New videos of Robert Pattinson on the Bel Ami Set

Source ~ LaraFangirl82


  1. I am really going to miss these little moments with Rob, now that he has left Budapest.

  2. Well. I can't say that I'm going to miss it. Frankly, I'm relieved. From everyone's comments about these snippets, I'm guessing that he's handling all of this grace. But I wonder about his co-stars? Wonder how they've handled it and if they gave him flak because of it? (movie sets with all those egos and temperments can be nasty, catty places, especially if some feel that they're being upstaged by a young upstart) 'Cause I'm telling you guys (whether you want to accept it or not), all of these people are a distraction to the actors and their work. Would a horde of people staring and taking pictures of us all day at work, be a distraction? Although as non-famous people, we could call security and have the horde escorted away. Not famous Robert Pattinson though. He has to take it. If he were to pitch a fit, he'd be seen as a tempermental actor whose fame had gone to his head. Funny world, huh? Fair and just.

    I'm wondering what kind of locations shoots they're going to have for WFE? And as much as I was looking forward to Rob working with Sean Penn, I am so grateful that he backed out. With his temper
    where papparazzi and the interference of his work by ANYONE, fan and papp instrusion brought about by Rob's presence could have caused a nightmare on that set...for Rob. 'Cause Penn in his frustruation probably would have taken it out on the handiest target...Rob.

  3. No one Rocks a top hat like Rob. He can wear it to bed while we do the FREAKY...

    I agree with ya nik-those people are a huge distraction. But they also bring in the bucks to make the movie a success. I think ROb is getting used to it. He said that the fans are wonderful and do as they're told. the paps are a different enchilada. They should just get kicked off the set for harrassment- I WISH!
