New (yet old) fan photos with Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart. No real details on when/where they were taken - but sounds like some time ago at a restaurant in Beverly Hills, LA. If you can shed any light - please drop us an email :-)
Thanks to kstewartfans via @JMBFan
Has to be before Kristen cut her hair for the Runaways.
I think its being said its right after Italy, before he went to NY and she started filming Runaways
Thanks Kat.
My beanie man! Love Rob & Co.
Beanie cap! Beanie cap!! Oh dear lord, beanie cap....
oh and don't think i'm trying to debunk anything. i am a robsten fan n was just trying to shed some light.
if nething it shows they were enjoying each other's company for a long while :)
Wow! Think about the timeline on this! Interesting...
Go Robsten!
It was supposedly taken in LA. People realize that not all Asian people live in Asia right? lol.
anyways... this pic speaks volumes. If this was taken before NW in Italy which places this photo around May. Then we can infer that this is when things really "started" between the two of them...last year around this time she was still with MA. I doubt she would be by herself alone with Rob if she was still with MA...just saying. I like mysteries. You can shoot this down if you all was just an theory.
Steph - Your first part of the comment made me laugh and i was thinking the same thing...some many are speculating the same thing on other sites. I guess everyone is a defective LOL.
I dont care when/where, all i see is rob looking good, i love beanie rob :)
oops didn't mean "defective" i meant DETECTIVE ok i shouldn't be online right now ;))
Looks like Kristen is touching Robs hand.
has anyone seen Twilight in Forks??
Is it as lame as it seems to be?
One resident says "We love livng and Forks and we're happy to share it with the world".. Yeah, I bet. They had a nice quiet little existence and then, like Rob's life changed, all hell broke loose.
what we need to do if track those ppl down for the story and timeline. then the problem is solved.. for the rest of the time i'll play sherlock holmes
They look like theyre at some sort of benihanas type restaurant. I don't know if you guys know what that is but its Teppan Yaki, which is when they cook and serve your food in front of you on a big stove. It is a Japanese type of cuisine. Its really fun :).
Not sure if this helps haha. But just the way the table is shaped and the big vent above them looks like that kind of restaurant.
Not sure if this helps, but maybe someone else out there somewhere may know what it says for a timeline.
What a shopping trip:
yea im not even going to attempt to decipher that one lol.. ill wait, but good looks yea? on finding the girls page.
good looks= good looking out im starting to realize i speak too colloquially on this website
I saw something on IMDB referring to the victoris'a secret ad the girl is standing in front of, it was for a bra that was not sold until Nov 2009
how they figure all this stuff out is crazy.
Why can't I see any of the pictures all of a sudden? You guys are driving me nuts!! It sounds great... but I can't C ANYTHING!!
while i love playing detective i would have never figured that out lol.
i know its only one pic, but rob clearly looks skinnier than he was the past few months and kristens hair (even though it was growing out) still wasnt that long or light. so unless there is an actual timestamp on this im still going to say it was around early may of 2009.
and the girl obv has good tastse i clothes except for juicy couture. you know she bought hot pink sweatpants lol.
@steph- That girl must be loaded, I couldn't afford that stuff on two paychecks, but yeah definitely good taste (Chanel, Juicy = me completely jealous)
Her hair looks a lot like it did in the limo pics (footsie pics) to me (not sure when that was). The bra ad seems to place these pics at least Nov/Dec 2009, but her hair would not have been that long, and only since like jay leno, which was March 2010 would her hair have been light enough, but still maybe not long enough, so anyway that's where I get confused. I am just an amateur detective, I bow to the IMDB girls for their skills
i actually cant stand juicy. my friend interned under the HR department and her sister also happens to be the district manager so i got like 75% off of all clothing.. needless to say i hate it now. my closet looks like barbie's wet dream... so if you know anyone who wears small or medium juicy sweatpants i may ship em your way...
i will, however, take the chanel.
OT--SNL just had a skit with a spoof on Rob and Kristen. :-D
I wear scrubs every day, so I really got used to comfort and I have more yoga pants and sweatpants then any one person should own.
I liked Kristen's hair a lot when it was long. Don't care for the Joan Jett look.
Steph, I'll take the Chanel too!
@jmm.. the joan jett hair was unflattering. i like her hair best when its light brown or blonde. th dark makes her look washed out. even dark brown.
and if anyone didnt wan the chanel id be worried lol
i too own more yoga pants than i know what to do with. i also live in nyc and walk around all day in them while people sneer at me. there is no way im going to class uncomfortable looking liked im dresed to go to prom when i can sit in sweats instead. lol
i was just watching it an then shit the tv.. ugh im so mad!!
@solas- so I guess I'll be stalking you tube until someone posts it, I never watch SNL anymore. thanks for the tip. do you think they'll post it here?
