Source: @ria120283 via Gossip Dance
*New* Old Fan Pictures of Robert Pattinson filming Remember Me
Don't these bring back memories of the days we got a zillion photo's like these every day from the set of Remember Me. How those actor's did it with all the papz and fans, I'll never know. But after seeing Remember Me... I applaud them all the more.

Source: @ria120283 via Gossip Dance
Source: @ria120283 via Gossip Dance
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LOVE the first one with the baseball cap - I have that one saved from last summer.
Alot of the pictures from RM last summer had Rob with the script in his hand and we know he was distracted by the fans and pappz ............ but I just read on Bel Ami's site that he has trouble remembering his lines and the BA director is used to working with stage actors who are good at memorization.
Poor Rob - all those women must be distracting him this time!!
i wander what has him distracted
Boardroom scene of RM behind the scenes - Rob's so GREAT in it.
Thanks, Kat. Good memories, indeed! SO love that first pic!
A quote from an article -
At first glance it may have seemed like names were being thrown out by the studio as a sort of directors “dream list,” but now it appears that Summit is really serious about getting a top-notch director to helm Breaking Dawn. La Times is now reporting that Oscar nominee Stephen Daldry is now on the short-list to direct the fourth Twilight movie.
You may not know his name, but Daldry is a three-time Oscar nominee for his films The Reader, The Hours and Billy Elliot. »
This where Rob filmed on Wed...good god the beauty & history is so beautiful in the UK
Vote for Rob
He is losing...
When will we see a reprise of the Pink Sleeping Bag Saga?? Good Lord, that was cute/
I thought Chris Cooper was quoted as saying that he always turned up prepared and knew his lines. I wonder if this is another Rob throwaway line
I hate tagged pics!!!
Thanks Kat!
The Ray-bans, the hoodie, the pink sleeping bag! Now my day is complete and I sall go to sleep.
ITA @EvilRobPornPusher
Goodmorning everybody!
He is so handsom in pink. What a summer was that last one, unforgetable. Everyday before my dip to the sea I had my coffee treat of glorious Rob in every colour. Watching those photos now is like going back in time.
RPG I fell asleep last night so I didn't see your comment but I want you to know that mi casa su casa, anytime.
Goooooooz showed up girl we missed you.
I now call this time "The Summer of Yummy and Fuckery"...and you know why.Boo crazy clingy stalker girls.
But it's so good to see Rob with that pink sleeping bag. So cute. LOL
@annie I hate them too :(
7 Days to go!
The pink sleeping-bag is back :)))
LOL thanks Dina!
There's new eclipse scene screencaps on Robward hot as usual!
@RPG: Thank you... ITA, Robward is just so hot...
I don't know why, but honestly now I'm not so looking forward to Eclipse or even Breaking Dawn... Instead, I can't wait for Bel Ami and especially for Water for Elephants (though it hasn't even started filming yet)... Maybe I just really, really want to see Rob completing the Twilight Saga and doing other projects to prove that he is much, much more than just Edward Cullen (that, we all already know but I also know so many still attaches him to Edward, which kind of bothers me)... I don't know if it's just me or what... Anyway, it doesn't mean I'm anti-Eclipse... I know I will definitely love it, b/c of Rob...
By the way, I so heart Tyler Keats Hawkins... He holds a truly special place indeed...
Oh Remember Me!!! I melt.
Rob/Tyler is never out of my mind. I think about him all the time, it is always happen with all Rob`s characters: Edward, Daniel, Art, Salvador and now Tyler. Rob is a very good actor. I love Rob and Ruby together. It is so emotional. Oh!! his half smile is delightful.
I love you Rob. I love Tyler too.
i just read that GEORGE CLOONEY is beating ROB in some pool but ladies i do not know if it matter to any of you but to me that does not matter any more you;;ll know it and i know it GEORGE IS NOT HOTTER THAN OUR ROB HE IS THE HOTTEST OF THE HOTTEST WE DONT NEED POLLS TO SAY ANYTHING GIVE CLOONEY HIS HIS TIME
This really brings back the memories!
Pink bag! LMAO! :)
Poor Caroline :(
I <3 NY!!!!!!
@fae girl are you here
Gypsypurple: I'm not voting for Rob on one of these stupid rigged polls again, not after the Hello disaster. We all know Rob is the hottest thing on the planet and I'm sick of polls.
femroc: Damn, rememmbering lines, of which, I'm guessing, there are a lot in BelAmi.
tgill: Yeah, Chris did say that. Hmm. Wonder where's the truth.
But these RM set photos do bring back memories, don't they? Amazing how he could pull out such a memorable role amongst all the craziness!
Dessertfirst: I can't believe you're still waiting, although I know you, and others, have said so innumerable times. Hang in there.
I was so angry with Tyler...luved Ruby's reaction.
I, too, can't wait for WFE but Christoph Waltz is a loon. An amazing, talented actor, but a loon. Very funny man. I hope everyone has seen "Der Humpink." I think this will link:
Sorry, I know I drive everyone crazy with my countdown. I just can't help it, it's the Rob affect LOL!
Hahaha 5th small pic from the he rubbing his hoodie string on his lips or around his lips??? I really wanna know..I do that ALL the time.
DesserFirst: I'd be counting down too, esp. if so many others have already seen it. Love to read your comments afterwards.
Okay, just had an ephiphany here. Chris Weitz knew about our obsession and purposely had Rob put on the sexy grey pants/sweats in Italy for NM. (almost showing pubic hair) ARGGGGGGG, do we need more? YES!
Thanks Chris and Rob.
I was so upset last night when I went to see RM for the third time AND IT WAS NOT PLAYING!!!! I couldn't believe it! After only 2 weeks, all the major theaters in Calgary AB Canada with 1 million people have moved RM to 2 small theaters in the whole city. What happened??? What went wrong???How could this be??? Where are all Rob's fans??? Where are all the people who stood in the streets of New York making it difficult for the cast to film???? This is such a good movie, full of emotion, warmth and the acting is phenomenal. The actors did such a good job on their performances. Come on all you Rob lovers,lets go back and promote this movie.
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