Is Robert Pattinson A Fan Of Foxy Shazam ?

Is Robert Pattinson A Fan Of Foxy Shazam ?

According to their lead singer he is......

Thanks To RobertPattinsonNews-uk


Anonymous said...

I can't tell if this was staged or not.... lol.

Cheeky Chops said...

Hahahahaha He's full of shyte..and I love it..LMAO

SluttyPattz said...

LOL - rubbish but funny..

skorpia said...

FOS!!! sounds like a chic name-stripper.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


Hope we see you soon Rob, it's dull when you're not around!

Petra Eller said...


there, strange things happen when you're not here. Some people say that you shake their hand; some women have dates with you in NY; a volcano goes completely crazy , etc LOL
Come back soon !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

gracefulgrace said...

Never heard of this guy, Foxy-what?
Obviously a shameless name drop to get noticed more. The twilight dig was funny. But not that funny.

Angie said...


Anonymous said...

Kind of stupid. Kind of funny. He definitely ad-libbed the story. I Googled the group and they have their own website if anyone is interested:

Never heard of them before myself.

Cheeky Chops said...

I lurve em :)

Carole UK said...

Yea, he wishes ...

HeneciaD said...

a fan rob ??? what??

lostchances said...

Everybody is in love with Rob even this guy.... For is sake, I wish Rob would show up to say that's true. I would just be happy Rob shows up.

AP said...

Really? Well, memo to all artists thinking of complimenting the lead singer - he'll return the favour by slamming yr work in public. Should cut down the number of backstage admirers for the

modestypatch said...

I call BS on him, but whatever he's on, I want some! LOL!

Spunky's said...

Maybe its not a big deal, but I really hate the way everyone uses Rob's name and then slams him in the process. Why must they insult him or his work. First C. Love and now this guy.

Anonymous said...

Dudee i love this band!! And he would say all that stuff about rob!! haa! Cmon give him a break he is just messing around!! he does that at shows! ive seen them live and they always BS everyone lol

But hey that just shows he has a man crush on rob lol

nikola6 said...


Didn't watch the vid, so I can't comment on the guy, but did he say that Rob was a fan of theirs or this guy a fan of Rob's?

Well, they're pretty obscure and so it wouldn't surprise me if Rob likes them. Musically speaking, Rob always seems to be ahead of the curve.

As to why people bring his name up? One more time. Because it brings THEM attention. If this guy hadn't mention Rob's name, would this video be here (or elsewhere on the net) and would we be discussing him?

Uh...that would be a...NO!!!

nellieduff said...

OMG. This guy is a little weird, yes? I plugged in the link to one of their videos that someone posted. They sound like a cross between Queen and Rush. Almost like a parody of the two though. Not sure about them....

Cheeky Chops said...

I LOVE Queen and I'm wearing my Rush shirt right now..LOL

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