I have to be careful about what I write here because it will be tweeted the moment TIME hits the stands. And if I say something bad about Rob Pattinson, I'm dead meat. (Kate: LOL Chris, how well you know us !) That's the devotion the Twilight films inspire. (Kate: No that's the devotion Rob inspires) It's certainly not how he planned it. And though I am continually impressed by the aplomb with which he handles the hysteria, I occasionally think he would take it all back if given the chance. Because essentially, Rob, 23, is a reserved, bookish sort of specimen, a guy who'd rather spend the night at the corner table in the pub with friends — a bit of a weirdo, frankly, in the best sense.
So how to write about someone who seems to answer Freud's rhetorical question, What do women want? Perhaps it's just worth pointing out that it'd be fun to have a beer with him even if he weren't Edward Cullen. (Kate: I bet it would and you know I'm willing to offer myself up to test that out for all the ladies here!) That we haven't seen a tenth of what he can do onscreen. And that important things, beyond the veil of Hollywood, occupy his time too — music, conversation, ideas, a sense of the absurd. Which, maybe, explains why he never gets to my e-mails. I love you, Rob! Call me! (Kate: I love you too Rob, Call me too :-})
Weitz directed The Twilight Saga: New Moon
Source Time Thanks to Lisa for sending us the link!
Yay, I'm first comment, I think. A personal first for me. I love this, because it sums up everything I believe about Rob in a nutshell. A perfect description. Just perfect...
Love Chris Weitz!! Makes me love Rob even more! He is the best!
I'll say it before and I'll say it again, you just gotta love Chris, don't ya?
I've said it before, I love CW. He always says very nice things about Rob and doesn't gossip around like other directors (i.e. CH...)
I love chris-I also think he's way sexy too. Nice guy!!
This interview by Time may mean that Rob is one of their top 100. If so, I am very glad and very proud of him and having voted repeated for him as one of the most influential entertainers of the year. I wish everyone would have voted so that Lady Gaga and Adam Lambert and Conan O'Brien wouldn't have been above him in the votes.
What a wonderful little piece about Rob. You can tell it was written with the up most respect and love. Chris Weitz, makes me wanna have a beer with Chris Weitz. And for Rob, well, damn it, how is possible for me to love that "weirdo" anymore? I don't know, but I do.
@Kate-As always, your comments crack me up.
Kate, love your comments! LOL!
That pic is on my phone too - it serves as my emergency pick-me-up in times of trauma :)
Thanks to Chris also, he seems an all-round good guy.
A little bookish and would rather sit in a corner table at a pub with his friends......is Exactly the reason ww all love this man so much....
Well said Chris...but I'm still kinda pissed at you!
Aww, Chris. He's so sweet! I love how he cares so much about the cast members and the fans.
anyone who speaks nice things about rob will get a pass in my book
Fist, I just stare at the photo in silence and then I read Chris' testimonial about Robert. Especially that we haven't seen percentage of what Robert can do on screen. Didn't we some of that with RM? What a lovely man and most of all he sound so sincere. (Funny too). There is certainly something special about RP. The smart and clever interviews that he gives says it all. Watching Robert walking through an Airport with his stuff instead of having someone do it for him... It's just so down to earth...
Alright.... I could go with the gushing so I'll just stop now. lol.
everybody loves Rob--what a sweetie-CW is awesome
@kate yeah girl you are right he is so peacful about rob
hi girls waving you all
waving back!
I love reading this. Makes me proud to be a Rob fan.
This is the way we see Rob. To have someone tell us we a right is awesome. Thank you Chris!
@wens waving back at me??
RPG: as much as I'll be 4ever miffed at CW the director, can't help but love CW the man. No wonder R&K fell in love with Chris and his family.... good people through and through. And sometimes, for actors, the quality of a self-affirming experience (great shoot) is more important than the end result (flawed movie).
Doesn't hurt that CW is another nerdy hottie!
Yup! Ladies you are right.. this is EXACTLY why we all love this fella so much. It seems that his fan base is changing as the teenie boppers become distracted with the newest thing to come along we all are still fantasizing about being in that corner booth drinking beer with him and talking about all the oddball things we could.
We love you Rob for all that you are!
"...a sense of the absurd." Absolutely. Call him, Rob - you don't have to Skype.... ;)
ITA, he's a doll, but I'm mad at him for what he left on the cutting room floor...
But gotta love him because he gets Rob, and appreciates his talent and nature...
The reason that CW made these comments, is because he was asked to write the blurb about Rob because Rob made the Top 100. These are not just random comments.
Everyone writing the blurb about the people who made the list are required to say nice things. The real important thing is that Time Magazine thought Rob was worthy!
Rob got a lot of votes, so kudos to everyone who did vote for Rob. It probably helped although it wasn't the only criteria because some big vote-getters like Adam Lambert and Susan Boyle did not make the list. It was a combination of votes and judges' decisions, I think.
@RPG yeah girl you are right he sees how much rob talented and he has a kindness so I love him
Haven't done this in a while...some great FF recs...
Really different take on Edward/Bella, Edward was just turned before he meets Bella-awesome story..
Just Wait
This one owns me right now-but total heart fail, and HARSH subject matter.....
