*New* Photos Of Robert Pattinson On The Set Of Bel Ami

Photos are resized to fit the blog

Source Popsugar
Thanks to Laura for the tip!


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Gwen Cooper 426 said...

Definition of the word "Dapper"!!!


Fantasizing_about_Rob said...

YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love the top hat! Oh- this is going to be amazing!!!

Acconati said...

Wow!! Looking good! I think I'm going to love the costumes in this film...

Ajjinka said...

He's so hooot!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...



Dessert First said...

I think I'll just go and lie down now.
Bel Ami Rob does strange thing to me...

kat said...

Holy sh*t, that's sexy!!!

annieEvilRobPornPusher said...

@dessert,to me too. Just look at him!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Capitu Santiago said...

Do I get sight of a piece of a hairy knee there? Hum... delicious.
Aww, I love Georges...

RTP_KJS_Lover said...

Dude! DuRob is gonna kill me!
He is smoking hot in the top hat.

Gwen Cooper 426 said...

So laughing right now! All of our comments pretty much say the same thing, just different words!

Rob really could bring about world peace. And look damn PRETTY at it!

; ) Happy Friday Hugs!

Megan said...

Really there should be a warning before these pictures. He looks gorgeous!!

Anonymous said...

This makes me SO excited! Hotness!

tnan said...

Rob was made for period costume. Cannot wait to see him play the rotten scoundrel! Last pic looks like russell crowe.

RTP_KJS_Lover said...

Hi Gwen, RobPornPusher, Dessert, Megan, all!
Every day I love him a little more.

@Megan - LOL! ITA.

Unknown said...

OMFG he looks so damn sexy in period costume, but saying that I would love to be the one to rip them off him (oh do behave yourself)

Haystackhair said...

HOLY CROW!!!! Le sigh.
Love the bodyguard dood sportin the scarf. LOL

Deelight said...

I love these pictures. Rob is hot hot hot in them.

Is that Rob's body guard with a scarf on? If so, interesting choice of attire for security.

Did I say Rob looks ever so hot in these pictures?

noisefaidaus said...

Love the top hat, god he looks good in anything.
And the last picture of my favourite button fly jeans!!!

Dessert First said...

Hi Cullenlover07:

You still on a high or you reached earth after RobStock?

Bel Ami is going to be one hell of a movie..

Holly LeCraw said...

oh gorgeous.
but, sorry, my favorite part is the modern button-fly jeans...

Fantasizing_about_Rob said...


I'm so with you on the scarf!! WTF is that? He doesn't really look like he'd be up for kicking someones ass in that!!

Christine said...

Ah, amazing!!

Brooke Moss said...

Jesus, mary, and joseph.......

Can't speak. Have to go lie down.

Unknown said...

I love Rob in costume, for sure, but MAN, I *LOVE* those jeans!!!

Chocolate Martini Gal said...



gwen can you BE any more right???

Where's my fainting couch? **swoon**

Anonymous said...

I feel dirty cougar comments coming along.. XD

Gwen Cooper 426 said...

Morning, CL! Thinking that while we're planning Robstock 2010, Part 2 (aka, Eclipse premiere in LA) we should just go crazy and plan Robstock 2011, Bel Ami (in London)!

Damn! We should start a petition asking the cast to wear their costumes for all the premieres! So we can stare at the HOTNESS that is ROB in that FREAKING HAT and SUIT!

And, gah, imagine his accent!!!

Gwen Cooper 426 said...

BING! ; ) LOL!

Deelight said...

Maybe Rob has liberated the bodyguard in regards to dressing.

Wear what you want! Don't give into what other people want you to wear!

Rob and Kristen certainly do and we admire them for it.

Dessert First said...

Hi Chocolate Martini Gal:

still a chocoRobolic??
silly question!

RPnKSaddict said...

I love period costumes and Rob just makes them hotter!!
I still love "hot-mess" Rob, but this costume has caused me to loose any concentration today.

Dessert First said...


I'm up for the Bel aAmi premier. I live 30 miles from London!!!!

