Hungarian TV Talks About Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart & "Bel Ami"

Hungarian TV Talks About Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart & "Bel Ami"

Thanks to robertpattinsondaily via RobPattzNews

Translation done by Aniko (csucsok in our comments). Please credit her if you repost.

The tourist completely rooted in the ground, when suddenly Uma Thurman appeared just before his eyes in the Hungarian airport. Uma, with Robert Pattinson and with his sweetheart Kristen Stewart (who looked like as a exchange student) made the impression as a family to go a holiday weekend. And oh why, the superstars are people as well. They had to go through the airport security, and show the valid passport. Of course our cameras were there, saw everything, and the international press are already interested in these shoots.

We unveiled the mystery around the lovers, Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson! The world famous pair left Budapest at Sunday late afternoon, after the The shooting of the Bel Ami was finished. Robert wore a baseball cap and his girlfriend was listening music as they were walking to the Budapest airport. The girl wanted to celebrate her 2öth birthday with his boyfriend, that's why she traveled to Budapest. Couple of minuted later Uma Thurman's car pulled in, she was wearing a pair of sunglasses, and was little apathetic as she walked to check-in area with his bodyguard. She didn't stop to sign an autograph.

Then Rob's car arrived without Robert Pattinson at Saturday morning to Tihany. The actor and his girlfriend have been "smuggled in" with an other cart to the closed shooting scene. No recording was allowed at all, and the trees was covered the garden of the Horty Mansion. But we were able to approach the shooting scene on a motorboat. When we arrived the shooting already began at the mansion's entrance. But the whole security run to the bank after a couple of seconds.
The camera is clicking. We could only see the Hungarian double in the chariot. The teens idol was still sitting in his trailer with his sweetheart.
Apparently the pair and Uma Thurman stayed in this hotel at Balaton at the weekend during break between the shooting in Tihany.

The last 2 weeks, World famous actors/actresses at the Andrássy street, nights at the Pollack Mihály place, shooting at the Basilica and Egyetem place. We followed Uma Thurman, Christina Richi, Robert Pattinson, ...
But we haven;t show you, what the stars did between the shootings and in principle nobody was watching them. In this trailer park was the stars were relaxing near Városliget. You can see as Robert Pattinson arrived to eat his lunch but after a little break he was slightly puzzled as he left in his unbuttoned shirt. "Thanks for remaining silent" ("Köszönöm, hogy csendben voltatok"). This was the only sentence what Pattinson said to his fans in this two weeks. Hundreds of girls were waiting for day and night for every location, but nobody got an autograph.
Szabolcs, the Hungarian double was the only lucky man how could watch the Twilight's star at an arm length. You could already seen him as he set up the shooting scene at Basilica.
The world famous stars made farewell at Sunday afternoon, so teachers and parents could relax now, the teens girls won't be missing from class.


  1. do we have anyone who could translate it? i would love to know what they are saying there =D

  2. Lovely... but would have loved it if someone could translate what was being said. I don't speak Hungarian.
    At least the pics were very clear, but I am dying to know more of what was said.

  3. We may not all understand the language, but the photos and video don't lie. It's nice to see that Robert hasn't been completely alone while filming in Hungary... and now where? Hopefully, they can get a little time to themselves to enjoy a rest with each other.

    Everyone loves a love story with such a happy ending...

  4. - she said that around 2:34 "I love how this report says Rob went into his trailer and came out "disoriented with his shirt unbuttoned" LMFAO" (she is one of the budapest set tweeters)

  5. Translation:
    Robsten! Not a myth after all. Stay tuned as we tackle other myths: unicorns, vampires, wolf men...

  6. Ahhh, he's so sweet & protective with her...he always keeps checking back making sure she's ok....sweet love...

  7. Loved watching this despite the languate barrier. Good for them!

  8. i could have my grandmother translate but that might be awkward lol

  9. janna - i kind of thought they were going there with that because he goes into the trailer and then he comes out looking relaxed LOL.

  10. @ Gwen: Oh yes, I KNOW unicorns are real ;)

  11. @ana73 -alexandra1116 had some great tweets and pics, she's definitely my fave of the bel ami set tweeters

  12. @rpg I thought the same thing. He keeps looking back to make sure she's there. Sweeeeeeeet!!

  13. hungarian media is so lame..they couldnt even make with him a normal interview while he was here...
    and the presenter cant even say their names right :S
    so he said that Kristen and him looked like exchange students or a family that goes camping, and they must go over the control things on the airport even if they are famous..
    than he take a pride inthat their record is so exklusive that international media is interested in it
    after that they speak about that they uncoverd the couple.Rob&Kristen left hungary in sunday after shooting of Bel Ami was ended.
    Robert was in baseball hat and his love listened music while they were going into the airport.The girl wanted to celebrate her 20. birthday, thats why she travelled here.A couple minutes later Uma Thurmans car arrived...blablabla
    Than they talk about the shooting in Tihany, they show their hotel.
    And than they showed some paparazzi recording from the shooting.They say elementary things like after lunch Roberts shirt was unbutton..things that everyone can see -_-'
    Than Rob says in hungarian to the fans that thanks for being quiet.
    And in the end they talking about the crazy fan girls and none of them get autogramm.
    Than they show the hungarian stand-in, Szabolcs Eszes.

    Sry 4 the bad english.i tried :)

  14. pötty thanks for the translation!

  15. I can translate it, but be warned it not so nice.
    I found quite offensive, and made me a little angry.

    So if you want to know, I don;t mind the bad-mouthing, here is the translation:

    The tourist completely rooted in the ground, when suddenly Uma Thurman appeared just before his eyes in the Hungarian airport. Uma, with Robert Pattinson and with his sweetheart Kristen Stewart (who looked like as a exchange student) made the impression as a family to go a holiday weekend. And oh why, the superstars are people as well. They had to go through the airport security, and show the valid passport. Of course our cameras were there, saw everything, and the international press are already interested in these shoots.
    We unveiled the mystery around the lovers, Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson! The world famous pair left Budapest at Sunday late afternoon, after the The shooting of the Bel Ami was finished. Robert wore a baseball cap and his girlfriend was listening music as they were walking to the Budapest airport. The girl wanted to celebrate her 2öth birthday with his boyfriend, that's why she traveled to Budapest. Couple of minuted later Uma Thurman's car pulled in, she was wearing a pair of sunglasses, and was little apathetic as she walked to check-in area with his bodyguard. She didn't stop to sign an autograph.


  16. this is prob the biggest thing to happen in hungary since Josh & Jutta.

