"Eclipse" Trailer Mash-Up

The 2 "Eclipse" Trailers Mashed together to make one long one!
LOVE IT! There are some very talented people out there.

Thanks to RJ for sending us the link!


rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

OMG this is awesome!!!!! I'd almost forgotten about the first trailer!

Can't wait!!!

solas said...

Pretty good! Wish there were a way to put the pieces into time order! But I am still really waiting for the IMAX! :-D

Angie said...

Wow! Love it!!!

Marna said...

I had forgotten all about the othe trailer! I'm going to have to stop watching this, or it's going to be like I've seen the entire movie before it comes out again.

Cindy said...

WHOA I love this, got goosebumps watching it!! I just showed my 14 yr old son, and he was impressed ~ he says it looks "EPIC!!" that means GREAT!! LOL!!

RTP_KJS_Lover said...

Now that was a f-ing FINAL trailer!

Um, someone should send this to Summit and have them re-release the FINAL trailer as this one.

Twi-fans are very talented!

Brooke Moss said...

And my inner fan girl goes.....SQUEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!

MMc said...

Very cool. Can't wait for June 30.

Cheeky Chops said...

I got flack for this when it was first announced..but Gawd DAMN....


I'm not shy or too proud....

Told Yaz So~!!!

Heidi said...

Have a feeling a lot more guys are going to go see this one. My husband and son agree it looks more interesting. I must admit I had my doubts, but with these trailers together I think this is going to be on kick a** movie!

papagáj said...

nothing to add

Netra2121 said...

Now that is what I call a freaking trailer!

nikola6 said...

I know that there's been some concern that the love story was going to get short changed for the action. Hmmm...from the look of these two trailers, I don't think so. I think were gonna get both. And it's the smart move.

And as I said earlier, Summit wants that untapped audience, and they'd be fools not to want it and would be ridiculed within the industry if they didn't go after it. I got a feeling that this third outing may be the best film thus far and the best received by the critics, because...

Eclipse is the best story of the series (although the heartbreak of NM was probably the best writing). This is the part of the story in which it is Edward who is center stage and in which the big decisions are finally made (him turning her, her agreeing to marry him) and it is HE who finally destroys -with his own hands- the villian of the piece. More than any other part of the series, Eclipse is Edward's story (which is why I suspect most fans say it is their favorite) AND...

Slade's got a rep with an edge. He's not some chick flick or fantasy film director. He's got some cred AND...

With the release of Remember Me, The Runnaways and The Yellow Hankerchief, Rob and Kristen have received some critical acclaim and therefore, some critics will go back into this thing with perhaps a different perspective on their talent.

Yeah. I really do have a feeling that Eclipse will not only be the best film thus far, but the best received.

dina said...

Looks so good. I don't like Edwards make up. Why he has to have so much make up on? Where are you my twilight Edward? His eyes? You cannot see through them any more.They sparkled in twilight these eyes look so fake to me. He is so gorgeous as he is let him be for goodness sake.

Unknown said...

Bella doesn't have a hand brace on in the snow with victoria. Does that mean she doesn't break her hand when Jacob kisses her? hmmm

dina said...

@NIk You got that right again. Eclipse is my favourite book because IMO it's Edward's book. That's what I want to see a strong determined possessive obsessive and aggressive Edward.

Netra2121 said...

I wonder if they will release another clip on the MTV movie awards like they did last year
June seriously can not get here fast enough!

Cheeky Chops said...
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Ana73 said...

this was soooo good, some people are just talented, loved it :)

june 30th can not come soon enough.

papagáj said...

I completely agree with You-less is more .
Twilight make up artist lovely Jeanne Van Phue of M.A.C did great job .

twmmy said...

I hope there will be no more trailers. Talented fans will put them together, and the whole movie will be in front of us again as like new moon.Though I like to see anything with Rob.

dina said...

@PAPA Thanks for the info I didn't know she was the one. No Edward like twilight Edward.

Deelight said...

I agree

Love it!!!

I am going to wear out my computer watching this again and again.

jc(britlover) said...

Thanks. I'm already SO psyched for Eclipse, but this video is awesome fuel for the fire!!!

Twilight Edward was it for me, as well!!


nikola6 said...


Yeah. If you break it down...
Twilight is Bella's. New Moon is Jacob's. Eclipse is Edward's. And Breaking Dawn is Renesme's Did I spell that right? I can never spell that kid's name. Should have gone with her middle name. Carlie Cullen is much cuter -it sure as hell rolls off the tongue easier- AND her grandfathers were much more prominent in the story than her grandmothers. I mean, the focus of her name is Rene and of her four grandparents, she's the least visible in the story and in fact, is the only grandparent that doesn't even know of that baby's existence. So why was her character accorded that honor? Ah...just me being knit picky.

Another thing...
Eclipse is really the conclusion of the story Meyer began in Twilight. It's as though she wrote a trilogy and then with the final book began a whole new story with very little reference to what came before; life in Forks, high school, her relationship with her parents, her friends. And I guess that makes sense as Bella's mortal life has ended and her new life in immortality has begun. But if they had decided to end the films with Eclipse (just adding on the wedding, the wedding night and closing it with him putting teeth to throat), the story could have ended with closure. But...there's just too much buck to made not to make the final book.

But man oh man, if they haven't got that script 'just right', this series could go out with a whimper as oppose to a bang. It's that 'hot button' issue of imprinting (which a lot of the reading audience and especially the critics, totally misread. Not surprising considering as how misread the character of Edward Cullen was). But THAT is what derailed the book and burst Meyer's bubble. If I were writing it, I would eliminate it completely. The story doesn't need it. And I've come up with how it doesn't need it. I'll explain if anyone is interested, but if not, that's okay too.

not.THAT.girl said...

OMG just noticed - the scene where Edward and Bella are standing up in the meadow - look at her ahnd - is that a great big engagement ring shes wearing!

Anonymous said...

I really like this mash up (I love the first three seconds). 65 days! I'm seeing it in IMAX too.

@nik - I agree BD does not need the imprinting on the baby. They could (and should) find a way around it if they wanted to. I always thought it made more sense if Jake had ended up with Leah.

dina said...

@Nik. I ve always thought Jack and Lea would be a perfect match. Please tell me how are they gonna show Bella's suffering through tranfrmation while she stayed still as a statue?

Cindygal said...

...wow that was good! And if Summit decides to release any trailers after this i wont watch it,watching 3 different trailers for 'New Moon' totally killed the element of suprise for me.... One last thing,I looved Edward's make up in 'Twilight' especially the hair!!

dina said...

sorry Jake and Leah.

Cindygal said...
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Cindygal said...
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Monique said...

I knew that Edward wasn't in NM much so I watched every clips, spoilers there was out there... just to see more and I am glad I did... the Volterra kissing scene was way more passionate and better that the movie final scene... The seems to be in such a hurry with those scene... Eclipse, I am watching cautiously because I want surprises. Even tho I've read the book numerous times.

Fans alway seems to put Videos together so well.

O/T... Just checked the BO for RM... still doing plus business... Anyone know how much it has made World wide?

