Oh God am i supposed to function after seeing these??

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Robert Pattinson was back on the set of Bel Ami today in London dressed in his period costume. We've had a few glances of him at work on this latest project wearing everything from old timey hats to Victorian suits, which are all quite different from his usual hot and scruffy outfits.
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 210 Newer› Newest»Hot damn!
Swoon alert - thats more like the period costume I like, the watch fob, the coat tails, the woollen waist coat.... goes off into her own world...
and Rob also knows that the gray color is perfect for him.
He looks very hot.
The first pictures were when Georges Duroy arrives in Paris without any money... There it seems he is making his way to the top! These pictures are awesome, perfect and every other adjective one might think of... LOL...
Will some please remove the tape... I want to see all of his legs. (wink).
Looking good in those customs.
Oh good God he is hot!
DuRob, RobAmi - whatever you call him, he is f-ing sexy hot.
Can't function at work now...thanks a lot Kate. :-)
YUM. I want!!!! ; )
My goodness, can he get any better? Would love to kiss away that pout.
So glad Kate posted this one... I would have been a fumbling mess on the keyboard amongst all the drool trying to get these 'up' on the blog.
I need to get one of those drool catchers like Kate and Goz have...
Save a keyboard, use a drool catcher!
No one words to desribe!!!... well HOT is one of them!! ;)
I mean someone... Looking at a new shot of that man make you forget how to finish a sentence
OMG--want that--moving to London
Wow... just look at that upper lip snarl.
It may still be morning but I'm already in very bad need of a Robroy on the rocks!
The scowl, the hair, the hands lossening the tie, getting ready for...
*faints away again*
Dang! This is what Cedric will look like if he survived Voldy....so darn fine.
@wen,my bags are packed!!!
HOTTTTTT - love it........especially the scowl!!!
Seriously? And I'm supposed to function for the rest of the day? Gasp. I need to go workout again.
Jesus... WTF!!!
SEXY ever!!!!
Looking every bit like a dashing young gentleman and scoundrel. Love the hair, costume and sneer! He looks perfect in this. I can't wait to see this film.
Now all my Victorian Era romance novels will be tainted because I will see Rob in all of them from now on....
Mr. DuRoy, social climber...looks good going up the ladder...lol
I've just been sick with excitement! What are you doing to me Kate, my tummy doing turns here. HOT HOT HOT!!!! ROB PORN!!! Your killing me x
Watched a vid on popsugar about a girl that won an interview with Rob on red carpet for Remember me.........she flew there in the bad snow, spent the day meeting with people from Popsugar to get her questions in line and how to present herself, getting a new dress, hair done and make up makeover and fought the crowds and had literally 2 feet of space to stand in and Rob came up to her and she had 2 questions she could ask and they were good questions and he very thoughtfully answered them with alot of good information and then was gone to the next one.
A lot to do for 2 questions - but she was totally psyched.
I have to wonder...how is Ms Thurman, Ms Ricci and Ms Scott-Thomas able to work if your co-star looked like this??
I was just about to post the link to this picture and HERE IT IS!! Awesome look.
Can't wait for this movie.
I wonder how the orgy scenes went last week - oh the imagination went wild over that.
Good good! This man is too much.
GAH! He's extraordinary. So gorgeous-love the period costume, the hair, the scowl..............IAMDEAD. *THUD* ;)
CG needs a Rob Roy too to recover Lois. Hehe. ;)
Oh.My.God. So handsome! I know it's Georges Duroy, but to me he looks like Mr Darcy in this pic. The best ever. Now I'm definitely dumping Colin Firth.
@femroc-LOL at orgy scene......I think all our imaginations went wild going there.......;)
Oh my...WOW! *swoon*
It should be illegal to allow him to dress modern!
I LOVE period costumes and good (not depressing) period pieces (very rare to find such movies if at all).
Anyways I'm really glad that Robert is doing a peroid piece, even if the storyline does not appeal to me, but at least we get to see those absolutely delicious/gorgeous pics! I haven't seen him any hotter than in these pics, so far...*dreamy sigh*
Now my only hope/wish is that he'd consider doing another period piece, but that it would be more of an epic/intense romance with a happy ending (I wish...I wish...)
OMFG!! seriously...
Whats with the evil scowl Rob? Having a bad day or what!?
sexy,sexy,sexy!!!!!great costume... but he looks a little mad.... i don´t care he will always be handsome....
Each and every day, this man is becoming more and more handsome ....
