Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland remains queen of the box office, but Robert Pattinson's romantic drama, Remember Me, raked in an underwhelming $3,300,000 on 2,215 screens during its second weekend -- for a paltry total of $13,900,000. Even more shocking is that it came in at number 10 under the practically unheard of Our Family Wedding, which begs the question -- why is one of the hottest male stars raking in forgettable box office numbers? (Kat: Just wondering if they can name a movie of this genre that has done better?)
Granted, $13.9 million isn't the end of the world since Emilie de Ravin's tale about a rebellious young man who meets the love of his life after a family tragedy only had a budget of $16 million -- but it certainly suggests that Robert Pattinson isn't the draw for fans, but the character Edward Cullen is. People fell in love with Cullen while reading Stephanie Meyer's books and then became enamored with Pattinson through the films. Finally, legions of fangirls had their immortal boyfriend personified on screen and the spell seems near impossible to break. Pattinson's young female fan base doesn't really want to see him falling in love with anyone other than Bella and his character Tyler in Remember Me wasn't the hopeless romantic clamoring for his lady love -- in fact, previews for the film looked seriously depressing and far too dreary for the teen crowd that has come to adore him. (Kat: Did they see it or are they basing this only on reviews?)
So, can Robert Pattinson have a successful career after the Twilight series ends? What's the best way for him to transition from Edward to another character? Does he need to choose a completely different role or will that cause his fan base to abandon him entirely? Or is he destined to become this generation's Mark Hamill -- for example, so linked to a single character that no one wants to risk casting him in anything besides movies featuring glittery vampires? (Kat: Only time will tell - but I think a few may be surprised)
What's wrong with both? That's what Rob is. This author needs to get over it!
Oh for heaven's sake! What an assinine heading.
Movie star. Check.
Teen Idol. Please, not for long.
Actor. Double check.
Actor with integrity. Triple check.
Musician. Check.
And he's still the sexiest man on the planet.
The wonkiest, most adorkable, sweetest, most irresistable.
Ok first off... A big fat FUCK YOU to this writer...
While it's true that little to no tween twihards are seeing this movie, lots of people are, those who can find it near them anyway..
This was never meant to be a blockbuster movie...nor was it intended to rival the Twi Saga....
The media & critics a like are a lot to blame for some people staying away because they printed the ending for everyone to read... Stupid ass Matt Lauer even said it on the today show....
This movie has done very well for the small film that it is & in the limited release...
All these little assholes that show up & scream in his face & ask for photos & autographs stayed away...but that dies not mean that Rob can't open a movie and it doesn't mean that when Twi is over he will be too....
He's here to stay for as long as he chooses to, and I'll be right here supporting him all the way...
I am so tired of this crap and feel for Rob. I don't know why people didn't go see "Remember Me", it was a wonderful movie and I for one didn't go looking for Edward Cullen. Maybe his so called teeny bopper fans only want to see him as Edward but for me it was a breath of fresh air for him to be able to show some emotion for a change. Tired of people loving to hate him ... and, I don't believe those numbers are inclusive of worldwide are they?
Obviously didn't even SEE the freakin' movie. I hate these blowhards.
He's only 23...he's got plenty of time to hone his acting chops and woo audiences with non-sparkly performances.
And I think Remember Me's falling box office numbers are probably more attributable to the 09/11 plot device than RPatz's star quality.
Well said, RPG! [claps loudly]
rpg, you are the voice of reason, bb! :)
He's here to stay....I for one am so looking forward to seeing where he is ten years from now...
Good evening, ladies!
Oh, and hi, rpg and rpl!
How are you both? It's been awhile.
Hey Eli & RPL & Femroc!
Eli where you been??
I saw this earlier and sent her, the "writer" my thoughts on her "writing." It was a nicely put STFU.
ditto RPG. This article is just a bit of rubbish in my opinion.
I think most of the "haters" (which I didn't know existed until this movie came out and I read reviews and comments) most of them are young men who are most likely jealous of Rob.
rpg, sorry I've been absent...so much going on in RL...
But glad to be back.
Well, for one thing, our computer crashed and we finally got a new one...
I think the media wants to define Rob by his role in the Twilight series and his movie choices are not allowing them to do so. He's choosing roles that move him.
If it were not for Rob in Remember Me it would likely never have been made and what a shame that would have been.
I still think word of mouth will continue to give Remember Me an audience and Rob may be a teen idol for now but he will definitely be a movie star of note!
