From IMDB:
Argentina 30 June 2010
Belgium 30 June 2010
Brazil 30 June 2010
Canada 30 June 2010
Chile 30 June 2010
Denmark 30 June 2010
Egypt 30 June 2010
Finland 30 June 2010
Italy 30 June 2010
Kazakhstan 30 June 2010
Mexico 30 June 2010
Netherlands 30 June 2010
Norway 30 June 2010
Portugal 30 June 2010
South Korea 30 June 2010
Sweden 30 June 2010
USA 30 June 2010
Australia 1 July 2010
New Zealand 1 July 2010
Singapore 1 July 2010
Slovakia 1 July 2010
Iceland 2 July 2010
Turkey 2 July 2010
France 7 July 2010
Estonia 9 July 2010
Lithuania 9 July 2010
UK 9 July 2010
Germany 15 July 2010
Ome! Can't wait either! Is there a counter counting down the seconds somewhere? We've got what? 64 days or something? Need like 10+ midnight tix
Why the hell GERMANY July 15th!!!!!!!
I feel sorry for the bottom 11 on that list, even if it is one to a couple days later... No June 30th world-wide release? Go to a neighboring country if you can.
June 30th can not get here quick enough.
I have a couch downstairs for all my Robsessed peeps who don't want to wait!! :)
I´m sure the very late German release date is caused by those bad dubbers, who ruin every emotional and maybe romantic moment since the first minute of twilight....
I´m so angry right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Goz gets it before me this time!
Spain June 30th!!!???
Yuju, yujuuuuu!!!!!!
(jumping around, giggling histerically)
What about Greece??????????????
me too hate it and i'm gonna watch it in egnlish anyway grr
Poland - June 30th too!
Saga "Zmierzch": Zaćmienie
The Twilight Saga: Eclipse
Produkcja: USA, 2010
Premiera: 2010-06-30
I´d rather have no sound, instead of listening to those sloppy german voices!!!
I think I have to consider the idea of a vacation around June 30th!
I´m gonna write an email to the film distributor!!!!!!
I WISH IT WAS NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@perfect Rob
The movies are released on Thursdays here so I guess we're getting it on July 1st!
yeah i hate those voices i watched Remember Me also in english never ever gonna watch Rob in german lol but thats kinda normal for me i watch as much in english as i can i mean c'mon the 15th`? just crazy
Also Romania 2 July... or at least this is what they say. Last year they announced a release date for New Moon and 1 month before the release they've changed it... so who knows...
just written the email to concorde.
i was so angry i couldn´t resist telling them how bad their dubbers are.
i think i´m gonna watch the english version in munich as usual.
South Africa - June 30th 2010
How come it releases so late in the Uk?
It's not as they need any translation/dubbing...
I was actually thinking about seeing it in UK, as I was planning on going to a Kings Of leon concert the 30th, and planned to see the movie at the same day...
Thats not going to happen, I'm travelling back to Norway on june 28th, so I get to see the movie...
@Opsable: LOL!!!!!
@Lucia: you're not alone with agony caused by dubbing...if you only could listen to the italian one (well, better not for your heart's safe)... rather be as deaf as a doorpost than hearing such an horror... but in the end it's not their fault, everyone would suck if compared to The Pretty's pretty voice!!! Rob should never be dubbed!!!
anyway i don't think Germany late release is due to this coz here EC is out on 30 least a good news :-)
I read somewhere that in Poland 30th june too so it means six hours earlier than in US ;D
Oh and without awful lector.
I'm so sorry for damn dubbing disturbing pretty's voice.
Anyone thinks UK, Germany and France have later opening dates because they might be planning premiere events there? Or at least, some kind of event with the actors attending.
It is July first for Greece. First time I am gonna be in Athens that late. Heat waves, far from the beach, the things I have to endure for this man!
We get to see it on june 24th!(Israel)Ive cheked several times and it hasn't changed so yay!!
Could be... although i´d never ever attend such an event, where the Pretty and his girl are frightened by screaming fangirls and papps.
I think I'll go crazy. But I can not wait that long here in Bavaria. To 15 July. Well, that there are DVDs. New Moon, Twilight. When will the "Remember me DVD" comes out? I need something to calm down.
July 9th...
Summit WTF does the UK have to wait?
You really know how to pi** off the Britsh fans :(
I also don't understand why UK gets so much later. Anyone knowledgable about movie industry who can explain?
@Bach_neo @Desserts--Maybe with Rob's shooting schedule for WFE they pushed some dates back, so they could have premieres. I would think especially the UK & Germany; both had a premiere or fan event for NM.
@Desserts--You going to the LA premiere, stop being greedy. =)
I have no idea! Ok there is no doubt to be a premiere in London but that's usually before the release date.
I had to wait three extra weeks for RM and it drove me insane. RM DVD is even worse!
Summit do this every time to the UK :(
Yes I know I'll be in LA but the general release date in the US for Eclipse is June 30. Umm what day do I come home???? 27th.
I won't get to see it until July 9th
:( Not a happy bunny!!
