. I've read criticism of every woman he's been seen or photographed with. What the hell is up with that? Do they expect him to live the life of a monk because they can't stand the thought of him with anyone other than themselves? If so, then I'd say it's time to get a grip. One of these days he's gonna get married (to K or to somebody) and in all probability, produce a gorgeous sex haired baby or two (just recently he mentioned more than once that he'd like to be a young father) and what are some going to do then? Drink the punch?
Would they prefer that he go the route of Leo when superstardom hit him and he screwed most of Hollywood and any supermodel he could get his hands on? It seems to me that Rob met the one he wanted a full year before stardom swallowed him up and he waited for her. Since Twilight opened in November of 2008 (nearly a year and a half ago), Robert Pattinson could have ANY woman he wants and he's got quite a herd to choose from as he is now in the company of the most beautiful, talented, desirable, successful women in the world. It appears he's passed (and no, he certainly wasn't a monk while waiting for he wanted, but he wasn't out catting around either or getting into any kind of a committed relationship). And knowing the way Hollywood works, trust me when I tell you, that is unbelievable. Having any woman he wanted was his 'right of passage' as the 'new kid in town.' And believe me again when I tell you that they were lined up waiting for their shot with him. Man, he must have really wanted someone else bad, to pass up all those goodies in the candy store that were his for the taking. Yup. He must have really wanted someone else...Really. Bad.
For reasons that we do not know, this girl appears to make him happy. Isn't that enough?
oh my, this post just reminds me that I should get a life ...I'm so happy for both of them, I've been rooting for them for ever and now having seen the pics I feel I can die peacefully .. LOL ok, I know, I know, i've just overplayed, but you know what I mean. Good day to all of you wonderful Robstens!
Thanks. I always appreciate a nice comment to my comments because I always fear that someone is gonna shove my teeth down my throat for something I've said (isn't insecurity grand?).
As for the pappz... With this confirm that she went all the way to Budapest to be with him on her birthday, I think those bastards are now gonna be smelling fresh blood in the water. They want that 'money shot' so badly, they can taste it. They know that a shot of Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart in a hot lip lock could bring them millions. In terms of a celebrity photo...a shot of that is most likely the most sought after in show the moment.
A part of me thinks, oh hell Rob, just take her out on the street corner, put her up against a wall, wrap her legs around you, put your hands on her ass and shove your tongues down each others throats and finally just give 'em what they want and maybe it'll calm down a bit. But then I think, no. It won't. The frenzy will only increase and I've got a theory about why that would be so.
It's when celebrites are single, that the papps and the media are most interested. Why? Because they can sell us that. Let me explain. It seems that when celebs get married, the interest in them dies down. When Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck were together, the press couldn't get enough of them. They break up. She marries Marc Anthony, he married Jennifer Garner, they have kids and the frenzy around them cooled way down. Scarlet Johansson was the hottest IT girl in town. She marries Ryan Reynolds and she cools off. But...Brad and Angie are still unmarried, aren't they? And Jennifer Anniston is still single, isn't she? So...the celebrity press continues to sell us this 'triangle' between them. I promise you, if Brad and Angie got married and Jennifer married someone, most of this bullshit would go away. Why? Because they can't sell us 'married' sex. It's boring. The same ol same ol. But unmarried, exciting living in sin sex? That they can sell us. Married sex scandals work too. Exhibit A & B...Tiger Woods and Sandra Bullock. Before naughty sex? Not too much excitement around them. After? Oh dear god. Because this is what they can sell the public.
Note to Rob...marry the girl. Seriously. Elope. But don't keep it a secret (that would defeat the purpose). And watch and see if the intensity of this madness wouldn't calm down. And as a bonus, all the fringe nuts in the fandom would go running into the sea like lemmings screaming...'I'm through with him.' 'I hate him.' Be like killing two birds with one stone.
Marry the girl.
No. Wait. It wouldn't work. Not with you two. Not right now. You'd be Edward and Bella come to life and then the other fringe nuts who want you to be Edward and Bella would pick up where the other fringe nuts left off and the intensity of the insanity would continue.
Second note to Rob... When Twilight is all done (in about two years time)...Marry the girl. Then run away with her. Get out of show business for at least a year (make it two years). Let all of this insanity calm down and with our attention spans now reduced to that of a two year old, with you guys out of the spotlight for a couple of years, most will lose interest and move onto something else. Those who are your true fans, they'll still be here.
Yeah. That's it. Wait two years. Then grab her. Put a ring on her finger (and let everyone know you've done it) and then get the hell outta Dodge. And don't come back till 2014.
Damn. I think I've cooked these two up a plan.
And with what I've just written here, I'm afraid I've got no room in calling anyone else a psycho. It's late. I'm exhausted and getting giddy. And just so you know...that little plan I just cooked up. I'm just kidding. It's a joke.
I have only commented once before but I just have to say @Nickola I <3 you!!! You keep me in tears :)
And since K's name is here with mostly positive vibes I just want to through out there...if you haven't seen The Runaways...GO. Her and Dakota owned the sh*t out of these roles!
I think R/K both are a house a fire creatively and figuratively. It doesn't come together often, but oh holy hell when it does all you can do is sit back and enjoy!
Vow... I am happy for them... They look happy together and Ofcourse its so sweet of Kristen to spend her 20th Birthday with Rob, This action tells how much they love each other....
since we hadnt seen them in a while i had forgotten it was pretty much official! god im so excited i knew they were perfect for each other hell we all knew since they were in twilight! there was not stopping this...
Kristen most likely wasn't papped out of LAX cause a lot of celebrities actually fly out of Burbannk, which is a very celeb friendly place. Also, LAX has different entrances for dignitaries and high level public figures(my bf used to bodyguard), so it would be fairly easy for her to move around, she blends in much more easily than Robert would in Budapest when everyone knew his schedule. Even I knew he was suppossedly flying out this weekend.
I'm cool either way with them. I'm just glad Robert has close friends around him who he can trust still in the end.
Well, well, well..what an interesting day this is turning out to she was there after all...hmmm. Am I going to chuck my dummy out of the pram and declare my new found hatred for Rob for deceiving/lying to his fans and going along with what is essentially a 'PR Stunt'...Er NO I'm not...and my following comment is NOT directed at anyone here or with regards to anything that's been said here so far.
I cannot believe the amount of vitreol and spite that is being spounted about these two this morning elsewhere and to be quite truthful it sickens and disgusts me...because some of these people were supposedly Rob fans (WERE) who are now hell bent on saying the most spiteful, demeaning things about him. OK...not everyone is going to be over the moon with his choice of girlfriend...I'll admit it..I am NOT a lover of KStew but clearly Rob thinks the world of her and she must think a lot of him to fly halfway across the world to see him twice in the space of 4 months. So to accuse them of being involved in some huge publicity stunt is just ridiculous. Even IF there was a grain of truth in it, would it affect the way I think about him? No it wouldn't..I'd be surprised - but stranger things have happened in Hollywood haven't they?
I think it's just very,very sad that they are seemingly in the throes of some sort of relationship and should be able to act like a normal boyfriend/girlfriend. Instead we have pictures of them looking tense, sullen and stressed out when they should be happy and relaxed with each other. I think I would like KStew more if I could see her show some affection towards Rob...God knows the lucky bitch seems to have it all at the moment! What's to be miserable about! It's such a shame that they feel they can't show their affection in public like other Celeb couples do.
As long as Rob goes on producing the sort of work that he's done in Remember Me and we get to see lots of lovely pictures of him to drool over...Oh yes and some great interviews...I'll be a fan and a happy bunny!
in the meantime I wish people would just let them conduct their relationship/love affair as and how they want because as a fan I just want him to be happy.
lovesrob: I think this honestly about robert and kristen. Does summit and the franchise benefit from them dating? of course they do, and they will capitalize on that as much as possible.
At the same time, PR stunts do not last the duration of a 5 part franchise. lol We're almost going on a year now where neither of them have not been seen with another girl or guy - PR stunts are not that far reaching ever.
I think it's safe to say they most likely are dating, while at the same time the studio will milk it for all it's worth.
I wish Rob fans on other places would stop threatening to "break up" with him if he dates someone they don't like.
And I wish shippers would just calm down when they are seen together, cause it just adds to the drama.
I think the are dating, I find it a really cute match actually, but wish people would be more level headed about it, cause it really does make their lives harder.
@ nikola6 .... I cudn't agree more with the fandom thing. And man he's really is a one woman man, 4some reason yeah K makes him happy of all other beautiful ladies out there. U can see dat he's a respectful person esp towards ladies.....must hv something to do wt his upbringing and surrounded by all sisters since childhood. But yeah he can hv whoever girls other than K coz he knows wat he wants and rite now obvoiusly he wants her. I cudn't ignore the fact dat they r actually destinied to be together, considering dat he travelled all the way frm london 4 twilight audition and the fact dat he was literally the last person to come and K saw him and bam 2 worlds just collide...and the rest is history. Even Angarano had to back out...coz thier power r just much stronger. I respect them both 4 being proffesional actors....doing their job for the sake of their passion in acting and not the fame. And dats y they separate their private lifes away from acting world. Some people say oh come on just admit it and all be over but i say just hang on to it and do not let them protrude the privacy u so preserve.