As was said by Nikki Finke of Deadline Hollywood:
This drama was always going to be a small film, even with Twilight Saga's Robert Pattinson starring. Besides, Summit Entertainment spent only $16M to make it and then covered 2/3s of the budget with foreign pre-sales.
Oh, and reading ff..... lol
Hi, RPG! Ellie, how's it going, long time no chat! :)
and Hi, femroc-glad you liked the exercise vid idea! LMAO I really think it could work.
doing well,rpl.
I missed being on here.
I check the blog at work several times a day, but haven't gotten on here pretty much since the last time I talked with you girls.
so much Robgoddness lately.
It's delicious!
Glad you're back Ellie! PC crashing is not good for the robsessed!
I get being sucked into FF though, it's hard to even read real books anymore!
Hey Teri!
For Chrissake, this is only Rob's first movie after Twilight and he's got a lot more on the way. Some people are just so negative and the media is in particular.
RPG, you're not lying about the books vs. FF thing-between RL, Robsessing and FF it took me 3 weeks to read WFE. WTF?!
Hell, I find I don't read books at all, anymore...I must change that.
so true! I only read it because I knew Rob was doing it...thankfully I really loved it!
I was going to begin reading Eclipse tonight, but I'm reading the script instead...geez...
MoTU update was soooo good... So was LATR @ TINML!!
I also didn't know about it before the Rob connection, but I absolutely loved it...that's part of why I love being a fan of his so much, I've been introduced to so many new books, music and lovely people (I'm looking at you guys! muah!) because of him! Oh, darling Rob, I <3 you so much. LOL
rpg, what's TINML?
I'm DYING for an HA update! Right now I'm reading Bare (as opposed to Laid Bare, which I'm also reading) and it's really good! Bella writes poetry and Edward's a painter, teen and very angsty.
Teen idol and movie star really are not necessarily mutually exclusive terms.
Not very many movie stars or teen idols are actually actors, actually talented enough to act and to grow in their craft, because they don't have the talent or the craft. Rob does. he is an actor.
here's the link in case anyone's interested.
I am also wondering to what extent Rob's attitude of not playng along with HOllywood and rags gets him on their shyte list, makes him a target.
This writer is a fuckwad. I've seen the movie 3 times with different people, all ages, and they all loved it. Go see the movie dickhead, before you review it. And look at the numbers IN CONTEXT! To me, given the genre, number of showings, etc. RM has beaten AIW!!
I think they are just pointing out that with Rob's popularity why would a movie earn just that, but IT DID EARN even landed on #4 on it's opening weekend!!
But I take Rob's word for it, sometimes people press buttons that are not the same buttons as the media. Perhaps the media was expecting a no.1 slot, but heck not everybody wants to watch a drama, and I hate to admit it but Rob doesn't have that wide demographic YET, he hasn't tap the male species yet.
And although this movie is PG-13(which I was wondering because it had sex scenes) still not enough to cover all.
This Is Not My Life...it's good, on fanfiction...
On twilighted I just finished Not Like This... That was sooooo good...it's New Moon, but Edward is human... very sad...
Also reading Loner ( but really angsty story line, not for everyone)
and drink and hide...Edwards a real vampire in there and kills....
Of couse still reading all the biggies, waiting on updates... Dying for High Anxiety!
ITA Haystack!!
RPL........I'm SURE the Rob workout video would work.........I'd be running my ASS off while watching him run towards me........like in the movies when the two people are running towards each other...........only we'd never connect and hug. : ( boo hoo.
rpg, I've read Not Like this, also.
the others sound good!
I've started Embodiment,
Reality Minus Expectations,
and finished A Rose in Winter.
Oh, please, Mark Hamill? Really? Being of THAT generation, happy to say that Rob is already well past Mark's one claim to fame (sorry, Luke, love ya, but...).
When my 18-year old son, who btw, hates Edward Cullen with a passion, actually admits (having seen RM) that Rob is a pretty damn good actor, then it's not just us Robsessed thinking that.
It may take a while to get the rest of planet clued in to the Amazing-ness That Is Rob, but at least we'll get to say "Told ya so!" With a really big grin.
Oh, and Company Loves Misery
and Hit by destiny
Didn't Rob have or was aware of the Remember Me script BEFORE he did Twilight?
femroc, LMFAO! I'd just spend an hours in my living room, running in place with my arms stretched out to the tv and weeping from frustration-I'd be a size 4 in no time! hahahaha
our very own Robersize! Take that, Jane Fonda!
Hello ladies! So happy to see you all.
