The Ravishing of Rob Pattinson
In a recent survey of 130,000 women by iVillage Entertainment, 87% said they would trade their husband for British actor Robert Pattinson. Clearly, some of them were kidding. The rest will just have to accept that the 23-year-old Mr. Pattinson, like the romantic vampire Edward Cullen he embodies in the "Twilight" movie series, is unlikely ever to cross their paths outside the realm of dreams.
Until now, most of those dreams were sweet or at least private ones. Yet as Mr. Pattinson made the rounds in New York this week to promote his new, nonvampire movie, "Remember Me," the spectacle of his sexploitation—how else to put it?—was grotesque. What's being wrecked is the essence of his appeal, and he's really not old enough to safeguard it.
Whatever Pattinson-appreciation is built on, the gateway drug for most women (and fewer men) is Stephenie Meyer's "Twilight," a classic saga of young love. The twist is that Edward hasn't been human since he was bitten by a vampire in 1918, and yet he soulfully strives to protect Bella, the ordinary girl who returns his affection, from his own monstrous fate.
A beautiful man with the will and strength to maintain eternal devotion? A few joyless types missed the big picture and veered off on tangents about stalking and other tedious subjects. But most girls got it instantly, and adult women perked up as if from a torpor—even if they could only sneak off to and other Web sites after the children and a resentful husband or boyfriend were asleep. Then, they talk about Mr. Pattinson as if he were their own personal brand of heroin. "I'm addicted," a mother of four laments. "When will it end?" "O.M.G. When will we wake up?" types someone else. "When he's 40? 50?"
After more than a year of mainstream-culture derision aimed at so-called twitards, vindication of a kind arrived in the March issue of a trendy men's magazine, Details. There, a headline finally asks the $64,000 question: "So the Woman You Love Has the Hots for a Vampire. What Does That Say About You?" Nothing good. But the worm turns again elsewhere in the same issue, in a creepy photo spread where Mr. Pattinson appears fully clad but looking dwarfed and diminished by a towering phalanx of naked female models.
Of this demeaning experience, Mr. Pattinson later had the insouciance to remark that it was made bearable by a hangover. The fangs are out for him, however. As one woman blogged about the Details shoot, he is now "the most objectified young man of modern times." Throw in the sexual catcalling and increasingly smutty questions from interviewers, and he probably "spends half his life having femininity (for good or bad) thrust in his face."
Jimmy Fallon, bless him, put his guest up a tree for a funny skit Monday. Back in the studio, though, the banshees wailed so crazily that both men looked wary and Mr. Pattinson said: "Help."
Fat chance. On ABC's "The View" Tuesday, even the presence of Mr. Pattinson's parents and sisters in the audience could not prevent the lady interviewers of a certain age from instigating talk of intimate body parts, male and female.
All this, and worse, is now rushing toward a man whose greatest asset has been not just a handsome face, but an apparent abundance of youthful innocence. It has allowed young girls to imagine a happy future, and moved older women to tears with the memory of a happier past.
Now that Mr. Pattinson is a bona fide Hollywood commodity, a maw is opening to devour him. Even Edward Cullen couldn't stop that.
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 207 Newer› Newest»Oh come on! Looks like we all wanna DO him... poor gorgeous, that would be so exhausting. RPattz, the best thing against women's frigidity!... (ops)
Btw, love the lips in that pic!
Of course we all want to do him, but we'd also love to sit down and have a beer with him and just chat. he's more than just a pretty face...
The writer almost got the blog right, not quite!
The only "bad" thing I see in this article is the fact that it entails only his physical perfection (not that it's not something to talk about...!)
But we love Rob also for his personality and charm. It's very VERY rare to find a 23 year old so smart and articulate. I am 26, but I've seen a LOT of women on the lookout and there's nothing like Rob out there...He's like a breath of fresh air..something we need more of.
uh, wow, lady! Or is this actually one of the "resentful" husbands/boyfriends trying to gain revenge in disguise because his wife/girlfriend has pointed out a comparison to Rob and this guy came up short?
Either way, someone needs to chill out, IMO. ;)
Hey Kat, You flipped me out!!!
Rob is my guy forever.
Love ya and hugs.
Hi, RPG. =)
I actually called my husband Robert the other day (I know mayor OOPS!)
The sweet thing just burst out laughing and say "that guy's going to ruin my life..."
How ya doing?
writer sounds a little bitter, huh?
Pfft! Okay, Rob's fans (aka us) are not only delusional and grotesque but are also cheating on our families?
Oh, and Rob's greatest assets are his beauty and his innocence?
And Hollywood is out to take advantage of him?
So, Nancy, we're stupid, Rob's stupid and he's only a pretty face? Wow.
Have two words for Nancy. "Bite me."
(Gwen says, tongue firmly in cheek.)
lemonless--ok read it this time w/o RL--i'm p**sed too--she needs to do a little more research. we don't think he is just a pretty face--the whole package is what we like--like RPG said--we would also like to sit and get to know him better than we can through interviews. maybe the writer needs to visit this blog on other days than the friday free for all--LOL
Yelida, LOL! Haven't done that yet, but I'd better watch myself...
RPG, I'd say just a little! Seems kinda uptight to me, but to each their own. I agree about the crazys who want to put him in a headlock on the street, but to go after bloggers like us makes me think "Oh for God's sake, calm down!" ;)
I saw on the other thread that you're sick-that sucks, hope you feel better soon! I'm just getting over strep throat myself. :/
i will be firs to admit he is a lovely piece of eye candy,but also a human being with a lovley mind and personality,looks can and will only get you so far in the's him mind/personality that will carry him well after looks have faded.i still see him as this generations gary grant.
oops sorry for typos, need to not type with out eyeware
Actually, I think she made a few good points. Frankly, some journalists and even some fans could treat him with a bit more respect. Comments are mostly pretty nice here, but I've seen others that were downright rude and borderline pornographic on other sites. Rob deserves better than that.
Totally RPL! Geez, lady, lighten up.
Did she really call his Details shoot "creepy" and "demeaning"?
I don't disagree with everything she said but she needs to calm down. Of course, so do many in the fandom. Let's find a balance, shall we?
@rpg--sorry to hear you're sick--get better-:)
That sucks RPL...I may have throat feels like broken glass...
CV...I know what you meant sweetie!
I'm going to take some meds and pass out...night ladies...
Night, RPG! Feel better, bb...antibiotics worked wonders for me. <3
Oops! Wrong gmail account. Oh well, maybe I'll keep it like that. I'm sort of sick of seeing myself. :)
ITA las38 and Cheryl!
hi RPL and emily
Hi wens!
I'm glad I finally caught you RPL. We keep missing each other.
PS I'm still pissed at Matt Lauer.
LOL, Emily! you're more under-cover that way.
emily are you still spoiler free? almost here!!
Em, I know! I feel like I'm always 10 minutes too late! I'm pissed because I really wanted to watch that interview and I can't because I'm afraid of the spoiler. How dumb can he be?!
Hi, wens! {waves}
LOL @ being undercover. There could be good Emily and evil Emily.