Unacompanied Soul
Also, major heartfail...this Edward KILLS me....
I love CW, he just GETS IT. :) This was really great, thanks for posting!
Now THAT'S the 'young Brando' shot. Well. Actually, there's quite a few of them, but that one in particular.
"a sense of the absurd"
"a bit of a weirdo...in the best sense"
Yup. I knew there was a reason I liked this guy.
Well. Besides the obvious.
CW is good people. Sounds like he has a mancrush! Can't blame him one bit LOL
I blame Scummit for all atrocities committed in the films, oh and MR :-)
That's our boy! Love the "a sense of the absurd" that explains a lot of things:)CW's comments about cover why we love Rob-except Rob's sexual gravitational pull, heh, heh!! But if one has eyes and ears I guess that has it all covered!!!
CW - Exactly!!!
I have all kinds of absurd information in my head. I could sit at that corner table at the pub & talk for hours...first round is on me!
Thanks for the FF recs. On standby for MOTU and Em Proc updates. Always looking for more.
Love CW comments. If the face, hands, wonky legs.. . were not enough, there is so much more beyond. Gotta love him. *sighs*
I wouldn't mind having a beer- or two- with Chris Weitz either. Love that guy. Very insightful person, as well.
I love Chris Weitz. He has such a great sense of humor. I think that's why we Twitards love him. We may be completely over obsessed with all things Rob but we can laugh at ourselves. Humor is the key ingrediant to life.
Can I just say I just LOVE and adore Chris Weitz? He's such a sweet guy. Best looking director I've seen! Bit of a gooball too obviously..and yes I'd like to have a pint with Rob in the pub..absurd convo..bring it on lol
"So how to write about someone who seems to answer Freud's rhetorical question, What do women want?" this said everything u.u
@Nellieduff welcome,this is the best place to be!!!We all love Rob dearly :-) wow I love the article especially that part where Chris says he occupies his time on conversation&ideas, Gosh i would love to have conversation with this man!! F#ck, I love this man!!!!
so happy to see that Rob made TIME list of top 100. I love all the stuff C.W had say about him. Rob is such a down to earth guy that it is no reason why i am love with him!!!!
Chris, you are a wise and compassionate man, who also, very smartly, thinks before he speaks. ;-) This might just be the highest compliment I think Rob could receive.
I'm pretty sure it's the Twilight thing that's inspired this. Rob has his own fan base now and he is talented and deserves all this and all his dedicated fans BUT to be honest whoever was to take this role as Edward Cullen would of been in this position not Rob I know I hate to say it but it's true.
On twilighted, here's some fics I recommend: Tides of Fate
cute light story, but really nice to read. Also, Dangerous Corporate Liasons. Does anyone have any suggestions for any other fan fics on twilighted? I've read a bunch already! thanks!
On twilighted, I'm reading
Drink and Hide
Not Like This
Lord, I love Chris Weitz almost as much as I love Rob. Almost. lol
THANKS for the fic rec, Rpattzgirl! :) So appreciated! I just put chapter 11 up BTW...hope to have chapter 12 finished this weekend or next week sometime.
I am DYING to get home and read ch 11!!!!!
:D :D :D
Hope you aren't disappointed!
hi ladies! you are so right arcade that rob's fan base is change and the teen boopers are leaving also you could go to the pub with him listen to a band and have adult conversation and not study to replay everything was said between you'll on twitter,how much beer he had how many ladies he spoke to what he was wearing it's sad
I love Chris, especially from the interviews; am not familiar with his work other than New Moon, and I feel his work not appreciated enough in that. I am not film savvy, but I thought he did a beautiful job in so many aspects.
I wouldn't expect anything less of him than to appreciate ROb as we do, bookish, absurd, et al.
Kate, I LOVE your comments. :-)
Sorta late in the game today, but I had to throw in...
this pic is one of my all time faves. *SIGH*
You should watch About A Boy-Chris did a fabulous job on that movie....
@leann can I check your fanfic hon=)
RPG: With Teeth by TalulahBlue is probably the most well written FF on Twilighted right now, but extremely high on anguish (Rehabward story).
Anyone ready to ponder tough addiction and intimacy issues, in their brutal real-life manifestations, would get a lot out of this story.
But back to our good-guy models, do you gals think Kristen will give Rob as much guff about those new grandpa jeans as CW's wife must have given him about the clown pants!?
Thanks, it's on my to read list!!!
since Chris was here in spain, i got a feeling he'e quite intelligent, because he express himself very eloquently and he really knew a lot of things about some spanish films directors.
rpg--thanks for the recommendation--i will put it on my netflix list.
Solas.... RPG is right. About a Boy is great, and you can't go wrong with Tony Collette!
@est-lost hi hon whats up=))
I loooove your fanfic!! I found your blog accidentally a while ago while surfing the net and I started reading ‘Amnesia’! There were 9 chapters posted back then and I stayed up because I couldn’t stop reading!!
I was out of town during the Easter holidays and I didn’t have my computer with me so when I got back and saw that ch11 was up I was sooo excited!!! The cliffhanger is killing me, I can’t wait for ch12!!
This is truly nice. When Rob and Chris were in Japan you could tell that they got along really well. I love the way people who know Rob say such nice things about him.