Steph, what is Kristen's natural color? Is it light brown as in the Twilight premiere or what? Don't like the black either. She's too pale to wear black.
Must google "Anime Girls", swear cute fan girl looks like one!
And ITA, Golnaz, on the timing. Rob's wearing his RM Promo/Questions tee and K's hair is pre-Joan shag. Cute pix!!!!
i really know know for sure, but since she has had her hair blonde before only a natural blonde or light haired brunette can pull off a natural blonde look. i'm blonde and my friend highlights her hair to my color and even with toner it looks brassy and not as if her roots are a dirty blonde color. in short, you can always tell when someone doesnt naturally have light hair regardless of their eyebrown colors and if they had no roots showing... even celebs are i think kristen has either naturally dirty blonde hair or light brown brown hair.
sorry hair and makeup are my "things".
Do you think Kristen and Rob are stuck in London because of the Volcano. There has been no pic of them lately. It's odd that no pic of them anywhere.
This might be the girl in the pics, not sure if it's her photostream or not.
that didn't take long, it's just someone filming their tv but it's the whole SNL skit (really short)
i said this on another blog. she is either still in london or at coachella in california. i think she is in cali because kstew411 which is a twitter dedicated to following kstew said she might be in cali because she needed to return to the states to handle business. she said she didnt know for sure though so take it with a grain of salt.
if she was to leave for the US she would of had to leave within a day or two from when she originally arrived to london because that is when the ash closed down heathrow.
btw, this may sound like a stupid question but i am going to be in london eaither late may or early june.. you dont think the ash will effect my flight right? i have no idea how serious it is right now.
jana-- I am not a fan of snl anymore either, but now and then when taking a break i will put it on to see if anyone good. I put it on in time for the skit, which was cute, another exmple of Rob name use so maybe they will post it here.
steph= u have no idea the bizarre mental picture your typo gave me!!!!
I don't want the chanel--are you worried? haven't even smelled it in over 30 years; it was the only scent my mother(may she rest in peace) wore; i am not into perfumes; cannot figure them out.
honey--I had thought they would be in London at least due to the volcano but a few posting here say she is at some music festival in US and that Rob is not there. if she is in US, she must have left london shortly after they left Budapest. On the other hand, if they both have eclipse stuff to do and she is here, perhaps he got out with her in time.
steph-= no one knows for sure how long this will last, or when it will touch down and affect people on the ground. :-( very bad for the lungs. :-(
whoops. i didnt even notice that. sorry i meant shut.. not the other word lol
i feel terrible for those people who are stuck at the airport. honestly if i were them id take the eurorail to wherever i can go to get to a city that has a connecting flight to wherever it is i need to go.
I don't know where she is but she didn't go to coachella. there were twitterhoax's all day. a lot of sites saw popsugars tweet and took it as gospel that she was there and RT'd to death. lots of pics out from many different agencies and none of Kris, and it seems like everyone is looking for her.
I did see a sighting or two of Rob out with the boys in london, but I'm unsure of the source, but it seems likely that he is there and
as for kristen she is very stealthy so we may not know for weeks LOL
she is in south africa camping out for the world cup.. hell thats what id be doing, but instead im sitting home on my comp on a saturday in the dark and blogging because i have too much work to catch up on
I'm a chronic insomniac, I used to read to pass the time, then I read twilight.. and yeah somehow that led me to blogging
@janna i understand. there have been many weekends where i opted to stay in because i like interacting on here so much more than the real world... mainly i find rob and you all more interesting.
then there are nights like tonight where i'd give my left arm to be able to at least go out for a half hour...even for coffee or a trip to the grocery store. just something, but im stuck home doing work and being on a computer is counterproductive because the last thing i end up doing is my work i do love hanging out of here. ive met so many people on here so its all worth it redardless
Janna, did you see a new picture of Rob in London or did someone tweet that he was there?
i know the question wasnt directed at me, but they were all tweeted sightings
I would like to know where Rob is. Don't want him risking his life to get on a plane. WFE can wait.
i agree. hopefully is shooting is done for bel ami he will have a good 2 weeks just to sleep
yes they were all tweets I saw, I was off investigating the pics :)
I did find something more about the pics,
one of the comments said this (via google translate of course):
"Yas, I post this topic yesterday but Yunni she up pic with Rob & Kris in her blog in 2009-04-08.It 's long time ago."
my last comments were about the asian fan pics and the comment I translated was from this blog that kstar posted
I hope Rob and Kris are ok. It has just become real quiet lately. Maybe I am not used to it anymore after the Robsten Budapest hulabaloo. But i really hope they are alright.
Thank you God I got my sight back! All it took was a restart.