  17. who is Josh&Jutta?
    anyways..Hungary shucks :/
    i dont like to live here but ppl cant choose where they wants to born (:

  18. @pötty

    I have cousins who live in Obuda. So everything I relay or pretend to know is through them. Apparently J&J are the most famous group in Hungary mostly techno music. I kind of like them.. just wish i knew what they were saying. You can tell me I am wrong about J & J i really don't know otherwise lol

  19. The Rob's car arrived without Robert Pattinson at Saturday morning to Tihany. The actor and his girlfriend have been "smuggled in" with an other cart to the closed shooting scene. No recording was allowed at all, and the trees was covered the garden of the Horty Mansion. But we were able to approach the shooting scene on a motorboat. When we arrived the shooting already began at the mansion's entrance. But the whole security run to the bank after a couple of seconds.
    The camera is clicking. We could only see the Hungarian double in the chariot. The teens idol was still sitting in his trailer with his sweetheart.
    Apparently the pair and Uma Thurman stayed in this hotel at Balaton at the weekend during break between the shooting in Tihany.
    The last 2 weeks, World famous actors/actresses at the Andrássy street, nights at the Pollack Mihály place, shooting at the Basilica and Egyetem place. We followed Uma Thurman, Christina Richi, Robert Pattinson, ...
    But we haven;t show you, what the stars did between the shootings and in principle nobody was watching them. In this trailer park was the stars were relaxing near Városliget. You can see as Robert Pattinson arrived to eat his lunch but after a little break he was slightly puzzled as he left in his unbuttoned shirt. "Thanks to remain silent" ("Köszönöm, hogy csendben voltatok"). This was the only sentence what Pattinson said to his fans in this two weeks. Hundreds of girls were waiting for day and night for every location, but nobody got an autograph.
    Szabolcs, the Hungarian double was the only lucky man how could watch the Twilight's star at an arm length. You could already seen him as he set up the shooting scene at Basilica.
    The world famous stars made farewell at Sunday afternoon, so teachers and parents could relax now, the teens girls won't be missing from class.

    That's it.

  20. Have you noticed that Kristen always has her ear buds in when she's in an airport? I wonder if she's really listening to music, or if that's to block out what ever the paps are screaming at her.

  21. I meant to sad:
    I was angry for the little bad-mouthing, but if you don't mind, you can read the translation.

  22. @ csucsok

    wow! *clapping my hands* when you say "that's it" it sounds to me like you have just given birth! jajaj it's like "buuuffff, at last i made it" ;)

  23. @Marna

    prb listening to music to try and stay calm.. i would too

  24. @pötty and @csucsok -
    you guys are awesome for the translating.

    @marna- I think she wears the headphones to block out the screaming paps, those guys will say anything to get a reaction shot

  25. Marna - i noticed that too but i would think to drown out the sound of her name getting called over and over.

  26. No, no. Or at least I wouldn't know, I haven't done it :)
    It just in the last weeks there was 2 TV spots and they were so great, interesting and funny. Rob was so sweet and smiley, and kind handsome-ly beautiful. And now this sounded so bitter. It was hard to translate because I don't like to crazy papz, ...
    And I hope that nobody will be angry at me about this. I was just the "translator", I didn't make this video. :)

  27. @ Steph is Legit
    i just googleed them and listened their songs...for me their music is...i dont no how to write..not so professional
    but i dont even like any hungarian preformer..the talented ones dont have a chanse to work with the right professionals
    and the other part of hungarian music life are not talented but they have good marketing and many many crazy fanatic teenage fans :)

    one hungarian riporter could in february make with Rob an interview and gave him a Palya Bea album.she is talented but her music inclueds folk music she is not so popular between emos and plaza bitches... :D and i must say that i neither know her music -.-

  28. @ csucsok Thanks babes I added the translation!

  29. @pötty

    i agree, but some of their songs are really catchy lol

  30. @ csucsok
    uramistenn,h. volt türemled végiírni :D minden elismerés.. ;D
    én már dierkt nem néztem a fókusz interjúkat mert már múlthét előtt kiborultam,h. a nevüket nem tudják kimondani rendesen és vmi rossz minőségű videót adtak be mint szuperexkluzív dolgot :S
    az emberek meg azt hiszik,h. mutatnak tényleg vmi újat közbe meg rizsa az egész :/

  31. @pötty
    Hat en nem tudom a magyar TV-ket nezni (max a youtube-n), mert nem Mo-on elek mar ideje. Bar nem is igazan hianyzik :)
    Nem is maga forditas vett el idot, hanem hogy itt-ott megtalajam az ekezetes betuket. Elszoktam mar toluk.

  32. Both Rob and Kris are extraordinarily thoughtful and I'm glad that they can spend time together.

    Only one thing I'm curious.

    Why is there always such a desire among people to give indications, generalization .Maybe if we call something we domesticate it and feel stronger like explorers and conquerors of incomprehensible world?
    I dont'know.

    There is no doubt that this is a complex relationship (as complex ,extraordinary and odd they are) the relation of the two brotherly people with the same old souls,
    the application to them as expressions like ROBSTEN (please)not recognizes his value. According to what Kris thinks is right and with respect for both of them, we should not trivialize this compound strongly and look for meaning. Life is so complex and full of relativity, so why not leave this as an understatement.

    my humble opinion

  33. @csucsok I understand that u girls r angry at this Fokusz-bullshit cause Rob really tried to please his fans - with smiles and patience and wawing to them a lot, and he said actually more than just this one sentence - he said "good night" and even "thank you" in Hungarian.
    So they are really unfair, I think.
    Enough of that.
    Hope u all read the good news about Remember Me box office-numbers; over 45 mill $ worldwide - so-so proud.
    One more thing - IMPORTANT;
    Kat, Goz & Kate - it's April 13th today. Exactly 1 month from today it's RP's 24th birthday!
    So I have a question here:
    Can we please have a video competition about HIM, his movies, career, ALL THE BEAUTIFUL MOMENTS we can thank this mesmerizing human being for?
    Like the Christmas competition u had? Please, pretty please!
    Or do u girls have some better ideas? To celebrate The Pretty on his day - The International RP Day!

  34. I have a question...

    If this sort of thing was done to you or I, it would be considered harrassment and even stalking and we could have the purportrators arrested for it. Could someone please explain to me why none of this applies to famous people? I know I must have read the reason some where, but I've forgotten what it was. Please, a refresher.

    My god. What a humilating way to make a living, following people around, spying on them, interpreting every little thing they do and then reporting it to the world.

    I'd rather clean sewers. I swear to god I would. There's more dignity in that.

  35. @nik

    as sad as it sounds. i knew some girls who went to see the RM filming. One of the paps told the fans that its a lucrative career. He said if he personally had a money shot of Rob with Emilie than his picture alone would bring his him almost $250,000. He also get all expenses paid for in case he needed to travel.

  36. favorite part: Rob glancing back to be sure KS is there -
    what I really think he is doing was he was going to let her enter first - good manners and all, but he decided she was too far back and with the pappz and everything, he went in the door first.

    what a doll!

    New Years

    What more proof do you need.

  37. @papagáj
    I don't know.
    I think both of them are really-really young to be "old-soul" (Kristen even younger).
    They have some unique relationships, that nobody understands beside them. And kind of crazy everything around them, so they need each other.
    And we should respect that 100%. They are human as well. They need privacy.
    But I think we will see what will happen with them. If that bond was the same in couple of years, then we can say their partnership is extraordinary. But until them it is a simple crush/love.
    I have never said anything bad about Rob/Kristen/Robsten, I never stalked them, I never ever intent to do. I'm glad if they made each other happy at this moment.
    But I don't find Kristen "perfect enough" to Rob. (But my opinion doesn't matter.)
    And one more think:
    I know it sounds awful, but lately when you are a celebrity you have to accept some craziness ("my way or the highway").
    But they can make a pretty good advantage to use this status to build their carrier, and they knew it.

