Robert Pattinson Screws Up A Scene

Gah I love this it's hilarious!

Robert Pattinson Screws Up a Scene :)


Anonymous said...

OMG! His hand! *--*

MMc said...

4 seconds??? More please!

Went to see Ghostwriter today - the other movie Pierce Brosnan is in and stopped into Remember Me to see only 4 people and our theater was much fuller. I stayed to watch RM for a while but the GW movie was not that great, I didn't think.

Going to get NM DVD right now at Target.
Thanks to whoever put up that link that compared all the versions last night - that was helpful.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I love this one & the one in the school parking lot, so cute!

Gwen Cooper 426 said...

Love this! Actually, all the BTS stuff is awesome! Well, except for the wolves. LOL. ; )

Anonymous said...

yes? nm at target? I think they always have the best versions or at least they did with twilight 3 discs! is the nm one like that? 3 discs? I need more and lots and lots and more! and yes this was too short! more screw up s please! love the screw ups...lets me not hate my screw ups so much in my life! good to see they can have a good laugh over something they've done in a days work! love it! more goz more!

jc(britlover) said...

Oh, Rob!!!! Need more!

xoRobxo said...

I too would like to thank the person who put up the link that compared the dvds. I just got mine at Target. Orginally was going to at Walmartbut Target is the better fo the two

Robs Bitch said...

I must be dense because I can't tell what Rob screwed up! But I love the reactions to whatever it was.

Can someone clue me in?


xoRobxo said...

imajabra~yes its 3 disc on sale $19.99. The also have the 2 disc of $16.99~but why??? when you can get the 3 disc. On my way home to watch me some Robward....

Unknown said... DID YOU SEE THIS?

just me said...

*just me*
@Kate--no, you cannot ;) but if you could put the vid in a slow motion it would help us get more amazing hands-porn.
i've been feeling a bit confused with all those versions, so finally got NM DVD from the closest Blockbuster. was happy to see a long tern, there were moms with kids, all holding NM DVD covered with other movies. wtf? no way i"ll do this.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Robs Bitch,
I have no idea what he screwed up, I just love the reaction!

just me said...

*just me*
meant amazing cuz his hand looks bigger what Kstew's thigh. is that possible?

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Here are the screencaps of where Rob messes looks like maybe he pushed him too hard or something?

LoveRpattzKstew said...

they said he pushed at the wrong time or something then taylor lost his ballance and kris and rob cracked up lol

Robs Bitch said...

Thanks RPG, I'm glad I wasn't missing something important.

BTW, do you have a copy of the RM script? If you do, can send it to me at I read the first 20 Chapters online but can't find the rest and I'm dying to finish it!

Much appreciated if you have it...

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Robs Bitch,
I do...let me scrounge it up & will send it to you!

just me said...

*just me*
@nath--thank you for sharing..yeah, she is just a lucky b***, the same way she is looking at him in NM and in Eclipse.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Check your email...

Fiftyshadesofpink said...

Find it difficult to believe that Robward pushed Taycob too hard, he would have broken his delicate hands on those plastic abs!

Robs Bitch said...

Awesome RPG. That will make my Saturday!

Robs Bitch said...

Got it. xoxoxoxoxxo

Marna said...

I just picked up my Target Blu-Ray dvd, & I had to go to 2 stores because the first one was all sold out of the blu-rays! I was freaking out about it, they still had a ton of the regular ones, but no more blu-ray.

There's supposed to be a film cell with the dvd, but all I have is a white card with a small square thing glued on it. I have no idea what it is, but I think I'm missing something. Did anybody else get a version that is supposed to have a film cell? If you did, what does it look like?

Anonymous said...

Love this! I should be sleeping right now but what else can i do when i've got a canadian jetlag of 6 hours and sitting by the phone waiting for it to ring? LOL...
I'd forgot about taylor's abs! Now he's 18, I guess i can say what i want...LOL...

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

it should look like an old fashioned photo negative... If you hold it up to the light you should see a photo...

Mine is of Taycob...big whoop...

Fiftyshadesofpink said...

Hey sissi!
Didn't realise that you were actually in Canada seing Prince Charming! Hope you had fun :)

Anonymous said...

my film cell is carlisle when he was with the volturi, my sister got bella and jacob. they are kinda neat

Marna said...

Thanks rpattzgirl, nope, I don't have one. I can't believe I went to 2 stores, & somehow managed to pick up the dvd that was missing something. I'll go back tomorrow & see if they got more in so I can exchange it. After I watch everything of course :-)

lallieb said...

I pre-ordered mine from Barnes & Noble and have to wait for it to be delivered. Am I going to be gyped on the special features? I didn't know how this worked with the various outlets and versions.

Anonymous said...