Thanks Loisasa-- I put it next on my list ( just got Inglourious Basterds in the mail; hope to see it soon). I don't like comedies, romcoms at all, and I had thought that was what this was so never bothered to take it out, but it is labeled also as drama, which I love (as long as not in real life).
"...important things, beyond the veil of Hollywood, occupy his time too — music, conversation, ideas, a sense of the absurd."
Wow I love Chris. And I love Rob.
Rob once said he wanted to be a political speech writer -i infered from that that he is probably a reader, is informed about government and politicals and likes a good conversation/debate. i think Chris's statements kinda confirm my original opinion
oh robsessive i comented without seeing nothing, sorry
i'm here, packing my case...you know
Spunky, in an interview from a while back, Rob said his father used to make sure he and his sisters were aware of history and politics and he used to play Devil's advocate with them to get them to be able to think and argue intelligently about events in the world.
@sol about a boy is great give it a try.
I so much wish someday, somewhere a witty journalist would give him the chance to like real talk. Ppl would be amazed and we would be proud.
I noticed CW's sixth sense in Italy,when he gave brilliant comments that showed his understanding of the" major subject".
I haven't seen that IV .
Nice to know that;)
this is the most perfect description of ROB :):)
"How to write about someone who seems to answer Freud's rhetorical question ..." - hehe that cracked me up :)
- but of course he answers that question!
Anyway, glad he landed safely in Vancouver and is back with his girl again .. more power to them :)))
anyone want to leave a comment on my blog?
Love the pic! One of my favs. CW is a nice man and I don't think anyone could argue that. I love the way he described Rob, so good to see even after a movie has aired and made its millions the Director still speaks highly of the Actor. That speaks volumes for how he feels about Rob.
Also Loisada for twilighted I am reading With Teeth and LOVE IT LOVE IT.
RPG I am reading Just Wait and am on chapter 37 stayed up way to late last night but it was worth it.
I will have to start amnesia next.
Wonderful comments from Chris. Those are the things that make Rob so special. Can't wait for his appearance on Ellen next month.
@lovesrob, on twilighted I suggest,Eight Years Later, My Life, & Unwanted.
@Rpattzgirl,on ff.net/s/5457333
/1/Uncomfortable Truce, and Teachers Pet/Student Liason(EPOV).
Just loved the comments by Chris. I agree that Chris is an all around good guy.
Thanks to all those who rec'd FF. i added them to my never ending list. i am waiting for soooo many to update...but i also finally read the Hunger Games series over the weekend and I loved it. Very easy reading with a good story. So i finished my training today and i get to start my Black Dagger one tonight YAY!!!
totally agree with you chris!
look weirdo up in the dictionary
it is not a compliment no matter
how he tries to sugar coat it.
weirdo ...an unusually strange
person. I don't think he
really gets Rob.
For the most influential man of the world
Since the very first time I saw Robert Pattinson, he was smiling. I became delighted with his soft voice, his stare full of joy and youth. He got me with his gentle way to thank people for an award he had received. He got me!
Photos, videos, magazines, books, fansites, films, researches and I was addicted. He knocked down my whole world, now I can`t imagine nothing better to do than doing nothing just to stay looking to his beautiful smile every day.
Rob influences many people around the world, of all ages, with his spontaneous attitudes, his charisma, his inteligence, his talent, his good will, his passion for reading, for acting and for music. Maybe in the future he won`t have millions of fans as now (I doubt), but Robert Pattinson`ll continue having his soft voice, his stare full of joy and youth, his gentle way, his talent, inteligence, generosity, his integrity and will still be one of the most influential men of the world.
That is for you Rob. I love you!!
This is sooo sweet and it shows a lot about Rob's personality. I'm loving it!
preboomer - i think you are looking too much into his comment, i think he was trying to be funny, he seems to have a really dry sense of humor. i also think that he knows rob better than any of us ever will. sorry i dont agree with you but this is just my opinion too.
I know this is out of topic but God Yann's scores are so good .
So much passion in this man.
Rob should meet him one day.
OH Jeez...
i love this
live ( only vocal sucks ;)
some of his piano stuff:
RobsessiveFILRP---yes, please do!
vafla89, thank you so much for the lovely compliments! So glad you are enjoying the story. I love writing it, too, most of the time. Sometimes it kicks my patootie. ;) (Damn Alice and her precognition anyway...how are suprises supposed to happen in the plot when she sees everything coming? LOL)
LTavares, that was a beautiful post!
Sorry this is my last non Rob related post but this one is EPIC!!!
I wanted to share
Thanks,you just showed the essence .I share your thoughts completely.
I'm gonna have to disagree with some of what you said.
Yes. Whoever had been cast in the role of Edward Cullen would have indeed been met with an enormous wave of fame. But they wouldn't have been Rob Pattinson and so they would have been famous DIFFERENTLY. Chances are, your "typical" 21-22 year old actor hungering for fame, would have dealt with all of this in ways that Rob has not because he never hungered for fame. Not like this.
Robert Pattinson's success certainly began with Edward Cullen, but that role is not what is keeping him successful as a man. And it's his success as a man (who he is and how he conducts his life) that has swept up those fans who see much more in him than just this fictional character. For other fans, he is strictly Edward Cullen and that is the root of their interest in him and when he is through playing this character, those fans will most likely move on.