U might say ur plan is just a joke, but i must say there's actually truth behind it. Its only a matter of time. For them to settle down now is quite too early but in few years time it might be rite. They just nd to maintain watever they're doing now and all be gud. Lets hope they really hang on to each other and alls be well to them.
Ohh gosh i've continued ur ramblings, hope to hear frm u tomorrow as it is only 7pm here in my country. Sleep tight :-))
Oh God I thought for a minute the other day this site had not degenerated into a robsten site. Guess I was wrong. I find it funny that you are mostly all congratulating yourselves on how well you are behaving here when I am reading... I told you so!FU and STFU?? thats nice??? Sounds more like gleeful gloating and profanity to me. Not sure why?
This Rob/Kstew=Edward/Bella is the saddest excuse for a love story ever and if it is real or a PR stunt who really cares? Better yet..WHY should anyone care? I've been surfing the net and gosh there's sooo much hatred for Kristen out there, now I understand why some people dont like talking badly of Kristen (poor kid)... For me, i'm just happy if our Rob is happy! :-/
Nikola-- you are pretty much spot on with assessments, and funny, to boot!
'Psychotic' is unfortunately accurate for a few, thank G-d not for most, but a fair amount are bordering on something mentally and socially unhealthy.
Part of the celebrity affair and even psychosis especially in USA has to do with the skewed idea of ownership, as well as reinforcement: people feel if they are paying to see movies or hear Cds, etc, and if the celebrities are paid so much, that the celebrities are then owned. The idea that we own their dvds or Cds but not their bodies and souls has not yet gotten across. The other aspect, reinforcement, is the need for immediate reinforcement, the "I want it all and I want it NOW" philosophy that somehow children have developed and adults (?) have allowed to dominate by indulging too much. It is consumer society at its worst.
As for the rags and papz, et al, aside from teh above, they are renforced by people who buy their wares, and people buy their wares, partly as you pointed out about their going for unmarried people or people with marriage problems (suppsoed or real), and partly because these stars are on a pedastal, literal idols, and living the glamourous or at least wealthy lives that so many covet, and so some mean-spirited people enjoy seeing their misery, their stories of woe or rejection, even their discomfort of being hunted down, and certainly will celebrate if a relationship will not last. It is like misery loves company, and they want the celebrities to be their company in their own miserable lives. People who are happy with themslves as people, who love themselves and can love others, will not want to own others, nor intrude in their personal lives, nor rejoice in their misery, failed relationships, or even discomfort.
At least the shippers' (I hate this term) hearts are coming from a good place whereas all the negative comments like Rob lied and it's PR just sound assine and bitter. Sorry, but they just do. I'm just happy if Rob is happy.
I love the way Rob always looks back for her. Checking shes ok. Sweet. I think the paps make her feel more uncomfortable than they do Rob. Rob says she so little its a bit scary for her. He's so protective of her.
The paps must love that hat that Rob always wears. They know it's him. Hello beautiful Kristen. Happy Birthday, luv. Where is Rob filming next for Bel Ami? London?
@nikola6 Good plan... time is the key, and I bet both Robert and Kristen know it. Eventually the Twilight craze will die down, they will move on to other projects and the media will begin to focus on some other hot celebs. And they will be able to live a bit more of a normal life. But just now they're going to be hounded wherever they go. I can't help feeling happy, however, that they refuse the system by wanting to keep this private, and I feel a nasty twinge of satisfaction whenever they manage to baffle the press, shut up a nosy journalist or elude the papz. I have a hunch that even if they made some sort of public statement, the media would always want more and more, they would follow them into their bedroom if they could, it's so sick and disgusting. So...rebel attitude!
WOW...Look what all I missed while I was sleeping! Might as well add my 2 cents. Love it, Love them together, Love him (as always) and this is making my Monday morning worth waking up for!
@ papagáj I know, right? She is living the dream. With the cost of paps though. I think he's just as lucky to have won her heart to. It seems it's what he has wanted all along.
Haaagh *exhales+ A robsten vid the make you feel good ;)
Hate to burst the bubble cause I would so love the pics to be true, but I'm havin doubts they are cause on other sites they've got the pics of Rob & Kristen at the airport in france and trying to pass it off as Budapest!!!
Can anyone confirm that it was budapest airport, that Bel Ami has finished filming and that these aren't old photo's from a New Moon publicity jaunt but someone is trying to make headlines and NEW news from OLD photos.
Why I say this is that most of Kristen's clothes and luggage and the guitar are exactly the same as the photo's from those Paris airport shots???!!!???
If I'm wrong, it's a win/win situation, not saying they ain't together, just I'm not sure from what I've seen if these shots are from Budapest rather saved from somewhere else??!!??
If the photo's are legit...roll on Breaking dawn filming cause it will be "hot in the city tonight" baby seeing Kristen and Rob..."up the tree K I S S I N G!!!!!
Okat, now that the cat is out of the bag, can we move on to just admiring Rob and his hotness! I am personally glad he has someone in his life that he can trust and love. Both Rob and Kristen are at a very exciting time in their lives and I am glad they have each other to share it. To be 20 again, in love with endless amounts of energy. Those were the days!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@desi Trust, it is the in Budapest The signs in the back grown are of the Hungarian airline and the Hungarian language is on the signs in the second vid.
This turned me into a total squeeing fangirl for about 15 minutes last night!!! I was so ecstatic when I saw it. Happy Birthday, Kristen, indeed!!
Happy Rob makes me happy. Happy Kristen makes me happy. Happy Rob & Kristen makes me fracking giddy. Enjoy the R&R bb's. Gods know you've earned a little loving reconnect time.
i've said it before, you dont need the so called money shot all you/we have to do is observe the way he looks at her,speaks of her,body laungage speaks volumes to is possible for them to sneak in and out of countries without the paps knowing it just takes extra when we see pics(like these)the trips weren't as well planned.i for one and happy as long as he is happy.everyone deserves love and respect and if he's found it with her,more power to them.
Im so happy for them. I love kristen and rob together. I have always been a fan of kristen and her movies. She beautiful and talented and the same can be said for rob .Im wish them the best. I have believed they were together for along time. I didnt need the proof But it does feel good I think fans of rob should support what makes him happy and help support both there films and them.
@nikola6 - You are and always have been spot on. Loved your comments throughout the thread obviously. Just keep that computer in good working order for us.
Im sorry but yes i do need that actual shot that confirms they are a couple. And in those shots they certainly aren't smiling and all lovey dovey.
Right now it just looks like they are friends, and i will reiterate that Kristen has said in numerous interviews in the past that they are close friends.
When i see evidence of an actual ROMANTIC relationship then i will be more than happy to agree that there really is a "Robsten".
I have my opinion and you have yours. It doesn't mean that my opinion is right and it certainly doesn't mean that your opinion right either.
Shippers have made it to my number one on my pet peeve list. Cheers ;)
I for one did not need to see a picture to know that she was there. It just makes sense that she would be. They r just people who happen to be high profile actors but still just people who have to live and breathe like everyone else. Just let them be. Enjoy their movies and admire their gifts to the industry. I think the true fans will be happy for the two of them and move on from the everlasting debate.
ok ladies calm down, i am so happy for them both and i never belived it is for pr so why wasan't rob doing it with emilie for rm now that movie could of needed the help if any never the sagas those will make money by themselves the sagas need no help we all know what happens i all love rob and kristen but love rob more once i mention something about k and was shot down do weddings need two witnesses? okay
@las38 - "observe the way he looks at her,speaks of her,body laungage speaks volumes to me"...i cudn't agree more, i was just abt to write abt body language and there i saw ur posting and i just nod along haha. I watch all videos and this is wat i see and thus i conclude action DO speaks louder than words. Nothing else matters, rite ;-)
@ Colleen - how can they be all lovey dovey when they r stalked like that? And plus, we r not talking abt bella and edward here..its R&K and i'm sure most of us here do know the difference. So dun make us include u in OUR pet peeve list coz we dun make any. Btw u might want to check the latest video coz it explains alot Cheers to u 2.
@ gracfulgrace - u r so rite abt being protective. It is so obvious isnt it?
Well I think they are together. Yes, they could be just friends, but typically with the opposite sex, one aLways has a 'thing' for the other. Yes. Opposites can be friends, but since he has liked her from the get-go and they have shared intimiate scenes in the Twilight Saga, then I would venure to say they are more then friends just looking at the past and what has been brought to the table.
i am so happy and there is no doubt in my mind rob and kristen are in love in the uk kristen is so welcome to come and live and she will not have to deal with the obsessed with robert that's so stupid to be angry because of one's happinesess if you remember there was a fan who was posting when bel-ami was filimg mention she could'nt understand why his lunches break was so long and often also he was being late also
Ooh btw @gracefulgrace that video u mentioned is currently unavailable due to copywright claim. Too bad...luckily i got to see it just a few minutes ago. Thanx shows alot :-))
If you told me a year ago that I was gonna say this, I'd laugh in your face. I really have grown up;
I'm glad Rob's with Kristen, and NO, I'm not much of a fan of hers anyway. She's real and all, and that's pretty cool, but I'm just not into her. In fact, I only started liking her because I saw how interested Rob was in her. And, for some reason, Rob thinks the world of her. He adored her even from the very beginning.
