New Videos Of Robert Pattinson Leaving The "Bel Ami" Set Yesterday & Arriving Today
Thanks to Gyuri for sending us her videos.
This is Rob leaving the set last night.
And here he is arriving today. I'm loving the drumroll (coz Rob deserves a drumroll all the time) and the music!
And here's another one of him arriving today
Thanks to llejjuska for this one
And here he is leaving the set today
i just started watching the second video and the MUSIC started and i almost choked on my lunch, like LITERALLY almost choked. the music is just too much, i was expecting screaming or clapping but when i heard that music start....
ReplyDeleteIsn't it hilarious!!! I LOVE it!! LOL
ReplyDeleteAnd don't blame me for you choking I gave you fair warning!! :-p
Dead and Done >->o
ReplyDeleteWow the crowd looks large! The music cracked me up!
ReplyDeletekate - yes you did warn but i really wasn't expecting that :)) and i agree the crowd does look bigger than the ones before
ReplyDeleteThat fanfare ...too funny
It's like
PRINCE CHARMING is coming or something
Rob deserve it ,Oh Yeah
For real, you guys said it-the music has got me LMFAO!! Just awesome. :)
ReplyDeleteAnd G-Damn, Rob gets hotter every day. MAMA LIKEY! ;)
Wow, now that's an entrance! That is too funny.
ReplyDeleteWatching Rob walk is something I could never tire of. I love it.
LMAO @ Mama likey! Yes she does. ;)
ReplyDeleteWoohoo I love those vids! And they're clear. I especially like the second one with the music lol. I've said it before, I'll say it again, Robert looks magnificent in period costume.
ReplyDeleteI wonder where the other cast members are? I would have loved to see Suzanna's wedding dress, and the dresses of the other women in the story.
But anyways I am loving all this Robert deliciousness that we are being treated to. Thanks for sharing!
Great one!! LMAO! He is lovely though!!
ReplyDeleteeven if it's just for like a second...
Bahaha the National Anthem! Forget The Queen - All Hail King Rob!!! Sorry, Your Majesty *courtsey*. Ah Rob, you are Royalty to us! ^___^
ReplyDeleteEnglish anthem!!!
Here comes the queen, God save the queen! LOL! :DDDD
@DM - best I could find of Suzanna(holly) -
ReplyDeleteKing Rob would fit in well with the new National Anthem; 'God save our gracious Rob, long live our noble Rob, God save King Rob...send him victorious, happy and glorious, long to reign over us (twss) God save King Rob!' I;m starting to like the sound of that one lmao!
ReplyDeleteLOL, is that God Save The Queen?
ReplyDeleteThanks, Kate!
ReplyDeleteLOL~(I really did laugh out loud)!Love God Save the Queen, since Rob is our royalty!!! The vids/music awesome. Also, love the fans clapping~~so happy and respectful.
WOOHOO I get to say it first:
ReplyDeleteOH. NO. THEY. DID. NOT.
Thanks Janna
ReplyDeleteI wonder why he doesn't take a wander over to the fans, sign a few autographs, have some photo's taken....
ReplyDeleteA reward for them being so well behaved!
Go on Rob, it wouldn't take long!
Look!!! Holly in hwe wedding dress!
Ladies, I've found some really good video with some uma Thurman footage and there is also a footage of shooting the scenes from the Duroy's wedding and you can see a bit of Susie's wedding dress:
@caroleUK, there are hundreds of fans there, probably wouldn't stay peaceful if he ventured over to say hi
ReplyDeleteis Rob in NYC now? cus im pretty sure i saw him today ^_^ !!!!!! *freaks out*
ReplyDeleteI read that the crew advised the fans on day one that it's in his Bel Ami contract not to interact or sign autographs for this movie.
ReplyDeletedo you'll think when BA finish filming the fans might an autograph?the so deserve one and since he was not allowed before ROB is a cute and all is co-worker never have a bad thing to say about him even the people who he come in contact with,boy this movie sees to be hot cannot wait
ReplyDeleteHe must be so happy now that Kristen's here with him for her birthday. :)
ReplyDelete@ Agnes - Huh?
ReplyDeleteSir Robert Pattinson!!!
ReplyDeleteHa ha ha ha that was so funny and yet so sweet. Our adoration for the man has no limits.
Hi everyone missed you much but you were in good company.
@Wensdazzled - Are you around? I need you to be my eyes, please. Why stupid corporate America can't I watch videos at work, why? Gah!