Hey Nik... you're back... I wasn't a fan of the imprinting... not at all! I am intrigue as to how you would have done it. Cheers!

Cheeky Chops said...
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Cheeky Chops said...
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Cheeky Chops said...
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Monique said...

@Nik... but I kinda of like that they did have Renesmee (sp). Since Bella was so young and Edward felt (from what I understood from the books)that he was taking her from all that she deserved as a human.

Est said...

i didn't like the imprinting at all. That wasn't necessary. How can a werewolf imprint a half-vampire little girl? i think SM just wrote that to force Edward, Bella and Jacob to live togheter.

Actually (don't kill me) i think BD was unnecessary

Cheeky Chops said...
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Est said...

kember i didn't understand your last comment

dina said...

i liked the idea of the baby too.I t was fair for bella. I didn't like how weak Edward was in BD.

RTP_KJS_Lover said...

I actually loved BD, it's my second fav, Eclipse being #1. I liked to see Bella become a strong woman, wife and mother. I liked seeing the second phase of her life, and how she realized her own "powers" and became the protector, and was no longer the somewhat insecure girl she had been. I have no idea how, movie wise, you deal with the imprinting but, I hope they make the movie.

Cheeky Chops said...
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MsTaurus14 said...

Nik, I agree with you about Renesme's name, I guess I hadn't thought about it before, but it would've made more sense to have Carlie as the first name, as you said, really the two father figures were more prominent in the stories than the mother figures were. As for the the last book, I know a lot of people misread the imprinting thing, and if you didn't understand where this was coming from it would sound sort of strange, thing is we aren't for the most part reading about "normal" people here, their physiology, and their way of thinking would be different and therefore misconstrued, your right though it really wasn't needed, that's not to say that I'm not happy that BD wasn't written, but out of all of them it was my least favorite. But I would be interested in how you would've done it differently if you were to write it.

Est said...

kember thanks for your explanation

well, i don't want to open a debate but most of you see BD necessary to let Bella be a wife, a mom and a strong woman. I just have a different perspective.

MsTaurus14 said...

This is off topic, but I came across a video that Biel made, Fifty Shades [Master of the Universe] on YT, it's really good. She's got some pics of Rob in there that are....really nice...and Kristen.

Netra2121 said...

@ I totally agree about the imprinting thing. However I am looking forward to see bella as a wife mother and protector. I especially can't wait to see Edward interacting with Reneeseme.

@ Monique I just read the RM BO numbers are more than 50 million worldwide. I say more than because many of the major markets have not updated since the end of march.

nikola6 said...


I have no idea how they're going to show the transformation. I would imagine as they did in the book; outwardly, her lying there still as a stature but inwardly (showing like they do in the CSI shows, the inside of a tramatized human body), showing us the inside of her burning inch by inch. It would take some CGI and it would be one intense and disturbing scene. And of course showing Edward terrifed yet hopeful that the morphine is lessening her pain. Yet the misery of that will be that the audience KNOWS it isn't helping her at all. We'd have to hear some internal dialouge, her terrified thoughts revealing that the morphine has bound and silenced her rather than giving her some relief if she'd been able to scream and thrash about. It's gonna be a tough scene to watch. But if they do it right, it'll be a great scene. As will the birth, that I know, has a lot of people freaked out. But they can make it work...

If they do that one right, it will be one of the most unusual births ever shown in films. But the one thing they must do is ABSOLUTELY establish before hand that the only thing that can cut through that embryonic sac, is vampire teeth. The filmmakers cannot assume that everyone sitting in a theatre has read these books. And for the uninformed, they're gonna wonder...'why is he sticking his face into the open incision of her abdomen?' And that would be a very good question. If they establish before hand what he is doing and why, it will be easier to accept.

But I wouldn't show him actually doing it. I'd film him from behind, leaning in. And I wouldn't have him standing there with a wiped clean baby in his hands. She'd be a dripping, bloody mess. And so would he. But other thing they've got to capture? That in that moment, when Edward Cullen is holding his own baby in his hands (something he never EVER thought of as even a possibility), that he is completely overwhelmed and awestruck. When he says her name for the first time, it should be like a whispered prayer in that, he's acknowledging her very existance and that she isn't a monster but rather, a perfect and innocent baby.

That baby isn't a freak although I think a lot of the reading audience saw her as such. She is not. She is a miracle. She is Edward's miracle. And for my money, there just wasn't enough of that in the book. Edward's relationship with his daughter and her's with him? Talk about a shortchange. It all became about Jacob and the imprinting.

God. I hope they drop it. I know that my idea for dropping it would work. It wouldn't disturb the integrity of the story at all and in fact, would make it a stronger story.

angie-k said...

Hey Nik - ITA with your ideas.

The name Renesmee drove me crazy! I called her Nessie before Jacob! Then I LOL'd when I read that part!

I could go for your version of Eclipse, too. Defeat the newborns & Victoria, feel safe & happy - no immediate threat, then the wedding, B&E honeymoon sex and then a bite...The end.

Dina - I'm thinking they'll show her "suffering" in some sort of visual mental way - like the Edward hallucinations in NM.

Cheeky Chops said...
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Netra2121 said...

@ Dina the only thing that came to mind when I thought of how they would do that is, have you seen the movie with Hayden Christianson and jessica alba and he is awake during his surgery but he can't move or tell the doctors the he is awake.

I also wonder if they will have Renesmee ( how the heck do you spell her name! lol) be a real child or CGI because I remember SM talking about how she wasn't sure if a child could pull it off but the CGI would have to be really good

RTP_KJS_Lover said...

@Nik--I like that a lot. Especially Edward with the baby and whispering her name. I agree that we were shortchanged with Edward & Renesme in the book. I would have much rather had a section focused on Edward and Renesme than the one with Jacob.

@Angie--waving hello! How are you?

Est said...

Monique...mmm...i have a really different perspective from the major part of people in here, so i don't want to bother anyone.

i think i already said my opinion when NM, but if you are curious i'll just say i don't feel that being a mother and a wife is really necessary. IMO, Bella is the worst young female model i've ever seen in years. I know she has good things but...she is always looking down on herself, like she had no worth "How can Edward love me? i'm just a stupid human". Her only aim in her life is being Edward's wife...PPPUUUUFFFF, what happen to her studies? jobs? She feels she's nothing if she isn't with Edward. Her boyfriend left her in NM: she didn't care is she dye WTF!!!!! my boyfriend leaves me and i lift my head high!!!!! what's the message young girls get of that? "you are nothing if you are not with your boyfriend"??? Sometimes i think she's the stupidest girl on this planet...

maybe you can understand now why i didn't want to say that...:)

Monique said...

@Nik... That was excellent and very imaginative. Now if they write and show it that way... Well.:)

angie-k said...

HI CL! I just keep watching the extended trailer...so good! Can't wait for June! also very pissed w/apple, but that is waaay O/T!

Nik - Love that image of Edward with Nessie. *mush alert* It brings back memories of when my hubby held our daughters for the first time. Very beautiful moments.