  38. nickola

    you are so right! sometimes i wish i meet one of those papz in order to tell him "are you proud of yourself? did you know your job is a shit? how can you sleep at nights? where's your human dignity?" i swear i'd do it, i don't mince my words when i think i don't have to

  39. papagâj i know this is not the place but i'm up-to-date to the tragedy in your condolences

  40. Gosh, what a turbulent (Robsten) day/year...
    If U haven't got enough yet watch this vid and u will recognize ALL the significant signs between them; the intimate gaze, deep in each other eyes, the laugther, the magic...
    The vid is:
    "ROBERT & KRISTEN 2009/ROBSTEN Higher Love"
    It's awsome music to it too. Enjoy! Night!

  41. I love it when celebs get crazy and photo the papz. I think they should find out where they live and stand outside their houses in the bushes and snap photos.

  42. @papagâj

    agreed with EstGar.. my father told me about all those people in poland. my heart goes out to their families.

  43. This image has left me emotionally scare


  44. @grace

    i still think the scariest one is the one with Edward Cullen holding the apple that some woman had tattooed on her arm.

    i think id be embarrassed of having a twilight tattoo at this point.

  45. I wonder how we can stop the papz?If they would just snap the picture and leave rather than chasing them or following the celeb it might be somewhat better. If there were a 500 foot distance or greater law they would need to keep from the celebs that be helpful. They just get too close, its dangerous and scary. Sometimes I feel guilty looking at these pictures, because I am adding fuel to the fire. I wish the celebs would do something similar to the politicians by approving the pictures and articles. I am torn: I want to know, I really don't need to know but I feel like a should know more about the celebs because of their public jobs. I definitely want to know a politicians life. I want to know if I am going to support a decent human being I guess I think the same way about celebs. I don't want to support a celebs career if they are creeps. Maybe once all the Twilight stuff is over all of the craziness will die down a bit for them, I hope so.

  46. Oh, just 1 more thing and then I'm really off;
    An other very god vid if it's Robsten the last thing u want to see before falling asleep:
    "ROB & KRISTEN Art of Love!
    Now really night & bye babs!

  47. @csucsok

    Honestly what girl is perfect for rob then? NO ONE, not even rob himself(this might affend some of you) is perfect! So sure kristen isnt perfect enough for him, but no other girl will be perfect for him either!! But one thing is very true, she is VERY GOOD for rob because she aint no hollywood slut, alcoholic, drug addict, no famewhore, nothing bad, she is one of the most realist persons in hollyowood! I mean sure she smokes but so does rob but of course thats just perfect of him to do so nevermind i wont go there! Just be glad that he is with someone good and not a fucking hollywood drug addict/famewhore!

    Jeez i think some people still wont get the point if they come out with a sex tape or get married or have kids! They will come up with the stupidest excuses! Just move on with your own life and dont worry about others!

    I mean i understand that you girls love Rob and want whats best for him but honestly you dont know him at all to be saying whats good or bad for him!! hes a grown man, so dont worry about his personal life, but worry about his great perfomances in movies!! and of course his hotness!

    I wish he can see all the rude comments people leave!

    If i ever meet him, i want to show him the top 3 websites were people bash horribly on Kstew just to see what he has to say!

    Dont get me wrong and think i hate rob, because i sure as hell dont!! but i dont obsess about him to the point were i talk shit about who he dates and suposably know whats good or bad for him!! i love him for his performances in movies, for him being down to earth, and of course like any other girl in the world, his hot looks!

    Go ahead, talk bad about me and tell me whatever you want, i DGAF!!
    Thanks for taking the time to read this..

  48. DeeLight... I agree with you,,, we are all just fueling the fire of the papparazi to get more and better shots and video of people when we follow them.... but we love them, and that's the truth.

    It seems that once people get into the area of fame and celebrity they must accept that people want to see them... what would an actor be without an audience? But, no, it isn't right to hound them to the point that they must plug their ears (like Kristen) or go out with hats over their faces (like Robert) or their parents are followed and their family homes are surrounded at all hours by papz and by screaming fans. Eventually, this will all wear off, I just hope that a fine relationship that this seems to be can stand the strain of constant scrutiny and comment... Personally, I don't even want to post photos of myself anywhere,,, I love to be anonymous and I've worked in several forms of media.

    Who would want a camera pointed at them every minute? Torture.

    There's no ethical value to ruining people's lives who we admire. I hope that the fans around the world can behave with the kind of respect that was shown in Hungary... that was a show of true class!

  49. @Deelight
    I don't think you can stop paps. They are "in need" because of popular demand.
    An "average" person finds really interesting, exciting and luxurious the life of a celebrity (can be actor/actress/athlete/artist). They want to know every detail about their life. The highest points and the lowest crap as well.
    After a stressful day they can relax and watch some gossipy TV, read some magazine, and dreaming about a star's life, or maliciously happy if some bad things happening with famous people.
    You cannot change millions people thinking, if they didn't feel any remorse to see paps photos...

    It's kind of sad but I heard that in Hungary a lot of printed press (educational/political/...) couldn't afford themselves, but the gossipy magazines are living in their golden life...

    I have couple of ideas against paps, but again I am just a small person... :)

  50. Sorry to disappoint but I can't help but believed that this is part of the publicity geared toward the coming of "Eclipse" in the theaters in June.

    The timing is splendid. Rob just wrapped up Bel-Ami and KS was celebrating her 20th b-day.
    Who can orchestrate the coming together of the 2 stars unnoticed by the pappz only to show up in Budapest in a stroke of Pappz lense?

    Summit has to recoup the weak sales of KS's "The Runaways" It only made $2.5 Million against a $10 Million budget after 24 days.
    Can she sell a movie outside of Twi-saga? That's a big ?.

    Rob has already proven his worth as an actor. he can sell a movie outside of the Twi-saga (Here and abroad)

    Sorry, but Robfans are not jumping into a conclusion we are just too smart to look for the motive of everything going on with our Rob.
    Certainly, the loyal Robfans were the ones who supported Rob's movie, "Remember, Me" not the so-called die-hard Twi-fans.

  51. @ Steph is Legit,
    I know this makes me sound really shallow. But something about that photo made me think of beauy and the beast. The beauty being Rob, Kristen and Taytay and beast. No comment. O^o

  52. @isabelgetslow

    You completely misunderstood me. I never ever bashed about Kstew, and I never will. I think she an absolutely gorgeous girl, but still very young.
    I am happy if they are together because they want to be together and not somebody/something forced them.
    I've never imagined myself as Rob's whatever...
    But I think an "unknown" girl (at least not in the movie industry) would be more "perfect".
    But again I don't know Rob and don't know Kristen. I watched their movies and interviews, quotes, and from them I have an opinion, which I think Kristen is not "mature enough" to Rob. That's all. No bad-mouthing, no jelaousy, no nothing. :)

  53. @ Steph is Legit,
    PS where is the photo of Edward Cullen holding the apple? Dont think I've seen that.

