Thanks to Thesabstar1
Robert Pattinson and His Yellow Shirt on "The Sun"
The Sun talks about how tired Robert Pattinson looked after he landed in London. In my opinion he looked pretty damn amazing after his second transatlantic flight in a week and nonstop promotions... But then again I am ROBsessed :)

Thanks to Thesabstar1
Thanks to Thesabstar1
Magazine Scans,
Robert Pattinson,
The Sun Sucks
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Marcel! What are you doing here? Ross was looking for you! :)
Marcel, how are you, babe? :) :) :)
Our poor baby looks so exhausted...hope he gets to rest up before filming starts up again.
Yeah he rested up by going out with his bff's. ahh to be twenty something
Got to love him. Enjoy life Rob. Enjoy life.
The text is atrocious! (Yes, Spelling & Grammar Police present and accounted for!)
Lame! Do they not even make an effort?
God I hate The Sun, it's a comic...
Maybe Tom should take him T-shirt shopping...
He packs light, has to make the most out of every outfit! LOL
Okay, maybe someone already mentioned it, but who is Ross and Marcel (here)? LOL. Pretty fond of Chandler myself...
And "Hi!" to the new guys posting lovely Rob stuff!
lmao, Gwen...
well,,he doesnt look tired to me,,just yuuummmmyyyy
@Gwen - I was all WTF? with Ross and Marcel, too. Um, hi Ross and Marcel.
The Sun does suck. Big. Rob is pretty all the time! Only he could look that good after a crazy four days. But, do love that he went out with his boys last night. The 20's are good years.
Can the Sun be any more silly?
Give poor Rob a break, he's been non stop for days poor thing. Glad his back in London and enjoying himself.
Gwen: thanks for all your twittering it was like we were there.
CL: gald you got close enough to smell him and lucky you and angie for getting into the premier.
No wonder he looked exhausted, for sure ~ though, still, went to Bob's show. Cute.
I adore this extra energy of his... Hopefully, he is taking some time to recharge today.
Hum... or maybe not.
LOL, MG, I mean "Bing"!
De nada, Dessert! It was totally fun (and I am now a complete and utter Twitter-addict)!
CL, just checked the profiles on Ross and Marcel---new blog team members! And there's more! There IS a Chandler too! Plus Suz and Dani? No Monica??? LOL!
Come on, guys! What's the story? New folks on the blog! Intros, please!
pfff I cant believe that they made the tshirt related with kris its stupid
@Fae girl plss find me on yahoo chat:D
I like the shirt and he does look yummy and tired but why wouldn't he? crazy last couple of days
@qwen--LOL--grammer police and the introduction queen--love it!
wens, are we bouncing??
"his missus Kristen"? Where did that come from-yuk! I'm glad he's back in his beloved London and hope he takes some serious down time 'cuz he deserves it after the past week.
hey why are you bouncing
@Dessert - waving hello!
I said this last night, but March 1, 2010, was one of best days of my life. Completely and totally awesome. To be within 1 foot of ThePretty and to be able to hear him speak, hear him laugh and see him smile, not to mention to smell his delicious scent, was mind-blowing. Then to top it off with seeing the movie - I really don't know how to describe my feelings. Did you see our two videos?
@Gwen - Thanks! Intros would be nice...
@Martini - LOL!
bouncing between threads! LOL
Okay, Twitter funny:
Had to share. She is going to eat those words during the Bel Ami premiere. Just saying. ; )
Meow. From Gwen. LOL.
Marcel! Long time no see!
Yes, he did look tired, but still happy & gorgeous as ever!
gwen: I think during the filming of Bel Ami the fans must have been few and far beween ( unlike RM )
You're right, by the time the BA premier hits Rob will be bigger than ever. I may be just going to that one!!
Dessert, or his security is better! Aren't they filming inside in London? Not like they're working on bedroom scenes in the middle of Central Park.