SHE MAKES HIM HAPPY. And if you really were a fan of Rob's, you'd be happy and supportive of him. I'm not asking you to kiss the ground Kristen walks on or watch her movies 300 times in the cinema, but just respect her, because hating on her isn't gonna do you any good. And I don't think Rob would wanna hear you pick on his woman, just sayin'.
Thank you, Rob, because you helped me grow up. And thank you, Kristen, for making him happy.
I remember reading a while ago that Rob likes Kristen because she's not carried away by the spotlight and she can keep things real. Normalcy seems to be really important to our guy.
If being with Kristen makes him sane and gives him happiness (and vice versa), then I'm all for it.
That being said, to the ladies of the Robsessed--Kate, Gozde, do you think we're giving the pappz stalking of these two legs by posting these pics and video? Where does it end? Should Robsessed take part in this?
It's just a question and I don't mean to offend. Please know that I am a big fan of this blog. I would just like to hear your take.
ReplyDeleteWow! I'm so excited! Thanks for posting :)
ReplyDeleteHey Ladies- I haven't posted in a while!! This was definitely worth commenting on!
ReplyDeleteYES YES YES!!!!!!!!! I love it!
F'ing LUCKY bitch.
ReplyDeletethats so sweet. I can't believe that all those rumors were true. Well most of them anyway. She was really there. I guess there really isnt any denying it now.
ReplyDeletecan't wait to see what's next!
ReplyDeleteGosh..I am so happy about this article...
ReplyDeleteIm such a fan of both of them..
Love Love Love....
God bless them. They can't go anywhere.... i'm glad to always see the pics, but it's gotta feel like they're tortured!
ReplyDeleteWhy don't they just open up to the world that they are together? The whole thing is like the peak of good suspense thriller and I'm at the very edge of my seat!!!
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ReplyDeleteYou know kristen got bomb Birthday Sex! GetBehindIt rob! And nonstens im sorry but you just need to STOP just accept the fact that they are together! Wait is there even nonstens in here? if not im sorry!
ReplyDeleteTo all the doubters, haters and nonstens
They don't need to come out to anyone... They owe us nothing... They are handling things in their own way which is what they have the right to do...
Happy wishes Rob & Kristen, you are loved.
I just wish everyone would leave them alone. They're just two kids who like each other, and are TRYING to date under pretty tense circumstances. I think the obsession with the "are they/aren't they" thing is just dumb. They're 19 and 23....leave them alone, and let them figure it out. The obsession is stupid.
ReplyDeleteIf you want something to obsess about....lets talk about Robs ass in those jeans. HUMMUNA HUMMUNA!
At least the ridiculous "Kristen is in LA" versus "Kristen is in Budapest" debate can be put to rest.
ReplyDeleteGood for them. Hope they enjoy their time together.
OMG!!! yes!! How on earth can they deny it now? not that i ever doubt they were together but im so happy for rob. he seemed to have had a huge crush on her, he looks so happy when hes with her. I think both of them are very lucky. They are soo cute together!
ReplyDeleteIt's great that people aren't bashing Kstew in this blog like they are in Man a lot of those girls are Bitches.
ReplyDeleteAnd for the ones who dont like kristen on here(because i know some of you just dont, which i dont understand), please dont hate on her! just keep the rude commnets to yourself! Just be happy for rob!
ReplyDeleteThey are so cute. And can you blame Kristen? Who wouldn't want to spend their birthday with Robert Pattinson? Rob looks as hot as ever.
ReplyDeleteThey haven't really been denying anything nor owning up to it. I would have wanted them to own up to it, then perhaps we we can see more PDAs. Is that too much to ask?
ReplyDeleteThey are so cute. And I can totally understand why Kristen would want to spend her birthday with Robert Pattinson. What girl wouldn't? Rob looks as hawt as ever in those pics.
ReplyDeleteAww .. that is very cute. I thought that the rumours were just rumours, but.. oh well, wish them all the best.
ReplyDeleteAnd Rob´s jeans and hair? Oh my!!
i guess rob is more important than her family for her birthday
ReplyDeleteI believe their together now.
ReplyDeleteI wish them well physically and mentally. Because there'll shitload paps storm coming their way.
Rob looking hot and happy. So is Kris.
I'm back to my sad life now.
I think I just threw up a little bit..
ReplyDeleteI really do envy you shippers I would like to like her I really really would...I have tried. I have.I cant. I just dont like her... at all. Believe me, it would feel much better to say Yeah, I am so happy. she is so cute and funny and smart and pretty and yadah yadah. But it has nothing whatsoever do to with me so I deal and at the end of the day it doesnt really matter who he dates. He is a grown man and can do whatever he wants.
ReplyDeleteHappy! Happy! Happy!
Glad they got to be together to celebrate. Kristen spent time with her family as well, by the way. Hope Rob enjoys his family time...
ReplyDeleteI never doubted that they were together, you see the way they look at each other, we have heard no mention of her "boyfriend" Michael in almost a year....they've spent the holidays with each other so why not be together? She's beautiful, he's hot and they seem to have a lot of fun together. More power to them! be young and in-love...I couldn't blame her for going all the way to Bhudapest for him on her special day...he must be the only thing she wants for her birthday. Besides, if she lurks on this site, then she will surely be insecure reading all the NB's obsessions and fantasies and maybe (thanks to you) it gives her ideas and she's doing all the things that you only dream of doing...hahahaha!!!
ReplyDeleteladyryan2-no offense, but yes, it is too much to ask. We should be fans who appreciate the work that Rob shares with us, and not think that we are entitled to a "show" when it comes to his private life. They don't owe anyone performance PDA's and it's wrong to expect that.
ReplyDeleteThis>>>>To all the doubters, haters and nonstens
They don't need to come out to anyone... They owe us nothing... They are handling things in their own way which is what they have the right to do...
Happy wishes Rob & Kristen, you are loved. (I love you, RPG!)
I'm not sticking around and I'm not going to participate in a fight/debate/whatever. I just had to put in my 2 cents. Peace!
this should certainly make the Eclipse press tour interesting...
ReplyDeleteHAHAHA! CullenLoverSmelledThePretty! I love your comment. You go girl! Well said.
ReplyDeleteWho is the other guy? Maybe her brother?
ReplyDeleteum ok so I can't gloat but can I???
ReplyDeleteI AM HAPPY!!! Cute couple. Love them together. Love that he's been getting some since they've been apart for a while. I love them both!!!!! I wished I was Kristen.
ReplyDeletei'm very possessive over my leading men. example would be; collin firth is only with me or jennifer ehle. so i am VERY glad about this. i'm a hopeless romantic. u may shoot me n call me a shipper but i don't care and love it!
ReplyDeleteCL - I loved your comment :)
ReplyDeletelike i said before she got in there and wasn't seen until they left, GOOD FOR THEM :))
i gotta show my other robsten lover friend... oh and thanks for the post!
ReplyDeleteI wonder if they're going back to London or LA. But wouldn't it be such an epic win if people were waiting for them to arrive in the airport and then they don't show up, only for us to find out later that they're in Russia or something? Hahaha, just a thought.
ReplyDeleteSo happy but now PLEASE just leave them alone! The poor things. They owe nothing to say they are together. They do their bit when required (and most graciously) - premieres, fundraising (Haiti), etc but they are entitled to a private life. I hope they have a long, happy and papp free relationship. If only some other stars could conduct themselves as well as Rob and Kristen....Wish only the best for them xx
ReplyDeleteI'm just glad Rob's with someone he obviously cares about and can trust not to blab everything to the press. You never know about people's motives but Kristen was his friend before he became famous.
ReplyDelete@RPG and CL!!!!
ReplyDeleteAMEN! all those haters can def stfu now. i love rob and kris together cuz only they can understand the crazy that their positions bring. i'm Soooo HAPPY!
Isabel ~
ReplyDelete"Bomb birthday sex"? YES!
That should have been the best b-day present AVA!
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI admire their aloofness. I imagine they are pretty pissed at that moment but if I were in that position I would be going berserk.
ReplyDelete@ isabel I think you shouldn't dislike someone who has never done anything to you personalty. Who has never done anything wrong. Considering what most young actresses get up to. Kristen seems to have no skeletons in her closet. It's wrong to dislike someone just because they don't look like you want or because they have a different personality to you.
ReplyDeleteI love Rob and Kristen is lucky to have him!!! He never looked at anyone the way he looks at her...
ReplyDelete@rpg, cl,rpl,womadsart
ReplyDeleteHere, Here!!! ITA!!!!!
: )
ReplyDeleteLove is a beautiful thing.I'm so happy for Rob and Kris to have found that special someone who makes their heart flutter and their mind stutter.hahah Ok, bad rhyme.;P
ReplyDeleteHaters step to the left, back up a 100 feet, run around the corner and puuffff be gone. LOL
I knew it !!! they was together.. :)
ReplyDelete@Rpattz, last breath before bed. I read your comment and totally agree. Enough said.