Cheeky Chops said...
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dina said...

@Nik,angie, thank you girls. I do think Nessy was a miracle not a monster. A lot of ppl think the birth was gross I found it even sexy, I guess I am a weirdo.

MsTaurus14 said...

I am anxious to see how the pregnancy, birth, and transformation will be written and handled, Bella's pregnancy is unique because of how quickly the baby develops. Also there will be a lot of emotion involved, as with all births.

Monique said...

@Est-Lost... Thank you for your explaination... Did Bella want to be Edward wife? I thought she was a very shy young girl and this perfect being of different species loves her. When you love someone that deeply and they leave abruptly... that tend to make you feel like your life has endedand since he was her first boyfriend/love...

I don't think SM was looking to make Bella a role model and I think young women these day are much different.

I like to take Charlie explaination to Alice in NM and say Bella was a constant little thing.

Very respectly explaination as I hope mine was too. :).

angie-k said...

LOL! @dina Sexy c-section ala Edward!

The image I got of Nessie was a very beautiful child & yes, a miracle. I loved the fact that EVERYTHING changed for Edward as soon as he realized he could hear her thoughts! sigh...

papagáj said...


following SM thoughts Edward should be CGI first and then....OMG

papagáj said...
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dina said...

@Netra, we were talking about this very movie on Friday night with some friends,never crossed my mind but you are right this is a very good idea.

@Est That's an issue we could talk over for hours.

Est said...

i know Monique, i mean...i know i'm not right, it's just what i feel.

Maybe, i should say that i'm 21 and i'm not a mom and i'm not married, and i don't want to get married neither (quoting Groucho Marx: "Marriage is a wonderful institution, but who wants to live in an institution?") But i respect people who decide to get married OF COURSEEE!!!!

Saying this i just mean that maybe i can see the things with the same perspective.

Maybe SM wasn't looking to make Bella a role model, but she is, because books and movies transmit values and ideas in an implicit way, you want or not.

Thanks for being so respecful, i know my ideas are very "weird" and they can sound rude, but i'm not.

Est said...

@dina yes i know, i know. And maybe we even would come to an agreement!! this is the life, sooo many different perspectives, everything is subjective

Est said...

sorry "maybe i CAN'T see the things with the same perspective"

dina said...

@Angie he was bitting her all over her body....

Cheeky Chops said...
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angie-k said...

@dina - IKR? biting AND licking!! OME!! LMAO!! is it getting hot in here??? ;o)

Est said...

kember who are you adressing to?

Marna said...

@Laura, thank you for pointing out there's no brace on Bella's hand, I hadn't thought about that. Eclipse is my favorite book, but it contains the scene that makes me absolutely lose my mind. After Bella breaks her hand on Jacob & she goes home & Charlie just thinks "well, at least she wasn't kissing that Cullen kid" I want to scream. The Police Chief's only daughter comes home with broken bones after someone basically sexually assaults her & he's just glad she's not kissing Edward? ARRGGGHHHH. He should have pulled his gun out & shot Jacob, I would hate to be a rape victim in Forks, Charlie would probably drive you over to the rapist's house so that you could chat about it with him. I hope that nothing on her hand means they either changed the scene or left it out all together.

RTP_KJS_Lover said...

@Dina @Ang--LOL! Sexy C-section.
I know they probably can't show it because it will be too graphic, but I would love to see Edward's teeth rip into Bella's stomach. I also want to see the part where he brushes his lips at her throat, wrists, etc. and seals the venom.

Cheeky Chops said...

Not you honey, Est..Sorry if u thought that.

dina said...

@Est if my daughter who is 21 had told me that she wanted to get married and have kids at 18 I would have freeked out. My son who is 18 keeps on telling me that he wants to get married soon and have children and I have panic attacts every time, so I know what you mean. But I am such smuck for love stories and I still believe in happilly ever after.

Est said...

kember ok, i just said that because i saw your comment almost right after mine

angie-k said...

CL - could you just imagine if they would make the movie WE want to see?? OMFG!! I'd never leave the theater!

dina said...

I forgot the LICKING what was I thinking? I have to go read BD again.

nikola6 said...

Don't get me wrong. I liked BD. I just felt that the first three were a trilogy and that the last book was a different story entirely. Nothing wrong with that. But I think it could have ended with their marriage and him turning her. The story didn't have to go further because these were the two goals all along; he wanted marriage and she wanted to be like him. And if they'd just added those two elements to the end of Eclipes, the story could have ended there.
And I know that many saw Bella as a weak character whose life revolved around her man and that her man just wanted to control her life. I disagree.

Yes, she is fixated upon Edward in ways that in REALITY would seem way excessive. But this is a FANTASY and Bella sees herself as an ordinary, inferior human being and Edward as this beyond beautiful, magical godlike creature. If confronted with such, who amounst us wouldn't feel inferior? And yes, he is controlling but his every thought is for her safety and her happiness. But Edward is from a different time when a man was in charge. Hell, his mortal life ended before women even had the right to vote. But his ONLY concerns are for HER! He denies himself -his wants, his needs- every step of the way here. He doesn't want to turn her. He wants her to remain human, to go to college. To have a nomal human life...at his SACRIFICE! And no, her only desire was not to be his wife. She fought it. She didn't want marriage and never gave a thought to children. I've often wondered how people came to that conclusion. The only way he could get her to agree to marriage was to give her sex before he turned her. And he was the one who wanted to abort that baby. His own child that you would have thought he might have had some consideration for seeing as how her conception was something he never even dreamed of. But no. His only thought was for Bella's life and his own child be damned. As for Bella the role model...

She is self sacrifising. Something that in this day and age of the SELF and seeing to OUR OWN NEEDS FIRST is seen as a weakness. I think she is a very strong girl and as Rob has said, Bella is the one who has truly rescued Edward. Rob is correct.

I loved the idea that they married and had a child. Being a hopeless romantic myself, who couldn't have a baby, I love it when my heroines do (if I'd had six of my own, I most likey wouldn't have romanticized the hell out of motherhood). I swear, this is one of the most misread and misunderstood stories ever. I think that some have just had difficulity in seperating their own MODERN sensibilites from this story and not accepting it in it's own context.

I'll write about my imprinting idea in a bit. And hey, I know that we all have our own opinons and that's fine. I'm just glad that we can toss them back and forth like grownups.

Est said...

@dina JAJAJAJAJ i'm happy you can understand me

I think one day i'll should introduce myself well...if you knew me personally you'd say "How the fuck can you read Twilight, go to see the movies, and be at ROBsessed?? You're not like that!" but i'm full of contradictions... :)

Cheeky Chops said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Hi guys,
How r u doing?


Sorry, it's not even gonna be a real diary today - rather a few updates & short infos.

So, I've just visited H2O 4 Elephant's website (Waterforelephantsfilm.com) and found some good/interesting stuff there:
U can read an interview with Sara Gruen the Canadian novelist who wrote "Water for Elephants".
She mentions Rob of course - among other things - & how her daughter became more popular in school because of him... very cool!