  54. @ Steph is Legit, PPS OMG! i left to go look on Sam Bradley's sister facebook and I came back, looked around and it's still going on! and on and on and on and on today.

  55. @Amelie

    I don't think its a PR stunt I just think they kind of work with PR. I'm going to sound redundant because I said this a hundred times so just ignore me, but I truly believe they are together.. i just think PR sort of tweaks situations. Like this weekend for example: it was her bday.. they allowed her some semblance of privacy, but of course they at least get papped to prove they were together.. a situation that has been forecasted for weeks... along with them moving in together and then kristen was seen househunting. Or the engagement rumors and then kris was hiding her hand.. its just little things. I feel bad for them because they are caught up in it, but I still feel like Summit pulls the strings. We have no idea what there contract consists of, but if they are making more appearances i think its because summit is not "forcing" by "guiding" them to do so... another important thing to remember is that their contract expires after Eclipse. New contract for BD.. so after july they are pretty much under new boundaries. just my 2 cents.. im probably going to get scream at, but i am beyond giving a sh*t at this point lol

  56. @Steph is Legit

    I HEART YOU!!!!
    Thank you for memory it means a lot to me:)

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. @ grace

    i can understand getting a quote, but getting a celebs face tatted on your is creepy...especially while they are still alive!

  59. @ Amelie,
    The only person using Rob and Kristen to promote Eclipse right now is you by starting that kind of rumor. I always say. If it not a positive comment why bother.

  60. Ameilie: That was a very good call! I haven't forgotten that we've got a big opening coming up,,, of course Summit will promote the hell out of it...(they were a relatively small shop before the first Twilight and now, they are playing with the big boys of Hollywood, and they play rough!
    They may have even picked up the tab for the travel and whatever is ahead...and all the entourage plans as well, but I still don't think they can control two young stars quite this much. Some of it is hype,,, but some of it is real too, I believe. At least, I hope it what; that's what dreams are made of and why we're here to begin with.

  61. its a little too early to pimp out Eclipse though

  62. @ Steph is Legit,
    HOLY SHIT! That is one fugly Edward Cullen. I think my vajaja actually just recoiled.
    Why the frig would anyone have that on there body? and the tattoo artest must have been high/drunk/using his teeth.!

  63. @Amelie - kristen and the runaways had awesome reviews, she, dakota, and michael S are getting major props for their performances. with over 100 reviews it is at 66% on RT. at their peak they had only 244 theaters. it should have made more and likely would have if the original distribution would have been more widespread and not concentrated in 10 cities. This past weekend it made over 2000 per theater in it's 4th week of release. And it's being distributed by Apparition. not Summit, Apparition is an independent film distributor.

    And seriously PR, these movies have another 2-3yrs to go, why would someone you profess to respect like Rob lock himself into a PR relationship that way.

    And you're right the timing of her trip was splendid. It was her 20th birthday and her boyfriend happened to be in a beautiful foreign country and she was fortunate enough to have the time and money to be able to join him.

  64. @ grace

    we should get matching tats i get the one on the left you get the one on the right... then we show rob lol

  65. @Steph is Legit

    Maybe it is early to pimp out Eclipse.
    But the last 2 days was about Rob and Kristen. You can hear about them from everywhere. It was kind of huge. And suddenly you got a tweet from Eclipse director that there will be a new trailer.
    Actually there is new trailer yet, just a promise, but they wanted to ride the big Robsten wave to pimp out a little bit the Eclipse. Somewhere it's completely understandable, it's business.

    So I think their relationship is real, but wouldn't be that big deal if it wasn't that much PR behind it.

    How great would it be if the actors could speak freely about their contract and what real and what is just mystification. :)

  66. @ Steph is Legit,
    The only way you would get me to have that abomination on my body was if you could get me Rob for one night. Shit I would get them all for as many nights :p

  67. @csu

    thats kind of how i feel. its like PR uses an already available situation and kind of just expands on it. Ex: she was going to be with Rob in Budapest anyway.. the fact that the world knows if the PR part of it... that what i mean about summit and all of them. they arent so much creating the situations just sort of expanding on already available situation to build on something they already have for SUMMITS benefit.. not rob and kris

  68. @grace one day i might be able to so i going to hold you accountable for the tat lol

  69. just checked back in...why in the world would this be a PR stunt??? eclipse is still 2 months away from opening and Twilight mania is still strong and not going away as you can see from NM sales. and kristen doesn't seem like the type that would spend her birthday with someone just for PR. can see why they stay private because of these nonsense comments. I dont blame them one bit for trying to keep their relationship private because no matter what, shit gets talked. oh, and for those that say that he owes us the "fans" for the truth, give me a freaking break.

  70. I don't believe in PR theories. I happen to think that Rob is very honest and kind and wouldn't partake in any PR thing by Summit, whether it's in a contract or not. That's my opinion.

  71. @grace

    exploiting them.. thats what i feel PR is doing. I wish i would have said that sooner, but I was trying to convey that, but i guess it came out wrong.

  72. It's funny to think while we are disusing and debating all this shiz. Rob and Kristen are all snuggled up together in London. It's 2:O3am here.

  73. and im stuck doing a take home micro economics test. life is grand

  74. oh and far as the runaways was released in like a little over 200 theaters and i dont think it was a summit movie, it a smaller company distributed it. so that was there fault for not widely releasing it in the beginning. so there goes the thought the summit lost out on the runaways.

  75. @ jmm4832,
    I agree with you. But I do think Steph is Legit has a point. I don't think Rob or Kristen would ever agree to pretend for PR. Rob has said before, one of the reasons he likes acting is because he gets a lot of freedom to make his own choices. But do do think that summit could use this romance to there advantage for PR.

  76. @grace

    thank you. ive been trying to get my point across for 2 days now lol. when people hear PR they think im saying there relationship is a farce which is the opposite of what im saying.

  77. @Steph is Legit,
    micro economics, Gosh I need to learn that in my household. I never know how much money I have or how much I'm spending. I have know idea how much gas/petrol cost and I fill my tank all the time. I find money in the weirdest of places in my house. Haha!

  78. hey girls don't forget to vote for Rob at Time 100 poll, Results announce on April 29 :,28804,1972075_1972078_1972496,00.html

  79. @grace

    my professor went away to brazil to handle business an gave us a brutal amount of work. i dont understand a thing, but got an 83/100 on my first 2 tests so he is a pretty lenient grader. i'm hoping he cutz me some slack because i have a 15page katherine mansfield essay due at the end of this week that i didnt start.

    why could these pics come out next week?!! i just want to do my work. next week would be an easy week to dedicate toward robsessing. this week, not so much lol.

  80. i just spelled cutz with z... oh lord. my brain is fried

  81. @Steph is Legit,
    We're all a bit slow on the pick up. I did think you meant Rob was in on it. But then I understood you meant Exploration.
    I get the feeling Rob really would give a damn though. As long as he gets to live his life in peace.