Yeah, I'm mostly spoiler free. People are saying what stupid Matt Lauer said wasn't a huge spoiler but I'm still mad. It's more than I wanted to know.
I'll watch it again if you want RPL and tell you when to mute it. It's only one thing he says. Stupid Matt Lauer.
Wow that article is just a bit harsh. I'm not sure if she's trying to defend him or demean his fans?
Did this happen to anyone else???
After I finished reading the post below about the cougars from "The View", and the comments, I scrolled back up and went to the home page, and the first google that popped up underneath the banner was for
I started laughing and my husband turned to me and asked me what I was laughing about!
How do I explain?! LOL
Thank god I'm only 28! :D
LOL noela! Good luck explaining.
The ad I got was about cheese sandwiches.
Em, that would be great! Then I could just skip that comment-I think I've got some stuff figured out but I'm trying not to think about it and to avoid anything that will tip me off too much! And hmmmmm, evil Emily might be fun! LOL
Whaddado, Martini!
Whaddadoo RPL!!
noela, that's funny! and we've all been there...just try reading Gynazole with your hubs in the room! Not an easy feat. XD
When did you become Chocolate? :)
Okay RPL, let me just round up some headphones so I don't "bug" hubby with all my Twilight stuff. *giggle*
@rpl--is gynazole ff?
@RPL - okay, I'll bite. What's Gynazole?
@wens - jinx! hahah
What is the point of this commentator's diatribe? I don't even know where to begin.
First off, at this blog, whatever lustful thoughts the ladies have towards Robert, they also RESPECT him, admire him and are very protective of him.
And--leaving aside for the moment his personality, intelligence, his humanness--why shouldn't women of all ages lust after a man with such magnificent looks?
It appears as if the double-standard still exists. You know the one. The one where men of all ages can openly lust after 18 yr. old young women in Playboy, etc. and it is put down to the fact that they are red-blooded men, and all such would respond that way to images of nude women often young enough to be their daughters or even granddaughters.
The double standard which says such lusting in men is normal but god help women if they dare to lust after a young man, especially if they are older women. How dare these women be turned on by a young man! How dare they have normal sexual feelings beyond the age of 20! How dare they feel, or imagine--even jokingly--a better husband.
Now poor Rob is being sexploited by his fans? Not that we aren't aware of his feelings and respect practically every thing about him, but if you want to talk sexual exploitation, talk about the paps, and ignorant, 'journalists', who misquote, quote out of context, or just plain make up things about Robert.
And if you want to talk about sexploitation, talk to female sex slaves. That's grotesque.
And please, don't rattle on self-righteously about 'ladies of a certain age'. How dare this writer malign women of any age on such flimsy grounds.
I imagine Robert is pretty sick of the screaming hysteria. A man of his sensitivity and intelligence, and humility is embarrassed, self-conscious and frightened by it. Yet he handles it with grace and just plain kindness. I know he wants it to stop.
Okay there is some objectification going on, how can there not be when none of us know Robert the way his friends and family do? The imagination takes over to some extent.
But, he is also being adored, and that is, perhaps, the more dangerous path, as he is just a man, one who, by all accounts, knows he is flawed and wants us to know it. He's always making sure fans know this. That's what the self-deprecation is about, the jokes about vaginas, sex toys, and numerous other things. The willingness to refer to his ass crack.
This man has the strength to parlay his heart-throb status to further his career. Don't kidd yourself; he knows what he's doing. He is no youthful innocent.
Gynazole is becoming a little cringe worthy. It's hilarious but it's a little much. However, I am so in love with this Edward.
"Hello the Twitter!" "Sorry I had to scamper, I threw up in my hamper."
It's FF-gross and HILARIOUS! Here ya go:
@emily - Dessert convinced me earlier this evening that I needed to be chocolate. I'm a chocoRobaholic.
Well this was a depressing article. Right in some respects. Wrong in others. I wouldn't say he is objectified. I think we love the whole package. It isn't just his looks, which are gorgeous in an out of the ordinary-good-looks sort of way. It is also his amazing talent, his self effacing personality, the sense of humor, the ability to be charming even when others would run for cover. It is the innate gentlemanliness. It is the positive view of the world that the screams and stalking are worth the benefits. Maybe that will change some day. Maybe he will get tired of us or we will get tired of him. But, I can't see it happening any time soon. There is a mutual love affair going on between Rob Pattinson and his phlanx of fans, both young and old that is pretty amazing and mutually enjoyable. There is a synergy that is hard to break and I think we are both, Rob and his fans, in it for the long haul.
the Emmett in this one is unbelievably disgusting and cracks me up every time. ;)
I was going to keep my mouth shut and my fingers away from the keyboard, but now I've decided against it. So please ignore me if you don't usually like what I have to say.
I don't want to 'do' him. I don't lust after him. I don't covet him. I don't want to mother him either, but I do wish him well and would keep him safe and sane if I could--as i would for many others, if not most in the world, if I could. But I do admire him tremendously--not only his acting, but his character and his perseverance in developing coping mechanisms. I would LOVE to talk with him about this and so many other topics; the lad is bright, insightful, sensitive; rare enough to find in any age.
HOWEVER-- this article, and some if not most of the interviews we have seen lately, especially The View, are to me an indication of a flip and disturbed backlash or reacton to the sexual harrassment and debasement from which we were supposed to be evolving. I have seen some women cheer that finally men are being used as sexual objects, are being objectified, as if it is payback time. But aside from what some of you are tired of hearing--that we are supposed to treat others the way we want to be treated (unless the way we want to be treated is degrading or some other form of harmful), there is another simple teaching that 2 wrongs don't make a right. It is OK to objectify a boy or man because women have been objectified so long? Not the way I believe. And I also believe that if most of you saw a bunch of boys or men talking about a girl or woman the way many talk about Rob, you would be aghast if not disgusted and furious. And if male TV show hosts talked about a girl's private parts and snickered about them and joked about them, I don't think many women would take that very well either.
I could be wrong. It could be all of you, or most of you, think 'it;s all good.' I personally would rather a a good that reflects a respect for and from all, and rather than a payback that translates into men being objectfied, that we can get to the point where NO one is objectified.
So much for my being quiet. Aren't you glad I am going to sleep and you won't have to read my input for a while? 0:-)
thanks for the rec rpl--i have such a huge list
Okay RPL you have piqued my interest in this! I'm going to have to read it.
Hi everyone!
CMG, you will find yourself rolling on the floor laughing while reading GYNAZOLE. You will also cringe a lot! LOL
ADM! How are you? :)
hi ADM--why cringe-is it that gross??
Okay so the first vid here (not the youtube one)
you'll want to skip 1:35 to about 2:25. It's a little spoilerish. Man, I knew I should have come here first because then I would have seen the "possible spoiler" warning. But NO, I just had to watch it live on TV.
Stupid Matt Lauer.
wens, they get themselves into all kinds of craziness.
Ladies, it has been quite a long day for me and I desperately need to turn in. I wish you all a good evening.
Laters! **waves**
But the writer demeans Rob by saying he has only a handsome face and youthful innocence. Oh please. Does she know nothing about him?