Those of us who have been moved by his wisdom, his originality, his sense of the absurd, his soulfulness, the way he thinks his thoughts and the way in which he expresses them, we KNOW that there is nothing typical about this young man and we will follow his life (when he marries, when he becomes a father, when he buries his parents) because we want for his happiness and we'll follow his career (we'll cheer him on in his successes and we'll cheer him on louder in his failures), because we have been struck by his talent and we know that he's just begun to scratch the surface. In other words...
There are those amoungst us here (and elsewhere) who will love and adore and admire this young man for the rest of our lives. And when someone affects you on that level, there's alot more going on than a simple crush on a movie star. Those pass and fade away.
Had another handsome, talented young man, a typical Hollywood star without the unique qualites possessed by Robert Pattinson been cast in this role, I do not believe that the response and the adulation that has insued, would have happened at all. Yes, there would have been a response. But it would have been different and it would have faded. At least for the majority who have responded to Rob in the way that they have.
It ain't all about The Pretty as it is for most actors. There's a whole lot more going on where Robert Pattinson is concerned. Some have recognized this and others have not. Those who have are and will remain...his.
Nik I'm holding my eyelids open with matches...
Hope you are still there. How the hell are you???
Beautifully said nik!!! I wholeheartedly agree. Robert Pattinson has won my heart on so many different levels, I can't even begin to explain it. Thank you for the words...
"There are those amongst us here (and elsewhere) who will love and adore and admire this young man for the rest of our lives. And when someone affects you on that level, there's alot more going on than a simple crush on a movie star. Those pass and fade away."
Ok, i have to get my girl, Niks, back on this one...
Yes, Edward Cullen is what made Rob skyrocket into fame oblivion...
But I was thinking impure thoughts about him as Cedric the red-cheeked, ill fated wizard. Rob being cast as Edward just solidified what I already thought.
The boy's hot.
I think half the reason I started cyber stalking Rob while they were filming Twilight was because of his self deprecating humor and his incessant nervous tick with his hair, and his "what? who me? a star? bollocks." attitude.
Well-said NIk! And i will add 2 words that come to mind: presence and soul.
And prebloomer...
You just can't refer to the dictionary on everything as it seems to define the world (through the meaning of it's words), in black and white and let's face it, the world and it's inhabitants in all of it's and our complexities, are varying shades of gray.
Robert Pattinson is an artist. He is artistic which is something more than merely talented. The talented interpret art. The artistic create it. And some of the most artistic and creative personalites in history were considered 'weird' or 'strange' and this is because they would not because they could not...CONFORM. Artistic people see the world through a different filter than most. Artistic and creative people color outside the lines and for those who color inside? Those who don't make them UNCOMFORTABLE.
Leonardo DiVinci
Arthur Rimbaud
Vincent Van Gogh
Isadora Duncan
Charlie Chaplin
Salvador Dali
Georgia O'Keefe
Marlon Brando
John Lennon
Jim Morrison
All non-conformist who couldn't toe the line, who colored outside the lines, who perceived the world in ways that most cannot even fathom, who created, who went up against the world and changed that world. All 'weirdos.' Because...they were different.
And I truly think that this is what Chris Weitz was getting at here in terms of Rob. He is not your typical, cliched, young Hollywood stud strutting around thinking he's so very important and god's gift. Rob is cut from a different piece of cloth than most. And this is what Chris was trying to say and in addition...
Like the artistic, non-conforming creative types who came before him, like them...he's a 'wierdo.'
Chris Weitz just payed Robert Pattinson the highest of compliments...for an artist. And maybe the world of conformists will only see the word 'weirdo.' But for those who understand (those who are non-conformists or at least appreciate what that means) what Chris was getting at...they have just been mightily impressed.
Thank you.
What a lovely thing to say. Isn't it nice to have your instincts about a person confirmed by those who know him?
Rob - When you're done calling Chris, call me will ya?
nik - you said it way better than me but ITA with you about CW :)
Love reading what someone like in Chris Weitz position has to say about Rob, like little bits of insight into Rob's personality.
Aw thanks guys. You are so sweet. I'm glad that I can say what so many of you think. I mean, I'm glad that I think the way that so many of you think. Huh? Well anyway. I'm just glad.
No wait. I'm not glad. Sarah?
You know what I've been doing all damn day? I've been singing that stupid Shania Twain song (actually, it's a kinda cute song but it's driving me nuts)...
Honey I'm home
And I've had a hard day
Poor me a cold one
And oh by the way
Pick up the phone
Give the dog a bone
Honey, I'm a hoooooome
And I don't even like country music (okay. some of it is actually quite beautiful)
And hey Dessert First...
I said something to you earlier around here on some other thread (gawd knows where. I sure don't)
I told you that I can't e-mail anymore with the blog because someone tagged me (slapped me a good one with a nasty virus) and...well...I had to shut it down and now I'm a feared to put up another one. So...how the hell are ya?
Come back and play more often.
Go see what I wrote on the thread we turned into the red room last night!!!
It's 1.30am and I'm pooped!
Time Zones drive me nuts!
Friday tomorrow so I can stay and play for longer.