Now over to "REMEMBER ME", my all time fav topic.
And I'm very proud to share some good news with u about the latest box office numbers:

"Robert Pattinson's "REMEMBER ME" referred to by some (those who have trouble with the Pattinson/Twilight phenomenon) as a box office flop has grossed over 50 mil $ worldwide.
The top markets outside US/Cananda are:
UK 5,1 mil $
Russia 3,39 mill $
Germany 3 mill $
All together over 30 mill $ worldwide (without the Us market)
Still not opened in Japan, China, South Korea."
SO, our guy's just doing excellent!
(Oops, sorry, I mean MR. Executive producer himself!)
That's it 4 today, hugs

Est said...


when you come back to write about your imprinting idea i'll be sleeping because it's very late here but i just want you to know that you are the best english teacher i've ever had. With that long, reflexive and logical organized comments (i agree with or not), you don't have a fucking idea of what you are doing to improve my english.

Tomorrow i'll read your imprinting idea

nikola6 said...

Okay sweetie. You get some sleep. And I'm glad if my yammering on and on helps with your English. And just so ya know. These are just my opinions and that don't make 'em right. Just mine. And were all entitled to them. Our own opinions I mean. Not mine.

dina said...

@Nik I totally agree with you. What Rob said reminds me of the last quote of Preety Woman, " she rescues him back" or something like this.

jc(britlover) said...

ITA~wouldn't that be grand! I'd never leave the theater either.

angie-k said...

@dina - go re-read p351-355 for the sexy c-section & the licking...

jc(britlover) said...

Gently licks of venom=sensual as hell from a man on a mission of love!


jc(britlover) said...

Totally agree!

dina said...

@angie Thanks. First thing first. I am reading twilight and midnight sun together amazing!!! This week I have been totally in my twilight bubble I don't know why maybe I am in need of love.

all that j*zz said...

brushes his lips at her throat, wrists, etc.
oh.. guess it would be different movie (not Breaking Dawn but maybe Breaking Rules? or whatever lol
just saying)

all that j*zz said...

and @Nik I like your perspective about Eclipse
it really makes sense to me 'cause i always feel BD as a separate story

Cheeky Chops said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
nikola6 said...

Okay. The imprinting...

I always felt that the imprinting bound the characters and kept them from making their OWN decisions.

Suppose when Jacob goes down to kill that baby and when he sees her, that she isn't a monster but rather, just a beautiful baby, that he can't do it. He simply cannot kill the baby that Bella -he thinks- has just given her life for. It's a stronger decision. It's the decision a MAN would make. But by imprinting with her, it's the imprinting that has made this decision for him. See what I mean?

So then he goes to the wolfpack and tells them, NO!
She isn't a monster and were not going to kill her. And this is where Jacob would assume his role as alpha and therefore, the pack would not have to divide. Sam would have to accept. But there would still be the allegiance between the vampires and wolves in fighting the Volturi who have come to destroy the Cullens. That would still play out the same with Irina's part in the story.

And why do Jacob and Nessie have to imprint at her birth? Why can't it happen later when she is an adult? Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't there another member of the wolfpack who went to school with a girl named Kim and never took much notice of her until one day they looked at each other and BAM!

I just think that if they do this as written, they are going to run into the same criticism that the book did, that imprinting is a form of pedophilia; teenage boys fixating on little girls that they are going to one day, have sex with. That's not what this was, but Meyer just wasn't imaginative enough to come up with another way for Jacob becoming a member of that family. And that's what her goal was there. She's made no bones of the fact that Jacob is her favorite character and she showed her hand with that in BD, regulating Edward to a supporting player in the story and in his own daughter's life.

Remember when the baby is listing the people in her life in their importance to her? First, her mother. Second, Jacob. And third, her father. I couldn't believe that. No man should come before her father. Not until she is an adult anyway and finds her mate.

And yes, Jacob and Nessie should imprint. When she is older. I think it would make Jacob's story that much more poignant if at the end, he were to go off on his own. He has accepted Bella's decision. He knows now that she is where she belongs, but still, he loves her and it hurts. More than he can bare and so...he leaves. This would leave the door open for future films of him returning when Nessie is an adult and then, imprinting with her. That way he still becomes Edward and Bella's son. Well, their son in that he would be their daughter's mate.

Also, by eliminating the imprinting, you take the emphasis of the story off of Jake and Nessie and put if firmly back on where it belongs; on Edward, Bella and Nessie. This story is told from Bella's point of view, except in BD where Meyer hands over a good portion of it to Jacob. Where the hell is Edward's point of view in this story?

The main story here is Edward and Bella with Jacob and the wolfpack the supporting story. But that's not the way it ended with Breaking Dawn. I have always felt that Meyer rushed through this story, that her concentration was not there. And I suspect this is because she was writing The Host at the same time. And because of that, Breaking Dawn and the character of Edward Cullen suffered.

Anyway. That's my take.

Andreita said...

I really love this mash-up!!I tried to read what everyone wrote but it was to much, just about BD I also think she made Edward look too weak, Eclipse is my favorite book and I love some parts of BD specially the beginning but the middle part with all the wolves mmmm I could live with out it you know! hopefully for the movie(s) they skip that part or make it not so relevant for the story and stick to Bella and Edward!!!

LeslieHeartsRob said...


Just so you know....I`m sitting on my couch nodding my head with everything you`re saying! GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!! ;)

Oh...and the mash up...WONDERFUL!!

FILTM & Twilight!!

Cheeky Chops said...
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AP said...
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angie-k said...

@nik - I love it! makes so much more sense that way. I also think SM didn't do her won creation justice. I know she was a new writer at the time, but so much pressure I think was too much.
I really miss EPOV so much. I know it will NEVER happen, but since it will not be completed, I wish Midnight Sun would have gone at least one more chapter...the meadow scene! from EPOV? sigh... I think the stories would have been sooo much better if more of it was written from EPOV!

desi said...

MEAN!!! yEAh David Slade!!!

Luv the evil lookin vamps!!!

Roll on movie day!!!

angie-k said...

that should be "her OWN creation"...

desi said...

@nik, hook up with Rosenburg and help her out with the final script for BD... u r onto it with your thoughts...

nikola6 said...

Thanks for all your comments guys. I really do appreciate it. And Angie...

I don't believe that Midnight Sun is a dead deal. I think that Meyer got her bubble burst over BD and went off to lick her wounds. But I think she'll finish Midnight Sun because they'll offer her too much money, not to. And I would think she'd feel just a bit of graditude and obligation to Little Brown because they published her story when no one else would. She'll finish it.

Do you think it's just a co-incidence that she ended her 'leaked' manuscript just as Edward and Bella are about to go into that meadow? What a place for her to leave it hanging, leaving a salivating audience panting for more. She'll finish it.

And with that, I must away. I'm at a friends and hogging his comp. He just walked in and I must relinquish. Talk atcha' all latah...

Cheeky Chops said...
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nikola6 said...

Okay. Just saw Desi's comment (as she wrestles with friend for HIS comp...'just one more sec. puhleeeeze? He said okay).