Love the costume, love the hair, love the guy...
Good lucky Rob, hope the filming is going well.
Grooooooooowl. Love that look in his face. *Swoon
Holy sh*t!!! Yep! I am done. I will not get anything else done today.
Oh well, at least it want be a total waist. The view is good!!!
untagged pic:
Well hello Heathcliff....oh gawd my hands are shaking!
Oh. my. goodness.
He looks like Cedric. Wow, the hair really makes him one way or the other. I'm still all ga-ga over Tyler.....
Love an angry Rob!
Oh God... I don´t have enough words to comment this level of hotness and elegance.
My heart exploded when I saw these!!!
How does he keep getting better and better looking?
Musical, intelligent, sensitive, thoughtful, great actor, magnetic personality, looks like a god, etc.....
How can one person be blessed with so many gifts?
Dear God!
I'm having a bad day and now I stop here and see THIS!!!!! :DDDDD I'm speechless! That's it, maybe it'd be best for me too to move to London! He makes me happy! :)
Oh, I've been reading this fan fic from "Twilighted". It's called "Master of the Universe"....omfg....it's 74 chapters and really really intense and so difficult to tear away from....it is HOT HOT HOT.....It's an Edward and Bella story....and she finds out what a twisted f**k he is! Must read!
Wow, I don't know what is about Rob in period costumes, but, he looked hot in Vanity Fair, he was younger, but still hot!! I dunno, when he's dressed like that he's got an elegance about him??? I do think his height helps and he's slim but it just kind of suits him, like he really is that character from that era. Like the long coat in NM, the one with velvet collar in B's dream, I know a lot of people didn't care for it, but considering he was suppose to be from the era of the early 1900's I just thought the coat suited him, very Victorian, I guess. Aww, hell, he makes anything look good, but, yeah in this pic, I'm definitely loving the scowl and the tails!!!
@LovesRob haha Mr. FIFTY SHADES is the main topic here mostly! Right girls?
honesty... I'm asking the same question...
and agree with sissidelyon... ;oP
but OMG.. he's just... well... NO WORD... but he is...
Hi Fae!! (((hugs))) let RobAmi take that bad day away!!
LovesRob - MotU is awesome! join the club! Love love love Fifty!
Hi Angie ( hugs back!) he already did! :D
Haven't posted in a while...
Uh WOW! I'm loving comb-haired Rob! I foresee a lot of Edward/DuRoy fics in the future!
Does anyone know if this movie is going to be marketed as an indie or normal/mainstream? Just wondering.
Hi fae, Hope your day isn't bad anymore ;)
@Annie it's much better! :) there is hope in the world! :DDDD
Oh Rob, what are you doing to me...how can he look so handsome???
@LovesRob I am almost in the middle of reading MOTU. I heard it was really intense, but I had no idea how much INTENSE... :-) I love it so far.
@Fae, Rob always makes bad day to good days. I can't work now seeing these pics!!!
well someone's an angry elf... love his bitch face
@Annie me neither! I have to go eat something or I'll faint!
Yeah, oh yeah, I want some of that.
LOL @Fae!! MDITRR!!! See what he does to us?
Oh how I wish I could go play in the red room! Going back to RL soon...
@Fae, EAT ;)
He can not close the button on his shirt. That is why he looks so angry.
Let me do this for you Mr. Duroy LOL
I might give up trying to do anything useful today!!!
a new hot pic
@Angie LOL who was yelling that in NY??? hmmmmm???? ;DDD
@Annie haha are u reading MOTU?
Yeah that's it Annie, it would be much easier if you just take the gun and kill me!
(raises hand) That would have been Me!!! ;o)
No closet big enough for my ROBsession!
I'm out and proud!
holey moley, that is just........
(no more words)
@fae,no i don't read any ff right now. Don't have the time ;)
@Fae lol, but isn't it more fun? to be killed by Rob?
I would sooo love to have an argument with that man..hehehe :)
Oh boy, Robert Pattinson is really moving on into a much more substantive movies. At least this film will be seen by wider audience than Remember Me I think... it's literature baby, literature! interest in it will include the academic & literary audience, really different group of people. I am really looking forward to this movie.
I am really done with the Twilight Saga, would not have sustain New Moon if not for Robert.
Ovary explosion in 3..2...1....
he's hot...
As if RM didn't die me enough over the weekend. Oh. Mah. GAH.....