I really hope I can catch up with you then.
Sweet Robert dreams everyone
Oh my god. That up above, what I just posted? That has got to be the shortest post in the history of the blog and it came from...ME (the biggest loud mouth in 48 states).
I don't even know what to say.
(well there's a first)
Okay DF. Hopefully we can chat a bit tomorrow. Sleep well.
@nik - just checking in and read your astute words on the worth of Rob. Beautifully put.
Rob has touched so many of our souls because is such a good and decent man who is using everything he was blessed with to make his way through life. In so doing, he graces our days. Like you, I'll also continue to follow his life because I'm so moved by Rob, the man.
Incidentally, I caught up on more of your banter with Sarah. I am so glad you're back. You and Sarah could do stand up. Such a delight to come here and laugh until tears run down my cheeks. You two are GOOD.
nik,you are the best i feel like we all belong to rob;s soroity and you are our awesome head in our house and things we are not aware of about our CEO and we are about to me him you are filling us in.nik thank you thank you we all love you too i am all tearing up as i read things that you explained up rob in about 10yrs from now rob will be getting a noble prize for sure
@Nicola6, your post at 7:36... Wow, excellent. There is something uuite unique about Robert... I am no spring chicken and I find myself buying magazines and logging on to this site daily to get news... I will not but the rags, I love the televised interview, those I can believe and of course his voice and and expression is very pleasing.
Better than Brando.
Okay, better than Dean.
If comparisons are to be made, Robert comes out on top. Incomparable is really the word.
Love that shot.
@Nik, tears in my eyes. You have elonquently and perceptively described the essence of what makes RTP so damned special and why he will last for a very long time for those lucky enough to have got him.
@BR549, ITA, re. Scummit and MR. Although as director CW does take some responsibility. I hate to say it 'cause I love the guy, a wise stand-up human being, who put his heart and soul into NM. His words about Rob weren't off-the-cuff nice, but very thoughtful.
I will definitely be watching About a Boy. Toni Collette? Awesome, love her.
dammit, you are so fucking right girl..well said....
Rob photos are coming!!!
@ Nik
I don't think I could have summed up everything about Rob and just how amazing he is as well you just said it. Beautifully said! * Stands up and starts the slow clap*
@Loisada, I recommend A Japan Story (think that's the title), a small, rather strange, very moving indie film starring Toni Collette. A must see if you are a fan of Toni. It lingered with me for a long time.
Okay you guys. Stop it. You're making me cry. But thank you so much. Your words are so kind. They're overwhelming. And humbling.
I don't know what it is about him. I still haven't figured it all out and I'm guessing I might never really understand it all. All I know is that I've never reacted to any star EVER, the way I have about Rob. One thing I'm pretty sure about though and I've never said this on the blog and in fact, have only ever said this to my best friend who knows me and accepts me, both attributes and failings...
I feel like he is a soulmate. And soulmates are not always people we know 'personally.' And it doesn't matter the sex or the age of the person. If they lived in your lifetime or 200 years ago. If you can learn enough about someone and if they are a soul mate, you can recognize it. Why? Because you connect with them in ways that you don't quite understand. And the reason I've never said this here is because, I'm really putting myself 'out there' with such a comment. And talk about laying your head on the chopping block. Well. For those who feel the need...swing away. But I won't take it back. And I'll say some more...
I feel like we are very similar people in that, from the things he has said, we share similiar sensibilities. His views and additudes mirror my own. And so, I have felt compelled to come here and talk about him. I have to. This is the only outlet. Who else would understand, but you guys?
And it's not about being in love with him, although I do believe that I am on a certain level. I do believe in all kinds of love and that we truly can love people that aren't sitting in our living rooms and never will be. What I don't know is, if what I'm feeling here is the truth and that's because these feelings for him have yet to stand the test of time.
My sister teases me about him in that she thinks I'm just having a Mary Kay LaTurneu (sp?) moment with him. But she's pretty insightful too. I showed her the Anne Thompson Variety interview that he did back before Twilight opened. She was impressed. Then just recently she read the Details interview and she called and asked me...
'Did you give birth to this kid in a park and then wandered off and then these english people came along and picked him up took him home and now...they've got your kid? 'Cause damn, if you didn't give birth to him in this life, you sure as hell did in a past one, 'cause that is YOUR kid.'
I swear to god, she said that. I giggled. But she too recognized the similarities. So, what does it all mean? I don't know and I think it's gonna take me some time to figure it all out.
Anyway. Not sure what brought all of that out and it probably is a mistake to express your soul on a public blog, but what the hell.
You guys are great. Thank you so much.
True artists don't conform - as they've said about Beethoven - "he doesn't follow rules - he makes his own". It can be a lonely existence unless your level of talent is so highly accepted like Rob's is.
As a musician myself, in a world of left brained professionals - I just don't fit in naturally, I have to work very hard at it.
Artists can be quirky people, sometimes the life of the party and sometimes the wallflower observing everyone. I surmise that Rob can be both but he has such charisma, people just won't let him be the wallflower he might want to be.
He's just too pretty!!! lol
I'm glad CW planted that little seed of anticipation in everyone's brain that we haven't seen 1/10 of what he can do...........that was a good comment to add for sure. And I cannot WAIT to see BA, UC, WFE, BD and Eclipse........and whatever else Rob does.
