Hungarian TV Features Robert Pattinson On The "Bel Ami" Set

Hungarian TV Features Robert Pattinson On The "Bel Ami" Set

Thanks to Aniko and Butterfly for the tip


  1. How do they know that is Kristen coming out of the trailer with him? All I see is a little bit of someone's head.

  2. BTW I am getting more and more excited about this movie! The costumes are perfection!!!

  3. @modestypatch

    People see what they want to see. I always see Rob.(LOL)

  4. off topic

    what if we concoct a sort-of encyclopedia for rob ala wikipedia -- what will the contents be

    for one, and to benefit me, it will contain a glossary of terms, for the life of me, some of them i cant still decipher, some of them i did contextually.


    some terms given birth because of Rob


    We will file him under the following categories

    damn hot
    greek god

    His robsphere:
    the brit pack
    the twilight pack

    the best websites dedicated to him:
    robsessed -- obsessed and dedicated to Robert Pattinson

    and others? what can you think of

    maybe this will be a good endeavour to go into, hmmm,
    someone, anyone?

  5. LMAO KST character goes to DuRob's wedding dressed in black!!

  6. Oh man-Im grateful for one thing. At least theyre holding the camera steady. I got motion sickness from some fan vids. Grateful for anything ROb. I dont know what I would do if he took a year off work...I'd have to check into rehab.

  7. Robstock, Robchristmas,robward,Durob...

  8. Love this videos! So awesome to be able to see the progress on a daily basis!!! Can't wait for this movie!!!

  9. Rob,

    You must not marry me. Nowadays we can also live together without marriage.

    And ladies,
    You must not speculate who was there with him in the trailer. I was there. I just wanted to ask how he wants his coffee. And if I'm already there, I have asked a few other questions. LOL

  10. @HeartRob. Dream on girl, this was me coming out wearing Bella's wig.

  11. LAMO Dina!!!!!! Are you sure it wasn't Taycobs wig?

  12. LOL! I seen better coverage of aliens in a 2 second clip then who was coming out of the trailer. I lost it when I saw them filming the guy at the garbage can.

  13. You ladies are crazy! That was me coming out of the trailer! I was trying to be discrete. :)

  14. modesty - i was thinking the same thing, all i saw was the top of someone's hair, no face at all. but this is how the rumor got started. like i said before if she is/was there we would have seen a pic of her at the airport/hotel/or if they have went out. if the pappz think that she is there, they are going to seriously stalk him for a pic.

  15. Ah, now I know. The RobsesseD - Ladies have taken the trailer for her mansion

  16. @RPG no it was Bella's because Taycob's killed itself. It is in good company now together with Kris yellow pants.

  17. @ skorpia I could not see much. The hut was so full. And it was very, very hot in there. xDDD

  18. Well I just came back from Budapest and someone actually recorded me coming out of the trailer there!!!

    I mean... I mean...! Can you believe it!!!

    pfffff! ;)

  19. skorpia - no kidding about the trash guy, what was up with that?

  20. @Fae just tell us the true who was there with you in your trailer? It was me right?

  21. ya'll are was me, and Rob was wearing the harness....we worked out together...

  22. @dina

    No one, I was alone at the moment they recorded it. ;)

  23. What is this book about Rob from the autor Spomenka K.
    Is something true about this rumor. It is there in May in England

  24. rpattzgirl

    Since it was the wedding scene he must have been wearing black socks right?!?! LMAO

  25. OMG RPG the harness you have just read my mind.

  26. Sorry girls, I have a confession: it was me there.(LOL)

  27. Yes the harness, black socks, white shirt, cream vest, bow tie...they were all on floor right before vid was shot....

  28. ok-you guys were in da trailer BUT I was waiting for him all cozy and ready for him in bed back at the hotel....*ducks sheepishly* -just had to throw it in there hehe! DOnt hate the player ,hate the game :)

  29. @RPG tell me more tell me more did you get very far?

  30. I am very curious about what Rob would later say in interviews about the Budapest - fans.

    We urgently need a key for the trailers - door. Sorry ladies, I was here first. LOL

    Good night all.

  31. OMG Kristen turned into a guy that likes to take out the trash for her man..d@mn she's good..Well I guess it's better than hiding in his pocket..LM MF AO~!!!

    Movie quote of the Day:


  32. Skorpia.... you mean he still had some game left after I did him in the back of the limo? That's our man!

  33. Consider VOTING for Rob in the Time Magazine poll. We are not hoping for him to win, just for him to stay in the top 10 because then maybe he'll make their top 100 list. He's been in the top 10 but he may fall out of the top 10 soon. Also note that you can VOTE more than once.