Dessert First said...

soooo excited I can't type!

womadsart said...

*hi to all on this post*
And that shot o those buttonflies!

RTP_KJS_Lover said...

@Dessert - I am back on solid ground.

Bel Ami will kill us all. Is Rob speaking in his regular voice in Bel Ami (fingers crossed) or in a fake French one?

@Gwen - 2011 London, baby!!!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Oh bloody hell! I thought I had a fever before but it just spiked up with these!!!!


I love how we have him arriving in all his holy hobolicious jeans & hoody to this!!!!

Gwen Cooper 426 said...

Dessert, fabulous!!! You up for house guests? LOL!

When do we think Bel Ami will be released in theaters? Post-production for a special effects movie, like NM, was ~ 6 months? Doubt it take that long for BA, no need. Is it slated for a 2010 release? IDK.

Glad my passport is current! ; )

womadsart said...

@gwen That accent is gonna kill us all!
Im def considering Robstock 2010, Part 2!!
@dessert.. lucky! Have you tried to take a peak o the filming of BelAmi?

Gwen Cooper 426 said...

CL, ITA! Fingers crossed on both hands!

RPG! Feeling better? Sounds like it! That, or Rob can cure just about anything with a single pix!

Which we already knew...

Anonymous said...

Oh wow Robert looks absolutely yummy in this elegant suit, and the hat. OOOOH he really looks gorgeous! ...Robelicious!

I also hope that the dresses for the females are pretty (I love pretty fashionable Victorian dresses, one day I'm going to buy one for me! *grins*).

*whimpers* oh how I wish that this movie had a better storyline...I hope that Robert will consider doing a few period pieces, he'll look gorgeous in those suits; or at least just one more with a more romantic storyline and HEA, my wish come true *dreamy sigh*.

wensdazzled by ThePretty said...

thanks dessert--still can't see them--

RPLover said...

oh, happy freakin' Friday to me!! I'm totally SWOONING here, how in the hell can he make a top hat look so damn sexy?!?

Sorry, this calls for an out loud

Fuck! I love this man!

angie-k said...

oh HOT DAMN!! Did I pick the right time to pop in or what?!?!




wensdazzled by ThePretty said...

i bet they are good--did someone say tophat?

womadsart said...

@rpattzgirl.. are you still not feeling better? LOL new fever uh? TOP HAT FEVER!!!!!

wensdazzled by ThePretty said...

CL--top hat--please describe LOL

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

yea my fever went up about 1000 degrees more!!!!!

Dessert First said...

wens, you have no idea what Bel Ami Rob is doing to IG at this moment!

womadsart said...

*hi wens hi angie*
Happy BelAmi Friday!

RPLover said...

RL calling, but I am coming back ASAP to drool over these pics some more! IF I can survive RM, BA will surely kill me dead. ;)

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Because I have NO VOICE I can scream as loud as I want to and no one can hear..


just me said...

*just me*
i only hope i"ll never see that..umm scarf on Rob's neck.
but definitely agree with Gwen, i think, some people just deserve Nobel Peace Prize more than others. in my list Stepenie Meyer and Robert Pattinson are those who deserved.

RPLover said...

CL LMAO @ "London, baby!" The part where he steps in the map to find out where they are is hysterical!

ok, I'm really going, kid's hungry. :)

Dessert First said...


I'm ready for London, I can scream like you wouldn't belive LOL!

angie-k said...

Hell yeah!! London Baby!!!!
(CL - I heard the Joey!)

and another (shouty capitals)


RTP_KJS_Lover said...

@Wens - Hi Wens!
I don't even think I can describe this one, it's too good. I feel I have failed you now. *I am ashamed*

Hi Angie!

womadsart said...

RL calling! Demanding boss!
That black trenchcoat is making my skin tingle!!!!!

wensdazzled by ThePretty said...

@CL--LMAO--thanks anyway bb

angie-k said...

wens - ITA with CL - can't be easily described. Must be experienced...

Gasp! Swoooooon!

Gwen Cooper 426 said...