*am already wondering how I will get through this movie next year!*
Gorgeous...just GORGEOUS...or should I say BEEAAUUUTIFFUL!!!
RR tonight!!!!
Oops was wondering whether those 2 pics were exactly the same and I dunno why, I guess I have my mind in the gutter lol, but at first, the only difference I could spot was THERE.
I agree that Rob looks great like this.
Do you guys think we'll make it until we see the movie cos all those pics are so hot! global warming warning lol.
I totally agree, Denise. Rob looks exceptionally fabulous in period costumes. He has that look about him, royal & regal or something, especially when he dresses like that, it brings it out of him. That's why he looks so great in suits/tux as well.
Yeah, Noel, Bel-Ami will attract wider audience, literary fans for sure, not just Rob fans.
After I watched Twilight, I was so obsessed with Edward then,and I found out who Rob really is, I read the first book right away. But to be honest, I haven't had too much interest to read the rest of the books.
I am going to go see RM as many times as possible while it's running and definitely order my DVD.
I cannot wait for Bel-Ami and Water for Elephants!!!
Go Rob!! You look simply gorgeous, handsome & SEXXXXXXXXXY!
For God's sakes - how is ANYONE supposed to work today looking at this perfection?????? Now I have to go home, take a cold shower. JEEZ!
Could ANYONE be more perfect, more sexy, more desirable?????
Thanks for posting this, you have made my LIFE!!
Aww! Mr. Handsome!
He looks... real nice in that suit. ;D
put a fork in me, i'm done.
fork me. God. I am dying over this. this movie will kill me. I"m going to have an ambulance waiting outside for me. seriously.
Will someone please kick that freaking fence out of the way???? I mean, really, what bad placement. jeez. sorry K, but I am seriously dying over this picture. Those pants, they look thin. hmmmm. move that fence, people. are there more from today?
And let's all repeat:
I will not objectify Rob!
I will not objectify Rob!
I will not objectify Rob!
I will not objectify Rob!
I will not objectify Rob!
LOL.... Good evening ladies...
I think my ovaries just exploded - just sanitized the house and shampooed carpets where everyone was sick and was inhaling fumes. Then opened this and
So gorgeous. I don't think HOTT covers it, at all. Its just not hot its a combination of so many things that will have to wait for discussion in the RR later.
The pants are a thin wool - they have a small check pattern - cream/gray. yes, i did blow up THAT section of the picture. you can def see that he is packing his preciousness on the left side of his body. hmmm.
will someone just kill me? I really am one sick puppy today. I'm not sure I can make it through the day thinking about what he is packing on the left side there.
He looks very hot
hi more picture here
waving to everyone love the pics
@fae angie wens wom angie
girls find me when you come :))
*just me*
i thought i was only one who tried to zoom it..i mean the picture...
@annie-thank you for the link with better foreshortening. now i feel much better ;).. and who the hell put that garbage under his feet? their must be only roses.
i love when hi does his hair up. there is something about people with big head and features what they look better with hair style like his.
Really??? Seriously????
I'm not gonna make it through this movie!!
Wow. Just Wow! He looks amazing! I love the costumes, the hair, everything!
*just me*
hehe..i see MotU is becoming kind of classic literature within Twi-robsessed-net. if you're an intelligent woman you'll find it out.
@LHR hon like the way that you write it and totally agree with you
O M G! .... dead
Another special feature from New Moon DVD...
Got it on Facebook...It's called 'Designing New Moon'...
Here's the link if anyone's interested :)
Oh Mother Of GOD! If he ever looked at me like that....................
I would let him do some DURTY things, just sayin'. ;)
Hope I can make it to the RR tonight, I'm gonna need it!
I'm sure I am going to anger a few of you, however, I could never picture Rob as Edward in MOTU-I always pictured Henry Clavell (SMeyer's original choice for Edward). Now seeing this picture of Rob with a scowl on his face maybe I can see him as that Edward. He just never struck me as really, really dark as Edward in MOTU but I now I'm thinking his Bel Ami Georges will change my mind
makes me wanna shoop-shoop-shoop
Holy toledo!! how does he just keep looking better every time we see him? Absolutely gorgeous man, can't wait for this movie.
@RPL I can guess what it is hahaha thinking same NB mode ha
He is so into his character... That arrogant look is totally Georges Duroy... and the rest is totally him! Well, time for bed, a nice and easy book and no dreams! LOL...