May 13 - OPRAH!!!! Happy Bday Rob.
nik,you should make a journal on robert all the things you wrote about rob is so deep,you have me so intrested in he things you write about rob and like llaueb i was all tearing up also can i as you something,what do you do?if i may nothing i have ever read about rob got to me like this this is some good s--t
OT : lallieb - well since you mentioned toni's movies...my favorite is Muriel's Wedding, i loved it :))
Nik... You know what they say... for every death, there is a birth. Maybe your sister is right.
LOL. Anyway, you are very elloquent. (sp)
@Nik, I put myself out there and said to my younger Twi friend, as we were driving to see RM, I feel like he's a member of my family, I have listened to his voice so often and how it resonates in my head. I couldn't adequately explain it, but who can? She laughed. I also have never, ever had a celebrity/star/actor crush and I am many years older than Rob. But there is something about him (oh really?) that has captured our hearts and minds, that is near unfathomable. I am so grateful for this blog and the wonderful people who come here to share our inexplicable fascination care, and yes love, for this gorgeous, sweet, talented, wonky-legged, oddball young man from Barnes.
Guys. I cannot use e-mail for this blog and I want to answer evangaline. She asked me a personal question, what it is that I do (and she's not the only one who's asked me this and I haven't answered it before), and I don't want to blow her off. So please bear with for a second. If you don't want to read this, then please, just scroll on by. Thank you.
And thank you evangaline. You are very kind.
I am a writer. I write freelance for different outlets both print and internet. I don't write about the arts though. I write about politics and culture and male/female relationships. I am also currently writing the inside jacket synopsisis for a current best selling series. Not too challenging, but lucrative. I am also attempting my first novel. It's about the tragic circumstances of my birth family and the lie that shattered it. Yes. The story tells like a movie.
I'm also working on some treatments for some original screenplays. And one adaptation that something in my gut tells me, that Rob is working on the same one. Just something he said.
And that's what I do.
Besides come here and wax philosophic about Rob. That is, when I am not making a complete horse's ass of myself over him. "Honey, I'm home" indeed.
Okay. Here's the thread back guys. Thank you.
@Ana, always looking for suggestions. Think I might have seen it, but will put it on my list.
lallieb - yeah you probably have it came out in the mid 90's but it is one of my fav's.
nik- i learned something new about you...i should have figured that you are a writer. good luck with the novel :)
@ Nik
I have always wondered as well what your background was with the business and what you do. It does not surprise me that you are a writer. You are very good at it whether it may be a book jacket or on a blog or a book just as long as you enjoy what you are doing is all the matters. If you are ever looking for someone to read your book you already have a fan right here! I love hearing your insight and just the natural way you have with writing that I would love to read your book! Good luck to you in all that you are doing and once again thank you for all of your insight! Hopefully you don't get tired of us asking you what you think something means or works haha
Aw. Thank you Monique. It's funny. I couldn't have children and I wanted them soooooo badly. But I was born with defective ovaries. They grew cysts. And from the age of 17 to 34, I had five surgeries trying to save them. But they couldn't and so at 34, they took my baby making parts and I'll never quite get over it. But if I had had a son, I would like to think I would have raised one like Rob (although with my luck, I probably would have gotten a serial killer. LOL)
And lalli...
I think for some here, there is a deep connection to this young man that we cannot figure out. It just is what it is. And for others, it's not so complicated. They think he's gorgeous and love his films and that's what it's about for them. And that's great. And then for others, they're probably rolling their eyes and thinking were a bunch of sad, pathetic whack jobs. And that too is an opinion. And like assholes, we've all got one.
But what's jumbled into the mix here, is our unabashed lust for him. With the way he looks, how could we not have those kinds of feelings for him? For me, that is the confusing part. Some day, I just want to tie his shoes, zip his hoodie, wipe his nose and send him out into his day. And then other days, I wanna tie him to that four poster and have my way with him until he screams...MOMMY!
See? Very confusing.
Anyway. I've taken up enough of this thread and I really can't play tonight. Should have gotten off here awhile ago, but I had to respond to your lovely comments.
Thank you so much. Love you guys.
Nik, as always, I looove your posts! I need to come read here more often. I mean, I LIVED on Robsessed this time last year! Insightful words about Rob, for sure. And you are brave (and just a li'l crazy ;) for baring your deepest thoughts here; but if not here, then where CAN you say those things? No judgement here, only love. :)
I would prefer Catherine talk about Rob since she discover him, his music for us......she is making Maximum Rider another fantasy novel that I just saw in the bookstore, wish Rob wil do it, Catherine has that magic touch. She is also making Little Red Riding Hood produce by Brad Pitt.......look who is getting projects....I vote for Rob endlessly for Time 100, I wish all his other fans did the same. Lady Gaga or Adam Lambert has their own fans who put a lot more effort for them.....
Wow! Thank you Netra. If I ever do get that novel published or a screenplay sold, then I wouldn't be able to keep it from you guys and then my cover (identity) would be blown. And then someone who wishes I would put a fork in my eye, might twaddle...