  82. Ok, possibly it's bette if didn't say anything, but sometimes you are so naive.
    Their relaitionship is real - the photos are the proof. But as an actor you are kind of as a property, so in this case Summit would be way to stupid not to exploit the Robsten lovership. And when you are a young actor, and nothing is behind you yet (just million fans), then you don't have too many option to choose. You do what they want mostly. Later when Rob alone can start and finish a project, won't be that much of PR.
    And then other thing. I know birthday is some special day, but still just a day. If you have to work, then you do it. It won't stop the world because it's Kstew bday. And possibly Kristen wanted to visit Rob, but I think Summit/PR/etc could also offer some other things. And not necessary about money. Future projects, execuitive roles, ...
    At the end of the day somewhere it's still a business.
    It was my 2 cents...

  83. @ Steph is Legit,
    Go study girl. That's more important the this blog.

  84. i agree with the folks who say the timing is questionable, i also agree with the folks who say 'The Runaways' was not a box office success (contrary to popular belief by Ted C)but many factors contributed to the Bomb of TR, like the fact that Kstew is not a likeable celeb, most people hate her.

    RM did very well because Rob's fans are loyal and he is loved by most people,

    in my opinion the jury is still out on rather this is the real deal or a production by summit,i guess time will tell,they cant keep up the charade forever.

  85. no its ok.. my friend just came over and gave me a hug while jsut breaking my usb drive. FML

  86. and what is all this crap i keep reading all over the net and tabs about Rob proposing to K oh pleaseeeeeee these folks have to stop reading BD and keep fantasy and reality separate,

    give it a rest folks and let Rob chart his own destiny,stop pushing your ideas and dreams down his throat,

    on another note........what the hell is TL doing in madrid or what ever,cant he put down his fame whore hat and relax a bit Damn

  87. Hi everyone. I have had a virus on my computer and wanted to get it cleaned up before infecting anyone else. I am ectatically happy to know that Kristen was actually in Hungary with Rob over her birthday. I have no doubt at all that they are a couple, albeit a young couple. I agree with those who have said the best thing about the pictures is the way he keeps checking on her. I love that. He did the same thing after the NY premier going to the after party. Hew as surrounded by body guards but kept checking back to make sure she was okay. He is so sweet to her. I think they make a great couple. Does anyone know where they are now? I am assuming London. I imagine he would want to go home and see his family and friends and she seems to be well liked by his sisters and parents. I am so glad for him that he has her in his life and also that he finally has some time off to enjoy himself. I think we will see club pictures in London in the next few days. Wonder how long she will be staying and when they will both return to LA to begin publicity for Eclipse. I hate the Paps, but I love the pictures. Without the pictures the internet would be buzzing about unsubstantiated rumors. The picture provide proof. I hate that they get paid to step on their privacy, but still want the pictures. How mixed up is that?

  88. @nikola

    The general feeling and legal answer is that when you live a public life you have somehow given consent to this type of "harassment' (for lack of a better word)

    The paps and newspapers also have rights. As long as they are not on private property or threatening/endangering your life they have the right to do wwhat they do.

    And as long as they aren't lying he mags can write what they want or say what they want.

    Its a sad life, but I guess its a trade off for the power, fame, perks and money

  89. Some have asked, how can we stop the papps? With things as they currently are, we can't. To begin with, it's a first ammendment issue. If there was ever going to be some skids put on this situation, it would have been over the death of the Princess of Wales.
    Whether or not the driver, Henri Paul had too much drink in his system, the fact remains, had they not been chased through the streets of Paris that night by a pack of jackals, excuse me, the papparazzi, they all would have made it home safe and sound that night. But what happened to those papps? Nothing. Why? Because the legitimate press does not want any laws enacted against the papparazzi. Why again? Because they are afraid if laws are passed to restrict the papps, that one day those same laws will crawl their way into the offices of the New York Times and tell them what they can photograph and print. Therefore, the legitmate press did not go after those photographers who were culpable in the death of Diana Spencer and her companions that evening. One of the tenets of this country (the United States) is the right of a free press, which I am a staunch supporter of which also makes me a first ammendment advocate. But with that comes a responsibility that the tabloid press does not adhere to. It's become a free for all, anything goes. Hunt people, famous people, like animals, take the most intimate photos of them you can, write any lie about their lives you can come up with and their rights to privacy be damned.

    My fear is that it will take another car chase death (here in America) of a famous and beloved movie star along with their spouse and their children. That might do it. But I doubt it. But do you really want to end it? Do you really want to put the papps and the tabs out of business? It's very simple...

    Stop downloading the pics on the internet and stop buying the tabs. If these stolen photos (yes, if you take a picture of someone who doesn't want their picture taken, you have stolen a moment of their lives) and these rags stop making money, then they will go away. But they're not going to go away because the public has an appetite for them.

    The star is the drug. The papps and the tabs are the pushers. And the public are the addicts.

    Do the math.

  90. You re right Nikola. I have to admit I like the pictures and I buy the magazines, so I guess I am to blame.

    I wanted to mention that there are reports that Water for Elephants begins filming May 22 in LA. Maybe Kristen will be able to hang out with Rob for awhile. I'm sure he will begin working on the script and pre production for WFE soon. Maybe they will fly back to LA together.

  91. I think celebrities have a love hate relationship with PAPs. The Paps keep them relevant so as much as they hate the paps celebrities kinda need them/use them.

  92. Shari...

    Yeah, I guess they'll come wandering back here pretty soon as he's quite a bit of pre-production ahead of him for this film. He's got to spend an enormous amount of time with those animals so that he can work comfortably with them in front of a camera. Even if he's only doing a few scenes as old Jacob, they've got to get him into that makeup chair for hours in order to come up with old Jacob's 'look.' I would imagine he'd also have to spend some time with old people in order to observe and then reflect the behavior; both emotionally and physically. And I'm guessing he'll be paying a visit or two to the Motion Picture Actor's Home in Malibu. The place where industry people and legendary stars go to live out their final years.

    Gonna be a busy, busy boy for the next several weeks even before the cameras roll. Hopefully he'll get a little down time (just this week maybe) before he has to get back to work.

  93. I must respectfully disagree with you there Spunky...

    The papps and the tabs don't keep stars relevant. They just keep them in the spotlight...for a time. Would you say that Paris Hilton or Octomom were ever relevant? The only thing that makes a star relevant is the quality of their work and whether or not their careers have any longevity. That's it.

    Celebrity is not relevant. It is here today and gone tomorrow. True stardom (your talent, your body of work), that lasts forever...

    Katharine Hepburn
    Jimmy Stewart
    Gregory Peck
    Audrey Hepburn
    Marlon Brando
    Paul Newman
    Meryl Streep

    These people will live forever. Who's going to remember the celebrities of the moment in five years time?

  94. Opps. Sorry. I pointed a finger and stopped the thread in it's tracks.

    Look. I know this is a complicated situation. We fall in love with a star and we want to know about them. We also want them to have a happy life. But unfortunately, our desire to know more about them, can interfer with their happiness. I think it's called a conundrum.

    I guess I long for the days before the internet. Before the papps and the tabs went out of control. And they're out of control because they've got to feed this beast known as the internet, 24/7.

    And it's a HUNGRY beast.