What an irresponsible writer.
She makes unwarranted assumptions about fans, especially older ones. She's woefully ignorant about Robert, his qualities, abilities, strengths.
She insults Rob and us. We are being objectified by her.
"memories of a happier past"? WTF! How the hell does she know?
It just makes me angry. Rob would be able to make a joke about it and laugh it off. (I need to hear his laughter just about now.)
Okay, I haven't read the 40 comments which emerged when I first posted a few minutes ago but I will. What do you ladies all have to say?
Okay, she's a troll, right?
Guess I took the bait.
ADM, I'm great! Nice to be chatting with you guys again, I feel like it's been too long. :)
wens-it is over-the-top gross out humor! just a warning, it makes me laugh like a crazy girl, but it wouldn't be everyone's cup o'tea!
Emily, MUAHH! Thank you so much! Gonna go watch it quick, and I agree-stupid Matt Lauer. :(
@jessegirl, well said!
@ShariG, agree on the synergy, completely.
Firmly believe that Rob's no dummy and he's in this business because he wants to be.
Did you read my response to you on the TeenHollywood thread, re: astrology?
I'll read the 58 messages right now. Had to get that off my chest first though.
Night, Martini!
me too--430am comes pretty soon--
Good night, wens.
solas- You don't need to apologize. I always appreciate your insights. I think you make very good points.
solas, I agree with Emily. I like reading your point of view.
Goodnight wens & Martini!
ADM! Good to see you! I know, RPL. It's been way too long.
How are you Emily? We have not chatted in a while.
ok, just watched it...yeah, right, no one wanted a naked photoshoot of Rob! uh, hands raised, ladies? {waves hand madly} LMAO
Emily, thanks for doing that for me, I'm trying so hard to be good about spoilers for this but the interviewers are making that really tough!
I'm great ADM. It's so good to chat with you again!
No problem RPL! Just for the record, I still consider myself a RM virgin.
RPL, Rob is so silly. Of course we want to see a naked photo shoot. Hell I'll take the damn pictures myself if I have to. hehehehehehehe
I was a cute interview, huh? Wasn't it you I chatted with back before NM and we said we'd rather have Willard Scott do Rob's interview than Meredith Viera? I was thinking about that the other day. I sort of wished he had done this one. There'd be no chance of spoilers. We'd be lucky if he got the name of the movie right. :) Just kidding, Willard is a good guy.
ADM, hehehehehehe...I'll hold a light for you or something! It's on. ;)
ADM - I love your evil laugh.
I watched Emilie's interview on Jimmy Fallon. Man, she is gorgeous. I would kill for her legs. She did a really good job. Jimmy is such a goober but I love him.
Em, omg LMAO! yep, that was me, I forgot about that! I stand by that, btw. haha
Emily, it would have at least been interesting to watch. LOL
RPL, let's see if we can contact his people and set this thing up!
I loved the Bothered sketch so much. I really think Rob ought to go on Craig Ferguson-that would be an awesome interview.
Emily, believe it or not I have the same evil laugh in RL.
I couldn't stop laughing at how Rob was hanging on for dear life in that tree. I sort of think Jimmy sounds like Austin Powers when he does that voice. Rob is such a good sport.
I never stay up late enough to catch Craig Ferguson. The only thing I've seen of his is when he did the whole "Rob Pattinson is too pretty to be a vampire" sketch. "I will bit you b*tch!" That was hilarious.
Several points...will bullet them to be concise and just because this woman's style tweeks me a tad...and not in a good way!
1. Robert's a hell of a lot more than just the pretty. I'll admit, that face is what grabbed me at first (to a certain extent, that face became my muse for a project, before I ever even heard of Twilight or saw it), but then, since the face intrigued me so, I read about him and that's when I was hooked. There's something about him. Maybe he's got an old soul. Maybe it's his innocence. Maybe it's the fact that at times I don't know if I'd want to do him...or mother him by turning his shirt collar down and smoothing his hair :D
2. I did have a problem with the cackling hens on The View, Barbara Walters in particular. These are seasoned industry veterans (some more seasoned than others. Ms. Walters, I'm looking at you, my dear.) To act as though they'd never heard of a modesty patch was ridiculous, when you consider that I'm an accountant from NYC and even I knew what they were! It was simply an opening to talk about him in a sexual way. In fact, there was an article on today regarding this very same issue. They were acting like a bunch of horny housewives out for a night at the Chippendale's. AND Mom was in the audience. Good way to demean her baby, Babs. (sidebar: I also had a HUGE issue with Baba and her CONSTANT mention of Rob's "fangs". Did she even DO her research???)
3: GYNAZOLE: Potty humor at it's best. It can be gross (Emmett's love of sausage kills me) and Steve the cat freaks me out a bit, but a chapter hasn't gone by where I have not laughed out loud! Oh, and Edward friended me on Twitter. Is that what it is? Friending? *haz no idea*
RPL, loved the Bothered skit.
I have never watched Craig Furguson. He comes on too late for me. You guys make me wish I could make myself stay up. He sounds funny.
I belive these are new!!
ok, we've got to find a job for Emily...I'd give you makeup but I'm too selfish! Maybe we could take turns-camera, lights, makeup, rotate! ;)
LMAO ADM! I can hear it now....
Hiya, Solas! I, for one, do enjoy your words! Objectification isn't a good thing, will grant you that---and some Rob fans (who shall remain nameless) probably are very guilty of it. No excuses.
Yes, we'd be unapologetically livid if 5 MALE tv talk show hosts said certain sexual things to, say, Kristen, just as an example.
That said, this writer? She's insulting not only us, but Rob and just about everyone else as well. While there may be a few nutball fans out there, not everyone who likes Rob is crazy, delusional or obsessive. (Btw, has she even heard of sports fans?)
Rob is a smart man who made certain choices to be in the spotlight and knows that his life is now both public and "a business". Rob wasn't kidnapped by The View or Details magazine either.
This writer comes across as being faux-sympathetic to Rob's "purity" and appeal, while knowing absolutely nothing about him. And it shows.
Oh yes, Rob is quite the eyeful and I do love to look at him, but really I've always been intrigued with his intellect. He has more twists and turns than a mountain road and a lot more than any regular 23 year old. Now we find out that he has that rare wonderful man smell going too. Is this guy for real? No wonder so many of us are smitten.
solas, your comments are always welcome and interesting.
rpg, get well soon. We've had that nasty thing at our house too. Hot toddies work a treat.
RPL, I agree. We will have to take turns with makeup!
I might even turn the heat up high. So he sweats it off often. He will need many touch ups.hehehehehehehehehe
Believe it or not, the "I will bite you, bit**!" was where I first saw Craig! Cracked me up so I checked out his show and I've been watching ever since. He's my other celeb crush right now. LOL
Rob's head shake at the end of the skit is too funny and adorable! Kelly's got the gif of it on her blog.
Well said Gwen.
ADM, MANY touchups! No fans, hide the Coke...sweat, baby! oops, I'm objectifying. ;))
You in for the shoot, Emily?
I'll wash his hair. It's on my "Things I'd give anything to do" list.