I, for one, am thrilled that the screaming Edward loving tweens didn't see RM. At least, that they didn't see it in the same theater as me. I'm not all that surprised. I guess some people will never see him as anything more than Edward Cullen. And that's their loss.
This article aggravates me. Since when does how much money a movie brings in equal the quality of it? Or how it can touch an audience? Hype means very little to me. Pirates of the Caribbean 3, anyone? I'm so sick of people saying that it was a failure simply because of the amount of money it has made so far. If I based what movies I saw only on how big of an opening it had or what number at the box office it was, I would have missed out on some amazing films.
But, it's not like I need to tell you all that. We know Rob is more than Edward and he's more than a lot of people are giving him credit for. He should be very proud of RM.
you just gave me more to add to my reading list, thanks!
he read Remember Me right after he filmed twilight before it even opened...
LMAO RPL & femroc!
Hey, Emily! Glad to see you-we never got our weekend chat in. We'll have to try to get the word out next weekend or something. :)
Annie - YES and he was praised for not giving it up for a bigger movie after the success of Twilight. He could have canned it, said no way, and taken a bigger budgeted film but he didn't - he stuck to his word to do the film knowing it would not be a big money maker.
I really don't think money motivates Rob.....even though he made $18million last year. That sounds wierd but as much as he's talked about living in a crappy flat and liking it - just don't think money is that important when he makes his choices.
LMAO! Jane Fonda...LOL!
Hi Emily! Hey Gwen!
My 17 y/o grandson hates all things twilight & he also lived RM, and agreed that Rob was amazing...he wants to see it again as well...
I think you're exactly right femroc.
I know RPL! I was hardly on the computer at all.
I am really excited though because I FINALLY saw How To Be. Loved it, loved it, loved it! Art broke my heart. I wanted to give him a big hug and bring him home with me.
femroc, ITA with you!! Right on.
wow, happy for you that you got to see HTB! I just adore Robart. :)
i havnt read all the comments so i have no idea what was covered but it really pisses me off when they say ppl are there for just edward.. what about some fans like myself who have been staunch followers since his hp days?... if rob ends up having a different career id still be the best and most supportive fan i could be.
RM was a tough movie to sell. the movie was a tough movie to watch if you knew the ending and a lot of people didnt want to relate to it on that level. they should give him credit for at least having the balls to make a movie like that and to try and branch out and do something that tests his acting ability.
whether he is a teen idol or here to stay i think rob is something special and not the missing chromosome type of special. he is so unique and gifted.. ppl should give him a chance and support his career. critics should judge him for being rob and not being edward. not of a fan of his personal life choices, but thats just me. i do however support his career because it really is a treat to watch him. its so rare to find someone with that amount of talent.
Oh Emily, Art is just precious isn't he??? Just so sweet & naive, with asses for parents...
Hello everyone!
I too have a few ff rec's. However, they are kinda sad, but so well written. Anyone interesed?
Em! Hi, babydoll!!!!!!!!!xo
rpg, glad to help! :)
and hi, adm!
Hi Ellie!
I am.
My spring break is next week. thought it was this week and bought nonrefundable tickets to miami.. im out $220 and im stuck home.. i need entertainment... ship em my way
Hi, ADM! sure, lay 'em on me, what's a few more on my massive list. ;)
Interesting that it is Rob's movie when they say it failed and Emilie De Ravin's movie when they talk about the low budget. This person obviously has a bias. I would not say that he is movie star or teen idol. He is an actor. Accomplished already and growing stronger every day.
Thanks rpattzgirl and femroc. :)
I also think Rob is not motivated by money and he is definitely a man of his word.
I know rpg! I love him. Speaking of his parents...why didn't his mom have a British accent? Did I miss something? He really is so sweet. I loved the basketball scenes. "I'm dominating!"
Steph - I totally agree that people should judge him for being Rob and not for being Edward. I think a lot of people have made up their minds about him without giving him a real chance. For everyone that loves Twilight there are just as many that hate it.
ELLIE!!! How's your new lappie working out?
ADM!!! How are you?
I love both of these stories.
This Bella breaks my heart.
I need to hug this Edward.
Hey ADM,
bring it! I'm always up for good FF..
Damn straight!
Emily, doing well and yourself?
Ah, em, it's great! I missed a lot without it!
and it's so fast, without all the crap downloaded on it!
Hi RPL and RPG!
thanks, ADM! :)
I agree with everyone. I am so tired of everyone picking on Rob. They simly want to create controversy where there is none. Just to get people to read their crap.