...Gosh he's hot! Does anyone know when the movie will be realised in 2011? i seriously cant wait,i think i'm more excited to see this movie as compared to 'Eclipse'.To see our Rob playing a human! filtm!
Thank you for the pictures...I kind of needed my Rob-fix today. Specially after seeing Remember me last friday...jeez this man is hot...and now I have no words and I will go as far away as possible from my lapton before I drool all over it...I don't really want to tell the IT guys the reason why my piece of technology died...again
Ooooh - moody and magnificent!!
Gah - Rob in period costume, LOVE THIS!!
Once again, huge post generated by RobAmi/DuRob.
Those women are being PAID to lie in bed with that beautiful man? Why the f**K did I not go into acting? If only I'd known then what I know now ;)
Thank you Kate!
oh my gosh!!
i am at work...
drooling all day ...
@fifty omg you will kill me yeah they being paid for have these scenes who doesnt want it lie down bed with him shit lucky b.tches
I see that is another Robgasm Monday, seems like we get some good hot pics posted on Mondays from the weekend, love his hair too!!
I'm sorry,Rob, but Jesus effing Christ. My heart is in my throat as I'm typing. I can hardly contain myself. You look so hot in those clothes, it's just WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!! Love this pic. Love your face, love your hair, love your eyes and really lovin' the fit of those pants! OMFG!!
RR tonight, puhleeze!!!!
no words....
can't function after seeing these pics
just WOW - and i can't wait to see this movie!!!!!!
Uh, did I say I was dead??? I'm DEAD!! Lord help us get through these next few interminably long months!!!
Channelling that hot anger any, DuRob? Yummy! I love angry Rob!
Pissed off at the paps?
At fickle Twihards?
In character residue?
Who cares? He's so HAWT.
~Well, I DID miss a lot while I was away! MMmmm, I'm liking this look.
I don't think we'll have any Dessert for at least a month, to give her enough time to catch up with all this, and then another month to rehabilitate herself back into the real world.
Give me your hand, still your breath, let’s rest
Under this great tree where the breeze dies
Beneath grey branches, in broken sighs,
That the soft, tender moonlight caresses.
Motionless, and lowering our eyes,
Not thinking, dreaming. Let love that tires
Have its moment, and happiness that expires,
Our hair brushed by the owl as it flies.
Let’s forget to hope. Discreet, content,
So the soul of each of us stays intent
On this calm, this quiet death of the sun.
We rest, silent, in a peaceful nocturne:
It’s wrong to disturb his sleep, this one,
Nature, the god, fierce and taciturn.
Paul Verlaine
OMR ( Oh! My Rob )
What a stare! What are you thinking? Are you Rob or Georges Duroy?
Never mind. We need no caution, give me your hand and still look at me this way...
nothing more to say, only feel...
@lemonless--hi, it's been forever--how are ya?
is he not incredible? :)
Has anyone heard from Nic?
Loisada, 'snarl' indeed.
Liz, 'sneer'.
Collar too tight?
Pants? Hmmm.
Man what a powerhouse of sex!
@ Lemonless
Hi! Welcome back!
Well, are you going to brave it out and go on Wednesday then? I am gutted that there is no way I can escape RL and get down to London. RL sucks - big time!
Even though he is just walking on set he looks to be in character. That scowl on his face gives him that perfect sinister look. And he looks sexy as hell. Love the hair too.
OT: I'm so happy to be back. RL sucked me in for a few days. I've missed a lot. But to come back to this. *le sigh*
Hey Wens, Fifty! Glad to be back among the Robsessors. I can now proudly(?) announce that the original Fifty has my ff cherry. Just so's you know!
Wens: Incredible, yes, and then some.
Fifty: that sucks. I was hoping for a mad dash from Heathrow along the Piccadilly line into Town!
I'm still undecided whether to try for Wednesday: I'm over to the far west of Surrey for the afternoon and I don't know if I'll be able to make it in, to then stand at the far back of the crowd. If I don't make it, will you all be mad at me when I come back online again? *sticks lower lip out winsomely*
OH myholeemarymotherofgod How does this man get hotter every day!!!! Good GOD! Bel Ami is going to kill me.
Hi lemonless!!!! ****waves***** Glad to see you again!!!
@lemonless - doncha just love Fifty??? He's awesome.
We'd never be mad at you if you weren't able to make it!
