Here's your spoiler post for today and another gorgoeus Wallpaper by the very talented Doris
Talk away to your hearts content about "Remember me" in the comments on this post!
Wallpaper has been resized to fit the screen, just right click and save, it will save to full size.
Beautiful wall!
RM really stays with you.
You know, I was a little wary of the fact that the movie took place in 2001, as opposed to, like...some time more recent? I didn't connect the dots until the very end though. Shaking and crying like a mofo. Girl in front of me actually turned around and asked me if I was okay.
NO I was not okay!! LOL.
Thankyou Doris for the lovely wallpaper, another for my collection. Thankyou Kate for posting a spoiler post!
I saw RM on Saturday and still can't get the ending out of my head. I didn't stay spoiler free so I knew what was coming. Even so it was a very powerful sad ending to a beautifuly told story. Some parts made me laugh, others oh how cute a big brother Tyler is. RM had every emotion. Robert and all the cast did an excelent job to of bringing the script to life.
The images of the "I love you" kiss, Tyler looking at his fathers PC, looking out the tower window and the shoes and book are still haunting me now!
Forgiving his brother at the end... Tears in my eyes. You could have heard a pin drop it was so quiet in the cinema. I want to see RM again but I'm not sure I can take the ending.
RM is doing well at the box office for an indy film and I'm glad Rob chose to do it instead of a sure bet blockbuster.
@dessert honey you told what I am thinking when he said these sentences I was so sad and cried after it I am gonna see it in theater again but I am not sure that I can come back home in a calm way
I really liked Remember Me! It was so much better that I'd expected and Rob was fantabulous!! I think this movie shows that he can really act. I didn't think: oh this is Rob for one second during the movie. He really became Tyler if you know what I mean.
And I was SO happy I had read about the ending before I went. I'd have cried buckets if I hadn't!! Pfff Such an emotional ending indeed.
@ Dessert First I agree 100% I saw Remember Me 4 times before it left theatres here.
@wen omg I am gonna see it too actually a few times but I have to wait
I think this movie gives your mind a little rest from all the other loud, fast, and extraordinary superfictional storys out there. It was such a pleasure to watch it.
And was so easy to let yourself fall right into it, and just be there....and it was really funny as well, I didn´t expect it to be so genuinely funny.... which, for a movie, is never a bad thing to be ;) ...
Where the hell are you????
So what do you think about BRR??? ;)
@maja77 that's EXACTLY what I was thinking as well!
Remember Me was one of the most pleasurable experiences I've had at the movies. Not just because Rob was the main character, but also because the story was original and not cliche... oh and also because I had the movie theatre all to myself. It was like my own private screening. I didn't have to share Rob with anyone. I actually laughed and cried outloud. It was so liberating.
As for the story, although I didn't know the nature of the tragedy I knew there was one coming. I was pretty sure Rob would be a casualty due to all the sad buzz on the blogs, but I also thought his little sister would die as well given what I thought was a foreshadowing in the board room ("until all your children hang themselves") and all the mean stuff that happened to his little sister at school. Oh, and can I just say that I think its adorable that all the "miniature mean girls" betrayed their inner Twilight selves when they were looking at Rob? That was so cute. I can't blame them though, I am considerably older and I probably would not have been able to do much better.
In all, the movie was inspiring and thought provoking. It made me re-prioritize some things for that week. I think we each need a reminder of the brevity of life like that at least weekly, if not daily.
Bravo!!! I look forward to seeing what else Rob will do in the future. I know he has stated he likes to play broken individuals, but in Tyler I saw the spark of a dormant alpha male. It would be so much fun to watch him play a charming, brash, no holds bar cocky SOB a la Denzel Washington in Training Day... or even a la Denzel Washington in Man on Fire... or even a la RDJ in Sherlock Holmes. My point is that you can do fast pace action movies and still be a great actor. They don't all have to be a "Room with a View" types of movies. Crossing my fingers for a brash Comanche teenager with a killer tanned bod... One can dream.
Long time no see!
I had the most widest grin on my face when Tyler was going full peddle on his bike.
Mail me, we need to catch up.
What's your e-mail again??? :)
Fae.... avi???
I have gmail now - use that so I can use my laptop.
@fae hey hon are you here
When I went to see Remember Me on Saturday, I had no idea what would happen in the film. (Apart from what was in the trailer) The Story and the actors were fabulous in this film and I thought Rob worked really hard on it. (I'm still a bit jealous of Ruby [Who played Tyler's sister]) When the ending came along, I couldn't stop crying because of what happened to Tyler.
Over all, I thought it was a amazing movie and I would like to see it again :)
beautiful wallpaper
sadly i was only able to go 2x (the 3rd planned time had sick kids) and now it is gone from my theater--hoping it comes to the cheap theater or i have to wait till June 22 :(
LOL! What does that have to do with your avi???
Did you take my part of confusing people!?
Ahh so good to have finally seen this and be able to open the spoilers thread!
I've seen it twice. It was good, I find it impossible to be objective though so not saying it was amazing. It didn't upset me, maybe I'm just hard-hearted lol (or have a good ability to block it out!)
@Fae--waving hi--
dessert's email is on her avi-LOL now she is confusing you
that was you last night on twitter--wasn't it?
I'm still not sure if i caqn watch RM again. I want to but the ending is just too sad for me to take. I know it's only a movie but...
I learnt from the master of confusion - Fae007Exec.Prod.!
@dessert--waving hi--forgot you have today off don't you
i know what you mean about the ending--i cried sooner the 2nd time--but the man is just so freaking beautiful on the big screen
I don't see it on her avi!!!!
And yes it was me, won't happen again! Haha!
Well if I'm not master of the universe, at least I'm master of something! ;)
@Fae--you would like it--drink more vodka LOL
back to work tomorrow:(
Fae you have to double click then click on contact.
Why not just twitter, it's easier. Just use DM if you don't want to talk to everyone!
Fae... you didn't ask me :(((
Haha! You want me to be an alcoholic? I tell you, vodka is the devil, but very nice one! ;)
I didn't ask you what????