Gwen - Well said. She was a little self righteous for my taste.
Lisa - Good post! I think I was most afraid for The View appearance but it went relatively well I think. I had a good laugh when Joy asked Barbara if she thought Rob looked like a cartoon character and she said, "I already told you what I think."
But yeah, a little to much time was spent on the vagina comment/modest patch. Has no one heard the vagina joke? It still makes me laugh that people thought it was a serious comment.
I did love how complimentary Barbara was of his performance. That was cool.
Hi, Gwen! your comments are right on. :)
Emily, I think Babs is a fangirl. LOL
I just remember him from the Drew Carey show. I'll have to DVR a show or two.
Did you watch Community tonight? My husband started it without me but I caught just the end. So yeah, Joel is freakin' hot.
Emily, I'm getting all kinds of visuals of washing his hair...nice...
Oh, she is so a fangirl. So is Jimmy Fallon and I think Jon Stewart may be too, now. I think Matt Lauer just has hair envy. :)
Nope, haven't seen it yet, but you bet, Joel is hot! I follow him on twitter and he says that he's nekked? 0.o
I have to say the best comment ever from a *ahem* more mature woman was Sharon Osbourne on Ellen. "I could be arrested for the things I want to do to him." That had me laughing so hard!
LMAO @ hair envy! you are so right.
LMAO @ hair envy!
You have to watch at least the end! He strips down while he's playing pool (I came in too late to know why they were doing it) but yeah. Someone's been working out.
Jinx RPL!
I betcha even Ellen wouldn't say no! Rob's just too damn charming and sexy, we can't be held responsible for our reaction to him!
I had every intention of watching that show when it started. Never did. Shucks.
LOL, ADM, I owe you a coke!
I agree, RPL. Love everything I have ever been able to learn about the pretty man!
ADM, you mean Community? you could still jump in and catch up pretty quick. It's hilarious-the character Abed is awesome!
really, I just love that show.
Alexandra, your link is not working for me.
Community is awesome. I am in love with Abed.
RPL - Have you found out when you can go see RM? I was going to wait until the next week to see it but I'm going to sneak out and see it Saturday night. Alone.
Is Barbara really 80? Wow. She looks amazing! Yeah, don't, uh, watch The View. Obviously. LOL.
And thank you, guys! Been in a mood. Read a bad fic---debating on reviewing, but it'll just make me feel b*tchy, so... Need to read some good, happy fluff. (Here, bunny, bunny!)
RPG, so sorry that you're sick! Hugs and feel better! (We have Robstock Part 2 to plan, bb!)
Alexandra, I think those are new outtakes from Another Man-RPG had them on her blog tonight! the second one is HOT.
Please, someone... have you seen this pics of Rob before?
It is now, Alexandra.
Jesse--I did see your comment and I commented there.
Emly-what is a goober (aside from a candy)?
I think they are from a "forbidden" photo shoot. I forget which one. But I don't think the pictures have been officially released yet. Why? I have no idea. He looks amazing.
Holy Crud, Alexandra! I think those ARE me anyway LOL
Gwen, this writer is insulting. She's condescending...and in a way, doing exactly what she's raging against: Objectifying him.
Emily, I *love* Sharon Osborne...and agree with her. I'd definitely be arrested once they got him out of the restraints...I mean...once we were discovered in our little love dungeon... ;)
Em, haven't decided yet-I'm trying to come up with a way to tell hubs what it is without outing myself! I was talking the other night about how it was fun to go to the movies by myself that other time (NM, duh ;)) and that I'd like to do it again...laying the groundwork! how lame am I? LOL
I'd like to go alone, probably early the following week. I'm just dying to see it, and the Eclipse trailer!
solas - I don't know...just a kind of nerdy but sweet guy. Can't help but like him.
I forgot about the candy!
@ Gwen...gonna share what bad FF you are reading?
*please let it not be mine*
Or Gynazole LMFAO!
Here is another link to see the new pics:
Hope you like them, I'm sure you will enjoy them.
Lisa, which one is yours? Do share.
Come with me RPL!!
My husband is a little confused about the whole thing but luckily isn't giving me too hard a time. He doesn't get why I would go see a movie, knowing nothing about it, just because a certain actor is in it. I just said, that's what a fan does. Plus, it looks incredible, Rob looks incredible, and Pierce is a sexy, sexy man. (I didn't say that part though)
Gwen--speaking of ff-- what is it with these people who don't finish what they start???? I mean, can they not write out the story and THEN publish it online???/ Sheesh-- I am left hanging waiting for 4 stories now!
Emily I would LOVE to go with you! Most of my RL friends have moved away...there are a couple that would have gone with me but they're not here, and the ones who are aren't Rob fans. I wish we lived closer to each other, I would be so down for that! =)
I know solas. I keep telling myself I'm not going to start any more unless they are completed.
Oh, I forgot to tell you, I'm so glad you like that one I gave you the link to! Is it still good? I'll have to start it.
Lisa, which one is yours?!
LOL, I hate giving any kind of negative feedback, but my God, zero logic??? (The Rain Season. Want to toss my monitor and then scream! And it was highly recommended. Somewhere.)
solas, did you read this one shot by the same author that wrote Dark Side of the Moon? I thought it was sweet.
Hi NB's.
Forgive me for not commenting on the fabulous Rob here. I've read the comments and not contributed because I'm travelling and the "wireless" that should be available in the motels I've been in for a week sometimes time me out...
Does anyone know what happened to The Live In Position and What Happens in Vegas Follows You Home? I cannot find them. I don't even remember who wrote them. They've been removed or were taken down from ff and Twilighted doesn't have them. Since I'm "vacationing" I've tried to find them but can't.
Looking forward to RM next weekend.
Thanks for great reading these last few days.
@rpg - sorry you're sick. Hope all goes well and you're back to normal soon.
@ ADM~
I'm afraid to LOL
What if it's the one Gwen's reading? LOL!
Me too RPL! We could meet in the middle with ADM. Let's see, what would that be...Kansas? LOL!
My sister in law said she'd go with me but she can't go opening weekend. NM was the first time I went to a movie alone and it wasn't half bad. In fact, I'm planning on seeing Eclipse alone the first time too.
sorry, Barbara, I don't know either one of those. Anyone else?
@ Gwen~
Whew! dodged a bullet there!
Nope, not mine LOL
Mine's just a small first try, to be honest.
yeah, I hadn't ever gone to a movie alone, either. I didn't mind it, actually it was kinda nice, but it would be so cool to go with a fellow Robsessor or two!
So, Kansas then? LOL
Solas, oh, where to start!
Marna and I had this conversation a while back. Some ff authors write "on the fly"---for sport. Like a hobby. (Yes, I talked to one of these types as I am NOT one of them.) The one I spoke with said that reviews were literally "her brand of heroin". She gets off on high numbers of reviews, so she writes her chapters based on whatever her readers tell her to do---or not do.
As opposed to, say, some authors who write a story with only the STORY itself as the goal.
I, personally, only believe in posting complete works (as my harddrives, plural, are full of incomplete ones from way too many universes can attest).