  95. actually I kind of agree with you. But most of those stars you named are old Hollywood classic stars. But in this media driven age many people want full access and the Paps provide that.

    Its a new medium. In the past ppl respected privacy. I once read that rock hudsons lover was going to expose him. A former cop/enforcer to the stars roughed him up and prevented the lover from coming forward. That wouldn't have happened today. Rock Hudson would have been outed. He wouldn't have worked to his full potential.

    The media actually respected FDR and never photographed him in his wheelchair...That wouldn't happen today. There is no longer honor.

    Learning to work the media is apart of the celebrity life these days.
    I find that the media does drive fame. The media photographs who they want or who pays. In some ways the media is telling us who the next stars are. We don't just judge actors on their talent anymore.

    When RM came out many of the reviews I read focused on Rob's hearthrob status. His acting wasn't even the main focus. His private life was mentioned. The media is feeding a thirst and celebrities are having to learn how to manage it all.

  96. @nikola6 - Waving hello to Nik. How are you?
    Hey Nik, DON'T FEED THE TROLLS. It's not worth your time.

  97. Only a few words to express my opinion, to begin, I´m not American or British therefore my language is not English, but if I want to say something I use this language because of a very simple reason, this is the way we all can understand one another, anyway, sorry if I make so many mistakes, but I´m still learning English and I hope there will be a day where I can write and speak it fluently.
    Thanks to let me be here.

  98. You're so right Spunky. We used to have privacy in this country, but not anymore. It's pretty much gone. And the sad part is, it's happening and the people don't even realize what they're losing. Future generations will not even know what the word means. Privacy? What's that?

    As for Rob's reviews for Remember Me...
    I read all I could find (and I found alot) and I figured about 3/4 of them did not review his performance at all. They reviewed his celebrity.

    Fortunately, the powers that be in Hollywood (the only thing that matters, not brain dead, uninformed movie critics who couldn't tell the difference between a John Ford master shot or an Alfred Hitchcock close up), they know how good Rob is. Hollywood is sold on him. Trust me.
    Before Twilight even came out, he had secured the roles in Parts Ber Billion (which lost it's financing when Rob had to back out), Remember Me and Unbound Captives.

    Another important thing? Rob's peers, his fellow actors know that he's good. These idiotic critics and all of this white noise of hate towards him on the internet is not going to derail his career. Only Rob himself can do that. If he's got the talent I think he does, one day no one is even going to remember any of this shit that greeted him at the beginning of his career.

  99. so many trolls here.I can't understand why? Aren't they suppose to be somewhere else?

    LEAVE his personal life ALONE!

  100. There was a troll? I thought I was just talking with some folks. I need a nanny...for me.

    Waves back at CL.

  101. This is sooooooo PR....just watch and you'll see. /sarcasm

    Get over it people!

  102. @Nikola

    We agree. Sometimes I wonder if many of these younger stars Lindsey Lohan, etc. were derailed by the very ppl who turned the camera on them

    Its like when Brittney went through her issues. I just wished one person said. "this girl needs help" and didn't partake in the circus by turning the camera off. But I guess that wouldn't make them any money.

    anyway, Goodnight LADIES...I WISH YOU ALL SWEET (or nasty) DREAMS OF

  103. AMEN CL Why not just be happy for them and just focus on other things!
    @ Annie I'm with ya'

  104. Wow, he must have gotten one hell of a blow job the way he stumbled out of that trailer! ;)

  105. Nicola..
    I'm with you on the paps issue and the difference between irrelevant celebs like Octomom and actual actors.

    I did the math and am to blame for saving some of the photos, yes. But, fine as the line is I admit, all that buying underwear, eating in restaurants, standing on his front lawn in London, all that, I leave behind.
    What to do? Yeah, a conundrum, as you said.

    Love him, want him to have a private life, but still want--am addicted, what the hell, this IS Robsessed--to photos of his gorgeousness.

    However, regarding the press and paps. I'm all for a free press but, and so many don't seem to get this, with freedom comes responsibility.
    We have rights and responsibilities.
    We have freedoms and responsibilities go along with that. I'm sorry, no matter what some of you say about modern pop 'culture' and paps rights and all that, Nicola has it absolutely right. They are jackals when they behave like that.

    And yea, I'm fearful of another horribly tragedy where paps are to blame, like with Diana. Can any of you imagine if it were Robert? God help us.

  106. @wom & CL

    is this the blog called Robsessed? I thought I was on another blog!!! Troll blog!!!

  107. u realize that by calling ppl trolls is just starting problems and not fixing them right?

    i realize i stat issues myself with what i say, but i try to at least be respectful of others... just saying

  108. Nik.... another thing that has changed is the explosion of reality TV, which is mirrored in the upsurge in the "reality" print press and blogosphere.

    This trend has shown us just how many people are actually happy to pimp out their own lives and has given the general public a skewed sense of what is indeed "real." There's a heightened hunger right now for unpolished, unscripted, "unawares" splices of people's lives. People have always loved Candid Camera, but right now they don't want just the pranks, but all the potentially embarrassing and titillating moments in between.

    Performers have always been "exhibitionist" circus animals.... to a certain degree. But today some of them are revolting again the idea of being expected to keep their "show" on display around the clock, instead of just on the stage. These are the ones doing their best to stay out of the "people" mags... and right now Rob and Kristen are leading the way.

    How many of us "fans" are going to support them in this? Could we do without our fix, in a pappz-free fandom? Less Rob... sounds painful, doesn't it?

  109. Annie yes me to. Actually isn't troll a nice way of putting it, no profanity..
    This has always been a HAPPY blog for Rob and everything in his life SUPPORT and JOY not for hate!
    Im sure there are plenty of blogs where people agree with the nonRob supporters and everything that's Rob non supporters.. Just go there and get a field day!
    is non supporter better than troll?

  110. @Wom ITA!!! don't bother to comment if you don't like it! there are many of blogs for trolls. If you don't want to be called a troll,don't be one!

  111. Oh look! More Summit PR....

    Summit to Robsten: Make sure you look at each other longingly & lovingly, like there aren't other people in the room.

    Do you really think these conversations happen?

    LMAO! People are silly.

  112. woms, annie, CL-(((hugs))) I couldn't agree with you more!

  113. why cant we all just have an opinion without calling eachother names?.. just because you are using a euphemism to soften to blow for what you really want to say doesnt mean it right either.

    i love rob and am happy for rob. im am here for rob. the matter of whether people like or dislike kristen is irrelevant. she is included by extension. isnt being a shipper being pro-robsten? then go to a prorobsten site if you want to make that argument? about cliquey websites. this a neutral zone.. at least i thought it was. neutral meaning pro robstens are accepted, nontens, whatever the eff stens, indifference, dislike, love and all that in between.

    i dont agree with colleen, solas, and grace for the most part, but i am still able to get along with them despite our differences in opinion. its all a matter of how you conduct yourselves. i know i offend ppl and i try not too, but its in poor taste to verbally call someone a troll. we are all adults here (for the most part at least) lets just try and keep it civil.

  114. hey cl,woms, annie--wasn't it great to see the pics so glad Rob and Kris will get to spend some quality time together hopefully away from the papz

    waving hi to Nik is your still here

  115. jessegirl...