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ReplyDeleteIt's the year in a row that they've spent her birthday together. So happy for them. Really gorgeous couple.
ReplyDeleteIs it wrong to admit I'm 3 shades of pea green and am envious of a 20year old??? lol!
ReplyDeleteBut all joking aside....I am soooo incredibly happy for the two of them. @ ladyryan2 ITA, I LOVE the way he looks at her and his giggle everytime her name is mentioned is too adorable.
Best Wishes Rob & Kris :)
It is what it is...
ReplyDeleteI wish them the best.
(hi, ladies!)
ReplyDeleteIs it wrong to feel such pure and utter joy knowing that two people I don't even know are together, hopefully happy and very much in love? Everyone should be so lucky to find what they seem to have found in each other. I wish them many quiet happy days together out of the spotlight. My heart is so very happy right now! I am here because of Rob and love knowing that Rob is happy. Cheers and peace to all!
ReplyDeleteThe Decay of Lying
ReplyDeleteHappy for Rob that he found someone who makes him happy. Wishing R&K the best.
ReplyDeleteEllie, so true. And who could wish them anything but well?
ReplyDeleteThis about sums it up for me at this point!
Brilliant! Fantastic! I'm so happy... Nobody saw her arriving in Budapest and the paps didn't get to them.. Great, great, great! Hope they enjoy some quality time together, alone....
ReplyDeleteI am a hopeless, helpless romantic, so yeah! I am so happy for them. They live life in a fish bowl and still managed the mystery. Whatever works for them and makes them happy!
ReplyDeleteYou go for it, Rob and Kristen!!
No wonder Rob was all smiles.
I knew it in my heart... I just love them..... hahahahahahahaha!
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad somebody got some clear pictures, I just don't think I can stand another debate over if the video was them or not. I was going to say that the fact that Kristen went all the way to Hungary to be with him should shut up all the people who don't think they're a couple, but I don't think ANYTHING will change those people's minds LOL
ReplyDeleteI'm really going to bed now, but just want to commend everyone here on this thread which could have become so very heated and combative (as has occurred almost every time Kristen gets mentioned here), but from what I've seen so FAR, people have been very supporting and unbelievably respectful of Rob & Kristen and how they have chosen to maintain & continue their relationship, whatever it may be. Once again, I say bless them.
ReplyDelete@Cindeeloo-I'm so with you, I cannot deny the degree of envy I'm in right now.
ReplyDelete@Loisada-that was funny. I do hope they can maneuver even better strats now.,esp. that he is due back here in LA for WEF. Maybe this time, they won't be hiding anymore.
I think it's funny when people say "I knew it! They are together!" Every time a photo as a couple comes out.
ReplyDeleteSams gig - "I KNEW IT!"
Kings of leon concert - "I KNEW IT!"
In Paris holding hands - "I KNEW IT!"
In the Isle of White - "I KNEW IT!"
Holding hands in the Isle of White - "I KNEW IT!"
Kristen at the RM premier - "I KNEW IT!"
And finally Kristen in Budapest - "I KNEW IT!"
It's to funny :D
I think most people forget between pictures. Or maybe stop believing because they're not seen together for a few weeks.
amen, Sarah Bear!
ReplyDeleteLove it! Good job Kstew for getting out of LA without anyone watching...
ReplyDeleteAnd Rob - well, you are just flippin HOT. Always.
im still amazed how she got out of LA without being papped when LA is swarming with them and then she goes to Budapest and one lone pap gets her... amazing
ReplyDeleteOMG! I'm SO happy! Rob looks awesome and Kristen is as gorgeous as ever. Viva Robsten! I love this!!! =)
ReplyDeleteI have thought long and hard about whether R/L should just confirm their relationship. In the end, my humble opinion is HELL NO. Look at Jay-Z and Beyonce. They didn't confirm their relationship for a LONG time and they are still very relucant to talk about it. The press seems to give them more room to breathe. Besides... Anyone rememer the craziness that was "Bennifer"? They told the press everything and now their careers suck and they're not together!
ReplyDeleteI must really be tired and sleepy, hence, mispelled Budapest and WFE. But I got excited, actually I still am...
ReplyDeletegigglesnort...did you guys have any doubts this would happen? I mean...really?
ReplyDeleteLove them! and because I love them, I love them together...and I'm glad both of them r getting some :P and must be something good since they're traveling around the globe for it...which makes me envious...I want them to share with me...I'm not picky, I'll take both or any of them ;)
Hi, this is my first comment ever so be nice to me! i always come here but i feel like today i needed to say something.
ReplyDeleteI love rob and i think as fans we should support him no matter what,i'm pretty pissed about some very rude comments i've seen in other blogs,i know most of you ladies here in robsessed just want him to be happy as much as i do,wich is why i love this blog,so i encourage you to keep doing it!
I cant belive someone actually said "it´s gross, i'm done with him" or "he lied to us" seriously?? i mean what gives you the right to judge him that way? he is a grown man and has the right to be with anyone he wants, it's HIS life, just because he is a public figure doesn´t mean we can just demand answers from him.
And what´s with all the hate towards kristen? calling her pathetic for flying to budapest to be with him. if you dont like for whatever reason, fine, dont like her, i happen to think she is awesome, but remember, none of us actually know her (or rob for that matter)so calling her names or assuming things about their relationship is what is really pathetic.
So let's just keep admiring his work, like real fans, and how beautiful he is,and smart and funny and talented and adorable.... (i could go on forever...) and let's be happy for him!!!!
Remember the motto girls, "if he's not shagging me, i don't care who he shags"
Sorry for the long speach, i just needed to get it out. It's not directed to you lovely ladies, it's directed to all the haters that may decide to pop their ugly heads over here.
Much love to all the real fans!!!
@steph - I think she wasn't papped getting out of LA because it was on her own time, but when they left budapest it was known because it was related to his working.
ReplyDeleteHappy Rob make me Happy
ReplyDeleteand I dont care who make him happy...
they're cute couple and let they enjoy their love, life...
we as a fan, just enjoy his movies...
@ Samantha, EXACTLY! Well said. They both obviously tried not to fall for each other for a long time because they knew it would be hard and gave in to there feelings in the end. The fact they aren't saying anything shows just how much they are in love.
ReplyDeleteAs much as I would love to know. I really don't think it would be good for them to say anything. They are doing everything right keeping it private. Knowing it's the way to make it work.
I would how ever like them to whisper it in my ear. I can keep a secret. :)
who is the other guy?
ReplyDelete@lolli most are saying it's John, her bodyguard/personal assistant
ReplyDeleteI agree Kimberly Dawn. She is a lucky fucking bitch. LOL! Their so totally together. I sound like a tween but it's true. What friend flys around the world just to hang as much as they do? I was convinced back when those Kings of Leon pictures we're revealed. What friends get that close to eachothers faces just to talk I ask you!?
ReplyDeleteOk I'm totally confused. Was there ever a question that they were together? With all the pics we've had in the past? Really?Kristen always has that look like someone died so she does nothing for me. I'm just a fan of Rob & I used to worry she was going to rub off on him. Thankfully that hasn't happened. He's still the same funny happy go lucky Rob so I'm ok with it.
ReplyDeleteI read a quote by nikki Reed. She never seems to have anything nice to say about Rob, but is always praising Taylor Lautner. I wonder how much this relationship has to do with it. Is she and Kristin still Friends.? I suspect there's a lot going on there and it's all being kept underwrap for the sake of the Twilight franchise. As soon at it's all over you know we going hear all about it.
I had women's intuition as I am certain many of you did that they were seeing each other. it is nice to see that their not going on separate planes or cars. However, as a few of you have commented they do not owe us one bit of confirmation whether they are or are not dating. As Kristen stated on Access Hollywood it would make no difference if they did or did not say they were dating we would or the paparazzi would continue to hound them like Brad and Angelina. I am happy for both of them and I am a hopeless and hopeful romantic. I wish them success in their careers and a very long relationship.
ReplyDeleteregarding the 2nd half of your comment
i always wonder the same thing
@ Cinthya
ReplyDeleteThankfully no one over here is saying bad things about Kristen. Everyone is keeping drama free. You should go put your comment on the nasty site. You have some good points :)
ReplyDeleteI know, i know, did it already!
this is why i love it here, people are respecfful!
blah, blah, blah. I don't really care. I hope they had fun but its honestly none of my business.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Sarah, Bear though ... ogling Robs amazing ass in those jeans is totally my business! mmm :) what a nice view.
It pisses me off how older immature "woman" are acting childish and hating on kristen!! its like wow your really going to hate on a 20 year old? Grow up and act your age!! Its like No no no no no, they need to STOP!
ReplyDelete@Isabel and PRC all i want to know is what did kristen ever do to you that you just DONT like her?
i wish rob can see all the hate comments that people write about kristen online!!
You had not said enough to photos of the paparazzi? These are their photos. We're invading the privacy of Rob and Kris
ReplyDeletesame here girl!!! i mean but now everyone else can catch up to us. haha.