I HATE story orphans! Some authors find it very difficult to keep writing (without any concrete goal) week after week and so give up. Or they hit a high point of so many reviews and figure they can just stop. "Quit while ahead" thinking. Which is rude as all get out! IMO.
(Gwen's tired and cranky. Take all this with a large grain of salt.)
Barbara - I've never heard of them either. I know a lot of authors are taking them down from and moving to Twilighted. Or Live Journal. Good luck!
@RPLover - thanks...just hoping that someone knows...
March 13 can't come too soon!
Emily-for which one did you give me the link? Was it Swirl and Daisy? If so, I absolutely love it and couldn't stop laughing the first few times I read it. But it ISN"T FINISHED!!!!! Arghh!!!!!!
Gwen - Awww, story orphans sounds so sad! :(
I wish ADM! Yeah, that'll never happen. Pretty sure I couldn't justify that one. But it would be beyond awesome.
Yeah, it was Swirl and Daisy. I'm so glad you like it! Does she at least update it often?
Lisa, come on, did you read mine?
Short one shot, but I wrote it for all of you guys!
Link me up! : ) Where's yours?
oh, I'd love to stay and chat longer but I've got an early morning so I've gotta say goodnight. But I'm so glad we all caught each other! Hope we can chat again soon. :)
Sweet Robdreams, ladies! <3
besides the 'older women thinking back on a happier past' part, i actually thought she made some really good points and astute observations. AND, she acknowledges that he has many older fans, when most just talk about tweens, which was refreshing.
Jinx, Gwen!
Barbara, there's a whole big thing about stories with mature content (aka explicit) that violated's rules. They had to be removed.
I'll try to hunt those down for you. The authors may be posting to their own blogs? Most have landed at Twilighted. But, not all.
Mine's safe---very PG. No lemons. ; )
Good night, RPL. Dream of centerfold Rob!
Night, RPL!!!
Goodnight RPL! Sweet Rob photoshoot dreams to you! ;)
My husband headed to bed over an hour ago. I should probably call it a night. Thanks ladies! It's been a blast, as always.
Good night, Emily. Glad we finally got to chat.
Gwen and solas, I read several stories that were abandoned. I now check for last update dates before I read. Sometimes checking back to see if it is being updated.
tkayy--for some, it IS older women thnking of a happier past, or at least wanting to create a happier memory (even if fake)from their reality.
Some women really sound like a dorm room of adolescents, giggling about 'naughty' stuff, but the type of interaction that really ought to have ended by the time college was over.
I don't understand why many interviewers and hosts do not get how special and talented Rob is beyond the looks, but i think they are starting to realize now. True Barbara W didn;t have a clue (the vampire teeth--sheesh!!!)about some stuff, but she was surely bowled over by his performance in RM. And it seems that Jimmy Fallon, et al, really were impressed as well, not only wth the acting, but the interacting, and Rob's unassuming un='priveleged' personality.
Em, re going alone to movies! I do it all the time! Hubs and two teen sons? I'd never see a chick flick if I didn't go by myself! LOL.
I have one, yes, one, person that I could ask to go with me to see RM. But, she lives an hour away from me and it's playing 30 miles in the other direction! So, yes. I'll be all alone in the theater next weekend. ; )
Unless anyone here is near Denver?
@Gwen - thank you for checking. I really appreciate it. I'm travelling with my husband who has business all across Texas all week and I'm disappointed that some of the stories I've been reading are on a long hiatus.
Loved watching the vids of Rob this week and seeing great pix.
Thanks again.
ADM, I do the same thing! Saw one recently, incomplete, that hadn't been updated in a year. Pass.
Emily--it is not updated often enough!!!
have a good night.
What is a good indication of responsible updating? I personally think they should be all done, but I guess that is too much to ask. The ones I am waiting for seem to be updated every 2 weeks or so. Is that reasonable>? (NOt for me!!)
Ladies, I'm so glad most of you are just ignoring the article and having fun. More power to you.
Love your 'major oops'! The only laugh I've had since reading that article. Thanks. And your husband sounds cool.
Love your summation: "Bite me." I should have stuck to that. Well put.
Liked your comments about balance and to calm down. I admire that but it's not me.
You have a right to remind us all of the moral high ground. KUDOS.
No one should be objectified.
But, I admit, I do lust after Rob. Can't help it.
But I also respect him, as a man and a human, and wouldn't snicker about his body parts the way you mean.
I mean, when we celebrate jaw porn, stubble, eyelashes, wonky walk, hands, lanky legs, do you think we are objectifying?
I know when I speak of these things I FEEL and intend no disrespect, I feel like I am still appreciating the whole man, not just his physical being.
Let's face it, when men snicker at women's bodies, or parts of them, the way you mean, one can feel the disrespect wafting off them. I've borne the brunt of such supposed 'appreciation' from men many times and it is disgusting. You know when such objectification is aimed at you. It is hurtful and demeans both parties. I've battled that for a long time. Men have humiliated me in that manner many times. One feels dehumanized.I would never want to do that to Rob. Ever.
I have also been lusted over in the flattering and adoring way and there is a marked difference. It can be argued that this is also objectification, because these men have been blinded by their physical feelings for my body, with total disregard for my whole being.
I've then felt that power over them, because they are in thrall. Strong sexual feelings, like love, blind one momentarily.
Actually, it is Rob who has the power here and we all know it. He has put some of us under a spell, which one man I knew accused me of. The man I knew, knew I had the power, because he was beguiled by me. So I've experienced it from both sides.
Rob knows he has the power, because many of us cannot help ourselves. When he walked through that cafeteria door in Twilight, he had us. Edward didn't, but Rob did.
Yes, Rob is being objectified and fantasized about. But the truth is that he has the power. We talk about panties exploding and impregnating stares jokingly but the truth is, this man is sex on two legs.
When I talked about the double standard I was not thinking of payback, although I think I was pretty clear what I meant.
I meant lusting, not objectifying, which are two different things, (even though there can be overlap).
I hope that's not what you or anyone else thought.
Man, just call me bothered.
This came across twitter yesterday, but LASMKE, a ff author, died this week. Car accident evidently.
Here's her stories, they are complete. I haven't read them yet. I plan to.
Hug your loved ones often.
solas, every two weeks is good. Some that I am reading update once a month and less. Drives me crazy.
@ ADM~
sent the link to ya ;)
Gwen, that is so sad. Small Town Gossip has been on my list to read. I need to do that.
Really going now. Night all.
@ Gwen~
Oh, that's just so tragic :(
Solas, re updating. I get annoyed if it's longer than a week---unless the author states a reason (vacay or visitors). But, RL does have a way of interfering, so you have to take that into account.
Case in point, I'm over 40 chapters into a FANTASTIC story (in a different universe, where I lived before) and the author has updated ONCE since July. Yes. Once.
I reviewed her story when she first posted, probably three chapters in---begging her to complete it. I think I pinged her again at chapter 20. She swore she plans on finishing it. Hmmm.
Still waiting. Two years later.
@ Gwen~
I understand that feeling. I have two that I'm reading that are not regularly updated.