CL, London Friends! Oooo, Monica and Chandler getting busy! (Squeee!)

We can so multi-task the planning. Robstock 2010 - LA and Robstock 2011 London!

This keeps up, will be hitting every major city! I like Rome! GAH, ROME ROB!!! Yes, Please.

Chocolate Martini Gal said...

@gwen - dat was for you! Hahah

In one of the RM press junket interviews Rob said he had never used a dialect coach before, until this movie he is currently filming - Bel Ami. And it is for a British accent! BWAHAHAH

@dessert - forever and always a chocoRobaholic.

@rpg - the holy hobolicious hoody and jeans... You, are a genius!

Hello to all *+waves** FILTM!!!!!

Dessert First said...

Oh RL calls, be back later to Bel Ami.

cotedetexas said...

When is this coming out? I am sooo freaking excited to see THIS!!!! omg - that costume! This one is going to the BEST!!!!!!! omg, I am dying - thank you! What a way to start a fab Rob day. This AND Remember Me. YeS!!!!!!

Unknown said...

hey.... i found untagged photos from remember me press conference in new york on http://robertpattinsonsource.blogger.ba ...

Petra Eller said...

. First Tyler and now George .Wow what a change.I love how different the characters, selecting by Rob. He dares to everything and he looks so good

cotedetexas said...

So, should I go to the afternoon movie? What time are you going????? If I go to the afternoon, I could always sit and watch it again and then go back tomorrow for RMS. Hmmmm. I might just have to go right now and get my fix!

cotedetexas said...

his bodyguard is looking pretty cute himself. i like the way he dresses.

angie-k said...

RL screaming at me...

RPG - feel better soon!

laters bbs...


Unknown said...

Just saw these photo shoot photos of Rob. What were these for?:

RTP_KJS_Lover said...

OT - MotU just updated!

annieEvilRobPornPusher said...

Hi CL, did you see the last pic????FM

Is he going look like that in Bel Ami???? Am I gonna just drooling seeing him without noticing what's the movie about???


Hi Angie ;D
rpg,hope you feeling better

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

MoTU is now on Twilighted!!!! New chapter up!!!!

Thanks for the well wishes guys! Plan to spend the day in bed with fifty!!!

RTP_KJS_Lover said...

@ChocolateCoveredMartiniBingGal - Jinx!

@RobPornPusher - Die. I am going to die!

Gotta get back to work....

Fae007 said...


I bet Dessert is all over this thread!

Fae007 said...

Ah, there she is! :)

Dessert First said...

NOOOOOOO! Look what IG made mr do!!!

Fae007 said...

@CL :(

Fae007 said...

@Dessert LOOOL Avi, HE'S BACK! :D
IG commands!

Dessert First said...

Fae; I can't even type and in my moment of weakness she sneaked in and changed it back to BAFTA Rob!

wensdazzled by ThePretty said...

@dessert--coffee rob didn't last long--thatcrazy IG--she rocks :)

annieEvilRobPornPusher said...

@Dessert and Fae, I just died seeing these pics and the last pic is special ;)

Fae007 said...

He is so Duroy... :DDD

Dessert First said...

wens, after seeing those pics there was no stopping her.

annie, with any Bel Ami Rob porn I'm going to need a health warning!

MoTU is undated on TWI wens! Can the day get any better??? chapter 73 is up

wensdazzled by ThePretty said...

@dessert--TGIF and FILTM--hello fifty **evil grin**

Dessert First said...

wens, not biting your lip and rolling your eyes are you? You know what happens....

wensdazzled by ThePretty said...

i can't see the pics so yes, i am LOL :)

Dessert First said...

OH RL is pain. Will be back in about 15
No I'm not off to read it - I wish LOL!

annieEvilRobPornPusher said...

@Fae message


Chocolate Martini Gal said...

@annie - yes! Should you make any RobAmi videos, I beg you to add a health warning!

I am having such thoughts at work! Argh I need to get back to it!

**workworkRobAmiworkworkRobAmiRobAmi work**

Gwen Cooper 426 said...