Right away Mr Duroy>>>>>>>>>>>
@lemonless--hope you can go to the premier--you may get to see TuxRob--no i won't be mad if you can't--LOL--but you will-
RPG--OMG the hand,jaw porn--the look--meow
@ Lemonless
Of course we won't be mad at you, especially with the winsome lips and all!
Got to love the "original" Fifty, there is a fan page on Facebook. I am ill with anticipation for the next chapter...
You know, I have heard absolutely nothing about the premier on Wednesday, apart from the bare details. Does anyone know times etc.?
LMAO!!! MEOW!!! Kitty wants to play!
Welcome back Lemonless & Shani..
Have not heard from Nik yet...getting worried...Nik, are you lurking? Email me...
rpg-will the RR be open tonight? after RobAmi we're going to need it LOL
@rpg - LOVE your DuRob/RobAmi avi!!!!!!!!
yeah - he def looks like fifty here. def. OR Prof Masen. toss up. sigh.
@wens and RPattz-LMAO! He makes my kitty want to COME and play........;) OGOD. You see how bad he makes me?!? Hehe. :P
RR is always open...so whenever it gets closer to when everyone's around, just send out the distress signal and we will follow!
Got the Bel Ami photos up & waiting..
Thanks MG!!! He's just waiting for us!
@Shani-Def glad you're back. Real life sucks. :( Bahahahahahaha.
yeah rpg - we *reeeeeeeeeeally* need the RR tonight...
Hi bb! Oh hell yea, kitty wants to play...she needs to be scratched, it's been a while!
@Cote de Texas oh yeah! I see Prof Masen there... I see Fifty as Details Rob though...
Hey CG and Shani!
good God! how fktastic is that????? very very hot indeed!
this movie can't come out soon enough!!!!
Hiya! :D
Hey, NBs! I'm darting back from MOTU: I've just finished the ball, and they're back at the apartment, so "please excuse me if I act a little vague".
I'm going to ring the Odeon tomorrow, I think, just to check what time everything kicks off, but it might be really low key here: there's no way of telling unless Summit's got details? Would they even bother with our tiny island? Oh, my feet are cold...
@lemonless - oh come on! You know you wanna go!!
Fae--waves frantically--how are you
glad you're back Shani--RL sucks when it gets in the way of Rob :)
@ Lemonless
Don't have cold feet, we are all with you in spirit!
Can't believe how little promotion has been apparent here. Madness...
lemonless--maybe if it is low key you'll get to smell AND touch thePretty--
And sharpen those elbows to fight off the tweens...
Ooooh yes yes!! Smell and touch the Pretty! We can live vicariously though you!
I was completely spellbound ... Starred at the picture over and over....Suits him...looking kinda raw (kinda "nasty"). After seeing the more recent "modern" day pics of him, I was in complete awe of his metamorphosis! I kinda like it...
Right, that's it! The very thought of smelling AND touching the Pretty has me penning the letter to HR telling them to stuff their job...
Beacuse he's worth it ;))
*because* unable to type due to hormonal imbalance...
Are you ladies crazy?? This is Snobby Rob! He is in character mode and it's not good. His body language tells this. I can't believe you fell for this one.
Rob is being "Disdainful, snotty, don't touch me" mode. I can see it, why can't you? I thought you girls knew hin well like I do. I feel sorry for you. This is definitely NOT Duroy at his best behaviour. God he is so character driven. FILTM
Hey this is off subject but does anyone know how to contact the people who run this site. I just found out from Target that they are not honoring their street date delivery for pre-orders of new moon. Thought they could let everyone know. It sucks!
hi all......I saw Remember Me twice this weekend!!! You will love it....keep spreading the word. This is a film worth seeing over and over. You literally can't take your eyes off of Rob. Bruised, battered, dressed up .....he has such charima and screen presence. The chemistry he has especially with Pierce and Ruby is awesome. The scenes he has with Chris Cooper- very powerful. I know it is a indie movie and to be honest...if you look at this weekends tabs....this movie played in 1000 less theaters ( whats with that?)...so ticket take per theater puts this movie close to number 2 on the list. I mean Matt Damon movie which was number 2 cost 100 million to make....and made 17 millions and played in over 1000 more theaters. Plus..Remember Me is a indie film.....only cost 15 million to make.....this movie will be profitable for them. ALso..I am a bit disappointed in Summit- they could have promoted it more in the states. I mean...you rarely saw a commerical for it. If Rob was not here to promote it...not sure many would have known it was coming out. So...keep spreading the word...this is not a chick flick. It appeals to all ages and sexes ( ok...maybe not the pre teens) ALso....Summit saying the Eclipse clip would be played before the movie but releases to the internet a few days before the movie opens???? I am wondering if "their golden boy" ( come on ..you know they want to own him) turned down a multi movie contract so perhaps they are trying to teach a lesson??? Just wondering......anyways....it is a truly touching movie that runs the emotional gambit and Rob does us proud. ok...off my soapbox. PS : he looks awesome in Bel Ami pics...drool
Talkin' about Fifty again!!!!! They won't let me sign in to Twilighted!!! :(((((
I want Fifty!