The tongue thing is cruel. I literally got goosebumps, jumped out of my chair, squealed, and ran into every wall on the way out the front door (to have a smoke- should have been a cold shower) due to whoever's post that was that implied what that made Her think. I got the fever now too. One of these days I *may* be able to resume acting my age! :.D
its usually quiet like this when the real fans are around.. you start to notice usual ppl and learn who is here because they really care and who is here just to start issues and gain ranks for their robsten or nonsten crusades.
i personally enjoy nights like tonight where we see photos of rob and kris and everyone gets along.. even if we are all on different sides of the issue.
anyways..its 2am and i need to start doing homework before i fall asleep.
gnight all
hey girls, pls keep voting for Rob at Time 100 poll at :,28804,1972075_1976159,00.html
he is dropping at No. 11, we have to keep voting daily/hourly because the others below him are gaining on him......rate him higher to 100 and if we can reach 100,000 votes, he will be saver till april 29......
Hi Evryone,just want to say that I really hope that where ever Rob and Kris are,they're enjoying their downtime.........doubt that she left London and I really luv the first pic.
Actually I read on another thread that this pic was taken after their Japan 2009 promo's,was that about Feb09?
@delle- I google translated this site
and the 33rd comment was by the same person who posted the blog and she said it was posted on the person's blog on 4-8-2009
morning ladies,up still reading novel,remember when there were times when rob felt safe in the uk,well i think not anymore,now they tweeting about him and they trying to take pictures of him when may be he had to much i read the tweets also they were trying to take pictures marcus and tom stop them,but they waited until he went out side to smoke,so i don;t know if anyone got lucky ladies i wish there was something we could
Good morning
Beanie man looks very skinny on this pics.
To funny! Everyone wants to know where Kristen is.
I hope she's with Rob and the two have mega - lots of sex. For a man who is so DAMN HOT, should have LOTS of SEX ;)
sorry ladies more tweets but you know pictures will begin to surface with everyone that kristen cme in contact with so she is home and he is home normal thing we know on kristen side as long as she is there the gossip will start and the guy from the the band some vampire something i know starts with a k he made it quite clear that he is in love with her so ladies look out for the gossip
thanks for that info.......
I so agree with u,hope they're doing just what you said......they deserve it,Lol...............
yes i am absolutely aware that all asian looking people are not strictly from asia. i did not realize how bad that could have been interpreted.
i'm from hawaii and there are a whole lot of asians here. i am even part and got the asian epicanthic fold.
so the japan comment was not meant to be taken quite literally :)
i was just having a hand at playing detective. cuz rob looks thinner, she has long hair, in the first pic you can see the hues of red in it, it's a tepannyaki-ish restaurant, n the types of fans there.
@ Delle1
I like your avi.
You mean ... THEY deserve it. I meant .... HE deserves it .. LOL
With her I have made no thoughts about it. I'm not so sure ... ;)
I'm sad that she made it out before the volcano erupted......
was hoping that they were somewhere in London enjoying eachother................
looks like we'll all have to wait for Eclipse re-shoots now.
Hi guys,
Thanks for lighting up 4 me/oss this stuff about the RP-KS-Summit threesome/trinity. I do appreciate indeed that u did/gave oss an explanation & I think it sounds rather realistic/possible.
I have some more questions about this "conspiracy-theory", so please if u r on line & read this,
(Or someone else who knows something about it... Cause I don't)
What role did Niki Reed play in this whole game - I saw a few pics of her with Rob carrying some pap-boxes (end 2008, I guess) & Rob had very short hair, seemed like he had just cut it???...)
Were Niki & Rob together shortly while Kristen was still in a relationship with MA?
why did Rob cut his hair at the end of 2008??? To rebell against Summit wanting to controll his life??? To demonstrate that he WILL go his own way anyhow & do what he wants???
(If the contract can "nicely ask/suggest" him to behave & not to hurt Twilight with his actions/relationships/stubborn behaviour, could he choose to protest & do the only thing that Summit can NOT controll - to cut his hair & show that he can NOT be bought????)
What role did the pretty controversial "DETAILS"-interview & shooting play in this whole game???
Did Rob do it to show that he does what he wants & does it his own way???
Or to create a more adult fanbase (beyond the Twilight-teens)???
Or did Summit "nicely ask/suggest" him to do it - before Remember Me came out???
Sorry, I don't know if my questions even did make any sense,
BUT please, if someone has some answers/ideas/thoughts, please answer me!
I heard that he cutted his hairs because his menager said that he shouldnt do it thats what I know not sure if its true or not but I know that he doesnt want that summit control his life
Hi to everyone!
fnd188 what a coincidence! i also whant someone to light up those things. and also i'm intrigued for some time if R really was such a monk all that time (from Nikki's rumored affair till K's date)?
don't get me wrong i just wonder if he really such 'a strong man' (aka one-woman-man) or it's just a few girls who keep their mouths shut?
does anyone think that how can kristen get out of a long relationship with MA just like that??