@Fae--definetly not--LOL--but want u 2 come to tweet
LOL! I don't even know where to talk there! Too complicated for me!
everyone said they had someone asking to follow them on twitter - I didn't get a request:(
No one asked you?
Well, I asked no one. Just CL. And that was because of the NY trip. And that's it.
lol@fae & dessert
wait a min! how do you know I was there? are you following me?
@wens fae and dessert
Eerrm...isn´t that supposed to be a RM-spoiler-thread?
I´m sure you enjoy your little come together here, but it´s a biiit confusing for the rest of us...not to say uninteresting at all.
Sorry for being rude, but maybe you could find another place?
@wens fae and dessert
Eerrm...isn´t that supposed to be a RM-spoiler-thread?
I´m sure you enjoy your little come together here, but it´s a biiit confusing for the rest of us...not to say uninteresting at all.
Sorry for being rude, but maybe you could find another place?
you have mail!
Yes I know I'm sorry for that. I try my best not to interupt the conversation with mindless chat and use twitter instead but some don't use it.
Sorry about that. But we don't have the other place. Wanna talk RM?
Tell me what you think, I'm very curious.
Oh and Maja haven't you noticed, that no matter what the thread is, we speak about everything.
Cant wait to see this again. probably go on friday during the afternoon..that way I wont have to wait till the evening lol.
God our boy is divine. I am counting the minutes until I can get my hands on the dvd of Remember Me :p
Here is the review of RM from the Mail on Sunday in the UK. Words fail me, they really do.
Did this critic even watch the movie?
Remember Me, starring Robert Pattinson, is an attempt to dish up a Love Story for the Twilight generation: cute star-crossed lovers battle a difficult father, with an ending sponsored by Kleenex. The world’s favourite vampire plays Tyler, a brooding, snowplough-jawed New York student who is grieving in the year after his brother’s death. He mopes around a grotty, sepia-toned apartment, quotes Gandhi to himself, and scribbles deep thoughts — it’s Edward Cullen meets Camus! You can actually monitor Pattinson’s emotions by his hair: it’s flat and greasy in the sad beginning, grows a quiff after he’s scored, and turns wild when he’s angry. Tween and teen girls will weep in the cheap seats, while adults will be narked by the ending, a shameful piggyback on a national tragedy, which will further the career of the heart-throb.
lovely film, my husband loved it more than me, he comes along for me but Rob doesn't disapoint, cried a lot, felt the whole movie, very moving. He can only get better ladies and not just be a him ti bits
Loved it,loved it, loved it.............what more can I say it was better than I thought Rob is fantastic I rode the rollercoaster with him and cried and went home cuddled my kids and my loving husband and thought we really don't know how truly lucky we are to wake up in the morning....Live in the Moments
@Carole UK
Littery critics.Shame on them !!!
What a bunch of crap.
I'm really pissed .
@Fae and Dessert Hi :)
How you doing with RL?
Fine, planning on not having a RL tonight.
Oh and we can't talk other topics on this thread!
Sooo do you like RM?
@Fae WTF?? Why? I'm gonna talk about everything else then RM!!!
Have you seen new Bel Ami vids on other post?
People are objecting so...
What you don't like RM anymore???
Yeah, I've seen the vids, not much Rob. :(
@Fae so?
I'm tired of it!
Annie I'm afraid I'll have to disown you!
@Fae, like I care!!!!
I just lost my RM-virginity a few hours ago and my mind is still somewhere else.
After days and days of begging my friend to go to the cinema with me, I finally convinced her and even after taking her seat and during commercials she kept complaining about it. (she's not into Rob, to her he always looks stoned...)
But as the film started she went silent, only breaking her silence after a few minutes to tell me how hot Rob's hair looks and that he looks sexy in the white t-shirt (of course I knew that before! but my anti-Rob friend saying that really surprised me and made me proud xD)
To the film...I'm speechless. My friend always tell me that if I were a film critic, there would not be many positive reviews. Most of the time I leave the cinema saying 'that was a nice film'. Not great, only nice.
However, RM really is one of the best films I have seen in a very long time. The story is so much more than just a normal romance and (as my former anti-Rob friend kept repeating ecstatically on the drive home) the dialogues are amazing - funny, interesting, emotional and very intelligent. You just leave your world behind for about 100 mins.
I avoided spoilers, but the date 2001 jumped out at me from one of the articles and I immediately made the connection, but tried to deny it. The denial came to an end as the last (instrumental) song started playing in the background (the placement of the song - just perfect!) and as the song did not end, I got more and more nervous and anxious and then I knew my guess was right. I was THAT close to crying and during the scene where Aidan sits in university with the Tyler-tattoo I thought 'omg, if he starts crying now, I am dead'. Fortunately he didn't... Again, this film is just so amazing and I'm still on another planet.
Sorry, that's my longest post ever but I couldn't resist =)
Fine then. Better for me!
I've already seen the film twice and I'm still on that planet as you. :)
Went to see RM on Sat dragged the DH along. The movie OMG!!! it was amazing!! the camera loves Rob, the DH, who likes very few movies, and who hasn't a clue about the RPattz phenomenon thought that it was an excellent movie and was still talking about it yesterday, and I just heard him on the phone recommending it to his brother!. So there you go Summit totally missed the market, there are still people out there who like like a movie that requires a bit of thought. Praise for Rob and all the wonderful cast
@Fae, so what can we talk about now?where is dessert?
Fae, Dessert,
Don't let anyone tell you what you can or can't discuss on the thread... She obviously does not have friends to catch up with, or understand that this is also a place for people/friends or strangers to connect...
Just my two cents...
You and I have nothing to talk about!
awesome comment...this movie impacts & affects like no other...
I thought it was brilliant...
Fae & Dessert,
how's it hanging?
It's not hanging! LMAO!
Good Evening Ladies,
just came home from RM! Today was my first time....
OMG! I´m totally overwhelmed....
I have no words for the beauty of this movie...
I will NEVER forget it! NEVER!!!!
I have to see it again this weekend....
btw, can I have a hug please???
@Fae we have lots to talk about! Are you gonna see "it" again?
I have disowned you!