Thanks for that compliment, but with the shoot just months away, the script is done. Yeah, they'll make a few changes here and there once Rob and Kristen get on set, but...whatever they've got...that's what they've got.

Just pray that they took heed of the reception that met the imprinting in the book and made some changes.

Bye guys...

Brooke Moss said...

Ohhhhh...I missed SO MUCH today!


Oh well, I just had to stop in to say that I agree with Nik...the imprinting should have waited until Renesme was older, period. Imprinting and infant, despite all SM's explanations, is bizzare. It feels gross, though its not meant to. If a grown man looked at my daughter and then told me that he was one day going to marry and have sex with my daughter, I would take his life with my own hands. And I would enjoy it.

That having been said, BD has the potential to be an incredible movie. Incredible, epic, romantic, thrilling, disturbing...we're talking LOTR return of the king good. However.....again, not trying to be a kiss ass, but Nik is right...Edward was robbed in BD. His role was reduced to a blubbering, worrying mess in it, and Jacob was given this massive chunk of a story he started out as a supporting role in. Blah. It made me pissy.

If they want to make BD rock. Touch on the father/daughter thing. Show Edwards pain from HIS perspective.

Anonymous said...

For me it felt as if Stephenie Meyer forgot what she wrote in Twilight, New Moon and Eclipse. Breaking Dawn read like a completely different story.

The series itself would have been better served as a trilogy. Scenes from BD could've easily been incorporated into Eclipse.

The importance of Edward's role as a father in BD was handled horribly and I absolutely disliked the idea of imprinting.
Thank God Edward's unyielding love for Bella remained.

I also didn't think all the drama over Jacob at the end of Eclipse (Bella an emotional wreck and Edward having to witness it) was necessary.

@Nikola6: I really like your ideas for BD. I hope it's one movie and please..... NO 3D!

Deelight said...

I know this is a bit off subject but does anyone know why Stephanie Meyer never finished Midnight Sun? Is it truly due to her being mad about it being leaked?

Personally, I think it would be another gold mine if she finished Midnight Sun and followed with the other 3 in Edward's point of view. She has us hooked why not reel us in for more money? I don't mind, I would love to read the books from Edward's point of view.

I tried to read her alien book, Host, but aliens bore me. For some odd reason vampire stories intrigue me. I love Anne Rice's books for many years.

I agree Breaking Dawn was good but it had Edward as the burning man way too much. I wanted more from Edward's point of view and less much less of Jacob, even though he was kind of funny.

I can't imagine how they will film Breaking Dawn. I will worry about that after Eclipse comes out. I just hope Eclipse is all that I hope it to be and more.

angie-k said...

Hey Sarah!! I would love to see the father/daughter bond brought out more. EPOV on Nessie would be wonderful. It would be so cool for Edward to teach Nessie about her "gift"...

Cheeky Chops said...
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Anonymous said...

Am I the only one that gets the chills when that music starts and he says he promises to love her every moment forever? Lol, idk. I just get goosbumps from the whole thing!

angie-k said...

Christine - LOVE that part too!! His voice just makes me MELT!!!

Nik- IKR??? ending the "leak" at that point...grrrr... LOL! I'll be first in line to buy MS when it gets published!

Brooke Moss said...

Hey right back, Angie K!

OK, Kember, you're right...he didn't say that. He did however, imprint with her, which means she will someday become his mate, which (if history serves) means he will, in fact, sleep with her.

Thats all I meant. Didn't mean to rewrite the book. :)

MsTaurus14 said...

@Nik, I like your version, it makes more sense to me, and I always felt that Edward kind of got the short end of the stick in BD, there was a lot of emphasis on Jake, and here Edward's become father, andit seems to be more about Jake's relationship with Renesme than Edwards somehow.

I really hope SM finishes MS that to me would complete the entire series.

Brooke Moss said...

I, personally, won't be satisfied until SM writes a book about Jake and Nessie. Jus' sayin'...

angie-k said...

Sarah - that J & R book makes more sense than that stupid Bree book...
undecided if I'm actually gonna read it

Netra2121 said...

Nik as always I love reading your opinions on the movies! like someone else had mentioned I was also nodding my head the whole time reading your version. Hopefully if they do include the imprinting that it is well done ...guess we will all just have to see!

@ Dina I totally forgot about the licking...oh geez! I totally agree it is a sexy c section haha

I also think that SM should release Midnight sun like she is doing with second life of Bree or whatever that book in June is called. Since many of us have read it she should finish it and publish it and allow the fans to read it for free for a limited amount of time .Wishful thinking

angie-k said...

Sarah - I know you've had it a few days now, but your AVI cracks me up every time! That face! LMAO!!

Netra2121 - I'd gladly pay full retail for MS & I'm a cheapskate!!

Netra2121 said...

Angie I know I would pay for it too! I am such a sucker! haha

Sarah ITA with Angie your avi seriously makes me smile and laugh everytime I see it in addition to your hilarious comments! Makes my day

Cheeky Chops said...
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Netra2121 said...

omg I just found this pic of rob and Dang! Never have seen it before


lallieb said...

Great thread, as always I'm late to the game. Nik, really, MR could use your help. I let some slacker borrow Elipse and she better get it back to me soon! I don't recall (been a while) that Edward was so enthralled with "Nessie" at her birth or even after, focus still on Bella. But you are so right, he should consider and visibly show that she is a miracle. The imprinting thing was weird and IMO contrived. SM was not only a new writer, this was her only writing experience. Boy did she hit the jackpot!

@EstLost, nothing wrong with your comments/opinions at all, just don't question or respond if the commenter seems off base or erratic. All I'm saying.

I'm happy to see everyone in here despite the previous disruptions.

@Solas, just a question, if you see this. Are you in Ireland or on the East Coast of US? Bit confused. Feel free to email me.

angie-k said...

Netra - that is a beautiful pic! haven't seen it before either. thanks for sharing.

MsTaurus14 said...

@Netra2121 That pic is gorgeous, those beautiful, beautiful eyes, just WOW. Thanks!!

angie-k said...

one more view of this awesome mashup for tonight...then off to dream land

Goodnight ladies!

Anonymous said...

that was amazing!!! i cant wait to see this in IMAX

Cheeky Chops said...
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Anonymous said...

@Netra2121 Holy shyte!! I've never seen that either! Wow, what a great picture. Then again, can the guy take a bad picture!? ;)

Cheeky Chops said...
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Cheeky Chops said...
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Cheeky Chops said...
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Brooke Moss said...

Great pic, Netra!!! *SIGH*

He is sooooo The Pretty.

Brooke Moss said...

Glad you guys like my Avi. I think his expression says it perfectly. He knows that he turns my panties to dust.

Cheeky Chops said...
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Cheeky Chops said...
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Cheeky Chops said...
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rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Been gone all day, love to come back and read some brilliant points of view in regards to Edward, Breaking Dawn etc....Nik, you know I love you, and you're in my fucking head!

And as usual...we've got the ASSHOLE who no one listens to, no one gives a shit about, and no one even responds to...Sad, really sad....