I'm really good. Watched NM with the hubby last night. I was not looking forward to it at first but he was on his best behavior. Well, more or less.
I couldn't slo-mo the slo-mo walk while he was watching. I'll save that for the next time I watch it. Alone.
Ellie - Do you have to replenish your Rob porn now?
Emily, I surprised myself and did not rewatch the slo-mo strut either. Pretty sure I will when I watch it next time.
Emily, which dvd did you get? The Walmart one has an Edward fast forward option (which means they zip past anything that's not Edward. WIN) and it starts right at the slo-mo strut! Hellooooo, Robward! ;)
Em, no, it's all in folders in my email...thankfully! lol
So how well did the Yellow Handkerchief do? Is there life for Kristen Stewart after Bella?
Stupid question. Small film...small opening weekend audience.
Up in the Air only did $11 million it's opening weekend. Does that mean George Clooney doesn't have box office draw?
Sometimes movie bloggers don't know what they're talking about. Remember Me opened as well as a film like that can -- better actually, thNks to Rob -- and bad reviews killed it.
i wish they played RM in imax...
busllshit and negative... not even worth the time or energy!
Thanks ADM!
she did have an accent, but not like Robs or his dads... It was kinda different..
Ok I'm signing off for the night. Nurse Jackie starts tonight, love PFach & Ruby..
Need to finish eclipse...btw, I'm noticing from the trailer that the dialouge is following the script pretty close...
Night ladies!!
I got the Target 3 disc one. My SIL got the Walmart one and now I'm kind of wishing I got that one instead. Oh well, I'm not going to buy more than one. The fast forward thing is an awesome idea! Of course, I'm not going to lie...shirtless Jacob is not a bad way to pass the time.
I said this on the other thread with the GIFs but I watched the Eclipse sneak peek with her on Saturday and when Rob on the treadmill came on the screen, I literally had to bite my fist from screaming, or moaning. I'm not sure what sound would have come out.
moonbeam, well said to you, too! I don't have anything to say to you all except ITA, and you're saving me a lot of typing! ;)
This review is such BS. RM is doing fine for a romantic drama. It's real strength will be in DVD sales anyway - and believe me, Hollywood KNOWS that Rob is the real deal. He would never have gotten Water for Elephants if ANYONE thought he was a twilight only wonder. I predict a long & prosperous career for him, and many wonderful hours of watching him for ME!!!!
Goodnight rpg! I do love me some Peter F. as well! He is a sexy, sexy man.
Ellie - Phew! That's good. :)
Em, it also has a Jacob fast forward when you're feeling...wolfy. haha
yep, Robrunner totally did it for me, too! Love that gif!
Night, RPG! talk to you tomorrow, bb.
Ditto to moonbeam, womadsart, and sabrerob!
Good night RPG.
I got the Target version too. Not so happy that there are so many different versions. Not nice!
Good night, rpg. It was really nice talking with you again.
I'll try not to be such a stranger, again. :)
First when I read the article... I was quite pissed... then I laughed, these so called Critics and judge, haters, naysayers. What the hell are they talking about. Have any of them seen the movie? How long did it take to make this small 16mil movie? How many other movie came out since and with a much bigger budget and fluffy/sentimental crap that have reach a #1 box office level? Take JA/GB's movie and MD Green Zone with a budget of 100 ml...AIW with a budget of what 200ml... Take a look at The Lovely Bones with noted director Peter Jackson and his King Kong? how much time and money did these movie takes... why are they judging Robert's (and he wasn't the only one in the movie either) little movie... It's funny how they judging the boxoffice take and they are not even commenting on how good Robert was and he was damn good... and you know why? They.did.not.see.the.movie. Why don't they go see it...then they can talk!
I am so tired judgemental article. "Sigh"
LOL @ feeling wolfy! Hey, he's 18 now...
My husband actually got me my copy. I made him go as soon as Target opened. The only thing is, I thought it opened at 7:00 instead of 8:00. Oops! He was there with 25 women. I think he just waited in his car. LOL!
I agree ADM. I hate it too.
I'm heading off the bed. Good night everyone.
Hope to chat longer, soon!
moonbeam: totally agreed with you...
the media loves to build them up and then tear them apart, people just love to talk smack about rob, no one from the twilight cast has to bear that kind of fire...the critics have agendas and unfortunately although twilight brought rob lots of good things, it has made his life hell, it has become fashionable to trash talk rob.
i think he is going to have a career as long as he wants to. He is an actor and he is determined to better himself. His peers only have kind words for him, Chris Cooper said that guy was awesome (or something like that), and that kind of rep is one of a kind. I think he will be just fine!
plus, it's going to feel so much better if rob ever wins an Oscar (we're going to rub it on people faces, LOL)
Monique - I couldn't agree more!