One was just updated a week ago after having gone since October without an update. I'd about given up on that one. The other's last update was in December. And both of them are really good, and have you totally committed. Then you sit and wait.
Ideally, I'd like to update weekly, but sometimes, that just can't happen. I think I had two updates in all of December, just because I was too busy. February was about the same as well, because RL gets in the way. I strive for at least 3 updates a month myself.
wow Gwen; may she rest in peace.
Puts our demands low on the pole, eh?
As for the one who hasn't updated since July--I don't get it--do they just start writing with no real plot or end in sight? So it isnt really fiction, but rather maybe a writing experiment, a lesson n which the readers are the classmates giving feedback?
ehh-- am too tired to go on now. Have a good kind safe sane healthy evening all.
@ jessygirl - totally agree with your tome.
Rob does, indeed, have that unexplainable power.
Goodnight, ladies. It's been a pleasure.
Yes, new Twitter addict here...
DVR Alert! RT @remembermefilm: Rob will appear on the Early Show on CBS on Tuesday March 9th. Check local listings for times.
There it is!!!
Barb, send me an email and I'll update you on those stories when I can!
Yeah, I agree with your point #2. Babs and the hens were demeaning and it was inappropriate.
Luckily, Rob thinks 88yr. old Betty White is sexier than any of them.
It is true that women can display pretty disrespectful behaviour.
Babs and the fangs. F--k.
Although, many male TV commentators say exactly the same thing.
Rob is a hot lovely piece of eye candy,but there's more to him! He appears to have a good personality!
@Barbara, found some info, not good.
Saewood, author of both "The Live-In Position" and "What Happens In Vegas Follows You Home" as pulled all of her stuff, citing "personal reasons".
(LOL, as that's Edward's line in Twi.)
Here's one of sites that mentions this:
Safe travels!
That would be "has".
Gwen says "Goodnight."
Thanks. Sorry about the length. I just can't seem to help myself.
I feel like most of you here just have so much fun and patter back and forth easily. I'm a bit envious of that lovely ability.
I, on the other hand, have to think through so much, then get too serious. Please forgive me.
Sorry to bug you again. Thanks for the post on the other thread. I've actually replied there yet again. Could you check it out? I love discussing stuff with you. Please tell me if it bothers you.
By the way, ladies, I'm a total virgin when it comes to fanfiction, or whatever it is.
I've actually just finished a novel and am trying to decide how to get it published. It's a perilous process these days.
I've thought about putting something on the web for people to get a taste of but my ultimate goal is to be paid for a published, printed book. I'm also aware of Stephenie Meyer's bad experience with Midnight Sun, and have fears about web posting.
What the problem of the person that wrote this "thing"? Somebody got turned down by Mr Pattinson and is angry about it by insulting his fans?
This young man is here to stay and it's not only in the looks, it's the rest of the person that make him who he is...
Some people are so "sad", and there is nothing wrong with a little fantasy, especially when you turn on the news to see that an earthquake killed thousands of people in Haiti and Chile and that there is more to come... The world is not a nice place to be but this place is a little bubble of fun, joy and kinkyness that I need to go through RL.
Jesse, don't put anything online!
(And stay away from the fanfic, it's a timesink! LOL! Seriously, if you're reading, you're NOT writing! Gwen knows of which she speaks!)
Kudos!!! And good luck! ; )
Sissi, ITA. Here's to our happy little bubble! ; ) Hugs!
I tend to lurk more than I comment on this blog, but ITA agree that 2 wrongs don't make a right and I have found some of the comments here have made me uncomfortable.
However by and large everyone here wishes the best for Rob and his career and there is very little poison spilled, unlike some other sites.
As regards double standards I thought the pimping of Taylor Lautner was much worse than this and I'm not a Taylor fan,
at least Rob is an adult male and can make his own decisions Taylor wasn't even legal when the Rolling Stone shoot was done and someone commented that if it had been Miley Cyrus doing that shoot there would have been uproar
I have never been a fan of the ladette culture(maybe I'm too old) but I don't think we should be emulating male behaviour
Whew!!! longest post ever and I'll probably be slated and called a dinosaur.
ohh god I was saying did I miss a lot :))lol
@solas I really enjoyed your point of view, I think you nailed it.
I sometimes think the problem - generally speaking - is that journalists and interviewers do not check their information and have sometimes no idea about what or who they're speaking about. I'm thinking for example Matt Lauer on the Today Show, he clearly hadn't prepared his stuff. Good journalism means checking your sources and facts, but these people don't seem to get it. So many of them are so unprofessional!
LMAO! I loved it!
I knew this thread and my first comment would make some of you show your 'Rob's mom' side and some of you try to hide all the lust you alread repeatedly showed in here towards him.
If I feel protective of him too? Well, a bit, but not too much. I'm not his mom.
If I wanna do him? Well, HELL YEAH, SURE! Look at him!
If I believe you do not? Sorry, but not ever for a moment.
I do not have two faces. I love him and lust for him. Like ALL the girls in here. Why are you here anyway? Oh, okay, he 'is your favorite actor'. What the hell is happening in (let's say) Anthony Hopkins's sites? Are you there too? Probably not. I know I ain't...
The bottom line for me is: I admire and respect his many talents, I support his movies, I wish he gets a nice girl (he is going to be a wonderful young dad), I wish the best for his career and personal life, but I do not hide my love and lust for him. There is no point. Would be kindof ridiculous, actually. I love how humble and adorkable he is. Love to read his interviews and laugh with his laugh. It is intoxicating. But I drool when I see some of his pix. And I fantasize about him. Am not the only one, am I? Sure not... HAHA!
No, I do not have two faces.
One more thing: I'm not a puritan, and I really believe in 'free-speech', but I hate fan-fiction. I tried a 'light' one and then I tried to read two of the 'others', hardcore ones. They are disgusting!!! Edward and Bella having sex all the time - in every possible way!!! I hated, made me almost vomit! And I locked them out of my computers, because I do not want my daughter to have the disgusting chance of bumping into them. I would never look at the Twilight saga books, or movies, or even to Rob again with the sames eyes I do, if I kept reading such trashes! And don't bother to come here and say that you 'don't imagine Rob as Edward' doing all that stuff. Of course, you do. There is no other Edward... and no hotter guy... *wink*
See ya around! (*smile*) Be happy! Robsess! And try books...
xoxo, cv
Ladies (and any gentlemen): Glad some enjoyed. Others can read between lines a bit more and may see that the author has the same heroin addiction, perhaps even one of the worst. The WSJ is not the proper venue for talking re such things. The author even put herself in there at the end (she is the one who can be moved to tears) I ought to know.
Too busy to read all the comments on here--sorry if I say something already "covered" above.
This article was interesting and makes good points. I didn't like the View women either. They disgusted and embarrassed me, but I know it's their job to give their audience what they want, and the majority of his fans apparently want to hear him talk about vajayjays and his unit.
It is true--a young female actor would never be allowed to be treated that way by 5 old men crammed on a sofa for a talk show. But they are still objectified. Maxim, anyone? Or whatever the man-rag du jour is. And I think Rob would have been more "objectified" in the Details spread had he been the one who was naked. Excuse me, but the WOMEN were.