GAH! Fifty on the, ooops, no spoilers!

HAPPY Friday! ; )


annieEvilRobPornPusher said...

dessert and No warnings, I wanna kill you all *evil pusher*

Fae007 said...

muahahahaa kill you all! I'm a little helper! ;D

Fae007 said...

@Gwen pleeease link for MOTU at twilighted!

annieEvilRobPornPusher said...

God, I'm at my parents in front of my laptop and try not to smile all the time or show any reaction to these pics!!!!

Someone accused me of being high seeing me with my laptop.Luckily he didn't see all the Rob porn I was looking at ;) lol

Aneska said...

My fav one is the last one :o)
Hoodie, jeans, button, smile...
What else? ;o)

wensdazzled by ThePretty said...

@annie--LOL--you little pusher you

annieEvilRobPornPusher said...

@Fae,You get the warning ;DD got your back.

It should say Dessert and martini! can't write!!!

Anonymous said...

YYYEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSS! Just perfect... Just got back home after getting my son at school! First thing first, checking out this place and what do I see: Our boy looking absolutely perfect and hot and sexy and mouthwatering and... bip bip bip!!! Just what I needed and now a cold shower... I suppose this is gonna start a party so have a nice evening girls...

Marna said...

Hmm, not sure how I feel about the outfit, I'm getting a sort of Jack the Ripper kind of vibe from it.

Robine said...

OMG He's so yummy!!!!!!

Nancy said...

Wow, Dapper Rob. Love it. Thanks again Kate. (she's always doing great things!)

****Attention NB's FF***********

OT: I have found a new story on Twilighted by the Host (I think)
Its "Stranger than Fiction" by Psymom I'm only on chap. 2 and I really love it. Its Rob/Edward meeting Kristen/Bella. Its really good. Really enjoying it. She is blending Rob, Kristen with Edward, Bella and doing a great job. Sexy so far but clean. Not sure what the rating is.

Chocolate Martini Gal said...

Annie and her minion 007!! That's the best! LMAO

Please don't kill me.

Fae007 said...

@Annie LOL I hear you! I'm tired of pressing the red X whenever someone comes around!

"What are you doing?"

"Nothing, just checking mi e-mail, stupid e-mail doesn't wanna open!" ;D

annieEvilRobPornPusher said...

Martini ;) But I want to ;)it's gonna be such a sweet death.

Fae007 said...

@Martini (pointing with finger!) YOU'RE NEXT! muahahahaa!

Fae007 said...

Someone pleeeease link for MOTU on twilighted!

annieEvilRobPornPusher said...

fae, nice job ;)

Stupid mail!!!

noisefaidaus said...

Just finished Bel Ami last week it's a very good book, but the "Georges" character that Rob plays becomes a real womanizer, once he catches onto how the game is played and then anything goes but he always trades up on the social ladder both for status and financially.

P.S. The book does not include any orgy scenes.

Nancy said...

Hi NB's waving:
Annie, Gwen, CL, Hay, ADM, Womsdart, Angie, RPG, RPL, Wen x 3,

Love ya ladies, Hugs to all, Check out the above mentioned FF. It is really good. She has found Twilight Moms, but not here I guess. I sent a review and mentioned this site. Maybe she'll come or is already here? I really don't think so since I haven't heard about her story on here yet.

Nancy said...

Sorry fae, forgot you above.
Love and hugs.

wensdazzled by ThePretty said...

@fae--red x-- i do the same thing--i have LOTS of email to check--LOL

Nancy said...

Hi Martini, love ya.

womadsart said...

*back to computer*
Wasn't MotU already on Twilighted? Can someone explain. I'm confused...

Fae007 said...

Hi Nancy! :)

I guess we all have a lot of unread messages!

angie-k said...

Fae - link to MotU (not sure if it will work - are you registered?)


gotta run...


Fae007 said...

Thanks Angie (the one who smelled oh the beautiful one)!

angie-k said...

Fae - also try this


annieEvilRobPornPusher said...