ReplyDeleteGood morning - what beautiful news.
I look forward to a real photo of this" Super -Hot - Love - Double"
And the best thing for me throughout the story. Perhaps there once to see really good kisses in Eclipse. Not that kissing on the upper lip. LOL
The two only ever have the problem with the Paps and rumors. Rob happens to be the hottest guy in the movie business. This will can not be avoided, which he observed always and everywhere.
that is not easy. But you will do it right.
You are young. Let it rock
if ppl dont like kristen ,fine. if people like her, fine...just allow ppl to have an opinion. not everyone has to agree and not everyone will like everyone else.
ReplyDeletei am not kristen, but i love rob and i am glad he is happy. i have to suck it up and deal with it just like everyone else. even if we all like or dislike kristen we all just want rob to be happy so cant we try and focus on that. he seems happy. let ppl have their opinions. whether rob and kris have our support or not i dont they care regardless.
Oh, my god...
ReplyDeletefinally i was waiting in my computer screen all the weekend, i am so happy for them, they are very young but when LOVE is in the air... everything is bright and nice.
xxx on both of them...
im sorry if i sound bitchy, but there have been plenty of times ppl had conflicting views on this site and we all still got least as far as my experience goes. i just ask ppl to be respectful and mindful that not everyone will all have the same opinion and its important to regard them as important too.
ReplyDeletei would just like to say that i love how respectful everyone is being on here. i mean like Steph is Legit said be happy that our boy is happy. i mean i trust his choice and it just so happens that i got lucky because i really like that they're together. so good job ladies! this site is the sh!t.
ReplyDeleteTold you fucking so.
ReplyDeletethis is awesome
@ Becca,
ReplyDeleteI totally agree. Ogling Robs ass in those jeans. MMUMMMH! But I just can't get the image of Kristen's heals digging in to that very ass out of my mind. I think the week of Robsten lovin is just a bit fresh in my mind still for me to go there yet. It kind feels like a 3some haha!
rpatzzgirl...u r sooo true, they owe us nothing. They've been handling it gracefully and we true supporters just gv them our blessings and continous support. Although i hate to see them caught by papzz those pics just made my day.
May I squeal?
ReplyDeleteSeeing this makes me so happy- I'm glad they've been able to spend time together in Budapest without much disruption.
I'm jealous of Kristen though. I wanted to celebrate my birthday with Rob as well. Sigh.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDelete@ Noe, I mentioned the video on the last post and so many people kept saying kit wasn't them. I'd know Robs wonky walk anywhere and Kristen's skinny legs and curvy bum.
ReplyDeleteI have only seen it now. In the vid. I love the wonky - legs.
Robert deserves some happiness. He makes me happy with his movies. I just hope that he and Kristen are happy together.
ReplyDeleteCan they just confirm it now so that I can grieve for a few days (weeks) and then act indifferent to their relationship because there is nothing I can do about it? I'm happy Rob is happy, but I still can't help feeling like I want to go "Raging Bitch Status" on Kristen.
ReplyDeleteWaiting for pictures and here they are. Love them both. Be happy. Ain't love grand? <3<3<3
ReplyDelete@ korinneraylie...if they confirm there wud be no edge to it anymore. Plus i think we nd to leave them wt the one thing they deserve...privacy :-)))
ReplyDeleteLuv them both...
Oohh and starting may wud be exciting...with mtv awards and all the eclipse promotions...fasten ur seat belt guys and lets get going robsten..
ReplyDelete@ Steph is Legit and everyone else saying negative stuff about Kristen.
ReplyDeleteEveryone has a right to an opinion. But that doesn't make there opinion right or ok. Nobody has the right to dislike someone who has never done anything to them. Kristen may have a different personality to you. But she is a very good person. I also think if someone dislikes another human for no other reason. than they way they look, there body language, there dress. Well that just makes them a bitch.
Kristen is remarkable. So smart, mature, beautiful. She's no slut, doesn't have naked photos floating around the net, isn't falling out of night clubs drunk and Rob thinks she's the sweetest, strongest girl he's ever met. So as a fan of his, we should listen to him. He knows her better than any one of us.
I'm pretty sure you wouldn't say shit to her face if you met her and so if you can't say it to her face. Don't saying it behind her back.
this is wonderful, especially for rop because he said from the moment he saw kristen in into the wild he liked her so going after her did not fail him since she was seventeen even though she had a boyfrienb he never gaved up they seem to know allot about each other.if you are in love with some you will totally want to spend your birthday with them and kristen is very mature for her age remember she lives on her own i am very happy for them both
ReplyDeletei m so so so truly happy for them !!! lovvveee them n love my bella n edward more !!! :o)
Say it not so loud. Otherwise, all say again: Now they are being watched even more and more. LOL
@StephsLegit: ok, I feel pretty sure they are there a possibility this is more PR like you said your friend said the director said. I mean, she could have been ordered to go to Budapest...Eclipse promo starts soon. It is possible isn't it? They NEVER show PDA or look like a couple at all. He never even touches her in any way. I find that very strange.
ReplyDeleteyou´re soo right, the thing i love about her is that she seems so real and down to earth,no need to go around selling herself like many girls in hollywood do, she is an actress not a celebrity, she is comfortable wearing the same old skinny jeans, t-shirts and converse, and i love rob even more for loving her like that, he could have gone the other way (the megan fox way for example) with so many women willing to throw themselves at him, but he didn't! wich says a lot about him, i'm not saying that he can only be with kristen (altough i hope so)what i mean is that he didn't fall for the hollywood crap and i love it!
ReplyDeleteseriously right. but that is just how it is. people are too cynical of things and need super OBVIOUS proof to get it. so thank God for these pics to make it easier on us supporters. haha.
i know kristen got a lil booty for a white girl. love her. but shoot if i don't get a lil jealous every once and a while.
Take that with the negative statements not so seriously. We women love Rob. And we now need to get along once the the Sexiest Man on Earth no longer has to have. "Sigh" But he is happy and that is the most important. For now, his eyes shine even more. And his laugh is even more beautiful. And that is what we want to see. Or not?
ReplyDeleteWow, seriously you girls/ladies! You shouldn't let this overcome your thoughts so much. I didn't need to read the comments to know it's full of robsten/nonsten crap. There's nothing new today just the usual trivia question; this ALWAYS happens with two co-actors and even more that it's the Edward/Bella actors. And I'm sure reading all that FANFICTION has kinda altered your thinking. It's kinda sad in a way. Hope you the best, an outside viewpoint on.... blah blah blah, this comment has taken enough of my time already! Goodnite. :)
ReplyDeletei so love the pictures and them being together celebrating kristen's sweet!i know goz,kate & kat are happy for rob coz they post it here.:)thanks so much girls!!you made us so very happy.:)
ReplyDeletePR! LMFAO! Are you for real! Oh my fucking god!
ReplyDeleteYou never know. Maybe your right and maybe Rob as Emily de ravin in his suit case. After all if summit FORCES Robs leading ladies to follow him around the world Elmily really needs to be there too! *rolls eyes*
@ Antonia Cullen no need to be patronizing.
ReplyDeleteOnce again, I am late to the party (well, that's what you get for running around all weekend and ignoring your computer). And I'm not going to go on and on about the status of their relationship because I think I've made my views on it pretty clear since last May's MTV Movie Awards when they were seen the morning after, exiting the same hotel. And from then until now, I figured people had to be in total denial (which I've never been able to understand. Nothing wrong with falling in love with movie stars. People have been doing it for damn near a 100 years now. But the jealousy over this particular relationship boarders on the psychotic) or brain dead not to see that something had changed between them.
ReplyDeleteBut what I do want to comment on (and yeah, I've said this before...many times, but I think it bears repeating)...
In terms of their personal life, they owe us nothing. With this unimaginable fame that's turned their lives upside down, they've had their freedom and their annonimity (sp?) taken from them. Isn't that enough? Must they give up their love affair to the world too? Can't they keep just that for themselves?
I've never understood why people think they owe us something on this score. Is it because most celebrities nowadays spill their guts right and left about the personal aspects of their lives and so now the public just expects that they have the right to know? You don't. Their lives are not a movie to played out for our entertainment. I personally think they are a breath of fresh air and I so admire them for not using their relationship to further their celebrity. Most young actors caught up in this kind of worldwide phenomenon, would milk a personal relationship for all they could get out of it. But it appears that these two possess a maturity and wisdom beyond their years. They know that to do such a thing would be to exploit themselves in the worst way. How did they figure this out at such a young age?
And to those who have accused them of lying... They never have. They have denied nothing. They just simply haven't confirmed. And they don't have to.
I just hope that whatever they feel for one another, that it will survive this pop cultural shit storm that they've found themselves in. If they lose each other because of their own decisions and/or mistakes, then they have to own that. If they lose each other because of the intrusion and scrutiny that fame has brought to their lives, that would be tragic. And if that's the way it eventually plays out, they wouldn't be the first and they won't be the last.
Fame is a son of bitch. A bastard. A monster.