Night, ADM! <3
Emily, oh your poor DH! LMAO
Goodnight ADM!
I know RPL! He was nice to go. It earned him some points.
I think I better go too. I'm going to try and be back on tomorrow night. I hope to see you all then!
Sweet Rob running dreams to you all!
Oh, and for the record. I adored his work out ensemble. I thought the black socks were sexy.
Night, Em! Black socks are now officially sexy. ;)
I'm heading out, too. Chat again soon everyone!
nite nite, adm! :)
Sweet Robdreams!
and me, I'm out, too...
Nite, all!
(em, I'll talk to you soon, babe!
Olive juice!)
Take care, rpl! :)
Oh, I forgot to say Annie, I loved your comment too!
"I think the media wants to define Rob by his role in the Twilight series and his movie choices are not allowing them to do so. He's choosing roles that move him.
If it were not for Rob in Remember Me it would likely never have been made and what a shame that would have been."
You said it perfectly! I completely 100% agree.
Night Ellie! Sweet dreams!
Adding, although it has all been said: depends on definition of a 'successful' career. If it's more than just being a celeb, and box office numbers, and about being an actor, he has to do exactly what he's doing now. He's already moving beyond of the 'teen idol' label. Yes, he will probably lose the primarily 'Edward' fan base, but that's a given. There is no 'best way' - it may hurt but it has to be done. Lol I wish these columnists would stop talking in terms of absolutes and as if box office is a given. Johnny Depp’s “The Libertine” with Samatha Morton was released just after the first “Pirates.” Didn’t go very wide, and didn’t make $5mil. No guarantees, even if you’re ‘hot.’ Genre and franchise are far more accurate predictors. And even they are not sure-fire. The only thing he can do, given the opportunity, is to pick roles and scripts that excite him. If he’s not committed and passionate then it wouldn’t be worth it anyway.
PA-LEEZE!!! let's not forget that most of Hollywood's elite didn't start their careers off starring in the one of the biggest film franchises - there's a tremendous amount of pressure on all of the actors associated with Twilight, but none carry more of a burden to prove their worth than RP. He's making bold choices with the projects he's choosing and that, i think, will pay off for him, because he's got talent. RP is mesmerizing on the screen, no matter what he's in.
Personally, i just think Remember Me is a painful movie to watch for a lot of people, maybe too depressing for today's times when everyone's looking for a comedy to escape their woes... Having said that, I've thought about the performances in the film and i really loved Robs performance above all the others. I'm so looking forward to his other projects. F the media!!
The movie did pretty well and Rob is a great actor - he will have more success when Twilight is finally gone for googd.
But I have to say that I´m diappointed by his fanbase. Girls that think he is Edward - give me a break!
I´m so thankful when he gets over all this and goes on doing movies like RM, Bel Ami and others so he can show that he really can open a movie!
Movie star and Teen idol-definately but don't forget or rule out the fact that Rob has a lot of "young at heart/mature fans"!!!
Everytime I watch Twilight and New Moon i see how deeply he's thought about the scene adding in extra breaths and expressions both on his face and in the tone of his voice!!!
Agree with all the comments so far that he is and will be an actor with longevity because he CAN ACT and sing (and probably do a whole lot of other things we ain't aware of!!!)
It's just "Tall Poppie" syndrone and critics all trying to be "popular" by getting on the "let's DISS this kid" bandwagon!!
I see from the figures that "RM" did really well in NZ, a country with only 4million people!!! Ka Pai kiwi whanau!!!
Keep up all the great positive support, you're on the right track no doubt!!!
Where has this person been? Under a rock? This is not an easy film to watch. It is generating a lot of comments and controversy. That's what really substantial works do. I think that means more to Rob than the money. He never thought it would make tons of money it was just that it could get made at all.
He is learning his craft while the world watches. Impossibly difficult. He was fantastic in RM and he is going to get better and better. He is a serious actor not a just a "teen idol" or "movie star." Ten years from now somebody will rediscover this film and be amazed by it.
OK, now that all the Edward and Twilight fanfiction talk is outa the way..I guess I can step in here.
Why are ppl being so defensive..Robert said himself he knew it wasn't going to be a huge hit..it's a small film..he knew that going into it..I even knew that..it did better the first weekend than I thought it would.