  34. Hi gals!
    Need a helping (Hungarian) hand maybe?!... Ok, here it comes;
    Well, the trash guy-comment says that "the 2 lovebirds spent some time together in Robs trailer but obviously had no apetite cause the take-away food has almost stayed untouched & been thrown out..."
    WTF?! So they try to start rumours & sell their story without any proof like fan/paparazzi pictures or vids.
    Just my opinion, cause U can under NO circumpstances leave LAX nowadays without som paps hanging around with their cameras & taking pictures of U IF your name is excidentally Kristen Stewart.

  35. *wispers*

    We didn't eat the food because we were a little..ehem...busy.


  36. I guess I can see how they could confuse me for KS. We look very similar. LOL!

  37. @fnd188
    Yes, the comment says as you just wrote, but personally I think it was rather a sarcastic comment.
    Usually the Hungarian TV spots want to be really funny (not just with Rob, any other cases too), which they do sometimes successfully, but most of the other times didn't come across.
    The last two clips were really good, informative, and funny. This was not.
    And everybody could see that there was only a blurry brown hair, which can belong to anybody. (Hey, I have Bella/Kristen-brown hair, but it's so sad I am 3000 km far from Budapest at this moment :((()

    Again personally I think, it was Rob. :) But if it was a girl, I am so-so sorry Rob, it was really blurry. :D

  38. /Waves/
    I'm off to bed soon, it's 2 o'clock at night here, so...
    Need som good stuff/bed-time story?
    Here it comes:
    my 3 fav vids before heading to bed - "100% Mr. Edward Cullen Content JE SUIS A TOI /The office - Beautiful B'stard/" by Biel
    "Fifty Shades (Master of The Universe)" by Biel Sexy-sexy!!!
    "Rome Rob FTMFW" by Heidi for Real
    And this last one - just wow, Robs exquisite facial expressions make me think of JESUS... Just imagine Him playing Jesus in the JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR!!! Just wow!!!

  39. Well.. we can all just wait a few hours and i'm sure we will have an answer by then. i dont doubt she is there, but there are tons of people who have cameras and not one person thought to use it? a little fishy...

    i guarantee within a few hours we will have pics..if its true

  40. And just one more thing.
    Give the poor Hungarian TV some slack! :)
    Until this point not so many people outside Hungary watched their program. Suddenly a lot of people visited their videos to watch anything about Bel Ami, but mostly about Rob. So they made some "proof" with some gossip to hope more will watch them again. It's pathetic I know. :D

    But I hope Rob is happy to do the shooting in Budapest and will have a lot of good memories from there.

  41. I read on some MTV UK article that they are meeting up in London to celebrate with rob and the brit pack. I can't believe they showed that video it is ridiculuous I agree that it was probably Rob. Like you all have said, with all these people around there are no pics?!?! seems weird to me

  42. @fnd188- don't know if the hungarian peeps are legit or not but kristen has gotten in and out of LA before without being papped at the airport (IOW for example)

  43. @janna

    she doesnt get papped when no one knows she is leaving, but when gossip blogs know its her bday soon and there is potential for her to go to budapest i think its fair to say she would have been papped.

    odds are she probably has and the paps are just negotiating picture prices.. sad but true

  44. LOL! GossipCenter said Rob is doing something special for KS for her 21st (WTF) birthday and he is planning a surprise with her family!

    They need to go back to school and learn how to count if they want to get people to believe that crap!

  45. about kristen...why would she want to go to hang out in a trailer while rob is filming his movie around the clock. they cant even really hang out. i mean it's her birthday and everything. just my opinion.

  46. @Ana

    what else is she supposed to do lol?

    she is legal in budapest. what is she going to do in the USA? go bowling?

  47. I would hang out in a trailer all day just to spend 5 minutes with him.

  48. I don't know how smart the Pappz are, (I know how dumb they are!) but people are correct, IF they know her birthday, they will be all over the airport or her home WAITING for movement. Yet, she is capable of out-foxing them. The only way she can spend her birthday with her best friend (at the least)is to go to him. I think it will be too complicated and not enough quality time to make the trip worthwhile. We shall see...

  49. @modestypatch,

    Lol so would I.........I'd hang out all day and night...........if it was my bday...........

  50. @StephisLegit, good point! But she could hang out with Dakota, Nikki, Taylor, her brother, etc. and go bowling and have an after party!

  51. apparently the movie wraps up by mid-april its not a total waste. i'm not team kristen either, but there is logic to her going and being there for a few wont be wasteful. i mean if i were her id want to be with my best friend/whatever he is to her too. its her bday she is in the right to spend it how she chooses.. after her movie is out she really doesnt have anything planned anyway..

    its does look a little shitty on her part though. her movie opens on her bday and then she just abandons ship? id do it to, but im an inherently selfish person so thats my own thing lol

  52. This may be a unpopular thought, but is it possible that Kirsten's people or Twilight's management is responsible for Robsten. Rob's the most popular and there is a need to link the two. It just seems strange that no matter what Rob is doing Kirsten's name or image has to be a part of it. I don't think this is just the media someone is putting it out. they may be together but This is becoming OVERKILL!