@ Cinthya, I know, right? I think if Rob ended up with a shallow girl I would loose a little respect for him. I remember at comic con Kristen was looking pretty rough and I know she did that on purpose because the tabloids where saying she was planning on dressing up to win over Rob. But even in her most unkempt look and her Joan jet mullet. He was looking at her like she was the most beautiful girl in the world. I just love the fact he loves her weather she looks gorgous or not.
ReplyDeleteThere always has to be one that says they're doing it for PR...........why can't you just leave them be,they're doing it for love......
ReplyDeleteso very Happy to see them together after these past few weeks apart...luv you Rob and Kris....keep doing what you're doing you two Rock.
@gracefulgrace- have you seen the runaways, Kristen was still in Joan mode at comic con 2009 and after watching the movie (it's amazing BTW) her appearance and demeanor then make so much sense to me, and you're so right he couldn't keep his eyes off of her at every appearance.
ReplyDelete@janna No I haven't seen it yet. It's not out here in England yet.
ReplyDeleteShe was even acting like a rock chick at comic con. I bet it takes a while to get out of character.
it's a while since a i've been posting last time (but always here with you ladies!) but wow.... i'm so happy for Rob!!! mean, for me it's everything so simple and natural to conceive (robsten/nonsten & other bla bla don't influence my opinion at all):
ReplyDeletehe seems happy when together with Kristen, so if he's happy i'm happy too. and well, i also like her, so happy for them both :-)
no need at all for public announcement, why then? it's their life, so they can/must go on with it how they like.
wish them the best possible!
i will continue to support him with all my heart, whatever, whoever he chooses for himself.
@ HeartRob.... oooppsss i did it again..??? lolllllll
ReplyDelete@ Antonia Cullen...."this comment has taken enough of my time already!" - y has it taken ur time..coz u're reading it :-)))
@ nikola6...u just wrote everything that's in my head...i'm so with u girl...hi5 :-))
I prefer not to comment
ReplyDeleteI agree with everything u said Steph. I'm a Kstew fan and also a Rob fan. I think they make a lovely couple and if Rob is happy good on him its his life. No of us know KStew like he does and there must be something special about her that he is with her that we don't know. So what if she is not with a smile plastered on her face all the time. How would we be if we had cameras stuck in our faces every time we stepped out. I know it comes with the job but she probably doesn't want all this stardom thing she just wants to work and make a living and this is the profession she enjoys. Ppl need to jack back and leave her alone. I have most of her movies and I think she is a great actress with room to develop but who doesn't even rob has got a lot of room for development. Good on them if they are together and wish them all the best that life can offer them professionally and personally.
ReplyDeleteIt was also her birthday so Happy birthday Kristen. Hope u got some great birthday presents. I'm sure u did and yes I think u are one lucky woman to be going out with Rob. Hold on tight lovely there are claws out there waiting to pounce on him.
ReplyDeleteI feel sorry for them though
wouldn't you be pissed if people just sat around analysing your relationship?
bLah blah blah, they look cute together and at least its making it easier for the truth to come out.
I'm too b usy looking at his ass in those jeans to worry about her. ......
ReplyDeleteRight on. I couldn't of stated that any better. Celebrities are people too and if we had cameras in our faces 24/7 we would go ballistic. They are a classy couple dealing with media in their faces and private lives constantly. Pure insanity.
I for one am happy to get this proof of them being together. Just knowing they are together is enough and I don't think they should come out with a statement cos then all the paps will haunt them even more looking for and making up stories about breaking up and all the rest of the BS they hype to sell mags. Keep your private lives secret and we fans will be happy with the occasional crumbs when pics appear of the two of you together. Wishing you both the very best of everything for your relationship and your careers.
ReplyDelete@nikola6 - I couln't put it better... It's too bad they couldn't evade the papz at the last moment, nobody would ever have known anything this time. But I suppose they more or less knew they would be papz around sooner or later. I do so wish the press would leave them alone and let them live their life as normal human beings. I guess it's impossible now.
ReplyDeleteYour comment is the best.
@Kate, can you bring some hot photos of Rob. I need some distraction. LOL
Hi All my first time posting but i have been following the blog for months......this made me smile on a very crappy monday morning!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks Nora. But I'd like to apologize for that word 'psychotic.' That was a bit harsh. But let's face it, there is an element to this fandom that is a bit 'out there.' It's like, they don't want him with anybody. I've read criticism of every woman he's been seen or photographed with. What the hell is up with that? Do they expect him to live the life of a monk because they can't stand the thought of him with anyone other than themselves? If so, then I'd say it's
ReplyDeletetime to get a grip. One of these days he's gonna get married (to K or to somebody) and in all probability, produce a gorgeous sex haired baby or two (just recently he mentioned more than once that he'd like to be a young father) and what are some going to do then? Drink the punch?
Would they prefer that he go the route of Leo when superstardom hit him and he screwed most of Hollywood and any supermodel he could get his hands on? It seems to me that Rob met the one he wanted a full year before stardom swallowed him up and he waited for her. Since Twilight opened in November of 2008 (nearly a year and a half ago), Robert Pattinson could have ANY woman he wants and he's got quite a herd to choose from as he is now in the company of the most beautiful, talented, desirable, successful women in the world. It appears he's passed (and no, he certainly wasn't a monk while waiting for he wanted, but he wasn't out catting around either or getting into any kind of a committed relationship). And knowing the way Hollywood works, trust me when I tell you, that is unbelievable. Having any woman he wanted was his 'right of passage' as the 'new kid in town.' And believe me again when I tell you that they were lined up waiting for their shot with him. Man, he must have really wanted someone else bad, to pass up all those goodies in the candy store that were his for the taking. Yup. He must have really wanted someone else...Really. Bad.
For reasons that we do not know, this girl appears to make him happy. Isn't that enough?
♥i'm so glad for them !!!! happy birthday kstew !!!! ♥
ReplyDeleteoh my, this post just reminds me that I should get a life ...I'm so happy for both of them, I've been rooting for them for ever and now having seen the pics I feel I can die peacefully .. LOL ok, I know, I know, i've just overplayed, but you know what I mean.
ReplyDeleteGood day to all of you wonderful Robstens!
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWW!!!! I´m so happy for them!!! happy birthday kristen, hope you had a great time...
ReplyDelete@heartrob ohh thanks honey do you know my side hey can you give me your mail
ReplyDelete@Iluvthemovies & why is the rum...
ReplyDeleteThanks. I always appreciate a nice comment to my comments because I always fear that someone is gonna shove my teeth down my throat for something I've said (isn't insecurity grand?).
As for the pappz...
With this confirm that she went all the way to Budapest to be with him on her birthday, I think those bastards are now gonna be smelling fresh blood in the water. They want that 'money shot' so badly, they can taste it. They know that a shot of Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart in a hot lip lock could bring them millions. In terms of a celebrity photo...a shot of that is most likely the most sought after in show the moment.
A part of me thinks, oh hell Rob, just take her out on the street corner, put her up against a wall, wrap her legs around you, put your hands on her ass and shove your tongues down each others throats and finally just give 'em what they want and maybe it'll calm down a bit. But then I think, no. It won't. The frenzy will only increase and I've got a theory about why that would be so.
It's when celebrites are single, that the papps and the media are most interested. Why? Because they can sell us that. Let me explain. It seems that when celebs get married, the interest in them dies down. When Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck were together, the press couldn't get enough of them. They break up. She marries Marc Anthony, he married Jennifer Garner, they have kids and the frenzy around them cooled way down. Scarlet Johansson was the hottest IT girl in town. She marries Ryan Reynolds and she cools off. But...Brad and Angie are still unmarried, aren't they? And Jennifer Anniston is still single, isn't she? So...the celebrity press continues to sell us this 'triangle' between them. I promise you, if Brad and Angie got married and Jennifer married someone, most of this bullshit would go away. Why? Because they can't sell us 'married' sex. It's boring. The same ol same ol. But unmarried, exciting living in sin sex? That they can sell us. Married sex scandals work too. Exhibit A & B...Tiger Woods and Sandra Bullock. Before naughty sex? Not too much excitement around them. After? Oh dear god. Because this is what they can sell the public.
Note to Rob...marry the girl. Seriously. Elope. But don't keep it a secret (that would defeat the purpose). And watch and see if the intensity of this madness wouldn't calm down. And as a bonus, all the fringe nuts in the fandom would go running into the sea like lemmings screaming...'I'm through with him.' 'I hate him.' Be like killing two birds with one stone.
Marry the girl.
No. Wait. It wouldn't work. Not with you two. Not right now. You'd be Edward and Bella come to life and then the other fringe nuts who want you to be Edward and Bella would pick up where the other fringe nuts left off and the intensity of the insanity would continue.
Second note to Rob...
When Twilight is all done (in about two years time)...Marry the girl. Then run away with her. Get out of show business for at least a year (make it two years). Let all of this insanity calm down and with our attention spans now reduced to that of a two year old, with you guys out of the spotlight for a couple of years, most will lose interest and move onto something else. Those who are your true fans, they'll still be here.
Yeah. That's it. Wait two years. Then grab her. Put a ring on her finger (and let everyone know you've done it) and then get the hell outta Dodge. And don't come back till 2014.