@CMG: Of COURSE I want to go! But CAN I go? Will I just dash through the hordes herding bovine-like along Charing Cross Road and arrive to find that
a) it's all a sham and the actual premiere isn't until April 2nd, or
b) I'm an hour late and it's all over, bar the sweeping up.
Do you have any idea of how indescribably awful getting into and around London can be? Fifty, tell them!
@Fae - what troubles are you having trying to get into Twilighted? Maybe I can help?
@lemonless - sadly I have never been to London. :o( Horrid traffic? I don't know what to tell youu!
ITA Lemonless!
But just imagine - if you were to get there, AND get close, close enough to smell, or indeed TOUCH (or lick) the Pretty - any amount of public transport induced trauma would be worth it for that!
O.M.Rob! O.M.Georges!
Were you commando again, Beloved?
Hum... just BEAUTIFUL in those period costumes.
(Hello, LTavares ~ loved it!)
I think that I'm going to have to change my name again - keep getting confused with people calling for the "real" Fifty.
I'm easily confused when I've been looking at pictures like these.
@Martini it was said that the'll let me know whem my account's active, that they'll e-mail me... but nothing... :(
@Lemonless GO!!!!! At least you'll know you tried! Oh bloody 'ell! :)
fifty--don't change your name--it makes me smile and think of THE fifty everytime i see it LOL--
lemonless--keep listening to fifty--she knows what she's talking about--think lick, lick--smell, smell :)
@Fae, Honey, I think you need to re-register. Perhaps there was an error with your email address.
And girls, you know what colour lemons are!
Yes, Lemonless - listen to me!
Wens, you are right, like this name and I shall keep it in the hope that it can lend me some authority ;)
It's getting late here, 2 large glasses of red wine on a Monday night in front of these photos is probably not the best combo...
fifty--is that good night? have some RR dreams :)
@Fifty LOL! (rolls eyes) ;)
Thanks Lemonless I re-registered, and now waiting...patiently..
@fae - exactly what lemonless said - register again. Somehow that email must been lost in the ether. Just register again!
Speaking of our Lovely Fifty - MoTU updated! And it's... 0_o
Yes Wens, I do believe it is...
RL has a busy day lined up tomorrow, and Wednesday (grr).
Goodnight Ladies, have fun!
Off to those dreams, that table etc..
Night Fiftyshades!
It's a little late and a busy day is ahead of me!
Sweet Fifty dreams! :D
laters Fae--tabledreams
Night night, Fiftyshades, sweet dreams of world domination!
I'm determined to finish MOTU tonight, although I hope I don't end up pulling an all-nighter, like I did the first time I logged on. NOT sensible on a school night.
Me again! Oh great! The signal is here and I have to go! :(
Have fun! :D
Greeneyes, way to go!!!
Yes, let's keep on spreading the word on RM. In another thread, I am even asked if we can bring back the campaign LIKE RM Saturday.
I talk to everyone about RM, and ask them to see it. I even asked my cousin to see it (whom I have not spoken with in how many years).
I know there are more of his movies coming out, but RM is here and now.
Let's spread the word!!!
I agree with every word you said, Greeneyes...
Wow, we all have the same mind when it comes to our Rob related matters, huh? :)
I have to say goodbye because today is the end of me...thud
Laters, babes!
When the talk turned to movie suggestions I did my best to promote RM at my mother's 91st birthday party. My husband, bless him, mentioned that it was a really good movie even though he was not expecting it to be (mainly because he doesn't like my fascination with Rob). Going again on Wednesday and will take a friend with me. RM is going to do fine. It's sort of like eating potato chips, can't see it just once and be satisfied.
Rob, I know you are more than eye candy but you are better than extra dark chocolate candy and I could eat you up in this Bel-Ami photo.
MoTU update!!!!
