The most oddly high-profile release of the weekend was the romantic drama Remember Me. The film was seen by many as a test of Twilight star Robert Pattinson's draw as a movie star. Of course, if Summit was trying to prop up the numbers by attaching the Twilight Saga: Eclipse trailer to prints of Remember Me, it might have helped if they had NOT released the trailer online the day before the opening. So while some may decry the 'mere' $8.3 million, we must recall that a movie like this wouldn't have made $1.75 if not for what drawing power Pattinson has. Sure Shia Labeouf can open slickly-marketed thrillers like Eagle Eye and Disturbia, but let's see what happens when he has to open a movie all-by himself that doesn't already look particularly appealing.
Besides, as word leaked out about the film's extended-middle finger of an ending, even some of Pattinson's die hard fans apparently decided to stay away. Speaking of females, the gender split was 84/16 on this one. Point being, if he can open Remember Me to $8.3 million all by himself, he may just be a movie star.
Check out the rest of the article at the source
I don't think this movie is over yet. I think it is a sleeper and will explode. I have seen it twice and it's like it is calling me to see it again which I will next weekend. Can't get it out of my mind, especially his journal lying on the street covered in ashes.
Um...........DUH. He's a movie star. He's unbelievably talented. End of speculation. It's about time Hollywoods recognizes actual talent.
Oh he is definitely a movie star. =)
So there you have it--what we already knew--glad everyone else is noticing--we weren't keeping it secret :)
I agree, Jane. Its one of those movies that made me come home and kiss my kids and husband. It wasn't just a romantic drama. It was a family drama. And the homage to 9/11 was beautifully done.
tell me something I don't know -- of course he's a movie star.
You damn right, he actually IS a movie star!They just needed some numbers to prove it. Pfff...
I love the new RM banner!!
The media has themselves to blame for a lot of many of them released the damn ending? That alone would make a lot of people stay away because they think that's all this movie is about...
It's not over...word of mouth will be getting more & more people out to see it...
It was a fine opening for a little movie (Robs words) and in the limited amount of theaters it's playing in.
RM has just begun. It opens at later dates worldwide, and as Jane says, it is a sleeper. I hope more people go out and see it as word of the movie's power reaches to those beyond Rob's loyal fans.
I am glad that press is saying this. Rob should be tremendously proud.
Rob totally freaking ROCKS!
Sorry, I just had to throw that little addendum in there...
I don't think its fair to say he opened a movie by himself. Pierce Brosnan was there and Emilie de Ravin and Chris Cooper and they were mentioned a lot in the press.
Anyway, I hope this movie is a success. Even if it is with a little help of Rob's co-stars.
Rob Pattinson's fans didn't need to be told what the Huffington Post acknowledged in print. The man is obviously a movie star in addition to having other, multi-talented skills, but thank you, Huffington Post. Accolades to you for noticing.
I think word of mouth will really sell this movie. The critics did it a huge injustice, however, as more people see it and word of mouth spreads, I think we will all be pleasantly surprised in the end!
hell yeah!! THAT's what I'm talkin' about.
I agree with Jane, I think as word spreads about this movie, more and more people will see it (non-Robert fans that is) Right now, a majority of people that have seen it have been Rob fans. I took my mom, and a few friends to Remember Me today. Before seeing it they thought he was a horrible actor and couldn't possibly pull through. Once the movie was over, they were thanking me for bringing them and thought he was extraordinary. We were all still talking about the movie hours after seeing it - it definitely sticks with you. The lovely things they spoke about him after the movie warmed my heart. I think this movie is just getting started.
I agree with Jane and many others, I went to see it yesterday with my best friend she's a Tay Lautner fan but came to support Rob cause she thinks he's cool and is a good actor. As twifans we are supporting the entire twicast by going to see everything they are in as much as possible. Twifan-ness aside though, I thought the movie was extrememly profound. I think Rob prooved well that he can be and is more than just a heart-throb. That being said I went and saw it again today, and much like Jane it continues to call to me. If I didn't have to go to work tomorrow I'd go back and see it again now or tomorrow. I'm already looking into buying tickets for my brother and his wife in Florida just to get more butts in the seats. If word of mouth is the key then i will get as many people as I can to go see it and get them to spread the word. I will continue to see RM as often as I can before it leaves the theatre and bring as many folks with me as I can for two reasons to support Rob, and because Rob is playing a regular guy (Which happens to be my favorite thing about RM). It looks like because of Twilight, Bel Ami, Water For Elephants, and Unbound captives, it will be a while before we get to see him play a present day, normal guy roll again. I wish Hollywood and critics would give him more credit! I think the Rob fans will unite and we will show everyone how great he is! CHEERS ROB! YOU DA MAN!
Jane I keep replaying it in my head!
so true RPG.
Yes, Robert Pattinson has drawing power, because he can act, something most of us here have known for quite some time. I think RM had an admirable opening weekend. I am so proud of Rob. I'll repeat~he's brilliant in the movie.
ps CMG
ITA~Rob totally freaking ROCKS!!!!!
Night, NB's!!
"film's extended-middle finger of an ending"
Are they F%$#'n kidding me? %$$%^*&()&%^$#@%^*&()*&^%$#%^&*()_
these critics have their heads up their asses! The ending was art in film! How is it some people don't see that?????
