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Robert Pattinson and Emilie de Ravin's Remember Me Deleted Sex Scene Leaked !!!
Oh dear God give me the strength to not lose my frigging mind!!!

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We can't post the video due to copyright, it's HERE.
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Oh, pure evil!
I actually paused the song playing on Pandora in preparation for the video...good one!
Aww, come on, Goz!! That's just mean! LOL
Love ya, bb!!
Ouch. I think I sprained my 'clicking' finger I went for the mouse so fast and hard! My breathing and heart rate went up instantly! No fool like an old fool.......but, yeah, it was funny!
Goz, I mean this in the nicest possible way because I love ya, but YOU SUCK SOOOOOO HARD!!!!!!!
*that's what Robler said*
still love you though, Goz...
Olive juice, bb.
the worst part was is that i refreshed the page thinking i hit something along the way.. so i fell for a twice!!!
im still waiting on it
Damn it! That was just mean. However, I did laugh.
Nicely done!
You got me! That is too funny. Now that I can breathe again. I did not even realize I was holding my breath! lol
Chapter 79 update MoTU!! More fun in the playroom to come soon!
wow that's hot.
LMFAO!! you tots got me! I almost had a heart attack trying to click on this!
I wonder how kristen can go that long without them NOT being intimate! She must be aching!
Oh nooo...
You're mean!!!
You almost killed me.
And that was a very, very, veeery nice thing to dye for...
Yep, got me too! Actually, quite GENIUS really! Seriously, which of us wouldn't fall for Naked Rob?
Hugs, Goz, good one! ; )
actually i saved it for last because i want to replay it over and over
sooooooo it was a let down
that is cruel. i tell yah
since ive been posting here, its always been kate, so now i know how you play it bahahahaha
welcome back, everyone says they miss you!
i was wondering about that too. and how about rob.
Dammit Goz....You got me AGAIN!! And I told myself to make a mental note when it came to any of your postings today!
But....Apr 1 2009 will forever remain with me. It took me 2 hours to find the courage to click on "HERE" and when I finally did my knees litterly gave out mainly out of relief....LMAO!!!
That was all kinds of wrong....:))
LOL, I missed you all! I think I should quit my job and blog full time again :))
Love you all!
You totally sucked me in.....hahaha nevermind,don't mind watchin me some Robsten and Taytay........
...ha ha, we missed you too Godze!!!
She's such a good girl.....waiting for Rob.
Hmm, you are a very cruel woman :-)
Oh, dang you, woman! I was so excited...
Oh Gozde we would adore having you back full time sweets!
And you can tease us all you want, as long as you keep giving us that first GIF. Nothing will ever be as beautiful as a playful mischievious Twi Robward. Sigh.....
I fell for it!!!! DAMN!
God!!! I almost pissed myself when I read the title of the post. Then, I almost pissed myself again when I found out it was just a joke:(
Gozde, that was the cruelest and at the same time the funniest April Fools joke I've ever had, really. Good one!
Love ya:)
Yep, you got me too, Goz.
Hehehhe !
Good one, Goz!!!
@gözde girl you are back but trying to kill me ohh I wanna be in the place of emily god
Why why whyyyyy? I thought you were gonna make my day/month/year with that scene LOL oh, i still want it
Oh that was cruel. It's 4:30 in the morning in the States and I was so ready for my wake-up call...
*raises hand*
I fell for it, too, with both my feet, socks, and shoes! I even turned on the volume! Hahahaha! Sucker that I am!
That was a good one, Goz! :D
...just arrived at work, coffee, cig and usual palpitating jump here (all this before I even noticed my boss was already in) then... the killing title, my hand trembling while clicking the link... and what???? April Fools!!! Still feeling ridiculous for my hysterical reaction LOL!
Goz wonderful return! Great joke!!!
I never clicked so fast in my life. Even though I knew it was April's Food Day - I never thought it wouldn't be true... you see I trust you so Gözde !
Oh dear that was a really good one! What a laugh! Imagine all of us clicking on the link! Love your blog.
Totally OT, sorry, but… Love you ladies :-) and waiting for other threads like yesterday (well, like everyday actually) on Robelami or Robwhatever...couldn't stop laughing for your posts with wild licking.