ReplyDeleteok rpattz girl so i see you read my mind ha!ha
ReplyDelete@agnes Micsoda? Honnan veszed a Kristen hirt? Szerinted ez igaz lehet?
ReplyDeleteHi everybody!
ReplyDeleteYeah, He is endeed treated like a royalty - and He really IS one!
Love my Hungarian fans and am mighty proud of them!
Did U see the picture that usually ends the most vids? The map of Europe with RP's picture all over it and the text: "Hungary loves you!" And all the countries are green BUT England & Hungary are dark green, haha!
As in close, intimate connection! Looove it!
So relieved my neighbours no longer question my sanity (they figure haven't any), so they didn't come rushing in to check on myself-- presently alone with no kids at home-- as I was sitting laughing out loud for quite some time with the drumroll and that particular fanfare--I would call it 'G-d save the King' (what it was originally, I believe) rather than the Queen, though. :-)
ReplyDeleteOh my God - King Robert of England!
ReplyDeleterpg, 4 real? He's such a sweetie and you can tell he wouldn't have any problem signing autographs and taking pics. He still smiles & waves hello!
ReplyDeleteAnd I love how the fans there, like in Italy clap at him when he comes out of the building.. So sweet!
OT - so i was talking to my sister today about the robsessed site and she thinks that i am crazy about robsessing, what else is new?! anyways...she is best friends with a mother of a MLB player (i dont think i should say who) but anyways she was talking about all of the fan sites for her son and she said that some are flattering and some are bad, but she never comments on them...
ReplyDeleteso my question is Do you think that rob's family visits this or other sites??? like what do they think when they see a video of him with national anthem playing in the background?? Any thoughts...
grrr!!!having trouble with my blog account!!
ReplyDeleteThank you for that last clip!! I love close ups of ROb and his priceless expressions...the first 2 vids were well done and the "score" kickazz :) I think the sound of people clapping should replace the screaming. ROb should always be applauded yup yup!
ReplyDeleteOMG he looks so yummy in his wedding garb....
ReplyDeleteWell. So much for my nap. With 3 hours of accumulative sleep in roughly 56 hours, I have officially entered Linda Blair territory. If my typing goes wonky, you'll know that my head has begun to spin.
ReplyDeleteYeah. I 'bout fell off my chair too when 'God Saved The Queen' fired up. I wonder what Rob would think of that? Ah, he'd probably say something like...'yeah, Elizabeth may have the throne, but I am the biggest queen in England.' And for those who might be thinking I'm a bit of a hypocrite for looking at these videos after my stand I took the other night (on some dead thread around here), I have no problem looking at vids where the tags say that he is coming or going off of the set. That's intrusion, but it's not theft. My problem is people video taping HIS WORK that is not ready for public consumption for their own enjoyment and then compounding that by jetting it across the world on the interent. There is no way to justify that. IT IS WRONG and I cannot imagine appreciated by Mr. Pattinson. As for him signing on a film set...
Those people were not invited there and he is under no obligation to interact with them for even one second. And if some want to think he's getting to big for his britches for not going over to them, you expect too damn much. He is there to work, not have a fan fest. Even if the fans are nice and polite. They got no business there.
Something tells me I'm about to get my ass kicked. Well, as tired as I am, I probably won't feel it till day after tomorrow.
I'm loving the epic music. LOL! Midnight on Bald Mountain.
ReplyDeleteHe looks embarassed at the attention. It just endears me further.
That drum role was priceless! HAHAHA!
O.M.G*, he looks good!
ReplyDeleteNuff said. =)
I loved the 2nd video, so tongue in cheeky to play the National Anthem, "God Save Our Rob!" I noticed that he glances over to the fans, and Nik, he doesn't seem to mind them at all. He is sweetly acknowledging them in little ways ("good night" in Hungarian, thanking them for being quiet in Hungarian) He probably does have a contract clause about signing autographs, and rightly so. It is not a fanfest, he IS working (hard), but the support and exceptional behavior of the fans there have not been lost on him. As one fan pointed out, they could easily have been ejected or blocked by the film crew, but because of their controlled, respectful, non-intrusive behavior, they have been ALLOWED to be there. And what a royal gift it has been for us! I am interested to see if when the shooting is done, he gives them the ultimate thank you and does go over to them. I think he might.