This MAN is only 23 years old..he's just learning..he has many more years ahead of him..and HELLUR..he made 18M last year..I really really don't think he's complaining seriously..do u know how many years worth of socks/undies/and beer he can get outa that? LOL
Ppl that have worked with him said themselves..he's a hard-worker..he's always on time and prepared..that is what counts and what ppl will think about in the long run..even tho I would really love a fuck-up to gossip about..DUH Robert..get with the HW program boi..and he seems the type of person..that's all he cares about..I'm sure these reviews do not bother him one bit.
I'm pretty sure a lot of fans are going to disappear after twilight is over..but again, that's what he's trying to do with these films that have lovely sex scenes in them and so on..to broaden his fan-base..going from twilight to a huge blockbuster would have been strange to ppl..watching an action flick and men are saying..isn't that the 108 yr old vampire? WTF is he doing in this thing? Outside the twilight world..hate to burst the bubble..but Robert isn't really that well known..Oh he's getting there..but he can't really say surprise..I'm that English dude with the wonky legs and annoyingly cute smile..LIKE ME..Then they would have said he was gay and believed it..for serious..OK, yea I got bored with myself..now I'm just being silly. LMAOOO
Paraphrasing Nikola6 (who said it, so truly, in another thread): Rob is neither a movie star, nor a teen idol, he is an *artist*. And if his following sheds a few fluff-heads along the way, it can only be for the best.
As for the ink-blotter who wrote this piece of crap, I won't go to the effort of calling him and idiot, because he's doing quite a pretty good job of proving he is all by himself.
En passant: one of my colleagues, who is neither a fan of Twilight nor of Rob, went to see Remember Me over the weekend and she loved it to bits: she understood it down to the tiniest detail :). I think that's a greater victory for this film than any "review" from any "critic".
If Rob were doing a big blockbuster type movie, one of those comic book heroes with arch villains and car crashes and explosions galore, the fans would come out in droves; but that's not what he wants. Critics seem to be harder on him because of his "heartthrob" status, because he's not going the blockbuster route, because he's serious about what he wants to do with his career and that makes him a target.
Remember Me is one that sticks to you. It jolts old feelings and memories and becomes sort of wormhole that takes you back not just to New York on that day, but to those personal times in your life when you discovered what it was that helped shape and define your scruples and morals and values. It's a family drama, it's realistic and gritty and it doesn't leave you with everything neatly tied up in happily ever after land. Most people want to escape real life when they go to the movies. I know I do. But sometimes you want to see someone else's version of reality, just so you can compare and say, "Well, damn, I'm not so fucked up after all."
I recommended RM to friends and family. Not a single one had a negative thing to say. Not a single one thought that the end was gratuitous or distasteful. And they recommended it to others. And they cover all demographics.
We really don't pay all that much attention to critics, anyway, so why be bothered with their opinions? Are they worth more? Do they validate a performance more than people who appreciate them, people who pay to appreciate them? I hope the only opinions Rob considers are from those he trusts. I mean, isn't that what we all do?
There's already tons of comments on the original article on Cinematical... that's a lot of attention for (IMO) a rather uninteresting article, but it does show that people are interested in the subject. Most of them root for Rob but there's some haters too. There's a big troll - one person who says Rob is a drug addict and a drunkard and who bashes the older perverted women who fawn on him ... and one guy bashes Rob saying that RM is not an indie movie and that a 16 $M budget is too high. No comments...
It's been ages since I haven't been here.. I don't understand this paper. What's the problem? The movie cost 16M and brought in 13M and it's not even out in every country yet... This is a fantastic result. For a lot Rob is Edward and it's their choice and their right. For other, Rob is Rob. A fantastic human being, a gorgeous young man and a young actor with his future ahead... No rush!
ITA with you all, brainless writer!!! Rob is an actor not a teen idol or movie star. The writer maybe should see RM first and then write!!!
BTW, new vid ;D
hope you like it.
Rob is a good actor, he's doing a great job. I love him and I continue to see his films.
I think twihards are very stupid if them don't see his great film,
they forget how Rob has done to them and Twilight. Edward not real Rob is a real actor. Wake up!
Yes! Well said RPTTZGIRL I think like you!
Robert the actor
Edward the character!!
At least most of us fans know the damn differance.
aka the prankster,
check your UT mail!