@nancy Hi

@fae,I stopped checking my mail, lol
I don't have time ;D

Gwen Cooper 426 said...

LOL, Marna! Sorry, think it's hot!

Sort of relevant, anyone read Anne Perry's William Monk series or the Thomas and Charlotte Pitt series? Rob could rock either role!!!!

LOVE historical fiction! Btw, love Jack the Ripper stories too! Best scary "who dunnit"!

Fantasizing_about_Rob said...

I keep coming back to check the site in hopes of new pics....it was so awesome over the last few days!! I miss USA Rob!!!! Lucky ladies in Europe...enjoy him! Get out to that set and take pics!!

Dessert First said...

wen, please don't say too much about Bel Ami I haven't read it yet. I am trying to save it until my holiday in a few days. It's very tempting to sneak a peak LOL!

Kelly Louise said...

Man, that's strangely arousing. Dapper indeed.

Can't wait for this movie already.

Gwen Cooper 426 said...

Hiya, Nancy. Fifty got me all flustered over here... ; )

So far behind now!

RTP_KJS_Lover said...

Just stopping in before I go grab some food...needed to RobAmi again!

@Fae007 - RL came crashing in last night right in the middle of the e-mail I promised you. Will finish tonight and send.

*Stomping feet, stupid work is making me miss all the fun*

Est said...

Ooh la la!!

womadsart said...

*hi Nancy* love you too!
*hi gwen, wen, fae anni, angie, dessert and all!!

MotU makes me be a bad mother and wife when I lose track of time and any sense of priorities in RL
I guess I was confused on the Twilighted but figured out..
Still tingling over the coat and top hat!! Can't think right.. What's going on? Rob always messing with my brain.. making me INSANE IN THE MEMBRANE!! INSANE IN THE BRAIN!!!

Seni said...

He is so beautiful and sexy

womadsart said...

*Oh hi CL* you sneaked up after I send message
*hi martini*

Fae007 said...

CL LOL I understand! :D
Me too! Gaaaaah!

Fae007 said...

@Annie message

Cindygal said...

...omg, i love everything! i cant wait for this movie!

Acconati said...

Not sure anyone will see/answer this...

But how come he still has his bodyguard when he's on set? Is it not a closed set?

AP said...

not sure about the hat, but nice suit.

On another film: heard update Water for Elephants filming mid-late May. May have already been said, but I haven't had a chance to catch up as yet.

womadsart said...

Water For Elephants.. this boy is keeping busy!
What about BD!!!! has anyone read WFE? What kind of character will he play?

Texas Moondance said...

Hey girls, first time to post though I've been lurking for quite awhile! Rob is lovely in period costumes. Can't wait to see him in Unbound Captives. Think Daniel Day Lewis in Last of the Mohicans. I bet Madeleine Stowe had flash backs when she saw Rob. I think he would be hot in buckskins.

annieEvilRobPornPusher said...

@Fae, reading


womadsart said...

@texas.. welcome!
Did you say buckskins? ok. now I can't think right!

womadsart said...

@annie. WTF!!!!!! You wanna kill us? You made that pic even hotter with the "special effect"
Boy, you're good!!! It's like he's radiating of sex!

Loisada said...

Funny how we recognize Rob's posse! That's not his metrosexual bodyguard who was along in New York (he'd never wear that outfit!). Looks more like a set PA. The bodyguard probably finally got a day off... unlike the Robster!

Robroy is one fine looking gentleman, tho he will certainly be anything but gentle in this film! Rrarrrr...

Gwen Cooper 426 said...

@Acconati, was thinking that they are not filming in a studio, but "on location"? There were folks hanging around him in that last set of BA pix from a week or so ago. Teen girls can be dangerous, you know!

LOL, but seriously, I think he needs to keep that BG close by! Must protect The Pretty at all times!!!

Wom, glad you got on Twi! MotU update, woot! ; ) Have WfE right here, in line to be read. Circus is the new name of the movie and what it's about.

TX Moondance! Love the name! Like the kids' book or the VM song? Ooo, Shirtless Rob in buckskin pants! VERY NICE visual!