Damn. I think I've cooked these two up a plan.
And with what I've just written here, I'm afraid I've got no room in calling anyone else a psycho. It's late. I'm exhausted and getting giddy. And just so you know...that little plan I just cooked up. I'm just kidding. It's a joke.
@nikola6 Wow, my lunch break is over now, until I read this long post. But there is some truth in what you writing.
ReplyDeletebut by one thing I do not agree.
marry me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOOOOOLLLLLLL
I have only commented once before but I just have to say @Nickola I <3 you!!! You keep me in tears :)
ReplyDeleteAnd since K's name is here with mostly positive vibes I just want to through out there...if you haven't seen The Runaways...GO. Her and Dakota owned the sh*t out of these roles!
I think R/K both are a house a fire creatively and figuratively. It doesn't come together often, but oh holy hell when it does all you can do is sit back and enjoy!
ReplyDeleteyou're too funny and I luv the marriage just might be the answer.......Lol
Vow... I am happy for them... They look happy together and Ofcourse its so sweet of Kristen to spend her 20th Birthday with Rob, This action tells how much they love each other....
ReplyDeletefirstly,luv your id name,clever....and secondly,hell yeah....I'm sitting back and enjoying......thirdly, can't wait to see The Runaways.....luv KStew.
since we hadnt seen them in a while i had forgotten it was pretty much official! god im so excited i knew they were perfect for each other hell we all knew since they were in twilight! there was not stopping this...
ReplyDeleteKristen most likely wasn't papped out of LAX cause a lot of celebrities actually fly out of Burbannk, which is a very celeb friendly place. Also, LAX has different entrances for dignitaries and high level public figures(my bf used to bodyguard), so it would be fairly easy for her to move around, she blends in much more easily than Robert would in Budapest when everyone knew his schedule. Even I knew he was suppossedly flying out this weekend.
ReplyDeleteI'm cool either way with them. I'm just glad Robert has close friends around him who he can trust still in the end.
ReplyDeleteOH,hon I understand you
GREAT PLAN !!!!But Rob may not want to adapt to your suggestions You know him;)))
Whatever They matched perfectly !!!
Well, well, well..what an interesting day this is turning out to she was there after all...hmmm. Am I going to chuck my dummy out of the pram and declare my new found hatred for Rob for deceiving/lying to his fans and going along with what is essentially a 'PR Stunt'...Er NO I'm not...and my following comment is NOT directed at anyone here or with regards to anything that's been said here so far.
ReplyDeleteI cannot believe the amount of vitreol and spite that is being spounted about these two this morning elsewhere and to be quite truthful it sickens and disgusts me...because some of these people were supposedly Rob fans (WERE) who are now hell bent on saying the most spiteful, demeaning things about him. OK...not everyone is going to be over the moon with his choice of girlfriend...I'll admit it..I am NOT a lover of KStew but clearly Rob thinks the world of her and she must think a lot of him to fly halfway across the world to see him twice in the space of 4 months. So to accuse them of being involved in some huge publicity stunt is just ridiculous. Even IF there was a grain of truth in it, would it affect the way I think about him? No it wouldn't..I'd be surprised - but stranger things have happened in Hollywood haven't they?
I think it's just very,very sad that they are seemingly in the throes of some sort of relationship and should be able to act like a normal boyfriend/girlfriend. Instead we have pictures of them looking tense, sullen and stressed out when they should be happy and relaxed with each other. I think I would like KStew more if I could see her show some affection towards Rob...God knows the lucky bitch seems to have it all at the moment! What's to be miserable about! It's such a shame that they feel they can't show their affection in public like other Celeb couples do.
As long as Rob goes on producing the sort of work that he's done in Remember Me and we get to see lots of lovely pictures of him to drool over...Oh yes and some great interviews...I'll be a fan and a happy bunny!
in the meantime I wish people would just let them conduct their relationship/love affair as and how they want because as a fan I just want him to be happy.
My 2 cents (for what its worth)...
A happy Rob = A happy LHR!!
@nic - oh, how I have missed your comments (since I've been kinda MIA from here)!!!! It's like your inside my head!!
Have a lover-ly, RobSten filled day!!!! (And NB's.....I know your lurking!!!!!!! ;))
lovesrob: I think this honestly about robert and kristen. Does summit and the franchise benefit from them dating? of course they do, and they will capitalize on that as much as possible.
ReplyDeleteAt the same time, PR stunts do not last the duration of a 5 part franchise. lol We're almost going on a year now where neither of them have not been seen with another girl or guy - PR stunts are not that far reaching ever.
I think it's safe to say they most likely are dating, while at the same time the studio will milk it for all it's worth.
I wish Rob fans on other places would stop threatening to "break up" with him if he dates someone they don't like.
ReplyDeleteAnd I wish shippers would just calm down when they are seen together, cause it just adds to the drama.
I think the are dating, I find it a really cute match actually, but wish people would be more level headed about it, cause it really does make their lives harder.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteLMAO~love your plan!!
@ nikola6 .... I cudn't agree more with the fandom thing. And man he's really is a one woman man, 4some reason yeah K makes him happy of all other beautiful ladies out there. U can see dat he's a respectful person esp towards ladies.....must hv something to do wt his upbringing and surrounded by all sisters since childhood. But yeah he can hv whoever girls other than K coz he knows wat he wants and rite now obvoiusly he wants her.
ReplyDeleteI cudn't ignore the fact dat they r actually destinied to be together, considering dat he travelled all the way frm london 4 twilight audition and the fact dat he was literally the last person to come and K saw him and bam 2 worlds just collide...and the rest is history. Even Angarano had to back out...coz thier power r just much stronger.
I respect them both 4 being proffesional actors....doing their job for the sake of their passion in acting and not the fame. And dats y they separate their private lifes away from acting world. Some people say oh come on just admit it and all be over but i say just hang on to it and do not let them protrude the privacy u so preserve.
U might say ur plan is just a joke, but i must say there's actually truth behind it. Its only a matter of time. For them to settle down now is quite too early but in few years time it might be rite. They just nd to maintain watever they're doing now and all be gud. Lets hope they really hang on to each other and alls be well to them.
Ohh gosh i've continued ur ramblings, hope to hear frm u tomorrow as it is only 7pm here in my country. Sleep tight :-))
Oh God I thought for a minute the other day this site had not degenerated into a robsten site. Guess I was wrong.
ReplyDeleteI find it funny that you are mostly all congratulating yourselves on how well you are behaving here when I am reading... I told you so!FU and STFU?? thats nice???
Sounds more like gleeful gloating and profanity to me. Not sure why?
This Rob/Kstew=Edward/Bella is the saddest excuse for a love story ever and if it is real or a PR stunt who really cares? Better yet..WHY should anyone care?
OOOOOHHHH MY GOD!!!!!<3<3<3<3<3<3!!!! I've been surfing the net and gosh there's sooo much hatred for Kristen out there, now I understand why some people dont like talking badly of Kristen (poor kid)...
ReplyDeleteFor me, i'm just happy if our Rob is happy! :-/
I think this quote is needed here:
ReplyDelete"Pour vivre heureux vivons cachés "
- To live happily live in hiding
BTW.If only life were still that simple...
Nikola-- you are pretty much spot on with assessments, and funny, to boot!
ReplyDelete'Psychotic' is unfortunately accurate for a few, thank G-d not for most, but a fair amount are bordering on something mentally and socially unhealthy.
Part of the celebrity affair and even psychosis especially in USA has to do with the skewed idea of ownership, as well as reinforcement: people feel if they are paying to see movies or hear Cds, etc, and if the celebrities are paid so much, that the celebrities are then owned. The idea that we own their dvds or Cds but not their bodies and souls has not yet gotten across. The other aspect, reinforcement, is the need for immediate reinforcement, the "I want it all and I want it NOW" philosophy that somehow children have developed and adults (?) have allowed to dominate by indulging too much. It is consumer society at its worst.
As for the rags and papz, et al, aside from teh above, they are renforced by people who buy their wares, and people buy their wares, partly as you pointed out about their going for unmarried people or people with marriage problems (suppsoed or real), and partly because these stars are on a pedastal, literal idols, and living the glamourous or at least wealthy lives that so many covet, and so some mean-spirited people enjoy seeing their misery, their stories of woe or rejection, even their discomfort of being hunted down, and certainly will celebrate if a relationship will not last. It is like misery loves company, and they want the celebrities to be their company in their own miserable lives.
People who are happy with themslves as people, who love themselves and can love others, will not want to own others, nor intrude in their personal lives, nor rejoice in their misery, failed relationships, or even discomfort.
Check it out. NEW VIDEO!
ReplyDeleteAt least the shippers' (I hate this term) hearts are coming from a good place whereas all the negative comments like Rob lied and it's PR just sound assine and bitter. Sorry, but they just do. I'm just happy if Rob is happy.
ReplyDeleteI love the way Rob always looks back for her. Checking shes ok. Sweet. I think the paps make her feel more uncomfortable than they do Rob. Rob says she so little its a bit scary for her. He's so protective of her.
ReplyDeleteThe paps must love that hat that Rob always wears. They know it's him.