I don't get the big deal. No one was really seeing his movies before and no one seems to be seeing them now. The twilight books are loved so of course the movies were going to be a smash hit and any leading actor would be liked in that role. Why the assumption that a fan of Edward Cullen or Bella Swan would follow the actors anywhere? they never did before. They certainly aren't now. Big deal, it just means they'll do what they have always done and that is make indies. I worry more for Taylor L. Read somewhere some studio paid him in the millions to start in some hyped hollywood movie and him as the star. That's going to be a rude awakening for the hollywood suits. Dayum!
um seriously if the critics can't see his long term potential then I seriously ? their credentials!
wtf is this sure he will be successful god :S
I saw RM with my husband and we both loved the movie. I have since recommended the movie to friends and family and they liked it too. Interestingly enough, when we were at the theatre, the audience's average age was about 35, more women than men. Perhaps Summit did not market this movie properly to the correct demographic. This is not a movie for screaming teens, it is a movie geared for a more mature audience. Rob did a great acting job, as did all of his costars. My husband enjoyed the attention to detail of the sets, especially the bachelor pad. (did anyone catch the jackalope on the wall?)
ITA w/RPG--this writer grrr
Hi annie... I tried your video but can't read it "an error occured, please try again later".. What a shame...
Hope you're doing fine... I'm caught in RL for the moment... A nice new love story with a canadian guy... Might not last, so i'll pop in once in a while... LOL...
Great job Annie... Your new video is a killer... Thanks!
@Why- P.S. a Troll isn't someone that doesn't have the same opinion as you..just FYI..I think most ppl have forgotten that fact.
OK, back after ciggy and cran..very intelligent comment by ChrissyBell over there..long story short..Don't wanna be a teen idol? Don't act like a teen. :)
AP-I am so glad, once again, to see your (12:55) comment! YOu expressed what I wanted to as I was reading down the comments, but you say it so much better!
Ultimately, I think ROb's perception/misperception about all the screams and hoopla over himself really being for Edward, will serve him well as an excellent survival mechanism for one who wants to act and not just rake in money, especially for one who wants to maintain integrity and control over himself, and who does not want to be used or become 'priveleged/spoiled.'
I don't know how much money he actually receives after taxes and paying for managers, agents, bodyguards, and privacy (entire hotel floors, all first class seats on a plane), but I would hope that the Twlight Saga affords him the comfort to work and grow and learn they way HE wants, not the way a studio or media or even fans want from himself.
He has said he is grateful to Twilight, and I think he is; it afforded him early an opportunity to pick projects he wants to do no matter the money they earn, as opposed to just taking something to support himself.
I am so particularly thrilled he did Remember Me. It is one of the best films I have ever seen, and one of the best acted, as well. I only wish (I know, I say it a lot; don't get upset) that it was not marketed as a romance or romantic drama; that categorization made people go unwittingly to see it on a date and it was too intense and too real for that, too full of grief. ONly weird folk such as myself would go on a date to see that, because the guys i would go out with would have my own need for depth, truth, and intense discussion.
If it had been marketed as a drama, or drama of life, love, and loss (as even Rob and Emilie have reiterated), I think many of the negative reviews simply would not have been; people would have realized that the ending was not tacked on for a wow effect, but was rather integral to the film.
@Solas: well, glad I expressed something intelligible - and I agree with your comment about the marketing RM in a particular genre. Trouble is - it doesn't fit any genre easily so I think they went with the major relationship. However, it is misleading.
Mark Hammil,pleeeease. Come on.
I think that theres a lot of people out side that could notunderstand why this guy has this fame when he is young and he hasnt done a lot. They are just jelous. You cant compare him with Mark Hamill, Mark dident have the half of charm that Rob has.
And what can you expect of a bounch o twilight fans, when they think that twilight is a good book, and new monn is a good movie.
I only saw new moon because of Rob, and I like Rob because of him, and not because of Edward. And I am part of star wars generation, and I can tell youfor dure, that Robwill have a Great career, because he is not only a handsome guy or a good actor, he has something that you can bye it anywhere, and in Mexico, we call it Angel. Or charisma.
I lobe your blog, Kate, it makes my days happier, I would love to know more about you and whatother things you do.
I have a great time with your quotes.
AP--I realize it might be hard to define, but couldn't they just have called it a 'drama'? Serious drama? Or use the words either Rob or Emilie used? (Rob said, heartwarming, heartbreaking; emilie said along the lines of what I keep saying: drama of life, love, and loss).
BTW AP--I am surprised abut what you said re Becket, that neither O'toole nor Burton won oscars for Becket because people thought they over-acted (?)-too dramatic? I thought it was excellent, the acting was brilliant, spot on.