'you know that writer of that new best seller OR the writer of that new film? she's a fangirl of RPattz and has been blogging about him for years. And she's a fuck crazy psycho.'
And there would go every shred of my credibility. Hmmm...maybe I won't tell you guys. LOL!
Hopefully, I'd man up and twaddle back...
'yeah? so the eff what? I adore him and I'm not ashamed of one thing I've ever written about him.'
('cept maybe that "Honey I'm Home" bit. nah. that was some of my best stuff...and Sarah's too)'
Hmmm...Well. Chances are, this is one dilemna I'll never have to deal with.
Night guys. Gots to run. And again...THANK YOU!
Oh my god Leann...
How are you? I have missed you here so much. I'm so sorry I flaked out with you and Diane and...oh crap, I'm drawing a blank, the others in the e-mail. And I wanted to join your chat too. But I hit a bit of a rough patch last year and well...no excuse. And now I can't use e-mail here at all. I'm so sorry.
And are you writing fic? Did I read that? Or dream it? I really have to get off of this blog and so I'm not going to refresh one more time. But where is your fic? (if I read that right). If you see this, do tell and I'll come back and read in the morning.
And I don't know how brave I am, but my stupid quotient is off the charts. **rolls her eyes**
Thanks for saying hi. Hi back. Hope that all is well with you.
And here is my anal moment...
'Some day I just wanna tie his shoes, zip his whatever, wipe his whatsit, etc.'
That sounded like a wish. It is not (he can wipe his own nose). What I meant to say was...
Some days. Some days I wish to...blah, blah, blah. I forgot the "s" on days.
Oh. My. God.
That just might be the most 'anal' moment in the history of the blog. Or the world. Yeah. The world.
And with that...I am outta here.
Rob's weird? Absolutely and thank heaven! That may not seem like a compliment to non native speakers, but believe us it is. Rob is not another run-of-the-mill actor. He is unique. He marches to his own drummer and is true to his heart. The day this man ever joined the pack would be a day of mourning for all of us!
In fact, "weird" describes Rob perfectly:
- unearthly (beauty)
- mysterious (mind)
- fantastic (friend and artist)
- concerned with controlling fate (conscientous soul)
Thank heaven there are directors like CW who get our wonderful weirdo!
@ SluttyPat: Didn't the last chapter of WT leave you a wreck? Knew it was coming, and still it floored me. So well set up for a heart-wrenching gut punch. Tallulah knows the human heart's battles and failings SO well.
@Lallieb: It's a joy to meet someone who has even seen A Japan Story!! Another great Australian flic. Ever seen Judy Davis's Aussie works (Heatwave, High Tide)? More great movies! Exactly the kind of fare Rob needs to be doing: smart, relevant and moving...
i so love this guy,as i see this photo just walking and smiling may me smile also rob has not even started to work as yet we will know when he starts he will be clean shaven and his long hair will be gone just want to say something-in my teaching this is what i was thought render your hearts and not your garments and everytime i read that i think of rob
Niiiik! *waves back* Funny you should mention our li'l email group 'cause I just copied and pasted a couple of your posts from here and sent them to the girls! They loved 'em...we are all on the same page, I'm sure you know!
You are a writer? I'm sooo not surprised! You write beautifully in your posts, always have. Don't worry about being anal...I am right there with you. (And that reeeally didn't sound right, now, did it??? lol) I hope you do write the story of your life---they always say to write what you know; and dare I say, it sounds like it might be cathartic as well. You never know...perhaps you will write a screenplay that Rob will star in or direct some day! Hey...if you're gonna dream, dream big.
Yes, I am writing a Twi-fic, which I never thought I'd do in a zillion years...long story! I've long been a frustrated writer, but in this case, I'm not writing what I know at all, since I'm neither a teenager nor a vampire. But it's been a great exercise for me and I'm really enjoying it. If you want to check it out, you can read it here:
I also do a blog when I'm "Pattinspired"...you can check out my lunacy and some of the convos with the "Robtarts" there!
http://pattinspired.blogspot.com/ My fic is there too. In fact, that's the only place I posted it for a long time. I was too chicken to go "public."
Trust me, I'm right there with you on wondering what it is about Rob that provokes the response that we have to him. I never thought I'd be doing half the things I'm doing! It's crazy. But it's been an amazing ride. Wouldn't trade it for anything. I've "met" some amazing people along the way, and the scenery is fan-fucking-tastic!
Such a melifluous post Nik. I've read many a good posts from you but this one takes the cake!
So he's our soulmate and he has awakened something in us all.
Now what?
@ nik - I just refreshed and must tell you as many others have already that it's not suprising that you're a writer. You have the soul to be a writer and obviously you already have a following here. Best of luck with your novel. It sounds as if there is much to tell and you will do it beautifully. And, we'll all read it (buy it would be better and if you tell us the title, I'm sure we will. I can see it now: you'll be widely read in book clubs and be a guest on Oprah after she retires and does what Barbara Walters did when she inteviews a select few every once in awhile.) Just remember this blog and visit often. Perhaps eventually you will interview Rob and it will be reported here with photos. By then we'll all hate you, of course, but what the hell, being that close to Rob has advantages. Only you will be able to describe it for us, the NBs of ROBsessed.