@nath rose is it just me or was he overcome to the point of nibbling her neck in full view of cast and crew members? Hahhh! LOL at Rob! You go boy! when the urge to nibble hits just go with it! And what was kristen doing? why pull away!? is she that much of a prude? c'mon everyone knows they're doin' the nasty! and he loves her soooo much! why pull away! dear god is she nuts! okay, okay I know I don't know him like she does but still how could you get tired of him doing stuff like that to you? how????? I mean he's kissing? nibbling? her shoulder? neck? something in the vicinity! God what I wouldn't give for a guy even half as good looking to do that to me!

off my soap box for now1 but omg! what could she be thinking? dear god in heaven! I mean even if he's like that around her all the time why would you pull away! jeeeezzzz!

Ripley said...

My DVD film cell is Bella's b-day, with Bella, Emmett, Alice and Carisle. Who's got one with Edward?

Anonymous said...

I have no idea what he was doing in that gif, but I think kristen was aware of the camera recording and he apparently was not. maybe she remembered seeing moments on the twilight extras when she didn't think they were filming?

wensdazzled by ThePretty said...

my film cell was -Aro--anybody want it? LOL

love the scene!

shufflebin said...

lmjabara, nath_rose

nath_rose on this link you posted.

Still in denial about him liking her. Upon closure examination of my feelings, I am so possessive of him, I dont want him with anyone! Like, no one can be good enough for him, she has to be goddess or demigod to be his match.

Of the few vids I saw of hers, they were always negative. Either she is spatting back at him or she seemed downright demeaning. And ouch, that hurts.

Am I making sense. Will I get daggers from the Kristendom here for sharing this feeling.

Well for those who have seen more of K, is she ever nice in other vids? Maybe I can turnaround, nah, most unlikely. She has to turn into a demigod or goddess first.

Anonymous said...

@shufflebin-'she has to be goddess or demigod to be his match.'

Yeah, I mean it seems like that would or should be the case right? I mean the girl he's fallen for doesn't seem like he would fall for her...not that there's anything wrong with her looks or her demeanor or anything it's just so surprising to see her walking around on earth without wings without a halo or a golden robe or whatever demi-goddess's wear these days. I do concur with you that far shuffle. It's so surprising to see him with a normal looking pretty girl...she is pretty but not devestating like him! amazing. really when you come right down to it...makes you wonder about men in general when they say they are easy really and all we have to do is just show up! I wonder if that's true but then I see someone as beautiful as Rob is on the inside as well as on the outside and see who's he's fallen for and know it must be true...I mean I guess what I need to start doing is get really mean and bitchy and act all serious all the time and I'll attract some really good looking guys?

I love to laugh and have fun and watch animated movies with my daughter and dream of going into voice over one day and using all the accents I've been doing since my 20's in a animated movie for dream works or disney...being a cast iron beotch is just not me...and it seems that the sweet girls like me always finish last...or not at all. I get so tired of trying so hard to be the best I can be every day and no one notices. It's to the point now where I just feel like I'm nothing. To anyone or anything...except my little girl. And she is fast becoming older and getting to a point soon where she won't need me either. My son has pretty much told me he's good I don't need to be the same part of his life that I used to be. Now I just look forward to being and doing what, who I always wanted to be.

Shani said...

shufflebin- You're funny.LOL I too felt that way and so did a lot of other people who saw the same vids you did last year.

All I can say is go and watch the Comic Con 08 vids, MTV Twilight Tuesday vids, Robsten vids, VF behind the scenes vid, The Japan Twilight promotional vids,NM promotional vids. And the list goes on and on. Just go wild on YouTube. LMAO

Really Google Rob and Kris pics and vids. You can definitely see a change in her demeanor towards him as time went on.

And NO ONE is perfect.OK. :)

Shani said...

lmjabara- YES! Do you. You said you would love to do voice over so DO IT. What will it hurt to try. You never know how something will go unless you try. Take a chance. You only have one life to live and if you live it so bottled up you're wasting your life away.

Remember if Rob never took that chance when his dad told him to talk to those girls there would be NO acting career or all this fame and success. Wait, if he never left London to do the Twilight audition when CH asked him he wouldn't have anything right now.OK.

Sometimes you have to put yourself first. It's your life and no one else can live it.

jmm4832 said...

....I mean I guess what I need to start doing is get really mean and bitchy and act all serious all the time and I'll attract some really good looking guys?

Gee whiz, are we implying here that Kristen is mean and bitchy? Pretty strong words for someone you don't know. I do agree that anyone will fall short in comparison to Rob.

shufflebin said...


I am stewing here (pun intended) if relationship is true. See I am still in denial. It cant be, it cant be! She is an ordinary being, does not deliver the same awe.

But if is TRUE (again cant still believe it) at some point you have to think, maybe she is the closest he can have another person get close to him at this point in his life. In some interviews, he said he doesnt easily trust anyone new, let alone bare himself to them. Maybe she was there in the very beginning and they have already established the relationship. Maybe he can be himself in front of her, which is important to him. This is my humble analysis.