Brooke Moss said...

LOL, I was wondering what brought on the one sided rage? Did I miss something?? I am known for being particularly clueless at times...

Cheeky Chops said...
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Cheeky Chops said...
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rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Remember these? LA times photo shoot..


Netra2121 said...

I am gone for like an hour and what the heck happened?!?!

I am with you Sarah so out of it sometimes. I blame the mommy haze that never lifts from pregnancy LOL

Well back to watching the trailer and staring at that gorgeous pic!

Cheeky Chops said...

Hahahahahahahaha..LADIES..I have too take my leave..for good.


wensdazzled by ThePretty said...

excellent trailer--can not wait for june 30

Monique said...

@fnd188, thank you for the B/O total of RM, Great going... lol Mr. Executive Producer.

Excellent read Nik. I was so ticked off when Carlisle was measuring Nessie's growth when Jacob was there pacing and acting like Neesie was his daughter... I thought Bella or Edward with say... Wait a minute... who's daughter is she? Our or yours?

I still can't read all of BD without getting a bit annoyed.:(

desi said...

Hey Netra...COOL pic!!!

@Nik, yea...hope MR gets it right..."we will see"...

Still lovin the "evil" lookin vamps!!! Cause in reality, they are "the normal ones" aye!!!

(to throw a spanner in the works!!!)... Q: Who is ur fav vampire of all time people's????

Me...gotta be "Blade" aka Wesley cause i luv someone who can kick ass...with style...and stylish gears!!!

Nga Mihi!

Vangie said...

hi ladies and straight to the point,did you hear someone threaten kristen now they are saying all rob fans are crazies,i do not think we are crazies to tell the truth i love rob and i do love kristen also my friends and family thinks i am obsessed with rob and i don;t want it to be so,i need to get back focus on reading my bible yes people i believe in god and i am proud i will never put my belief on any one or judge any one i love this thread and i never heard a bad word here said about kristen,i hear lots about bad things about i read some one said they hope he never comes back to the US and i would never write the others i never want to rather and prefer but i do like one more than the other it's not my fault and i always talk about you'll like i personally know you may be it's because we have something in common there are things i wanted to say about kristen it was just my opinion but i will never cross the line but i am proud to be robsessed

solas said...

lallieB-- I am presently in the US; used to live in Ireland and another country as well at one time and would like to get back to Ireland if I could work it out familywise, financially, professionally, logistically.

solas said...

I personally did not like the character of Jacob, and the possiility of imprinting was one reason. How could he be so obnoxious forcing hiimself on Bella, making like he was the right choice for Bella and she could have a real life with her, when he knew there was the possibility if not probability that he would suddenly imprint and she would be left high and dry?
I see Breaking Dawn as an attempt to tie up all the loose ends. If Jacob did not imprint with Renesmee at that point, he would have been left hanging with no love, unless he imprinted on someone else entirely, which would have left out the tie to the Cullens and the bond to defend them.
However, I DID like the character of Bella. Perhaps because I am from a different culture where we marry and have children early (my sisters and I were 19 or 20 at marriage with babies folliwng withn a year; my older daughter was 19 when she had her first child), or perhaps because I just have different values, but I have no problem with people marryng early and having children early. But Bella herself had a big problem with it and accepted marriage grudgingly, so that is not what I like about the character, or why I understand her gravitating to Edward and her willingness to give up college, at least for a while, and why Jacob was never a good choice for her even if he did not have the imprinting possibility hanging over him: Bella was not normal. She never belonged. She had a strong mind that guarded her even before she was changed; she was a grownup when she was still a child, a caretaker, responsible, an old soul. Of course no ordinary guy was rght for her; of course she would be intrigued by and drawn to someone like Edward.

solas said...

I would rather Breaking Dawn to be about Bella and Edward, and then Renesmee, but I have a feeling Summit will want to appease the puppy lovers and so Jacob will be too present.

solas said...

I also loved Midnight Sun and the fanfiction that followed n that sentiment, Edward's pov, and i wish those could have been made into films as well, new filming with the footage of the old. But by the time they could start that, Rob, as much as I think of him as still having a sweet little face at times, might not be able to pull it off anymore.

womadsart said...

OMG!!!! What I missed this weekend!!!! I LOVE YOU DS!!
This is awesome!!! I can't wait!!! I LOVE IT! I LOVE ECLIPSE ROWARD!!!!

Nancy said...

@CL, so agree with you. Loved BD and Twilight. I think David Slade did a great job with Eclipse from the looks of his trailers. His meadow scene, bedroom scene, look exactly like I pictured it. Loads better than Catherine's meadow.. She really blew it. Really mad that Chris didn't include the "I'm dead and I feel sorry for Charlie and Jacob" when Bella returned from Italy. LOL while reading it and it was very important to the story, I thought.

jessegirl said...

Nik and Solas...
I, too, have a real problem with the imprinting and think Stephenie used it as a device to allow Jacob a way into the inner sanctum of Bella's life, and still have Bella marry Edward.

And Nik, you're absolutely right that Stephenie was just not smart enough at the time to come up with a better answer to the dilemma she set up as soon as she gave Jacob so much air time. I've not thought it through like you have, Nik, but I'm sure there are more imaginative ways to solve this problem.

Why Stephenie likes Jacob so much is beyond me. First of all, and I've said this before, he betrays both Edward and Bella in NM when he answers her phone, doesn't hand it over to her when he knows who it is, and deliberately makes Edward think Bella is dead. To me, that is an almost unforgiveable betrayal, and showed his true selfishness.
Then, at one point in Eclipse, if I remember correctly, he pretty much forces himself physically on Bella; although she gives off mixed signals.

On the other hand, we have both Bella and Edward willing to die for each other, and Edward being a gentleman to Jacob. (I would have throttled him senseless!)

Jacob always came across as a bit arrogant and very self-centered. It is all about what he wants. His behaviour and attitude towards Edward is so smug and belligerant.

Edward, on the other hand, would rather break up with Bella in order to protect her; he would rather give her up if he thought she'd be happier. (Of course she wouldn't be, but he thinks so.)
And Edward would allow her to be with Jacob if he thought she'd be happier.

Remember the story of Solomon and the two mothers and the baby?
It was the mother who gave the baby up in order to save it, who showed she really loved it. To allow yourself that kind of pain because, above all, your love is most important, is something Edward understands but Jacob does not.

nikola6 said...

You got it right about Edward and Jacob. Edward selfless and Jake was selfish. I couldn't figure out why Jake ended up Meyer's favorite either. I liked him but compared to Edward? No contest. The true showing of Edward's character was when he offered Bella to Jake so that he could give her a child if that was what she truly wanted. If that ain't love, what is?

And Solas...OMG!
You hit on something that I'd never thought of before. It was totally selfish of Jake to try to talk Bella into being with him as he knew he could have imprinted with someone else at any time, leaving Bella flat. It could have been Sam, Emily & Leah all over again. THAT is a huge hole in the storytelling.