Welcome to the party!

Nancy said...

womadsdart, didn't you read "Water for Elephants" yet? It's really good and He will play Jacob..... hehehe notice the names. He would be great in this, Brooding character all the way. Our guy.

Gwen Cooper 426 said...

Annie, I think you're the devil in disguise! That pix is f*cking awesome! Victorian Porn Pusher, you!

Loisada, I think you're right. Maybe that's NOT Dean?! (?)

Wom! I LOVE your avi! Saw it yesterday, forgot to comment! Drool-worthy! I bow!

Fae007 said...

Annie you're just not normal with that pic!!!

Fae007 said...

@Annie Glad you like it! Any use of it???

annieEvilRobPornPusher said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
womadsart said...

@nancy no I haven't.. but I think I'll go in order and read BelAmi first.. :) Need to read them all...

@gwen. It was weird, it was like I was already in but it wasn't letting me log in to the link you sent.. anyway. Im glad it worked too! catching up quickly only on chapter 69..

Nancy said...

God I love this site. You are all my heroes... Grinning here.

Welcome Texas, we all end up blogging after reading awhile. Its not hard to do. hehehe

We all love each other here because we all LOVE Rob to Death. Just join us. Its easy to do. Guess we're all over 30 so we respect each other and our opinions. I guess it shows and the lovely ladies that run this site, Godze, Kate, Kat and Rachael, it is wonderful. Gotta come here every day to get my Rob fix.

annieEvilRobPornPusher said...

@gewn LOL,victorian PP ;)
Ohhhh I can't wait for Bel Ami pics...

@Fae,yes hon I have...
not normal??what do you mean?

maha said...

wow he looks so amazing.

womadsart said...

@gwen.. credits to pornpusher. I stole it from her collection :)

annieEvilRobPornPusher said...

@wom,hey no stealing ;)

womadsart said...

@annie... All your fault for flaunting it in my face!!
you porn teaser! :) My computer can't resist!

Fae007 said...

@Annie I mean NOT NORMAL, it's not normal to do THAT with the pics! Pure poison! :)

@Nancy you're so sweet! Always cheer me up! :)

Dessert First said...

annie, you WILL kill me one day with a pic like that. I loved the way you sneaked that in - where was the warning? LOL!

100% Bel Ami.

Fae007 said...

RL! Laters!

annieEvilRobPornPusher said...

wom,take a look at this ;D


I'm sitting beside my mom, God she can't see what I'm doing. I asked her why is it so warm in this room and she said it isn't.I guess it's me ;)

Fae007 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
womadsart said...

@annie!!!! F*CK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you better have some explaining to do if she peeks at your laptop! LOL..
My boss sits behind me now but I fool him well!!
so much fun!

annieEvilRobPornPusher said...

@Fae ok, I got a little worried thought you think I'm crazy ;)

annieEvilRobPornPusher said...

wom,She better don't look at my laptop. She gets a heartattack!!! So much Rob porn ;)

Fiftyshadesofpink said...

The top hat certainly makes a nice change from the beanie (which looks to have been the same one for quite some time now).
Rob in period costume does it for me - yummy.
Oops, forgot - I am trying (really)hard not to objectify him, sometimes I just get a little distracted...

HeneciaD said...

@waving to evryone

@fae and annie girls what are you sending :))

Texas Moondance said...

Thanks for the welcomes! Gwen, its Moondance as in VM, but I think I remember the kid's book, too, but it's been awhile--he's Rob's age. So now it's out--I'm probably the oldest on ROBsessed.

womadsart said...

@catwoman. We all know Rob is a talented, wonderful human being... but please don't feel bad about objectifying him.. especially in this blog! We love him, but it's hard not to see him as the gorgeous and sexy man he is!! :-)

HeneciaD said...

hey is there anyone

jmm4832 said...

Does anyone know when Rob will go to Budapest? Does that mean we won't get pics anymore?

annieEvilRobPornPusher said...

@robsessiv,Like killing with Rob porn ;)

yes,give me your name there or mail it to me, annieforpatty@gmail.com

HeneciaD said...

