Hungarian TV Talks About Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart & "Bel Ami"

Hungarian TV Talks About Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart & "Bel Ami"

Thanks to robertpattinsondaily via RobPattzNews

Translation done by Aniko (csucsok in our comments). Please credit her if you repost.

The tourist completely rooted in the ground, when suddenly Uma Thurman appeared just before his eyes in the Hungarian airport. Uma, with Robert Pattinson and with his sweetheart Kristen Stewart (who looked like as a exchange student) made the impression as a family to go a holiday weekend. And oh why, the superstars are people as well. They had to go through the airport security, and show the valid passport. Of course our cameras were there, saw everything, and the international press are already interested in these shoots.

We unveiled the mystery around the lovers, Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson! The world famous pair left Budapest at Sunday late afternoon, after the The shooting of the Bel Ami was finished. Robert wore a baseball cap and his girlfriend was listening music as they were walking to the Budapest airport. The girl wanted to celebrate her 2öth birthday with his boyfriend, that's why she traveled to Budapest. Couple of minuted later Uma Thurman's car pulled in, she was wearing a pair of sunglasses, and was little apathetic as she walked to check-in area with his bodyguard. She didn't stop to sign an autograph.

Then Rob's car arrived without Robert Pattinson at Saturday morning to Tihany. The actor and his girlfriend have been "smuggled in" with an other cart to the closed shooting scene. No recording was allowed at all, and the trees was covered the garden of the Horty Mansion. But we were able to approach the shooting scene on a motorboat. When we arrived the shooting already began at the mansion's entrance. But the whole security run to the bank after a couple of seconds.
The camera is clicking. We could only see the Hungarian double in the chariot. The teens idol was still sitting in his trailer with his sweetheart.
Apparently the pair and Uma Thurman stayed in this hotel at Balaton at the weekend during break between the shooting in Tihany.

The last 2 weeks, World famous actors/actresses at the Andrássy street, nights at the Pollack Mihály place, shooting at the Basilica and Egyetem place. We followed Uma Thurman, Christina Richi, Robert Pattinson, ...
But we haven;t show you, what the stars did between the shootings and in principle nobody was watching them. In this trailer park was the stars were relaxing near Városliget. You can see as Robert Pattinson arrived to eat his lunch but after a little break he was slightly puzzled as he left in his unbuttoned shirt. "Thanks for remaining silent" ("Köszönöm, hogy csendben voltatok"). This was the only sentence what Pattinson said to his fans in this two weeks. Hundreds of girls were waiting for day and night for every location, but nobody got an autograph.
Szabolcs, the Hungarian double was the only lucky man how could watch the Twilight's star at an arm length. You could already seen him as he set up the shooting scene at Basilica.
The world famous stars made farewell at Sunday afternoon, so teachers and parents could relax now, the teens girls won't be missing from class.
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