Wow, I have been away all day and just read Nik's comment (7:36). Thanks so much, Nik, you are so right in your observations.
I was first drawn to this lovely man by his face and didn't know who he was. After finding out and watching video clips and checking various blogs I finally decided to see and read Twilight. Then I heard him sing and didn't know it was him. When I found out my thought was What is this turkey doing acting when he could be singing with a voice like that? The point is, Twilight wasn't the first encounter, with me Rob is the entire package not just one thing. I'm somewhat creative myself (artist/painter) and I never wanted to color within the lines so like many of you here I found something special about Rob, a connection I have not felt with other "stars" and very few people in general. I am significantly older but I will always will be interested in Rob and all he does.
Oh dear. I've drANK SOme more vodaka again. Naughty Nik.
And captain, I dont knwo waht. I don't kneo if your comment was sincere or a sarcastic. If I was sober I migh know. I don't know what. I jsut let my feelings rip. And I knew that by doing so, I might get it get back in my face. Oh well. too late.
A nd thank you Leann. I will def go check out those thing links whe n I am able. I mean tomorrow. And i can't believe you copied what I said. But hthat is a great compliment. Pleawse teill the girls that I said hi.
And who else. someone. oh yyeah. Barbara. That was so nice. I just don' t know what to say. You are alll so nice to me. I don'tknow what ot say.
So, i think I will say togi goodnight. I really need to go to bed. I am fuzz y. I really not a drumk but have been dealing wtih some lthings lately soeme sad things not me but those i lo ve. I don't know how to hwelp them to make it better, so it makes me sad and for a couple of nitghes I have fdrank. I really don't do tha alot.
i love you guys you. are so sweet.
captain i dont knwo if he's our soulmate I don't know if he's mine. It jsut feesls that way. He feeels familair. Doesn't mean that it is so. He just says things an it feels fami liar to me. dowesn't mean anything. I know I should have gkept my mouth shut. some People nver learn.
I never leearn..
Soul marte do3sn'rt mean lover . it means someone you feel coonecdtion to. we Don know why. Some people don't velbelive that I do. That 's just me.
Doesnt nmean it 's right, probably not. jus t a thought.
veryt late must go to b ed nigtht
...sweet dreams Nikola6!
Oh Nik,
Sincere, definitely sincere.
So we've discovered this man that we all feel so connected to and so familiar with as you said, but he is so unavailable so what are we to do?
Everytime I think I couldn't possibly love and adore Rob more, someone says something, or I absorb more of the pretty, and guess what... I can!!! I must say that I find myself quite concerned about the depth of my feelings for someone I have never met, and am not likely to either!
Just to remind you that Nik already met The Pretty way back in Comi con 2008. If I remember right, he even gave her a kiss after their "discussion session" advice sort of thing.
It would be awesome if Nic could interview him, them being in the same level playing field (soulmates). That would be one F'interview!!!!!
I've read a few comments of Nic before but her 1st ecounter with Rob sets my interest in her comments. It was very endearing to me. I knew then that she can write, she's got the attributes of a good writer from her comments. She can play with her words.
I don't know if anyone is gonna see this as I think we've about put this thread to bed, but...
I'd like to apologize for last night. I got emotional. I'd started to drink (dealing with some things in RL) and I got to talking about the lad and then so many of you said such kind things to me (and they really do overwhelm me) and well...I may have said too much. Who? Me?
And maybe 'soul mate' was too strong a term. Maybe I should have said 'kindred spirits' as soul mate implies exclusivity meaning; just me and him. That's not what I meant (although I think we can all have many soul mates and it doesn't mean lovers. but those are just my beliefs).
And Captain...
I don't know hon. I don't know what we do with these feelings. Just love him from afar I guess. I believe that we bring many life experiences into this world with us and when we leave here, we'll have many more. And who's to say who we have known before and loved along the way. Alot of us are having a reaction to this young man that we cannot understand and I think for some, it goes beyond your average crush on a beautiful movie star. Why are we feeling this way? Why do some of feel a 'connection' that others do not? You got me. But it's there. It's real. The big question is, will it stand the test of time. Stay tuned.
But again, I apologize. And apparently I hopped back on when the vodka had really kicked in.
Note to self...
Either the vodka or the comp.
Hey all...and Nik...
It's your thread, baby...
Just now read it. Always late.
Nik...whether sloshed or not, your comment April 29 11:12 pm was what I think of Rob. Or feel.
('tie his shoes...tie him to a four poster...').
And I don't like it.
Not only am I confused but I feel cheated in some nebulous way.
I don't like the position I feel I'm in one little bit.
Oh sure I love and lust him to pieces, but the inequity is a f*cking bitter pill and I make no bones about it.
Trying so hard to keep my moth shut here. 0:-)
,mouth, too. ;-)
@ tedgirl - Thanks for the update. When I return, usually at the end of the day, I fail to read all the thread. I usually skim and I completely missed the fact that nik, lucky, lucky girl, met the Pretty already.
I'll have to find the one about the description of the meeting. It must have been incredibly awesome and then he kissed her after? I'm without words.
Thanks, again.
I'll have to go to Fifty's party on another thread and query nik about that meeting, if I can peal her away from the festivities. Things are really rocking already.
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