Sure I'm gonna see "it"!
here is a BIG hug
we all need it
sorry for the misspelling
love love love RM. he is just beautiful too
Hug from me too! :)
3 windows open -- robsessed, belami, and googling on robert
twilight is playing -- so the lion fell in love with the lamb
Robs music is on, right now it is let me sign,
and mag on the floor
aaawwww, i cant get enough, i want the real him, right here with me
poooof, will have to go back to RL soon. what the...
Ladies, I´m a regular reader on this blog, which I LOVE, not a regular writer though.
I really didn´t want to tell anybody what to do and not do, I just enjoy reading RM comments, which apparently I still can do, I just have to scroll a little bit longer :).... so go on and have fun!
Sorry, must have had a bad day.
Peace ;) ...
Ladies, I´m a regular reader on this blog, which I LOVE, not a regular writer though.
I really didn´t want to tell anybody what to do and not do, I just enjoy reading RM comments, which apparently I still can do, I just have to scroll a little bit longer :).... so go on and have fun!
Sorry, must have had a bad day.
Peace ;) ...
@Fae,come on! take it back!
And apparantly I have the habit of posting everything twice...*rolls eyes* ...
Cause Rob is too tired from the fight to with me to be the EP?
its ok. chilax. we need outlet for our love to Rob. and sometimes you find friends here where you discuss other things and because of Rob!
Wow, Rob is amazing. he gave us venue
this is a place for that, right everyone
i see the love for Rob and for one another. i think this is a good platform
have more fun!!
He is never tired! and he will win LMAO...
how's it hanging?
Can someone please explain what this means. I can not English so good.
I wonder what that means.
Oh, no! He already lost!
@Heart-Rob xD
We confused you too?
It means "What's up?" or "How's it going?"
Where are you from?
@caroleUK - and all
I've found a Web site where they post a lot of UK reviews for RM.
I'm sorry to say they're generally not very good and that the UK critics did not like the film. They serve us the same crap as always: offensive ending, no fangs, RP can't act, RP looks pretty but that's all he does, brooding Edward=brooding Tyler, Love Story, James Dean, maudlin drama, melodramatic plot, exploitative, only for teens and Twilight fans, bad plot, bad cast, bad film, bad bad bad... I started to read them then I gave up, it's too depressing. I don't even feel like commenting any more.
One of my friends posted a respectful comment on Christopher Tokey's article - who gave the worst rating to the film - and lots of people starting posting too to say they had loved RM. Well can you believe it, today they have ERASED all the comments.
Bad critics who don't want to be critized?... If I didn't come to this thread and saw all the love, I would really begin to doubt and to believe the crap out there. Anyone feeling like me, so tired and sad of seeing RM bashed by reviewers?
I think I'll fetch my bottle of rum now.
oh now he is playing the piano, bellas song
ugghh, thats what hooked me, to find oout more who he was, when i saw twilight. eons ago feels like.
now there is RM, more uuughghh, i am overwhelmed.
You feel certainly not good. BIG hug for you. I have read today also so much shit. Wonderful when we can come here to RobsesseD.
We love the movie, i watched it 6 times and was going for the 7th.
every time i see it, it gets better too.
critics have problems, thats all i can say.
@ WhyIstheRumAlwaysGone
And there I thought that maybe UK critics would be a bit kinder...
I understand how you feel.
I´ve read a lot of reviews on rotten tomatoes recently, and thankfully there have been a few good ones as well, but the majority was just plain negative....and that really dragged me down for a while.
The review that Carole UK posted is just plain mean.
The part with the hair was funny though :)....still, I think a need some rum as well.
Damn it, that movie was gooood!!!
AhhJaaa. thanks
I'm from Bavaria, which is near Germany. LOL
no no, it is in Germany. But it sounds better. ;)
have always respected roger ebert. he gave a fairly modest review which is saying a lot
here is a bomb of a shell review, monika is goood, i see some comments there from regulars here. you should post comments there, i did
Yeah, I know where Bavaria is! ;D
Heart-Rob xD, maja77, shufflebin -
Thanks, big HUGS to all, you're making me feel a little better.
But I'm really starting to wonder. We all love Rob here, so we're all a little biased I think. I'm ready to forgive the film some of its flaws for example (its choppy editing). But maybe I wouldn't if Rob wasn't in it. So maybe I am - we are too lenient about it because of Rob? I just don't know any more. I'll give you a simple example: I loved New Moon, but I never thought it was a very good film. I loved it because I could connect with the Twilight stuff and because I like the cast and because there were good things in it. But NM also had lots of embarrassing flaws and I can understand why some critics did not like it. But I can't seem to be so objective with RM. Maybe I've lost some perspective because Rob is in it. I don't know. Need some more rum to think about it.
i'm so fucking freaking can people go to see NM en masse and not do that with RM?????????????????????? i have never understand the world but after seing RM i must admit i definitely don't understand the people
RM is soooooo better! so sweet, so real,so emotional...
i'm absolutely sure that the end was planned to make us cry, 9/11 was an excuse to make the story more dramatic...that ending remembers me to that episode of Family Guy when Lois becomes the major of Quahog and, in the debate, she always answers all the undecided voters' questions with "9/11" (
i guess maybe it's a good resort because they achieved their purpose in RM: i cried a lot!!!
hey RUM!!
i've thought of you a lot last weekend because i've drunk A LOT of Rum!
I have also read good reviews. Not super good, but good. I think that Rob is given particular attention by the critics. His success as a man is so enormous, he is criticized particularly sharp when it comes to his cinematic achievements. He is young and still learning . But he's around the world on every magazine cover and so popular. He will always criticizes sharply than other popular actor.
I saw RM today and thought it was a truly wonderful film and I think Rob should be very proud of himself he did a fine job. I must admit I didn't expect him to be that good and even though I love everything twilight this is probably my favourite RP film. And yes it is easy to be biased where Rob is concerned I genuinely believe his performance was very credible he is unique and wonderful. I think sometimes most of these critics are male, do I sense a hint of jealously here, after all he is extremely talented and beautiful.
And yes I also loved New Moon but probably because Rob was in in rather than the film itself. I am waiting for eclipse but hope they don't put red lippy on him again it freaks me out a bit. Twlight got the balance right, still love him whatever and he was unbelievably stunning in RM.
