Robert Pattinson Talks Tyler, Edward & Commitment

From VH1:
We caught up with Robert Pattinson on the Remember Me red carpet, and the actor gave us a rare glimpse into his super-private dating life. When asked by VH1’s Janell Snowden if he had any commitment problems in relationships, RPattz replied coyly, “None. At. All.”

Well, hey now. We’re just going to jump out on a limb here and assume he’s talking about his not-so-secret relationship with co-star Kristen Stewart, which is allegedly pretty serious behind the scenes. Though they’ve never officially come out as a couple, KStew walked the Remember Me red carpet which, in Hollywood, is like walking around with a t-shirt that says “Yes, I’m Dating The Hot Vampire From Twilight.” What with their recent rendezvous in London and her walking around in Rob’s t-shirt (er, so says some fan sites), it seems like she doesn’t have any commitment problems either. (Kate: I love how they get a whole article out of three little words)

Rob also talks about the most insane fan freak out moment from his short career and who he thinks makes a better boyfriend: Remember Me’s Tyler Haskins (Kate:Tyler who?) or the world’s most beloved immortal, Edward Cullen. Though clearly, commitment-loving Rob is the best of all. (Kate: Hell ya!)

You Tube Version (for those that can't see the vid above)

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