I wonder if they already were going to break up or what oh well just curious.
i know exactly what you mean. sometimes i have to keep on reminding myself that it's none of my business. yet it's soooo TEMPTING.
i have to stop looking into things more than they're worth. but you may come up to your own conclusion if you go from 5 mins on.
I can not even imagine that such a man like Rob can to live a long time as a monk. LOL
If it is a Rob / Kristen indicate why they hide their love. That's not the first time that a film- pair is a real couple. If it is so, then I wish them that they can stand it. Then perhaps Kristen can occur in public relaxed.. Is that a young woman in love? Other couples can do it.
And with such a man on the side. Hey - what more could you want. They can hide extremely well. We know now. What should happen.
I do not know. Perhaps they are just good friends. But one thing I know
No matter which woman he loves.
He is just great.
Yeah, I posted a question about it and she answered and it turned out to be about a year ago those pics were taken..
nice hunh? April 2009 means that they've been dating a hole yr now :D
aww..*smiling* lol
There's a lot of *new (yet old)* pics floating around here..LOL
don't get me wrong i just wonder if he really such 'a strong man' (aka one-woman-man) or it's just a few girls who keep their mouths shut?
oh i see how it sounds but i didn't mean that 'few girls' are R and N, i was talking about 'others' who probably 'were' (and shut their mouth about 'affair') in long period till he ended up with K.
and one more time - don't get me wrong! i'm just curious and maybe i just want to believe in an exception to the rule that one man can't be so (let's say) 'strong' without ahem particular 'treatment' and moreover when hords of various girls chasing after him
ps oh i wish i could speak english fluently and nothing would be lost in translation
Well we all know that Rob definitely reuses clothes but could this possibly be after he taped those Facebook Remember me interview questions. He is wearing this Grateful Dead shirt in those interviews?!?! What do you think?
@ WhoWantsSpark..
I had to laugh at your PS. To me it's the same thing.
fnd188 and WWTSF:
1. There must have been girlfriends between making Twilight and dating Kristen. He also had a more spontaneous personality in 2008 (some of his greatest moments I think - Comic Con and the MTV iv with Kristen) because he was on a learning curve about dealing with women and the media - i.e. the famous pic of him licking Anna Kentrick's face/eyes is an example - he never jokes about now for pics when he's out having a beer. He once said he'd hate a publicist but he always has Mr and Mrs Barracuda next to him at big shows. Also Nick and his Publicist seem at real odds to his sweet personality.
2. Something probably happened with Nikki, they used to hang out a lot and suddenly - nothing. I heard she was the only cast member who never flew out to Italy for NM and there is really uncomfortable footage of Rob body lang with NR and KS together at Comic Con 2009.! Also NR and KS were BF but they don't mention eachother anymore either. Nikki was probably just a girl he dated he's never looked at her the way he looks at Kristen. Who ever else he's dated, he chose wisely because no one has talked which is amazing. When the whole Twilight Saga eventually finishes and actors are no longer under contract to remain silent, Nikki (and others) may say something to the press then about what really went on.
3. I'm sure he did cut the hair straight after the first Twi junket as a spontaneous reaction about the way his life exploded - it wasn't a cut it was 2 minute clipper hacking job!
4. I thought the Details shoot was publicity because he was about to do Bel Ami i.e. a more adult fanbase and to move away from being a teen idol.
@Totally Robbed
People wonder why I never liked Kristen. Honestly, the real reason is because of what transpired between her Nikki and Rob. No one knows for sure, but you have to be a really "sh*tty* person to cheat on your bf and also break your best friends heart. Its obvious what had transpired based on body language, interviews, and overall appearances. I know when two people love each other sometimes you can't help it, but the way I see it there are two people KStew lost, MA and Nikki and what did they gain? To me it is just heartbreaking that K couldnt even salvage a friendship with either. I mean there is a way to go about things and then there is the selfish way to do i said, no one knows for sure, but its kind of obvious what has happened and thats the reason why i dont like kristen. Its not because i think she is a bad actress, ugly, bad personality, or any of the other typical responses. It is just that looking at it from Nikki or MA's point of view really makes me angry how someone has no disregard for the people they supposedly held closest to them.
Nikki and Kristen may be friends. there was an interview where Kristen talked to MTV and Nikki was on Alexa Chung and they both mentioned hand gliding with each other on Vancouver. So as for them not being friends, I just dont think thy are close. They have merely become those type of friends you hang out with 1. because you have nothing better to do. 2. tey are fun to hang out with, but you dont trust go out fo drinks with them and bs about nothing.