And Deelight...
The 'official' reason given for Meyer shelving Midnight Sun is because it was leaked on the internet. But I never bought it. I think her bubble got burst over the reception of Breaking Dawn. Up to that point she could do no wrong, but she got slammed hard with that one and I think she went off to lick her wounds. Here's why...

If she was so miffed at her unfinished work being splattered all over the internet, then why did she do it herself by releasing the first 12 chapters of an unfinished, unedited, raw, rough draft? I mean, no author wants their unfinished work viewed by the public and it was for this reason that she said she stopped writing it, but then she went and did it herself. Why? Because she loves the fans so much and wanted to give them just a little bit more of something she might never finish? (pretty cruel if you ask me) I don't buy it. Especially because of where she ended it...right before that meadow scene. Talk about leaving the fans wanting more. I think it was a very calculated move in order to get some positive response because at that time, she was only getting negative. I think she has dangled this like a carrot and it worked. The anticipation for this book is enormous and I think her ego needed that. This may sound harsh, but the timing of it (during the height of the criticism for BD) and her reason for stopping just didn't make sense to me.

As for writing the rest of the series from Edward's point of view? Well, if she did that then she would be reducing herself to the level of a fan-fic writer. The fact that she's felt compelled to go back and re-write Twilight from Edward's POV to me is like a big neon sign flashing SCREW UP! SCREW UP! A better writer would have gotten everyone's POV across the first time.

And lallieb...
I'm just hoping that the filmmakers remembered the reception that met Breaking Dawn and the imprinting and will try to come up with another angle or use this one in a way that won't make people sqirm. But you gotta know...
The moment he looks at that baby and goes crosseyed, the audience is going to bust out laughing and rightly so because it will be ridiculous. Some concepts just do not translate from page to screen and I think that teenage boys becoming twiterpated over baby girls, is one.

And hey RPG...love you too. In fact, as Claree told Wheezer in Steel Magnolias..."I love ya more than my luggage." Not sure what that meant then or now, but weirdly, it's always been one of my favorite lines.

And with that, I am DONE. Thank god they say.

nikola6 said...

Oh. And again, thanks guys for all of your very sweet, kind and encouraging comments. They mean the world to me.

Deelight said...

Wow you ladies are on top of things!

@Solas and @nikola6 you are soo right about Breaking Dawn, Jacob and Stephanie.

@nikola6 Thank you for giving me your wisdom about Midnight Sun. I agree with everything you said.

I love reading everyone's views. You are all awesome.

Dinara said...


Barbara said...

@ jessegirl - I love your comparison of the love and compassion that exists within the mind and behavior of Edward and the mother who would give up her child to save him. Edward is a pure soul, even though he feels he doesn't have one.

I, too, was appalled over the character of Jacob in BD. While readng Twilight, NM and Eclipse, there were times I could have reached through the pages and strangled Bella for some of the things she did and then came BD and Jacob. I never understood what SM's attraction to Jacob was.

@ nik - You always add much to any discussion. Keep it up. Please.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't Stephenie have a brother named Javob? Maybe that's why the character is her favorite.

Jacob is my least favorite character, there's something about him that comes across as manipulative and wanting things his way.

There is a section in Eclipse where Edward says if there was any way he could become human for Bella he would do it, no matter the cost and he constantly worries about all the human things she would be missing.

Edward is selfless.

Anonymous said...

Also in BD Jacob gives up on saving Bella as he was sure there was no life left in her.
Edward continues with his efforts to keep her alive and Bella fights too.

There was the two of them working together at one point to save her and in the end it was the one who stood by her and wouldn't let her slip away no matter that it appeared there was no hope at all.

AP said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
solas said...

AP--I had read that she knew from the begnning where she was going with the whole series. I had never read that she started only with Twilight and Breaking dawn.

As for POV--I love the separate books for POV. I am glad she did NOT include everyone's POV in one book. To me, reading Midnight Sun after Twilight was like having seen a lovely bud and then the next day seeing it burst forth in blossom into a full and beautiful flower. I got to see only Bella's POV view, seeing the world in her little world through her eyes, almost being Bella by seeing through her eyes, and then BOOM--reading the same events, and some surrounding events through Edward's eyes, saw what was behind what Bella was seeing, behind what Edward was alluding to when with her (such as Alice's visions), understanding Edward's motives so much better! I would love for her to finish Midnight Sun and really the whole series from Edward's POV, if she could. There is some good ff out there that does this already, but some do not remain true to the characters. In the meantime, they were good enough to present the possibility of a fuller picture.

Anonymous said...

I am of the opinion that the series would have/should have ended with Eclipse.
I think BD was an afterthought.

AP said...

Thanks, Solas. :) It did seem that way on the re-read, but I really was surprised by the course of events in BD the first time through. However, the hints are definitely there, even in the first book.

And, yeah, I want her to give us the rest of MS too, as I agree it's Edward's pov that gets somewhat short-changed in the series. It may have been to keep the mystique of his character going as long as possible but that's not necessary any more, even if it feels like treading old ground. If she did outline the Saga then I'm sure she's finished MSun. I can feel it.... ;)

solas said...

annie--I would not have had it end as Eclipse ended, because there were too many loose ends and too many things that could still go wrong, especially since there were allusions to things to come (Edward's reading of the Volturis' concern about Carlisle's family/coven, for one). Not having Bella and Edward married yet always left room for something to go wrong again. Leaving Jacob hurt and angry was another loose end; the idea of Edward changing Bella for no good reason left the possibility of attack by the dogs; Bella's change leaving Charlie was also too much. All of these were resolved in Breaking Dawn.
I actually saw hints of possible sequel in Breaking Dawn; when Edward said the Volturis would try to get back at them, picking them off one at a time; Bella giving to Renesmee as a toy the necklace from Aro; the vampire world getting more and more disgusted with the Volturi; the new factor of the crossbreeds. These points left room for something to continue. In our imaginations for now.

Anonymous said...

Hi Solas;
Much of Breaking Dawn felt contrived to me as I read it. I thought that the dialogue with Charlie announcing that they were getting married was very well written, Renee's words about their engagement when speaking with Bella, also the wedding and Alice's preparations and of course Edward fighting to keep Bella alive.

I found the birth of Renesmee shocking and difficult to read and the way it was written aimed more at shock than substance.
There are about 150 more pages to BD than Eclipse and those pages should have/could have been added to Eclipse.

BD just seemed long winded to me. It did deal with Charlie somewhat but Renee and Phil?
Meyer did try to resolve issues but I don't think she did it all successfully.

solas said...

Annie--I did not find the saga to be a well-written piece of literature(although I did love most of the characters, the interaction between them, and of course the love story, which oddly enough I can relate to), and I thought breaking Dawn was the worst wrtten.
You are right, not everything was resolved; as a mother I was particulary appalled with the way Renee and her feelings were dismissed.
There is the possibility that the parts you list- Anouncement of engagement and both parents' reaction; the planning of and actual wedding; Edward fighting to keep Bella alive- might have been written at the end of Eclipse, not sure how that would work out. Plus, I like the title of Breaking Dawn for the dawning of Bella as a vampire and dawning of a new speices, as well as new possibilities in the vampire and wolf world.
I do wish there had been a better vehicle for resolution with Jacob, perhaps some tribal sign that Renesmee was meant to be his godchild and therefore deserving, along with her family, of his and the whole tribe's protection, and then perhaps through her (like via a babysitter or something), Jacob find his real imprinted mate.