Hola EstGarzo! Uuuyyy, cuantas cubatas te habras tomado? ;))
Did you enjoy the film ? Did you manage to see it in English and escape the dubbed Spanish version?
@ Rum
muchos cubatas...;) me lo he pasado de puta madre
no i couldn't escape to the fucking dubing...i didn't find a theatre with RM with subtitles, i was very angry but robler fixed me
Shhh, i didnt fancy NM either (though still saw it 3 times just because I love to see Robert)
Thought of the same thing, about being biased. I saw RM 6 times, i was going for the 7th but after the announced DVD release, it was dropped out of theaters.
I dont know, i really like it. and love the experience tremendously. to me this is what matters. whatever the critic says, idont care because i love it. I know it has to do a lot about Robert but he did an exceptional job nevertheless!
OMG.... just watched Remember me and what the hell.... i did not see that coming. i was waiting for something controversial to happen as its all anyones been talking about but not THAT!!!! and i cried (A LOT!!)
Amazing film right to the end
need a hug. here give you a BIG one!
@shufflebin Thank for your feedback - I guess I'm definitely giving up on the critics, it doesn't do me any good to read what they have to say. So from no on I'll just stick to the Rob love-bubble here!
@EstGarzo - wow I'm glad you had a good time. Too bad about the dubbed version, I suppose you will have to wait for the DVD to see RM in English. But it will be released soon!
Good reviews? Who needs good reviews when you watch a good movie? A movie that makes you think, remember that the world is cruel, often, but that life is still worthwhile and that we are all important to someone. I want to see a movie that shows a world where people suffer, and they do not spend all their time laughing at random as if they lived on an island of fantasy and that things do not always work right away but maybe in the future? I want to see a movie that speaks of real people who can not always overcome their own traumas but who live and will live on even if it is in memory of those who knew him. I want to see more movies like Remember Me, good films that lead to good discussions and they are not forgotten in the second following the signs begin to appear on the screen.
Allen Coulter is a good director, people who watched Hollywoodland, his first film, have perceived in Remember Me the same kind of intimate drama, linked to family relationships that appears in that film. And Robert Pattinson? He is very well with a character that does not have to share spotlight with supernatural creatures, only children ( laughs ). He is acting pretty well with Ruby Jerins which is great because most of the actors are terrified of having to work with them. Bruce Willis is one of the few that do this very well and now Rob too.
He and Ruby are wonderful together, they interact very well. To me they are the strongest point of the movie.
There are many things to be discussed about Remember Me, so I dare say is a cult film because it can now be devalued by the "critical" but Blade Runner was also there and is today, cheered by the same critics who hated it. Robert Pattinson, Remember Me and Allen Coulter will have many stories to be told in the future. This is just the beginning. Signs are appearing on the screen but this film is not finished. Not really.
I love Rob / Tyler and most of all I love Remember Me!
Beautiful wallpaper, Doris, congratulations!!!
I saw RM for the 4th time yesterday. Such a great story with perfect casting. Rob and Emelie have great chemistry together :)
LTavares2010 Wow great comment! Thanks ! Feeling better and better now :)). But you see, my point is that even if we here in this thread don't care too much about the bad reviews, there's a lot of people out there who do, and who will never see RM because of the critics - and I think it's a great pity. Too many bad reviews can really kill a film. But I don't suppose we can do anything about it now.
Love your posts by the way :))
i'm happy you're feeling better, we are here to support each other and support Rob aren't we?
like i said, i'm freaking with people: they go to see NM, ok, but they don't go to see RM en masse!!!! what's wrong with them?? fuck people and critics.
i'm gonna say something which won't be very popular: i prefer Rob in good-little movies rather than in bad movies though they're hits
(please don't kill me)
@ WhyIstheRumAlwaysGone
I agree with you but my point is: Sooner or later ( june 22nd in US, if I am not wrong ) Remember Me will begin its career on DVD, and as we say here in Brazil it will begin the campaign "mouth to mouth". People will discover the film, Rob is doing other films and more and more better ones, Allen Coulter is a director who continues doing well his job, so they are all in frankly ascension.
We have seen this kind of film before with other actors, directors and films. We must have patience. We are talking about the film with friends, people who does not even know the work of Robert ( yes, they exist ). It is very important. Remember Me did a very strong box office, even in US, for a film that costed 16 millions? The Ghost Writer, another film from Summit, with Pierce Brosnan and Ewan McGregor, costed 45 millions and it is in injury.
Critics are always changing their ideas with such a facility, my dear. Wait and see!! A big hug to you!!
Thank you.
I really don't know what it is with critics. Everyone I know who has seen RM truly loved the film (men & women). We have been discussing it for days (weeks now). It just stays with everybody who sees it. That is the mark of an exceptional film.
summit cut the screen from 1,900 to 900 screen this week in the us (thats a huge decrease), so you can still see it and spread the word to your friends and family in the US....
The number are great for a movie that is no cgi, no 3d, no rom com, no disney.......RM were sold to all those countries base on Robert name.....thats show how big is Rob like Keira Pride and Prejudice was not even shown here because the distributor didn;t think it will sell in my country....
Positive Review from EMPIRE Mag.
Remember Me (15)
Remember Me
When sensitive but rebellious New York rich kid Tyler (Pattinson) picks up Ally (de Ravin) on a dare, little does he know that he will fall deeply in love. An event that will bring both their family traumas welling to the surface.
With a few months free from mooning about in Goth facepaint as perpetually agonised teen-vamp Edward Cullen, Robert Pattinson undoubtedly had half an eye on proving himself in a more serious vein. Using the modicum of clout he now wields, he steps up as executive producer on this twitchy New York indie-drama, effectively getting it in front of the cameras and into a distribution deal.
Which is good news, for whatever your opinion might be of The Twilight Saga saga, there is much to be impressed with here. Not least the cast he and his director, Hollywoodland’s Allen Coulter, have mustered: Pierce Brosnan, all preening and silk ties, well-matched as Pattinson’s lawyer father; plus Chris Cooper, Lena Olin and Emilie de Ravin (recently found again on Lost). There’s no missing it’s Pattinson’s show, still tortured but granted leave to smile and smoke, ruffle his luscious locks, even — gulp — get it on, but it centres on an across-the-tracks romance between his misunderstood posh boy and de Ravin’s sweet-natured but edgy college mate from working-’burb Queens.