*I'll go and sulk in the corner now*
@ stunningpatty hola how do you know the release date in Spain? i mean, i can't find spain in the list ¬¬ thanks
@ Est-Lost
Hi, paisana!! :)
You can check it here:
I´m so excited, can´t believe it´ll be the same day as in USA!!
I´m nuts, since I knew the notice I can´t stop giggling like a teen :)
Release dates are determined well in advance and with a number of considerations including other major releases, school holidays, how long it might play, and how many cinemas will be taking it. Even piracy is a consideration. Often the date is determined more by the local exhibitors' needs, not always the distributor's. Don't know what specific factors influence UK & Eclipse - although length of run and school holidays may have something to do with it.
Wow - great banner!!
I would feel sorry for UK 9 days later lol but i don't. Because they will probably see him live at the premier...
ajajajaj ok gracias oye me siento rara soy la única que pone "jajaja" aquí! ;)
Actually, i think it's very normal it'll be the same day as in USA, because, if you remember (and i'm sure you will), NM was released first in here. If i'm not wrong, i think the NM worldwilde premiere was 20th Nov. and the premiere here was 18th Nov. so... ;)
ok, i know i wrote the dates in the wrong way...Nov 18 and Nov 20
We say days/months instead of months/days ¬¬
@ Est-Lost
You´re welcome!
Don´t feel weird, wait... ajajaja!! From now on, I´ll always write it that way, solidarity is something ;)
Ahhh, sure I remember! I have my NM´s ticket kept under key! (se dirá así? Mi inglés es un churro!) and you´re right, the release in Spain was a couple days before than in USA... aaah, my friend, Rob loves us, there´s no doubt! ;)
@Alien thanks girl, are you a South African?Where in SA? Cape Town
Absolutely agree with you! Rob loves us since he was here filming Little Ashes!! ;)
you think your english is a "churro"??? ajajaja wait to read me and you will feel better!! is my best friend since i post here ;)
I'm talking to you in english but we could do it better in spanish ajaja it's so weird!
ITALY JUNE 30th!!!
I'm thinjing also to move for a weekend to UK "just" to see it again in english!!!
and ... memè ... I agree with you, even if it's really not Stefano Crescentini's fault... CIAO!
Well...I really hope that Eclipse release day in Romania is going to be July 2, it would be the best 23rd B-Day present I will ever get!Imagine me having a 2 hours long Rob-fest! Yummy!
@ Est-Lost
Nooo, no, no, I read you since a lot of time and you speak great English!! (mine is awful but I´m improving it with tons of FanFics, jeje... the bad -well, no so bad, actually!- thing is that my vocabulary is full of, you know, expressions quite "delicadas" :) ) I know you´re from Spain because some post you did write and said so, nothing else :)
Yeah, it´s kind of weird to speak in English (I have to struggle... a lot!) so, only for a lil while... let´s talk in Spanish!
Anda que si yo hubiera estado robsesionada en la época en que estuvo rodando aquí... vamos, no te digo las horas que hubiera estado haciendo guardia en los rodajes!! La que se fue a cenar con él tendría que haber sido yo!! :) Aiiisss, cómo me puede gustar tanto el niñato este?? Estoy hasta las trancas!! :) (y sin esperanzas de mejorar...)
Best wishes and it´s a pleasure to meet you :)
Oh My pour Colombia never shows up in any list at all... sobs!
June 29th on Guam!!! We will be the first to see it! eeeeeekkkkkkkkk!
Why is Germany so late? o.O
Thats to bad ...
Already got my tickets.........midnight June 30th Gold Class tickets so will have comfy seats with a glass of champers toasting the pretty and his girl.........can't wait!
Oh just remembered,pics of Kristen at LAX Vancouver bound so that must mean Rob will be heading out soon if he hasn't already.......can't wait to see them together again.
One funny thing!
There's never Croatia in any of those lists!
Funnier thing- "Remember Me" is still showing in Croatia after more than month!
Aw, man... I'll still be on vacation with my family when it comes out... =/
Oh, well.
Nice to have separate premieres though, if only so that we can have LA or NY premiere Rob and London premiere Rob, etc. All the many premiere Robs. Sigh..
Fae...RM still in Croatia. Great.
I don´t care about the german release date, I never watch it in german anyway. I will be in the US June 30th or July 1st :-)
But I remember that New Moon was supposed to come out late, too and they pushed the date forward because of angry fans!
1st of July for Greece!!!!!!!
Από το στόμα σας και στου Θεου τ' αυτί!!!
Thank you girls!!!!!!!! I just can't's been too long since RM,for a Robaddict like me....
Are you near Marktredwitz or Wunsiedel? I've got a sister/niece and friends over there. My sis jokingly tease me for being "up to date" with Rob's film. Just reminded them (niece especially) for RM to being along all her friends/classmates.
"bring along" also for Eclipse !!!
Hey, Jessegirl - saying hi as we don't seem to be 'on' at the same time lately. I have to catch up.
Great to hear RM still in Croatia. It's up to $34.8 international and about $53.7 wwide, despite losing markets. Chugging
@ Dessert First - can i come and sulk in the corner with you :(
NOT happy either!!!
You guys shouldn't really whinge because at least you have a release date. Us fans in Japan don't even know when it will be coming out here :(
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