And, yes, Rob has some mannerisms, espcially of the hands, long, gentle, expressive hands, similar to O'toole, but I also see some Burton there. Perhaps, at least as far as critics and oscars go, I am just not sophisticated, but I really see Rob's performance in Remember Me, as well as other films I have seen, as spot on, that he already is great, and I hope he can continue to learn and grow. The lad's got talent!
@Solas: Yes, that would have been the best choice but I can see the problems to some extent. Summit pushed the romantic angle for obvious reasons, but also because that way they avoided having to deal with the ending. If one says 'a drama of life and loss' - you have to intimate some kind of loss - and they wanted it to be somewhat upbeat as the underlying theme is also 'say yes to life and all its opportunities.' Would take a 'nuanced' and carefully thought out campaign. I think you're right in that they went for the obvious and what they thought would sell.
i don't know why they say he's a teen idol. Here we are a lot of people and most os uf aren't teenagers so...
I'm totally in the opposite side of the people who only like Edward,not Rob, because the only reason i can stand Twilight Saga is Rob.
And well..people don't go to see RM so what??? i prefer him in indie movies because is the cinema i like.
less people,less competence, more to us!
After going to bed a bit pissed... I've thought long and hard about this... There is nothing but good here... for a little movie with a budget of 16mil that's open in not many houses. It's has done well for itself. It will make it's money back... plus DVD sales and WWOings... This was a movie without the heart and flowers ending and a College age guy with sexual situation... Parents have to vet it... Twilight is geared toward young adult... some as old as twelve... so if they scream for Rob or Edward it is understandable. They wouldn't be seeing this movie... Then their is the downloading of movies. I say making 13mil plus is way better that a movie that cost twice with an Oscar winner and a Oscar nominee...? JL... is nothing to sneeze at... what some Blogger and Critics fail to see is the age difference for Twilight and Remember Me.
Now... all Rant ends here...
I don't know if any of you have seen some of the footage from the Remember Me premier from England. But it shows Rob mentioning that he was very ecstatic with the numbers for opening weekend in the USA. He thought it was great that it was falling in fourth and fifth place, he hadn't expected it to do as well as Alice In wonderland, because it wasn't a box office smash hit like that, being a small film. But all in all he was pleased, and in the end that’s all that matters to me. Lets keep faith and hope some of the other fans will get out there and see his next films, that don’t pertain to anything about 9/11, or Twilight. Not that I’m complaining or anything, because I thought Remember Me was done in good taste, do to fact I was one of those people that lost two very good friends in the towers on that day, and I am a fan of the Twilight books and movies. Keep up the good work Rob, and this is coming from a fan who is not a teen, and was happy to see him in something other than a teen movie. I haven’t followed an actor or took notice in one since I fell in love with Patrick Swayze in Dirty Dancing (Ah Oh giving my age away there) anyway, since he has passed…I guess Robert is my new Patrick, whether he is a lot younger than me or not. He has a promising career ahead of him, and I’ll be following him for a long time, and I’m sure you ladies will be agreeing with me there.
@fanthanIam... I totally agree with you... However, i doubt Rob will ever dance as well as Patrick use to... LOL... I can hardly picture Rob in a remake of Dirty Dancing... LOL...
@Fan that I am-great comment..but I pity the girl he tries to catch and hold..LMAO
sissidelyon = He he I wasn't referring to his dancing, it was more Patrick's sexy they call to me eyes, and that darn pout he used to do. Rob's eyes call to me as well sometimes I feel like I could stare into them all day, and damn...that mouth I could go on forever about that mouth.
Kember = Lets just hope whom ever thae girl is that she is all for Rob and not just because he's an actor and rich. He deserves to be happy.
@Solas: I missed your comment about Becket and the Oscars. Well, I know you won't like this... but Becket lost to "My Fair Lady." (Sorry bout that)In the best actor category both O'Toole and Burton were nominated thereby splitting the votes, no doubt. So again, Rex Harrison won for...
It was more for why they generally didn't win when nominated - the 'theatrical' observation. Filmmaking was moving towards more contemporary stories with a casual feel, or 'disaster'/event movies, and away from historical dramas or melodramas. Think that had a lot to do with it.
Wow AP==what a pity! That was some movie, some acting! I guess this is indicative of the Forest Gump mentality in movie viewers and evaluators that we still see today, that would not have Remember recognized and appreciated.
@Fan That I Am-totally agree..also..someone that doesn't use him to be in the spotlight..to stay there or to immaturely show off..even if in the subtlest of ways..resulting on the focus not being on his work but again back on his private life. :)
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