The first one kills me...
More Fan Pictures of Robert Pattinson at the London Premiere
Thank you to Stacey for sharing these wonderful pictures she took of Robert Pattinson at the London Premiere for Remember Me.
The first one kills me...

The first one kills me...
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Was the London premiere bigger than the NY one????????? More people, more screaming????? I thought Rob said his fellow Londoners were more cool about it than Americans!!!!
We all love you Rob.......Why?
Because you are so adorable.
Omg these photos are just killing me!
These fans are so lucky....I've never been lucky
Eeee, he looks so purdy. But what's new?
Hello, my name is Robert. Welcome to all up in my face. :)
OMG!!! The New Moon extended scenes are AWESOME!!!
More Edward!!!!
Ladies (and gentlemen),
I know you've all discussed this but I think I might have just not involved myself in the discussion. Where is the best place to purchase the New Moon dvd? What comes with the most footage and all of that?
Thanks a lot, sorry if this is an obnoxious question.
Good morning
Wow. So many beautiful pictures. So much flash. Since you will be crazy. Gahhh I wish i could go there and be there, one day. snif *........
But actually, we are here so well supplied. Many thanks to all who so diligently to provide Rob material.
I especially enjoyed all the video footage of his red-carpet interviews. He seems so down-to-earth and candid with his responses and interactions with the fans. Charming, talented AND humble...he just embodies a wonderfully unique collection of attributes. This is EXACTLY why he has captured the hearts of so many admirers. I hope his outlook never changes :)
Really enjoyed London premiere (I love how Rob says premiere)
Watched the livestream until it crashed. Was screaming too while watching it at home.
Love, love this guy! Will watch Remember Me again this coming weekend, cant wait! This is my RobFix.
Spread the word -- go see Remember Me!
Hey no problem Kate always happy to spread the Rob love around. He was so gorgeous, words can not describe how he looks, mouthwatering!!!!!
Best day of my life ever!!!! Wish I'd got a pic of me and him but his bodyguard dragged him away just as he was about too, gutted seriously, although the 1st pic he posed for me when I asked him.
Seriously 12hrs of queing was soooooooo worth it. I still can't calm down. ENJOY ENJOY ENJOY!!!!! XX
Hey Stacey - Result!! So happy for you and obviously jealous of you ;)
So did you get close enough to add "smelledThePretty" to your name then?
Your photos are great - well done!
Um I was close enough to touch and smell him but I was so star struck and everything and everyone was going crazy I didn't have time to think, just take pictures and try and get an autograph (which I failed to get, dammit).
It was amazing to see him for real, he is as gorgeous as all the pics show, stunning literally and such a nice guy.
He seemed really lean in real life and sooooo tall, his hair tho dude was so sexy, he doesnt stop touching it...... OH THE HAIR PORN, its too much.......T H U D!!
So no licking then? ;)
I would be stunned by his gorgeousness too, well I get like that looking at photos never mind in person!
Also, it is impossible to smell someone if you are unable to breathe LOL!
Absolutely unable to breath and function when he was stood in front of me.
No licking this time, but theres always next time at eclipse premiere!!! Can't wait.
I'm on like a rob come down right now, maybe they can clone him for us all, I'd pre order!!!
OH ' big sigh'
OMG, can you imagine what the Eclipse premiere will be like? Perhaps you should get down there now with your sleeping bag and stake your claim on a space... It will be awash with hysterical tweens.
Give me a shout when the time comes. I couldn't go on Wednesday as RL had the cheek to get in the way, but I'm in for next time :)
the first one ia adorable!!!
lucky lucky lucky fans
Thanks for sharing them with us.
Thanks for posting Kat!
So much wonderful Rob to enjoy!
:-) :-) :-)
Hi Stacey! thanks for sharing your pics with us.
I went to the NY premiere and I know exactly what you are feeling. that was such an amazing day! A Rob -high is something that is hard to explain and hard to get over.
ITA about him being so tall and so thin and how beautiful sexy hair. Just wanted to touch it myself!!
****huge sigh****
want to do it all over again and again....
@Stacey Thanks for sharing!!! I envy each and everyone who has senn rob live already!
But my time will come at the Eclipse premiere, just you wait!!!