As I said its sad. I was hoping that if K broke up with MA tey would still be friends =(. I mean they did go out a few years. I dont think I could ever simply throw people out like yesterdays trash, but that is just me
Again, grain of salt people. No one knows what has happened, but at least you all get a feel for where I come from when I say things. I actually used to like Kristen..until this all happened. I wasn;t pushing for robsten, but I didnt hold any ill feelings towards her either.
No one knows if anything ever went on with Rob and Nkki.
Catherine Hardwicke gave a very revealing interview in Time magazine where she spoke about Rob and Kristen on set. FYI - Hardwicke dated Kristen's father for a bit and I am positive if Rob had shown any interest in Reed whatsoever Ms. Hardwicke would have said so, she had no problem going on and on about Rob and Kristen.
Every interview Rob has given since the beginning of Twilight has all been about KS. What has been so obvious is the huge crush he had on KS since before filming ever started.
So Sorry - I meant to write that Hardwicke dated Nikki Reed's father for a bit!
@TotallyRobbed thanks!
some of your points do make sense to me. nobody says nothing because of terms of contract or whatever. while he might have some dates back to 2008 (or beginning of2009) with unknown girls
ps @HeartRob, I heard you) no pasaran comrade!)
Evangeline, there are still no pictures of Kristen at Coachella which is very strange considering all the tweets.
Steph, you're right. No one knows what transpired between Nikki, Rob, Kristen or MA. On the NM press tour I remember an interviewer asking Kristen if she had ever had her heart broken and she said she had been broken up with. Did MA end the relationship?
Steph- As i was reading down the comments,I was just going to type that it is not our business whom he dated, is dating, wth whom he is/was sleeping, etc., but now i am going to go against my own intended words and say this much:
From the get-go Rob made it clear that he was interested in Kristen, that he had a crush on her, and from the earliest photos (as well as accounts from Catherine Hardwicke, including her warning for Rob not to try for Kristen because she was a minor and because her boyfriend was Hardwicke's friend)) we can see that he adored her; Rob said in at least one interview that he kept trying to impress her by mentioning names of books and films and directors, follwing her around like a puppy wanting attention and love. (and all that joking about asking her to marry him-- I think it was his way of trying to hide his real feelings by making them into a joke or parody). And it seemed fairly early on that she started looking at him adoringly, or at least with interest, as well. I recall one telling interview on Rob from last spring (I think GQ)where Kristen is asked about him, and she says she loves above all else his honesty, that he doesn't lie. This is something she has said time again that is what she values most in a person, what she looks for, and so we can see that this aspect of himself impresses her, his heart on his sleeve and soul in his eyes and his intellect in his words, and I believe it is what impresses most if not all of us as fans. As for her former boyfriend, she let slip something very telling on one of the talk shows; she was talking about playing the part of Bella in New moon, and having had real experience with someone who was not what and who she thought he was, and the talk host asked soemthing about that guy regrettting it now, and she said, oh yeah, he knows. Right at that moment, I felt that something did not work out with herself and michael, that Michael had let her down, and it was only after that point that she allowed herself to follow through on her initial interest with Rob.
As for Rob and Nikki, I don't see anything in her personality or soul (as it is revealed, of course; I am not G-d)that would make her be considered even a remote possibility for Rob, other than company (proximity , physical, I don't know), and since from the beginning he was interested in Kristen but was keeping his distance emotionally (she had a boyfriend and he had hardwicke's warning), he was either keeping to himself (which is his MO)and Nikki made moves on him and he let her in to whatever extent he did, OR he wanted to escape from/hide his feelings for/interest in Kristen by concentrating on someone else (in which case, if it were true, you might blame Rob for being with Nikki and then leaving her) OR he thought Nikki was a nice girl until he got to know her better, and then he ended any relationship he had with her.
The way I see the situation, and the way i see them, Rob and Kristen are at the very least kindred spirits, similar in so many ways and in the singular experience of shy family sheltered people suddenly rushed into the noise and exposure of sudden fame that was not sought, yet different enough in some ways n strengths and weaknesses)to help each other and grow with each other, and I certainly don't see any fault with either of them enjoyng each other's company to whatever extent they do, especially if (the way i see it, as explained above) they were neither engaged, married, or even attaached any longer, to anyone else.
@ Steph is legit
i get what you are saying and it looks very complicated the relationships between everybody but as we are not in the situation we don't know what went on.
It takes 2 to tango and Rob is a factor in this as much as Kristen.It looks like He clearly went after someone who was in a relationship and didn't stop till he got what he wanted.
As for Nikki Reed yeah it's obvious her relationship with Rob has changed.They can barely stand close to each other and she sounds so bitter about him now.