They’ve actually got a lot in common. Each has serious daddy issues: he thinks his big-shot father doesn’t give a damn, so does his utmost to rattle his cage — offering cross-generational dreamboats Pattinson and Brosnan some raw confrontations; she’s burdened by an over-protective pop — the always-classy Cooper as a rough-hewn city cop messing with his daughter’s head. Both also have wreckage in their pasts: Tyler the weight of his brother’s suicide; Ally, the murder of her mother. Grief is loose in the movie, and as Will Fetters’ interesting script finally (and shockingly) reveals its hand, it proves to be the main theme. Put it this way: the title takes on tougher resonances on the way out.
The film has its secrets, but rather than make a guessing game of the preceding drama (a marked dilemma with Scorsese’s narcotic Shutter Island), Coulter maintains a decent family melodrama — clichéd, yes, but played with conviction. Will father and son find a way to connect? Will the young couple make it work? Will the ghosts of the past leave them the hell alone? With his New York handsome and sun-dappled, this is Coulter’s loving tour of both the seedier branches and wealthy lanes of the Big Apple: a city, itself, rooted in sadness.
So the boy can act — this is the best thing he’s done.
Reviewer: Ian Nathan
@Rum: well, here's my reply to your concern - and, yes, I overwrite but my intentions are
Remember Me may not be the ‘greatest film ever made’ – but the negative critical reception it has received is disproportionate. RM is a ‘personal’ well-made drama, with solid performances all round, dealing with the difficult themes of violent loss, grief and expounding the importance of love and commitment to life. I think the ending certainly does polarize a lot of people - even Ebert felt it overloaded the story & characters, which he liked very much – but interestingly most seeing it don’t find it exploitive or cheaply manipulative. I also thought Nick Osborne seemed taken aback by the vitriol about it as he said all the New Yorkers consulted or working on the film thought it was a story that should be told - he didn’t expect the backlash. It’s there partly because of Rob’s uber-celebrity, partly because of the ending and the strong reaction it necessarily evokes, and partly because the film doesn’t fit into any niche/genre in an easy way. I think some felt the film was making itself ‘more important’ by using 9/11. Maybe they could have avoided a lot of controversy by changing the ending but it wouldn’t have been true to the story or the theme woven throughout. Other critics, were still able to see the major strengths of the film – the relationships, particularly the growth in the central one, and the depiction of families learning how to come together again. It is the work of a first-time writer, and I think has all the strengths/weaknesses inherent in that, but it’s honest and moving.
I was predisposed to like RM because of Rob, of course. However, I have tried to be, lol, and I think my reaction to the film would still be the same with another actor in the part – provided they could hold the screen in the same way, and portray the kind of vulnerability in relationships that he does. I also think if it had been in limited release and marketed as more of an indie drama, critical response might have been different. Of course, it may not have made so much money then, so I guess it’s just as well they went wide... ;)
@Tina: thanks for the review - I'm glad Nathan reached a verdict I can agree with - he's often much more 'trying' - gah. And he's right that it's first and foremost a New York story...I miss CPark.
Wow almost everyone is here today. Well, I missed it as always.. Waving to all NB's.
Hi annie, Fae, Dessert, wensd, rpg, heart. missed you ladies. Sorry I live in Ohio and I'm on EDT now. Been catching up with my DVR copies. Saw RM twice and must buy the DVD on June 22. Sat in awe after it was over even though I knew the ending from getting the script.
Okay, forgot who started "How's it hanging?" LMAO over that one.
If some of you ladies have no idea about this remark, "It's a US one" Its about a guys d*ck! Get it now?????? ROTFLMAO at the ones who don't get it... Its a cut-down to the "Ladies Man personality type guy"
@ AP
Well said!
I am disappointed in UK critics reaction to RM. I agree, it isn't the best film ever made, but I certainly did not feel that I'd wasted my time going to see it. It was a good, honest, small film. I think that the general attitude to Rob amongst the British press is that he is a pretty face, and very little more, who appeals to teen girls (yes, THAT again) and will fade very quickly. There is also an undercurrent of disapproval that he did not slog for years in small theatre plays and small British indie films before making it big. There does seem to be a perception that he hasn't worked hard enough for his success... Complete nonsense, of course, as Rob has old-fashioned charisma and charm as well as gorgeous looks, in a film industry largely populated by characterless clones. Yes, he's young and still learning, but I believe that, in time, he will win over the critics, perhaps BA will do it for him. I really do hope so.
good to know! actually I do have to study for a chemistry test, but at the moment it's not quite working...!
thank you =) I even survived the bad German dubbing!
I totally see your point. When I walked out the cinema and knew I love that film, I started thinking about why I loved it and also about if I only love it because Rob's in it. I assume many of us just went to watch it because of Rob and for the first 5 mins I could not help but stare at him cos he looked so hot. However, as the film continued I forgot about that and was so in the story that I actually felt as if I were in that apartement, hanging out with these 3 great characters. I completely forgot about my own life and reality, for me that was proof enough that I don't only like it because of Rob, but because of amazing actors and great direction.
Many critics are biased before they see the film, but in a more negative way (at least I do think so).
I was reading some of the people's comments on and then came across this comment by some guy which i thought was interesting:
…”””I have no intention of actively seeing this film. But if I come across it, I will check it out, mainly BECAUSE of the ending. There are movies out there where conflicts get resolved and couples get together only to have an unforseable event take the protagonist's life. The fact that in this case it's an actual HISTORICAL event and that it comes as a complete surprise isn't anything new either. People are sensitive about 9/11, okay I get that. But I don't see those people commenting here or responding to the other articles I've read on this film, protesting the end of this movie as being exploitive. The only neigh sayers I see are guys who don't like Robert Pattinson. I never saw the Twilight movies and, as stated, I haven't seen this movie. So maybe, they are right and he is a total jerk. But I have seen this behavior before, around the time "Titanic" came out, when all the girls were swooning over Leonardo DeCaprio. Suddenly all the guys felt threatened. Leonardo suddenly became the worst actor ever and everyone hated him and under no condition was anyone going to see "Spider-Man" if he was going to star in it. Deja vu.