He's a movie star, a heartthrob--whether he wants to be or not--an actor of great talent, a producer, a thinker, a musician.
He has integrity, sensitivity, intelligence, modesty, humility, courage, humanity. Okay, cant' think of it all on a moment's notice.
Plus, he has, lest we forget, the most beautiful face on the planet.
Couldn't help but throw that in.
Yeah, the damn media whining about the ending. No one there seems to have as much sensitivity as Rob does in one of his gorgeous eyelashes. What a bunch of jerks.
Summit too, for stupidly releasing the Eclipse trailer a day before. Sabotage? So that Rob wouldn't have as much negotiating clout on BD? Keep the kid in line and all that?
I still think, if some Twihard asses filled those seats to see that mediocre trailer, they wouldn't have known the tsunami that would hit them when they watched RM. They would have been blown right out of their seats and thought twice about seeing Rob as Edward. They would have been converted to Tyler pronto. I truly believe that.
Love your addendum.
Let's get our priorities straight.
Rob Rocks.
jessegirl, pg martini, Huffington Post article
@chocolate Martini Gal,
Lol...that's my familys' new word..
Duplicity - Julia Roberts/Clive Owen opening week-end: $13M
The International: Clive Owen/Naomi Watts opening week-end: $9.3M
The Informant - Matt Damon opening week-end: $10.4K
. . . and so on and so forth . . .
Come on! and those guys are seasoned stars! And Robert got a $8.3M on an small film which was crucified because of the ending!
I took a friend to the movie and this is how non-offensive the ending was, she thought Tyler committed suicide. I told her when we went to lunch, did she see the date on the chalkboard. She told me she did but did not put it together. That is how some people have forgotten about that day in history. For critics to decry that it is a middle finger of an ending is obsurd. I know this movie will do well internationally.
I think of how other countries have had worst tragedies and gotten through them, we should not forget that day and a movie with as unoffensive of an ending should not be looked at as blasphemy or a middle finger.
Most of us go to movies to get away from reality and Remember Me is a movie based on reality in a fictional story. Mr. Mendelson states it is easy to open a movie if it is a thriller, fantasy, Sci-Fi, horror, or romantic/comedy because that takes us away from our problems, this movie has us facing some of those problems head on. So I applaud Rob's amazing performance, he has made us proud as well as the other cast members, especially Ruby Jerins who portrays his sister in the movie.
Bravo Robert, you are not just a star you are an ACTOR.
I still think one of the the reasons why the Twilight fans stayed away is because they can't stand Robert Pattinson making love on screen with anyone else but Kristen Stewart. I have seen in when I was watching the movie this week-end. Two teenage girlfriends cover their eyes and ears and grunted with disgust during the "bed scene" between Emilie and Robert. Edward and Bella are supposed to get married in Eclipse. How can Edward make love to another woman.
They are not ready yet so see him make out with "other women."
I think when the Twilight Saga is truly over . . . some of the 15's will be 16s, the 16's will be 17's and the 17's will be 18's . . . they'll be more accepting, and grow with Robert as Robert grow up as an actor.
Gosh, you girls/ladies are truly reading my mind or what? We all think so much alike. :)
I totally agree that Rob is movie star, the boy can act!!!
What a talent, if those bastards, so called "critics" can see it without jealousy & wanting him to fail.
But I know that there were also great reviews by many, so I am happy...
Wow, rpattzgirl, jessegirl,and Noel, you totally took the words out of my mouth!! ITA
Good morning/afternoon/evening
I think this movie has/will have great word of mouth and box office "legs" that will carry it for quite a while.
But, yea, HuffingtonPost, we already knew he was a star, and the subject matter wasn't for everyone, but it's good that others know that as well.
"REMEMBER ME" will become a "Classic movie" of this century. No doubt about it.
I'm starting to disregard this whole BO thing. Let's take AVATAR for instance: Does it is really a good movie? Did someone really feel any empathy towards the characters? Really? Look, I'll not even start with Transformers 2, because that would be low.
I loved Remember Me and I loved Rob in it. I think he's great, I'm no Critic, I'm no Producer... But as a Fan I'll always support him as long as he does good movies like this one. And I agree with Gandhi here, whatever I do may be insignificant, but still it is very important that I do it... For the first time in my life I will watch a movie more than 2 times in a movie theater. And I am abso-freaking-lutely happy to be able do it with REMEMBER ME and for ROB!
@Amelie - I agree, it is one of those art products too ahead of it's time. People still are not ready to face some things.
This movie is far from over...
I believe it was Rob who said, "watch with an open mind". The cast portrayed their characters perfectly. If you felt what they were feeling, it was a success. If you saw this movie and you still can't get it out of your mind, it was a success. If it brought you to tears or made you evaluate and appreciate the relationships that are in your life, it was a success.
Hey Hollywood, and all you Nay Sayers out there, IT WAS A SUCCESS!!
Think about what Rob has accomplished with humility and grace in the face of Hollywood adversity. That alone should send a clear signal to the powers that be,this guy is serious and is just getting started!!
Congratulations on a job well done.
Yes he is a fucking movie star!!!
Get it people!!!
The 911 ending was offensive and the critics tore the movie a new one. It wasn't pretty.
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