MA might have dumped KS we don't know. From an interview during New Moon she admitted she has been dumped recently and i'm guessing since she only has had one bf it was MA. I don't blame him tbh as it must have hurt to see her close to Rob.
But this is all speculation of course.
i just want to say thank you for not screaming at me and actually giving thoughtful and insightful responses.
I'm still holding true to my feelings about her, but you are all right in a way as well. there is no way anyone of us will ever know what truly transpired without it being from the horses mouth, but i mean.. anything is really possible. i am just choosing to believe what i said about her is close to what i think went on. I dont want you all to think i hate her.. i really dont and i get upset when people give her sh*t for things she cant change like her hair, looks, clothes, etc.. those things are neither here nor there. I just comment on her behavior and a vibe i get from her. I dont hate her.. its just a mere indifference to her. She may be a nice girl, I just think she makes choices that i don't agree with, but thats just me and i could be wrong. I also have a bias because I have been in a situation where i played the role of MA in this.. so thats why i sympathize.
Steph, it's okay if you don't like Kristen. No one expects you to change your opinion. It's really just the posters who make hateful comments that get under people's skin.
@Steph is Legit... Interesting that you get that vibe of KS. I get vibe of NR... there is something about her that I don't like... I don't know what.
Another actor that I really like from the Twilight saga is Peter F.. I've always like him, even before the Saga and he once mention that NR is complicated.
I think everyone do have a pov and yours is yours and shouldn't be bashed.
I like most of the players in the Saga and if a poster have an honest opinion/pov... I am will to read and think about it... it's when the haters come along and bashed them both... I mean, until they say what is going on we don't really know... do we. They say a picture says a thousand word... I wonder if it's also Paps pictures? LOL.
@ monique
i think NR is sort of shady too, but she sort of redeems herself a little with getting rob on the soundtrack for twilight. she really believed in him and his music. in a way it was sort of nice. her ulterior motive for that is that she probably only id it because she liked him, but even so it was a major risk to take and im glad someone got his foot in the door for a possible music career.
but then after rob and kristen started things up NR became bitter which was very immature. I do like nikki. i just sort of feel bad for her because she is the twilight community garbage can.. everyone seems to dump their issues on her without knowing her side of things either.
all in all. none of us know jack sh*t unless we are secretly involved and no one knows lol
and i really applaud everyone here for being able to speak rationally. its kind of refreshing.
I've always had reservations about Nikki since last year when she started to say strange things about Rob - "girls like him because he looks feminine" (I forgot the exact wording). I just hope she doesn't start blabbing after the Twi movies are over. It wouldn't be good if she starts embellishing her stories and saying Rob is a homewrecker or some other negative thing she has against him.
I think Rob had a girlfriend in summer 2008. I'm not sure, maybe it was just a fling. IDK. But at Comic Con 2008, Rob had a huge hickey on his neck:
Is it weird that I like to see them together, even more so now that we are all sure that they 'are together'?
Um... no, it is not weird.
On a second note: UoEM and MoTU are slowly killing me. Yesterday's updates were tantalizing! It is too hard to wait for those updates!
And I do not want to start a new FF, not now...
Work, stupid Capitu, focus on work. (Hubby will be back in a few days... hmm... °phew°)
i always thought the Annelyse Schoenberger thing was real. There was a pap vid with rob leaving someplace before twilight came out. It was right when he started getting hounded by paps. There is a girl with a black shirt on and gray denim jeans on and boots and had brown hair in a low bun of some sort. she look really tall too around 5'9 and up and you see her hang back from the paps and go to a wall and hide her face. A few months ago i creeped on her facebook page and her display pic was her with almost the exact same outfit on sitting in a car. i mean it could all be a coincidence or it could all mean both of them underestimated the power of the paps.. she is also shannon woodwards roommate in LA.. Shannon is the girl he has been seen with on multiple occasions and the birthday party he attended with katy perry in in december was for her.. so in a way it could be very possible
as for her being his gf. i dont know, but he def was hooking up with someone because this isnt the first time i noticed those hickies
Yeah Steph!
This video:
But this girl doesn't look like that model Annelyse.
it wasnt that video. he wasnt just with her. it was a group. i literally google "rob pattinson pap 2008" to try and search for the vid but i gave up... it was a tmz vid and he was talking to the camera men..ughh i wish i can find it. you dont see the girls face at all. i normally wouldn think anything of it, but then i saw that pic she had on her facebook before she blocked it which solidified my belief.
@ Capitu
ITA it seriously just brings a huge grin to my face when I see them together and how their body language reacts to one another.
Also, I don't know if you got my message on another post but motu and the uoEM... I am obsessed thanks to you haha I seriously don't think that I can wait another week or even more for the next update!
