TONS more after the cut :)
Robert Pattinson Screencaps from Eclipse Sneak Peek
They are not the best quality because we didn't have the video in HQ but still...Robert Pattinson is Robert Pattinson :)

TONS more after the cut :)

TONS more after the cut :)
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Haha! Robert Pattinson is Robert Pattinson! ;D
@fae honey yahoo chat
ROB Edward Robward
the pout on first pic!!!!
EclipseEdward the bbest of all.
Robward in black is the most gorgeous thing in th world!!!
I'm looking for the king size scene in Eclipse A LOT!!!
These screencaps are great! No perfect? LOL... They seem to be for me eventhough not HQ...
God, how could a face be so perfect.
It sounds very cheesy but its true: He is so beautiful, it hurts to look at him!
Everyone standing next to him(including Kristen, etc.) looks like an ugly oger in comparison. Never saw a man before having this effect.
Robward is looking better and hotter with every TW movie coming out. What makes me wonder: What can we expect for BD?
Sunday morn is goood!!! Robert is so perfect. Saw RM 2 times yesterday and with these new pics.. I just can't get enough of him! It has been a month from heaven!
and nothing like a little fingernprn this morning too (pic 5-6)
hey fae, Sissi if you click here to read the rest they are HQ. Click and it brings you to photobucket where you can enlarge :)
BTW, I loooooove Robwards "killing stare" ge gives Kristella in the one screecap.
Just image Robward staring at you in that way - THUD.
See, I'm already confused:
Of course its "he" and "screencap" (and he's not even staring at me in the pic :p).
@Pet73. I noticed that. I have dreams of him staring at me like that... (he he) We all know what he wants, and the thought of it melts me!!
7th, 9th and 11th pics are the best.
He's more than wonderful, the smirking, with lust in the eyes and looking serious!! He's perfect in any of this!
And he doesnt think he is handsome, HOW??? is he CRAZY??
eclipse "edward" is the best so far, although i really loved twilight "edward" because that is where we got the first glimpse of "edward".
anyways...i FINALLY got to see Remember Me yesterday and loved it :)) so glad that i got to see it. Rob was amazing in it and the whole cast seemed to have great chemistry, hope it does good this weekend.
@pet7 omg girl lol you made me laugh is there someone who doesnt confuse after these screencaps
well he is staring at you like that you are in front of him what would you do girls
RRG heya.. You have to watch over your parents and I have to watch over my younger daughter.. lol How much longer til you can see Remember Me? April?
What the heck is wrong with twitter this mornigng!!!
@wom hey what happened to your tweet
RRG, it keeps giving me an error and hen comes back grr
Beautiful, f-ing beautiful. I agree Ana, I think Eclipse Eward might be the best so far...he was stunning when he walked in the f-ing cafeteria though...who can choose, I'll take them all.
OMG that black sweater just may be the death of me.
haystackhair- I agree, the black sweater is ooohhhhh! so good!
I just wish Kristen would look at him with more affection, I don't know why it just bothers me that she can't show emotions towards Edward, like she does toward Jacob. Kristen just looks the same all the time.
Whoa!!!! Rob has dimples. How did I ever miss those dimples before. Makes him even more adorable. Is that even possible?
He's beautiful but he does look older than 17 and older than the other Twi movies
I'm sure someone else said this on another thread, but isn't is freaking adorable when ROb says "Beller and Edward"? hahahahahh
@ Ripley
ITA, I've never thought that he's looked 17 in the films. No 17 year old at my school ever looked like that! (Although it's been a while since I was @ school, I definitely would have remembered that!) They had better hurry up and get BD done or they will have trouble making 17 year old Edward believable.
Saying that, Eclipse Edward is sooo beautiful he should be illegal - fact.
the profile the jaw porn--it could cut glass.
ITA the black sweater-HMMM
This has been a really great month because of all the Rob!!
Rob and Kristen look just alike in the last picture. I think they are so well suited for each other.
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