    I hear ya darlin'. It is a conundrum. And I'm not above it either and I'm afraid that I came off sounding like I was. I'm not. I'm a fan and I love him too. What I don't do is, I don't watch papp videos but I do look at papp photos and I've even copied a few (some of those shots in Central Park when he was filming RM were simply breathtaking and those recent shots of him in Budapest in makeup and costume that RPG had on her blog? Those were papp shots and I had to have them). So I'm not pure here either. But I don't go to the source sites and download them from there. That just gives them more hits and keeps that bullseye right smack dab in the middle of his forehead. I let the ladies who run this blog go get the photos and what they bring here is good enough for me. I don't need to see 20 pictures of him walking down the street. The few that are brought here to this blog are enough (and of course the gems that RPG digs up). I don't buy tabloids. I use to occasionally if there was something of interest to me. But since the death of Diana, I haven't spent a penny on a one of them. I loved her and I just can't do it. It kills me that everyone seems to have gone on and forgotten her and she's in the ground. I hate that because of her celebrity, they had to bury her in isolation out on that little island in the middle of that little lake on their property. She's all alone out there. How ironic that the most hunted woman of the modern age, lies in the ground in isolation, pretty much forgotten. It's our short attention spans.

    And just so you know, I have felt for some time parallels between Rob and Diana. Both beautiful, shy, charismatic, charming Brits who were flung into a worldwide spotlight at very tender ages; she was just past 20 and Rob just 22.

    I'm not a praying person, but I'll admit to asking the fates that he be granted a long life because from the beginning I've had this fear that he might not. I don't know if you know the story of how I met him. I've told it here on the blog more than once, so I won't do it again. But if you want to know, I'll be happy to e-mail you. I'll just say this much, that day, that boy took hold of my heartstrings and he has yet to let go of them.

    He is very precious to me.

  116. @EvilAnnie - I KNOW! Robsten united! Love it.

    @Woms @RPL - I <3 you guys!!!

  117. this a pro ROB blog and everything he LOVES that include his girlfriend, friends etc!

  118. WTF happened to my happy place? Glad I've found another for now....

    NBU'S Rage against the machine....

  119. don't they look GOOD together--what beautiful babies they will someday make together--but first they need LOTS of practice :)

  120. @RPL <3u too and all the other prorob fans here

  121. @wens,awwww babies :D beautiful,cute mini Robs :DDD

  122. RPG! I swiped your loverly pic for my avi, hope you don't mind. :)

  123. last time i checked rob was a singular person. I am her for ROB not kristen, not tomstu, or the britpack.. ROB and by extension that includes all the above.. it doesnt mean i have to like them.. i do like the britpack and i dont hate kristen either. im just saying having avators that clearly tell me to go eff myself and calling ppl trolls isnt that nice. thats all i was trying to say.

  124. de·ni·al (d-nl)
    1. A refusal to comply with or satisfy a request.
    a. A refusal to grant the truth of a statement or allegation; a contradiction.
    b. Law The opposing by a defendant of an allegation of the plaintiff.
    a. A refusal to accept or believe something, such as a doctrine or belief.
    b. Psychology An unconscious defense mechanism characterized by refusal to acknowledge painful realities, thoughts, or feelings.
    4. The act of disowning or disavowing; repudiation.
    5. Abstinence; self-denial.

  125. @Wensdazzled - Hiya Wens! They will have beautiful babies. Did you see this NON-PR video. It's amazing. Just watch how they look at each other.

  126. Happy, happy, joy,joy where have you gone?

  127. CL, sex-haired babies! Twins would be soooo cuuuute! ; )

  128. @Nikola: yes i remember reading your story! I would have died if I met him. I probably never will :( I have never really believed in Robsten, but after her showing up in Budapest, and the way he's been so attentive to her....I'm changing my mind. And I think its great! He should be happy.

  129. NBU!!! This is my happy place and I want it to stay that way!!! All we need is LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!!

  130. I just think that a blog dedicated to Rob and what surrounds him, his friends, his girlfriend, his family, his choices in life should supported here. That is why this blog was created. This is what brings us together.. When a negative element surrounding his life gets brought in it creates friction and negativity.. Those bloggers are what are referred as trolls. If the boot fits then don't bring that in here.. don't make a comment that is going to offend people and then expect not to be offended..

  131. @CL why ppl think we are calling them trolls if they are not??
    I'm not calling anyone troll just the trolls!

  132. @CL--IKR--nothing says i love you like that look in his eyes

  133. Happiness is a state of mind. And Karma's a bitch. Think about it.

  134. Annie, feeling guilty? Maybe? Dunno.

  135. @qwen--ITA karma will come back at ya 3X--just wait for it--

  136. @GwenCooper426 - I bow down to your greatness.

    Denial - seems to be a frequent theme on the internet.

    @EvilAnnie - IKR!

  137. You all know I am not a troll. I just thought it was disrespectful to others.

  138. We should have a sing-a-long! LOL. The Barney theme song just popped into my head! I love you, you love me, we're a happy family!

    This is the bestest blog, in the whole wide world! Seriously. Cause we love Rob. And we love whatever makes him happy. True. Fact.

  139. @gwen twins? god that would be so cute ;D
    @wom ITA
    @modestypatch I want LOVE too :D

  140. womadsart, I love your thinking!

  141. CL, I'm always one with a helpful reference. When needed. ; )

  142. LOL @ modestypatch!

    All we need is love, dadadadada, all we need is love, dadadadada, all we need is love, love. Love is all we need.

    All together now!

  143. Annie, don't start or I'll dig up my old baby name book and start a list for potential Stewart-Pattinson progeny!

    So not kidding!

  144. Gwen. third AMEN!
    ADM Thanks!
    Modesty IKR
    CL I LOVE that video. Brings tears of love to my eyes!

  145. Gwen

    NBU!!!! Love Rob, love HIS choices, love that he lives HIS life, love that he does not need to answer to anyone, or prove anything...

    Love that his REAL fans get that, and respect that.

    Love that most of us GET that....

    We will take the trash out one piece at a time!

  146. he did say he wanted to be a young dad--did he ever state how many children he wanted?

  147. Look, everyone's got the right to an opinion, but when you know you're being offensive, it's time to give it a rest. That's all we're saying.


  148. Got it! This is Not My Life! "All We Need Is Love"---key song. Great fic! Best Edward's daughter. Ever. (Again, sorry, Renesmee!)

  149. wens, I think we should compile a long list. Just in case. Hee-hee.

  150. I wonder if he kept the wedding ring on when he went to his hotel at nights ;)nice practice for the future.

  151. @RPG - LMAO! One piece at a time.

    @Wens - Yes, and yes to the sex-haired, green eyed Stewart-Pattinson twins.

  152. @RPL


    Takin' out the trash!!


  153. Annie, he keeps the clothes! He so kept that ring! ; )

  154. Some people should just drink a tall glass if shut the he'll up...

    We take names here...NOGOA!!!!

    NBU- word

  155. @gwen,his finger look even hotter with that ring on! Or is it just me thinking that ;)

  156. Sorry I got so serious there. Off to watch Big Bang Theory. The greatest show in the history of the universe. After The West Wing and South Park of course. How's that for eclectic tastes?

