I saw the post Kat made last night and I don't think it looks like him either. It reminds me of someone else i just can't put my finger on it and it'll drive me mad until I figure it out!
Robert Pattinson Will Not Be At The Madam Tussauds Ceremonies
Rob won't be attending the Ceremonies in NY Or London.

I saw the post Kat made last night and I don't think it looks like him either. It reminds me of someone else i just can't put my finger on it and it'll drive me mad until I figure it out!
I saw the post Kat made last night and I don't think it looks like him either. It reminds me of someone else i just can't put my finger on it and it'll drive me mad until I figure it out!
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Of course! Cause he's scared of the wax figures especially his! :D
Looks like Patrick Dempsey with more eyebrow and different hair. lol Shoulda let the fans 'review' it first...
It looks like Bill from True Blood...
I think its his mouth, its different! I m gonna see the one in NY tomorrow I ll see!
yeah wanted to say that too looks like the one from True Blood
I agree with RPG, it has a Bill quality to it. More so than Rob.
They really should have had the fans there to approve & direct...we know every little expression, every new chest hair, every little pout, every hair on his precious little head, and we KNOW the jaw...
I wonder if the one in London is exactly the same or different?
There`s just something not right....I think his jaw isn`t squared off enough and the nose just doesn`t look right. But it might be better closer up......
I think I`m with AP though...I can see Patrick Dempsey.
I think the mouth reminds me of Billy Bob Thornton ... just me?
It just looks creepy!
End of discussion! :)
really good really
I think it's the light that makes him look so weird.
When 'he' will be in London?
I am surprised they didn't have him running his hands through his hair in the wax figure. Either way doesn't look right and like Kate said he looks like someone but I just can't pin point who exactly it is. Well I guess no one can replicate perfection!
rpattzgirl: So right you are. We do know better every little nuance.
fae: Yeah, creepy. No wonder Rob doesn't want to go, -apart from the fact that he has better things to do. I'd be totally weirded out.
Netra: Running his hand through his hair? They'd be sure to get that wrong, but it is a signature move.
I'd rather see the real thing, or, photos and films. Period.
Curiosity is just getting the better of me here...
I'm going to have to get on a train to London and have a closer look before I pass judgement.
Yeah, he's probably as frightened of it as we are LOL That's like, Nightmare Rob...you know the dream...the one where he goes from beautiful, loving angel to homicidal crazy vampire killing machine...or...is that just me? :P
I remember seeing a picture of Johnny Depp with his Captain Jack Sparrow audioanimatronic in Disney's Pirates of the Caribbean ride and it freaked me out. Johnny probably wasn't freaked out, but seriously, how can you not be a tad creeped out by looking at yourself like that...particularly when it doesn't look all that much like you?
Well, personally, I am glad to hear that. He needs to get out of the limelight for a while, or at have a positive image for a while, not one with bodyguards assisting him like he is about to fall down, and drunk.
Hey, I am all for Robert, that is why I am on this blog, and I care. We want more people go see his movie and not associate his acting with the bad image circulating out there.
It is hard to capture him, because he does not have a one-dimensional look and personaltiy. His charm and essence is tied up with his good looks and it needs a much better artist to capture him.
I find these things creepy and scary. But then, i also am terrified of clowns and monkeys. :/
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