@CV! Hi! I agree with your post. I will not backpedal and claim to not dream of straddling him. That's why I'm on this bloody site. I am not gonna claim to be on Robsessed just because I think he's a nice fellow and an amazingly talented actor, 'cause, despite how much I can see his acting ability to be continually improving, he's no Daniel Day Lewis yet. And I don't visit a DDL fan site at all, despite my deep admiration of his skills.
And @CV, I am SO on board with your inability to get into FF. Sometime over the summer I tried the first few pages of Wide Awake and just could not get into it at all. I looked at a couple others after that, and the same thing--I didn't like them at all. I feel so left out sometimes--nice to know I'm not alone there!
@CV, Hugs! Had to wake up first, but feel the need to at least toss a few words out there in defense of fanfiction.
This isn't the first universe I've lived in. Some of the early Star Trek books are, in fact, fanfiction that was actually published.
People love certain characters so much that they imagine them in different stories/settings/etc. It's based on LOVE (and yes, maybe a little lust). LOL.
The internet changed how fanfiction was disseminated. Right/wrong, good/bad (yes, there's a LOT of bad fic out there, ITA). From Star Wars to Trixie Belden to Abraham Lincoln---just about anyone or anything (toys, robots, droids, CATS, etc!) can or does have fic written about it.
It's a creative expression of love, just like painting or writing poetry or sculpting. Or being a fan of some sports team. Lots of famous painters copied their mentors' works or style, for example.
I also read books and write both ff and original pieces, including poetry. I'm a news junkie and simply cannot find enough ways to absorb information or be creatively stimulated.
I'm sorry that you found stories that were badly written or horrifying (trust, have found those as well). Price. Freedom.
No one should ban books or free works (or paint them all with a single black feather). It's about personal choice. There are good ff stories out there, written with love. And just as I would fight tooth and nail AGAINST anyone wanting to keep Harry Potter out of schools, I'll say the same about fanfiction. It has a place. Others may enjoy what you don't and vice-versa and that's fine.
I just want to present the other side of fanfiction. When I make recommendations, I do preface them with a statement that they may not be for everyone. It's up to individual authors to label their stories appropriately. Just as published authors do.
There are "real" books out there that I'd like to get refunded for both the cost and the time I spent reading them. LOL!
To each, their own! FREEDOM! ; )
With love and peace,
Happy Reading!
CV, a slight follow-up. By no means is my one-shot story representative of all fanfiction, but I think it does highlight my love for Bella and Edward and Stephenie's saga.
It's only five pages and a "short moment in time" piece, set some time after Breaking Dawn. It is very PG (if not G). Would love to know what you think!
And lastly, given that SM's books are Young Adult books, I'm not at all surprised that some folks don't like Twi fanfiction as it seems many, if not most, lean toward an NC-17 rating, if not Mature. Do not feel bad, Puddle! You're probably not alone!
Hi Gwen,
I don't think CV (nor I, for that matter) are saying that all FF is terrible or poorly written. She just said that she personally doesn't like what little she's seen of it. I feel the same. And I know that we are probably the only two on here who feel that way. Or at least in the very minority.
No worries--I love the fact that we are all here for, and can agree to, our "Robsession". It is indeed, a beautiful thing!
I was really insulted by this article. To me this is just another indication of how low you can go when your a entertainment "journalist".
Fans of Robert Pattinson are neither stupid or unrealistic. We are devoted fans of a man who has some extraordinary qualities over and above his exceptional good looks, such as intelligence, sensitivity, a hilarious yet quirky sense of humour, and a laid back attitude towards mainstream Hollywood.
He is his own man and continues to search out projects that will help him become an even better actor then he currently is.
More importantly he lives by a code that keeps his private and professional life as separate as he can manage.
He's a breath of fresh air, and totally disarming, he has become admired for being down to earth, eccentric and in possession of that quintessential British charm.
Rob always handles with good grace just about anything that comes his way, and shows like "The View" and photo shoots like the "Details" will neither make nor break his career, but they will get him noticed.
ok, I'm so NOT up for participating in a full-blown argument, so please don't think I'm trying to start one, but I just had to make a couple of comments re:FF. Just like some people prefer non-fiction to novels or Christian-themed stories to romance/smutty books, there are a vast variety of FF's for different crowds. Most of the ones that folks on this site read and comment about are definitely more mature in nature, but that's not to say that all FF stories have that level of adult content. It just happens that a lot of us here enjoy those kinds of stories.
Speaking for myself, I enjoy a racy scene as much as some others, but I've quit reading a few stories because I felt there was more porn than plot. I need a good story and characters that I care about in order to keep me interested! And this idea of hardcore stories vs. tamer, more PG stories is most certainly NOT restricted to reading material found online-this debate has been going on concerning actual books for centuries.
And just for the record, I never picture Rob when I read about the different Edward's in these stories-whether I'm believed or not, that's just the plain truth! I've actually tried a couple of times to picture him, but the characters in the FF's I've read are just so far off from Rob or even his version of Edward that I just can't see a correlation! And I NEVER read the FF's that are about Rob in real life-to me that's just completely creepy.
If FF's not your thing, fine! But just like people search through books to find styles, topics or plots that they enjoy reading, the same can and should be said about FF. If just a little looking around is done, I'm confident that almost anyone could find a story to read that they really enjoy and feel is a good use of their time.
Whew, I've almost written a novel myself! Thanks to anyone who actually takes the time to read this monster comment. =)
Way to go RPLover!!!
I did, RPL! ; ) ITA! And ditto on the "Rob" fics! Not my cup of tea either. (Although, I know some who like them.) To each, their own!
Wait, I said that already...
Hugs! ; )
@solas, like the way you turn the male objectifying on it's head with imagining a young woman receiving the same kind of treatment. It gives a stunning perspective, appreciated or not. I am heartened that you seem to have support here for your thoughtful, intelligent comments.
@Lisa, excellent comment. I just rewatched it this morning and thought how can they go on like that with his mother there. (Elisabeth did seem uncomfortable.)Also wondered whether Mum was there to hopefully discourage certain topics being raised.
I had never heard of FF before I came to this site, and some of you may recall what I thought FF stood for. 0:-)
But I loved Midnight Sun, SM's unfinished version of Twilight from Edwsard's POV; I love to see different POV's in many if not most things. (Even when I teach Bible studies, I often have the students picture themselves as others in the story, and what those people would think, feel and say.) So when someone here told me that there is FF from other POVs, such as Carlisle, Alice, and even an attempt at finishing Edward's POV for Midnight Sun as well as for other books of the saga, i was intrigued. that to me is real ff; fiction based on the characters of real fiction, but in the spirit of those characters and events. Some ff has veered off from the real sense of the characters, and some just use the names but other than that have nothing to do with the saga.
At first, i wanted to stick only with those that were POVs committed to the real characters, but eventually I have seen some that are just interesting reads in themselves, and I think of them as having other names because they are not in character. BTW--I read real books a lot-- at least one a week, plus regularly daily read and study ancient and plain old (not yet ancient) religious texts. Reading literature, nonfiction, religious texts is not mutually exclusive with reading ff. However, i don't read the 'racey' stuff at all.