Hi everyone! :)
Hi Stacey! I haven't read your story because of the spoliers! I'm so happy for you! Did you talk to him???
Congrats Stacey! As one who has been able to touch and smell him, I completely understand. It was depressing to come down off the RobHigh. I still have a hard time believing it happened.
Amazing what he does to us, isn't i?
Lovely pics and thanks for sharing.
@ Fae
Hope you have a great day :))
femroc - from the pics/videos I've seen, London premiere was HUGE compared to NY. They didn't even close the street in front of the theater in NY.
Thank you Fifty! :)
Talk to you tomorrow! ;D
LMAO I got to say "thank you Fofty on my b-day!" Hehehehe
@ Fae
Bet you wish you were thanking the original Fifty ;))
@fae my girl hapy birthday honey :)) best wishes for you
@Fae, Happy birthday again :D
@Fae: how many birthdays are you planning on having this year, Sweetie?? (Happy 23rd, by the way)
Will the birthday bunny bring you a nice dvd?
@Lemonless LOL! :) These few days was my birthday everyday!
The birthday bunny won't bring me any dvd :(, but I got THE DETAILS!!!! :)
Angie hi! Thanks again! ;)
@Fifty hehehehe, well you're ok too! ;)
Annie and Robsessive thanks!
Thanks for the cool pics! ROb was looking DELISH and FIIIINE. IFLTM!!
oh and stace?? your one lucky beyotch!! :) *fairy dust* now breath next time and tell me if he wears cologne...I have faith in you! lol!
Commenting here even if it's not the best spot.
On the buried spoiler thread of Remember Me--still active if anyone cares to go there--Violet said that where she lives RM has already been pulled from the theatres!!
She was planning on going again, only to realize it was gone.
Don't they give a film more of a fighting chance than that??
What can we do, I wonder, to change that, so that the film stays long enough for all the word-of-mouth to take hold and make box office difference??
Anybody have any ideas?
At any rate, I think we've got to step up the game, or at least keep telling people we know however we can.
Frankly, since reading all the spoiler threads, and even the one at 'ropeofsilicon', I'm convinced more than ever that people NEED to see this film at the theatres now, people that don't yet know they need to.
I'm pasting this message on the NM new post too, just so more of you will think on this and maybe come up with a solution.
Do any of us have media clout? Wouldn't that be nice.
Perhaps one of the really positive reviews could be re-published.
Heck, I don't know.
@Skorpia - It's not cologne it's a much more natural scent mixed with maybe body wash, and it oozes out of his pores. And it's delicious. And now I need to go take a cold shower.
Haley-I know that the Walmart New Moon has a 7 minute clip of Eclipse. Target's has special features as does Amazon-all the deluxe versions are $24.99. Since I pre-ordered Amazon's version I will be able to watch the film at midnight live from Amazon but if you go to Walmart you will have the dvd in your hands. Happy viewing-he is just so gosh darn beautiful!!!!! Drooling in anticipation!!
No more recent photos or Rob-sightings? He was coughing on the red carpet and during interviews and said he was really tired... does anyone know if he is still shooting for Bel Ami right now? Hope he has a few days off, hopefully to feel better and get over the chaos of the London opening.
I think the Details Magazine interview really hurt Robert, and that he should not, no matter how much we like it, for his sake, not to do anymore high profile, controversial photo shoots if he wants more mature audiences (non RP fans) take him seriously. The perception of the mature (non-RP fans) audience towards him is not good because unlike Kristen Stewart, he does not have a reputation as a serious actor yet because of lack of exposure as a serious actor. But, when Remember Me becomes more accessible to audiences via DVD rentals or TV showings, they get to see RP as a serious actor. I am really concerned that the press reviewed the movie based on Robert Pattinson - the "Twilight" teen idol and a magazine cover boy - than Robert as an actor. I think he is overexposed for the wrong reasons and all these pictures with bodyguards protecting him like a child should stop. They should not put their arms around him like that or hold him up like he is falling all the time -- it makes him look like a child and it has a bad image. He has some serious movies coming in (non Twilight) and these negative images need to disappear before then.
Thanks a lot Kathy S. Happy viewing to you as well, miss!
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