ReplyDelete@Nik, please try to get some more sleep. You are beloved here and we want to read more of your insightful comments. BTW, liked your description of the little, sassy lady who shall not be named :)
ReplyDeleteI know I need to keep my mouth shut about the FILM snippets that find their way onto the internet. It's just such a thorn in my paw and I try to explain how this puts such pressure on him (I've been on plenty of film sets with my father and I know of what I speak. I've seen the pressure that actors are put under and that they put themselves under in order to perform and the last thing they need is a goddamn crowd standing there gawking at them) But I feel like I'm beating my head against a brick wall and people have their fingers in their ears going lalalalalalalalalalalala...I can't hear you. They just don't get it. And I suppose that's understandable to a degree because most people have not frequented a film set and haven't got a clue as to what the acting process entails. I think most just think they stand up there and pretend. It's alot more emotionally complex than that...if you're doing it right. And I really don't mean to dampen anyone's fun. But just keep in mind that the needs of the fans here are coming at a price and he's the one paying.
And yes, he is one lovely human being. I was just writing about this yesterday on some dead and buried thread. He could throw a shit fit and have that set cleared and most actors would. But he's gives what he can; a smile, a wave, hell he even walked over to some of them and told them goodnight in their own language. That boy has such class and I am in such awe of him. What gets me responding here though is when I hear a 'hint' that it isn't enough. That he should be doing the autograph/picture/fan thing too. No. He should not. He is there to work and people should respect him and let him get about his business. But people only think about their own needs and wants.
Shutup Nikola. Just shuttup. You're shouting at the wind. And you're so tired, you're near tears.
ReplyDeleteI AGREE
I heard it on TV2, that not only Uma Thurman has arrived to Budapest, but also Kristen Stewart, and she had lunch together yesterday with Rob and today is her birthday. It might be bullshit, but TV2 is not less reliable then our other leading commercial channel. :)
ReplyDelete@Nik: I see it’s upsetting you, know where you’re coming from, and I totally agree about no autographs/fan photo ops on set. He’s working - it’s not a promotional or public event where he’s definitely there as “Rob Pattinson” movie star/celebrity. He’s another actor with the crew. Maybe he’s an important one, but just part of the ensemble nonetheless. And he’s trying to concentrate on his job, and rest in between, because time is money, and filming is expensive, and weather and light changes too f’ing fast. lol
ReplyDeleteBut I feel a little differently about people looking on. I’ve always seen onlookers/fans, especially at locations which are city-based and unable to be fully closed off. True, the numbers for Rob are amazing, and things were a little out of control last summer because it wasn’t anticipated at all so not enough pap/crowd control in place. What has changed recently, though, is people taking vid of the scenes and access to the internet. Once you had to have a camera handy, or a vidcam, and now the only thing anyone needs is their phone, and we all carry those. I don’t think there’s any way to turn back the clock, and as long as fans/spectators are respectful, as the Hungarians certainly seem to be, and the production team has good crowd control/barriers, I don’t think it’s more intrusive than the usual. I also think pic-taking is going to be a reality for the foreseeable future, whether it ‘spoils’ the film for some or not. It’s not much reassurance, I know, but unless it’s very emotionally revealing work, or confronting physically, I think its par for the course. I remember hearing about Isabella Rossellini when filming “Blue Velvet” and people had turned up to watch the evening shoot. They had asked specifically for no photos/filming by spectators, and that's always an option which I hope would be respected. There were families with their dinner and so forth and she went over and suggested they might want to go home, as it was a violent and confronting scene where she was dumped naked from a car onto the front lawn. She was worried about the children who would be watching, more than the difficulty of the scene for herself. Now, that’s an actress. ;) Have a good sleep...
I don't suppose anyone will be coming back to this thread, but if anyone does...please let me apologize. Not for my stance about this (that will NEVER change as I KNOW how this sort of thing affects actors and the movie making process), but rather for going on and on about it. I've said my piece and I need to let it go. And I'll try.
ReplyDeleteAnd to Spunky and AP...
Thank you for your nice comments. I really thought I was gonna get blasted there. And yeah AP, I did get some rest. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteI loved your rant and am with you 100%!
AP...I know it's the way of the world now and we can't turn back the clock but surely there can be more respect (talkling about NYC now, not Budapest).
@jessegirl: Well, I really don’t think they were prepared for the crowds – and as many have said, the paps know the laws very well in NYC as to what is allowable and what isn’t. They will force confrontations if they feel the need. You also can’t shut down the streets completely or rope off the parks, and I’ve seen people walk through on other shoots because they won’t wait. Helps to have some police involved on the set. lol It’s still amazes me what ends up in frame when you’re there and know what the reality is. Normally New Yorkers are blasé about it – so many films, tv, fashion, and commercial shoots all the time - people watch a little and move on. Obviously, not for RM. There’s just something about Rob….;)