ReplyDeleteHello beautiful Kristen. Happy Birthday, luv.
Where is Rob filming next for Bel Ami? London?
Does she even know how lucky she is ...right now!!!
To have such mate by her side!!!!
@nikola6 Good plan... time is the key, and I bet both Robert and Kristen know it. Eventually the Twilight craze will die down, they will move on to other projects and the media will begin to focus on some other hot celebs. And they will be able to live a bit more of a normal life. But just now they're going to be hounded wherever they go. I can't help feeling happy, however, that they refuse the system by wanting to keep this private, and I feel a nasty twinge of satisfaction whenever they manage to baffle the press, shut up a nosy journalist or elude the papz. I have a hunch that even if they made some sort of public statement, the media would always want more and more, they would follow them into their bedroom if they could, it's so sick and disgusting. So...rebel attitude!
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ReplyDeleteWOW...Look what all I missed while I was sleeping! Might as well add my 2 cents. Love it, Love them together, Love him (as always) and this is making my Monday morning worth waking up for!
ReplyDelete@ papagáj
ReplyDeleteI know, right? She is living the dream. With the cost of paps though. I think he's just as lucky to have won her heart to. It seems it's what he has wanted all along.
Haaagh *exhales+
A robsten vid the make you feel good ;)
And in the the other way:
Does he know how lucky he is ...right now!!!To have such soulmate by his side!!!!
Yeah,he knows.
We can see it in his eyes...
ReplyDeleteHate to burst the bubble cause I would so love the pics to be true, but I'm havin doubts they are cause on other sites they've got the pics of Rob & Kristen at the airport in france and trying to pass it off as Budapest!!!
Can anyone confirm that it was budapest airport, that Bel Ami has finished filming and that these aren't old photo's from a New Moon publicity jaunt but someone is trying to make headlines and NEW news from OLD photos.
Why I say this is that most of Kristen's clothes and luggage and the guitar are exactly the same as the photo's from those Paris airport shots???!!!???
If I'm wrong, it's a win/win situation, not saying they ain't together, just I'm not sure from what I've seen if these shots are from Budapest rather saved from somewhere else??!!??
@Nik6-you on the money as always girl!!!
If the photo's are legit...roll on Breaking dawn filming cause it will be "hot in the city tonight" baby seeing Kristen and Rob..."up the tree K I S S I N G!!!!!
Luv it !!!!
Okat, now that the cat is out of the bag, can we move on to just admiring Rob and his hotness! I am personally glad he has someone in his life that he can trust and love. Both Rob and Kristen are at a very exciting time in their lives and I am glad they have each other to share it.
ReplyDeleteTo be 20 again, in love with endless amounts of energy.
Those were the days!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's a losing battle they're fighting. But I hope they keep fighting it.
ReplyDeleteShould read Okay not Okat. I am all messed up on cough syrup.
ReplyDelete@desi Trust, it is the in Budapest The signs in the back grown are of the Hungarian airline and the Hungarian language is on the signs in the second vid.
ReplyDeleteThis turned me into a total squeeing fangirl for about 15 minutes last night!!! I was so ecstatic when I saw it. Happy Birthday, Kristen, indeed!!
Happy Rob makes me happy.
Happy Kristen makes me happy.
Happy Rob & Kristen makes me fracking giddy. Enjoy the R&R bb's. Gods know you've earned a little loving reconnect time.
i've said it before, you dont need the so called money shot all you/we have to do is observe the way he looks at her,speaks of her,body laungage speaks volumes to is possible for them to sneak in and out of countries without the paps knowing it just takes extra when we see pics(like these)the trips weren't as well planned.i for one and happy as long as he is happy.everyone deserves love and respect and if he's found it with her,more power to them.
ReplyDeleteIm so happy for them. I love kristen and rob together. I have always been a fan of kristen and her movies. She beautiful and talented and the same can be said for rob .Im wish them the best. I have believed they were together for along time. I didnt need the proof But it does feel good
ReplyDeleteI think fans of rob should support what makes him happy and help support both there films and them.
Wishing Rob & Kristen all the best.
ReplyDelete@nikola6 - You are and always have been spot on. Loved your comments throughout the thread obviously. Just keep that computer in good working order for us.
Im sorry but yes i do need that actual shot that confirms they are a couple.
ReplyDeleteAnd in those shots they certainly aren't smiling and all lovey dovey.
Right now it just looks like they are friends, and i will reiterate that Kristen has said in numerous interviews in the past that they are close friends.
When i see evidence of an actual ROMANTIC relationship then i will be more than happy to agree that there really is a "Robsten".
I have my opinion and you have yours. It doesn't mean that my opinion is right and it certainly doesn't mean that your opinion right either.
Shippers have made it to my number one on my pet peeve list. Cheers ;)
P.S> I think people really need to get out of the fantasy that is Bella and Edward. *sigh*
ReplyDeleteNik ~
ReplyDeleteCan I say I love you? Well, I just did.
I love your insights on things!And, one more time, you nailed it.
Ladies ~ let them be. I hope she makes him devastatingly happy. He is wonderful and the deserves all the best.
Have a magical day, everyone!
@ gracefulgrace - lovely video. Thanks for sharing the info.
ReplyDeleteI for one did not need to see a picture to know that she was there. It just makes sense that she would be. They r just people who happen to be high profile actors but still just people who have to live and breathe like everyone else. Just let them be. Enjoy their movies and admire their gifts to the industry. I think the true fans will be happy for the two of them and move on from the everlasting debate.
ReplyDeleteYour welcome Barbara, after all, we all love the pretty.
ReplyDelete@ colleen All I gonna say is LMFAO!!!
ok ladies calm down, i am so happy for them both and i never belived it is for pr so why wasan't rob doing it with emilie for rm now that movie could of needed the help if any never the sagas those will make money by themselves the sagas need no help we all know what happens i all love rob and kristen but love rob more once i mention something about k and was shot down do weddings need two witnesses? okay
ReplyDelete@las38 - "observe the way he looks at her,speaks of her,body laungage speaks volumes to me"...i cudn't agree more, i was just abt to write abt body language and there i saw ur posting and i just nod along haha. I watch all videos and this is wat i see and thus i conclude action DO speaks louder than words. Nothing else matters, rite ;-)
ReplyDelete@ Colleen - how can they be all lovey dovey when they r stalked like that? And plus, we r not talking abt bella and edward here..its R&K and i'm sure most of us here do know the difference. So dun make us include u in OUR pet peeve list coz we dun make any. Btw u might want to check the latest video coz it explains alot Cheers to u 2.
@ gracfulgrace - u r so rite abt being protective. It is so obvious isnt it?
Well I think they are together. Yes, they could be just friends, but typically with the opposite sex, one aLways has a 'thing' for the other. Yes. Opposites can be friends, but since he has liked her from the get-go and they have shared intimiate scenes in the Twilight Saga, then I would venure to say they are more then friends just looking at the past and what has been brought to the table.
ReplyDeletei am so happy and there is no doubt in my mind rob and kristen are in love in the uk kristen is so welcome to come and live and she will not have to deal with the obsessed with robert that's so stupid to be angry because of one's happinesess if you remember there was a fan who was posting when bel-ami was filimg mention she could'nt understand why his lunches break was so long and often also he was being late also
ReplyDeleteOoh btw @gracefulgrace that video u mentioned is currently unavailable due to copywright claim. Too bad...luckily i got to see it just a few minutes ago. Thanx shows alot :-))
ReplyDeleteI personally liked Nik's eat sh!t and die comment..but that's just me. :)
ReplyDeleteAgain, my prayers are with you Angarano. In other news; FUCK YEAHHH!!! <3 xD
ReplyDeletei am so happy
If you told me a year ago that I was gonna say this, I'd laugh in your face. I really have grown up;
ReplyDeleteI'm glad Rob's with Kristen, and NO, I'm not much of a fan of hers anyway. She's real and all, and that's pretty cool, but I'm just not into her. In fact, I only started liking her because I saw how interested Rob was in her. And, for some reason, Rob thinks the world of her. He adored her even from the very beginning.
SHE MAKES HIM HAPPY. And if you really were a fan of Rob's, you'd be happy and supportive of him. I'm not asking you to kiss the ground Kristen walks on or watch her movies 300 times in the cinema, but just respect her, because hating on her isn't gonna do you any good. And I don't think Rob would wanna hear you pick on his woman, just sayin'.
Thank you, Rob, because you helped me grow up. And thank you, Kristen, for making him happy.
@Sarah, Bear, Redbearskie, ITA.
ReplyDelete@nikola, yes!
@Cinthya ITA!
I remember reading a while ago that Rob likes Kristen because she's not carried away by the spotlight and she can keep things real. Normalcy seems to be really important to our guy.
If being with Kristen makes him sane and gives him happiness (and vice versa), then I'm all for it.
That being said, to the ladies of the Robsessed--Kate, Gozde, do you think we're giving the pappz stalking of these two legs by posting these pics and video? Where does it end? Should Robsessed take part in this?
It's just a question and I don't mean to offend. Please know that I am a big fan of this blog. I would just like to hear your take.