@ Steph
speaking of FF, when the hell is Emancipation Proclamation going to update?! I'm dying. It's my favorite story.
@Em that might have been it, but I'm not sure..ughhh to find that video.. the outfit was different. this is going to annoy the hell out of me now.
@Steph is Legit
Re. Kristen MA and NR - yes that makes sense. It's so complicated because I've been in both Kristen's and MA's position and feelings for the 3 parties involved are all over the place in the beginning - so can empathise with both of them. In K's position I wanted to keep in touch with my ex but there was an constant underlying competition taking place so contact with ex waned significantly. It causes a lot of guilt when you want an ex to be a buddy, but it can put ex in a position where he can't move on because he wants relationship back. When I was in MA's position I had no problem staying in touch because I'd "let go", but not everyone can do that. I've also lost girlfriends with breakups because friends take sides and a loyal to who they know. Rob and MA might not have been happy about K keeping them both close to her, MA might have given her an ultimatum - who knows. And as GT says - Rob was in this and it takes 2 to tango. We'll never know what really happened and why MA and KR didn't stay in touch.
It's nice to hear an honest opinion about not liking KS without it sounding remotely sour! I don't get a sense of what Kristen is really like, but I don't dislike her and I love them together and I love that they don't talk to the press - outstanding in this day and age.
LOL Steph!
IDK... I found this video:
yea i think thats the vid!!! damn you are good! so what do you think?
wait.. it might not be
i rem the vid being from the summer!!! ughh this is frustrating. i might be confusing what happened in that video with this one. idc, but still what do you think?
It always amazed me how no one involved with Twilight would comment on any dating rumours regarding Rob - I just assumed it was Summit who blocked them. Peter Facinelli's wife did say ages ago that Rob was dating one of the Twilight cast but her husband had made her promise not to reveal who. She could afford to tease people with this info because she wasn't one of the cast I suppose.
and then a whole debate began because jennie alluded he was dating a costar and her publicist even verified it.. and then PF retracted her statement because even though his wife isnt involved, he still is and she had inside info that the general public wasnt supposed to know
Netra ~ °waiving hands°
Hi, good to 'see' you! And to know that you are enjoying those two stories... °wink°
Seriously, I love them!
But the waiting for those updates are such a torture. Did you see that Sebastian will post a new chap only on may 8th? And so is Ice ~ she said she will take two weeks to update... RL!
Good Lord, both stories' last chapter left me tingling in the right places! Jeez!
Steph IDK!
I think it's safe to say that Rob had girlfriends/flings between his ex (Nina) and K.
took us nearly 2 hours to come to a conclusion we already knew lmaoo
Emma and Steph ~
Precisely! °wink°
Oh and I think Mike dumped Kristen.
Not the other way around.
I would too if i realized she had feelings for someone else while she was with me. No one wants to be the one dumper. they want to be the dumper not the dumpee
I'm sure he's had plenty of hickeys in his time - it's so faint it hard to tell. I was curious to see if they showed in the comic con clip but can't see them unless they've been covered up!
Eh, my opinion. Im not going to try to judge people on a situation that i honestly i have no idea about. How do we know Michael didn't cheat on Kristen? (because that Access Hollywood interview was pretty revealing in that Kristen insinuated the guy was the one who screwed up) Friends go apart, it happens, there doesnt have to be some big bad thing to cause it (when Nikki started dating Paris and was in Greece with him all last summer im sure that changed things from Kristen and her being together all the time). And even if you believe that Kristen dumped MA for Rob and Rob dropped Nikki for Kristen, then why is Kristen the only one with the bad morals? Wouldn't Rob also be judged morally for just dropping Nikki once Kristen finally gave in to him and for constantly pursuing a taken girl? I guess my opinion is, we dont know what happened and we never will know. And how can we judge people based on a set of very loose assumptions of what went down? and if we do why is it that we always blame the girl?
As a fan of Rob (and Kristen), im happy he seems to have found happiness with someone who truly understands the craziness around him. And yeah, i guess a little part of me loves that he finally got the girl who he was clearly smitten by from the very beginning.
Anyway, back to the fan photos. Cute. I love beanie Rob and long-haired Kristen
Hey Steph!
I totally agree with you.
I feel bad for Mike, to be honest.
But things like this can happen.
Well, it's time for me to go to bed!
It' really late in my country.
Good night.
OH GREAT. He was with ANOTHER tall girl?
Capitu **Waves back**
I know I read that the updates won't be for another 2 weeks or even more! AHH what am I going to do? I guess actually be productive and work LOL
I have been MIA from this site because I have been trying to get caught up on both motu and uoem. Now that I am I hate that I can't just push the next button,now I have to wait
I don't think MA dumped her because of her feelings for Rob; she was intrigued by him but was not allowing herself anything else, acc to CH. And according to the interview mentioned above, Kristen said she experienced that someone (who had dumped her)not being who she had thought he was.