  157. yes, but i wasnt being offensive.. i just saw that comment about trolls and it irked me because i thought it was really disrespectful. there was a neutral convo going and no one was fighting and then someone had to say something. even if it wasnt directed at me i thought it mean and had no relevance to the topic. we were all talking about the paps and how they hound ppl and how we feed the media. i just want to know what it was important to start with the name calling?

    listen i know im answering all of you. it just didnt sit well with me. im not trying to start a fight i am just trying to defend others. i get what you all mean that we should be happy with everyone we meet, but this is real life and it doesnt work that way all the time... god i wish it did. the world would be a better place, but you cant change peoples lives unless something radical happens.

    i mean this in all sincerity.. just be nice to others. i love rob. i am happy he is happy and its its with kristen then so be it.. my opinion on her does my reflect on my opinion on him. i wish i could sing her praises from the roof top, but thats just not me and im sorry

  158. I love the baby idea too...young dad, so sweet! This is why I love him!

    You know, I was thinking how everyone admires his choice in scripts and how he has such great judgement. Don't you think that this would mean that he might make good judgements in other areas of his life too?

    Just thinkin'.

  159. RPL, hell yes! ; )

    Annie, not just you! Gave me shivers! (Of the very good kind.)

  160. @RPLover

    Yes send twitter request. :)

  161. @modestypatch I think he do the right choices and if he doesn't he learn from it :D

  162. Mod, ITA. Rob and Kristen both come across as being extremely mature in their life choices. I admire and respect that about them.

  163. @modesty @Gwen - I third your comments. They both seem to make very good decisions and if they don't, IT'S NOT MY PLACE TO JUDGE.

    (Shouty caps to get my point across)


  164. ModesyPatch,
    ITA... He's had the same great friends for 12 yrs, he makes great script choices and I do believe he carries that into his heart as well..

    He's a gift, a rare treat, and I will always defend aana respect his choices...


  165. One of the best pieces of advice that my mom has ever given me is that "If you can't say something nice, then don't say anything at all."

    Those are great words to live by, especially---and even if---you can say things anonymously. It makes you---and the world in which you inhabit---a better, happier, friendlier place.

    ; )

  166. Gwen a 4th AMEN!! You just take the words right out of my mouth!

  167. To quote my dear friend RPL,


  168. coming from the people who just called everyone trolls?

    can we just move on. we are all obviously at an impasse so lets agree to disagree. deal?

  169. @gwen ITA:D well said!

    we are not calling anyone anything!

  170. fine.. whatever can we drop it.. as i said impasse lets move on

  171. RPG, I love you, bb!!

    NBU!! blahblahfuckinblah

    Have a good night!!

    Good nite all! Let's LOVE NOT HATE!

  173. We should totes ask Goz, Kate & Kat for a Rob picspam! Especially now that Bel Ami is done filming. I'm thinking Tuxedo Rob picspam?

    We are all here to admire the Hotness that is Rob (in formal wear, casual wear, torn tees, nothing..., grampa clothes, ahem, plaid, etc.), right? So. World peace and Zen.

    Goz, Kate, or Kat, may we have yummy pics of Tuxedo Rob? Pretty please? We love you! Mwah!

  174. @wom good night

    and rpg blahblahfuckinblah that's what it is!

  175. I'm out. NBU-<3 you all big time.

  176. @gwen that picspam would kill us ;D I hope we get it.

  177. Hugs, all!

    And I really do want world peace.

    ; )

  178. Love that simple but very hard to follow adage Gwen, for the great wisdom behind it. In the words of a poet I hold dear:

    We underestimate damage
    done to the sky
    when we allow words
    to slip away
    into the clouds.

    There are times and places to speak out, and times and places to hold our tongues. It doesn't mean we're sycophants... just world and word wise.

  179. Steph, the only troll I've seen in this thread is the one who said "most people hate Kristen", which by the way isn't true, and she's just here to stir up pure hate. That's what a troll does.

  180. @jmm

    i know i just feel bad for people and want people to be able to say what they feel. i know the two of us but heads a lot, but i do always find what you say very reasonable

  181. Thanks, Loisada! Beautiful words! And very on-topic.

    People go to a specific church to worship with like-minded people, in a manner that embraces their beliefs. It's why there are so many churches, so people can select the one most fitting to them.

    Just like all of us here. We, the fans of Rob. The fans of a Happy Rob. What does the banner say? "Addicted and devoted to Robert Pattinson". Other blogs are not happy places and become platforms for diatribes and all manner of strange things, not related to Rob. I avoid those blogs.

    Still, I think it's very cool that anyone can create their own blog to share their wisdom, if they choose, with those who share their beliefs.

    But, I won't visit a sports-related blog. Ever. Not my thing though I would never go to a sports blog and tell THEM that sports are ever so boring to me. That would be rude. I would just simply come here, to share in my love of Rob. ; )

  182. @Gwen
    agreed somewhat. i think there are places for people to go to to find like minded people, but even if we all do have diff views regarding who he keeps as company we all still love him at the end of the day. to hate kristen is sickening and i dont hate her nor do i try and promote it.. there is a difference between a mere dislike/indifference and utter blind hate. i dont want you or anyone to think i promote hatred or hate her... but i do want ppl to have opinions.. we are all here for Rob.. For you that means supporting the ppl along with him. to those like myself i just support the man himself even if i dont like his personal choices.. but they are HIS personal choices so i try and rem that... then there are those who comes here just to talk nasty stuff about both of them. at the end of the day it is what it is.

    you and i may not agree on things, but we have one thing that unifies us whih is a love for ROB. i hope we can learn to understand each other. im not trying to make enemies

    but... soccer is the greatest game (futbol) however anyone says it.. if you dont watch the sport at least watch the men =)

  183. I'm probably going to get some shit for saying this, but do people really think R&K are going to be together forever & have many babies? I'm not saying it absolutely can't happen, but Kristen just turned 20, she's very young. She started dating Michael when she was 14, so chances are Rob is only the 2nd boyfriend she's ever had. They will probably break up long before either of them is ready to be married. I'm not for or against them being a couple, I'm just realistic.

  184. @Marna

    realistically i dont think they will be together forever, but i still hope that even if it does end he will at least still have a goof friend from it..whatever it is they have going on i hoe they are happy for however long that lasts.

  185. @gwen peace love & Rob dreams to you too.
    BTW trolls don't sleep or dream!

  186. Oh, Annie! LMAO! And truly, on that note, I must go to bed!

  187. @Marna

    I don’t have a crystal ball, but I do have a magic eight ball we could try :)

    A thought though…doesn’t matter if U R 18 or 48, if you’ve got it and are willing to grow and learn together then only the two involved can make or break it. Seen it happen in young couples, and seen older individuals who can’t manage a relationship to save their lives. Not saying what these 2 do or don’t have…don’t know…yep none of my business.

    I think the ladies with the kiddo comments were just being funny…and I LOL.

    Ok…I am sooo loosing my lurker status…two days posting…going back to my corner now.