  53. @spunkys

    speaking of overkill. hearing the words twilight/bella or edward makes me violent. im just here for rob now lol.

    as for robsten. I believe they are together. I may not like kristen so much (and please dont question it. im just leaving it at that), but i also know there is no use denying it. they are at the very list best friends. ive become to desensitized to th fact that they are together that it just doesnt bother me either way at this point. there relationship in general is overkill.

  54. @steph is legit,

    that's too funny......bowling.....

    Well what else is there to do when you're not legal.
    That law seems so antiquated to're old enough to do everything else but go into bars and consume alcohol......
    Is this only in the US?

  55. its said that english is my 1st language and i cant even type correctly lol. im sorry please excuse the grammatical errors.

  56. @Delle..yea i am 20. i'll be 21 next month. for my 20th bday i went to athens instead. wtf was i supposed to do? sit home and knit? its sucks being 19 and 20 in the USA. they are such teaser ages. In the USA some bars and clubs dont even let people into clubs until they are 23 as well, but that in NYC and Vegas. I have no idea about the rest of the country.

  57. dont get me wrong if i could just spend 5 minutes with him i would too but it's kristen, i dont know. anyways, that it too funny about the bowling comment...

  58. she is sooo going to bowl tomorrow. mark my words!

  59. @Steph is Legit: I don't dislike Kirsten, but I think shes blah. I don't like them together. I hope that Rob explores before he settles. I almost feel like The media is pushing the relationship to an unnecessary point. Marriage, kids, living together - just too much! I may be in the minority, but I think a good looking 23 yr actor like Rob should be a man whore! If he is a man whore then every woman on this site has, lets keep our fingers crossed!

  60. @spunky

    i agree.

    i hope he isnt a manwhore though. he is 23 but if he wants a relationship then go for it. i dont like her too much, but if they are together i hope she makes him happy...but if i were kristen id be in budapest too. in all seriousness she has two options right now. stay in the USA alone on my bday or go to budapest with my best friend/whatever he is. id go with the budapest plan lol.

  61. @steph is Legit...Hun the 20s are good times, plenty of time for relationship later...LOL, a couple of women can make him happy too ... lmao

  62. really? wow!!! happy birthday indeed :)

  63. I respect all the opinions I know there are many people who like her, and they say Rob is happy because of her and so on, but I do not agree with these opinions, I respect but I do not agree with them, he is happy because he is building a great career with his exclusive effort. I do not like KStew as an actress and I do not like her way too, for me Twilight Saga is a success because of Robert Pattinson and his interpretation of Edward, for me only his career is important, I am not interesting if tomorrow is her birthday, if she is in Budapest or not, if they are still in love or not. My only interest is Robert Pattinson and his birthday: 13 may. The only date that matters to me. I repeat this is only my opinion, that I know it is not relevant but I thought I should say.
    I love and admire Robert Pattinson, only him. 13 may 1986 ( this is very important).

  64. KRISTEN did it three days after christmas last year also isn't there another than LAX?also she seems to like to travel on private jet okay whatever!i hope ROB is having a good night sleep because it's already 5.10am an we know he is working really hard

  65. It's a shame these two people are being stalked so much, and it's stalking. I can't even imagine what it's like to be in their shoes. To those who say if I was Kristen I would go to Budapest instead of staying home, well, what if Rob doesn't want her there? It's not like he isn't busy 24/7 filming a movie.

  66. So refreshing to see people commenting that they are not into Robsten. Even "gulp" that they are not into Kstew. More importantly that they are just into Robsessing.
    I was becoming convinced that voicing an opinion like that on this site would get you sent to the "sin bin" ...Forever.

  67. not so sure we would know she is there or not.remember new years.i think they have the ability to be very very sneaky if needed.and more power to them to be sneaky.

  68. ok, everyone is different,i get that some of us like to live vicariously through hollywood types,but ya know sometimes these ppl surprise us and go against the hollywood "norms" and are not "whoredogs" and are more mature.he might look to settle down young his parents might have instilled good values in him been good role models,he might want the life they have/had.i think is sad at times to read in hear the views that he should maybe sleep around or party more just because he is a young male.personelly i know lots of men his age who dont engage in that behavior they are stable and mature just like him they have a good head on their how bout we let him make his own decisions and not be arm chair quarter backs anymore .

  69. i must remember not to post until i have had my daily dose of caffine,sorry for all my grammar mistakes in my previous posts. :(

  70. Just to clarify I was joking about Robert being a whore especially in a time of infectious disease. There are also women out there who are opportunist and would love an opportunity to be with Rob.