But if she continues to treat him like that, it is unfair. What a mortal to do? Summon the demigods?

shufflebin said...


Thanks for the tips, but honestly, I think I did stay away from seeing her vids, so a little bit of my fault, because I feel no one is good enough for him.

But sometimes you know, the good side of this, come to think of it, that this is also a fairytale for us. He is a guy that can fall for a mortal. So we all have a chance!!!

HeneciaD said...

LMAO he screewed up it just for 4 seconds but its so funny

Xylem said...
Thanks for sharing this gif to everyone who posted it. I've had a long standing theory that Robsten was going through a bit of a rough patch in Italy and that it possibly contributed to the lack of heat in the reunion kiss. Prior to seeing this gif, I was basing my theory on the pics of them at the restaurant (you've all seen them) when Rob looks distraught with his hand covering his mouth. In the video version, when the fans begin asking for autographs, she just walks away and leaves Rob to deal with it himself. It's clear that he likes her a lot, i would even say he loves her. As for Kristen, I think she's a highly misunderstood person. In the beginning I thoroughly disliked the vibe she put off, but as I continued to see her public appearances, it's clear she's simply not cut out for pandering and admire that about her. She is a young, self-possessed, beautiful woman who has just achieved a nearly impossible feat. I think that is who Rob sees, loves and amires and I am proud of him for hanging in there with her despite the hardships because the easiest and most understandable thing for him to do is to become a man whore. But Kristen has saved him from that fate... At least for now.

Shani said...

Shufflebin- Gotcha.;-) But I don't kid myself with thinking it's going to be me one day Rob will be with. I'm more of a realist you know. I know Rob has plenty of faults and no one is perfect. It just seems as though from what Rob is showing us that his good outweighs his bad. Trust if we really knew him on a personal level I'm sure he would have some annoying quality or qualities that would have most of the fans running the other way. LOL That's why it's not good sometimes to meet the celeb you most admire.

Shani said...

DUH! I'm forgetting that there are things that annoy the fans. And Rob has a lot of hate being thrown his way.

jessegirl said...

No one, man or woman, will 'deliver the same awe' as Robert effing Pattinson!
He is in a class by himself, which is another way of saying that there is no one like him, in this case, no one as beautiful.
No one.

'Maybe he can be himself in front of her.' That is a big part of it, don't you think? So many people, esp. women, are in such awe of him that they cannot behave naturally.

Seriously, what is he to do with that? How, then, can he behave?
And being the object--and I do mean object--of attention for so many so much of the time must, at some point, make him very self-conscious, making it even harder for him to act naturally.

Whether Kristen or someone else, those close to him must act naturally and treat him as they would anyone else.
The dynamics of a sexual or romantic relationship make most of us behave oddly, and, to others, it might seem like we are being rude to the one we actully love. We are very vulnerable when we love, or are simply--if mightily--attracted to someone. It makes us behave strangely.

If I thought KS wanted him, her behaviour to him is understandable, because she must make him want her and not see her the way he might see all the other--perhaps better looking--millions of women who lust after him.

He needs to be able to respect, not just desire, a woman first. If she treats him like a god, he'll back away. He doesn't know what to do with that. That's why no fan will get him.

Men might like adoration to a point, but it doesn't make for a real relationship and Robert needs, and knows he needs, a real relationship. He needs someone to call him to task if necessary.

shufflebin said...

Whoah, there are a lot of postings here since last night. I had a hard time looking for this post to reply. Robsessed got real busy!


wouldnt it be nice to dream that we as normal people can be with him. Yah, right, in my dreams! haha


Once again I totally agree with you. She cant treat him like the gods or he will back away. She has to show some restraint or he'll also lose interest. In other words, she also have to show some self-respect or she wont be respected. Admirable on her part to be able to do that.

lallieb said...

Jesse, I'm always left following you it seems, and that's OK. I'm starting to sound like a Robsten(hate that) fan girl here, but I'm really just observing and keeping thoughts to myself. This is all about Rob, but also about his nearest and dearest, whether it's TomStu, and the rest of the Britpack. Kristen is a volatile subject here and I do understand why. This is NOT a shipper friendly site! Thank God! But there is ALOT of evidence that their relationship has escalated and it has been a very natural escalation, from working together, getting to know one another over a period of 2 years, and then something happens. Unfortunately, they have to deal with the Bella & Edward fantasy, which complicates their real life relationship, not to mention the intense media attention. It may indeed crush them, and ruin their relationship, but I hope not because I think they have something between them that is real and special. I could give a flying fuck about the E&B thing, I only want happiness, peace, and content for Rob and all his nearest and dearest. Sorry for the long comment.

Delle1 said...

I think Rob loves that Kristen is honest and not afraid to voice her Rob's words"she's got balls".........and she's beautiful and smart.

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