Off topic, a bit. Has anyone wondered how Summit is going to promote Eclipse? It opens in a mere 3 months. After the mega, frenetic promo for NM, sending them all over the world and on every talk show in a week, and now Rob just having done a journeyman's work to promote RM. Do you think we can realistically expect the same level of promo junkets in such a short a period of time? NOT that I don't want to see & hear Rob out there, but there is such a thing as "over saturation" in the business?
Nik, where the hell are you???
On topic, my 1st comment didn't go through.
Rob looking gorgeous in period dress! (Byronic, which brought him to Summit suits attention for Edward role.)
Grumpy looking Rob: Um, it's (maybe) Monday morning, back at work, endured make-up and costuming, hopefully had his caffeine fix, maybe not, nicorette gum not working, can't touch his hair, and then to top it off there's a damn paparazzi shooting him. Grrgh! That looks about right. Rob is human afterall :))
This is off topic and someone has already mentioned the MOTU update which is a heartbreaking cliffie.
Icy should write the screenplay for it and submit it to Rob.
Just a thought.
oh my robert..you are one hunk of burnin love!
Yes, I should have figured you all would have discovered MOTU...and that "red room"....wow...I just finished it and am totally reeling...very intense story and probly the best one I've read yet...can't wait for her to post more.....
@Barbara: yes, i was thinking how great a movie this would be....I am totally in love with "Fifty shades"....i want more more more!! haha!
Can someone suggest another great fan fic for me to read? I loved MOTU....I like the intense, long story. I've read quite a few already....just wondering if there's any others that are as good as MOTU. thanks!
@LovesRob--I love everything by Lolashoes on Fanfiction.net. Check her out. Serious lemons. And Edward isn't too angsty.
I guess everyone is in bed...can't sleep here...that man is so beautiful.
I am liking Bratty-Vamp on FF.net. Copying Stephenie.
Just read the latest update of MoTU!!! also am caught up on High Anxiety - thanks for that recommendation girls! I'm off to the red room in my head ladies...happy dreams!!
Love, Love, Love - RobAmi, DuRob, RobRoy, whatever, it all is yummy!!!
barbara - it would be great to see this made a movie!! if you've ever seen the movie "Secretary" with Maggie Gyllenhaal and James Spader (one of my faves!!) the movie is about a young girl who goes to work for a man who is a Dom and makes her his Sub. Totally different story, but HOT nonetheless. I would die to see Rob play Fifty!!! That would too hot for words!!!
lallieb, Rob starts filming Water for Elephants mid to late May so my fear is that he will have a shortened promo time for Eclipse. I want to see all the videos, interviews and pictures of Rob! If they do most of the promo with just Taylor and Kristen it's going to anger a lot of people, me included.
ohmydeargodinheaven! He's doing this on purpose to us! The fangirls! He must know this! He must not care how much torment or torture it is to an older woman to gaze longingly at such virile male beauty! *sniffs, wipes yet more tears*
I mean look at him ladies....our boy is attaining THAT LOOK I knew was just around the corner! He's only 23 but that sneer on his face makes him look easily, what? ....35? 38? somewhere in there...isn't that strange how sometimes he can look as young as his chronilogical age and then at other times such as this picture he can look like a man far beyond his years.
Caught mid stride like that he reminds one of a man with a mission. someone who knows their purpose and will get it done. I'll bet someone either said something to him he didn't like or he caught sight of someone he didn't like. either way, he's got some kind of thought process going on here...oh...
and btw...?
HE LOOKS SO HOT THAT I THINK HE'S SOLVED THE ENERGY CRISIS! YES FOLKS ROB PATTINSON HAS GOT IT IN HIM TO RUN POWER PLANTS ALL OVER THE GLOBE IF HE SO CHOOSES! From one smoldering glance in the general vicinity of the power source he could feed it more juice than the florida orange growers!
you know if I do win the lottery wouldn't it be interesting to know if he would or could be paid to go out on a date with a very, very wealthy woman? Ha! After a few nips and tucks at a very exclusive swedish clinich of course! very exclusive...and very expensive.
I'd do it for you Rob...only for you...for your eyes only darling! god help me! I'm addicted to a guys face! and his over all generality! wtf?!!!!!
i know I'm being redundant here but he is a living, breathing, walking God amongst us.
imjabara--OMG ITA with everything you said--he is his own power source---smart, sexy, ect--
Yes, he's great i can't wait to see him in the moovie.
He will shine again with his extraordinary way... looking great and wanted...
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