    However, I do believe that it is healthy for young people have relationships outside of intimate ones with both sexes. No one, especially a young person, should ever make another person the center of their world.(I don't feel that Rob or Kirsten is doing this although the media would have us believe this).Everyone is entitled to make their own decisions about relationships at the end of the day.

  71. This thread is almost dead, so no one is going to care what I have to say, but I'm putting in my 2+ cents once again about the Rob & Kris situation. People should separate out the "Robsten" crap that has been shamelessly splattered across the gossip mags and internet sites, fueled by the B&E fictional romance, full of lies and speculation, from the two human beings and what IS known about their relationship, that they are very good friends (at the least) which has been forged over 2years of close interaction, in a close space for months on end. They have supported each other and chosen to spend private time together. Given that, would you say the same things about his best friend TomStu, Marcus, or Bobby, or even his sisters? "Don't care for them", "He shouldn't be with them", "I only care about him alone." So you have no regard about the people he is close to and feel compelled to cast judgement on them or ignore them? If you only want to enjoy the pretty pictures of Rob, that's your choice. I want to know all about Rob, what makes him unique and why, what and who have informed his character, his humor and outlook, his interests, the person he is as much as he shares or we devine. In other words, I, too, am only interested in ALL that is Rob and my curiousity extends to those he holds near and dear. Beyond the insatiable "Robsten" obsession, there are 2 people who are trying to hold on to something private, against immeasurable odds, if only a close friendship, and I support and respect both of them for the effort. But especially Rob, and Kristen because she is part of the inner circle that is his comfort level and makes him happy at this point in time. You knock her or any of those people, you knock Rob too. That's MHO. I'm down off my soapbox now and back to my corner.

  72. Well said, Lallieb, I agree whole-heartedly. I am curious about who his inner circle is and I don't presume to know who that should and shouldn't be.

  73. Shuffle..
    I don't know what a lot of the acronyms stand for either.

    NB= Naughty B*tches
    Jaw porn, finger porn, etc. -great for magazine scans =Robert Pattinson Life (an affiliate, I think) -good for movie scans in huge format(although they haven't done NM yet) but are focussed on Rob and Kristen.

    Maybe other people have better ones.

    Joking about wanting Rob to be a man whore? Hope so, because, seriously--I know, I'm known for my seriousness, but---if he were that, my respect would go down. Can't help it. Not a prude here, at all--or I wouldn't be here-- and, god help him, he's a young stud, but slutdom is just cheap.

  74. Katally...
    I, too, am not into Robsten or Kstew, or, for that matter, TomS.
    If any of these people make our Rob happy, fine. If their relationships change or stop, that's their business.

    I don't follow KS or TS and their travels to be with Rob, or vice versa. And the stalking is sickening.

  75. lallieb...
    I'm catching up on the threads and backtracking and will, as is often the case, be the last one on here. Oh, well.

    To clarify something I said in the previous comment:
    Any of Rob's friends and family should be free to move around without being scrutinized so thoroughly.

    Rob's sister looked really miffed when paps photographed them outside their home at Xmas and I thought that pap invasion was totally out of line.
    And those photos of Rob and Tom buying underwear. Oh, for god's sake, paps and any fan who goes for that kind of violation of privacy. Get a life!

    I think Kristen is a good actress and, perhaps because she and Rob have been thrown together so intensely for so long for the saga--and at a young age for both of them--they now share a bond. That's nice. Whatever else they have or don't have is none of our business.

    And Tom S. and the rest of the pack? I have absolutely nothing against them and I'm glad Rob has steadfast companions and that his fame garners them some of the spotlight for their own endeavours.
    But I'm not interested in them on their own.

    He needs the gounding that both Kristen and the boys probably give him. He needs to be related to as just a guy, a normal guy, and not adored or screamed at, etc. This is actually of vital importance for his emotional well-being. (Okay, I'm no psychologist but even a moron can see that.)

    The danger for him now is that he'd become a narcissist, someone who thinks he is god's gift, and behaves in a condescending manner to regular people because of it. And, like rock stars, becomes a manwhore who uses people. The danger is him coming to feel entitled.

    Rob as we 'know' him seems so far from that now. He seems to be at the core impressively 'normal'.

    And yeah, I realize women and men would line up to be Rob sexgroupies and he could, like Clinton, Tiger, Jagger and so many others, just crook his finger. And that those groupies be using him too. I know that. But I'm interested in HIS, well, for lack of a better word, morality, in how HE treats people.

    But that would be so tawdry, sordid, not to say, on some level, immoral--yeah, yeah, I used that word--and it would sadden me immeasurably if he reduced himself to that. The temptations must be huge. For me though, that would be going 'to the dark side' and somewhat tragic, given Robert's current character (as we think we know it).