I don't know how fair it is to project our own failed relationships or losses on that relationship, especially to judge Kristen who may well be an innocent who was disappointed by a boyfriend, hurt, and then cautiously took a chance to get to know Rob who was wanting her all along.
Kristen was very cautious.
Rob was patient .
The "when" is a bit interesting, but other than that, caught by fan who got the pic. So what's the point? They've been keeping company with each other for a long time now. As for timeframe, last pic of Kristen with MA was a year ago April, but R&K could have just been "hanging out" together before the actual break as "friends". I really get confused by the timeframe. All I know is that MA is definitely out of the picture and things have changed for R&K, dramatically. For better or worse.
@Solas, Wow! Longest comment I've ever seen from you and very thoughtful (of course). No surprise, I can't help but agree with your assessment.
Emma and Steph, you guys are hysterical with the analyzing Rob's hickies bit. Love it! I must admit that I check both R and K for hickies.
And I agree, no way was Robert Fng Pattinson ever a monk.
I couldn't see any hickies.......
well said.....I totally agree with your comment and absolutely luv Kris and Rob together............such an amazing young couple.Keep it up....
there are pics of kristen at coachella.
lallieb--longest post??? Guess you haven't seen all of my postings! ;-)
Love beanie Rob, I wonder what it is about the beanie...*sigh*.
And to me it doesn't look like they are touching hands. :)
@steph, i have never been able to describe what my feelings are towards Kristen but you just summed it up.
I don't hate her, i just have an indifference towards her and the decisions she makes.
And again, i wouldn't care if they were dating, its his life and his choice, but i just don't see any signs pointing towards a romantic relationship.
Sure they hang out alot but other than that i see nothing but friendship.
i never realized either until someone else pointed it out. when you have ppl who dont give a damn about either one of them spouting whats wrong with the scenario you kind of realize they are right. we all have a bias on this website. I have a bias myself, but when you have the opinion of someone who doesnt care saying things not based on a pap story, but a timeline of pics it sort of changes things and makes you think "huh..maybe you're right"
I read these comments and based on stupid web research and the countless life experiences,and vids of ROb and ks,heres what I think happend. Rob had the hots for Ks and made no bones about it. She held him at arms length cause she was loyal to MA. Since she wasnt available he did the typical guy think and look around,found Nikki Reed who wanted him BAD and hooked uo with her. She fell for him. He always wanted KS. Nikki knew this and probably tried to hold on him but couldnt compete with KS and she turned into one bitter gal.
DURING KS and MA still a couple and Nikki and Rob hooking up ...Ks and ROb started hookin up or talkin. Things got ugly with their partners and shyte went down. Both got single and started hookin up all the time- on the DL.
I still believe theyre hookin up and takin it slow.Just a theory. They dont know how long its gonna last
Therefor (my conclusion-dont shoot me just an opinion) they initially were testing out the waters.Found out they liked each other and didnt want the Twi crazines to get in the way (bella and edward with Robsten) WHEW!!
I agree. Rob could have been hooking up with Nikki and ended it which is why she's so bitter towards him. And based on all the pics I do believe that R and K are dating. It doesn't mean it's serious or whatever but it's obviously beyond the friendship stage.
@jmm and skorpia
im glad you guys finally see where i am coming from with things and saying that maybe they arent that serious. i feel like im in the majority... but i will say this. after about a year, i think its pretty serious now. maybe when things started last yr and even in the summer it was "fooling around" i think its a full blown thing now. i mean its april, its been almost 6 months since the paris handholding pics. i know it feels like some of these pic just came out yest, but they are from MONTHS ago... you dont just "hook up" for a yr. but i agree with the nikki part. i dunno how serious they are, but its more than just hooking up
Pics of KS at Coachella
i kinda like her when she's dressed like this. it seems more her. i dont like when she tries hard to look like a replica of that pic wearing Christian LouBee's and a burberry top.. then it looks too orchestrated.
Steph, I do believe K and R could be serious as in exclusive but I don't necessarily think it's engagement ring serious like the tabloids claim. That seems too far fetched. Anyhow, nobody really knows. As long as they are happy with their relationship then that's what's important.
ok this thread is officially dead lol
I know this thread is deader than a door nail, but just saw pics of KS at Coachella or whatever it's called, been waiting for actual pics to confirm. Made me sad. NOT because she's not still in London with RP, although think that would be preferable to her so trying to disguise herself (obviously) and getting high at the festival. I know she's 20 now, but this kid has a lot of shit to contend with. I hope she's not losing her way. Just saying.
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