Now, there's a really fun thought...
gwen, I think it is all studio filming until later. Rob is known for other acting here. Twilight is way bigger in America than here. Yeah there are fans out there but as you can see Rob can actualy walk around London without the sceams!
I "discovered" the books only a few months back. We have no twilight conventions here LOL!
Most of Bel Ami is interier scenes...hadrly anything outside other than a couple of walks on a sidewalk, or going into a bistro or bar...
Can't get to Spunk Ransom what did KST say about Rob?
CL - Her co-stars include Uma Thurman, Christina Ricci and Robert Pattinson, but Scott Thomas said she had seen no evidence of the “Twilight”-induced hysteria that Pattinson routinely unleashes. “I keep hearing he’s fantastically megafamous, but you wouldn’t know it. He doesn’t have hundreds of people trailing him,” she said.
Bet CL & Angie have seen some 'hysterical evidence' in person this week...
@dessert, Hi
have you packed everything now?
Thanks Gwen!
As much as this pains me to say it, because I want to see more of him, here in the States, he should stay at home. He can actually have a somewhat normal life in London. I guess we Americans are just crazed, aren't we?
@Cullenlover, RPattzgirl, Wens Dessert, Martini and everyone else *waving hi*
GGRRRR~~!!!!!! I hate work.. Haven't been able to blog last nite and today til now!!
CL I know what you mean about hating RL. I do too every time it takes me away from Rob!!
New Moon last nite was better as it gets better and better every time. All I did was mumble OMG OMG OMG every time Rob was on that big screen.
Just can't wait for RM anymore!!!
@annie.. *waving hello too*
CL, ITA with you. He's near his family and friends and not many people bother him.
If Rob were to have a mid-air costume change it would have been into a dirtier shirt. I love him, but the boy is just allergic to cleanliness.
Hi annie, hi womadsart
annie, yes and no, just keep getting out the case and then at the eand of the day pile it back in again. Will be a mad rush on Sunday!
Also, some crap in the Mirror, with them having a go at Rob for pulling silly faces at the Paris premiere!!! It was New York of course, we can always count on the Sun and the Mirror for accurate, cutting edge, journalism - as long as it is accompanied by a pic of Cheryl Cole. Not that I would dream of buying the Mirror, of course, my Dad has it.
@CL--it does seem he can have a more normal life when he is in London. he looked so rested and happy when he came back forthe premier.
@Cl hey girl how are you what did KStew say about rob?
hey waving girls everyone annie cl dessert gwen wens :D
@womadsart - Loved your mid-movie Tweet last night!
@Wens/RobPornPusher - I know, right. He is just happier at home where people don't hound him. Can't blame him.
@Robsessive - She didn't speak to the press. When she walked by us, I said, "Kristin you look awesome" (which she did) and she looked at me and said, "thank you." Then she took a pic with Angie-K.
I said this last night, but March 1, 2010, was one of best days of my life. Completely and totally awesome. To be within 1 foot of ThePretty and to be able to hear him speak, hear him laugh and see him smile, not to mention to smell his delicious scent, was mind-blowing. Then to top it off with seeing the movie:
I can't even fathom the thought! It's almost like you had a date with ThePretty, and to smell him. OMFG!!!
That nite and day was so much fun and exciting for me cause of your tweets. Like we were there with you! So fun!
My friend and I are already planning to be there for the sequel..
@CL--i didn't know angie got a pic with kristen--i missed that last night-how exciting---did she smell like Rob?? LOL
Are those red splotches supposed to remind us of blood, as in still drawing in the vampire stuff, or did someone pull this paper out of the trash bin?
that's awesome that Kristen acknowledged your compliment and yes she did look great.
To see both of them in the flesh must've been mindblowing.
I'm a huge fan of hers and Robs of course.
Did we see Angies' pic?
Thanks for your amazing reviews of this last Robsessed week.
I live in New Zealand so unless they come here we have to rely on you thanks a mil...
@solas, should have been from the trash bin ;0
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