Look guys, Pattinson is not going to come to your town and steal your girlfriend (or all the cute, single girls, if you don't have one). He will probably stick to romance films and stay away from your comic book action flicks. But if he does become the next Spider-Man or even the next Indiana Jones for that matter, it doesn't mean he will suck at it. He could just be another DeCaprio. Or he could be a Ryan O'Neal, do a couple more romance movies and fade away.
I can see why this generation, who can't even except that ONE CRITIC on Rotten Tomatoes doesn't like "Raging Bull" can't handle 9/11 being used in a dramatic love story. You're far too sensitive, guys. Grow up.
Critics of the film are shocked and upset that the writer used the 9/11 tragedy in this manner. They say they were sucker punched I happen to think it was really clever. Not to be insensitive.
Besides, look at this from the writer's point of view. He knew how the story would end while he was writing it. So for him, it wasn't a romantic story that ended with a shamelessly exploitive plot twist. For him (as well as me, now that I've discovered the ending) it is a movie ABOUT the tragedy of that day.
You watch "The 6th Sense" or "Fight Club" a second time and you see a completely different movie. Try watching it a second time, knowing the ending, and I bet you will see a much more positive film about 9/11 tragedy.
Oh, and trollers? Posting a comment on a site for a movie you "claim to have no interest in" just to get a rise out of the fans is even more pathetic than posting on Roger Ebert's thead because he doesn't like "The Elephant Man."””
Hi all.
Montreal Gazette gave RM 4/5 stars. Here is the review from Mar12 -
It's probably the only good review I saw from critics.
Want to see it again, made plans for tonight ($5 movie night), but it isn't playing at many theatres any more. It's a shame. It was a great movie. Even my husband thought so and he doesn't go for the drama movies.
Going back to see it again and forget all about the crappy reviews...I've got my ticket for the Remember Me premiere in Paris. 3 more hours to go! It will be small and low-key but I hope it will be nice. I'll tell you how it was!
Hi, guys!
I`m new here!
Saw RM 3x, with different persons each time. 2 loved it, 1 hated it.
Me/myself&I looooved it! RP & RM 4 ever!!!
Love u guys so-so much - u r the best fans in the world - u r the UN of RP!
Love u once again - loooved the movie!
Hugs to u all!!
Rum...and whoever else is reassessing her opinion of RM:
Please just go with your gut, your solid 'feel' of the film.
I think some people are wondering 'if 100 critics think it's a bad movie they can't be wrong', or something. Hogwash!
They can and are wrong.
Yes, Robert can blind Robsessors to his beauty temporarily but we can actually also notice more of his subtle nuanced expressions because we know his face so well. There are advantages to our position as well.
And for me Rob became Tyler so easily; he's so different from other roles he's played, and from himself when we see him on interviews, etc.
The film had a huge impact on all kinds of people, non-Rob fans like my HB, who would have loved to diss him--believe me--but was man enough to be honest. I did not try to get him to feel a certain way; he just did and he volunteered the information.
Just because we here are Robsessed, doesn't mean our opinions are any less valid than those of biased critics who have an axe to grind (Robert is too handsome, got fame too fast and doesn't deserve it, etc.)and who allow their personal opinions prejudice their reviews. I honestly think there is some maliciousness at play here.
I won't recant my personal stance. Perhaps we've been more positive because of all the negative reviews. Perhaps.
But, think back to when you sat there for the first time at the end of the movie. What did you feel and think in those moments?
If a 16 yr. old boy can think it's the best movie he's ever seen and people, male and female, of evey age group, also loved it, then why do you doubt the validity of your own reaction just because you're Robsessed?
Ach, I'm at work so I haven't thought this through but, think about it.
So u r at work, girl, not much done today, I guess! Hehe...
I loved this film so much, became addicted to it, so to say... Adored RP in it, Tyler has captivated me and become a significent part of me, I guess...
Can´t get him/the film out of my mind/heart/head - it continues to haunt me every day. Can´t wait for the dvd!!!
Love your comments, u seem to have such a big heart (I´ve read about your loss, so sorry. I think u r simply great!)
Hugs to u all!
Hi guys
back from the Paris premiere. The theater was small (only 200 seats) but packed full. It was mainly young women in their twenties, but there were also lots of young couples, some people in their thirties and a few older people. No teens. I'm still reeling from it a bit so I can't tell you yet what I feel, as it would be too emotional. Except that I love the
film more than ever. So f**k the critics. But I can speak a bit about the reactions of the
audience. I have a hunch that this particular audience as "unspoiled" and had no clear idea of the plot. For example, they seemed to be surprised by the beginning when Ally's mother is murdered. There was an almost tangible excitation while everyone was waiting to
see Robler make his entrance and the girls ooohed and aahed and laughed with pleasure when
you first see him smoking in the fire escape wearing that orange t-shirt, and you can't imagine the swooning when he comes into the bedroom with his beer and cig to answer the phone. Lots of Rob-love tonight :)) However I think people were maybe surprised by the slow
pace of the beginning, they did not react much at first. It might also be a problem with
the language, as lots of things and jokes got lost in the subtitles. Aidan got a huge
success with almost all of his lines, he was very much appreciated. Then little by little
you could feel that the audience started to get absorbed into the film, things got more
lively, people laughing, reacting, responding to the characters and the plot... As to the
ending, I'm 100% sure nobody saw it coming till the date was written on the chalkboard -
then there were lots of gasps. When the camera panned away from the window and you saw the
towers, there were more murmurs and gasps, but when the screen got black something very
disturbing happened - some people laughed. It lasted only half-a-second, and I guess it was
out of nervousness or incredulity, someone even said aloud "no! they can't end it like
that" (New Moon black screen syndrome?). Still, that nervous laughter made me very uneasy -
I would have expected anything but that, and I'ml still not over it. After that there was
no reaction at all during the montage. When it was over, people did not stay silent or
sitting but started talking immediately, it was like a beehive, but I can't really tell
what they were saying. I just heard my neighbours say "well I never thought it was that
kind of film" or "I never thought it would end like that". Several said that it was a
beautiful film. A few girls wiped a tear. But I couldn't see anyone looking truly
devastated or sad or stunned. People just went away chatting, as usual. I went with a
friend who was unspoiled but who knew it ended badly, but she never saw the end coming at
all. She even thought for a second that Tyler was going to commit suicide jumping out of the window... Which makes me think - why is it that tons of people never see the ending coming? I had been spoiled when I first saw the film (and I so wish I hadn't)so I can't speak for myself, but I
find it very interesting. My friend never saw the towers in the first shot in the subway.