Well…Thanks you saved me! I was just thinking to force myself to stop my obsession (destroying pc with a hammer, only solution) too lethal for my rational mind… I’m not used to the crazy vertigo he raises in me, and yesterday (don’t know really why) it was a dizzy day, and I felt so confused about myself and my reactions to those pics… but then I realized how many clever women suffer the same “insanity” still remaining great women with real mind, not just crazy, fantasising fans (past RM or Details threads gave me this certainty, just 2 examples in the only habitat I know you, obviously) and I felt reassured.
Hope I’m explaining my feelings well, don’t mean at all that Robsession is for silly girls or that if someone feels it she’s silly!!! I'm exclusively thinking of myself, a woman always controlled and RL grounded and for some months literally, absolutely in love with his words, his mind, his soul, his beauty as never happened for anyone even when I was a teen...
But suddenly, reading your posts and feeling so naturally & enthusiastically connected to you, I realized that it’s simply Robeffect, nothing perverted or to be put into a madhouse (only in a very crowded naughty corner LOL!!).
Just impossible to resist, so finally...let’s enjoy it (speaking to myself)!
Nice day to everybody & sorry for long post, promise never to torture you again like in this!
And ye...FILTM!
The three exclamation marks made me suspicious. :) I wonder what you'll make up next year! I'll be here and prepared. :)
O.M.G*, Göz, you really got me!
And I felt so aroused, when I read that...
Stupid Capitu did not remember april 1st.
Now I can hear your evil laugh:
I'd fall for anything with the words Rob and sex in it...
I went to see RM last night and I had a grin plastered on my face throughout the whole movie. I remembered every scene from the clips and every piece of clothing he was wearing and I was like 'Oh I have a picture of that scene' LOL
Rob's unbelievably gorgeous, when his jaw first came on screen I swear I moaned. Got a dirty look from my bf but I'm sure the other ladies felt the same. He's amazing in this movie.
*Giggle * :-}
Gozde - Clicked expecting great things and laughed until I cried.
Thanks for a great start to this day. Enjoyed your humor, you NB.
Ha ha ha! good one! you got me lol. :-))
Happy April Fool's Day!
I saw RM 4 times in 6 days. I just can't help it. Such a great movie and it touched my soul. I am so proud of Rob's choice and him to make it happen. This man just keeps doing great things to make us loving him more and more. He has a great mind and great soul.
Well you got me there, totally forgotten about April Fool's day and oh so eager to see that scene!
Going to see the movie tomorrow night, simply cannot wait, though I think spoiler comments have informed me of most of the plot :-( So looking forward to seeing my beautiful boy on the big screen again.
happy april fool's day and i totally got caught i went on every blog i new always spoke about rob twice and ha!ha i got caught,ladies you mean everything people beating rob in the MTV awards with that jonas rob is 4th can something be done where are all rob's fan to me this is terrible
hello I am not even awake yet here people, I wake up for my morning cup of Rob and you pull the rug out from under me LOL
Coitus interruptus!!! Damn!!! I was so ready!
Hi Goz!! You sure had me fooled.
omg that was so funny :D, this is the reason i can't stand my birthday all of the april fools day jokes
Good to "see" you Gözde!
Good one! Got me. xxx
Dammit Godze, get my hopes up will ya? Just kidding....
Welcome back!
So now your mean streak comes out,lol.
ymmmm.....hiz gorgus
LOL hahahaha you got me again and just for seing and clicking my computer went crazy and started opening Blank documents and all that for April Fools Day joke.hahahahaha.
you got me too, i am at work and looked all around before i clicked, too funny :))
You knew exactly what kind of bait to use against us HAHAHAHAHA!!!
...I thought i was enough prepared ,and now i feel like an idiot but HAPPY ALL THE WAY!!!
Goz, I think there are enough addicts here to pool their financial resources to support you so you can blog their addiction full time!
(Hmmm...would that make them your sugar mama's?)
Oh Dang stupid April Fool. I got all excited. I was near trembling in anticipation of some real Rob flesh and then this........someone needs to sit in their time out chair today!
Wow, I got all hot and bothered for an April Fool's joke. That's just great, but did make me laught.
OMY! Gozde-you bad bad girl. :P You're soooooooo wrong for that. LOL! You just can't tease a gal like that-it's just not right! Bahahahahahahahaha.......well played dear. ;)
Haha! U got me last year and now this year!! Priceless. Miss ya goz! =D
Has anyone seen the video by Celeb TV that is showing a completely bald Rob Pattinson who has shaved his head for a new movie role. Without thinking, I clicked into the video to watch it, guess what, April Fool. Rob still is cute even bald headed.
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