Steph is Legit said...

didnt read the rest of the comments, but why couldnt think be the trailer?

Nancy said...

I loved Breaking Dawn. Stephenie was trying to tie Jacob into Bella's family while still letting her be Edwards mate, she mentioned this so much, Bella wanted Jake to be her brother from the beginning. The imprinting story was very powerful. The Leah part was kind of confusing to me, but not Seth. And the way she made Bella the super Hero at the end was fantastic. Glad she ended the Volturi fight like she did. No bloodshed. My type of story. Yea, I kind of was grossed out about the teen with the kid imprinting, but reading minds and feelings like the vampires do, fixed that problem for me.

BTW: Loved Rob in the blue shirt/meadow scene from first Eclipse trailer. Just gorgeous. More Rob in blue shirts please!!!!! I know it brings out his blue eyes. It happens for me too. My eyes go from blue to gray depends what I'm wearing and what the weather is like. Cloudy or sunny.

desi said...

Hey again, nice comments Annitooe...in saying that... i do like Jacob...a lot...cause like I said...hot blooded hunky brown boy...related to all the hot blooded honeys we have in NZ!!!

But seriously...you can't compare Jacob with Edward because...Jacob is 17 in 2008/2009, of course he's gonna be selfish when he's in love, most 17 year olds are and his emotions are raw and in real time, no holds barred cause he just ain't there yet...

Edward is 17 forever but with "109" years of experience aye with self denial, self control having happened but remembering it took 90 years or so to happen...remember also that Edward was born and raised in the early 1900's, different values culturally, spiritually, emotionally...

So...Both Edward and Jacob are a result of their experiences that they have had thus far so Jacob is always gonna be at least 90 years behind aye...


TwiHusband said...

I'm seeing some thoughts here in line with my own thinking, so I think I'll throw out some of my own pet peeves. Eclipse was a dichotomy. Bella's mouth said one thing (I want Edward) and her actions said another (I want Jacob). When she actually chose Edward at the end I was fairly surprised. Pleased, but surprised.

The question is, what sort of girl betrays her fiancee with someone who would like to see him dead, then goes and tries to mollify the "other man" because she can't fool around with him anymore, THEN cries all over her fiancee about it all night long because she can't have her cake and eat it too? That's like the story of the little boy who dug this really neat hole outside, then bawled his eyes out that night because he couldn't take it in the house with him. If Edward hadn't been locked into loving Bella by his nature as a vampire, she'd have been toast. A normal human man would have shown her the door before the second kiss.

The thing that really got me was that goodbye scene at the end of Eclipse. Bella feels bad for Jacob after he made both her and Edward miserable using every underhanded manipulative stratagem that he could think of to break them up. To make matters worse, a lot of the time Bella was cluelessly aiding and abetting his efforts. Where did the mature beyond her years and stunningly perceptive girl from Twilight go? How did a sixteen year old kid, who wasn't the sharpest pencil in the box to start with, manage to play Bella like a two-dollar banjo?

Jacob asserts that, in a world without vampires, he was the natural course her life would have taken. Wow. Could he be anymore arrogant? Could Bella be anymore dismissive and ungrateful to Edward? As it is, in a world lacking vampires, she'd have been dead twice over. The first time before Mr. "Natural Course" ever met her. The closest they'd have gotten to a relationship was Jacob attending Bella's funeral. And Bella never calls him on it.

That's what makes Meyer's assertion that Jacob and Edward are equally viable choices look so ethically sloppy. The idea that Jacob is, in any sense of the word, Edward's equal, is frankly ludicrous.

I define the two men thus. There's nothing that Edward wouldn't do for Bella, and there's nothing that Jacob wouldn't do to have Bella.


lallieb said...

@Rick, who the hell are you? LOL. This thread is way dead, but I get all responses in my email if I've posted any.
I'm standing and clapping for your so smart, insightful, analysis. WOW. You, of course, are right on. I could provide my own on the writer of this series and her shortcomings, but won't go there, not worth it for what it is. Lots of character flaws therein, but she caught lightening, basically reimagining the Romeo & Juliet story and somehow writing her books so that not one person (I have ever known), could stop at the first. My pet peeve: Vampires without fangs! Gimme a break.

TwiHusband said...

lallieb - Me? (chuckles) I'm just a Joe Average fan, coming in from the cold. I've spent time elsewhere trying to convert the heathen, but there are only so many Jacob-enslaved thirteen year old girls I can handle in one life time.

I'm male. (Rare enough in this fandom.) Middle-aged. (Less rare, but still enough to make my non-Twilight peers among the mundanes question my sanity.) And I'm a romantic. (Just ask my wife.) Thing is, I'm more of a character fan than a fan of the actors. A few days ago my wife pointed me at some comments on this site, which led to me poking around, which led to me having to stick in my own two-cents.

Even though I follow the characters more than the actors, Rob and Kristen have so thoroughly made the characters their own that, in my imagination, I'll always see their faces when I read the books or fan fiction.

My wife and I both used to sort of sneer at Twilight. Which is silly, considering that we met online at a Buffy the Vampire Slayer discussion board. ;-) Anyway, that lasted until we saw Twilight on DVD the first time. We went and got the books the next day. The rest, as they say, is history.

Regarding Meyer, my wife and I were talking about what you called her "lightning", and my wife wondered if she hadn't made a deal with the devil. Meyer explored a much over-used literary theme, and yet made it compelling enough that you can't put the damn thing down. It's like a literary Dorian Gray. Somewhere in a dusty trunk, there are four books that just stink.... ;-)

Regarding vampires without fangs, the changes in genre don't bug me. I've been reading science fiction and fantasy for 40 years. I've seen treatments of the vampire genre that make Twi-vamps look positive plebeian in comparison. Try "The Madness Season" (vampire plays Luke Skywalker for the human race against the invading aliens), or Saberhagen's Dracula books.

Meyer could have done worse. She could have given us a "Forever Knight" ending, and killed everyone. Or a "La Femme Nikta" ending, where Bella is a Volturi agent all along, sent to infiltrate and destroy the Cullens. (grins)


lallieb said...

@Rick, don't do this as a rule, but you've really piqued my interest, so please can we continue on email. Mine is lbg921@verizon.net. My only comment here is that I don't think the "fangs" are about genre, it's about the mythology, so how much does one feel free to change that when creating a vamp story, you can tweak it here and there, but the fangs IMO are essential, necessary to convey their difference from humans and how they are able to feed. Whether from humans or animals, would be very difficult with human canine teeth. The fangs also appear in other stories, when they are angry or sexually aroused. Exemplifying that they are a different species. Assume you know that SM is a Mormon housewife, when she wrote Twilight.

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