She did not pay attention to the "ten years later". Plus, there are cultural references
which propably mean nothing to the French: the Yankees, Labor Day (it's not even translated
in the subtitle, they just say "week-end), and the American Pie film (it was released
here, but it wouldn't really ring a bell and surely no one here in France would remember it was released in 2001). That's all for today... I'm still very uneasy about this - people laughing when the screen went black. Has something similar happened when you went to see the film?
fnd 188...Thanks for your kind words. Saw RM yesterday for the 8th time. Can't help myself. Absolutely understand your addiction. You've come to the right place.
Rum...(Do you mind if I call you that? It's easier.)
Wow, weird response in Paris, with the laughter when the screen went blank. Sounds like they did not notice the 'bread crumb' trail as North Americans would.
I went again last night, small room as well, about twenty people in the audience, young, old, mostly female. Some obviously hadn't seen it before.
Everyone was so quiet when he stood at the window. So very quiet. In fact, generally, that's how the audiences have been when I've gone. And they seem too stunned to do anything but watch until the credits roll.
Also, mostly if people are talking before it starts, or at the beginning, it doesn't take them long to get drawn in, and when they do they remain quiet, perhaps a few laughs at Aiden stuff, but absorbed throughout the rest of the film, even before the 'window' scene.
'Absorbed' is the best word to describe it. Sucked in and held until the very end. It's uncanny. And it's been consistent.
Thanks for the report.
Empire gave RM 3 out 5 star.....didn't show in the previous post.
Film review: Remember Me
By David Edwards on Apr 2, 10 12:00 AM in Film
Cert 12A, 112mins 4/5
It may not have the supernatural subtext, but Robert Pattinson's new movie treads the same ground as the Twilight films, dealing once again with a doomed love affair.
The big difference is that Remember Me is pretty good, providing you can overlook a
daft twist ending.
The star plays Tyler Hawkins, a young man going through an emotional crisis following the suicide of his brother. A loose cannon who drinks and smokes more than he should, he throws himself into back-alley fights and barely speaks to his super-rich dad (Pierce Brosnan), although he dotes over his kid sister. Put another way, despite Pattinson's famously smouldering looks, Tyler's hardly a catch, but somehow he manages to snare Ally (Emilie de Ravin), the daughter of a cop (Chris Cooper) who recently roughed him up.
As a study of the pains of adolescence, it's not exactly Rebel Without A Cause, but much better than you might expect.
The relationship between Tyler and Ally feels genuine rather than contrived, Brosnan sparkles in his handful of scenes, while some much-needed humour is supplied by Tate Ellington as a foul-mouthed roommate.
IF YOU LIKED... Reign Over Me, Endless Love... YOU'LL LIKE THIS.
Published: 02 Apr 2010
Remember Me
(12A) 112mins
I KNOW this will be tough for Robert Pattinson obsessives - but don't read every interview he has given about Remember Me.
At least one of them gives away the ending and that ruins his latest film.
It's a gut-puncher of a conclusion that turns a fairly forgettable romantic melodrama into something memorable.
Pattinson's character Tyler and Ally, played by Kirsten Dunst-a-like Emilie de Ravin, fall for each other as they both understand loss.
Like Edward Cullen in Twilight, Tyler's a moody type who looks wistfully out of windows.
But R-Patz shows he can act, standing toe to toe with the fine Chris Cooper and looking like James Dean in comparison to the annoying Tate Ellington, who plays Tyler's "comedy" flatmate.
On this evidence, Pattinson has what it takes to retain his fan club after the Twilight series fades.
Rating: Three stars out of five
Read more:
Home of the Daily and Sunday Express
Friday April 2 2010
TWILIGHT heart-throb Robert Pattinson will not disappoint his ardent fans with Remember Me, a lush, soulful weepie that is let down by a crass ending.
Robert Pattinson brings a moody echo of James dean to his role as Tyler, an angry young man at odds with his wealthy family. the cause of his rebellion is the suicide of an elder brother.
Ally (Emilie De Ravin) comes with her own baggage having witnessed her mother being gunned down on a New York subway platform.
Tyler is permanently at loggerheads with his cold-hearted businessman dad Charles (Pierce Brosnan) while Ally still seems like a little girl to her cop father Neil (Chris Cooper).
These two lost souls seem perfect for each other but inevitably fate has to place a few obstacles in their way. Given all the contrivances of the screenplay, Remember Me is remarkably persuasive at times largely thanks to the sterling efforts of an able cast.
It is the cinematic equivalent of a mournful track from a cool indie band until we get to that awkward finale.
E1 Entertainment
Remember Me (March 18/10)
Robert Pattinson's first starring role since hitting it big with the Twilight series, Remember Me follows brooding twentysomething Tyler Hawkins (Pattinson) as he befriends (and eventually falls for) quirky college student Ally Craig (Emilie de Ravin) - with their romance inevitably threatened by a variety of outside sources, including their overbearing fathers (Pierce Brosnan's Charles Hawkins and Chris Cooper's Neil Craig). It's a familiar premise that's generally employed to better-than-anticipated effect by Allen Coulter, with the filmmaker's surprisingly artful directorial choices elevating the proceedings above its run-of-the-mill romance brethren on a fairly consistent basis - which ultimately guarantees that the more overtly eye-rolling elements within Will Fetters' less-than-innovative screenplay (ie the rationale behind the expected fake break-up) aren't as problematic as one might've initially suspected. There's little doubt that Pattinson's magnetic work as the protagonist plays a significant role in cementing Remember Me's mild success, with the palpable chemistry between his and de Ravin's respective characters ensuring that the film is at its best when focused on their charming, easy-going banter. And although the decidedly episodic midsection wreaks havoc on the movie's momentum, Coulter has peppered the narrative with a number of irresistibly compelling stand-alone sequences (ie Tyler angrily confronts his father during a crowded board meeting ) that prove effective at sustaining the viewer's interest right through to the tearjerking finale. The uniformly impressive supporting cast perpetuates the above-average atmosphere, with the end result an engaging drama that should bode well for Pattinson's post-Twilight career.