I dont know when he will go but I think we will get pics

womadsart said...

@annie. Just sent you a twit request.
*hi robsessed*

HeneciaD said...

@annie you are right girl killing with robporn :)) nb thoughts lol I will add you from my gmail and my name is vulnerabled on twitter:D:D

Dessert First said...

annie.... sneaky!

RTP_KJS_Lover said...

WTF? I can't see the pics RobPornPusher. Will you tweet it to me, so I can see it on my BlackBerry, PLEASE!!!!!!
:) shouty caps!

Welcome TexasMoondance!

HeneciaD said...

@CL hey honey how are you

@annie hey did you add me girl:D

RTP_KJS_Lover said...

Opps! Never mind RobPornPusher, I see you already did. Going to check it out!

annieEvilRobPornPusher said...

@robsessed, Wom added you :D

womadsart said...

@annie :)

RTP_KJS_Lover said...

Who ever said RobPornPushers pics should come with a waring, truer words have never been spoken. I squealed at my desk. People here are going to think I'm mad.

*Waves hi to Robsessive*

Robine said...

Have I missed something? has it been confirmed that Rob will play in WFE? I guess we should know by it now esp if the shootiing starts mid-May, right?

HeneciaD said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
womadsart said...

LOL Top hats all over twitter.. BelAmiMovie Twitter

HeneciaD said...

@CL think that you are mad lol made me laugh how are you after that experience

Chocolate Martini Gal said...

Martini is still stuck in her stoopid office doing stoopid work.


womadsart said...

@annie. More Fifty with that last one sister!!
now I need the padded room!!!!

Dessert First said...

Chocolate Martini Gal:

Just saw a music vid on the tv and thought of you....

Shanks & Big Foot
"sweet like chocolte"


annieEvilRobPornPusher said...

@CL LOL, I'm gonna warn you next time but what's the fun of that?? ;)

Nancy said...

Hey Annie, love the Rob crotch pic.
LMAO and swooned at the same time. Very had to do but you did it. hehehe

Love ya fae.

Sorry been reading STF @ twilighted. Up to Chap 5 and its still got me. Kinda like the Twilight Kiss, it just has me enthralled.

womadsart said...

@martini. Me too but I keep fooling my boss!!
RL sucks

Gwen Cooper 426 said...

TX Moon, yes, we shorten everyone's name here---trust, you're probably NOT the oldest here! (Gwen's admitted that she may be, shhh, twice, Rob's age. And is happily married to a younger man. Yep, Meow!)

LOL! ; )

Speaking of, sweet Hubs is at airport, on his way back and we're meeting up for a lacrosse game in a bit! RL calls!

bbl! Go ahead, start drinking without me! I'll catch up! ; )

RTP_KJS_Lover said...

@Woms & ChocolateCoveredMartiniGal - Work sucks! Want to go home and read MotU and look at pics of ThePretty. Two more hours to go...

Nancy said...

@Texas, I am 60 from NE Ohio. So I don't think you're the oldest here. Almost 95% of us are over 30

HeneciaD said...

@annie hey you should warn us sometimes CL is right

annieEvilRobPornPusher said...

@robsessive ;P

Work sucks I know!!!

Chocolate Martini Gal said...

Getting ready to blow this pop stand! But I have a choir concert to attend in a bit. Blast this RL that gets in the way of my fun. 0_o

Neeeeeeeds to read the MoTU update!!!


Nancy said...

@Robine, check out imbd.com It is listed as Pre-production for Rob.

Look up Rob's name on google, you'll see the IMBD connection there.

Thats all we really have so far.

Nancy said...

I am at this site and didn't get notified about MOTU. Thanks NB's for the heads up.

Love and Hugs.

womadsart said...

@CL I know... I have a reminder on my computer desktop.. did u see yesterday?
I can't even imagine how you feel after actually being so close to ThePretty and having to back to RL


womadsart said...

laters martini!

Audrey said...

I´ve just to go back at home and you kill me!!

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