I will reiterate, as well, that some of us really do not lust after Rob, but i realize some of you might need to project your own tendencies on others, and do not accept that some of us not only do not backpedal but actually want and have nothing to do with that aspect. In fact, I personally find it gross to think of himself that way, on many levels, but I can understand why many women do lust after him, just as intellectually I can understand why many women lust after my son, who in my eyes (probably forever) is my little boy. I am not impressed with most actors, but I do go to sites sometimes to see what is going on. DDL is one of the only other actors whose talent I really admire, but he lives up the hill from where I live when I am back in Ireland, and I have no need for second and third hand info.
Even more, my interest in Rob goes beyond just admiration; his personality and path intrigue me tremendously. It could be the psychologist in me, or it could me the earth mother in me; whatever it is, I am impressed and intrigued.
Oh boy... I did not want to start another argument in here... sorry, I'll take it back. It was my bad; I probably chose the worst stuff online, so that is why I did not like them - at all. I did not say that they were 'badly' written, just with too much raw-porn-sex (or however you wanna call it) - just not the kind of stuff I like to read. It does not arouse me, it turns me off. Completely!
@ Gwen, so sorry, I did not mean to offend you. I did not know you wrote some FF too. I should pay more attention. And, for as much as I already know about you, I'm pretty sure you are a very inteligent woman.
@RPL, I had no idea that there is some FF about Rob's life. Really? This must be, at least, rude.
Sorry, girls, I know you like FF, and you made it sound so interesting that I wanned to check on it. I probably wasn't very lucky.
The sad truth is: I hardly read for fun. Too many books to read because of my work and research. I'd rather be reading "Bel Ami" right now.
And you are right, Gwen! Some books make us wanna ask for a refund. Too many s* published as well.
I also had no idea about any other FF... Star Trek, really? My son would like it...
@ puddle... Hi,girl. Thanks a lot for the support. But the girls are right, I spoke too much... CV and her big mouth. Good to 'see' you in here. (*grin*)
I have to go back to RL... Peace?
Love. CV. :)
Solas, CV and everyone else---no worries here! I absolutely enjoy the discussion here and hope this didn't sound like one of THOSE, ah, "debates"...
Solas, yes there are many other POVs out there---from all the characters! You will have to HUNT for them, sadly. Very interesting, imo.
BUT, yes, there are some ffs that are merely excuses to put the author in front of (or with, literally, biblically) Edward (and/or others). No real plot, just smut. "Mary Sue's" was the old term for these---cannot stand them.
I don't mind adding original characters (laughing here), but I prefer staying true to the characters---aka, "canon" and not so OOC (out of character). Yeah. Try writing a fic where you have a mind-reading vampire with a clairvoyant sister. Talk about painting yourself into a corner---it's very restrictive, hence the prevalence of all-human B&E stories.
LOL, just realized I'm lecturing! I once took an Intro to Science Fiction class---as well as Short Story---as a freshman. God, loved those classes!
CV, you are totally fine! Like we said to Solas, we love and appreciate all view points! I just wanted to give some background on fanfiction because a) I truly love reading and writing it and b) it is discussion-worthy!
As RPL pointed out, sometimes, recommendations are made without any notes or warnings---when they absolutely should be! Especially given that there are under 18's here...
Okay, RL calls! I heart all of you, big time!
(There will be a pop quiz on Monday.) LOL!
Gwen-- I totally loved your story. :-)
I must have somehow offended you, since I am sensing hostility directed toward my prior comment. It was not my intention. Again, I did not read all the comments on this thread, but did read CV's near the bottom, felt I could relate to several of her points, and joined in. I wasn't accusing anyone on this site of anything, but rather stating how I felt with regard to the article and why I come here, which is to share in the Rob love and have a good time.
Perhaps I am imagining the hostility? Either way, I don't intend to create any, whether it be about how we view Rob, nor about FF!
Puddle--I am not offended; sorry if anything I said led you to that idea.
Thank you, Solas! ; ) I enjoyed writing it!
Puddle--I don't think I get hostile, for the most part. I do get appalled sometimes, and I am saddened sometimes especially when I see someone is really 'off' psychologically and/or spiritually. I try not to answer those back, as it feeds the psyschosis.
However, I did not feel anything negative about your postings, and again I am sorry if anythng I said, or if anything I didn't say (since I don't answer back people whom I perceive to have disturbances,those without disturbances apparent or otherwise might misinterpret my not responding as if I am ignoring, but that is not the case; I just don't have time to respond to every posting.)
Was just pondering the weirdness of fanfic "interlooping".
Kathy Reichs' Temperance Brennan series is what Bones (the tv show) is based on. In KR's version, Booth is not really a major character. However, in Bones' ff, he is! (Both "streams" are represented: Brennan sans Booth and Brennan & Booth.) As if that's not confusing enough, another author wrote a book, published with KR's permission, based on Bones' Booth & Brennan.
It's like a logic puzzle or a math problem! Derivations!
I could go on about "Classic" Star Trek (old school) and New "Classic" Star Trek (based on the latest movie). Ye, gads, that's crazy! In the new update, they hit the "reset" button and changed "reality"---sorry, Amanda! (Spock's mom.)
Star Wars---I'd be here all day! Ditto X-Files! And all the Whedon universes together or separately!
Sorry, my brain is just tickled today! Did I mention that I LOVE fanfiction? ; ) (Hee-hee.)
I really never heard of it before coming to this site, Gwen.
I am working on a very werid novel right now, and I am torn with the idea of putting it online, getting it to a real publisher, or self-publishing.
Because it is very very strange, i am not sure that any publishing company will be interested, yet i want to get the book, the inside, out to the world. Poverty-stricken as I am, I wouldn't mind making money from it, but the most important thing for me is for the book to reach people, and I don't want to sell movie rights to any publishing company because I have seen too many ideas get lost or twisted in film, and I would rather remain impoverished than have that happen to my story.
If you have time, Gwen, can you email me and explain to me the process of putting novels on the web? I would assume I would never make ANY money from it that way, but mght at least get the story out. Also, it is not based on any literature or any story, so does that exclude it from fan fiction sites, and if so, is there any way to put it online anyway?
Solas, I have several ideas for you. Let me think a bit and email you!
In the meantime, check this out---actually posted this above for Jessegirl earlier---it's about publishing!
In case you want to go that route!
CV, totally no worries! Like Gwen, this was just a conversation that interested me and I found that I had a few things to say on the topic. I'm sorry that you ran into some that were really disturbing to you, I completely agree with you that they are out there! (pssst...don't tell on me, but I'm one of the few who doesn't read MOTU. lol) All I was saying, I guess, is there's lot of different kinds out there are not all are as smutty as some of the ones discussed here. :)
And yes, there are a lot of FF's about Rob and Kristen or other girls, using the real-life people in made up stories! And it TOTALLY CREEPS ME OUT! I stay far away.
Ok, I've gotta run, but peace for sure! Hope you have a great day. :)
Thanks, Gwen. :-)
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