3 out of 5
You really touched a nerve for me. Do you think that maybe the laughter was nervous? God I hope so, but your interpretation of the feelings was different? I absolutely loved this movie and it hit me hard, even though I'd read the script before hand. Rob, Pierce, Ellie, all were great and did their jobs well. I was totally immerrssed in it and shocked when it finished.
One good thing is Rob has already gotten the equivelant of the cost, so he is a major star, {which we already knew}
Yes, Nancy, I think it was definitely nervous laughter, and only a handful of people laughed, but enough of them to disturb me. You would expect any kind of strong reaction to the ending but not laughter, so I assume it was more an unwilling way to express shock and incredulity, as clearly no one picked on the clues. I think it was more a frustrated reaction to the screen going blank, as if people thought "wtf - is the film going to end like this?? No epilogue?". Still, it was really jarring and felt so out of place, at least this is what I felt personally.
I think the laughter was, perhaps, nervous and, yes, frustrated, if they thought the movie was over when the screen went blank.
I was thrown the first time myself but was too stunned to utter any sound.
Goz, Kate, Kat,
I wonder whether you could repost 3 articles on Remember Me for the foreign viewers who are just now commenting and perhaps needing to know them.
1)Bryan Reesman,
"Controversial 'Remember Me' Ending: Dividing Critics and Audiences", March 15 from moviefone.
It now has 429 comments, which still get added to, if only a trickle now, but still.
2)Brad Brevet,
"Reacting to Remember Me: an Interview with screenwriter Will Fetters" March 16 on ropeofsilicon.
It has 232 comments.
3)Monika Bartyzel
"Post-Movie Coffee: Remember Me"
March 19 on cinematical.
It has 100 comments.
This output is amazing!
It is still being added to, in trickles, but the sites are buried unless one keys in the title and author. I think the overseas Robsessors would really appreciate it.
Here's an idea.
A couple of us have written a review on the website under the listing for the DVD of Remember Me.
Wanna add your name and positive review? Wouldn't that be great?
Amazon would be flooded by great reviews and customers would be enticed to buy.
When I did it I also recommended they go to the theatre to see the film before it leaves. Why not try to improve box office as well while we're at it.
(I used a different pen name.)
I just made sure it was grammatical, proper caps and periods and stuff, so people would take it seriously.
I'll check in later.
At work.
@jessegirl, that's a good idea, posting on Amazon, I'm going to have a look. I'm still slightly uneasy remembering some people laughing at RM's blank screen. One friend of mine who went tonight told me that people were as silent as in a church during all the strong, emotional moments of the film, that they laughed a lot at the comic moments, but that the blank screen and the ending got the same silly, uneasy laughs. As if people were saying "WTF ? Is this the ending they've chosen?". Then when the credits started rolling in, she told me people gathered their things, and started getting up and chatting right away, and went away smiling and laughing and talking as if it had been a "normal" film. She said she overheard many people saying they had enjoyed the film and that they had come prepared for a sad ending, and guys (lots of couples)teasing their girlfriends and asking them if they were going to cry a lot. But in the end, people just got up and said "OK, well I did not see it coming" or "I did not think it would be this" and that was that. No emotional reaction, no real sadness, no tears. Is this weird or not? Is this cultural because 9/11 did not impact us the same in Europe, or maybe some of these people were so young at the time that they don't really remember? She said the audience was mostly really young tweens and teens. She even said the 3 very young teens who sat beside her did not eve have a clue when they saw the Twin Towers in the final shot (and certainly not in the first shot). Believe me or not, she said they did not even recognize the towers, to them it was just some NY buildings. It starts you thinking...
Wow, Rum, interesting reactions.
On earlier spoilers there were comments about how some of the young generation don't remember 9/11 and that, on the way home from the movie parents would talk about it with their kids. So, in that way, RM has made people remember and been a learning experience for young people. That's good.
But that laughter at the blank screen really got to you, 'cause you've mentioned it more than once. I think I would be unnerved too actually.
It is still possible that these same people will, in the privacy of their homes, when they are alone, begin to remember the film and have it start haunting them as it has so many others. There is a delayed reaction sometimes, when a powerful film hits you and you laugh or carry on normally with your friends, then, later, alone, absorb the impact.
Oh and about Amazon.
I googled 'remember me review pattinson' and my pen name and low and behold at least two other sites had imported my review--and others--into their sites, under titles like: "Wonderful RM reviews from". One was in India.
And I thought, okay, this is one way to spread the word.
Hi Jessegirl! Looks there's only the two of us left on this thread for now. I agree with you about the delayed reaction. Laughter is sometimes a way of warding off or not ackowledging other deeper and sometimes more unpleasant feelings.
I'm really happy your Amazon review is going to go around the world! I really need to check it out. What pen name do you use on Amazon so that I can find it more easily?
I wanted to mention a review which I found while googling for your own review. The author intensely disliked the film and said a few things about suicide and grief which I find very insensitive. But the comments are really interesting. The thread is a bit old as the last poster commented on Match 22nd, but I've just posted mine today April the 8th. I thought it might be worth commenting as it displays immediately in Google... here's the link :
Oh btw yes I like it when you call me 'Rum' (my name is ridiculously long I know), it's cool.
I'm at work, gotta rush.
I'll check out that other website.
My amazon review. You'll recognize my language, I'm sure.
If you're interested there are a few comments about RM on one of the recent BelAmi photo posts (the one with four gorgeous close-ups, without a hat) yesterday or day before.
Somebody started it--I swear it wasn't me!--but I responded.
Don't know if you'd like to put your two cents in there. Stuff about our favourite people, the critics.
Yeah, I'll leave this post.
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